November 2020 - MG Car Club of WA

Page created by Duane Chang
November 2020 - MG Car Club of WA
The Official Publication of:
                                                           November 2020

                          A few of the cars on display at Bunbury for
                          the Safety Fast Weekend

                                  Affiliated with the MG Car Club Ltd (UK)
                                          and Motorsport Australia
November 2020 - MG Car Club of WA
     PRESIDENT              Doug Bush               0452 561 398
     VICE PRESIDENT         David Hardie            0421 811 450
     SECRETARY              Alley Mulcahy           0458 821 882
     TREASURER              Chris Hart              0418 499 328
     CLUB CAPTAIN           Annett Gusterson        0417 952 197
     COMPETITION SEC        Pete McGrath            0427 750 105
     SOCIAL CO-ORD          Tony Ford               0400 202 474
     EDITORS                Graham and              0401 375 644
                            Moyra Mitchinson        0400 202 679
    MEMBERSHIP SEC          Richard Gusterson       0409 105 957
    SAFETY FAST CO-ORD      Terry Banton            9291 8877
     WEBMASTER              Ian Campbell            9293 4171
                                                    0401 450 536

     Patrons                John and Val Goff, Tim Harland

     Librarians             Sarah Fry               0430 564 057
     Catering Coordinator   Christine Bush          0449 255 412
     Regalia                Chris Hart              0418 499 328
     Auditor                Peter Manning           9383 9247
     Cams Delegate          Tony Ford               0400 202 474
     Building Maintenance   Chris Hart              0418 499 328
     Concession Registrar   Richard Gusterson       0409 105 957

    Southern Chapter
    Coordinators            Ted and Robyn Mullins   0419 925 632

      Clubrooms:               110 Hardy Rd, BAYSWATER.
      Postal Address:          G.P.O. Box 804 Mount Lawley 6929
      ABN:                     46 629 758 330

           General Meetings held at the Clubrooms on the third Tuesday of every month
               (fellowship from 7:30, formal proceedings commence at 8:00 p.m.)
                              All members and visitors are welcome.

November 2020 - MG Car Club of WA
President’s News…………….....……....4 - 5
AGM Agenda, Committee Nom……...6 - 7
Murder Mystery Night.……...............8 - 9
Wacky Races .…………..……………………...10
Northern & Southern Lunch……….12 - 14
An Explanation……………………………...…16
Future Social Events……………..…….18 - 19
Brockwell Classic Run………………...20 - 21
Safety Fast Weekend………………….22 - 25
For Sale or Wanted…………..………..26 - 27

November 2020 - MG Car Club of WA
President’s Piece
     October was a busy month for Christine and I, with MG events on every weekend and of
     course, continuing my work on the TD. All the MG events took place in dry conditions,
     which is one of the many advantages of living in WA. Having been Covid free for most of
     the crisis, State restrictions have allowed us to drive our MG’s and many members have
     taken advantage of that. There were over 60 MG’s at the Safety Fast weekend and we
     all enjoyed blue skies, lots of lovely MG driving roads and fellowship with other owners.
     If you did not take part in the SFR weekend, you missed a MaGic event, which I am sure
     will be reported on elsewhere in this Octagon. Many thanks to the whole Organising
     team, for a great weekend.
     I have been an MG Car Club member since 1966, the Club was just 36 years old then
     and now it is celebrating its 90th Anniversary. A great achievement for a one-marque car
     club. That inaugural meeting on the 12th October 1930 at the Roebuck Hotel, started
     with a Rally of over 30 MG’s [mostly M Type Midgets] and the MG Car Club was formed
     that day, a Secretary [ John Thornley] and a committee were elected and they all then
     sat down to afternoon tea!. The club they formed has spread worldwide since then and
     continues to grow, all this because of ownership of an MG. Two letters which mean so
     much to so many. I am pleased that SIAC have taken on the mantle of MG production,
     thus ensuring that the marque continues. New MG sales around the world are
     flourishing, with a range of models, including electric versions and a Hybrid HS [not yet
     available here]. What the next ten years will bring for Motoring enthusiasts, who
     knows, I only hope that we will continue to be able to drive our ‘Infernal Combustion
     Engine’ cars without impediment.
     I attended the CMC General Meeting on Monday [19th October] on behalf of the club.
     The principal matter of the evening was the recent Code 404 output from the DOT.
     The CMC Code 404 Committee representative advised that they too were surprised by
     the proposed changes to Code 404, attached to the Minister’s Media Release, on 6th
     September last. A long debate ensued; the end product was a motion confirming that
     the Club representative present didn’t want any changes to be made to the current
     Code 404 Rules. A statement confirming the CMC position was issued on 22 nd October.
     We are holding a General Meeting on November 17 th at the same venue as the
     December AGM which will be held on Tuesday 8th December, the club AGM will be held
     at the Alf Faulkner Hall, Eden Hill, with a supper preceding the GM and AGM.
     All members are encouraged to attend. The hall is large so no problems with social
     distancing and numbers of attendees. This will be your opportunity to have your say on
     club matters as well as elect the new Committee and witness the 2020 award
November 2020 - MG Car Club of WA
Please make the effort to attend. (The map below is to show where the next two
General Meetings are going to be held)
Octagonal Regards
                                                                 Doug Bush

