Berkshire Schools #badgerstrong - 2018-2019 School Calendar & Quality Profile - Berkshire Local Schools

Page created by Ruben Gallagher
Berkshire Schools #badgerstrong - 2018-2019 School Calendar & Quality Profile - Berkshire Local Schools
2018-2019 School Calendar
     & Quality Profile

Berkshire Schools #badgerstrong - 2018-2019 School Calendar & Quality Profile - Berkshire Local Schools
Our job as a school district                                           The Board of
  is to provide our students        Contact Us                            Education
    with opportunities and                                               #chooseberkshire
  allow them to choose their            440-834-3380
 direction. If they choose to
 pursue a career, we need to      14259 Claridon Troy Rd.
make sure that we give them          Burton, OH 44021                       Jim Boyd
      the experiences and
opportunities that they need
                                                                          Robin Stanley
       to be successful in                                               Barbara Raikes
           that career.                                                  John Manfredi
     If they choose to go to                                            Bryan Wadsworth
  college, we need to ensure         Follow Us
 that we have prepared them
 to enter college without the
                                    @Badger_News (district news)
     need for remediation.
     At Berkshire, we hold
                                    @BHSBadgerDen (sports)             Superintendent
  ourselves accountable for        @BerkshireBadgerNews                  John Stoddard
the choices that our students       @BHSBadgerDen
   have, and we expect our
 students to hold themselves     App: search SchoolPointe in              Treasurer
                                     your App Store and
 accountable for the choices           select Berkshire
                                                                         Beth McCaffrey
         that they make.

      ~John Stoddard,                                                     Principals
     Superintendent                                                    Michael King (BHS)
                                      Berkshire Schools                Mandy Randles (BE)
                                          Proudly serving Burton,
                                      Claridon, Montville, Thompson,   Kelly Rinehart (LE)
                                                 and Troy
Berkshire Schools #badgerstrong - 2018-2019 School Calendar & Quality Profile - Berkshire Local Schools
Berkshire High School Earns Silver:
        Our Schools                      				 Ranks in Top 15 Percent in Ohio
                                         In U.S. News & World Reports 2017 Best High School Rankings, Berkshire High
      #chooseberkshire                   School ranked in the top 15 percent, 121st out of 866 high schools in the state of Ohio
                                         and earned a silver medal. The high school also ranked 2136 out of more than 22,000
                                         high schools nationally, putting the school in the top 10% nationally. U.S. News part-
                                         nered with RTI International, a science research firm, to produce the 2017 Best High
                                         Schools rankings. The rankings are based on these key principles: that a great high
Berkshire Junior/Senior                  school must serve all of its students well, not just those who are college bound, and
     High School                         that it must be able to produce measurable academic outcomes to show it is success-
 14510 North Cheshire, Burton OH 44021   fully educating its student body across a range of performance indicators.

   Burton Elementary
  13724 Carlton Rd., Burton, OH 44021

Ledgemont Elementary
16200 Burrows Rd., Thompson, OH 44086

                                                                               Jack Squire and Nick Romask,
                                                                               2018 Berkshire Valedictorians.             The first-ever Berkshire Bowling
                                         The 2018 Berkshire inductees of       The 2018 Salutatorian was                  Club had a very successful 2017-
                                         The National Honor Society at         McKenna Tucek.                             2018 pilot season.
                                         their ceremony.

                                                                                                                              2018 Power of the Pen District
                                         The 2018 inductees of the Berkshire chapter of     Artist and 2018 grad, Aiden       Qualifiers, Jude Connors, Marissa
                                         The Spanish National Honor Society after their     Burkley with some of her          Tiber, Abbigail Connors, and
                                         ceremony.                                          award-winning artwork             Kelsey Adams
Berkshire Schools #badgerstrong - 2018-2019 School Calendar & Quality Profile - Berkshire Local Schools
Collaboration with
Geauga Growth                                                                            District Highlights
Berkshire students in grades 8-12                                                              #chooseberkshire
benefit from a close relationship with
Geauga Growth Partnership who sponsors
Eighth Grade Career Exploration and
Career Days for grades 10-12 at Kent                                                      Graduation
State Geauga where students learn                                                        106 Berkshire seniors earned their
about local businesses, network with                                                     Diplomas in 2018
business leaders, and learn valuable
skills to take with them as they plan for                                                 Academics
and start careers. Upperclassmen
participate yearly in the GGP Internship
                                                                                         • 20% of students in the last four
                                                                                         graduating classes earned honors diplomas
Program which pairs students with posi-
tions with local businesses and organiza-
                                                                                         • 10% of the student population 9-12 took
tions to learn and network. In summer
                                                                                         Advanced Placement courses in 2017
2017, eight of the 18 GGP interns were
from Berkshire.
                                                                                         • All Berkshire juniors took the ACT in 2017

