Queen's Speech 2021 - SEC Newgate UK

Page created by Sam Becker
Queen's Speech 2021 - SEC Newgate UK
Speech 2021
Queen's Speech 2021 - SEC Newgate UK
Queen’s Speech:                          A wide ranging Health and Care
                                         Bill did however set out more on
a second chance to                       patient safety, a pre-watershed ban
make a first impression?                 on junk food adverts and structural
                                         changes to give the government
The first Queen’s Speech of the          more control over NHS England,
post-COVID and post-Brexit era           with ministers having been
represents a second chance for the       frustrated during the pandemic
government to prove it can deliver       at their inability to pull levers
the domestic priorities that took it     themselves.
to victory in the last general
election, but were blown off course      Much of the trailed content of the
by the pandemic.                         Speech focussed on lifelong
                                         learning and changes to make
Its agenda for the next session          levelling up tangible and not
of Parliament is broad, with Bills       simply a vague political slogan,
on everything from electoral and         as opponents have claimed it has
constitutional reform to skills and      become. For example, a Skills and
planning. Attention has focused          Post-16 Education Bill will
on what was missing or lacking           enshrine the right to access
detail, with little more information     retraining throughout people’s
on long-promised plans social care       careers and offer more access to
beyond a commitment to bring             funding for further education.
forward proposals this year. Having
promised on his first day as Prime       A new Planning Bill, committing to
Minister back in July 2019 to “fix       modernising and speeding up
the crisis in social care once and for   construction, will be seen as
all with a clear plan we have            crucial to accelerating
prepared”, the government should         homeownership, but as ever, the
be prepared for criticism that the       detail of changes to planning rules
can has once again been kicked           could herald political challenges in
down the road.                           some Conservative constituencies.
Queen's Speech 2021 - SEC Newgate UK
In the rental sector, the               Opposition parties will find much
government promised a White             to disagree with, particularly on
Paper on reform later in the year,      some of the deliberate fights the
as well as the Leasehold Reform         government is gearing up to have
(Ground Rent) Bill to abolish           over limiting the use of judicial
ground rents for new leasehold          review, introducing voter ID at
properties.                             elections and legislating for a new
                                        freedom of speech duty for
Having delivered Brexit, the            universities. The inclusion of these
goverment is also keen to               Bills, in particular, which the
demonstrate new flexibilities now       government knows will be
the UK is outside of the EU, with a     controversial but is nevertheless
Subsidy Control Bill to introduce a     determined to take on,
UK state aid regime and a               demonstrates that there is space
Procurement Bill designed to            among the post-COVID recovery
reduce complexity and open up           legislation to pick a couple of
more involvement for SMEs,              deliberate political fights that
voluntary bodies and social             ministers feel they are on the right
enterprises. The government             side of public opinion on.
re-emphasised the eight freeports
it plans to deliver.                    Given it also intends to repeal the
                                        Fixed-term Parliaments Act and
In addition, the Queen’s Speech         return the Prime Minsiter’s ability
confirmed the re-introduction of a      to call snap elections, getting as
number of key Bills which had           much of its flagship legislation
already started their passage in the    through is likely to be of even
last session of Parliament, including   greater importance to the
the Environment Bill, the Police,       government in the coming months.
Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill
and the Advanced Research and
Invention Agency Bill designed to
expand the UK’s research and
innovation capabilities.
Queen's Speech 2021 - SEC Newgate UK

Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Bill
As anticipated, the Government plans to repeal the
Fixed-term Parliaments Act (2011). Two draft Bills were
published in 2019-21, and the Government had already
confirmed that the second of these – the Draft
Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2021 (Repeal) Bill –
would be introduced in the coming session.

Repealing this legislation via the Dissolution and Calling
of Parliament Bill will return to the UK Prime Minister the
power to set the date of the next general election, which
under the current legislation would be in
December 2024.

Electoral Integrity Bill and Voter ID
Already the subject of considerable media attention, it
has been confirmed that an Electoral Integrity Bill,
including provisions for implementing requirements for
voters to show photographic ID at polling stations, will
be brought forward. In response to concerns that this
could lead to voter suppression, the Government has
assured it will make provisions for those who don’t have
a passport or driving licence to apply for suitable ID.
Queen's Speech 2021 - SEC Newgate UK
The Bill    willtocreate
                                                                                     We aim      identify anda report
                                                                                                                newonrole      at
                                                                                                                          our carbon      The   Government
                                                                                                                                            All our                    also
                                                                                                                                                    clients have a client  relationship
                                                                              the Office
                                                                                               and Students
                                                                                                    publish a plan (a
                                                                                                                    for how we will
                                                                                     reduce and off-set our carbon output, in line
                                                                                                                                            management team that   this
                                                                                                                                                                 that       would
                                                                                                                                                                       will be headed by a
                                                                                                                                            senior consultant (usually at MD or Director
                                                                              Director     of Freedom
                                                                                     with ambitions   to achieveof   Speech
                                                                                                                  NetZero   by 2050.      reduce
                                                                                                                                            level). Wedelays     in the
                                                                                                                                                        have contracts  andimmigration
                                                                                                                                                                              scope of work
                                                                                                                                            covering the agreed communications
                                                                              and Academic
                                                                                     S172             Freedom)         and                and   asylum       system.
                                                                                                                                            programmes which have relevant break
                                                                                     The Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting)                clauses and notice periods within them that
                                                                              will also    allow2018
                                                                                     Regulations     individuals        to seek
                                                                                                          requires SEC Newgate      to      enables clients to change the basis of our re-
                                                                              compensation            through
                                                                                     publish a statement            the
                                                                                                            explaining how courts
                                                                                     Directors have given due regard for the
                                                                                                                             the          Northern         Ireland
                                                                                                                                            lationship if they wish. We(Ministers,
                                                                                                                                                                        also regularly hold
                                                                                                                                            review meetings with clients (at least once a
                                                                              if theymatters
                                                                                       suffer     loss
                                                                                              set out      as a 172
                                                                                                       in section result
                                                                                                                      (1) (a)of  aof
                                                                                                                             to (f)       Elections        andprogress
                                                                                                                                            quarter) to review    Petitions       of
                                                                                                                                                                         against agreed
                                                                                                                                          Concern)         Bill programme delivery or
                                                                                     the Companies Act 2006 while performing                KPIs. Any changes to the service we provide
                                                                              breach    ofduty
                                                                                     their   the    freedom
                                                                                                to promote          of of the
                                                                                                              the success                   (e.g. team members,
                                                                              speech     duties.