                      Welcome to New Members
                            Jane Gerrell - 2020 White MG3
                           Mario Bartelli - 1973 Green MGB
                         Dimity Hector - 1971 Blue MGB GT
                    Alan & Ann Copelston - 1976 Red MG Midget
                 Robert & Carol Robson - 1994 Woodcote Green RV8
                           Terry Maynard - 1957 Red MGA

November 2020 - MG Car Club of WA
                          THE MG CAR CLUB OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA
                              2020 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
                                   Tuesday 8th December
                  To be held at the Alf Faulkner Hall
     Corner of Ivanhoe Street and Mary Crescent, Eden Hill, 6054
     N.B The December General Meeting and the AGM are being held on the 2nd Tuesday
          of December [one week earlier than the usual monthly General Meeting].
                           All members will be most welcome.
                              Note: the AGM will be preceded by:-
    7.00pm:       Supper and free drinks (wine, local beer, soft drinks) for members.
    8.00 pm:      General Meeting
    8.15pm:       AGM commences
                                  2020 AGM-AGENDA ITEMS.

        1.    Apologies
        2.    Confirmation of Minutes – AGM 2019
              Business arising
        3.    President’s Annual Report
        4.    Financial Statement – Treasurer
        5.    Election of Office Bearers
        6.    Consideration of any ‘Resolutions’ submitted by members, prior to the
              meeting, for debate
                     Election of Office Holders/Committee Members: 2021
    There are 11 positions on the committee and all are declared vacant. Nominations for
    any of the 11 positions are welcomed from members. The Club Constitution provides
    for the election of office holders at each AGM by a simple majority vote. An
    uncontested candidate is elected unopposed. Members are also entitled to submit
    ‘Ordinary/Special Resolutions’ on any MGCC matter, for consideration at the AGM.
    These should be lodged with the Secretary in writing no later than 18 th November
     Alley Mulcahy     Secretary. MGCC WA
    e-mail                             Tel: 0458821882
November 2020 - MG Car Club of WA
 Office Bearer and/or Committee Member Nomination Form:

I …………………………………. being a financial member of the MG Car Club of
Western Australia Inc, hereby nominate ……………………………………………..
[please print]
For the position of ………………….…………………………………………………
Signature of Proposer ……………………………………………………………....
Dated this ……………………… of November 2020
I …………….…………………………..being a financial member of the MG Car Club
of Western Australia Inc hereby accept the nomination for the above
Signature of Nominee……………………………………………….
Dated this ……………………….day of November 2020
NB: Nomination forms must be returned to the Club Secretary in writing
no later than 9th November 2020. [e-mail:]
Nominees by accepting their nomination for consideration, are stating
that they comply with the requirements of the New Association
Incorporations Act 2015, Section 10. namely;
(f0 No person shall be entitled to hold a position on the Committee if the person has
been convicted of, or imprisoned in the previous five years for:
     1. an indictable offence in relation to the promotion, formation or management
          of a body corporate;
     2. an offence involving fraud or dishonesty, punishable by imprisonment for a
          period of not less than three months; or
     3. an offence under Part 4 Division 3 or section 127 of the Act; unless the person
          has obtained the consent of the Commissioner.
     (g) No person shall be entitled to hold a position on the Committee if the person is,
     according to the Interpretation Act section 13D, a bankrupt or a person whose
     affairs are under insolvency laws unless the person has obtained the consent of the
         MGCC of WA : AGM’s
November 2020 - MG Car Club of WA
Murder Mystery
                                 Wednesday 23rd September

