CONTACT Edition: September 2021 - Lions Clubs New ...
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CONTACT District 202D Edition: September 2021 Message from the DG... Greetings from my bubble! I think the announcement that we were heading in to Alert Level 4 caught us all off guard but I am sure we all see the reasoning behind it. Being on a 10 week sabbatical, I admit to being a bit put out about everyone else ‘working from home’ too! It’s hard to stay motivated! Unfortunately many activities, meetings and projects planned for August have had to be put on hold while those a little further out, including our planned Youth exchange with 202M in October are in jeopardy. ANZI Pacific Forum has also been cancelled for this year. Remember, it is about keeping ourselves and our loved ones safe. Our District Governor team were extremely lucky to have managed a weekend together on Aug 14 -15 for our first Council of Governors meeting in Wellington. This was a full on couple of days and a great opportunity to get to know each other better. I will share some of the outcomes from these two days as I visit clubs. (Club visits have been a casualty of COVID, but those I have missed will be rescheduled as soon as possible.) Congratulations to Ignatius Soffeni-Williams (Sponsored by NP Pakeke) for his 3rd placing in the Young Speech Maker competition held in Wellington. Germaine Grewal, In this Bulletin (sponsored by NP Pakeke) also presented his speech. Both young men attend Francis Douglas Memorial College in New Plymouth. Message from DG Thank you to those who have put their names forward to attend ELLI this year. From the Editor Demand was over whelming and some of you may have missed out. We are exploring other options before the end of the Lions year. Marketing Project Cabinet Members As we wait in quiet anticipation, to emerge from Level 3 to Level 2 and hopefully back to ‘normal’ by Christmas take the time to check in with yourself and with others, Trivia honestly, about how you and they, are feeling. There is no right or wrong way to District Vacancies approach this new normal. Kindness does matter. Find compassion for yourselves and for others, and practice gratitude when you find it. Spare a thought for others less Youth fortunate, where COVID -19 is widespread, in Auckland, Fiji, Sydney or further afield. Let’s Laugh I wish you all well in the coming weeks and look forward to being able to catch up with What’s happening you soon, at your meetings. Club News Be kind, stay safe and may we all work together in the spirit of Lionism, in harmony, Zone News being ever mindful of the needs of those we serve. Who’s Who “Tell your story – Know your why” Megan E
...from the Editor. Hi all, I hope that this bulletin finds you well. We are again going through some trying and difficult times. It does help to find the little life nuggets and hold on to them. Let’s stay positive and recognise the small blessing that come our way. Thank you for all the positive feedback for the Contact up to now, I do enjoy compiling it. Please keep sending items if you want something in the Contact. If I have forgotten something, please remind me for the next edition. On the next page you will find info for an exciting opportunity for us Lions. Please read it. We need more members and awareness out in public could help us grow our membership numbers. In this edition we continue introducing 2 more 202D Cabinet Members, keep the blurbs and possibly a photo coming. All that’s left to say is: stay safe, be kind, keep up the good work and enjoy this edition. Tobi Hipp NEW MEMBER FEES Due to the continued impact of COVID 19 Lions Clubs International (LCI) has extended the waiver of new member fees until 31 December 2021. NZ Lions have partnerships with Camp Quality Cancer Society Diabetes NZ Kidney Kids NZ Liver Transplant Service Hearing Dogs September 2021
DIGITAL MARKETING Marke ng and Promo ng Lions I have been working on and tes ng several op ons for displaying informa on on remote monitors. I have found a product combina on that allows me to centrally manage content on mul ple monitors in different loca ons and have been trialing the concept at one of our local café's, a hair studio in Opunake and one in Stra ord. UNITY IN T H E COMM LIONS Crea ng a network of monitors/displays and using this to promote Lions is a great se exp se and modern opportunity available for us to boost public awareness and possibly build your lf on membership. NG KETI MAR AL DIGIT The network of monitors/displays is rela vely small at the moment and could use a boost. This is where