IPad BYOD Program 2021 - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 - MONTPELLIER PRIMARY SCHOOL

Page created by Bernice Brown
IPad BYOD Program 2021 - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 - MONTPELLIER PRIMARY SCHOOL
iPad BYOD Program 2021
                         Years 3, 4, 5 and 6

MONTPELLIER PRIMARY SCHOOL                     1
IPad BYOD Program 2021 - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 - MONTPELLIER PRIMARY SCHOOL
Ra#onale – transform & amplify learning    page 3

Research & Process                         page 4

Purpose & Goals of BYOD program            page 5

Theore#cal Models of teaching              page 6

Why was the iPad chosen?                   page 7

Recommended devices and iPad provision     page 8-9

Required iPad apps list                    page 10 - 11

Program Costs & technical support          page 12

Safety & Security                          page 13

FAQ’s                                      page 14-16

Acceptable Use                             page 17

Acceptable Use and Code of Conduct         page 18-20

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IPad BYOD Program 2021 - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 - MONTPELLIER PRIMARY SCHOOL
To transform and amplify
The curriculum we present should be individualised to suit learning strengths, differen#ated to meet academic need, and
structured in a way that encourages and values our students’ crea#ve passions. We strive to provide this within ‘real world’,
meaningful contexts in a way that will develop the varied skills our students will need in order to be successful in the 21st

We believe an iPad program is a key tool that will help us achieve this goal in our school. In the key areas of explicit numeracy
and literacy teaching, our students will have 1:1 access to the curriculum our teachers deliver.

Learning can now be accessed by students at any #me in any place. A personal iPad means that all resources are on hand for
our students at their point of need. An iPad can improve the produc#vity of a lesson, making it easier and faster for students
to access learning material. It also has the ability to transform the learning experience by allowing students to learn in ways
that were not previously possible.

There is now so much informa#on that is freely available on any topic at any #me. Communica#on can happen in an instant
with people in any part of the world. Because of this, the way we educate needs to change with it. Literacy and numeracy are
s#ll the core of our school’s focus. However, school is no longer only about learning content as much as it is about learning
the skills and habits of mind that will allow a student to be a successful life-long learner. Skills like informa#on literacy,
collabora#on, crea#vity and innova#on, cri#cal thinking, problem solving, and of course digital literacy, all now form part of a
                                                         students educa#on.

                                                        As a result, what happens in our classrooms has changed quite
                                                        drama#cally from even a few years ago. Students are now involved in
                                                        real world challenges that require them to solve problems as a part of
                                                        a team. Their solu#ons are designed from their own inves#ga#ons
                                                        which involve researching a wide variety of resources and
                                                        communica#on with experts and relevant members of our community
                                                        and the wider world. They are not only learning about the topic at
                                                        hand, but about the power they can have to affect change in our world,
                                                        and what it means to be a global ci#zen in an increasingly
                                                        interconnected world.

                                                        In this environment, digital technologies are essen#al. It is no longer
                                                        good enough to have scheduled ‘computer #me’ on shared devices. On
                                                       the other extreme, it is also not appropriate to have students ‘staring at
a screen’ all day.
The tools our students use as part of their inves#ga#ons need to be there, in the background, available when they need them
as a small part of a bigger task. They may need to check a fact, look up where a town is on a map, and jot down a key bit of
informa#on. Having a tool on hand progresses their learning immediately.

It also allows them to document their learning in a way they never could before. Being able to take a photo or video of an
experiment; recording a video diary of their learnings at each stage of a process; collabora#ng with their peers on a shared
project; sharing a document with their teacher and gaining real #me feedback.

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IPad BYOD Program 2021 - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 - MONTPELLIER PRIMARY SCHOOL
Research & Process
The proposal for a 1:1 program for our school was first raised at School Council at the beginning of Term 2, 2016. Over
subsequent mee#ngs, a wide variety of issues were discussed in rela#on to whether the school should implement such a

The School Council requested that we inform the wider school community about the proposal and then survey what the
parents of our students would like to have happen in regards to a 1:1 iPad Program being implemented.

In 2017, the school also surveyed our students and parents of Year 4 & 5 students. This lefer asked them about what sort of
devices they already owned at home (including how many of our families owned an iPad), if they had Wi-Fi access at home.