                            In our ZR we joined most of the other
                                     MMN participants at
                               Ye Olde Narrogin Inn on a lovely
                          sunny day for an enjoyable convoy drive,
                          devised by Tony Ford, to the Quindanning
                          Hotel. We used a variety of roads through
                            rural areas and forests, unfortunately
                         incurring three different sets of roadworks,
                         within 20 Km, not much sign of work but we
                                    were stopped anyway!
                           After booking in and ordering our meals,
                          going outside for a well-earned drink, we
                           then found our room, down a long dark
                          corridor, with the facilities at the far end.
                          Dressing up in our costumes we went to
                            join the others in the dining saloon for
                           pre-dinner drinks and a briefing on the
                        challenge ahead. Doug’s part was ‘Big Chief
                             Breaking Wind’ some might say , how
                         appropriate! The other part players were
                        also appropriately dressed for their roles, as
                            were the observers. There were many
                             Stetsons and six-shooters to be seen.
                         Richard was the MC and after our food was
                         served [ no pork & beans on the menu]! we
                         commenced on the “Murder Mystery’ part
                         of the evening. The actors were given their
                           Scripts, that contained clues narrated at
                         various stages through the evening, for the
                              other players to try to identify the
                            murderer. His honour, the Judge who
                         invited us all to the hanging party was shot
                                      dead, but by whom?

                                  Characters and players.
    Butch Chastity – Lynette Whitehurst             P’Elvis Swaggerin – Tony Ford
    Helena Handcart – Catherine Morris              Chief Breaking Wind – Doug Bush
    Elvira-Lynn Fekshin – Elke Otte                 Wyatt Hertz – Terry Banton
    Dee Adela Muerte – Colleen Hardie               Elias Truist-Heath – Chris Hart

November 2020 - MG Car Club of WA
After much
                       deliberation and red
                          herrings, it was
                       finally revealed that
                           Elvira was the
                       murderer, her being
                         a crack shot, had
                       only fired one single
                         bullet, hitting the
                       Judge right between
        his eyes, after he had been shot but not mortally wounded by others.
                   How many people guessed correctly, who knows?
 Afterwards we all went outside for very large marshmallows, [the size of which I had
not seen before] toasted over the campfire. Being a bitterly cold night we did not stay
 outside too long before retiring to our beds. Next morning before breakfast, I went,
                                                          along with Wanda and Terry
                                                            to see the old church next
                                                             door, I say old but it was
                                                                built in 1956, which
                                                           compared to most churches
                                                            I have seen in Europe, is a
                                                              very modern one. After
                                                              breakfast, Doug helped
                                                            Bruce with a problem with
                                                          his MGB and we then set off
                                                            home by a different route,
                                                           navigated by me of course.

                                                                        Christine Bush

November 2020 - MG Car Club of WA
                                                 with Peter McGrath

     Now we are into the final quarter of the year, the competition calendar thins out as it
     does every year. With only one competition event scheduled for October, being the
     Tarmac Sportz Series Round 11 on 25th October. I’m unaware of any of our members
     taking part, but we’d love to hear from you if you did.

     There is one final round of the Tarmac Sportz series to go this year, with round 12 due
     to take place on the evening of Sunday 20th December at Barbagallo. This is a sprint
     event. All details are on the WA Sporting Car Club website.

