North American Lookbook 2022

North American Lookbook 2022
North American Lookbook 2022
North American Lookbook 2022
Weymouth, Massachusetts
To create the desired aesthetic, Trespa®
cladding was one of a few main materials
chosen for the library’s exterior. Both Pura®
NFC by Trespa and Trespa® Meteon® were
incorporated into the design to create a            PU17
geometric form.                                   Aged Ash

                                     NW22            PU22
                   Trespa Meteon Slate Wood
                         ®         ®            Slate Ebony

             For more information, visit www. PURA-NFC.COM
North American Lookbook 2022
Clinton, Washington

An oceanfront Washington home needed exterior
products that could hold up to the elements,
particularly the frequent exposure to salt water.
The goal was to build a legacy home that would
last for generations.

                                                    Royal Mahogany
                                                        Made to order

             For more information, visit www. PURA-NFC.COM
North American Lookbook 2022
Thornton, Colorado
                                    Fire Station

“Being in Colorado, we have to
worry about sun and wind

- Brad Bonnet, Allred & Associates.                  PU08
                                             Romatic Walnut
Knowing natural wood may not
stand up to the elements, the team
selected Pura® NFC because it is
low maintenance, long-lasting and
readily available.
                                               Mystic Cedar

             For more information, visit www. PURA-NFC.COM
North American Lookbook 2022
Lewisville, Texas

“This was a challenging project with
many different types of installations
from walls to soffits and more.
All in all, the Pura® NFC siding
installation went smoothly.”

- Chris Grisolia,
 Vaden’s Acoustics & Drywall, Inc.                       PU04
                                                Royal Mahogany
                                                    Made to order

              For more information, visit www. PURA-NFC.COM
North American Lookbook 2022
Evergreen, Colorado

“The homeowners love the
aesthetic and how the Trespa®
products completely transformed
the exterior look and feel of their                  PU28
home.”                                        Siberian Larch

- Jonathan Coppin, Elemental Homes

                                                 Slate Ebony

             For more information, visit www. PURA-NFC.COM
North American Lookbook 2022
Windsor, Connecticut
                                  Office Building

Pura® NFC created a distinctive,
long-lasting exterior to retrofit a
1960’s building.

                                           Romantic Walnut

             For more information, visit www. PURA-NFC.COM
North American Lookbook 2022
Dallas, Texas

                                           Aged Ash

              Pura® NFC by Trespa offered the desired
             aesthetic and created a warm, welcoming
                exterior. Low maintenance as a benefit
                                 of using the product.

For more information, visit www. PURA-NFC.COM
North American Lookbook 2022
Seattle, Washington

Compared to alternative siding
materials, Pura® NFC created a
much warmer look - one that
blended seamlessly with brick.

                                               Slate Ebony

            For more information, visit www. PURA-NFC.COM
North American Lookbook 2022
Aspen, Colorado

“In Colorado, there is usually lots of
sun, periods of dry, and sometimes
wildfires, so we have to consider
all of those things when we design.
We chose Pura® NFC for
sustainability, durability and
weather resistance.”

- Charles Cunniffe,
 Charles Cunniffe Architects
                                                 Classic Oak

            For more information, visit www. PURA-NFC.COM
Eastham, Massachusetts

The client tasked Studio Troika to design a house that
would stand out as a statement piece – not look like
every other one in the neighborhood.
An exterior commonly designed for the Cape would
likely need to be repainted or stained every few years.
Instead, Pura® NFC by Trespa was selected.

                                                          Royal Mahogany
                                                              Made to order

              For more information, visit www. PURA-NFC.COM
East Hampton, New York                  Tiburon, California

              East Hampton, New York   Santa Cruz, California                    San Diego, California

                                                     For more information, visit www. PURA-NFC.COM
For more information about Pura® NFC specification, samples and more,
                         contact your Trespa sales representative or local distributor or visit

Disclaimer: The disclaimer that follows is a summary of the applicable full disclaimer (which can   Trespa reserves the right to change (the specifications for) its products without prior notice. To
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                                                                                                    tional B.V. ). All oral and written statements, offers, quotations, sales, supplies, deliveries and/
                                                                                                    or agreements and all related work of Trespa North America, Ltd. are governed by the Trespa
The document does not contain any design, structural calculation, estimate or other warranty        North America General Terms and Conditions of Sale, which can be found on and downloaded
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                                                                                                    All intellectual property rights and other rights regarding the content of this document (including
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                                                                                                    date information.
Brochure code EN-US7062
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