GO Konstanz March 2019 - Programme 5 - 29 March 2019 German Intensive Language Course and Orientation Programme - Universität Konstanz

Page created by Michele Harper
GO Konstanz March 2019 - Programme 5 - 29 March 2019 German Intensive Language Course and Orientation Programme - Universität Konstanz

 German Intensive Language Course and Orientation Programme
 Programme 5 – 29 March 2019

 – uni.kn/en/international
GO Konstanz March 2019 - Programme 5 - 29 March 2019 German Intensive Language Course and Orientation Programme - Universität Konstanz
GO-Konstanz March 2019

Coordinator Orientation Programme
Frank E. Lutzenberger, International Office
Room: G 420
Office hours (6.–29.3.): Mon–Fri 10.30–11.00
Office hours (1.–12.4.): Mon–Fri 10.30–11.00, 12.30–13.30
Closed: 3.4.
Phone: +49 7531 88-2799
Fax:     +49 7531 88-3995
E-mail: international.incoming@uni-konstanz.de
– uni.kn/en/international

Room: G 302
International Office Tutors
Office hours (1.3.–12.4.): Mon–Fri 12.30–13.30
Closed: 29.3.
E-mail: tutoriat.international@uni-konstanz.de
– uni.kn/en/international-office/study-in-konstanz/advising-
Free internet access, copies, prints, scans available
Open (6.–29.3.): Mon–Fri 10.30–11.00
and during office hours of tutors (see above)

Coordinator German Language Courses (DaF)
Rainer Rothenhäusler, Language Institute (SLI)
Room: D 709
Office hours: Observe notice displayed on door
E-mail: rainer.rothenhaeusler@uni-konstanz.de
– sli.uni-konstanz.de/en

Student Housing
Room: K 304–307
Office hours: Mon–Thu 9.00–12.00, 13.00–15.00,
Fri 9.00–12.00
E-mail: studentisches.wohnen@seezeit.com
Rent and Deposit
Room: K 308
Office hours: Mon–Fri 9.00–12.00
E-mail: lisa.wilske@seezeit.com
– seezeit.com/en

GO Konstanz March 2019 - Programme 5 - 29 March 2019 German Intensive Language Course and Orientation Programme - Universität Konstanz
GO-Konstanz March 2019

German Intensive Language Course

Language Courses (6.–29.3.):

Every Monday to Friday from 9.00–10.30 and 11.00–12.30.
4 academic hours of classes on aggregate in the afternoon
(Mon 11.3. and/or Mon 25.3.).
In total 76 academic hours/teaching units, each 45min.

Aims and Contents

Grundstufe (beginner)
Introduction to linguistic skills and structures which are useful in everyday life
including German culture.

Mittelstufe (intermediate level) and Oberstufe (advanced level)
More advanced language skills, preparation for linguistically challenging tasks (news-
paper reading, writing, discussions, etc.), and improvement of academic language

Credits and Requirements
A certificate of completion will be assigned with up to 6 ECTS credits.
Requirements are regular and active participation, homework and test(s).
6 ECTS (absence of up to 6 teaching units, each 45 min)
4 ECTS (absence of 7-12 teaching units, each 45 min - with doctor's certificate)
0 ECTS (absence of more than 12 teaching units, each 45 min)

Teacher                                                       Group             Room
Heike Hering                                                     A              H 303
Uta Mekelburger-Mutz                                             B              H 304
Rainer Holzherr (1st half)
                                                                 C              H 305
Flavia Cîrlan (2nd half)
Hannah Bauersachs (1st half)
                                                                 D              H 306
Jana Marková (2nd half)
Karin Kuberczyk                                                  E              G 304
Ingrid Spitzner (1st half)
                                                                 F              G 305
Alina Timofte (2nd half)
Sophia Zinke (1st half)
                                                                 G              G 306
Maximilian Gaar (2nd half)
Nicolas B. Ege                                                   H              G 307

GO Konstanz March 2019 - Programme 5 - 29 March 2019 German Intensive Language Course and Orientation Programme - Universität Konstanz
GO-Konstanz March 2019

Orientation Programme

     Free German bank account (overview):

                    Deutsche Bank                                              N26 Bank GmbH
                    www.deutsche-bank.de                                       https://n26.com/en-de/
                    Bahnhofstraße 1; 78462 Konstanz                            Online Support Service
1)   Free giro account:
     Das Junge Konto                                           N 26
     Free for EU/EEA students to the age of and                Free for all persons.
     including 30 years.
     Non-EU/EEA students or students 30 years and older:
     AktivKonto (5,90 €/month)
2)   Free EC card (Maestro)?
      Automatically included                                   Only after receipt of a bank transfer of at least 100 € from
                                                               Germany, Austria or the Netherlands..
3)   Free direct debit credit card?