Following this, another survey was made available to parents of Year 2 & 3 (Grade 3 & 4 in 2018) students reques#ng them to
state whether they would intend to par#cipate in a 1:1 iPad Program in 2018 or not. Based on these survey result, the School
Council, acted on behalf of the stated desires of our parents.

At the beginning of 2018, the school employed the services of an iPad Learning Specialist to assist the teachers leading the
program around effec#ve curriculum design of using iPads to transform learning. Throughout Term 1 of 2018 weekly iPad
Professional Development sessions were
held to up skill the teachers involved in
the program. Professional Learning is
delivered in an ongoing manner both
from within the school and from outside

In Term 2, 2018 the iPad program was
launched in all Grade 3 and 4 classes.
In 2019, the program expanded to Grade
3, 4 and 5 students and in 2020 the
program became available from Grades 3
to 6.

We con#nue to seek feedback from all
key stakeholders to inform the future
direc#on of the program.

Surveys and data collected thus far…
Montpellier Primary School Staff
Students in years 3 & 4
Parents of Year 3 & 4 students

Schools visited by the ICT 1-1 working party….
Lara Lake Primary School
Chilwell Primary School
Blackburn Primary School

Other significant research conducted by phone and online with…
Kalinda Primary School
Torquay College
Mandama Primary School

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IPad BYOD Program 2021 - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 - MONTPELLIER PRIMARY SCHOOL
Purpose & Goals of BYOD Program
The purpose of 1-to-1 learning is to create confident, flexible, self-directed, lifelong learners.

At the heart of good 1-to-1 learning is equity to ensure that all students have equal access to technology-rich experiences,
and simplicity to ensure that it is easy to manage and sustain.

At Montpellier Primary School our goal is to
develop a sustainable, long term plan where
one to one 1-1 technology is used to transform
student learning.

1-1 technology provides many opportuni#es to
s#mulate, engage, enhance and transform
students’ learning. Mobile devices allow
students to access vast storages of informa#on
quickly and intui#vely for personal and
collabora#ve use, promo#ng inquiry and
student centered learning. 1-1 technology
opens avenues of communica#on between all
stakeholders of a student’s learning, ensuring
transparency, collabora#on and accountability.

                                                       What are the benefits of a 1 – 1 learning program?

                                                       -Differen#a#on   of learning
                                                       -The  promo#on of crea#vity with tools previously unavailable
                                                       -The promo#on of independent learning
                                                       -Establishing peer learning and student experts
                                                       -The enhancing of problem solving skills
                                                       -The promo#on of responsible digital ci#zenship
                                                       -1-1 technology ensures equity and enables teachers to plan for best use
                                                       of technology.
                                                       -Provide opportuni#es for student voice in the use of mul#media to
                                                       explore, research, think, synthesize, analyse, evaluate, communicate
                                                       and express ideas.

                                                         The Deep Learning Competency
                                                        Framework focuses on a set of six
                                                                   future skills, the '6C's.

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IPad BYOD Program 2021 - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 - MONTPELLIER PRIMARY SCHOOL
Theoretical models of teaching & learning
To ensure the successful implementa#on of iPads into an educa#onal semng it is important that your educators are confident
and capable in using iPads to enhance their teaching prac#ce.
There are many theore#cal models for
integra#ng technology into teaching and
learning. The SAMR model can be aligned to
instruc#onal models to assist with deeper
conversa#ons ensuring a considered
approach to using technology for both
surface learning and deeper learning across
curriculum areas.

The Subs#tu#on Augmenta#on Modifica#on
Redefini#on Model (SAMR), developed by Dr.
Ruben R. Puentedura in 2006, offers a
method of seeing how technology might
impact teaching and learning. It also shows a
progression that adopters of educa#onal
technology onen follow as they progress
through teaching and learning with

Is digital technology trading or transforming learning? If the same outcome is achieved with digital technology as it is without
technology (trading) then it is befer to s#ck with more tradi#onal teaching and learning methods

The aim of integra#ng digital technology into the curriculum is to transform learning. By using technology to transform
learning we can give students the opportunity to adapt their thinking and understanding of a learning outcome. We can
create an environment where they will be able to choose the tool or mixture of tools (technology and tradi#onal) they believe
                                                                                will allow them to create and produce work
                                                                                 that shows their understanding.