     The shortened State Motorkhana series draws to a close in November. There have only
     been four rounds this year, reduced from the regular five round series, mainly due to a
     late start following the COVID 19 restrictions. The fourth and final round takes place on
     Sunday 29th November at Tiger Kart Club. As always, we welcome additional
     members to our team for this event. We generally have four or more drivers taking
     part. Should you need any more information, please let me know.

     Also scheduled in November is the TSOA track event at the ex RAC driver centre near
     Perth Airport. This is scheduled for Saturday, 14th November, but hasn’t been
     confirmed yet. As soon as details are available, I will send out an email to the
     One further event is scheduled for December, the WRX club of WA have arranged a
     track day at Barbagallo in the morning of Sunday 20th December. This is a similar
     format to the Jaguar Track days with a series of short five lap sprints, (not timed). A
     great opportunity to test out your skills and get a feel for your car on the track, without
     racing the clock.

     Let me know if you need any more info on the above events.
     I look forward to seeing you at the November general meeting and/or the AGM in
     December, now that they have been confirmed to go ahead.
     Here’s to a rapid and fun November


46 Irvine Street                                             Phone - 93718442
Maylands WA 6051                                             ACN 056 846 694
                 Email -
                 Web -

                          Urgent, Cars Needed
                                 Have-a-Go day
                           Wednesday 11th November
 Once again our club has been invited to put on a static display at Burswood for the
annual “Have A Go Day”. For a number of years we have been the only car club to be
                      invited and we hope this will continue.
It has always been a fun day with lots of events to take part in, many things on display
        and a wealth of information for those heading towards the senior years.
We have a new co-ordinator this year with Ernie Whitehurst taking over the reins from
           Val Goff, so if you would like to display your MG please contact
    Ernie Whitehurst on 0418 906290 or by email at: .

Northerners & Southerners Lunch Run Northern write-up
                                      SUNDAY 4TH OCTOBER

                                                       Some 16 of the Club’s northern
                                                       dwelling members gathered at the
                                                       Clubrooms on Sunday 4th October.
                                                       New members Graham and Sharon
                                                       Wright in their white MGBGT, on their
                                                       second Club outing, were warmly
                                                       welcomed. Two each of MGA, MGB
                                                       and MGBGT models plus a Midget and
                                                       an HS made for a variety of MGs as the
                                                       group set off. The weather was cool
                                                       and fine and the run down to the Coast
     Restaurant in Wannanup to join the Southern Chapter members was entertaining.
     The 160km route initially diverted to Kalamunda and through the lovely Bickley Valley,
     dodging a number of enthusiastic bikers, before following the Canning River to
     Roleystone and on to Armadale via Churchman Brook Dam. Another diversion away
     from South Western Highway up Nettleton Rd to Jarrahdale and thence to Kingsbury
     Drive, where there was clearly a cycling event in progress with numerous lycra-clad
     cyclists encountered (fortunately going the other way!). The cool air made top-down
     motoring a pleasure through the forest and farmland scenery.
     On to North Dandalup and a transport section along Lakes Rd (including some confusing
     roadworks diversions) brought us to Mandurah and then south to Wannanup on the
     Harvey Estuary by the Dawesville Cut, all successfully navigating the traffic lights along
     Mandurah Rd to arrive just in time for our lunch booking time of 1pm.
                                                       The Southern Chapter members
                                                       arrived a short time later and all then
                                                       enjoyed some convivial conversation
                                                       and very tasty meals served by the
                                                       Coast Restaurant staff. Although the
                                                       restaurant was full of people enjoying
                                                       a sunny Sunday lunch, the service was
                                                       quick and friendly and the food was
                                                                                     Tony Ford
Northerners & Southerners Lunch Run - Southern write-up
                                  Sunday 4th October
                                                       Sunday morning was a glorious
                                                       day for a drive in the
                                                       Meeting at the "Crooked
                                                       Carrot" nine cars set off.
                                                       Lindsay and Kerren took the
                                                       lead and Ted and I were tail end
                                                       It was great to have Marion and
                                                       David Blaxell come on the run
                                                       with us.
                                                       The drive took us through
                                                       Harvey shire and Cookernup.
                                                       Some of these roads are
                                                       familiar, but always different
                                                       each time we take a drive. It
                                                       was lush and lot's of black and
                                                       white dots in green paddocks.
                                                       From there we drove via Hamel,
                                                       up onto the South West H/way
                                                       once more, turning left and
                                                       onto Waroona. Then turning left
                                                       at Coronation Road and then
                                                       into Dorsett Road continuing to
                                                       Forrest H/way which was a
                                                       pictures drive.
                                                       We had a designated rest stop
                                                       and time to gather the
                                                       stragglers and then set off once
                                                       again. Heading west along
                                                       Clifton road to Old Coast road,
                                                       where once again the small
                                                       convoy split, some taking the
                                                       Estuary drive as per sheet and
                                                       the rest continuing straight to
                                                       the venue.
                                                       All in all it was great once again
                                                       to catch up with other MG club
Wonderful to see Erica and Geoff Ward and his family. (Geoff getting to ride to and from
the Marina in his much loved B) now owned by his son.
Thanks to all who attended.                                      Robyn and Ted Mullins
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An ‘Explanation’

