"Downton Abbey" Comes to The Woman's Club

Page created by Elsie Reyes
"Downton Abbey" Comes to The Woman's Club
The Woman's Club                                                                  First Class
                                                                                  U.S. Postage
The Bolling Haxall House
211 East Franklin Street
                                                                                  Permit No. 388
Richmond, VA 23219
                                                                                  Richmond, VA

          The Woman's Club Voice

          “Downton Abbey” Comes to The Woman's Club
                                   Evening of Tuesday, October 23, 2012
                                   The Woman's Club is proud to announce
                                   a presentation by Lady Carnarvon, 8th
                                   Countess of Carnarvon. She will tell the
                                   fascinating and remarkable story of Lady
                                   Almina, 5th Countess of Carnarvon, who is
                                   the subject of her new book, “Lady Almina
                                   and the Real Downton Abbey.” Lady Car-
                                   narvon will also share stories of her home,
                                   Highclere Castle, where “Downton Ab-
                                   bey” is filmed.
                                   “Downton Abbey” was recently named in
                                   the Guinness Book of World Records for
                                   the highest critical review ratings for a TV
                                   show during its first series. The show cur-
                                   rently can be viewed in over 100 countries.
                                   Do not miss this program on the real
                                   Downton Abbey, Highclere Castle.
                                   Event details and reservation information
                                   will be released in late summer/early fall.
"Downton Abbey" Comes to The Woman's Club
The Woman's Club Voice
 The Bolling Haxall House, 211 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219                                                        Spring/Summer 2012

                                                    Monday Programs - Brains and Building Blocks
                                                       The Spring 2012 Monday programs                    leak controversy that exposed his wife, Valerie
                                                    explored how to build a better foundation             Plame Wilson, as a covert CIA officer.
                                                    for all things in life, from a healthier brain to         Within any culture, the past holds keys
                                                    preserving architectural wonders, from raising        to future successes and failures. In studying
                                                    healthy children to examining the state of our        history, a better foundation can be laid for to-
                                                    political and economic systems, and from hon-         morrow. Gioia Diliberto explored the evolution
                                                    oring our historical treasures to understanding       of fashion and highlighted the symbolic power
                                                    the traditions of other cultures.                     of clothing. Leslie Keno revealed discoveries
                                                       Dr. James P. Bennett, Jr., presented his           of hidden American treasures from his work
                                                    fascinating research on the aging brain and           as an appraiser. TWC member Betsy Bredrup
                                                    shared how to improve the health of the brain.        gave a Lenten art presentation that provided
                                                       Architecture was the focus of both Rich-           deeper understanding of the meaning within
                                                    ard Guy Wilson and Steven Semes. Wilson               religious works. John O. Peters guided attend-
                                                    discussed the impact of Thomas Jefferson              ees through a visual tour of Richmond's Holly-
                                                    and England on American architecture, while           wood Cemetery. Marjorie Ransom shared her
                                                    Semes shed light on the controversies within          love and knowledge of Yemeni silver jewelry
                                                    the preservation community.                           and explained how the practice of the craft of
   HIGHLIGHTS                                          The health of children worldwide was the           jewelry-making is indicative of the status of the
                                                    main concern of Anne Lynam Goddard, while             region. John Henry Rice previewed the Vir-
   President's Award                     2          Isabel Sawhill concentrated on the economic           ginia Museum of Fine Arts' exhibition on the
                                         3          climate and its effect on younger generations.        maharajas of India and reflected on kingship in
   Members in the News
                                                       Mike Allen provided a view “backstage at           India within a broader historical context.
   Monday Programs 2012-13 6                        the political circus,” enlightening attendees             A special treat this season was a musical
                                                    as to a Washington insider's thoughts on the          revue by The Bird and Her Consort just in
   Fall 2012 Event Preview               7          upcoming November 2012 election.                      time for Valentine's Day.
                                                       Politics of the past came to the front when            The 2012-2013 Club season begins on Mon-
   “Downton Abbey” at TWC                8
                                                    Ambassador Joseph Wilson spoke on the CIA             day, October 1, 2012.

 A Memorable Season of Speakers

 Chair Win Koontz (left) and Vice-Chair Kathryn     Vice-Chair Patti Harris (left) and Chair Mary Hor-    Vice-Chair Bev Reynolds (left) and Chair Margaret
 Gray (right) with Leslie Keno.                     ton (right) with Gioia Diliberto.                     Bemiss (right) with Dr. James P. Bennett, Jr.