                                            A 5-Star Preschool                           • 15% of 7th and 8th graders at Berkshire
                                                                                         are enrolled in advanced courses

                                            Berkshire’s preschool was recognized         • Berkshire has an active National Honor
                                            by ODE and Ohio JFS for exceeding            Society and Spanish National Honor Society
                                            learning, health and safety requirements.
                                            The preschool focuses on student readiness
                                            and assessment, establishing
                                                                                          A Dedication to Rigor
                                                                                         The administration and faculty at Berkshire
                                            developmental goals and activities, and
                                                                                         Junior/Senior High School are working
                                            preparing students for transitioning to
                                                                                         hard to plan and improve courses and
                                            kindergarten. Investing in high-quality
                                                                                         curriculum during the 2018-2019 school
                                            preschool programming pays tremen-
                                                                                         year which will include the implementation
                                            dous dividends for our families and our
                                                                                         of Project Based Learning and some new
                                            community as more young learners
                                                                                         AP offerings.
                                            have access to the support they need to
                                            become kindergarten ready.
Berkshire Schools #badgerstrong - 2018-2019 School Calendar & Quality Profile - Berkshire Local Schools
August 2018
Sunday            Monday                   Tuesday                Wednesday                    Thursday                        Friday                  Saturday
                                                                                         1                            2                            3              4

          5                       6                           7                          8                            9                        10             11

         12                       13                        14                          15                           16                        17             18
              BOE Meeting 6pm                                                                7th grade orientation
                                                                                             Meet the Badgers

         19                       20                        21                          22                           23                        24             25

              First teacher day        BE 4th grade Orientation   BE & LE Open Houses        First day for students       Kindergarten Screening
                                                                  5-6pm                      BHS Open House
                                                                                             Kindergarten Screening

         26                       27                        28                          29                           30                       31
              First day for                                       No School                  No School                    No School
Berkshire Schools #badgerstrong - 2018-2019 School Calendar & Quality Profile - Berkshire Local Schools
Big Brothers Big Sisters
The largest Big Brothers Big Sisters
After School Mentoring Program
                                                                                                District Highlights
enrollment in the county is at LE where
BIGS from Berkshire and other area
high schools meet with students weekly                                                            #chooseberkshire
after school from October until May to
engage in educational activities, team
building, crafts, and interact socially.
They offer guidance, support,
                                                                                                 Active Elementary PTO/PTC
                                                                                                 At each of the elementary schools there is
encouragement, friendship, respect,
                                                                                                 an enthusiastic and diligent parent/
and understanding to their littles. This
                                                                                                 teacher organization that works to
helps develop a more positive attitude                                                           organize events for students and families as
toward school, improves responsibility,                                                          well as fund technology, field trips, and
confidence, and grades, as well as builds                                                        extras for students. The dedication of these
greater levels of self confidence and                                                            individuals adds to the vitality of the Badger
trust in adults.                                                                                 community.
                                            Strong Partnerships
                                            with the Community                                   Quality Breakfast for K-12
                                                                                                 All three buildings make a nourishing
                                            LE fosters strong partnerships with the              breakfast available for students in the
                                            community and maximizes resources. The               morning. Breakfast is key to improved
                                            Thompson Library station, which is housed            school performance. The nutrition services
                                            in our PK-6 building, welcomes families and          staff at all three buildings make sure that
                                            students. Family Pride provides student group        our students have the opportunity to start
                                            and individual therapy sessions right here in        the day out right.
                                            our building, the JFS tutoring program
                                            continues to grow, and visits from our friends
                                            at Therapy Dogs International are a favorite.
                                            Thompson Fire Department provides fire               DARE and T.P.P Supports
                                            safety activities for our students, and Montville    Officer Hudson provides DARE programming
                                            allows LE to borrow their games and activities       to 4-6th grade covering topics like peer
                                            for PTC events. Local organizations or busi-         pressure and the dangers of drugs and
                                            nesses such as BFG, Geauga Vision, Heinens,          alcohol. TPP provides programs on Internet
                                            as well as Rotary & Kiwanis support our stu-          safety, maturation, and risk and reward
                                            dents with funding and programming. ​We              programming for those grades.
                                            encourage community organizations to work
                                            with our children to provide great support and
                                            learning opportunities for them every year.
Berkshire Schools #badgerstrong - 2018-2019 School Calendar & Quality Profile - Berkshire Local Schools
September 2018
Sunday           Monday              Tuesday        Wednesday                       Thursday            Friday        Saturday


          2                     3              4                              5                     6             7              8

              No School                             Picture Day grades 7-12
              Labor Day

          9                     10             11                         12                       13            14          15
                                                    BE Picture Day
              BOE Meeting 6pm

         16                     17             18                         19                       20            21          22

