News - Prairie South School ...

Page created by Karen Snyder
News - Prairie South School ...
September 2021

   1. There will be a bit of a change to Prairie South’s Student Career News. Often, updates from post-
      secondary institutions and other organizations are sent at all times of the month. To keep up to
      date, this year, the Career News will be updated throughout the month as news or updates
      come in, and the latest version will be up on the Student Career News section of the Prairie
      South Website.

   2. Career Fairs:
        a. The Assiniboia and District Career and Business Expo will be happening on Friday,
            September 17, from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm at the Prince of Wales Centre. This is one of the
            first in-person career fairs of the season. Contact Nicole Batty (306-640-8305).

         b. See Your Future will take place Nov. 2 in Regina, from 9:45 – 3:00 pm. Contact

   3. Post-Secondary Prerequisites (on the Prairie South Website) can assist students as they choose
      classes and plan their post-secondary education. These lists inform students of the prerequisite
      requirements for the University of Saskatchewan, University of Regina & Saskatchewan
      Polytechnic. On the division website, check out the Credit Tracking handout, which allows
      students to map out their credits accordingly with the Ministry of Education’s requirements.

   4. University of Regina, University of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Polytechnic health and
      dental plans are automatically applied to student fees in the fall. Students can opt out of them
      by providing proof that they are covered by an equivalent plan. This can provide a savings of
      about $250. To opt out, complete the appropriate form in September: U of R, U of S, &
      Saskatchewan Polytechnic. For other schools please visit or by calling the
      institution directly.

   5. MyBlueprint is a one stop career development website with many unique and valuable features
      related to career development for middle years and high school students. Students can create
      an account, track credits, take interest/skill-based inventories, explore and compare different
      careers, explore post-secondary opportunities, and access employer information. Check sign
      instructions here.

   6. Junior Achievement: There are several JA kits up for grabs. First come, first served. Please
      contact Jeff Feeley if you wish to get your free kit.

   7. Relevance: Career Options for Your Future Magazine was sent to all PSSD high schools and K-
      12s. Please see your administrator or career counsellor. This is an annual magazine providing
      career and labour market information to Saskatchewan youth, as well as helpful hints, post-
      secondary guidance, and scholarship opportunities. A digital version can be viewed or
      downloaded to your computer or device.
8. The online Student Loan application for fall 2021 available. For more information contact, 306-787-5620 or 1-800-597-8278. Keep watching the site for updates.
      To assist in preparing to apply for student loans, please visit the Student Loan Application page
      to familiarize yourself with the process.

   9. Interested in the RCMP? Read through the application requirements. Attending a virtual
      recruiting event is one of the steps towards becoming a member.

   10. The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour offers 1 ½ -2-hour virtual presentations of the Ready
       for Work Program. If you are teaching CWEX and want to set up a presentation, please
       contact Taylor Apperley (306-924-8579).

   11. The Saskatchewan Safety Council offers free programs 75 minutes to four hours for students
       ages 14-21. These include Hearing Protection, Fall Protection, and Respiratory Protection.
       Students who have Career Safety Education training can click the Login button on this page
       and enter the email address they used for SCE in the User Name field, then click “Forgot your
       password?” Once they have a new password, they can login with it and take the training.
       Anyone else can follow the directions on that page. If your students would benefit from some
       other type of safety training, contact the Safety Council and let them know what you would like
       to see them offer.

   12. Prairie South Career and Work Exploration (CWEX) Teachers:
   a) There is a new curriculum for CWEX 10, 20, A30 and B30 this year. Do not use the old curriculum.
   b) Please contact Jeff Feeley if you require CWEX Employer Folders, a CWEX binder, or support for
       first-time CWEX teachers.
   c) CWEX calendars are ready to go on Connect.
   d) To assist in keeping students safe, attached is an updated version of the Pre-Placement Health
       and Safety Checklist. Please destroy all old versions and use this updated version, as it contains
       important questions about the employer’s COVID-19 preparations.