 Chair Frances Zehmer (left) and Vice-Chair Lissy   Vice-Chair Patti Loughridge (left) and Chair Vickie   Chair Edie Cabaniss (left) and Vice-Chair Suzanne
 Bryan (right) with Marjorie Ransom.                Blanchard (right) with Ambassador Joseph Wilson.      Hall (right) with John Henry Rice.

Transcending trends and times, The Woman's Club has for over 100 years been constant in its commitment to the collegiality of women,
         a dialogue on contemporary issues, the nourishment of education and the arts, and vitality in the heart of Richmond.
"Downton Abbey" Comes to The Woman's Club
NEWS from The Woman's Club
             The Woman's Club Voice

                     A Message from The Woman's Club President
                                              Dear Members,

                                                 Each Monday during the Club season I have the privilege of taking the speaker on a tour of
                                              the Bolling Haxall House and telling the remarkable story of The Woman's Club. Without fail,
                                              each is astonished at the courage of the founding members AND their vision to buy the House
                                              and turn it into their headquarters. Indeed, in their opening remarks, many compliment us on
                                              the extraordinary surroundings and congratulate the Club on its commitment to maintaining
                                              such a beautiful home. I just beam when I hear this!
                                                 This past year the number of programs in our beautiful home nearly doubled. Two evening
                                              speakers, several workshops, book signings, and a special Tea with the Ambassador's Wife, plus
                                              our superb Monday Speaker Programs all took place in our sparkling auditorium. Members
                                              have told me there was so much happening at the BHH, they could hardly attend everything.
                                              What a wonderful predicament in which to find oneself!
        Catherine C. Whitham                     With all that will be going on at TWC beginning this fall, I urge you to propose a friend this
        President, The Woman’s Club           summer by Monday, August 13, 2012 so that she too can enjoy what you and I do each week...
                                              an extraordinarily beautiful place to stretch your mind among friends.
We Would Love to Hear from You!
Executive Director                            Warmly,
Diane M. Beirne
804.643.2847, ext. 15

Communications and
Membership Manager                            Catherine C. Whitham
Lauren M. Henry                               President, The Woman's Club
804.643.2847, ext. 10
                                                                                                            This past February, Jean LeBaron,
Rental and Property Manager                                                                                 wife of Ambassador Richard LeB-
Rebecca L. Thomas                                                                                           aron, hosted an afternoon tea at The
804.643.2847, ext. 13                                                                                       Woman’s Club during which she
bthomas@twcrichmond.org                                                                                     shared her memories of her years
                                                                                                            as the wife of a diplomat. Members
House Manager                                                                                               of The Woman’s Club listened to
Charles Hargrove                                                                                            stories of LeBaron’s experiences
804.643.2847, ext. 14                                                                                       in Kuwait, India, and Great Britain
                                                                                                            and were treated to photographs
Housekeeper                                                                                                 that showcased elegant events and
Evelyn Nix                                                                                                  fascinating architecture in the foreign
804.643.2847, ext. 14                                                                                       locales. Left: Member Catherine Ben-
                                                                                                            nett (left) with Jean LeBaron (right)
BHHF Director of Development                                                                                following her presentation.
and Marketing
Cindy Archer Wray
804.643.2847, ext. 12                          At the Annual Meeting and Lun-
cwray@twcrichmond.org                          cheon on April 30, 2012, Catherine
                                               Whitham presented the first
                                               Woman’s Club President’s Award to
                                               member Fran Kay for her extraor-
    The Woman’s Club Voice is pub-             dinary leadership and hard work
    lished twice a year and is designed        during the Restore a Living Land-
    to keep you informed about news            mark Campaign and her continuing
    and events at The Woman's Club,            efforts in improving The Woman’s
    The Bolling Haxall House Founda-           Club and its traditional home. We
    tion, and The Education Endowment          have truly benefitted from her
    Fund. If you have any comments             involvement and experience.
    or questions about this newslet-           Right: Fran Kay (center) with
                                               past President Antoinette Whittet
    ter, please contact us by phone at
                                               (left) and Sarah Dicks (right) at
    804.643.2847, ext. 10, or via email at
                                               the Annual Luncheon just prior to
    info@twcrichmond.org.                      receiving the award.