      Deutsche Bank Card Plus (18 €/year)                      N26 Mastercard
4)   Free cash withdrawal in Germany?
                                                               3-5 times at all ATMs/month or with CASH26 in:


5)   Free cash withdrawal worldwide?
                                                               Unlimited and free at all ATMs in the euro zone.
                                                               Otherwise: 1.7% of exchange fees.

6)   Free bank transfers within Europe?
      Free in SEPA and EEA (all currencies)                    Free of charge in SEPA (Euro only)
7)   Free bank transfers outside Europe?
      1,5‰ (minimum 10 €) + exchange rate surcharge +          TransferWise: 0,35%+0,70 €
      possible fees of the recipient bank and/or the
      correspondent bank(s)
8)   Telephone banking?
      Also available in English                                Not available
9)   Online banking (per browser):
      Also available in English                                Also available in English

10) Mobile banking (per app):
             Deutsche Bank Mobile                                     N26 – Die mobile Bank
             Deutsche Bank Mobile                                     N26 – The Mobile Bank
11) Account closure also possible from abroad?
     Account balance must be zero!                             Account balance must be zero!
     www.deutsche-                                             https://docs.n26.com/legal/Customer_Termination_letter
     bank.de/dam/deutschebank/de/shared/pdf/pk-                _DE_N26.pdf

GO Konstanz March 2019 - Programme 5 - 29 March 2019 German Intensive Language Course and Orientation Programme - Universität Konstanz
GO-Konstanz March 2019

        Comparison of blocked accounts for Non-EU/EEA students (overview):

                       Deutsche Bank                 Sparkasse-                X-Patrio                    Coracle                  Fintiba
                                                     Bodensee               (ECO-Escrow)                    (DKB)                (Sutor Bank)

Who can not             students from            students from Iran,        persons younger           persons younger         students with US tax
open blocked          Iran, Syria, North          Myanmar, North               than 18 y.                than 18 y.           status, persons from
account?             Korea, Sudan, Cuba          Korea, Sudan and                                                              Iran, North Korea
                        and Myanmar.             Syria with unlimited                                                             and persons
                                                  residence permit                                                            younger than 18 y.

Where must the           online                      in Konstanz             online                      online                     online
blocked account www.deutsche-bank.de                branch office        www.x-patrio.com             www.coracle.de            www.fintiba.com
be opened?       (->Konto und Karte->               Marktstätte 1;
                International Students)            78462 Konstanz

Combination with                                                           up to 29 y.: TK            up to 29 y.: TK,         Fintiba PLUS
a German health                                                         30 y. a. older: Dr-Walter       HEK, Barmer         110 € CashBack!
insurance                                                                                           30 y. a. older: Mawista up to 29 y.: DAK
possible?                                                                                                                  30 y. a. older: Mawista

Documents for - passport copy                    - passport                 coloured passport           passport copy             passport copy
opening account - copy of admission              - copy of admission              copy
                letter                           letter
                                                 - blocking certificate
                                                 - registration certificate

Source of funds         bank statements                                 - coloured passport
in case of third                                                        copy
parties transfer                                                        - proof of address:
the blocked                                                             electricity/telephone
amount                                                                  bill, bank statement
                                                                        - transfer receipt

Blocked account      checking/giro account          savings book        trust account of  trust account of     digital account
type?                                            (only in combination     ECO-Escrow          Bransky        Additional German
                                                 with a checking/giro solicitor's office  solicitor's office   checking/giro
                                                   account of Spar-    (Deutsche Bank)         (DKB)         account necessary
                                                  kassee-Bodensee) Additional German Additional German
                                                 Giro-Trend Plus with checking/giro        checking/giro
                                                    3,50 €/month      account necessary account necessary

Set-up fee?             150 € (one-time)            75 € (one-time)           49 €/year +               99 €/1st year               89 €/year
                                                                            1x100 € (buffer*)

Fee for extension       150 € (one-time)                  0€                   49 €/year                  60 €/year                 89 €/year
or change?