Work Placements for Career and Work Exploration Courses: All learning opportunities—whether in the
classroom or in a work setting—must be supported by the direction and guidelines provided by the
Chief Medical Health Officer and Re-Open Saskatchewan. Virtual/online options for work placements
as part of career and work exploration courses can be considered and explored as long as the
curriculum can be actualized. For each level of Career and Work Exploration 10, 20, A30, B30, the
number of hours to be spent in the workplace is offered as a range; schools may wish to consider
supporting the minimum number of hours in the range at each level, as outlined below and based on
the 2020 curriculum:

   •   10 level – 30-50 hours (50-70 in classroom);
   •   20 level – 50-70 hours (30-50 in classroom);
   •   30 levels – 60-80 hours (20-40 in classroom).

As a reminder, biological (e.g., viruses, fungi, bacteria and mold) is one of the five major categories of
hazards. Teachers or those with the responsibility for establishing work placements within the community
must conduct a pre-placement visit to inspect each workplace for health and safety and to discuss
each work-based learning opportunity with the employer. Workplaces being considered for student
placements should provide documented evidence (e.g., a plan) of their compliance with the direction
provided in the current Public Health Order as well as any restrictions or guidelines found in the Reopen
Saskatchewan document available at for that type of workplace. Student
safety must remain at the forefront. Students will be required to follow the highest safety protocol in
place (e.g., if a school division expects masks in the school, students would be expected to follow those
same expectations, regardless of location, if they are at a higher standard). Please direct health-related
questions to Public Health.

    Post- Secondary Information

•    New Student Orientation is an online session you can take to learn everything you need to know
     about Sask Polytechnic.
•    The Fall 2021 page provides more information about the latest updates on fall program status,
     campus access, safety measures, and FAQs.
•    Sask Polytech is offering a number of events for students including online career planning, mental
     health and wellness, using a variety of computer programs, and more.
•    The fall Open House will be Oct. 25-28. The counsellors update will be Oct. 5 and 6. Stay tuned for
     more information.
•    Dual Credits are possible in the following Sask Polytechnic/High School course combinations.
             o Take Psychology 30 and receive credit for Early Childhood Education 106-Dynamics of
                Play 1. (Sept. 13-Dec. 17, $495)
             o Take Health, Safety and Nutrition 30L and receive credit for Early Childhood Education
                142-Health, Safety and Nutrition. (Sept. 13-Dec. 17, $495)
             o Take Child Guidance 1 30L and receive credit for Child Guidance 1 (HUMD-183). (Sept.
                13-Jan. 7, $560)
•    All of the ECE courses are required for ECE 1 Certification, which is entry level for working full-time at
     a licensed daycare.
•    High School Teachers interested in offering Saskatchewan Polytechnic dual credit in your school?
     See the Ministry of Education Dual Credit (pdf) for more information.

     They invite students to experience the beginning of their careers in animations, actors,
     broadcasters, web developers, game artists, photographers, and visual effects pros. There are
     numerous programs available. Contact them at 800-396-2787.

•    A new program at GPRC is sponsored by Finning, Caterpillar’s largest dealership worldwide.
     ThinkBIG offers a two-year diploma (80 weeks) that includes five blocks 16 weeks in length divided
     into eight weeks of classroom theory and labs on campus, followed by a paid eight-week
     practicum at a Finning location. The best part is that the tuition is paid by Finning. Employment is
     not guaranteed, but students who successfully complete the program will have a great chance at
     a job with Finning. Check out the promotional video for more information.