                                                                                     Company    for the benefit of its members as a
                                                                                     whole (“s.172 statement”).
                                                                                                                                                  are discussedofandthis
                                                                                                                                            before action is taken.
                                                                                                                                                                      agreed    is clients
                                                                                                                                          implement aspects of the New
                                                                                    The directors of the Company consider that               We remain fully committed to advancing
                                                                              Judicial     Review
                                                                                    they have             Billand appropriately
                                                                                                 responsibly                              Decade,       New Approach
                                                                                                                                             the environmental,                 deal
                                                                                                                                                                social and governance
                                                                                    discharged their duties under the Companies              standards that we currently adhere to and to
                                                                              Subject     to   the    outcome
                                                                                    Act 2006 (the “Act”), including    oftheir
                                                                                                                             theduty to   relating     to  the   operation       and
                                                                                                                                             meeting our commercial and social purpose.
                                                                                    act in consultation            on
                                                                                           the way that they consider,  thisin good
                                                                                    faith, will be most likely to promote the
                                                                                                                                          governance of the Northern
The Bill will also include new           Higher Education                     issue,success
                                                                                      this Bill
                                                                                              of thewill    introduce
                                                                                                      Company     for the benefit of      Ireland institutions, including
                                         (Freedom of Speech) Bill
                                                                                    its members as a whole, having due regard
regulations on postal and proxy                                               reforms     to the
                                                                                    in doing   so for Judicial       Review
                                                                                                       the matters set  out in section    reforms to the sustainability of
                                                                                    172 (1) (a) to (f) in the Act (“s.172”).
voting, a move to ban postal vote        The Government will bring            system     to  limit     the    judiciary
                                                                                    As communications advisers our key stake-
                                                                                                                                          the institutions; updating the
“harvesting”, strengthened laws          forward a Bill to protect freedom    from being
                                                                                    holders are drawn
                                                                                                   our staff,into    political
                                                                                                              our suppliers,  our cli-    Ministerial Code of Conduct; and
                                                                                    ents and the communities around our offices.
on intimidation and undue                of speech in universities in         questions.
                                                                                    We regularly survey our staff for their opin-         reform of the Petition of
                                                                                    ions on the way we are conducting our
influence during elections, and a        England. The Bill will strengthen          business and for their views on how we can            Concern mechanism.
requirement that digital                 requirements on higher               Depending
                                                                                    do better. on      the consultation
                                                                                                 All decisions  are taken by the
                                                                                    senior leadership team in consultation with
campaign materials carry the same        education providers and              outcome,       the staff
                                                                                    any affected     main      measures
                                                                                                          members    and communicat-      The Bill will extend the time
                                                                                    ed to our people through a variety of means:
‘imprint’ – stating who is               students’ unions to protect and      contained
                                                                                               meetings,the       Bill could
                                                                                                            Workspace,    tribe meet-     allowed for the appointment of
                                                                                    ings, one-on-one meetings with managers.
promoting its messages, and on           secure freedom of speech for their   include     giving      the    courts      the
                                                                                    We have a relatively small group of suppliers         Ministers to the Northern Ireland
whose behalf – as that required for      members and visiting speakers.       powerwhotoprovide
                                                                                            suspend servicesquashing
                                                                                                              in each of our countries    Executive, following an Assembly
                                                                                    of operation including media and political
physical campaign materials.             The regulator, the                   ordersmonitoring,
                                                                                        in Judicial         Review
                                                                                                   office supplies,      cases,
                                                                                                                     catering,   energy   election or the resignation of the
                                                                                    and venue services. We have contractual
This Bill applies to Great Britain, as   Office for Students, will have       and reversing          the    Cart
                                                                                    relationships with our suppliers and regularly        First or deputy First Ministers.
Northern Ireland already has voter       the power to impose fines            judgement,
                                                                                    review theirwhereby
                                                                                                   activities andcertain
                                                                                                                   the contractual
                                                                                    relationship we have with them. The COO
ID requirements. The UK Gov-             for breaches.                        decisions     made
                                                                                    and financial   and by     the Upper
                                                                                                          operational  managers in
                                                                                    each office provide a point of contact for all
ernment is in discussions with the                                            Tribunal     became
                                                                                    suppliers              reviewable
                                                                                                and we engage      with them onbyany
                                                                                    decision that will impact them or the services
Scottish and Welsh Governments                                                the High      Court.       The
                                                                                    they provide to SEC Newgate. idea    is   that
on the scope of applying certain                                              this would clarify the status of
provisions to devolved elections.                                             decisions of the Upper Tribunal.
Queen's Speech 2021 - SEC Newgate UK
Most significantly, it will also   boycott, divestment and
reform the Petition of Concern     sanctions (BDS) campaigns
mechanism used in the              against foreign countries.
Northern Ireland Assembly to
block certain measures or          The purpose of this legislation
business. The Bill will also       is to re-emphasise that
update the Ministerial Code        setting the UK’s foreign
of Conduct with regard to the      policy is the sole responsibility
expectations of the                of the UK Government, and
behaviour of Ministers.            make clear in law that public
                                   bodies should not be pursuing
Measures to prevent UK public      their own foreign policy
bodies pursuing independent        agenda with public money.
boycotts or sanctions.             The Government’s briefing on
Legislation will be brought        the planned legislation also
forward to stop public bodies      stated that “unofficial”
from imposing their own            boycotts have been associated
approaches or views                with antisemitism in the United
concerning international           Kingdom, and cited
relations, through preventing      some examples.
Queen's Speech 2021 - SEC Newgate UK
Business and                       Skills
Investment                         The Skills and Post-16
                                   Education Bill aims to put
Innovation Strategy                employers at the heart of the
The Government has pledged         post-16 skills system through
£800 million of funding by         the Skills Accelerator, by
2024-25 for a new Advanced         enabling employers and
Research and Invention             providers to collaborate to
Agency (ARIA). The Bill will       develop plans aimed at
create ARIA as a new statutory     ensuring local provision meets
corporation to fund high-risk,     local needs. It also introduces
high-reward R&D, tolerating a      a new Lifelong Loan
high risk of failure in pursuing   Entitlement, which will give
ambitious research,                individuals access to the
development, and                   equivalent of up to four years’
exploitation. It establishes an
                                   worth of student loans for
arm’s length relationship to
Government, with the               Level 4-6 qualifications that
Secretary of State only given      they can use flexibly across
powers to dissolve ARIA after      their lifetime, at colleges as
at least 10 years.                 well as universities.