         23                     24             25                         26                       27            28          29
                                                                                  LE Picture Day
Berkshire Schools #badgerstrong - 2018-2019 School Calendar & Quality Profile - Berkshire Local Schools
An Active Elementary
Student Council                                                                        District Highlights
We are proud of our Burton Elemen-
tary student council members. The
students work on various projects
throughout the year to help our school,
community, and country. They organize
school-wide recycling and participate
in Relay for Life to raise money to fund                                                A Community of Writers
cancer research, as well as filling Bur-                                                Berkshire has an active Power of the Pen
ton Food Pantry, adopting a military                                                    team for the middle school as well
troop, organizing an evening of arts for                                                as a very well established student
Burton Healthcare, and organizing a                                                     newspaper, PenOhio team and creative
playground clean up in the spring.                                                      writing class for the high school. Berkshire
                                                                                        students are creative!

                                           Improved District                            Benefit of a County Library
                                           Website & Social Media                       With a Geauga County library branch right
                                                                                        inside Ledgemont Elementary, students in
                                           In 2016 we updated our district website      K-6 have access to quality books and
                                           to better fit the needs of the district.     resources right at their fingertips.
                                           There are weekly updated district and
                                           building calendars, fresh news articles
                                           posted weekly and a series of Quick-         Berkshire Cares
                                           links to provide all the information you
                                                                                        The high school has a very active CARE
                                           need at your fingertips. There is also an
                                                                                        Team whose high school members mentor
                                           app for the district site (SchoolPointe)
                                                                                        middle school students, as well as an AC4P
                                           that parents can use to get updates and
                                                                                        program that works with originators at
                                           announcements without visiting the site
                                                                                        Virginia Tech to promote kindness and
                                           in a web browser. Daily Berkshire news
                                                                                        caring. Burton Elementary has an active
                                           and announcements are also available
                                                                                        BE Cares program and operates on the
                                           on Twitter @Badger_News and Facebook
                                                                                        well known motto, BE kind, BE wise, BE a
                                           at @BerkshireBadgerNews and sports
                                           info can be found on Twitter and Facebook
Berkshire Schools #badgerstrong - 2018-2019 School Calendar & Quality Profile - Berkshire Local Schools
October 2018
Sunday           Monday                 Tuesday                 Wednesday      Thursday                         Friday                  Saturday

                                1                          2             3                             4                         5                       6
                                                                             BHS Conferences (5-           Homecoming game            Homecoming dance
                                                                             Financial Aid Night (6-

          7                     8                          9            10                         11                           12                       13
              BOE Meeting 6pm        BE & LE Conferences                     BE & LE Conferences           No School- NEOA Day
                                     4-7pm                                   3-6pm

         14                     15                         16           17                         18                           19                       20

         21                     22                         23           24                         25                           26                       27

              Spirit week!
                                                                             End of the grading period     No School- Teachers Only
                                                                             BE 3rd/4th grade music
                                                                             program 6 pm

         28                     29                         30           31
                                     BE Trunk or Treat 6-7pm
Berkshire Schools #badgerstrong - 2018-2019 School Calendar & Quality Profile - Berkshire Local Schools
Small But Mighty
Small but mighty! Annually, Ledgemont
Elementary gives back to its community.
                                                                                           District Highlights
Just before Thanksgiving, families
donate nonperishable items for a week
and then perishable items the last day of                                                    #chooseberkshire
the drive to provide to local
families in need and to the food pantry.
                                                                                            Latchkey Program
The Ledgemont Elementary staff also                                                         Burton and Ledgemont Elementary each
‘adopts’ a family in our district in order                                                  house a before and after school Latchkey
to provide a brighter holiday for them.                                                      program which helps alleviate some of the
These kinds of programs teach students                                                      stress families encounter with long work
about the value and responsibility of                                                       hours and transportation.
                                                                                            A Well-Rounded Approach
                                                                                            Both elementary schools offer all students
                                                                                            art, music, physical education, and
                                             Berkshire Rec Rocks!                           technology classes, plus a library for a
                                                                                            well-rounded approach to primary
                                             The Berkshire Recreation Association was       education.
                                             established in the Fall of 1999 and
                                             created to offer sporting activities for       Sixth Grade Outdoor Education
                                             children who live in the Berkshire School      All Berkshire 6th graders have the
                                             District or who attend Berkshire schools.      opportunity to attend a 3-day outdoor
                                             Since then, the Rec has expanded to offer      education program. The last few years, sixth
                                             a variety of programs intended to build        grade camp has been at Camp Whitewood.
                                                                                            Students are able to bond, learn, and grow
                                             strong character, valuable sportsmanship
                                                                                            through this important experience.
                                             and a general love of sports all for a very
                                             reasonable price. Currently, the Berkshire
                                             Rec program offers fall and spring soccer,     Eighth Grade D.C. Trip
                                             football, cheerleading, basketball,            Every year the 8th grade class takes a 3-day
                                             wrestling, and volleyball. This program        tour of Washington D.C. to explore the
                                             feeds into our middle and high school          nation’s capital and experience the
                                             sports programs, and is a wonderful            monuments, museums, and history they
                                             opportunity for younger students to try new    have learned about in classes. It is always
                                                                                            the goal of the organizers of this trip that
                                             activities and learn about the meaning of
                                             teamwork.                                      every student who wants to go can go
                                                                                            regardless of finances.
November 2018
Sunday           Monday                 Tuesday               Wednesday                   Thursday                     Friday                   Saturday