•    The U of R Virtual Guidance Counsellor Update will be held Friday, September 17 at 9:30 am.
•    Fall Open House will be Oct. 16 at 9:00 am.
•    Early Admission Days for high school students will be Oct. 16-28.
•    Check out the Ask a Recruiter Drop-in Sessions each Tuesday from 11:30-1:00 to chat with a
     member of the Recruitment Team and get all your questions answered.
•    Students can take many courses in their own communities or from their homes through the Flexible
     Learning Division fall courses.
•       Open House will take place virtually on Saturday, October 23 from 1:00-4:00 pm. Keep an eye on
        their website for more information to be posted as it is available.
•       A new career counselling tool for high school students is available to help determine what they
        want to do after grade 12. USASKSparks is a webinar series to help students discover their passions
        and explore problems they would like to solve in their career. Follow up opportunities to meet with
        advisors to explore post-secondary options are available. Webinar times vary.

•      Vancouver Acting School has Business Training and Career planning to hands on training from
       professionals. Full time and part time courses are available. Contact 604-564-7242 for more

•     Applications open on Oct. 1 for winter and fall of 2022.
•     Oct. 25-29 is Student for a Day Week. Contact Alison Pfeifer to register.
•     Annual Open House will be Nov. 2, 2021. Keep an eye on their website for more information.
•     Counsellors, remember that you can schedule a presentation for grade 11 students. Contact
      Alison Pfeifer.

                Upcoming Events

    Sept. 17     Assiniboia and District Career and Business Expo 10:00 am to 2:30          Prince of Wales,
                 pm. Contact Nicole Batty (306-640-8305).                                         Assiniboia

    Sept. 17     U of R Virtual Guidance Counsellor Update (9:30 am)

    Oct. 5, 6    Sask Polytech Guidance Counsellor Update. Stay tuned for more                        virtual

    Oct. 16      U of R Open House 9:00 am. Stay tuned for more info.

    Oct. 16-28    U of R Early Admission Days for high school students. Stay tuned
                  for more info.

    Oct. 23      U of S Open House 1:00-4:00 pm. Stay tuned for more info.                            virtual

    Oct. 25-38   Sask Polytechnic’s Annual Open House. Stay tuned for more info.

    Oct. 25-29   Medicine Hat College's Student for a Day Week.                           Medicine Hat, AB

    Nov. 2       Medicine Hat College's Open House.                                       Medicine Hat, AB

    Nov. 2       See Your Future 9:45 – 3:00 pm. Contact 306.260.1314.                               Regina

    Scholarship Spotlight
Scholar Tree is a fantastic aggregator of a wide variety of scholarships. Register with the organization to
access many different scholarships and receive emails about upcoming scholarships. Similar services are
provided by Student Awards, Scholarships Canada,, and Atila .

mycampusGPS is a resource to assist students with numerous issues related to scholarships, post-
secondary planning, how to be successful after grade 12, and more. Some of these resources are free
and some require payment.

Relevance Magazine is available as a digital download. On page 20 you will find many scholarships.
Links to these scholarships are available (and clickable) for easy access.

The Education Planning and Student Aid site from the Government of Canada gives many useful tools for
students and parents to access, regarding planning for an education, saving, budget, and exploring
student aid and career options.

Canada Student Grants and Loans – What student grants and loans offer will provide information on
applying for student loans. Saskatchewan residents will want to look at our Saskatchewan section when
looking to apply. Please contact or call 1-800-597-8278 for more information.

Check out the Gabriel Dumont Institute Scholarships for funding and scholarships for Metis students.

The Education Planning and Student Aid page from the Government of Canada gives many useful tools
for students and parents to access, regarding planning for an education, saving, budget, and exploring
student aid and career options.

The Scholarship and Loans section of the PSSD website has some documents to assist you in your
scholarship search such as scholarship cover letter examples, a downloadable organizer, and
financial/scholarship information including:

   •   Post-Secondary Finances
   •   Scholarship Search Engines
   •   Post-Secondary Institution Scholarship Links

 Due Date         Scholarship           Amount                              Criteria

 Sept. 1      Melissa Weekes        $750 x 5         → Write a social media post of over 1000 words
              Business &                                on the topic: How Digital Marketing will
              Marketing                                 change in the 2020s.
              Scholarship                             → Complete an online application form.