Queen's Speech 2021 - SEC Newgate UK
Employment Bill                      Business Rates
The Queen’s Speech did not           There was also no new
include the anticipated              announcements or legislation on
Employment Bill. A Government        Business Rates. The Treasury
spokesperson said: “We’re            announced in February 2021 it
committed to bringing forward an     would publish its final report on
Employment Bill to protect and       its fundamental review of business
enhance workers’ rights as we        rates in Autumn 2021. It also
build back better from the           released an interim report in
pandemic. Through this legislation   March 2021, publishing the
we are determined to build a         responses to its call for evidence.
high-skilled, high-productivity,
high-wage economy that delivers      National Insurance
on our ambition to make the UK       Contributions Bill
best-placed in the world to work     The purpose of this Bill is to help
and grow a business. We will         create jobs and promote
introduce the Employment Bill        regeneration through the              years, up to earnings of £25,000
when the time is right given the     provision of National Insurance       per annum. Freeport employers
profound effects the pandemic is     contributions relief for employers    will be able to claim this relief
having on the economy and the        of veterans, for employers in         on all new hires from April 2022.
labour market. In the meantime,      Freeports, and for the                It also provides employers with
we’re taking and have taken un-      self-employed who receive NHS         National Insurance contributions
precedented but necessary steps      Test and Trace Payments.              relief for veterans for the first 12
to support businesses and protect                                          months of their employment, up
jobs and we will continue to         The bill provides employers with a    to earnings of £50,000 per
do so.”                              relief from National Insurance        annum. This relief will be available
                                     contributions for eligible new        to employers on earnings from
                                     employees in Freeports for three      April 2021.
The Bill willtoalso
                                                                              We aim     identifyban   junkonfood
                                                                                                  and report     our carbon          thisAllyear,    thehave
                                                                                                                                             our clients    Government             will
                                                                                                                                                                a client relationship
                                                                              footprint and publish a plan for how we will               management team that will be headed by a
                                                                         adverts  before      the   9pm
                                                                              reduce and off-set our carbon output, in line          alsosenior
                                                                                                                                                 consultant (usually at MD or Directorto
                                                                                                                                                               new     legislation
                                                                              with ambitions to achieve NetZero by 2050.                 level). We have contracts and scope of work
                                                                         watershed     on TV and ban these                           reform
                                                                                                                                                        agreed  and    to address
                                                                              S172 online, a proposal
                                                                         completely                                                  theprogrammes
                                                                                                                                          wider       impact
                                                                                                                                                        which have of   the break
                                                                              The Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting)                    clauses and notice periods within them that
                                                                         previously    floated
                                                                              Regulations          in Part
                                                                                           2018 requires       One ofto
                                                                                                          SEC Newgate                pandemic          ontomental
                                                                                                                                         enables clients       change thehealth       and
                                                                                                                                                                            basis of our re-
                                                                              publish a statement explaining how the                     lationship if they wish. We also regularly hold
                                                                         the National      Food
                                                                              Directors have        Strategy
                                                                                             given due   regard for the              wellbeing.        Thewith
                                                                                                                                         review meetings        Government             will
                                                                                                                                                                  clients (at least once  a
                                                                              matters set out in section 172 (1) (a) to (f) of           quarter) to review progress against agreed
                                                                         published    in  2020.
                                                                              the Companies Act 2006 while performing                respond       to   the     consultation
                                                                                                                                         KPIs. Any changes to the service we provide  later
                                                                                their duty to promote the success of the
                                                                                Company for the benefit of its members as a
                                                                                                                                     in the
                                                                                                                                         (e.g. year,    whichprogramme
                                                                                                                                               team members,        will pave       theor
                                                                                                                                         fees) are discussed and agreed with clients
                                                                         The    Health      and
                                                                                whole (“s.172      Care Bill
                                                                                               statement”).                          waybefore
                                                                                                                                            for action
                                                                                                                                                  future      legislation.
                                                                                                                                                         is taken.
                                                                         contains      provisions
                                                                                The directors              to improve
                                                                                                of the Company      consider that         We remain fully committed to advancing
                                                                         the oversight          of   how      social
                                                                                they have responsibly and appropriately
                                                                                discharged their duties under the Companies
                                                                                                                                          Government          will reform the
                                                                                                                                            environmental, social and governance
                                                                                                                                        standards that we currently adhere to and to
                                                                         is commissioned
                                                                                Act 2006 (the “Act”),  and     delivered,
                                                                                                          including  their duty to   process
                                                                                                                                        meetingfor   detention,
                                                                                                                                                 our commercial       improve
                                                                                                                                                                 and social purpose.
                                                                                act in the way that they consider, in good
                                                                                faith, willgreater
                                                                                           be most likelyintegration
                                                                                                             to promote the          care and treatment while
                                                                                success of the Company for the benefit of
                                                                         between       health        and    care
                                                                                its members as a whole, having due regard            someone is detained, and give
                                                                         services     bysoplacing
                                                                                in doing                   Integrated
                                                                                              for the matters   set out in section
                                                                                172 (1) (a) to (f) in the Act (“s.172”).
                                                                                                                                     them better support to
                                                                         Care AsSystems         on aadvisers
                                                                                    communications        statutory
                                                                                                                  our key stake-     challenge detention if they wish.
                                                                                holders are our staff, our suppliers, our cli-
                                                                         footingentsacross        the UK. around our offices.
                                                                                      and the communities                            Reform will include limits to the
Health and                           The Bill also delivers on the             We regularly survey our staff for their opin-
                                                                               ions on the way we are conducting our
                                                                                                                                     Act for people who are autistic
social care                          Health Secretary’s plans to
                                     reduce bureaucracy in the NHS
                                                                                broadly,        the
                                                                                          and for theirQueen’s
                                                                                                        views on how we can
                                                                               do better. All decisions are taken by the
                                                                                                                                     or have learning disabilities. The
                                                                         Speech     made
                                                                               senior           noteam
                                                                                       leadership    direct
                                                                                                          in consultation with       Government will also make
The Bill represents the major        and to enable staff to spend              any affected staff members and communicat-
                                                                         reference      to  legislation        on social             improvements to how it
                                                                               ed to our people through a variety      of means:
piece of healthcare                  more time tending to patients.      care reform,       though
                                                                               All-team meetings,          the
                                                                                                     Workspace,   tribe meet-        manages offenders with acute
                                                                               ings, one-on-one meetings with managers.
legislation contained in this        As had previously been              Government          reaffirmed
                                                                               We have a relatively             itsof suppliers
                                                                                                       small group                   mental disorders, and will seek
Queen’s Speech. The purpose of       announced, the Bill will also put         who provide services in each of our countries
                                                                               of operation to    improving
                                                                                              including  media and adult
                                                                                                                     political       to address the disproportionate
the Bill is to lay the foundations   the Healthcare Safety               socialmonitoring,
                                                                                 care     andoffice supplies, catering, energy
                                                                                                 stated       that   it              number of people from BAME
                                                                               and venue services. We have contractual
for a more integrated, efficient     Investigation Branch on a           would“     bring with
                                                                               relationships   forward
                                                                                                   our suppliers and regularly       backgrounds detained under
                                                                               review their activities and the contractual
and accountable health and           statutory footing to deliver a      proposals       in 2021”.