Additional                 AktivKonto               GiroTrendPlus              5 €/month                      0€                  4.90 €/month
account fees?             5.90 €/month              3.50 €/month

Set-up time?           approx. 1-4 weeks            approx. 1 week           approx. 1 week            approx. 1 week            Approx. 1 week

Activation/            www.deutsche-                                    07 Activation Order            Coracle Portal          Video- / PostIdent/
legitimization?     bank.de/dam/deutsche                                                                                           DAK office

Documents           - registration certificate                          - 07 Activation Order       - enrollment certifi-     - enrollment certifi-
needed for                                                              - German visa               cate                      cate
activation                                                              - Entry stamp in EU         - registration certifi-   - German visa
                                                                        - registration certifi-     cate                      - registration certifi-
                                                                        cate                        - declaration of          cate
                                                                        - bank documents            release of funds          - Bank documents
                                                                        with IBAN/BIC               - Bank documents          with IBAN/BIC
                                                                                                    with IBAN/BIC

GO Konstanz March 2019 - Programme 5 - 29 March 2019 German Intensive Language Course and Orientation Programme - Universität Konstanz
GO-Konstanz March 2019

Date           Who?                    Time          Where?          Description
Tuesday,       Everyone                9.00          A 701           Welcome (English/German)
5 March        Everyone                9.30          A 701           Written German language placement test
               Everyone                From          Level A 5       Registration, purchasing bus tickets (for
                                       9.30                          March;cash), collection of scholarship certificates
                                                                     and grants, possibility to make payment for
                                                                     course fee (cash), possibly taking photo for
                                                                     UniCard and free breakfast.
                                                                     Please present passport/personal ID card and
                                                                     proof of payment of the course fee!
               Everyone                11.45         A 701           Explanation of the GO-Konstanz programme
                                                                     (English) (Frank E. Lutzenberger)
                                                                     Introduction of tutors, helpers of the International
                                                                     Office and party committee
               EU/EEA                  From          A 701           Introduction to the formalities for EU/EEA
                                       12.30                         students (English) (Frank E. Lutzenberger)
               Non-EU/EEA              12.30         Level A 7       Short campus tour and afterwards lunch in refectory
               EU/EEA                  12.45         Level A 7       Short campus tour and afterwards lunch in refectory
               Everyone                14.00         A 701           Introduction of AStA (Simone Münch), their bicycle
                                                                     self-help repair shop and the University’s bicycle
                                                                     rental (Matt Sharinghausen) and of LEI (Lokale
                                                                     Erasmus Initiative) (Patrick Doodt) (English).
               Non-EU/EEA              14.30         G 300           Introduction to the formalities for non-
                                                                     EU/EEA students (Alexandra Frasch)
               EU/EEA:                               G 530           DOCUMENTS CHECK:
               Surname: A – M          14.30                         All documents will be checked, all neccessary
               Surname: N – Z          14.45                         copies made and the paperwork sorted.
                                                                     Please bring passport/personal ID card, ALL doc-
                                                                     uments etc and proof of payment for social contri-
                                                                     bution (90 €), and where required, also admin-
                                                                     istration (70 €) and tuition fee (1,500 €)!
                                                                     If all required documents are at hand:
                                                                     - Enrollment for exchange students
                                                                     - Application for a free checking account with the
                                                                     Deutsche Bank 1)
               Everyone                14.30 –       G 302           Registration for excursions *)
               Non-EU/EEA              15.30 Uhr     G 300           Filling out forms
               Non-EU/EEA              15.30 –                       Health Insurance: 3)
                                       17.30                         Taking out a German statutory health insurance
                                                                     policy. Please bring your passport, letter of ad-
                                                                     mission and a passport sized photo!
                                                     H 305           TK – Techniker Krankenkasse
                                                     H 306           AOK – Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse
                                                     H 307           Barmer

     Comparison of German statutory health insurances (overview):

Health insurance          Monthly contribution Consultation at uni     Benefits at Academic Sports Service (HSP)

                          90.66 € (under 23)   Thursdays (A 5)         120 € subsidy for UniMotion/year.
                          92.29 € (over 23)    10.00 – 13.00 Uhr       Additional sports courses on request.

                          91.96 € (under 23)   Wednesdays (A 5)        150 € subsidy for UniMotion/year.
                          93.59 € (over 23)    9.30 – 15.30            Additional sports courses on request.

                          93.26 € (under 23)                           120 € subsidy for UniMotion/year.
                          94.89 € (over 23)                            Additional sports courses on request.