 Sept. 3      HowToSaveMoney       • $2000            → Must be in second year of post-secondary.
              2021 Scholarship                        → Write essay of at least 500 words about your
              Canada                                    relationship with money.

 Sept. 27     Atlas Shrugged       • $500- x 5        → Based on the Ayn Rand, answer one of three
              Essay Contest        • 2500 x 3           essay questions in 800-1600 words.
                                   • $10,000 x 1
Sept. 30      Test Preparation    • $1000            → Submit 700-word essay or short video on your
              Inc. Scholarship                         best test preparation method or best study skill.

All Year      CWB Welding         • Various          → Must be accepted into a full-time welding
(check        Foundation            Amounts            program for post-secondary.
website for   Awards              • Apply early as   → Complete online form
specific                            funds are        → Provide 2 references.
dates)                              limited.         → Include current transcript verification report
                                                       with grade 11-12 marks highlighted (school
                                                       report transcript is fine)
                                                     → Letter of recommendation relating to your
                                                       welding activities.
                                                     → Acceptance letter to post-secondary institution
                                                     → 500-word essay (details on site under

Sept. 30      SGI Anniversary     • $2500 x 8        → Must be a child/legal dependant of an
              Scholarships                             employee of SGI, SGI CANADA or Coachman.
                                                     → Demonstrate contributions to community,
                                                       extracurricular activities or commitments made
                                                       in balancing work, education, and home
                                                     → Have a minimum average of 70%.
Sept. 30      SGI Corporate       • $2500 x 14       → Prove you are enrolled full-time in an
              Scholarships                             undergraduate certificate, diploma, or degree
                                                       program related to the business needs of SGI
                                                       CANADA at an accredited post-secondary
                                                       campus in Saskatchewan, Alberta, British
                                                       Columbia, Manitoba, or Ontario.
                                                     → Demonstrate contributions to community,
                                                       extracurricular activities or commitments made
                                                       in balancing work, education, and home
                                                     → Have a minimum average of 70%.
Sept. 30      Food for Thought    • $2000 draw       → Complete an online form.
Oct. 1        Corporate Culture   • $1000            → Listen to a podcast and elaborate on your
              Scholarship                              idea of ideal corporate culture from your
                                                       future employer. Provide your personal
Oct. 8        AES Engineering     • $500             → Answer the following in a 500–1000-word essay:
              Scholarship                              When you look back at your life in 30 years,
                                                       what would it take for you to consider your life
                                                       successful? What relationships or
                                                       accomplishments will be important on this
Oct. 13      Loran Award         • 30 X $9,000        → Applicants must have a minimum average of
(all apps)                         + tuition waiver     85%.
                                     54 X $5000       → Selection criteria include service and
                                 • 50 X $2,000          leadership, strong moral character and
                                                        demonstrated academic excellence.
Oct. 15      Morehead-Cain       • Four year          → Leaders with an ability to influence, energize,
             Scholarship           fully funded         and inspire others to make an impact.
                                   university         → Must be nominated by a teacher or principal.
                                   degree             → Must apply to the University of North Carolina
                                                        at Chapel Hill.
Oct. 26      Horatio Alger       • 160 X $5000        → Applicants must demonstrate critical financial
             Canadian                                   need, be involved in co-curricular/community
             Scholarships                               service activities and display integrity and
                                                        perseverance in overcoming adversity.
Nov. 1       Indspire Awards:    • Various            → These bursaries and scholarships are for
Aug. 1       Building Brighter     amounts              Indigenous students.
Feb. 1       Futures                                  → Students can apply for various financial
                                                        awards depending on their area of study.
Nov. 13      TD Scholarships     • 20 X up to         → Must demonstrate consistent and outstanding
             for Community         $70,000              dedication in solving a community problem or
             Leadership                                 in making it a better place.
                                                      → This scholarship rewards students who have
                                                        shown leadership in the areas of local
                                                        employment programs, environmental
                                                        cleanup, support group creation, and family
                                                      → Call 1-800-308-8306 for more information.
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