                                                                               relationship  we have with them. The COO              the Act.
care system. It also aims to give    fully independent national body           and financial and operational managers in
                                                                               each office provide a point of contact for all
the NHS and local authorities        to investigate healthcare           Reforming         theweMental
                                                                               suppliers and       engage with them on any
                                                                               decision that will impact them or the services
the tools they need to level up      incidents.                          HealththeyAct
                                                                                     provide to SEC Newgate.

health and care outcomes across                                          Having consulted on reforms
the country.                                                             to the Mental Health Act earlier
Obesity prevention                  Developing the life
The Government also outlined        sciences sector
its plans to tackle obesity         Building on the successful
through restricting the             rollout of the vaccination
promotions on high fat, salt        programme, the Government
and sugar food and drinks in        will outline new legislation to
retailers from April 2022. The      support the UK’s status as a
Health and Care Bill will also      leader in life sciences and in
ban junk food adverts pre-9pm       pioneering new treatments
watershed on TV and a total         against diseases such as
ban online. The Government          cancer.
will introduce secondary
legislation to require large
out-of-home sector businesses
with over 250 employees to
calorie label the food they sell.

The new Office for Health
Promotion will work across
Government to improve health
and tackle issues, such
as obesity.
We aim to identify and report on our carbon               All our clients have a client relationship
                                                                          Animal    welfare
                                                                               footprint   and publish a plan for how we will          Themanagement
                                                                                                                                             Government    team thatwill  also
                                                                                                                                                                     will be     seek
                                                                                                                                                                             headed   by a
                                                                               reduce and off-set our carbon output, in line               senior consultant (usually at MD or Director
                                                                          An Action      Plan tofor
                                                                               with ambitions            Animal
                                                                                                      achieve NetZero by 2050.         to implement           the Ivory
                                                                                                                                           level). We have contracts          Act,of to
                                                                                                                                                                      and scope      work
                                                                               S172 will     set    out    the                         bancovering
                                                                                                                                             the     the agreed communications
                                                                                                                                                    dealing      of  elephant
                                                                                                                                           programmes which have relevant break
                                                                               The Companies     ambition
                                                                               Regulations 2018 requires SEC Newgate to
                                                                                                                                       ivory,   and
                                                                                                                                           clauses  andconsider       awithin
                                                                                                                                                         notice periods   banthem
                                                                                                                                                                                on thatthe
                                                                                                                                           enables clients to change the basis of our re-
                                                                          improve animal protectionhowinthe
                                                                               publish  a  statement    explaining                     sale of foie gras.
                                                                                                                                           lationship if they wish. We  also regularly hold
                                                                               Directors have given due regard for the                    review meetings with clients (at least once a
                                                                          several  different
                                                                               matters   set out in areas,      both
                                                                                                      section 172  (1) (a) for
                                                                                                                           to (f) of      quarter) to review progress against agreed
                                                                               the Companies Act 2006 while performing
                                                                          animals   in   the     wild     and    animals
                                                                               their duty to promote the success of the                NetKPIs.
                                                                                                                                                 Any changes to the service we provide
                                                                                                                                                team members, programme delivery or
                                                                          owned    domestically
                                                                               Company      for the benefitorof its members as a       As the    Government
                                                                                                                                          fees) are                  looks
                                                                                                                                                    discussed and agreed   withahead
                                                                               whole (“s.172 statement”).                                 before action is taken.
                                                                          commercially. It will also                                   to the COP26 conference to be
                                                                               The directors of the Company consider that                  We remain fully committed to advancing
                                                                               they have and      implement
                                                                                            responsibly               an
                                                                                                          and appropriately            heldthein Glasgowsocial
                                                                                                                                               environmental,   in November,
                                                                                                                                                                    and governance it
                                                                          Animal   Health
                                                                               discharged         and
                                                                                              their       Welfare
                                                                                                     duties under the Companies
                                                                               Act 2006 (the “Act”), including their duty to
                                                                                                                                            be   publishing       a  series
                                                                                                                                                     that we currently         ofand to
                                                                                                                                                                       adhere to
                                                                                                                                           meeting our commercial and social purpose.
                                                                               act in with
                                                                                      the wayindustry          to in good
                                                                                                 that they consider,                   sector strategies including its
                                                                               faith, will be most likely to promote the
                                                                               successhigher         animal
                                                                                         of the Company      for the benefit of        Heat and Buildings Strategy,
                                                                               its members as a whole, having due regard
                                                                          welfare   standards.
                                                                               in doing so for the matters set out in section          the Transport Decarbonisation
                                                                                 172 (1) (a) to (f) in the Act (“s.172”).
                                                                                 As communications advisers our key stake-
                                                                                                                                       Plan and a comprehensive
                                                                          The Government
                                                                                 holders are our staff,  will  seek toour cli-
                                                                                                           our suppliers,              Net Zero Strategy.
                                                                                 ents and the communities around our offices.