GO Konstanz March 2019 - Programme 5 - 29 March 2019 German Intensive Language Course and Orientation Programme - Universität Konstanz
GO-Konstanz March 2019

Date            Who?                    Time           Where?         Description
Wednesday,      Everyone                9.00           A 701          Division into appropriate language course
6 March                                                               levels followed by first language lessons
                Everyone who hasn’t 10.30 –            V 703          Last possibility to pay the course fee at the Uni-
                paid the course fee 11.00                             versity Cash Office in V 703 (if required also
                yet:                                                  social contribution, the tuition and administrative
                Groups: A – D                                         fee). Please bring your passport/personal ID card
                                                                      and cash!
                Free movers:            10.30 –        D 439          Enrollment: Please bring your checklist and the
                EU/EEA                  11.00                         YELLOW transparent envelope!
                Everyone                12.30 –        G 302          Registration for excursions *
                Everyone                13.30 –        G 300          Opening a free bank account online with N26
                                        15.30 Uhr                     (EU/EEA and Non-EU/EEA) and/ or a blocked
                                                                      account (Non-EU/EEA) with Deutsche Bank,
                                                                      Fintiba, X-Patrio and Coracle.
                                                                      (Non-EU/EEA: Please submit bank details to
                                                                      health insurance company – AOK, Barmer, TK)
                Non-EU/EEA:                            G 530          DOCUMENTS CHECK #1:
                Family names: A – C     13.30                         All documents will be checked, all neccessary
                Family names: D – H     13.45                         copies made and the paperwork sorted.
                Family names: I – P     14.00                         Please bring passport, ALL documents and forms
                Family names: Q – Z     14.15                         etc and proof of payment for social contribution
                                                                      fee (90 €), and where required, also administration
                                                                      (70 €) and tuition fee (1,500 €)!
                                                                      If all required documents are at hand:
                                                                      - Enrollment for exchange students
                                                                      - Applying for a residence permit
Thursday,       Degree seeking students 10.30 –        D 439          Enrollment:
7 March         and free movers:        11.00                         Please bring your checklist and the YELLOW
                Non-EU/EEA                                            transparent envelope!
                Groups: A – D
                Everyone                12.30 –        G 302          Registration for excursions *)
                Groups:                                Bus stop:    Bürgerbüro:
                A–C                     13.30          Universität  Registration with municipality of Konstanz and
                D–F                     14.00          (bus line 9) collection of registration confirmation.
                G and H                 14.30                       Please bring passport/personal ID card, checklist
                                                                    and GREEN transparent envelope!
                Everyone who is         15.00 –        Deutsche     Deutsche Bank 1)2):
                opening a giro or       16.00          Bank         Last step for opening the (blocked)2) giro account1)
                blocked account with                   Bahnhofstr.1 AFTER municipal registration at Bürgerbüro.
                Deutsche Bank                          (Bus stop:   You will receive your bank account details.
                                                       Bahnhof or   Please bring your passport/personal ID with you!
                                                       Marktstätte) (Non-EU/EEA: Please submit bank details to
                                                                    health insurance company – AOK, Barmer, TK)

*) Excursions:
- Guided tour of historical Konstanz on Sat, 9.3. (5 Euro)
- Excursion to Meersburg on Sun, 10.3. (10 Euro)
- Excursion to Freiburg im Breisgau on Sat, 16.3. (20 Euro)
- Excursion to Island Reichenau (UNESCO World Heritage) on Tue, 19.3. (10 Euro)
The participation fee for the excursions can be paid only in cash on the official registration dates.
Without payment, registration for an excursion is not possible.
External participants can only register on Fri, 8.3. from 12.30–13.30 in G 302 if free remaining spots are available.
You can only officially cancel on the official registration dates and only after returning the respective tickets.
A reimbursement of the participation fee is only possible if you cancel officially.
In case of nonattendance (regardless of the reason), the participation fee will not be reimbursed.

GO Konstanz March 2019 - Programme 5 - 29 March 2019 German Intensive Language Course and Orientation Programme - Universität Konstanz
GO-Konstanz March 2019