     I thought our members may like an explanation
     regarding the “Waiting for Clyde” photo
     featured on the cover of the October “Octagon”

     It all started when I read articles and books about
     the notorious lives of Bonnie and Clyde, looking at
     the many “getaway” cars they stole and used in
     their life of crime I noticed that many of the various
     stolen cars had similar styling and shape to my 1948
     MG Y type even though their crime spree happened
     in the 1930s.

     I got the idea of turning my 1948 MG Y into a 1933
     Ford V8 getaway car!
     The plan was to exhibit the car at this years Curtin
     car show, (some people may remember the 2019
     Curtin show where I had the car displayed as a
     broken down wedding car.) But due to the Covid 19
     virus the Curtin show was cancelled so the
     opportunity arose again for the 2020 York car show.

     I already had a female shop mannequin, she was
     last years Bride at the Curtin show! (amazing the
     things you can buy on Gumtree!) I also had the
     Thompson sub machine gun from a previous fancy
     dress party and so just needed to make a number
     plate, bullet holes, V8 badge, Ford and Texas
     badges, fake dollar bills, a couple of money bags
                   and a wanted poster, easy!!

                   So that was the reason a “fake” Ford
                   was lined up with the MG’s.
                   It received lots of comments and lots
                   of photos were taken. There was also
                   the sound of gun fire thanks to the
                   internet and Bluetooth.
                                          Paul Bowerman

Code 404 Concession Licenses
                      Very Important Reminder
As we approach December and our annual renewal of memberships, it is
timely to remind those members who hold concession licenses registered with
our Club, that Dept of Transport treat your financial membership
requirement, exactly the same as your car registration.
                         No days of grace are allowed.
To maintain valid registration and the third party injury cover, embodied with
it, it is essential to make certain your membership renewal is paid to the Club,
no later than 31st December (and request, much earlier please, to assist a
very busy time for your Membership Secretary).
We are also obliged, by Dept of Transport (via Council of Motoring Clubs) to
give notice to Transport of any concession license members, who have not
renewed by 31st December.
Renewal notices will be emailed to you around the beginning of December to
give plenty of notice.
The above will also be particularly important to members who first obtained a
concession license during 2020.
           Cheers: Richard Gusterson...........Membership Secretary

                 NEW CLUB WEBSITE
If you haven’t recently looked at the club website at now is
the time to do it.
The website has been completely redesigned to update it to a modern look
with various new features and information.
Be sure to go through it tab by tab, as there is are many new features there to
be seen, as well as links to other clubs and car organisations.
Myself and the web designers we commissioned to develop this new site have
spent considerable time to make it an MG event in itself. Some of the content
is ongoing and will be completed in the near future
As always, like the Octagon magazine we rely on info from members but most
importantly photos from recent club events to add to the Recent Events Gallery
for all to see.
                           WE HOPE THAT YOU LIKE IT.
                          Ian Campbell (Webmaster)
              All Club members are welcome to participate in these social events.
      As they are listed on the Club’s events calendar, your concessionally registered car can
                             be driven to, from and during each event.