we rely on everyone to help iden fy loca ons and talk to the owners about hos ng a monitor/display and help promote a good cause. The monitor, controller and bracket are supplied by myself at no cost. We would also rely on a handy person to be able to mount the unit. Units will be shipped to the par cipa ng Lions Club. What happens when these units are installed? The way to finance this network of displays, is through adver sing. This adver sing will be displayed between the promo onal informa on from our Lions Clubs. Adver sing Fundraiser Not all monies raised will go towards the covering of costs. We have decided that if a Lions Club sells adver sing on this network, 40% of the adver sing amount will go back to the Club and 10% will be donated on the Clubs behalf to LCIF. So, you can see this becomes a very valuable project as it promotes and creates awareness for Lions, is a bit of a fundraiser and helps finance the units. Content We can display just about anything. Currently the playlists are made up of slides or presenta ons. Content must be a good mix of material to make people look and evoke interest. This could be: · Lions Club Ac vi es local, zone, district, na onal and interna onal · Community no ces and events, theatre, movie schedules, etc. · Adver sing Funding VDG Stephen Barr has applied for some funding available to help create content which will certainly help. I was not planning to charge for the crea ng of Lions promo onal content and see it as part of my voluntary community service but am very thankful for any funding available. I will try to come along to zone and club visits when I can. If you in the mean me like to talk to me about how your club can get involved, email tobi@hippconsul or call 0276190269 Tobias Hipp September 2021
? ? ? ? Who are our 2021/22 Cabinet Members? This month the spotlight is on: ? My Lions journey started in 2010 when I joined the Eltham Lions club. ? In 2011 I became 3rd VP to then club president Megan England. In 2014 I served as president. I was then club secretary for three years. In that me I found zone mee ngs a great way to learn more about Lions and how other clubs operated. In 2019 I became chairman of Zone 5 which gave me more opportunity to learn. Last year I was editor of District 202D CONTACT Bulle n where I got to know more about all the clubs in the district. In April this year I a ended the Advance Lions Llew Eynon Leadership Ins tue (ALLI) training which I recommend to anybody who gets the chance. I hope I can pass on some of what I have learned in my GLT role. Hello fellow Lions They say if you want something done, ask a busy person. If this is the case, I could suggest I'm the woman for the job of Zone 6 Chair this year! I'm an owner/manager of a busy Cafe/Pizzaria, Pekaren, in Bell Block. I work part- me at Rampage Fitness gyms (both in New Plymouth and Lisa Weston Bell Block), and am Nunu (grandmother) to Marley5 and Caius 1 (of all my roles I have to say this is currently my favourite one). I also volunteer at both the TSB Showplace and the 4th Wall Theatre, so I get to enjoy many fine theatre and music events, which are my passions. When I do find some free me I enjoy reading, walking barefoot on the ? beach and spending me with our 3 small dogs (2 Griffons and a Chihuahua). When Shane is home we like to dine out when we can, and enjoy the wonderful restaurants and cafes that New Plymouth has to offer. Wishing you all a wonderful and produc ve year in Lions. Lisa Not all Cabinet Member Photos were available at time of publication. ? September 2021
The name Wendy wasn’t popular Useless Facts until it was used as a character name in the 1904 book “Peter Pan.” Honking your car horn for a Your stomach has to produce couple that just got married is a new layer of mucus every 2 an old superstition to insure great sex. weeks otherwise it will digest itself Hawaiia n Pizza was inv ented in Canada A ‘jiffy’ is a unit of time for 1/100th of a second A rainbow can be seen only in the morning or late afternoon. It can occur only when A Boeing 747’s wingspan is longer the sun is 40 degrees or less above the than the Wright brother’s rst ight horizon It costs more to buy a new car today in the United States than it cost Christopher Columbus to equip and undertake three voyages to and from the New World The longest recorded flight “I am.” is the shortest complete sentence in of a chicken is thirteen the English language seconds Men can read smaller print than women; women can hear When you sneeze, air and particles travel through the nostrils at speeds over100 mph. During this time, all bodily functions stop, including your heart, contributing to the impossibility of keeping one’s eyes open during a sneeze September 2021