Date         Who?                      Time        Where?        Description
Thursday,    Everyone who hasn’t 10.30 –           V 703         Last possibility to pay the course fee at the Uni-
8 March      paid the course fee 11.00                           versity Cash Office in V 703 (if required also
             yet:                                                social contribution, the tuition and administrative
             Groups: E – H                                       fee). Please bring your passport/personal ID card
                                                                 and cash!
             Degree seeking students   10.30 –     D 439         Enrollment:
             and free movers:          11.00                     Please bring your checklist and the YELLOW
             Non-EU/EEA                                          transparent envelope!
             Groups: E – H
             All students not taking   12.30 –     G 302         Registration for excursions* , only if seats are
             part in GO-Konstanz       13.30                     available.
             Groups:                   13.30 –     G 201         Student groups introduce themselves:
             A–D                       14.15                     Introduction to the Tandem Team (Diana
                                                                 Kempel), Language Café (Kirthika Jeyakumar/
                                                                 Carolin Hennerich) and Nightline (N.N.) (German).
             Groups:                   14.15 –     G 300         What to know about taking on a student job
             A–D                       15.00                     (English) (Alexandra Frasch)
             Groups:                   13.30 –     G 300         What to know about taking on a student job
             E–H                       14.15                     (German) (Alexandra Frasch)
             Groups:                   14.15 –     G 201         Student groups introduce themselves:
             E–H                       15.00                     Introduction to the Tandem Team (Diana
                                                                 Kempel), Language Café (Kirthika Jeyakumar/
                                                                 Carolin Hennerich) and Nightline (N.N.) (German).
             Registered students       15.15 –     G 420         Party-Committee Meeting
             only                      16.45
Saturday,    Registered students       14.00 –     Council/      Guided tour of historical Konstanz *)
9 March      only                      17.00       seaside
Sunday,      Registered students       14.00 –     Bus stop:     Excursion to Meersburg *)
10 March     only                      18.30       Staad/
Monday,      Regular German language classes and potentially classes in the afternoon.
11 March     Please consult with your teacher duly, regarding potential German classes in the afternoon!
Tuesday,     Groups (with teacher):    12.30 –     G 302         Class photos with teacher.
12 March     A, B and F                12.45                     Photos will be posted in facebook group.
             Groups:                   12.30 –     E 715         Visit to the Self-Access Study Centre of the
             A and B                   12.45                     Language Institute (SLI).
             Exchange students         13.30 –     G 300         Introduction to Studies (German)
             and free movers:          15.00                     (Frank E. Lutzenberger)
             Groups: E – H
             Groups:                               K 304 –       Seezeit: Sign the tenancy contract.
             A and B                   13.30       K 307         Rent for March will be directly debited on Mon
             C and D                   14.00                     25.3. from your account! Please bring your German/
                                                                 European bank account details or cash with you!
             Everyone                  15.00 –     G 300         Social Media Ambassador Wanted (FB & Insta)!
                                       15.45                     (Englisch) (Desirée Franz)
Wednesday,   Groups (with teacher):    12.30 –     G 302         Class photos with teacher.
13 March     C, D and G                12.45                     Photos will be posted in facebook group.
             Groups:                   12.30 –     E 715         Visit to the Self-Access Study Centre of the
             C and D                   12.45                     Language Institute (SLI).
             Exchange students         13.30 –     G 300         Introduction to Studies (English)
             and free movers:          15.00                     (Frank E. Lutzenberger)
             Groups: A – D
             Groups:                               K 304 –       Seezeit: Sign the tenancy contract.
             E and F                   13.30       K 307         Rent for March will be directly debited on Mon
             G and H                   14.00                     25.3. from your account! Please bring your German/
                                                                 European bank account details or cash with you!

GO Konstanz March 2019 - Programme 5 - 29 March 2019 German Intensive Language Course and Orientation Programme - Universität Konstanz
GO-Konstanz March 2019