            Senior Recreation “Have a Go Day” – Wednesday 11th November
     Once again we have been invited to put on a display for the annual “Have a Go Day” on
     Wednesday 11th November at Burswood Park. The static display is always popular with
     the visitors (mostly seniors) and we do our best to make it as pleasurable as possible for
     all concerned. Please contact the Club display organiser Ernie Whitehurst on 0418 906
     290 if you are willing to display your MG.
     Cars must be in position no later than 8:30am and can leave at 3:00pm. As the day is for
     pedestrians, there must be no movement of vehicles from 9:00am onwards. Our
     members always have an enjoyable day and usually bring a picnic or buy food from the
     stalls. There are also plenty of activities to interest us.

                      Classic Midweek Run – Thursday 12th November
     The November Classic Midweek Run will commence from the Gingers Roadhouse (West
     Swan Road), gathering at 10:00am for a 10:30am start. Join the usual collection of
     assorted MGs, Austin Healeys, Jaguars, Triumphs, Aston Martins and other classic cars
     for a pleasant drive and lunch at a country pub. Contact is Richard Gusterson (email or mobile 0409 105 957).

                      Ladies Very Social Run – Sunday 15th November
     The Ladies Very Social Run will start from the Clubrooms, meeting at 9:00am for a
     9:15am start. The first stop is Yahava Koffee for a heart-starter and of course social chit
     -chat, then to Settlers Markets for some early Chrissie shopping and thence to Oakover
     Grounds winery for lunch. The final stop will be Whistlers Chocolates around 3:00pm.
     Ladies are free to drive whichever car (MG or not) they desire or share drive.
     Enquiries to Alley Mulcahy on email or
      mobile 0458 821 882.See photos

              Southern Chapter: Dunsborough Run – Sunday 15th November
     The Southern Chapter is hosting a run from Wokalup to Clancy’s Fish Pub at
     Dunsborough on Sunday 15th November, with a rest stop at Anniebrook Flower
     Emporium. Meet at Harvey Cheese (11442 Southwest Hwy Wokalup) at 9:30am for
     coffee and a 10:30am start. Contact Peter and Glennis Naisbitt on 0427 989 451 or
     Ted Mullins on 0419 925 632 or email

Nog’n’Natter – Tuesday 17th November

The monthly Nog’n’Natter, suspended earlier this year due to COVID-19 restrictions, is
set to resume at the Clubrooms at the Alf Faulkner Hall (cnr Mary Crescent and Ivanhoe
Street, Eden Hill) on Tuesday 17th November, meeting 7.30pm for an 8.00pm start. The
usual convivial Nog’n’Natter and light supper will follow a short briefing on Club matters
and events by Committee members.
Please note that there will be no alcohol permitted in the Hall for this meeting.

                   MGA Register Run – Sunday 22nd November
The MGA Register is hosting a late brunch/early lunch run to Serpentine Dam Café on
Sunday 22nd November, meeting at McDonalds in Midland (corner Great Eastern Hwy
and Lloyd St) from 8:30am for a prompt 9:15am start. The run will cover around 90km
of scenic winding roads and the Café on the Dam has a range of delicious breakfast and
lunch options, as well as coffee and cake. As the Café is very popular on weekends, to
ensure sufficient seats are reserved please advise organizer Peter Hagarty by email
( before Wednesday 18th November if you are intending to
join us and please also include your contact mobile number in case of any changes.

                                  ADVANCE NOTICE
                 AGM and Nog’n’Natter – Tuesday 8 December
The Club’s Annual General Meeting and Nog’n’Natter will be held at the at the
Alf Faulkner Hall (cnr Mary Crescent and Ivanhoe Street, Eden Hill) on Tuesday 8th
December (one week earlier than the normal monthly meeting). An ample supper
and beverages (beer, wine and soft drinks) will be provided at no charge by the Club
from 7:00pm, with the monthly General Meeting held at 8:00pm and the AGM to
commence at 8:15pm. The President’s Annual Report and the Club’s financial
statements will be presented, followed by election of the management committee
members for 2021.