                                                                          recognise       animal         sentience
                                                                                 We regularly survey our staff for their  byopin-
                                    create an Office for Environmental
                                                                                 ions on the way we are conducting our
                                                                          introducing        the Animal Welfare
                                                                                 business and for their views on how we can
                                                                                                                                       UK Infrastructure Bank
Environment Bill                    Protection which will hold the        (Sentience)
                                                                                 do better. Bill.    The Government
                                                                                             All decisions   are taken by the
                                                                                 senior leadership team in consultation with
                                                                                                                                       The Government will launch a
The Government has carried the      Government to account for its         will also    introduce
                                                                                 any affected              an Animals
                                                                                                staff members    and communicat-       UK Infrastructure Bank later this
                                                                                 ed to our people through a variety of means:
Environment Bill over from the      environmental performance.            Abroad      Bill,   which        will  ban
                                                                                 All-team meetings, Workspace, tribe    themeet-       year and has stated that it will be
last parliamentary session, as                                            import     of
                                                                                 ings,   hunting
                                                                                       one-on-one         trophies
                                                                                                       meetings  with   from
                                                                                 We have a relatively small group of suppliers
                                                                                                                                       used to help the UK attain its Net
the pressures of the pandemic       Moreover, the Bill will introduce     endangered
                                                                                 who provideanimals           abroad,
                                                                                                services in each   of our countries    Zero goals. The Bank, which will
                                                                                 of operation including media and political
meant that there wasn’t             an Extended Producer                  and introduce           a   Kept      Animals
                                                                                 monitoring, office supplies, catering, energy         be headquartered in Leeds, is
                                                                                 and venue services. We have contractual
sufficient time for the Bill to     Responsibility regime which will      Bill which     will increase
                                                                                 relationships with our suppliers and regularly
                                                                                                                                       expected to support more than
complete its progress through       seek to create a circular             protections
                                                                                 review theirfor    animals
                                                                                               activities  and theby,   for
                                                                                                                    contractual        £40bn of investment overall.
                                                                                 relationship we have with them. The COO
Parliament.                         economy within packaging. As a        instance,     ending
                                                                                 and financial          the export
                                                                                                and operational           of in
                                                                                 each office provide a point of contact for all
                                    part of this, the Government will     live animals
                                                                                 suppliers andforwefattening         andon any
                                                                                                      engage with them
The Environment Bill will provide   introduce a mandatory recycling       slaughter,
                                                                                 decisionand       improving
                                                                                           that will  impact them or the services
                                                                                 they provide to SEC Newgate.
a legal foundation to long-term     labelling scheme and a deposit        standards in zoos.
UK environmental targets and        return scheme for drinks containers
                                                                                    We aim to contracts       will on
                                                                                               identify and report also
                                                                                                                      our be
                                                                                    footprint and publish a plan for how we will
                                                                              registered   through      a  single
                                                                                    reduce and off-set our carbon output, in line
                                                                              centralised   data to
                                                                                    with ambitions platform.
                                                                                                       achieve NetZero by 2050.

                                                                              Subsidy  Control      Bill SEC Newgate to
                                                                                       The Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting)
                                                                                  Regulations 2018 requires
                                                                              The Subsidy        Controlexplaining
                                                                                     publish a statement        Bill willhow the
                                                                                     Directors have given due regard for the
                                                                                     matters a setbespoke
                                                                                                    out in sectiondomestic
                                                                                                                     172 (1) (a) to (f) of
                                                                                     the Companies Act 2006 while performing
                                                                              state aid    regime        designed
                                                                                     their duty to promote the success     to to
                                                                                                                               of the
                                                                                       the UK’s        strategic
                                                                                                  for the  benefit ofinterests
                                                                                                                        its members as a
                                                                                     whole (“s.172 statement”).
                                                                              and to drive economic growth. The
                                                                              Bill follows    a consultation
                                                                                     The directors    of the Company     onconsider
                                                                                                                              the that
                                                                                     they have responsibly and appropriately
                                                                                       subsidytheir  system       earlier     this
                                                                                                          duties under the Companies
                                                                                     Act 2006 (the “Act”), including their duty to
                                                                              year. The     Bill will create a set of
                                                                                     act in the way that they consider, in good
                                                                              UK-widefaith,principles        thattopublic
                                                                                            will be most likely       promote the
                                                                                     success of the Company for the benefit of
                                                                              authorities     mustas follow
                                                                                     its members                    whendue regard
                                                                                                         a whole, having
                                                                              granting     subsidies.
                                                                                     in doing                It alsosetaims
                                                                                                so for the matters          out into
                                                                                     172 (1) (a) to (f) in the Act (“s.172”).
                                                                              place Asconditions
                                                                                         communications  on advisers
                                                                                                               certainour key stake-
                                                                                     holders are our staff, our suppliers, our cli-
                                                                              subsidies     which       could     potentially
                                                                                     ents and the communities around our offices.
                                                                              have aWehigh      risksurvey
                                                                                          regularly     of distorting
                                                                                                               our staff for their opin-
Beyond Brexit                          allow more public sector scope to
                                       negotiate with potential suppliers
                                                                                     ions on the way we are conducting our
                                                                              markets.     Theand
                                                                                     business      Government
                                                                                                      for their views onwillhowalso
                                                                                                                                  we can
                                                                              createdoa better.
                                                                                          new All  UK-wide        public
                                                                                                      decisions are    taken by the
                                       to deliver innovative solutions. The
Public Procurement Bill
                                                                                     senior leadership team in consultation with
                                                                                     any affected  database
                                                                                                     staff members  onand which
                                       Government says required buyers
A new Public Procurement Bill will                                            publiced   to our people will
                                                                                       authorities         through   a variety of means:
                                       will have to be in line with the              All-team meetings, Workspace, tribe meet-
replace and simplify the current                                              decisions.     The newmeetings
                                                                                     ings, one-on-one         regime   with will  be
                                       strategic priories set out in the             We have a relatively small group of suppliers
regime, derived from EU                                                       overseen      by   a   new     independent
                                                                                     who provide services in each of our countries
                                       National Procurement Policy
procurement directives, with the                                              subsidy    controlincluding
                                                                                     of operation      body. media and political
                                       Statement in February.                          monitoring, office supplies, catering, energy
aim of making it easier for new                                                        and venue services. We have contractual
                                       Government is also seeking to
entrants such as small businesses                                                      relationships with our suppliers and regularly
                                       introduce a process that allows                 review their activities and the contractual
and voluntary, charitable and social                                                   relationship we have with them. The COO
                                       authorities to buy at pace during               and financial and operational managers in
enterprises to win public contracts.
                                       crises, with strengthened                       each office provide a point of contact for all
                                                                                       suppliers and we engage with them on any
                                       safeguarding. All future                        decision that will impact them or the services
Previous EU rules will be replaced                                                     they provide to SEC Newgate.
with three ‘simple’ procedures to
Planning                           will be set at 300,000 by the
                                   mid 2020s from the current
                                   levels of 200,000. Local Plans
A Planning Bill
                                   will also have greater
Following the Government’s
                                   designation over scale, type
Planning Reform White Paper
                                   and design of developments
in August 2020 and ensuing
                                   on different land categories.
consultation, the Government
announced legislation to make
                                   The Bill is also expected to
the planning process “simpler,
                                   replace the funding systems
faster and more modern.”