                                                                                 Though careful planning and effec#ve
                                                                                 integra#on of digital technologies into the
                                                                                 curriculum teachers can significantly impact
                                                                                 student learning. This is especially evident
                                                                                 when teaching and learning is transformed
                                                                                 through the use of digital technologies.

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IPad BYOD Program 2021 - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 - MONTPELLIER PRIMARY SCHOOL
Why was the iPad the device of choice?
From extensive research, school visits, the 1:1 BYOD team came to the conclusion that the iPad is well suited to our learning
environment. It was chosen for the following benefits:

    •The  enterprise Wi-Fi network that all Government schools use contains security and internet filtering that requires
    devices to access it in certain ways. Some devices are far easier than others to get working on our network. iPads are
    perhaps the easiest - a cer#ficate is installed on your child’s device by their teacher on the first day and they can connect
    straight to the school network without issue from then on. Cheaper brands of tablets run sonware based on Google’s
    Android opera#ng system which currently do not support the same process to occur.

    •Compact  size, ease of transportability
    and design means it can be used in
    almost any learning situa#on.

    •The long bafery life will allow it to be
    used all day at school without

    •The robustness and durability of the
    device and stability of the sonware
    and opera#ng system (iOS).

    •The Apple AppStore has a wide
    selec#on of educa#onal apps with
    Apple recognised as the leading
    applica#on plaoorm in educa#on, with
    new apps becoming available daily.

    •Acommon tool for each student that
    would meet most of their day to day technology needs and that would help engage students in learning 24/7.

    •A device that would be easy to use and easy to provide technical support. iPads are rela#vely trouble free, and when
    there is an issue, teachers can quickly solve it 99 #mes out of 100. This means we can run a 1:1 program which has
    virtually no impact on the limited #me our school has with a computer technician each week. Equivalent laptop
    programs require significant support from school based techs.

    •Othertechnology, like the ability to wirelessly mirror iPads to the TVs in our classrooms, is not available on other
    plaoorms in a way that will work within our Wi-Fi network.

    •We   choose our tech based on maximising the learning that happens in our classroom. If everyone has the same device
    that works in the same way, it connects easily to the network, and it rarely has any opera#ng issues, then the tech can
    slip into the background and our teachers can maintain the learning focus of each lesson.

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IPad BYOD Program 2021 - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 - MONTPELLIER PRIMARY SCHOOL
Recommended devices and iPad provision
Parent Purchase Model
Families will have the choice of purchasing one of the listed iPads, purchased through any retailer of choice (regular updates
will be sent home regarding sales at various retailers). The Apple website offers families the opportunity to purchase at
student prices. If you're eligible, go to the “Apple for Educa#on” website, which highlights the current deals on offer for
students and staff. Select the device you want, then verify your current student or staff status with Unidays. You can do this by
clicking 'Get started'.
Parents may add accessories and other op#ons to the device as they see fit. Most importantly, a sturdy case will protect the
iPad from the rigours of school life and is one of the most important purchases you can make in ensuring the safety of your

What sort of iPad?
Any iPad that is capable of running iOS 13 or higher can be connected to the school network so that it can access the internet,
save files to a student folder and print to our networked photocopiers. All the iPad will be connected to the network by our
school technician.

                   iPad 8th Generation                                             iPad 7th Generation

 - Most recent iPad released                                    -Released   in September 2019
 - It will support iPad IOS updates for at least the            - It will support iPad IOS updates for at least the
 next 4 years                                                   next 3 years
 - It will support the Generation 1 Apple Pencil                - It will support the Generation 1 Apple Pencil

 - 32gb and 128gb options                                       - 32gb and 128gb options

 - Recommended as this iPad has been designed for               - Recommended as this iPad has been designed for

 educational use                                                educational use
 - Supports iPadIOS 13                                          - Supports iPadIOS 13

                 iPad Air 3rd Generation                                     iPad Pro 4th Generation model

 -Released   in 2019                                            -Most   recent and most powerful iPad model
 - It will support iPad IOS updates for the next 3              -It will support iPad IOS updates for the next 3 years
 years                                                          - It will support the Generation 2 Apple Pencil

 - It will support the Generation 1 Apple Pencil                - 128gb options

 - 64gb and 256gb options                                       - Supports iPadIOS 13
 - Supports iPadIOS 13                                          - Most expensive options

 -More expensive option

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IPad BYOD Program 2021 - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 - MONTPELLIER PRIMARY SCHOOL
iPad mini and older generation iPads

       -Releaseprior to 2019
       -Some models may not support the latest iPadIOS
       13 operating system
       -A cheaper option if purchasing second hand

      This table gives you an overview of iPad devices, their age and if they currently support the current iOS opera#ng system.
      Please note that there is generally an iOS update each year and some of the iPads that support the current opera#ng system
      may not support future updates.