Date         Who?                  Time      Where?         Description
Thursday,    Groups:               13.30 –   G 201          Introduction to the Academic Sports Service with a
14 March     A–D                   15.00                    guided tour of university sports area (English) (N.N.)
             Groups:               13.30 –   G 300          Introduction to the KIM IT-Support (German)
             E–H                   14.00                    (Gerhard Schreiner)
             Groups:               14.00 –   G 300          Introduction to using the University of Konstanz
             E–H                   15.00                    KIM Library (German) (Christine Meyer/Edgar Fixl)
Friday,      Groups:               13.30 –   G 300          Introduction to the KIM IT-Support (English)
15 March     A–D                   14.00                    (Gerhard Schreiner)
             Groups:               14.00 –   G 300          Introduction to using the University of Konstanz
             A–D                   15.00                    KIM Library (English) (Christine Meyer/Edgar Fixl)
             Groups:               13.30 –   G 201          Introduction to the Academic Sports Service with a
             E–H                   15.00                    guided tour of university sports area (German) (N.N.)
Saturday,    Regsitered students   7.45 –    Deutsche       Excursion to Freiburg im Breisgau *
16 March     only                  20.00     Post (Molt-
                                             kestraße 2)
Monday,      Exchange students     13.30 –   A 703          Introduction to the Exchange-Days:
18 March     and free movers       14.30                    Explanation of Erasmus+ formalities, introduction to
                                                            the Departmental Erasmus+/Exchange Coordina-
                                                            tors and to the courses of the International Office,
                                                            Language Institute (SLI), Transferable Skills (SQ)
                                                            and the online courses of the Green Office.
             Exchange students     14.30 –                  EXCHANGE-DAY #1:
             and free movers       16.00                    Introduction to the departments and the De-
                                                            partmental Erasmus+/Exchange Coordinators.
                                                            Help with setting up your individual schedules and
                                                            information regarding courses!
                                                            Please bring your laptop, class schedules and
                                                            your Learning Agreement (ERASMUS+).
                                             G 300          Humanities without Sport Science:
                                                            Philosophy, History Sociology Empirical Edu-
                                                            cational Research, Literature incl. Art and
                                                            Media Studies and Linguistics
                                             L 802          Chemistry
                                             M 1003         Physics
                                             D 634          Sport Science
Tuesday,     Registered students   13.30 –   Bus stop:      Excursion to Island Reichenau *)
19 March     only                  17.30     Universität    (UNESCO World Heritage)
                                             (bus line 9)   Please wear sturdy shoes!
Wednesday,   Exchange students     13.30 –                  EXCHANGE-DAY #2:
20 March     and free movers       15.00                    Introduction to the departments and the De-
                                                            partmental Erasmus+/Exchange Coordinators.
                                                            Help with setting up your individual schedules and
                                                            information regarding courses!
                                                            Please bring your laptop, class schedules and
                                                            your Learning Agreement (ERASMUS+).
                                             M 1109         Biology
                                             G 309          Law
Thursday,    Non-EU/EEA who are    From      Pinboard in    Official list with missing documents for the
21 March     applying for a        12.30     front of       residence permit (Foreigners’ Registration
             residence permit                G 420          Office Konstanz). Please check e-mails!
             Exchange students     13.30 –                  EXCHANGE-DAY #3:
             and free movers       15.00                    Introduction to the departments and the De-
                                                            partmental Erasmus+/Exchange Coordinators.
                                                            Help with setting up your individual schedules and
                                                            information regarding courses!
                                                            Please bring your laptop, class schedules and
                                                            your Learning Agreement (ERASMUS+).
                                             G 300          Economics
                                             PZ 807         Computer and Information Science
                                             G 201          Psychology
GO Konstanz March 2019 - Programme 5 - 29 March 2019 German Intensive Language Course and Orientation Programme - Universität Konstanz
GO-Konstanz March 2019

Date         Who?                     Time         Where?         Description
Friday,      Exchange students        13.30 –                     EXCHANGE-DAY #4:
22 March     and free movers          15.00                       Introduction to the departments and the De-
                                                                  partmental Erasmus+/Exchange Coordinators.
                                                                  Help with setting up your individual schedules and
                                                                  information regarding courses!
                                                                  Please bring your laptop, class schedules and
                                                                  your Learning Agreement (ERASMUS+).
                                                   G 300          Politics and Public Administration
Saturday,    Everyone                 12.30        University     Team lineup and afterwards joint warm-up
23 March                                           sports hall
             Everyone                 13.00        University     GO-Konstanz Volleyball Cup
                                                   sports hall    Please bring indoor athletic shoes for the sports hall!
             Everyone                 15.00 –      University     Barbecue and bonfire at water sports area
                                      20.00        water          (only takes place if it doesn’t rain)
                                                   sports area    Please bring own grillables and drinks.
Monday,      Regular German language classes and potentially classes in the afternoon.
25 March     Please consult with your teacher duly, regarding potential German classes in the afternoon!
Tuesday,     Groups (with teacher):   12.30 –      G 302          Class photos with teacher.
26 March     E, F and C               12.45                       Photos will be posted in facebook group.
             Groups:                  12.30 –      E 715          Visit to the Self-Access Study Centre of the
             E and F                  12.45                       Language Institute (SLI).
             Groups:                  13.30 –      G 300          Introduction to the excursion programme of the
             A–D                      14.15                       SuSe 2019 and the events of LEI (Local Erasmus
                                                                  Initiative) (English) (Rasim Sirinov)
             Non-EU/EEA                            G 530          DOCUMENTS CHECK #2
             who are applying for a                               Please bring your checklist, passport, RED
             residence permit:                                    transparent envelope and all missing documents
             Groups: A and B          14.15                       for the Foreigners’ Registration Office Konstanz!
             Groups: C and D          14.30
             Non-EU/EEA                            G 530          DOCUMENTS CHECK #2
             who are applying for a                               Please bring your checklist, passport, RED
             residence permit:                                    transparent envelope and all missing documents
             Groups: E and F          13.30                       for the Foreigners’ Registration Office Konstanz!
             Groups: G and H          13.45
             Groups:                  14.15 –      G 300          Introduction to the excursion programme of the
             E–H                      15.00                       SuSe 2019 and the events of LEI (Local Erasmus
                                                                  Initiative) (German) (Rasim Sirinov)
Wednesday,   Groups (with teacher):   12.30 –      G 302          Class photos with teacher.
27 March     G, H and D               12.45                       Photos will be posted in facebook group.
             Groups:                  12.30 –      E 715          Visit to the Self-Access Study Centre of the
             G and H                  12.45                       Language Institute (SLI).
             Non-EU/EEA who are       13.30        Bus stop       Foreigners’ Registration Office Konstanz:
             applying for a resi-                  Universität    Submit your fingerprints and any remaining
             dence permit                          (bus line 9)   documents to the Foreigners’ Registration Office
                                                                  Konstanz. Please bring your passport, RED
                                                                  transparent envelope, checklist and all documents
                                                                  which were on the list of the Foreigners’ Registra-
                                                                  tion Office and cash!!
Thursday,    Exchange students        13.30 –                     EXCHANGE-DAY #5:
28 March     and free movers          15.00                       Introduction to the departments and the De-
                                                                  partmental Erasmus+/Exchange Coordinators.
                                                                  Help with setting up your individual schedules and
                                                                  information regarding courses!
                                                                  Please bring your laptop, class schedules and
                                                                  your Learning Agreement (ERASMUS+).
                                                   F 406          Mathematics and Statistics
Friday,      Everyone                 12.30 –      Level K 7      Closing lunch
29 March                              14.30