                                                                                                              1                           2                           3

          4                     5                         6                         7                         8                           9                          10
              BOE Meeting 6pm                                                           BE Veterans’ Day
                                                                                        Program 9am
                                                                                        BE Gr 5/6 Music Program

         11                     12                       13                       14                        15                        16                             17
                                                                                                                  Senior GGP Career Day       BHS Fall Play-- Anne
                                                                                                                  BHS Fall Play-- Anne        Frank

         18                     19                       20                       21                        22                        23                             24
                                     BHS Conferences 5-8 pm   No School- Thanksgiving   No School- Thanksgiving   No School- Thanksgiving
                                                              break                     break                     break

         25                     26                       27                       28                        29                        30
Berkshire is about setting goals and striving for them.
Mrs. Randles,                   Mrs. Rinehart,  Mr. King,                                    Ms. Fleming,
BE Principal                    LE Principal BJSHS Principal                                 Director of Pupil Services    District Highlights
We always tell our students       Our goal is to provide a     Berkshire Junior/Senior             My goal for
that our main mission is for
 them to be safe and happy
                                       safe and loving
                                  environment that allows
                                                                   High School uses
                                                              research-based instructional
                                                                                                 Berkshire Local
                                                                                              School District is for
 at BE and when those two           our students to focus     practices to achieve high      us to create a legacy of
 things come together they        on maximizing learning       expectations fostered in      meaningful educational
  can learn in a supportive         opportunities which         an educational culture       experiences to prepare
   environment. We want            challenge our students       where individual diver-       students for further            Auditor of the State Award
  them to be hardworking          to continuously engage,      sity is respected in a safe                                    The Auditor of the State Office presented
                                                                                                education, career
  and kind people, so they         grow, and develop into         and secure learning                and life.                the Berkshire Local School District the
    will be successful in        the best possible versions           environment.                                            Ohio Auditor of the State Award with
  anything they do in life!            of themselves.
                                                                                                                              Distinction in FY18. Treasurer McCaffrey
                                                                                                                              was also awarded the Government Finance
								                                                                                                                      Officers Award for Excellence in Financial

                                                                      					                                                   Reporting and the Ohio School Business
                                                                                                                               Official’s Northeast Ohio Treasurer of the
                                                                  Local School                                                Year Award.

                                                                   Financial                                                  Doing More with Less

                                                                  Information                                              School District Tax Rates
                                                                                                                           2018 Collection Year

                                                                                                                          					Tax Rate
                                                                                                                           Newbury			43.96
                                                                                                                           Kenston			42.25
   Cost per Pupil at Berkshire                                                                                             Chardon			36.72
                                                                                                                           West Geauga			31.21
        2017 District cost per pupil:                                                                                         Berkshire			29.99*
                $10,953.46                                                                                                    Cardinal 			31.07

        2017 State of Ohio average:                                                                                           *Includes Income Tax converted to
                                                                                                                              equivalent millage
			                            *Source 2017 CUPP Report ODE
December 2018
Sunday            Monday                      Tuesday               Wednesday                  Thursday                    Friday              Saturday


           2                           3                        4                        5                        6                        7              8
                                                                    LE K-3 Holiday Program

           9                          10                       11                       12                       13                       14          15
               BOE Meeting 6pm             BHS Choir/Band Concert
               BHS CCP Student/Parent
               Meeting 6pm

          16                          17                       18                       19                       20                       21          22

     23                          24                            25                       26                       27                       28          29
          30   No School-
               Winter Break           31   No School-Winter Break   No School-Winter Break   No School-Winter Break   No School-Winter Break