Table current from September 2021

                              Please visit the Apple website for more information.


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IPad BYOD Program 2021 - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 - MONTPELLIER PRIMARY SCHOOL
Required iPad app list
 iPad Applica6on    App    iPad Applica6on Descrip6on                             Cost

 Google Drive              This is where all files created using Google are        Free
                           stored. It is the students online ‘locker tub’.

 Google Classroom          This allow a virtual classroom to be created that      Free
                           connects students and teachers. It allow teachers to
                           give instant feedback to students when they are
                           working online.

 Google Docs               We use these apps to create, share and collaborate     Free
                           on documents, spreadsheets and slide
                           presenta#ons. All of these files are stored in Google
 Google Slides                                                                    Free

 Google Sheets                                                                    Free

 Google Chrome             Google web browser.                                    Free

 iMovie                    A film and crea#on tool. This app allows students to    Free
                           create their own movies.

 GarageBand                GarageBand turns the iPad into a high quality touch    Free
                           based music machine. Students have access to a
                           number of different musical instruments and they
                           can create their own music.

 Pages                     Apple’s version of word processing program.            Free
                           Students are able to publish high quality documents.

 iBooks                    Apple’s version of an online book store. This app      Free
                           used in conjunc#on with Pages also allows students
                           to publish their wri#ng to a global audience of 51

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Keynote                An app for the crea#on of slideshows with many         Free
                        excellent in built presenta#on features.

 Numbers                An app that allows for the crea#on of spreadsheets     Free
                        with many excellent in built features.

 Clips                  Clips lets students make fun videos or tell a quick    Free
                        story with ar#s#cs filters, animated text, music,
                        emoji and fun s#ckers.

 SwiE Playground        A learn to code app that takes students through a      Free
                        series of levels and scenarios.

 Pic Collage            Pic collage allows students to use mul#ple images to   Free
                        create high quality photo collages.

 Seesaw - Class         This is a student driven digital poroolio where        Free
                        images and work can be uploaded so that learning
                        growth can be documented and celebrated.

 Sketches School        This app allow students to create digital drawings     Free

 Popplet                A mind mapping and graphic organiser app.              Free or buy the pro
                                                                               version for $7.99

 Calculator             Students can check their answers to maths              Free

 Dic6onary/             This app allow students to look up the defini#on of     Free
 thesaurus              words and connect unknown vocabulary with words
                        they know.

MONTPELLIER PRIMARY SCHOOL                                                                           11
Program Costs
iPad Purchase & Program Costs
The cost to families will vary depending on the:
    •iPad model selected
    •Type of warranty or insurance selected (Op#onal)
    •Type of accessories e.g. covers, protectors etc.
              oA strong and protec#ve cover will prove to be one of your greatest investments providing protec#on from the
    daily wear and tear of usage in an educa#onal semng.

                                        Technical Support
In the event of accidental damage, faults or issues with the iPad, technical support will need to be provided by the supplier of
the device.

Accidental iPad Damage
iPads remain the property of families and students. The school can direct you to a preferred supplier for damages and repairs.
Any warranty related work needs to be directed back to the supplier. Like bringing any valuable items to school, iPads are not
covered by department insurance. Possible ramifica#ons of deliberate damage are set out clearly in the Code of Conduct
(Page 19)

Generally, the process is as follows:

Network and SoEware issues with iPad

      •The school will provide access to a weekly school based technician who will assist students experiencing any sonware
    issues with their iPad (i.e. lack of network connec#vity etc.). The technician will then refer students onto the appropriate
    support as required.