District Vacancies Nomina on for 2nd Vice District Governor A nomina on has been received for the posi on of 202D 2nd Vice District Governor; Tobi Hipp has been nominated by the Lions Club of Normanby and Districts, and seconded by Lions Club of New Plymouth Central. A special mee ng of cabinet members and past District Governors has been called to hear from Tobi and vote accordingly. Tobi currently serves as the district bulle n editor, has been a Zone Chair, Club President and is an ac ve member of his club, Normanby and Districts. Tobi and his wife, Susi are very involved in the community and businesses in Hawera. Both serve on various commi ees and boards. When the weather and me allows, the two enjoy going on motorbike rides to explore the beau ful country. We require a Lion to be our District coordinator for KidsRUs / Cantabs / Child Mobility. You will be part of the Global Services Team and provide relevant updates and informa on to clubs within our District. Do you want to be our District 202D representa ve on the MD202 newly formed Lions Cancer Bus Trust? This Trust has been tasked with exploring the feasibilty of the project and is made up of trustees from each district. If you are interested or want to know more, please get in touch with DG Megan ( Important Information from the MD202 Office New Members Due to the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Lions Clubs International has extended the waiver of new members fees from July 1st through to December 31 2021. MD Directory sales Delivery of the printed directory has been delayed due to COVID alert Level September 2021
YOUTH PEACE POSTER COMPETITION 2021 -22 “WE ARE CONNECTED” Clubs please provide Students with A2 (420mmx594mm) acid & lignin free art paper no less than 100gsm in weight. (can get pad from Warehouse Stationary) All entries must be flexible enough to be rolled up for shipping in 6cm diameter tubes Pencils, pens, crayons, markers, paint or chalk may be used. 3D entries will NOT be accepted. Nothing to be glued, stapled or attached to the artwork in any way. Name, Age, School, Contact no and a brief description must be written on the back of poster in top right hand corner. NO lettering or Numbers allowed on the poster and must not be laminated. CLOSING DATE for District judging is 25/9/21. District judging will take place from 24 th October and winner announced at Junior Speechmaker Sunday 7 th November 2021. Please send entries to Youth Chairs Stephanie Jordan or Phil Lightbourne before closing date. September 2021
YOUTH JUNIOR SPEECHMAKERS 2021: SUNDAY 7TH NOVEMBER HAWERA COMMUNITY CENTRE 9:30AM REGISTRATION/MORNING TEA 10AM SPEECHES START $50 ENTRY PAYABLE FROM CLUB (District 202d Youth Acc 03 0791 0232608 05 Ref: Club Name) $10 LUNCH FOR SUPPORTERS ENTRY'S CLOSE FRIDAY 29TH OCTOBER. CONTACTS: YOUTH CHAIR NORTH YOUTH CHAIR SOUTH Stephanie Jordan Phil Lightbourne 46 Fairfield Road Milner Road, RD 3 Hawera 4610 Palmerston North 4473 06 278 6087 06 329 7857 022 054 0515 021 297 2121 Does your club support this Lions project? Several clubs Papakura, Karori and the Cromwell Lions Club provide processing and recycling of glasses for use in the Islands. You can help by collecting glasses within your community and sending them on to the clubs to process. Find out more about this project and listen to the recent radio interview of Jennie Vowles from Lions Club of Karori. Link to website September 2021
YOUTH MD202 NATIONAL YOUNG SPEECHMAKER CONTEST 2021: What an impressive group of eight young adults (17-18yrs) that attended the nals of the National Speechmakers Contest in Wellington, held at the Wellington Hospital's Auditorium on Saturday 14th August. This was my rst time attending and hopefully will not be the last. We had students from Hawkes Bay, New Plymouth and all the way down to Invercargill. All topics by the contestants were their own choices, ranging from Racism to the Power of Truth. All speakers without exception spoke extremely well and it quickly became obvious as to why they were chosen to represent their Districts. Some were able to speak by using cue cards while others managed to speak directly without any notes. The speeches were well researched and crafted and kept the audience of about 30 spellbound. I was so glad that I decided to attend this event but was very surprised to see the poor turnout of Lions members supporting this event. One couple had been attending this contest every