          The Deadline for items for the December edition of the
             Octagon will be Thursday 26th November 2020.
           Please keep an eye on the dates as they may change
                       Thank you M & G Editors

MGCC 90th Anniversary Celebration Run/Brockwell Classic
                        Sunday 11th October

                                              It was a very comfortable
                                              and sunny day as we
                                              arrived at Whiteman Park
                                              for the start of the
                                              Brockwell Classic Run to
                                              Several marshalls were on
                                              hand to direct the cars into
                                              position, before taking a
                                              walk round the Motor
                                              There      were      several
                                              hundred different classic
                                              cars of which 21 were
                                              MG’s, all ready for the run
                                              to York.
                                              At precisely 10.00 am we
                                              were waved away by
                                              Esther Brockwell to take
                                              one of two routes towards
                                              York. The reason for this
                                              was to stop too much
                                              traffic congestion along the
                                              The only problem for my
                                              wife and I was that halfway
                                              through the directions, we
                                              swapped from route A to
                                              route B.
This meant we lost the fellow MG’s but still found our way to the final parking spot
down by the river at York just ahead of the “slow coaches” who took the correct route.
After having been in York the previous month to attend the Classic Car Show this visit
was very nice and relaxed without the vast crowds and difficulty of getting something to
eat or drink. We were able to peruse the shops and have a pleasant chat with some of
the locals.
The run home was
also very pleasant
with no major
traffic holdups.


2020 Annual Safety Fast Run
      Friday 16th to Sunday 18th October

     Some people are just mad!

Safety Fast Run Weekend Awards

Early Bird Prize Winners                          Observation Run 1st Place

 Hard Luck Prize Winners                          Observation Run 2nd Place
(Apparently there were no

    Spirit of the Run                             Observation Run 3rd Place

                       Above: People’s Choice Awards
                 from the Bunbury Foreshore ‘show ‘n’ shine’

In this edition of the Octagon we have had several
       contributors who have taken photographs or supplied articles that were used
                                  throughout the magazine.
        Wheldon Nicholson, David & Colleen Hardie, Tony Ford, Ted & Robyn Mullins,
                       Annette Gusterson, Paul Bowerman, Doug Bush
     If you have a story about your MG or had an adventure with it and wish to share it,
                                    please sent it in to us.
                                     Thank you M & G

                         Wanted - Pair of SU Carburettors
                                     In good condition
                              Contact: Mark 0417 092 139

                                       1967 MGB - $22,000
                                       Fully restored, engine rebuilt, tonneau cover

                                       Contact: James Exley 0413 148 158
                                       crv976jim@gmail. com

1969 MGB - $14,000 ono
Re-furbished Gearbox, lots of new parts
Excellent condition

For further information contact:
Iain Trainor 0411 789 434

                       Wanted - WEBER Carburettor
                                    45DCOE - 13
                     Please contact: Stephen 0428 982 149

                               1948 MG Y - $25,000
                              Fully restored, Excellent condition,
                              Original condition, modern indicators

                              For further information contact:
                              Paul Bowerman 0411 592 431

    For sale Set of 5 MG wire wheels, tyres and tubes - $1050 ono
             Wire wheels painted grey 4” x 15” splines 85% suit TD & TF
    5 tyres - 4 good 1 average 165 SR 15 and 5 tubes, old but no leaks or repairs
         Contact: Warren McEvoy 0487 799 007 or

                                1968 MGB roadster - $35,500
                                Fully restored, mechanically rebuilt
                                New tonneau and hood, bumpers available
                                For further info contact: David Fletcher
                                0404 890 200

              For Sale - 40mm Webber Carburettor - $850
      With Manifold, Linkages, Air Box, K & D Air Filter and regulator suit MGB

                          Contact: Daniel 0439 694 820
I have a tow bar to suit an MGB. It came off my 1967 MGB GT. $150.

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