                                          iPad app setup
Parents/Guardians are asked to have their child’s iPad setup before the first day of school. An iTunes account will need to be
established if an account is not already available. Apps cannot be added at school and we recommend parents do not share
iTune passwords with children to avoid app downloads or in app purchases. Many of the apps listed in the required app list
come pre installed on the current range of iPads. The following list is the minimum requirement to begin the 2019 school

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Safety & Security
At School
• iPads will be either in student possession or stored in the classrooms during recess or lunch#mes.
• Students will use their iPads for educa#onal use only. They will not be permifed to have ‘free #me’ on their iPad at any
• If afending OSCH, iPads are to be kept in bags and stored in the designated area. They are not to be used for any purpose
  when afending OSCH as they are not supervised by teaching staff.

At Home
• It is recommended that the iPad is stored in an area that isn’t accessible to small children and difficult too (locate in the
  event of burglary
• Ensure basic household security measures are followed at all #mes, such as locking doors and windows.
• For cybersafety recommenda#ons and use of the iPad at home please refer to hfps://drkristygoodwin.com/

In Transit
• iPads should remain stored away when travelling in the car, on public transport or walking to and from school.
• Ensure the iPad is placed inside its protec#ve case.

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Warranty and Insurance
Parents will need to pursue their own insurance for the device, whether it is through your Home Contents Insurance, or
through specific insurance you seek out for the iPad. Loss or accidental breakage will not be covered by the school.
Most sonware issues are covered by Apple within a 24-month period.

Can I install my own apps?
It is the student’s responsibility, in associa#on with their parent or guardian, to install the required apps onto
their iPad, and to sync it to a machine at home to ensure all content is backed up.
• The installed media meets the requirements of our Acceptable Use Agreement. Any breaches of the
• Acceptable Use Agreement may result in confisca#on of the iPad
• The installed media does not infringe copyright laws
• There is enough memory available to engage in all educa#onal requirements
• Downloading apps, music, games and videos from the internet during school hours is prohibited except when directed by a

Will I have to set up an iTunes account? How do I ensure my child is not buying unwanted apps?
When using an iPad, it is a requirement to have an iTunes account to purchase and download apps for use at home and in the
classroom. When semng up an iTunes account you are required to set a password that must be entered before any app is
downloaded to the iPad. This is why the school strongly recommends that you are the ones who create the iTunes account
and use a password unknown to your child. This ensures that they can never download an app without your knowledge or

What Technical Support is there?
The school employs 2 x IT technicians throughout a typical week. All teachers involved in the BYOD program will be trained to
solve all common technical issues rela#ng to the iPads. Students will be asked to inform their teacher immediately of any

How will I charge my iPad? Can I charge it at school?
All iPads need to be charged at home overnight and returned back to school fully charged at the beginning of every day. The
iPad bafery will last a typical school day. It will not be prac#cal to charge iPads at school.

What kind of contract or agreement needs to be signed?
• Internet & Digital Media Acceptable Use kit / Consent Form that will go home at the beginning of each school year.
• iPad Acceptable Use Agreement needs to be signed by all students involved in the program and their parents.
• G Suite Acceptable Use Form

Where do the devices go when not in use?
When not in use, the devices will be kept in a classroom. No iPad is to be used outside during recess, lunch, before and aner
school #mes except for with the specific permission of a teacher. Students will be strongly advised to keep their iPads in their
zipped up school bag when traveling between home and school.

How will students access the internet at school?
• Students will access the internet using the designated school WIFI network that is operated by the Department. A wireless
     digital cer#ficate will be issued to students (via individual iPads) by the TSSP technicians once all acceptable use and
     digital media forms have been completed and handed in. As they move between home and school the iPad can be set
     up to move from school to home networks automa#cally.
• Students must not use 3G or 4G cellular networks when at school. SIM cards must be removed from the device when at
     school at be stored safely at home. This will assist in adhering to the strict Acceptable use and Cyber safe rules and
     regula#ons that will be in place.

Which iPad should I choose?
The minimum requirement will be a model that is able to support IOS 12 opera#ng environment or higher.
*Please refer to the iPad Provision (page 8/9) for technical details.
We will happily accept all iPad models, and your choice is largely dependent on how much you are comfortable spending. Our
survey results suggested that many families will already have access to an iPad device.
However, when choosing the iPad, you purchase, you may want to consider:
• We recommend a device which operates IOS 12 and above due to new apps which will only work with this.
• Screen size: students will use the iPad for a large variety of crea#ve tasks, as well as more ‘tradi#onal’ compu#ng tasks such
      as word processing and spread shee#ng. This should be kept in mind when considering the iPad Mini vs, the full sized
      models. From our experience, we have found that the screen size on iPad Minis are suitable for most tasks.