                             No School-
                            Winter Break
Exploring STEM in
Explore with
       Club grades                                                                                      District Highlights
In bothis   a very active
          elementary         STEMthere
                        buildings     Clubare
at Burton
is just getting
          STEM. Ledgemont
                         for and    one to
                   off the ground       at
has partnered   Elementary.
                  with COSI toStudents
                                  enrich stu- in
5th and
dents’     6th grade
       Science,         are really
                  Technology,         excited
                                  Engineering,                                                            Student Services
                                                                                                          Berkshire offers students a continuum of
about Science, Technology, so much
and Math    curriculum.     There   is
                                                                                                          specially designed instruction and related
interest  in STEM and   Math,
                     that  thereso  much
                                  are  threeso
                                                                                                          services, such as speech therapy, occupational
that there
groups        are
         of 5th andthree   groups that
                      6th graders    of 5thmeet                                                           therapy, counseling, and transitional services
and 6th
weekly   tograders    thatinmeet
            participate      STEMweekly
                                     Club. to                                                             necessary to meet the needs of students with
Students       in on
            work   STEM     Club.
                      projects     Students
                                 that  enrich                                                             disabilities.
work on projects that extend theof
and  extend   the curriculum      outside
the classroom,  outside
                  but theof   the important
                            most   classroom,
                                                                                                          Zero Pay-to-Participate Fees
                                                                                                          The 2018-2019 school year is the fourth year in
but the
part is themost  important
             passion            part is the
                       that is fostered    for                                                            which there have been no pay-to-participate
passion that
learning,        is fostered
            inquiry  and problemfor learning,
                                      solving.                                                            costs passed on to families. Participation in
inquiry and problem solving.                                                                              athletics and extracurriculars more feasible for
                                                                                                          families, especially if they have multiple

                                                   Americanism Test                                       children involved in multiple activities.
                                                                                                          Berkshire is one of the very few districts in the
                                                   State Champions                                        area to offer this to students.
                                                   The Americanism Test is administered
                                                   The  Americanism      Test is administered
                                                                                                          Community Involvement
                                                   by the  American Legion         and was taken          Ledgemont Elementary makes a distinct
                                                   by the
                                                       overAmerican    Legion andTwo
                                                             80,000 students.          was taken          effort to draw in the community. With events
                                                   by over 80,000
                                                    students   from students.
                                                                      each grade   Two arestudents         like Pastries with Parents, Grandparents’ Day,
                                                   from  eachas
                                                   selected    grade  are selected
                                                                 winners.             as winners.
                                                                              Last year,                  families are invited into the school to share
                                                   Last  year, Jonathan
                                                   Jonathan     CourtneyCourtney
                                                                            and Dayna    and              experiences with their children. Guest readers
                                                                               firstfirst in the
                                                                                      in the  state       and volunteers add to the open educational
                                                   state for the junior  class.  Both
                                                   for the junior class. Both were      were              dynamic .
                                                   awardedan   an8-day
                                                                                      to         D.C.
                                                   to continue   their study    of
                                                   Washington, DC. The Americanism civics.   The          Berkshire is dedicated to Service
                                                   Americanism     Test will be administered
                                                   Test will be administered         on                   All graduates of Berkshire give back by
                                                   on  November
                                                    November      66 thisyear.
                                                                   this    year.Interested
                                                                                   Interested             completing 15-40 hours of service to their local
                                                   students should see  see Mr.
                                                                             Mr. Higgs
                                                                                   Eric Higgs
                                                                                            to    to      community. Students donate their time to the
                                                   volunteer to take the the test.
                                                                               test.                      Rotary, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Habitat for
                                                                                                          Humanity, local food banks, and much more.
January 2019
Sunday           Monday                     Tuesday                   Wednesday                   Thursday                        Friday                Saturday

                                                                  1                         2                            3                          4              5
                                         No School- Winter Break      No School- Winter Break   No School- Winter Break      No School- Winter Break

          6                         7                             8                         9                           10                        11           12

         13                         14                        15                          16                            17                        18           19
                                                                                                End of Grading Period        No School- Teachers only

         20                         21                        22                          23                            24                        25           26
              No School - MLK Day        Second Semester Begins

         27                         28                        29                          30                            31
Go Beyond the
Classroom with                                                                         District Highlights
Geauga Park District
Both Ledgemont and Burton                                                                    #chooseberkshire
Elementary partner with the Geauga
Park District several times through-
out the year to make classroom
                                                                                        A staff dedicated to the community
science content come alive. Whether
                                                                                       Thirteen members of the Berkshire faculty/
it is an assembly about bats with a
                                                                                       staff are Berkshire alumni and 29 either
naturalist, learning about how to use
                                                                                       currently have children in the district or
binoculars with Nature Scopes, or                                                      their children have graduated from Berkshire.
trekking through The West Woods
to learn about habitats, Berkshire
students benefit from a partnership
with the Geauga Park District.
                                                                                         Highly Qualified Staff
                                        Elementary Field Trips                                          60%
                                        Students enrolled in Berkshire Local           of teachers have a masters degree or higher
                                        Schools go on several field trips throughout
                                        the year. Ledgemont students went to
                                        Patterson Fruit Farm, several county
                                        parks, and to see the Cleveland Indians           of school administrators have a masters
                                        for a weather day last year. With the help                    degree or higher
                                        of the Burton Elementary PTO, students
                                        in every grade, K-6, get to experience                         100%
                                        culture and innovation in Cleveland.              of teachers at the secondary school teach
                                                                                         courses for which they are highly qualified
                                        Students experience yearly field trips to                         to teach
                                        the Science Center, shows at Playhouse
                                        Square, the Cleveland Art Museum, the
                                        Natural History Museum, and more.
                                                                                           of teachers at Berkshire participate in
                                        These fun and educational programs                  continuing education, professional
                                        take learning and inquiry outside of the         development and Professional Learning
                                        classroom while opening horizons for
                                        students.                                      				                              *Source FY17 CAFR
February 2019
Sunday           Monday                    Tuesday        Wednesday      Thursday                      Friday               Saturday