GO-Konstanz March 2019

Date         Who?                 Time      Where?         Description
Tuesday,     Everyone             13.30 –   G 300          Assisted registration for programmes of the
9 April                           14.30                    Academic Sports Service (UniFit & UniSport).
                                                           Please bring laptop, student ID card, German/
                                                           European bank details and class schedule!
Wednesday,   Everyone             13.30 –   G 300          Assisted registration for programmes of the
10 April                          14.30                    Academic Sports Service (UniFamily & UniNature).
                                                           Please bring laptop, student ID card, German/
                                                           European bank details and class schedule!
             Lectures start
15 April
Wednesday,   Everyone who wrote   From      Opposite       Placement for A-level German language courses:
17 April     the „Lukas-Test“     15.00     of             The results of the "Lukas-Test" will be published in
             (A-level)                      D707           the afternoon in the SLI (E7) with the placements
                                                           for German language courses in the A-level.
             Everyone             20.00 –   Berry's        International Party!
                                  3.00      (Reichen-      Motto will be announced by the party committee
                                            austr. 204)    (observe poster/flyer/facebook).
                                                           Action card:
                                                           Come to the party before 23.00 and get the following
                                                           drinks for a special price the whole night:
                                                           - beer (Stümple) / glass sparkling wine: 2 Euro
                                                           - longdrinks:
                                                           Malibu Maracuja & Whiskey Cola: 4.50 Euro
                                                           - Coca Cola / water: 2 Euro

 Welcome                                                  Welcome
 Stammtisch #3                                            Stammtisch #4
 Where?                                                   Where?
 Constanzer Wirtshaus                                     Constanzer Wirtshaus
 (Spanierstraße 3, 78467 Konstanz)                        (Spanierstraße 3, 78467 Konstanz)

 When?                                                    When?
 Mon, 1.4.2019, 20.00                                     Tue, 2.4.2019, 20.00

City Map

GO-Konstanz March 2019

Bürgeramt/Bürgerbüro (Untere Laube 22-24)           Council (Hafenstraße 2)
Municipal Registration Office (ground floor)
Mon 7.30-17.00; Wed 7.30-18.00;                     Bus stop "Staad/Autofähre"
Tue, Thu, Fri 7.30-12.30                            Bus lines 1, 11, 15 until final stop
Phone: +49 7531 900-0
                                                    Berry's (Reichenaustraße 204)

Foreigners’ Registration Office (2nd floor)
Only on appointment (4 weeks in advance)            Konstanz Hospital (Mainaustraße 35)
Phone: +49 7531 900-0
auslaenderamt@konstanz.de                           University of Konstanz (Campus)
                                                    (Universitätsstraße 10)
Service Bureau of the
Foreigners’ Registration Office (room 1.24)         University of Konstanz (Sports Hall)
(Collection of residence permit)                    (Mainaustraße 213)
Mon, Wed, Fri 9.00-11.30
Phone: +49 7531 900-740
                                                    University of Konstanz (Water Sports Area)
                                                    (Mainaustraße 254)