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My child is in Grade Prep – 2. Will I have to purchase an iPad?
The school will support these year levels with class sets of iPad devices. If you have a child in Grade 2, it would be encouraged
to perhaps start planning toward a BYOD iPad program in the following year and make purchases accordingly. The BYOD
program is currently a Grade 3-6 program. The iPad your child begins with in Year 3 would travel with them and meet their
needs through to Year 6.

Does my home need Internet access?
The iPad requires access to the internet so that Apps can be downloaded from the iTunes store. If you do not have an internet
connec#on at home, the school will provide specific #mes before and aner school when you can download apps through the
school’s network

Life span of the device?
While any model that is being sold now is fine for the next 2 – 4 years of Primary School, the newer and more powerful
models will obviously work for longer into the future. Consider how long you want your iPad to last. Buying a befer iPad now
may mean it will last to be handed on to a younger brother or sister.

Memory size?
The minimum size memory that iPads can be purchased with is now, 32GB which is more than enough for school purposes. If
you want to store photos and videos for long periods of #me, you will need a larger memory size. We recommend backing
these up and removing them from the device regularly in any case.

•How  will teachers be trained and supported?
Teachers at Montpellier have now been working with 1:1 iPads for 12 months and a number of years using classroom sets.
Staff will con#nue to be trained in the effec#ve use of iPads through programs such as, but not limited to;
• Apple educa#on programs.
• Google educa#on programs.
• In school professional learning.
• Collabora#ng and working with teachers in schools that have a 1:1 iPad program in place.

How much will the iPads be used in class? Will it lead to too much ‘screen 6me’?
The iPad is simply another tool that supports student learning. It will be a considera#on when planning a lesson and will be
used to improve the produc#vity of a lesson or to transform the learning experience. It is impossible to say exactly how much
it will be used as this will change depending on the learning tasks at hand.

What about handwri6ng?
Students will con#nue to write with paper and pencil and work to improve their handwri#ng. Much of the #me, pen and
paper remains the best tool for the job. We will assist students to choose the correct tool for their learning tasks.

What about spelling?
There is a common myth that spelling is nega#vely affected by technology. This has not been supported by research. In fact,
research is being done to find out if the opposite is in fact true. Spell checkers on electronic devices allow students to have
immediate feedback on which words they have spelt incorrectly. This then allows students to pursue the correct spelling of
that word within the context they are using it. Accurate and #mely feedback such as this has consistently been shown to be a
powerful influence on student learning.
We believe that for spelling to be properly learnt it needs to be explicitly taught, regardless of the amount of access to
technology our students have. We have a whole school explicit spelling program running at Montpellier Primary School based
on the Montpellier 1000 Words and this will con#nue in 2019 onwards.

Can my child access games on their iPad?
Games are not to be accessed through the school network or used or downloaded on the iPad at school. Inappropriate,
violent and other unacceptable material not in keeping with the ethos of the school must not be accessed or used under any
circumstances during school #me. It is the right of parents to determine what is appropriate usage and access in the home

Will the student files on the iPad be private?
Teachers will observe students as they would for any learning ac#vity as they create and maintain a safe, comfortable and
learning-focused classroom. Students will also be required to join a teachers Apple Classroom which is an app designed
specifically for the management of mul#ple iPads. Appropriate use of the internet service within the DET network is closely
monitored by a filtering system, which allows for inappropriate content blocking by a regularly updated list of categories and
sites. This does not apply to use of devices outside of the school network.

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Will eSmart (Cyber Safety) con6nue to be a vital component?
At Montpellier we place an emphasis on cyber safety and appropriate use of electronic devices beginning right from the first
day of Prep through to Grade 6. In 2013, Montpellier Primary School achieved the ‘eSmart’ school status. This is a whole
school accredita#on designed in conjunc#on with the Educa#on Department and the Alannah and Madeline Founda#on for
schools across Australia to signify best prac#ce in rela#on to cyber safety.