year since the very rst one and said how there use to be 200 plus in attendance. We need to remember that these students aren't only their representing themselves and their School but also Lions with which this contest is for. This is a great event and one that I urge you to attend at some time in the future. We were fortunate to have 2 young men there representing Francis Douglas School and District 202D. For their prepared speech Germaine was dressed in a colourful Indian Dupatta – used it to express his sense of identity and how each coloured thread worked in harmony with other coloured threads. We need to co-exist with our differences – how would we stand out if we are all the same? Ignatius delivered a very emotional speech on racism, we are all the some apart from skin colour – same hopes, same dreams, same food etc needs. Same blood colour. Racism is a grown-up's disease! Diversity is not a threat. The impromptu speech topic was “As soon as I….” Both boys managed this topic in their own special way. The results were 1st Place - Mia Hollingsworth from Invercargill nd 2 Place – Rhea Ratgali from Dunedin 3rd Place – Ignatius Sofeni-Williams from New Plymouth. September 2021
YOUTH 202D Lions Environmental Video Challenge. 2021/2022 Primary (year 5 & 6) students are invited to create a 3-5 minute mini documentary/short film on the theme of….. 'Managing, maintaining and enhancing our freshwater resources to benefit all life on earth'. . 'Ka ora te wai, ka ora te whenua, ka ora ngā tāngata’ 'If the water is healthy, the land is healthy, the people are healthy' Entries close May 6th 2022. Winners to be announced on World environment Day June 5th 2022 Prizes: Vouchers for schools: 1st $500, 2nd $300, 3rd $200 will be presented to the first 3 winning entries. For more details please contact: Stephanie Jordan Phil Lightbourne September 2021
CLUB EDUCATION For those interested in how a typical Cabinet Structure looks like. ANZI Pacific Forum With the disruption to this year’s ANZI forum the event in Australia has been postponed to 2022. Future forums will be: 2022 Australia 2023 New Zealand 2024 Indonesia 2025 New Caledonia September 2021
In the morning Tom calls to his boss: – Good morning, boss, unfortunately, I’m not coming to work today. I’m really sick. I got a headache, stomach ache, and my both hands and legs hurt, so I’m not coming into work.” The boss replies: – You know Tom; I really need you today. When I feel like this I go to my wife and tell her to give me sex. That makes me feel better, and I can go to work. You should try that. 2 hours later Bob calls: – Boss, I followed your advice, and I feel great! I’ll be at work soon. By the way, you got a nice house. A woman walking down the city sidewalk with an adult lion is confronted by a police officer He: "Lady, you must take that animal directly to the zoo!" She: "I will do that right away, officer." The next day, the officer is exasperated to see her and the lion walking down the sidewalk again. He: "I told you to get that animal to the zoo!" She: "That was yesterday. Today we are going to the beach." September 2021
WHAT’S Online Calendar Click HERE HAPPENING Did you know? There is an online calendar for the 202D District that should have all our events on. This includes zone and club events. This is a great tool to see what is happening in our district. September 2021 - Childhood Cancer Awareness Month 5th, Sunday - International Day of Charity 25th, Wed - Peace Poster closing date 27th - 3rd Oct. - Mental Health Awareness week 27th - 3rd Oct. - Alzheimers Cuppa for a cause 28th, Tuesday - Blue September Quiz October 2021 - Child Mobility Walktober 1st, International Day ot the Older Person 2nd - 10th, - Youth hosting for 202D & 202M 8th, Friday - Breast Cancer Pink Ribbon Day 8th, Friday - World Sight Day 29th, Friday - Speechmakers Entry closing date November 2021 - Diabetes Awareness Month 7th, Sunday - Junior Speechmakers 14th, Sunday - World Diabetes Day Peace Poster Contest Deadlines • January 15: Kits go on sale from the Club Supplies Sales Department at International Headquarters. • October 1: Deadline to purchase kits from the Club Supplies Sales Department at International Headquarters. • November 5: Postmark deadline for a club to send one winning poster (per sponsored competition) to the District Governor. • November 20: Deadline for a District Governor to hand one winning district poster to the Multiple District Council Chairperson. • December 15: Postmark deadline for the Multiple District Council Chairperson to send one winning poster to the Public Relations Department at International Headquarters. • February 1: International winners notified on or before this date. September 2021