"Downton Abbey" Comes to The Woman's Club
NEWS from The Woman's Club
                                                                                                 The Woman's Club Voice

   The Woman's Club Members in the News
   Carol Lynn Forman's home, Whimsey Meadow, was featured in the February 2012 issue               Talented Women Create
   of Virginia Living. Whimsey Meadow, built using two tranformed historic barns from Ver-
   mont, is showcased as a succesful blend of sophisticated style and rustic settings.
                                                                                                  Exhibition: Spring Art Show
   Helga Gottwald's home, a Georgian-style brick residence designed by Bunny Williams,
                                                                                                        and Reception
   was featured in the January 2012 issue of Architectural Digest.

   The March 29, 2012 issue of the Richmond Times-Dispatch published an article by Kath-
   erine Waddell on the founding of the Women's Strike Force, formed by Republicans, Dem-
   ocrats, and Independents who are “dedicated to defeating legislators who voted in favor of
   HB 462, the mandated trans-vaginal ultrasound bill, and HB 1, the Personhood Bill.”

   Marjorie Grier was honored as the winner of the prestigious Thomas Jefferson Award of
   Excellence at the 65th Virginia Public Relations Awards Ceremony on May 16, 2012.             Above, from left: Tina Millner, Betsy Bredrup,
                                                                                                 and Jaymie Upton at the exhibiton opening
   The January 2, 2012 Metro Business section of the Richmond Times-Dispatch listed              reception with ballots in hand.
   Nancy Cheely as the recipient of the Adrian L. Bendheim, Jr. Sales Associate of the Year
   Award for professional knowledge, sales activity, association participation, and civic ac-    The 2012 Talented Women Create Exhib-
   complishments.                                                                                tion was held April 11-13, 2012. Congratu-
                                                                                                 lations to the following ribbon winners,
   Cathy Saunders was named a 2011 Richmond Five Star Real Estate Agent in Richmond              chosen by popular vote:
   magazine. Five Star Real Estate Agents are rated according to criteria such as integrity,
   communication, and customer service.                                                          Fine Arts
                                                                                                 1st Place: Vienna Cobb-Anderson
                                                                                                 2nd Place: Karen Blair
If you are a member who was recently in the news, please let us know so we can recognize         3rd Place: Carolyn Street
you! Also, when you are interviewed, please share with the reporter that you are a mem-          Honorable Mention: Emma Lou Martin
ber of The Woman’s Club.
                                                                                                 1st Place: Margaret Woodson Nea
          News from the Membership Committee                                                     2nd Place: Nancy Rice
                                                                                                 3rd Place (Tie): Vienna Cobb-Anderson
                                                                                                 3rd Place (Tie): Susan Estes
    The membership committee has thus far welcomed 57 new members and 11 reinstated              Honorable Mention: Dee Capocelli Hyers
members to the Class of 2012. In addition to our annual New Member Luncheon and Ori-
entation, we offered three mini-orientations throughout the season to assist new members         Creative Arts
to become acquainted with the Club and take advantage of all it has to offer. This past April,   1st Place: Genya Glass
the Class of 2011 attended a Dutch treat luncheon at the Commonwealth Club in order              2nd Place: Genya Glass
to provide feedback on their first year of membership and to mingle with friends old and         3rd Place: Caroline Garrett Hardy
new. Their suggestions have proven very insightful on how we can better welcome new              Honorable Mention: Ann McRee
members and facilitate their integration into the Club.
    At Monday programs, a member of the Membership Committee is available to answer              Needlework
questions and provide applications at the guest book podium. Members are reminded that           1st Place: Muff Nolde
our updated membership policy allows for applications to be submitted all year long on a         2nd Place: Vienna Cobb-Anderson
rolling admissions basis. Also, members may propose and/or sponsor more than one pro-            3rd Place: Win Koontz
spective member. If you have someone in mind you would like to propose or sponsor for            Honorable Mention: Lyons Burke
the next Club season, aim to do so by Monday, August 13, 2012 so she can be included in
the Class of 2012 and invited to this September's New Member Luncheon and Orientation.
    Be on the lookout next Club season for special “bring a friend” days noted on page 6, in
the yearbook, and on the website. These days will be excellent opportunities to introduce a
prospective member to our wonderful programs and to the Bolling Haxall House. We have
a truly special Club that offers a wide range of educational and social opportunities through-
out the week, not just on our traditional Mondays. Think about friends and colleagues who
would enjoy the Club as much as you do and ask them to join us. We have room to grow
and so much to offer.