                                                                                                                        1              2

          3                           4              5             6                          7                         8              9

         10                           11             12           13                         14                        15          16
                                                                                                  LE- COSI Chemistry

         17                           18             19           20                         21                        22          23
              No School- Presidents

         24                           25             26           27                         28
                                                                       BE & LE Conferences
The PRIME Initiative                             District Highlights
Berkshire has partnered with Kent
State University Geauga, Geauga
Growth Partnership, and Auburn Ca-
reer Center to work towards creating
an innovative PreK-16 approach to
education in Geauga County with the               Real World Real Money
PRIME (Partners in Rural Innovative               Each year community business volunteers
Models of Education) Initiative. The              and The Ohio State University Extension
goal is for a new state of the art educational    come together to bring Real World Real
facility planned by primary, secondary            Money to sophomore students who are
and post-secondary educators, as well             studying economics. Students learn about
as community and business members                  budgeting and the cost of living as they
that will best serve the needs of the             make decisions based on hypothetical
community and be a model in 21st                  careers. Students gain understanding about
century learning. Among the most im-              the “real world” from this valuable simulation.
portant areas of focus for Superinten-            We thank our partners who make this
dent John Stoddard and the Board of               programming possible each year.
Education are the launch into the plan-
ning and designing phase of the new
District facility that will be constructed        Artists & Authors Night
over the next three years. The Board of           Each Spring, Burton Elementary PTO,
Education recently approved the hiring            along with teachers and students, host
of the lead architect which will soon             Authors & Artists Night. At this highly
lead to the establishment of a series             attended event, students in grade K-6 show
of important community engagement                 off a piece or artwork that is hung
meetings over the next 6 to 12 months             gallery-style, as well as a book that they
                                                  wrote and illustrated throughout the school
to gather input. In addition, another
                                                  year. Parents, staff and community can
goal for the Berkshire Schools is to
                                                  read each book and leave notes of encouragement
successfully transition into a new mod-
                                                  and congratulations for students throughout
el of instruction called Project Based
                                                  the evening. Original art by the students is
Learning. This approach incorporates              available to purchase with a frame to
critical thinking and problem-solving             display. This evening highlights and
skills in a highly collaborative                  celebrates the creativity of Berkshire students.
instructional environment.
March 2019
Sunday            Monday                    Tuesday                Wednesday                   Thursday                      Friday                Saturday

                                                                                                                                              1               2

           3                         4                         5                         6                         7                          8               9
                                                                                             BHS Conferences 4-7pm

          10                        11                        12                        13                        14                         15           16

          17                        18                        19                        20                        21                         22           23
                                                                                             BE Spring Carnival        End of the grading period

     24                             25                        26                        27                        28                         29           30
               No School- Spring Break   No School- Spring Break   No School- Spring Break   No School- Spring Break   No School- Spring Break
Travel Abroad with
                                                                                          District Highlights
There are many travel abroad options                                                          #chooseberkshire
open to students at Berkshire. A trip
abroad is offered almost every year
by Spanish teacher, Tracy Rea and
English/Technology teacher, Meghan                                                           Clubs & Activities at the
Hull. In 2012 students went to Costa
Rica, in 2013 to Dublin, London and                                                         Junior/Senior High School
Paris, in 2014 to Spain, in 2015 to Italy
and Greece, and in 2017 to Ireland, En-                                                          H.S. Student Council
gland, and Scotland. Recently in June                                                             J.H. Student Council
2018, students went to Peru and a                                                               National Honor Society
2019 voyage to Spain, France and Italy                                                       Junior National Honor Society
is up next. Students who travel abroad                                                      Spanish National Honor Society
come back more mature and globally                                                                   C.A.R.E. Team
aware.                                                                                                    AC4P
                                                                                                      Teen Institute
                                            Successful                                                Relay for Life
                                            Sports Programs                                             Yearbook
                                                                                                   Student Newspaper
                                                                                                      H.S. PenOhio
                                            Berkshire has a history of successful
                                                                                                 J.H. Power of the Pen
                                            sports programs. In the last three years,
                                            our small school has had 14 CVC Conference
                                                                                                        Pep Club
                                            Championships, five district championships,                   Band
                                            and one state champion. Over 40% of                           Choir
                                            the student body participates in the                       Badgerettes
                                            sports program. There is a solid tradition                  Art Club
                                            of excellence amongst Berkshire athletes,                   Thespians
                                            especially in cross country, volleyball,               Drama/Stage Crew
                                            and basketball. Most recently, last fall                  Bowling Club
                                            season, the girls varsity soccer team won               Science Olympiad
                                            its first CVC championship and had an              Chess Club (new this year)
                                            undefeated season, and the girls
                                            volleyball team were CVC champions.
April 2019
    Sunday                   Monday                  Tuesday        Wednesday      Thursday                       Friday                 Saturday