CLUB SUPPLIES Club supplies including brochures and membership packs can now be ordered through our website shop supplies at Make a purchase of anything over $30 plus GST from our club supplies website from now until 30 September 2021 and we will provide you with with 1 of our reusable shopping bags (yellow or blue) and a small gold wheel pin while stocks last (29 of each in stock). Goods will be dispatched when alert levels allow. Link to shop LCIF District Coordinator update Gree ngs from a Palmerston North in lockdown – familiar to all of us. This situa on is affec ng our lives in everything we do, including our Lions Clubs ac vi es and our ability to donate to our Founda on. The only way LCIF can operate is with the support of Lions and Lions Clubs. The Disaster relief packages issued worldwide by the Founda on came to a close some months ago. However, as our Cons tu onal Area VII has not make many applica ons for Disaster Relief and Grants over recent years, the door has been le open for us to donate to Disaster Relief within our own Area – primarily to help and support Indonesia. Any dona on to the Disaster Relief Fund will be eligible for Campaign 100, Melvin Jones Fellowship and Lions Share recogni on. Any Club or individual dona ng are asked to include a note with the dona on, sta ng that they are responding to Covid-19 relief efforts in Indonesia. Also please let either Leo Danz or myself know so that we can pass the informa on on to our Regional Development Manager in Chicago to make sure dona ons are tagged correctly. Remember dona ons can be for any amount. Thank you to those Clubs and individuals who have already donated this year. It is hoped that during the second round of Zone mee ngs, we will be able to meet with Club LCIF Coordinators and update them of LCIF ac vi es locally, regionally and interna onally. For those Clubs who haven't as yet appointed a LCIF coordinator, please consider this as we want as many Clubs as possible represented at our gatherings. As soon as a Coordinator is appointed, let me know so I can get them on my mailing list (and remove the President – surely an incen ve to many of our busy Presidents). Remember any dona on (Club or Individual) to LCIF is to relieve suffering for someone, somewhere and it was YOU who made that happen. Your friend in LCIF Phil Theobald September 2021
Kindness is spreading sunshine into people’s lives regardless of the weather The Kindness Ma ers Award deadline is now extended to the 30th of September for entries to be into me by and I get one entry from our District to Wendy Goodwin in November, so there will be seven entries to Mul ple District. The categories have been extended to include Disaster, Humanitarian and Youth a-long with Diabetes, Vision, Child Cancer, Environment and Hunger, I look forward to seeing many entries from clubs to promote all the great things we do in serving our community. The entry forms were in the last Contact, but Tobi, Brenda or myself can send you this again if needed. Mul ple Districts GST is pushing the “We serve” not the We Fundraise awareness for Presidents, a lot of clubs are fundraising furiously and not doing the service which is what Lions is about, just rese ng the club mindset about what we do and why. th It is Wig Wednesday on the 8 of September, encourage your clubs to wear wigs and raise funds for Child Cancer, have fun with it, do something different for your tea mee ng, it is a great cause. We are being encouraged to put ar cles in the Lion Magazine to promote our service and projects to raise awareness of Lions in our communi es, remember to have your photos separate to the ar cle so they can fit them into the pages of the magazine. Requests are being made for the spectacles, these are going to the Pacific Islands, Northern Australia and now South Auckland, remember, not bifocals or scratched and they don't want the cases either. Repurpose the cases, I am sure you can think of things they can be used for. Keep up with the aluminium, and old coins to Resene for Heads up for Kids. Thank you to the clubs that took the four huge posters to adver se Heads up for Kids, have some informa on near by about what Heads up does and be aware that grants are available to promote leadership development , camps and school ac vi es through the Heads up for Kids program. It is Christmas Cake me again, another great drive for Lions along with the Lions Mints. There is an ini a ve star ng in Invercargill with