The school monitors usage at school, but who monitors it at home?
When off school grounds, parents have an obliga#on and full authority to monitor device usage. Examples of this include but
are not limited to;
     -Encouraging use in a family or shared room and not in the bedroom or other private spaces
     -Restric#ng use at certain #mes of the evening or weekend
     -Regularly examine the documents, browsing history and other contents of the device.
An aspect of this program we greatly value is the increased communica#on and coopera#on between home and school in
regards to online behaviours and device use.
Available Support Resources
     •Australian Government’s Net Alert: hWp://www.netalert.gov.au
     •Protec#ng Yourself Online: hWp://www.thinkuknow.org.au and hWp://www.cybersmart.gov.au

What if the iPad is used for inappropriate purposes?
If behaviour occurs that is outside our school’s Internet & Digital Media Acceptable Use Agreement or 1:1 iPad Program
Acceptable Use Agreement, the iPad may be confiscated from the offending student for a period of #me, as deemed
appropriate by that student’s teacher. It is important that teachers, students and parents share the responsibility to ensure
safe and responsible use of devices at all #mes. Parents will be contacted immediately by the relevant staff member.

Will children be safe carrying devices to and from school?
Experience here and overseas has shown that there are very few incidents while students travel to and from school. Schools
who have been opera#ng a 1:1 iPad program for a number of years have advised that this has not been an issue. Students will
be strongly advised not to remove their iPad from their school bag between school and home.

Will my child be required to share their iPad with students that don’t have one?
The iPad you supply for your child is theirs to have as a personal device that supports their learning. However, there may be
#mes when your child is working on a collabora#ve piece of work with other students and therefore they may have to work
together on one device. Your child will s#ll be present in this situa#on and responsible for its careful use. They will be asked to
let a teacher know straight away if another student is not respec#ng their device.

What if I choose not to par6cipate?
While every endeavour has been made to make our program the cheapest 1:1 program on offer anywhere, we understand
that the cost involved may s#ll be prohibi#ve to some families.
We also understand that some parents may have a general objec#on to the program. We would ask that those parents make
an effort to engage with the school to discuss their reserva#ons, and also read the available material we make provide.
If for whatever reason you choose not to par#cipate in the program, your child will s#ll have access to our school ICT
resources as usual. This program is not designed to replace school provided devices, but rather to supplement them. All
students part of the BYOD program will s#ll have the same access to our central resource of Notebook computers and iPads
during the school day. These devices will not be available for students to take home.

•Who  can I contact if I have further ques6ons?
Ques#ons regarding the iPad Program can be emailed to either;
Mr Andrew Dalgleish (Principal)
Jesse Fisher (Digital Teaching and Learning Leader)

Your inquiry will be responded to as quickly as possible

MONTPELLIER PRIMARY SCHOOL                                                                                                      16
Acceptable Use
Montpellier Primary School, with our values of respect, responsibility and integrity, places a high value on the development
and maintenance of posi#ve, healthy and respecoul rela#onships and a suppor#ve environment for all members of the
school community.

The responsibility and expecta6on of digital ci6zenship
It is the expecta#on that students will be responsible digital ci#zens when par#cipa#ng in the iPad Program, using the school’s
ICT and their home or mobile devices. Students will be supported in developing digital ci#zenship through understanding the
ethical, cultural and societal issues related to Informa#on and Communica#on Technologies.
Students will prac#ce responsible use of ICT and develop posi#ve amtudes towards ICT that foster lifelong learning, personal
growth, collabora#on and produc#vity. As part of their digital ci#zenship students are required to read and agree to an
Acceptable Use Agreement and adhere to an Electronic Device code of conduct.

Acceptable Use Agreement & Electronic Device Code of Conduct
All students from Grades 3 & 4 are invited to be part of the BYOD iPad Program. All students and a parent/carer are required
to read, understand and sign an Acceptable Use Agreement at the commencement of each school year. This governs the
requirements and expecta#ons under which students use the school computers, access the network and internet. This is a
standard expecta#on, not only from Montpellier Primary School but also the Department of Educa#on and Early Childhood
Development (DEECD).

Parents/Carers must be quite clear about the expecta#ons within this agreement and the consequences arising from it and
the Montpellier Primary School Electronic Device Code of Conduct. The school will, of course, support students to understand
how to care for their devices and to understand how to be responsible digital ci#zens.