                                                1               2            3                           4                        5                         6
                          No School- Teachers Only

                      7                         8               9           10                       11                           12                        13
                                                                                                             BHS Spring Musical        BHS Spring Musical

                     14                        15              16           17                       18                           19                        20
BHS Spring Musical                                                                                           No School-Holiday

                     21                        22              23           24                       25                           26                        27
                          No School- Teachers Only                               BE Kindergarten Music
                                                                                 Program 6pm

                     28                        29              30
District-wide 1:1
Technology                                                                                   The Mission
Students in grades 7-12 are all equipped
with 1:1 devices. This year, students in
grades 7-9 have Chromebooks and those                                                        #chooseberkshire
in 10-12 have iPads equipped with multi-
ple valuable educational apps. Students
in grades 1-6 also have 1:1 Chromebooks
available to them in the classroom for
daily use and kindergarteners have iPads for
classroom use. Berkshire is committed to
implementing blended learning and pre-
paring students for 21st century learning
and careers. As we move forward,
technology and Project Based Learning
will be in increasing focus for Berkshire
students .

                                               New Makerspaces in
                                               all 3 Buildings
                                               In 2018, with the help of grant money
                                               from Key Bank, all three buildings out-
                                               fitted new makerspaces equipped with
                                               3D printers, vinyl printers, 3D carving
                                               machines, and laser engravers as we          To maximize each
                                               continue to increase the course selec-
                                               tion and rigor of the science, technolo-
                                                                                          student’s potential as
                                               gy, and math courses offered and move
                                               towards Project Based Learning.
                                                                                           an individual and as
                                               Students will be encouraged to use cut-    a responsible citizen
                                               ting edge technology in the classroom
                                               to solve problems and explore and
                                               engage in STEM topics in the primary,
                                               middle and high school.
May 2019
Sunday           Monday                       Tuesday                  Wednesday                    Thursday                        Friday                    Saturday

                                                                                              1                           2                            3                     4

                                                                                                  BE Music Program            Last day for Seniors doing   Prom
                                                                                                  (grades 1 & 2)              Shadow Project

          5                           6                            7                          8                           9                           10                    11
              Senior Shadow Project                                                               BE Artists & Authors                                     Relay for life
              Begins                                                                              Night 6pm
              Teacher Appreciation

         12                           13                       14                            15                          16                           17                    18
                                           BHS Choir/Band Spring       8th Grade D.C. Trip        8th Grade D.C. Trip         8th Grade D.C. Trip
                                           Concert                     LE Spring Concert/Night    BE Band Program 6pm         Senior Shadow Project
                                                                       of the Arts (grades 4-6)                               Ends

         19                           20                       21                            22                          23                           24                    25
                                                                       LE 6th Grade Promotion     BE 6th Grade Promotion      Last Day for Seniors
                                                                       6pm                        6pm
                                                                       ACC Graduation 12 pm

         26                           27                       28                            29                          30                           31
              No School- Memorial          6th Grade Camp              Graduation 7pm             6th Grade Camp              6th Grade Camp
              Day                                                      6th Grade Camp
Senior Shadow Project
                                                                                        Our Vision
Started in 2015, each year seniors who
are about to graduate from Berkshire
High School have the opportunity to                                                     #chooseberkshire
participate in the Senior Shadow Project
in which they shadow a professional
for two weeks in a field of interest to
them. In the past couple years, we have
had seniors shadow at NASA Glenn, the
Cleveland Indians, Senator Sherrod
Brown’s office, University Hospitals
and the Cleveland Clinic, and The First
Energy Perry Nuclear Power Plant,
as well as many places right here in
the immediate community. This is an
excellent opportunity for students to
network and get exposure and experi-
ence in a field of interest.