Sue C. Taylor
Chair, Membership Committee                                                                      Above, from left: James Belk, Ann Belk, Michael
                                                                                                 Smith, and Gloria Prevatt.

"Downton Abbey" Comes to The Woman's Club
NEWS from The Education Endowment Fund
               The Woman's Club Voice

                The Education Endowment Fund: Reflections on 2011-2012
                                                    The Education Endowment Fund Board, working closely with The Community Foundation, has
                                                again identified deserving recipients for our scholarships; women who demonstrate financial need,
                                                academic excellence, and commitment to serving their community. For the 2012-2013 academic
                                                year, we awarded five scholarships totaling $9,000 to students who will be attending the University
                                                of Virginia, the College of William and Mary, Shenandoah University Conservatory, James Madison
                                                University, and North Carolina A &T University.
                                                    The Education Endowment Fund Board has always relied on the generosity of members of The
                                                Woman's Club for financial support. This past season, the TEAM 25 campaign was once again suc-
                                                cessful and, along with the Monday program book sales and member's direct donations, raised over
                                                    As I look back on over 90 years of giving to the Education Endowment Fund, I imagine the
                                                conversations had by so many members of The Woman's Club regarding the collegiality of women,
                                                and I am sure we can be proud at how well we have done in fulfilling their, and our, mission. The
                                                following excerpt was taken from a letter written in 1951 which highlights the history and the value
                                                of the Education Endowment Fund:

                                                “From the first young woman who became a secretary to a dean inspite(sic) of real physical handi-
Marlene D. Jones                                caps […] the fund has merited and received sincere thanks for invaluable assistance rendered.”
President, The Education Endowment Fund

   In 1921, a courageous group of women recognized that “this investment, made in the name of us all, yields a dividend we can never measure.”
More than 90 years and hundreds of scholarships later, this investment continues to yield a dividend that will never be measured.
   My fellow Board members Sally Brown, Barbara Kling, Lou Anne Nabhan, Mary Ann Ready, and Catherine Whitham and I extend our sincere
appreciation and heartfelt thanks for your generous and loyal support. It is truly an honor and a great pleasure to serve with such a wonderful
group of women and to have the opportunity to continue changing lives through scholarship, one woman at a time.

Thank you,

Marlene D. Jones
President, The Education Endowment Fund

    Mary Munford Scholar Highlight: Dianna Leigh Robison
    A two-time recipient of The Woman's Club Educational Endowment Fund Scholarship, Dianna Leigh
    Robison is currently pursuing a degree in Special Education at James Madison University.

    In her own words:
    “I am proud to be a Mary Munford Scholar and will strive to be a good representative of Mrs.
    Munford's passion for education. My freshman year at James Madison University was a wonderful
    experience and I'm looking forward to returning to my studies again in the fall. I feel very fortunate
    to be a part of one of the finest Special Education Master's programs available today. Thanks to Mrs.
    Munford, The Woman's Club of Richmond, and The Community Foundation, I am able to continue to
    pursue my goal to become a special education teacher. [...] Receipt of this scholarship has lightened
    my financial burden and that of my family allowing me to focus on pursing my education. Your gener-
    osity inspires me to help others and give back to the community. Perhaps one day I will be able to help
    other students pursue their goals just as you have helped me.”

    Congratulations to Dianna and all the 2012 Mary Munford Scholars.

"Downton Abbey" Comes to The Woman's Club
NEWS from The Bolling Haxall House Foundation
                                                                                                         The Woman's Club Voice

       Greetings from the Chair of The Bolling Haxall House Foundation
   Thank you for your generous gifts to the Annual Fund this year. Because of you, we will be able
to complete two essential projects over the summer months:
   •Replacing the flooring and painting the kitchen. This involves removing all of the equipment
from the kitchen.
   •Replacing the flooring in the hallway along the West entrance and at the entrance to the Fleet
   I hope you have noticed how the Auditorium sparkles now that we have painted the ceiling and
completed some much needed painting around the stage. We want you to be proud of your home
and the Annual Fund is our only source of funding for keeping “our jewel” in pristine condition.
   Our annual event, Jazz for the Jewel II Forever in Bloom, is scheduled for Thursday, October 4,
2012 so mark your calendars and save the date! Under the leadership of Marlene Jones and Isabel
Witt, this year's party is sure to be an evening to remember.
   Finally, thanks to all the donors to the “Restore a Living Landmark” Capital Campaign. This
campaign raised $2.25M for the restoration of the auditorium and House.
   Our treasured House is a vital part of everything that goes on at The Woman's Club; we are so
fortunate that our Club has such a remarkable venue to meet every Monday.
   The achievements of the Bolling Haxall House Foundation this year are directly related to the
cooperative efforts of the Boards of The Woman's Club and The Bolling Haxall House Foundation,               Jane U. Hamilton
our staff, and YOU.                                                                                          Chair, The Bolling Haxall House Foundation

Thank you!