rowers in March, they intend to row 40 kms a day up the East Coast to the top of the North Island. They hope to raise a huge amount of money for Child Cancer, Life Saving, Starship and the Skin Clinic ini a ve which is been inves gated for feasibility at present. Even though they wont be in our District, we can help by having row-a-thons, hos ng Olympic rowers for talks, promo ng the events being held on the East Coast etc. The really great news is the Wellington Children's Hospital Playscape Rehabilita on fund is nearly there, only a few thousand le to raise, maybe none by now, this is a huge effort by 202M and 202D, thank you all for your contribu ons, $500,000.00 is a lot of money but it is an awesome cause for our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Please do the repor ng of your club ac vi es, your hours of work and the number of people involved, it is not hard once you are registered and can access your MyLion, remember if your ac vity you want to enter into awards is not recorded it is not eligible. We need this for the future of Lions as well, our service is noted over seas and the huge funding required by LCI is determined by what we show we do. Sadly we are in lockdown at this me, so stay home stay safe, use zoom mee ngs and keep in contact with people, sharing is caring, having a conversa on when you are alone and lonely cheers our hearts, we can s ll serve, but in different ways. Keep up the good work every one, Daphne Sinclair-Holley, Global Service Team September 2021
CLUB NEWS Feilding Host Lions A well-attended Morning Tea Function was held on Wednesday, 11th August 2021 to celebrate the Club handing over the keys of a Mazda CX-3 Vehicle supplied by Palmfield Motors Palmerston North to Representatives of the Arohanui Hospice Palmerston North in memory of Members Barry Masters and Barbara Billinghurst. What better Venue than the Club’s Mini Golf Course where the Funds for this Initiative were raised. Lions Christmas cakes – A perfect festive tradition Back in 1971, Ernest Adams, New Zealand’s premier baker, created a special Christmas cake recipe exclusive to Lions – the cakes were moist, full of fruit, did not crumble, had a guaranteed shelf life of no less than two years and, most importantly, tasted delicious. Now, more than 50 years on, the only change is the refreshed packaging. The Lions Christmas cakes are still baked by Ernest Adams using the original tried, tested, proved and unique Lions Christmas Cake recipe. Lions Christmas Cakes are available only from this website OR Lions Clubs and Lions Clubs’ members all over New Zealand. Our thanks to Goodman Fielder for their supporting our Christmas Cake drive Over 50% Fruit – very rich and fruity Full of flavour – not crumbly Large 1.2kg cake – 18 x 18 x 5 cms - plenty to share with family & friends Minimum 2-year shelf life Great Value! – Premium quality for a competitive price Delivered freight free to your door Email: September 2021
CLUB NEWS September 2021
To the new members, welcome to the Lions family and those that have transferred, welcome to your new clubs. August 2021: KEVIN RANDLES (Marton Lions Club) Sponsor: ARTHUR ( STEVE) CARKEEK MARITZA PIEK MS (PN Heartland) Sponsor: ELAINE MC KEE ROBERT JOHN SINCLAIR (PN Mid District) Sponsor: GRAEME BAKER HENRY BUCHANAN (Waverley) Sponsor: JAMIE ROBERTSON PLAYSCAPE UPDATE It’s getting close to target $3919 still to raise Will your donation make the difference? Can you complete the effort? Give all your social media links this address: September 2021
ZONE, DISTRICT & NATIONAL NEWS Help the people in Westport Flooding in Westport Following the major flood in Westport on the 16 to 18 July we would like you to assist with the fundraising for the recovery. Donations can be make to the 202E Charitable Trust. Account Number 03- 0703-00316114-000 “Service from the heart” September 2021
WHO’s WHO? 2021 -2022 Cabinet District Governor Megan England Secretary Brenda Stanners Treasurer Anne Russell VDG / GMT Coordinator Steve Barr GLT Coordinator Llew Eynon GST Daphne Sinclair Zone 1 Vacant Zone 2 David Pacheco Zone 3 TBC Zone 4 Stephanie Jordan Zone 5 Sue Huckstep Zone 6 Lisa Weston LCIF Phil Theobald IPDG/Awards Louise Knapman LMLCCT: Roy Price Contact Editor / Tobi Hipp Publicity & Media Webmaster & Mat Wellington District Administrator LCIF NZ Leo Danz Youth North Stephanie Jordan Youth South Phil Lightbourne Almoner North Kay Wallace Almoner South Ash Hazlitt Environment Gerard Karalus Leos Robyn Pederson Camp Quality Michelle Hofmans September 2021
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