                                           Drama at Berkshire
                                           Every fall Berkshire Thespians stage
                                           a play and each spring they produce a
                                           musical. In the past couple years, they
                                           have produced Cinderella, Little Shop
                                           of Horrors, and Harvey, Little Wom-
                                           en and The Addams Family. This year
                                           they will stage Anne Frank in the fall.
                                                                                     Berkshire Schools:
                                           The Thespians have also invested in         Career Ready,
                                           updating their lighting and sound this
                                           past year with a significant investment     College Ready,
                                           in equipment to make the shows more
                                           enjoyable as well as overhauling the        Future Ready.
                                           wings and under stage areas for better
                                           set storage.
June 2019
Sunday                    Monday           Tuesday                Wednesday                      Thursday                Friday        Saturday


                      2            3                         4                            5                          6             7              8
                                                                  Last Day for Students        Teachers’ Last Day
                                        BE Awards Ceremony        BE Field Day
                                        LE Field Day              LE Awards/Flag Lowering
                                                                  Early Dismissal (1 1/2 hr)
                                                                  End of Grading Period
                      9            10                        11                          12                         13        ++14            15
Berkshire Europe Trip
 (Spain, France, Italy)

                   16              17                        18                          19                         20            21          22

        23                         24                        25                          26                         27            28          29

Why is Berkshire a great place to go to school?
                                                               One thing that makes                   Elementary is like a              One quality that makes
         Berkshire has a tight-knit                       Berkshire such a great school is            jigsaw puzzle. We’re           Berkshire a great school is its
         community and a sense of                    that we have outstanding teachers. Teach-       all unique pieces that            welcoming and inclusive
       family. Even though I am not                 ers who are fantastic at not only expanding     fit together to make an           environment. The students
          from here, I have always                  our knowledge, but are always there for you            educational                 know that we care about
             felt very welcomed.                     if you need it outside of school. ~Ky Bow-           masterpiece.                  them and their futures.
                ~Jill Jaskiewicz,                           man (Senior) & Matt Politzer                 ~Lauren Girdler,            ~Maria Koler, English Teacher
           Language Arts Teacher                                       (Junior)                        Elementary Teacher

                                             We love the fact that our                                                                                   I believe Berkshire deliv-
                                                                                      In truth, most of the
                                               district encourages us                                                                 I love            ers quality education on a
          At Ledgemont,                                                           people can be quite friendly.
                                             to think outside the box                                                              the passion               personal level. Our
      we are a family. We all                                                    Often when talking or joking
                                              and values our input. It                                                           and kindness the       students and staff develop
    bring different pieces and                                                around, instead of being standoffish,
                                              makes our job easier to                                                          students & teachers              professional
 different styles together to help                                             people will often join in and create
                                              have such a supportive                                                            have. Whether its       relationships designed to
   each other and our students.                                                        a great atmosphere.
                                             staff and administration!             ~Robert O’Conke, Junior                     the love for a sport        create an environment
    We play off of each other’s              Our parents are amazing
strengths and pick each other up.                                                                                              or knowledge, they         that is informative and
                                               and we couldn’t do it                                                          welcome one another        inviting to students. The
        ~Stephanie Svigel,                         without them.
        Elementary Teacher                                                                   I have been lucky to teach          with open arms.           members of the Social
                                                  Mary Jo Maxwell,
                                                                                            at Berkshire School District          ~Daisy Yoder,         Studies Department focus
                                                Elementary Teacher
                                                                                           for the last 22 years. I love the       Sophomore                on maximizing each
                                                                                        small community atmosphere since                                    student’s potential as
 Everyone feels welcomed and knows that they                                            I’m a local girl from Geauga County.                                   members of the
     are cared for at Burton Elementary. Our                                         Burton Elementary is a wonderful place to                               community and the
  principal, teachers and staff are supportive of                                    teach because of the hardworking teachers                              leaders of tomorrow.
                                                            I love the amazing
     one another as we work together for the                                            and staff, supportive administration,                                    ~Eric Higgs,
                                                        teachers here to lead me
    common good of our students. A positive                                               and fabulous kids. It truly is my                                 Social Studies Teacher
                                                         in the “write” direction.
   school-wide approach is used to model and                                                  “home away from home!”
                                                       I believe it is an incredible
 practice social growth in our students. Passion                                                    ~Tricia Lunardi,
                                                       community to be a part of
   for the education and safety of the students                                                   Elementary  Teacher
                                                        and I hope to come back                                                                The Science department
    under our care is the driving force behind
                                                                after college.                                                             and the English Department are
      each and every staff member at Burton
                                                             ~Gennah Brown,                  The friendly community makes                wonderful. They are amazing teachers.
              Elementary every day.
                                                                Sophomore                  Berkshire feel safe and is admirable.         ~The 8th period Media Center Group
         ~Janet Duns, Elementary Teacher
                                                                                               ~Dani Zilka, Sophomore
July 2019
Sunday        Monday        Tuesday        Wednesday    Thursday       Friday        Saturday

                       1              2             3              4             5              6

          7            8              9            10          11               12          13

         14            15             16           17          18               19          20

         21            22             23           24          25               26          27

         28            29             30           31
Berkshire Schools:
  Career Ready,
  College Ready,
  Future Ready.

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