Jane U. Hamilton
Chair, The Bolling Haxall House Foundation

                                                                       Jazz for the Jewel II: Forever in Bloom
                                                                       Date and Time: Thursday, October 4, 2012, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
                                                                       Location: The Bolling Haxall House Car Garden
                                                                                211 East Franklin Street

                                                                       Enjoy:    Jazz entertainment provided by the Skip Gailes Trio
                                                                                 Catering by A Sharper Palate
                                                                                 Full Bar
                                                                                 Valet Parking

                                                                       Co-Chairs: Marlene Jones and Isabel Witt

                                                                       Proceeds will benefit the Bolling Haxall House Annual Fund

                                                                       We offer a special thank you to the Jazz for the Jewel Diamond Sponsor,
                                                                       Charles Schwarzschild, Inc.
 As the home of The Woman's Club, the Bolling Haxall House continues to be a place of development, creativity, insight and imagination…
 Forever in Bloom! Join your friends for a lovely fall evening of jazz music, delicious food, and lively conversation all in a beautiful tented venue
 designed by Robert Watkins, deVeaux Riddick, and Scott Boyer.

   For sponsorship or ticket information, please contact Cindy Wray by phone at 804.643.2847, ext.12, or via email at cwray@twcrichmond.org.

"Downton Abbey" Comes to The Woman's Club
2012-2013 Monday Program Preview from The Woman's Club
              The Woman's Club Voice

                   The Woman's Club 2012-2013 Monday Program Preview
                                           Mark Your Calendars!
                               Fall 2012
                               October 1, 2012		     Lord Alan Watson
                                                     (Members Only)

                               October 8, 2012		     Larry Sabato, Ph.D.

                               October 15, 2012		    Zayde Antrim, Ph.D.

                               October 22, 2012		    Meg Nolan van Reesema

                               October 29, 2012		    Joe Seipel
                                                     (Bring a Friend Day)
                               November 5, 2012		    Miles Redd
Lord Alan Watson                                                                Miles Redd
                               November 12, 2012		   A. E. Dick Howard

                               November 19, 2012		   John Camp, Ph.D.

                               Spring 2013
                               January 7, 2013		     Ron Brownstein
                                                     (Members Only)

                               January 14, 2013		    Christy Coleman

                               January 21, 2013		    Bahman Zenhari
                                                     (Bring a Friend Day)

                               January 28, 2013		    Kathy Thornton, Ph.D.
Ron Brownstein                 February 4, 2013		    Calder Loth                Christy Coleman

                               February 11, 2013		   Tony Garcia

                               February 18, 2013		   Pauline Metcalf

                               February 25, 2013		   Irene Carney, Ph.D.

                               March 4, 2013		       Todd Kliman

                               March 11, 2013		      Better Housing Coalition

                               March 18, 2013		      Dean King

                               March 25, 2013		      Carolyne Roehm
                                                     (Members Only)

Kathy Thornton, Ph.D.          April 15, 2013			     Peter Sutton               Carolyne Roehm

"Downton Abbey" Comes to The Woman's Club
Fall 2012 Event Preview from The Woman's Club
                                                                                                    The Woman's Club Voice