                                   for affordable housing and
                                   infrastructure from
The Government’s reforms
                                   development with a more
are intended to simplify the
                                   predictable and
planning process and make it
                                   transparent levy.
harder for existing residents to
block new housing schemes,
                                   Rental reform
including the removal of the
                                   The Government announced a
second tier of objections.
                                   White Paper will be published
                                   in Autumn 2021, aiming to
Areas will be designated as
                                   “enhance the rights of those
either ‘growth’ or ‘protection’,
                                   who rent” and pledging a
giving increased significance
                                   better deal for the 4.4 million
to local plan formation in the
                                   renters in England who rent
future. House building targets
We aim to identify and report on our carbon            All our clients have a client relationship
                                                                          footprint and publish a plan for how we will           management team that will be headed by a
                                                                          reduce and off-set our carbon output, in line          senior consultant (usually at MD or Director
                                                                          with ambitions to achieve NetZero by 2050.             level). We have contracts and scope of work
                                                                                                                                 covering the agreed communications
                                                                          S172                                                   programmes which have relevant break
                                                                          The Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting)                clauses and notice periods within them that
                                                                          Regulations 2018 requires SEC Newgate to               enables clients to change the basis of our re-
                                                                          publish a statement explaining how the                 lationship if they wish. We also regularly hold
                                                                          Directors have given due regard for the                review meetings with clients (at least once a
                                                                          matters set out in section 172 (1) (a) to (f) of       quarter) to review progress against agreed
                                                                          the Companies Act 2006 while performing                KPIs. Any changes to the service we provide
homes. This White Paper will be      Leasehold Reform                     Building
                                                                          their          Safety
                                                                                duty to promote  the Bill
                                                                                                     success of the              (e.g. team members, programme delivery or
followed by legislation, but no      (Ground Rent) Bill                   Company for the benefit of its members as a
                                                                          The    Building       Safety
                                                                          whole (“s.172 statement”).       Bill will             fees) are discussed and agreed with clients
                                                                                                                                 before action is taken.
specific Bill was included in this   The new Leasehold Reform Bill is     introduce a new framework of
                                                                          The directors of the Company consider that                We remain fully committed to advancing
Queen’s Speech rather than in        intended to tackle the               building
                                                                          they              safetyand
                                                                                 have responsibly       regulations
                                                                                                            appropriately and       the environmental, social and governance
                                                                          discharged their duties under the Companies               standards that we currently adhere to and to
this parliamentary session (the      ‘inconsistency and ambiguity’ of     a new
                                                                          Act  2006 (theBuilding        Safety
                                                                                            “Act”), including        Regulator
                                                                                                                 their duty to      meeting our commercial and social purpose.
                                                                          act in the way that they consider, in good
session hasn’t happened yet).        ground rents for future leaseholds   with      the    power         to   hold
                                                                          faith, will be most likely to promote the
                                     by ending the practice of ground     developers
                                                                          success                to account.
                                                                                     of the Company      for the benefit of
                                                                          its members as a whole, having due regard
This package of reforms will         rents for new leasehold properties   in doing so for the matters set out in section
                                                                          172 (1) (a) to (f) in the Act (“s.172”).
include the results of a             in England and Wales. This will be   The
                                                                          As       existing draft
                                                                              communications       advisers Bill    outlines
                                                                                                              our key  stake-
consultation on Section 21 ‘no       accompanied by a new civil           new
                                                                          holders   measures
                                                                                     are our  staff,   such
                                                                                                     our         as
                                                                                                          suppliers, the
                                                                          ents and the communities around our offices.

fault’ evictions, introduce          penalty regime for freeholders       establishment
                                                                          We   regularly survey ourof       a for
                                                                                                        staff  New      Homes
                                                                                                                  their opin-
                                                                          ions on the way we are conducting our
proposals for a ‘lifetime deposit’   that charge ground rents in          Ombudsman
                                                                          business    and for theirandviews onthehow we can
                                                                          do better. All decisions are taken by the
and new regulations on living        contravention of the Bill.           introduction
                                                                          senior   leadership team of inan    ‘accountable
                                                                                                           consultation  with
standards, as well as restricting                                         person’
                                                                          any  affected responsible
                                                                                          staff members and for        keeping
                                                                          ed to our people through a variety of means:
the charging of ground rents on      There will be some exemptions,       residents
                                                                          All-team           safe
                                                                                      meetings,       in hightribe
                                                                                                   Workspace,       risemeet-
                                                                          ings, one-on-one meetings with managers.
new long residential leases.         particularly for parts of the        buildings.           Alongside           this,
                                                                          We have a relatively small group of suppliers     the
                                                                          who provide services in each of our countries
On social housing The                community-led housing sector,        Government confirmed its
                                                                          of operation including media and political
Government reiterated its recent     who will be able to levy ground      proposaloffice
                                                                          monitoring,        forsupplies,
                                                                                                   a newcatering,
                                                                                                               tax on       the
                                                                          and venue services. We have contractual
actions in reviewing the Decent      rent to promote community            residential           property         development
                                                                          relationships with our suppliers and regularly
                                                                          review their activities and the contractual
Homes Standards, establishing a      activities, and in relation to       sector, to
                                                                          relationship    we raise
                                                                                              have with atthem.
                                                                                                             leastThe£2COO  billion
working group on electrical          certain financial products where     to
                                                                          and  help
                                                                                financialcover       the
                                                                                           and operational   costs
                                                                          each office provide a point of contact for all

safety, and consulting on smoke      this ground rent is key, such as     removing
                                                                          suppliers    and we and
                                                                                                engage replacing
                                                                                                           with them oncladding
                                                                          decision that will impact them or the services
and carbon monoxide alarms.          equity release schemes               andprovide
                                                                          they     installation          of common
                                                                                           to SEC Newgate.
                                     and Islamic finance.                 alarm systems.