Deutsche Bank (Bahnhofstraße 1)                     Formerly Deutsche Post (Moltkestraße 2)
Mon-Wed, Fri 9.30-13.00, 14.00-16.30;
Thu 9.30-13.00, 14.00-18.00
                                                    Fotofix photo booths in Konstanz:
Phone: +49 7531 287-221
                                                    Fotofix photo booth in Bahnhof
                                                    Bahnhofsplatz 43
Sparkasse Bodensee (Marktstätte 1)
Mon-Fri 9.00-17.00                                  Fotofix photo booth in Karstadt
Phone: +49 7531 285-5360                            Hussenstraße 23
                                                    Fotofix photo booth in Kornbeck Markt
                                                    Kanzleistraße 11
AOK (Inselgasse 30)
Mon-Wed 8.30-17.00; Thu 8.30-18.00;                 Fotofix photo booth Seerhein Center
Fri 8.30-16.00                                      Zähringerplatz 9
Phone: +49 7531 283-232
Mobile: +49 152 01570115                            Fotofix photo booth Kaufland
carina.rigger@bw.aok.de                             Carl-Benz-Straße 22

TK (Augustinerplatz 9)
Mon-Wed 9.00-13.00; Thu 10.00-17.00;
Fri 9.00-12.00
Phone: +49 800 2858585
Mobile: +49 151 18052844

Barmer (Hussenstraße 31)
Mon-Thu 9.00-18.30; Fri 9.00-16.00
Phone: +49 800 333004 308289
Mobile: +49 151 18234216

Level A 5   Campus Café                                            E 711-713   Language Institute (SLI)
            Seezeit Shop                                           E715        Tandem-Team
            Seezeit Service Center                                 G 206       Academic Sports Service
            Mon-Thu 9.00-15.30; Fri 9.00-13.30                                 Mon-Fri 9.00-12.00
            Osiander book store / Campus Store                     G 302       Check-International
            iPunkt                                                             International Office Tutors
A6          International Office                                               Free internet access, copies, print, scans
A 611/612   Welcome Center                                         G 401       AStA Legal Advice Service
            (PhD, guest researchers, postdocs, research interns)               Lecture free period:
V 614       International Office Tutors                                        13.3, 27.3., 10.4., 16.4., 8.5.; 10.15-11.45
            From 15.4. always Fri 10.00-11.00                                  Lecture period: Wed, 10.10-11.40
B4          Student Service Centre (SSZ)                           G 420       Coordinator of Orientation Programmes
            Mon-Thu 9.30-14.00; Fri 9.30-13.00                     G 421       Staff room (only during lecture free period)
            Info-Centre (main library entrance)                    H 301b      AStA Café
            KIM IT-Support: Mon-Fri 9.00-19.00                     J           Library
            Library Information: Mon-Fri 9.00-19.00;               K 304-307   Seezeit: Student Housing
            Sat 11.00-17.00                                        K 308       Seezeit: Rent and Deposit
D 415       Division of Student Affairs & Teaching: exchange       K 313-315   Seezeit Psychotherapeutic Counseling
            Mon-Fri 9.00-12.00 Uhr                                             Service (PBS)
D 439       Division of Student Affairs & Teaching: degree                     Mon, Wed, Fri 11.00-12.00
            seeking students/free movers; Mon-Fri 10.00-12.00      K 3/4       Asia Restaurant Arche
D 709       Coordinator for German Language Courses (DaF)          K 5/6/7     Canteen
E1          AStA Bicycle Workshop                                  L 503       Canon Service Center
            Lecture free period: Wed 11.45-13.15                               Lecture free period: Mon-Fri 10.00-16.00
            Lecture period: Mon-Fri 11.45-13.15                                Lecture period: Mon-Fri 10.00-18.00
            AStA Rent-a-bike                                       M 534a      Lost and Found Office: Mon-Fri 10.00-12.00
            Lecture free period: Mon, Wed, Fri 13.00               N           Library
            Lecture period: Mon-Fri 12.00-13.00                    V 703       University Cash Office
E 705       Self-Access-Study Centre (SLZ)                                     (Grants, course fee, semester fees, etc.)
            Lecture free period: Mo-Thu 9.30-15.30;                            Mon-Fri 9.00-11.00
            Fri 9.30-12.30
            Lecture period: Mon-Thu 8.30-18.00;
            Fri 8.30-16.00
GO-Konstanz March 2019

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Uni Konstanz – International – Summer 2019

                                                             – uni.kn/en/international
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