                             The Woman's Club Fall 2012 Event Preview
                                                      Mark Your Calendars!
                Digital Photography is a Snap!                                     A Day of Presidents Who Shared a Friendship
                Wednesday, September 12, 2012                                             Bus Trip: Tuesday, October 30, 2012
             9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Mac Users Class                          Members and Nonmember Guests, Minimum 30 persons
                 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. - PC Users Class                                      Cost: $104 per person, Including lunch
                      Instructor: Lisa Burlee                                 Reservation Deadline: Monday, October 8, 2012, by 4:00 p.m.
 Members and Nonmember Guests, Limit 8 persons per session
                Cost: $25 per person, per session                          Amid the colorful glory of autumn we will explore the homes of
 Reservation Deadline: Monday, September 10, 2012, by 4:00 p.m.            James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, Montpelier and Monticel-
                                                                           lo, respectively. Madison and Jefferson were colleagues, colluders,
Based on member responses to a technology survey given this past           competitors, and lifelong friends. Expanded and changed through
spring, Lisa Burlee, owner of Step By Step Computer Training, will         the years, a $25 million architectural restoration completed in
teach a class on digital photography. The topics covered will include      2008 returned Montpelier to its original form. Stand in the small
importing photos from phones and cameras to computers, organiz-            Garden Temple where Madison often meditated the needs and
ing photos in files and folders, editing photos, emailing/uploading        future of his country. Jefferson contemplated the same subjects on
to a shared website, ordering prints online, and printing your own         the top of his “Little Mountain,” where he built Monticello. Living
photos. Students are required to bring a fully-charged laptop. Mac         less than a day's ride from each other, Jefferson and Madison
users will be taught in the morning session; PC users will be taught       visited each other frequently to discuss these weighty matters.
in the afternoon.                                                          The recently completed visitors center explores all these topics
                                                                           in ways that reveal the intelligence and humanity of the third
            Virginia Museum of Fine Arts: Chihuly                          President. The visit to each site will include a short introductory
 Thursday, November 1, 2012, at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts           film and material, a guided tour of the house, and access to the
                   Tours: 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.                          gardens and outbuildings. Lunch will be delicious (as always!)
                     Chair: Mary K. McDonald                               and included in the day's price, along with a morning snack and
                      Guide: Robin Nicholson                               homebound refreshments. For additonal information, please call
                 Members and Nonmember Guests                              Deanna Brinkman at 804.673.0187.
   Cost: $18 for non-VMFA members, Free for VMFA members
  Reservation Deadline: Monday, October 29, 2012, by 4:00 p.m.
Join Robin Nicholson, deputy director for Art and Education at the                         Selecting Books for Children
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, for a tour of the extraordinary special               Wednesday, November 7, 2012, 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
exhibition of the work of glass artist Dale Chihuly. The exhibition                             Chair: Kay Remick
encompasses all 12,000 square feet of the VMFA's special exhibi-                            Speaker: Lucinda Whitehurst
tion galleries and features site specific installation pieces inside and                 Members and Nonmember Guests
outside the new McGlothlin Wing. The exhibition includes many of                                     Cost: Free
the iconic and dazzling sculptural glass creations which have made                  RSVP: Monday, November 5, 2012, by 4:00 p.m.
Chihuly one of the most popular artists working in any medium.             Sharing books with your children or grandchildren creates a last-
                                                                           ing bond and the potential for many happy memories. Learn more
                  A Taste of the Nutcracker                                about making that connection when Lucinda Whitehurst, Lower
    An Intimate Performance by the Concert Ballet of Virginia              School librarian at St. Christopher's School, brings new books
         Wednesday, December 12, 2012, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.                    and explains the ways to choose books you and your young ones
        Members, Nonmember Guests, and Young Guests                        will love. Focus will be on preschool to grade 6. Whitehurst and
   Maximum 30 Young Guests with TWC Member Chaperones                      her mother co-write a children's literature blog at www.openbook-
                           Cost: Free                                      kidlit.blogspot.com.
  Reservation Deadline: Monday, December 10, 2012, by 4:00 p.m.
Do you remember your excitement upon seeing a ballet dancer up                                  Holiday Reception
close for the very first time? The Woman's Club is delighted to offer                    Monday, December 3, 2012, 2:00 p.m.
an intimate “taste” of the Concert Ballet of Virginia's interpretation                         Chair: Deborah Gibbs
of “The Nutcracker” in a multigenerational holiday program for                                    Members Only
members and their grandchildren (ages 4-9). After the costumed                     RSVP: Wednesday, November 28, 2012, by 4:00 p.m.
dancers present several short scenes, they will mingle with our
young guests. All children are to be chaperoned by a Club member           Come celebrate the holiday season at the Bolling Haxall House. En-
in attendance. Refreshments will be served and photographs with            joy our beautifully decorated historic home, a wonderful selection of
the dancers may be taken after the performance.                            holiday treats, and, especially, your Woman's Club friends.

"Downton Abbey" Comes to The Woman's Club "Downton Abbey" Comes to The Woman's Club
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