Montpellier Primary School believes that teaching cyber safety and responsible online behaviour is essen#al and is best
taught in partnership between home and school. Students are spending increasing amounts of #me online, learning and
collabora#ng. To be safe online and to gain the greatest benefit from the opportuni#es provided through an online
environment, students need to do the right thing by themselves and others online. The school promotes the values of respect
and responsibility, expec#ng students to behave appropriately on line.

At home, we recommend that parents make #me to set guidelines around use of devices. Ensure that all Internet ac#vi#es
occur in a shared space– not your child’s bedroom. Nego#ate appropriate #mes for online ac#vi#es and use of mobile

For further support with online issues students can call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800.
Parents/carers can call Parentline on 132289 or visit hfp://www.cybersmart.gov.au/report.aspx

MONTPELLIER PRIMARY SCHOOL                                                                                                     17
Code of Conduct
          Examples of inappropriate behaviour                    Range of Consequences
Level 5   Serious criminal offence Serious wilful damage to       Principal
          property/resources/equipment (including laptops
          and iPads)                                             Suspension from
                                                                 Montpellier Primary
          Major then (e.g. Laptop/iPad then)                     School

          Serious wilful interference with school network.       Referral to police

                                                                 Parental interview

                                                                 Payment for damage

                                                                 Removal of access to
                                                                 school network

                                                                 Note on COMPASS
                                                                 Student File
Level 4   Accessing, storing or transmimng indecent/             Principal/Leadership
          offensive material (e.g. Sending offensive emails)       Team

          Then (including iden#ty then)                          Suspension from
                                                                 Montpellier Primary
          Bullying/harassment (e.g. Using electronic device to   School
          bully, harass others)
                                                                 Parental interview
          Vandalism or wilful damage to property, resources
          equipment.                                             School Community

                                                                 Payment for damage

                                                                 Removal of access to
                                                                 school network

                                                                 Note on COMPASS
                                                                 Student File
Level 3   Consistently careless use of an electronic device.     Principal/Leadership
          Repeated failure to comply with expecta#ons
          regarding acceptable use of electronic devices.        Parental Interview

          Inappropriate use of resources/facili#es/              School Community
          equipment.                                             service

                                                                 Sent to Team Leader/AP/

                                                                 Note on COMPASS
                                                                 Student File

MONTPELLIER PRIMARY SCHOOL                                                                 18
Level 2   Reckless and/or dangerous behaviour                     Leadership Team/
                                                                  Classroom teacher
          Plagiarism/copyright infringement
                                                                  Phone call to parent/
          Intellectual property infringement                      guardian

          Forgery/false representa#on                             Wrifen or verbal apology

          Interfering with another student’s electronic device.   Mee#ng with team
          Accessing, storing or transmimng inappropriate
          material                                                Restora#ve conversa#on

          Sending nuisance emails                                 Note on COMPASS
                                                                  Student File
          Unauthorised sonware on iPad

          Using a recording device in breach of school policy

          Con#nually claiming electronic device problems as
          an excuse for work not

          being submifed

          Con#nual failure to back up work

          Careless treatment of an electronic device owned
          by Montpellier Primary School

          Unauthorised use of the Internet

MONTPELLIER PRIMARY SCHOOL                                                                   19
Level 1   Failing to charge iPad overnight (unless an            Classroom teacher/staff
          acceptable circumstance)                               member

          Failing to bring iPad to class (unless an acceptable   Verbal correc#on or
          circumstance)                                          reprimand

          Playing games on electronic device during class        Move seat in classroom
                                                                 Verbal or wrifen apology
          Negligent use of resources/facili#es/equipment
                                                                 Recess or lunch#me
          Emailing or accessing Internet without teacher         interview
                                                                 and/or deten#on
          Listening to music without permission
                                                                 Confisca#on of
          Using electronic device without permission             headphones

          Volume up on electronic device                         Liaise with classroom
          Using a different applica#on to teacher direc#on
                                                                 Restora#ve conversa#on
          Unsupervised use of iPad without permission
          (before school, recess,                                Note on COMPASS
                                                                 Student File

MONTPELLIER PRIMARY SCHOOL                                                                  20
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