To tackle
                                                                              We aimknife        crime
                                                                                        to identify         andonyouth
                                                                                                      and report      our carbon      hadAllpreviously
                                                                                                                                             our clients havebeen          proposed
                                                                                                                                                                 a client relationship
                                                                              footprint and publish a plan for how we will                management team that will be headed by a
                                                                              reducethe       Bill will
                                                                                       and off-set          giveoutput,
                                                                                                      our carbon     the in line      in the   Prison
                                                                                                                                          senior  consultantand     Courts
                                                                                                                                                               (usually  at MD orBill,
                                                                                 new       powers
                                                                                    ambitions            to NetZero
                                                                                                 to achieve   stop and   by 2050.     which
                                                                                                                                          level).fell  with
                                                                                                                                                  We have       the
                                                                                                                                                             contracts dissolution       of
                                                                                                                                                                         and scope of work
                                                                                                                                          covering the agreed communications
                                                                        searchS172those convicted of knife                            Parliament
                                                                                                                                          programmesaheadwhich have   ofrelevant
                                                                                                                                                                           the 2017
                                                                              The Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting)                     clauses and notice periods within them that
                                                                        and weapons
                                                                              Regulations 2018 offences.
                                                                                                     requires SECPolice,
                                                                                                                    Newgate to        general
                                                                                                                                                    clients to change the basis of our re-
                                                                        local authorities
                                                                              publish a statement   and    otherhow the
                                                                                                       explaining                        lationship if they wish. We also regularly hold
                                                                              Directors have given due regard for the                    review meetings with clients (at least once a
                                                                              matterswill     also
                                                                                        set out        have172a (1)new
                                                                                                  in section          (a) to (f) of   Violence
                                                                                                                                         quarter) toagainst      Women
                                                                                                                                                      review progress against and
                                                                        legal the
                                                                               duty     to
                                                                                   Companies  work      together
                                                                                                   Act 2006
                                                                              their duty to promote the success of the
                                                                                                              while performing        Girls  Strategy
                                                                                                                                         KPIs.  Any changes/to Draft    Victims
                                                                                                                                                                the service          Bill
                                                                                                                                                                            we provide
                                                                                                                                         (e.g. team members, programme delivery or
                                                                        address     the for
                                                                              Company       root     causes
                                                                                               the benefit   of itsof
                                                                                                                   members as a       Thefees)
                                                                                                                                           Police,      Crime,
                                                                                                                                               are discussed       Sentencing
                                                                                                                                                              and agreed  with clients
                                                                              whole (“s.172 statement”).                                 before action is taken.
                                                                        serious    violence and intervene                             and Courts Bill will also act as
                                                                              TheThe       Billofhas
                                                                                   directors             already
                                                                                                   the Company         been
                                                                                                                   consider   that    theWe
                                                                                                                                          legislative      vehicletofor
                                                                                                                                             remain fully committed    advancing
                                                                              they have responsibly and appropriately                    the environmental, social and governance
                                                                        introduced         in  the     House       and
                                                                              discharged their duties under the Companies             proposals     to   tackle    violence
                                                                                                                                         standards that we currently adhere to and to
                                                                        cameAct under
                                                                                   2006 (theintense        scrutiny
                                                                                                “Act”), including   their duty to
                                                                              act in the way that they consider, in good
                                                                                                                                         meetingwomen        andand
                                                                                                                                                  our commercial    girls.

                                                                        following     clashes
                                                                              faith, will             at the
                                                                                           be most likely         Clapham
                                                                                                           to promote     the         Queen’s Speech highlighted the
                                                                              success of the Company for the benefit of
                                                                        Common        vigil     held      in  memory
                                                                              its members as a whole, having due regard               Government’s commitments to
                                                                        of Sarah     Everard
                                                                              in doing    so for thein   March
                                                                                                      matters  set out2021,
                                                                                                                        in section    publishing a refreshed
                                                                              172 (1) (a) to (f) in the Act (“s.172”).
                                                                        highlighting         the    police      powers
                                                                              As communications advisers our key stake-               Violence Against Women and
                                                                                would         bestaff,
                                                                                        are our     changed          byour
                                                                                                        our suppliers,     thecli-    Girls Strategy following a
Justice and                        Police, Crime, Sentencing and              ents and the communities around our offices.
                                                                        new Bill    with regards
                                                                              We regularly                  to for their opin-
                                                                                               survey our staff                       consultation which closed in
                                   Courts Bill
Home Affairs
                                                                              ions on the way we are conducting our
                                                                        peaceful     protests.
                                                                              business    and for their views on how we can           February 2021. This aims to
                                   The Police, Crime, Sentencing              do better. All decisions are taken by the               better protect women and
                                   and Courts Bill increases police     Criminal    Justice staff Catch-up
                                                                              senior leadership team in consultation with
                                                                                                                                      improve outcomes for rape
In keeping with the overall        powers to break up protests
                                                                              any affected        members and communicat-
                                                                        and Recovery         Plan
                                                                              ed to our people    through a variety of means:         cases by conducting an end-to-
theme of ‘Building Back’, the      (including by imposing noise               All-team meetings, Workspace, tribe meet-
                                                                        Building     on the modernisation
                                                                              ings, one-on-one    meetings with managers.             end review of the criminal justice
Justice and Home Affairs           and time limits), increases          effortsWe  have a relatively small group of suppliers
                                                                                 implemented             during the                   response to rape. That review is
proposals in the Queen’s Speech    sentences for serious sexual and           who provide services in each of our countries
                                                                        pandemic,       theincluding
                                                                              of operation     Police,     Crime,
                                                                                                        media and political           due this summer.
were packaged under the            violent offenders, and                     monitoring, office supplies, catering, energy
                                                                        Sentencing       and     Courts      Bill
banner of ‘Building Back Safer’,   doubles the maximum sentence
                                                                              and venue services. We have contractual
                                                                        includes    specific
                                                                              relationships        provisions
                                                                                            with our  suppliers andtoregularly
and focussed on protecting         for assaulting emergency                   review their activities and the contractual
                                                                        reform    the criminal
                                                                              relationship we have withjustice
                                                                                                          them. The COO
UK citizens.                       services workers. It also seeks to         and financial and operational managers in
                                                                        system    in relation to speeding
                                                                              each office provide a point of contact for all
                                   modernise courts and reform the      up cases,     simplifying
                                                                              suppliers and we engageprocesses
                                                                                                          with them on any
                                   bail system to better protect              decision that will impact them or the services
                                                                        and enabling        more       electronically
                                                                              they provide to SEC Newgate.
                                   vulnerable victims and               supported hearings and
                                   witnesses.                           plea-entries. These provisions
the new
                                                                                We aimlegislation
                                                                                         to identify andaims     toour carbon
                                                                                                          report on                   Conversion           Therapy
                                                                                                                                          All our clients have   a client relationship
                                                                                footprint and publish a plan for how we will              management team that will be headed by a
                                                                                reducethe     asylum
                                                                                        and off-set        system,
                                                                                                     our carbon  output, in line      Thesenior
                                                                                                                                            Government              also
                                                                                                                                                  consultant (usually   at MD or Director
                                                                          tackling    criminal
                                                                                with ambitions      smuggling
                                                                                                to achieve   NetZero by 2050.         announced
                                                                                                                                          level). We have to   ban
                                                                                                                                                             contracts conversion
                                                                                                                                                                        and scope of work
                                                                                                                                          covering the agreed communications
                                                                                S172and strengthening
                                                                          networks                                                    therapy.
                                                                                                                                          programmesIn March
                                                                                                                                                         which have  2021
                                                                                                                                                                       relevant break
                                                                                The Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting)                   clauses and notice periods within them that
                                                                          removal     powers
                                                                                Regulations   2018 against
                                                                                                    requires SECthose
                                                                                                                  Newgate to          Minister      for Women
                                                                                                                                          enables clients   to change the& basis of our re-
                                                                          who enter
                                                                                publish athe    UK illegally,
                                                                                           statement  explaining howwhich
                                                                                                                        the           Equalities,
                                                                                                                                          lationship if Liz   Truss,
                                                                                                                                                        they wish.       confirmed
                                                                                                                                                                     We also  regularly hold
                                                                                Directors have given due regard for the                   review meetings with clients (at least once a
                                                                          will make
                                                                                mattersthem       ineligible
                                                                                         set out in section 172 (1) (a) to (f) of     thequarter)
                                                                                                                                           Government              wasagainst agreed
                                                                                                                                                    to review progress
                                                                          for asylum.
                                                                                the Companies Act 2006 while performing
                                                                                their duty to promote the success of the
                                                                                                                                          KPIs. Any changesplansto theto   prohibit
                                                                                                                                                                        service  we provide
                                                                                                                                          (e.g. team members, programme delivery or
                                                                                  Company for the benefit of its members as a         thefees)
                                                                                                                                           practice.        Following
                                                                                                                                                are discussed                  a clients
                                                                                                                                                                 and agreed with
                                                                                whole (“s.172 statement”).                                before action is taken.
                                                                          The Queen’s         Speech made                             consultation,          the ban will be
                                                                          separate     provisions
                                                                                The directors               to help
                                                                                                of the Company            thethat
                                                                                                                     consider         introduced
                                                                                                                                          We remain fullyin committed
                                                                                                                                                                          to advancing
                                                                                they have responsibly and appropriately                   the environmental, social and governance
                                                                          UK attract      and     retain      the    most
                                                                                discharged their duties under the Companies           legislation.
                                                                                                                                          standards that we currently adhere to and to
                                                                                     2006 (the globally         mobile
                                                                                                 “Act”), including    their duty to
                                                                                act in the way that they consider, in good
                                                                                                                                           meeting our commercial and social purpose.

                                                                                  in science,          research
                                                                                       will be most likely   to promote andthe        The ban is set to include both
                                                                                success of the Company for the benefit of
The Bill will bring forward plans     better informed, referrals to       technology         to  support         the
                                                                                its members as a whole, having due regard             sexuality and gender identity.
to support victims by helping         organisations supporting victims    post-pandemic
                                                                                in doing so for the recovery
                                                                                                        matters set and
                                                                                                                     out in section   The accompanying consultation
                                                                                172 (1) (a) to (f) in the Act (“s.172”).
the police better manage those        and opportunities to engage in      stimulate     the    UK’s      long-term
                                                                                As communications advisers our key stake-             will seek views to ensure that
who pose a risk of sexual harm        court proceedings in the hope       growth.     These
                                                                                holders   are ourwill
                                                                                                   staff, be
                                                                                                          our suppliers, our cli-     the ban can address the practice
                                                                                ents and the communities around our offices.
and further protect the public,       they will increase the number of    implemented           via the
                                                                                We regularly survey           Skills
                                                                                                         our staff      foropin-
                                                                                                                   for their          while protecting the medical
including by requiring                successful prosecutions.            Jobs ions
                                                                                White on the way we are conducting our
                                                                                business     Paper
                                                                                           and  for theirand
                                                                                                                  on how we can       profession, defending freedom
perpetrators to attend                                                    Professional
                                                                                do better. AllQualifications
                                                                                                decisions are taken by   Bill,
                                                                                                                            the       of speech, and upholding
                                      Immigration Legislation
                                                                                senior leadership team in consultation with
behavioural change                                                        whichanywill   create
                                                                                     affected          a newand
                                                                                               staff members       bespoke
                                                                                                                       communicat-    religious freedom. Measures for
programmes or to wear an              While the new points-based          framework
                                                                                ed to ourfor     the
                                                                                            people       UK
                                                                                                      through  to
                                                                                                               a variety of means:    the creation of a new support
                                                                                All-team meetings, Workspace, tribe meet-
electronic tag. Building on the       immigration system following        recognise      professional
                                                                                ings, one-on-one      meetings with managers.         fund, offering substantial help
Domestic Abuse Bill’s provisions,     the UK’s exit from the EU has             We have a relatively small group of suppliers
                                                                          qualifications        from      across the
                                                                                who provide services in each of our countries
                                                                                                                                      to LGBTQ+ people impacted by
the Government also announced         already gone live, measures will    worldofto    ensure
                                                                                    operation        employers
                                                                                               including                 can
                                                                                                            media and political       conversion therapy, have also
                                                                                monitoring, office supplies, catering, energy
it will publish a Domestic Abuse      be brought forward to establish     access    professionals            where
                                                                                and venue services. We have contractual  there        been announced.
Strategy focusing on prevention,      “a fairer immigration system that   are UK    shortages.
                                                                                relationships  with our suppliers and regularly
                                                                                review their activities and the contractual
accompanied by £25 million of         strengthens the United                      relationship we have with them. The COO
investment. A separate Victims        Kingdom’s borders and deters                and financial and operational managers in
                                                                                  each office provide a point of contact for all
Bill – following consultation later   criminals who facilitate                    suppliers and we engage with them on any
                                                                                  decision that will impact them or the services
this year - will enable rights from   dangerous and illegal journeys.”            they provide to SEC Newgate.
the new Victims’ Code to be           Building on the New Plan for
brought onto a legal basis            Immigration which was
including victims remaining           consulted on earlier this year,
If you have any questions or would like to
discuss how the measures announced in the
Queen’s Speech affect your organisation,
please contact:

You can also read