Effects of Layer Freezing on Transferring a Speech Recognition System to Under-resourced Languages

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Effects of Layer Freezing on Transferring a
                 Speech Recognition System to Under-resourced Languages

                                           Onno Eberhard and Torsten Zesch
                                                Language Technology Lab
                                          University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

                             Abstract                        Those parameters can then be fine-tuned to the spe-
                                                             cific task at hand, using less data and fewer compu-
        In this paper, we investigate the effect of layer    tational resources. In the fine-tuning process many
        freezing on the effectiveness of model trans-        parameters of the original model may be “frozen”,
        fer in the area of automatic speech recogni-         i.e. held constant during training. This can speed up
        tion. We experiment with Mozilla’s Deep-             training and improve results when less training data
        Speech architecture on German and Swiss Ger-
        man speech datasets and compare the results of
                                                             is available (Kunze et al., 2017). The idea of taking
        either training from scratch vs. transferring a      deep neural networks trained on large datasets and
        pre-trained model. We compare different layer        fine-tuning them on tasks with less available train-
        freezing schemes and find that even freezing         ing data has been popular in computer vision for
        only one layer already significantly improves        years (Huh et al., 2016). More recently, with the
        results.                                             emergence of end-to-end deep neural networks for
                                                             automatic speech recognition (like DeepSpeech), it
1       Introduction                                         has also been used in this area (Kunze et al., 2017;
                                                             Li et al., 2019).
The field of automatic speech recognition (ASR) is              Deep neural networks learn representations of
dominated by research specific to the English lan-           the input data in a hierarchical manner. The in-
guage. There exist plenty available text-to-speech           put is transformed into simplistic features in the
models pre-trained on (and optimized for) English            first layers of a neural network and into more com-
data. When it comes to a low-resource language               plex features in the layers closer to the output. If
like Swiss German, or even standard German, only             we assume the simplistic feature representations
a very limited number of small-scale models is               are applicable in similar, but different, contexts,
available. In this paper, we train Mozilla’s imple-          layer-wise freezing of parameters seems like a good
mentation1 of Baidu’s DeepSpeech ASR architec-               choice. This is further reinforced by findings from
ture (Hannun et al., 2014) on these two languages.           image classification (Yosinski et al., 2014), where
We use transfer learning to leverage the availability        the learned features can additionally be nicely vi-
of a pre-trained English version of DeepSpeech and           sualized (Zeiler and Fergus, 2014).
observe the difference made by freezing different               As for automatic speech recognition, the repre-
numbers of layers during training.                           sentations learned by the layers is not as clear-cut
                                                             as within image processing. Nonetheless, some
2       Transfer Learning and Layer Freezing                 findings, for example that affricates are better rep-
                                                             resented at later layers in the network (Belinkov
Deep neural networks can excel at many different
                                                             and Glass, 2017), seem to affirm the hypothesis that
tasks, but they often require very large amounts of
                                                             the later layers learn more abstract features and ear-
training data and computational resources. To rem-
                                                             lier layers learn more primitive features. This is
edy this, it is often advantageous to employ transfer
                                                             important for fine-tuning, because it only makes
learning: Instead of initializing the parameters of
                                                             sense to freeze parameters if they don’t need to be
the network randomly, the optimized parameters
                                                             adjusted for the new task. If it is known that the
of a network trained on a similar task are reused.
                                                             first layers of a network learn to identify “lower-
        https://github.com/mozilla/DeepSpeech                level”-features, i.e. simple shapes in the context of
Dataset               Hours     Speakers                          FC     FC      FC    LSTM      FC     FC
      Pre-training      English             >6,500                  ?                     1       2       3       4       5     6    C
                        German                  315         4,823
                        Swiss German             70           191
                                                                                          1       2       3       4       5     6    A
                  Table 1: Overview of datasets
                                                                                          1       2       3       4       5     6    T
                                                                                         Feature extraction (MFCC)
image processing or simple sounds in the context of
ASR, these layers can be frozen completely during                       Figure 1: DeepSpeech architecture. The fully con-
fine-tuning.                                                            nected (FC) layers 1 – 3 and 5 are ReLU activated, the
                                                                        last layer uses a softmax function to compute character
3       Experimental Setup                                              probabilities.

In our experiments, we transfer an English pre-
trained version of DeepSpeech to German and to                          extracted and passed to a 6-layer deep recurrent
Swiss German data and observe the impact of freez-                      neural network. The first three layers are fully con-
ing fewer or more layers during training.                               nected with a ReLU activation function. The fourth
                                                                        layer is a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) unit
3.1       Datasets
                                                                        (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997); the fifth layer
We trained the models for (standard) German on                          is again fully connected and ReLU activated. The
the German part of the Mozilla Common Voice                             last layer outputs probabilities for each character in
speech dataset (Ardila et al., 2020). The utterances                    the language’s alphabet. It is fully connected and
are typically between 3 and 5 seconds long and are                      uses a softmax activation for normalization. The
collected from and reviewed by volunteers. This                         character-probabilities are used to calculate a Con-
collection method entails a rather high number of                       nectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) loss func-
speakers and quite some noise. The Swiss Ger-                           tion (Graves et al., 2006). The weights of the model
man models were trained on the data provided by                         are optimized using the Adam method (Kingma
Plüss et al. (2020). This speech data was collected                    and Ba, 2014) with respect to the CTC loss.
from speeches at the Bernese parliament. The En-
glish pre-trained model was trained by Mozilla on                       3.3      Training Details
a combination of English speech datasets, includ-
                                                                        As a baseline, we directly train the German and
ing LibriSpeech and Common Voice English.2 The
                                                                        Swiss German model on the available data from
datasets for all three languages are described in
                                                                        scratch, without any transfer (hereafter called
Table 1. For inference and testing we used the lan-
                                                                        “Baseline”). To assess the effects of layer freezing,
guage model KenLM (Heafield, 2011), trained on
                                                                        we then re-train the model based on weight initial-
the corpus described by Radeck-Arneth et al. (2015,
                                                                        ization from the English pre-trained model.4 In this
Section 3.2). This corpus consists of a mixture of
                                                                        step, we freeze the first N layers during training,
texts from the sources Wikipedia and Europarl as
                                                                        where N = 0, . . . , 5. For N = 4 we additionally
well as crawled sentences. The whole corpus was
                                                                        experiment with freezing the 5th layer instead of
preprocessed with MaryTTS (Schröder and Trou-
                                                                        the LSTM layer, which we denote as “Layers 1-3,5
vain, 2003).
                                                                        Frozen”. We do this because we see the LSTM as
3.2       ASR Architecture                                              the most essential and flexible part of the architec-
                                                                        ture; the 5th and 6th layer have a simpler interpre-
We use Mozilla’s DeepSpeech version 0.7 for our
                                                                        tation as transforming the LSTM hidden state into
experiments. The implementation differs in many
                                                                        character-level information. This stage should be
ways from the original model presented by Han-
                                                                        equivalent across languages, as long as the LSTM
nun et al. (2014). The architecture is described
                                                                        hidden state is learned accordingly, which is en-
in detail in the official documentation3 and is de-
                                                                        sured by not freezing the LSTM. For all models,
picted in Figure 1. From the raw speech data, Mel-
                                                                        we reinitialize the last layer, because of the differ-
Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (Imai, 1983) are
                                                                        ent alphabet sizes of German / Swiss German and
    3                                                                      4
        https://deepspeech.readthedocs.io/en/latest/DeepSpeech.html            https://github.com/mozilla/DeepSpeech/releases
English (ä, ö, ü), but don’t reinitialize any other                                German             Swiss
layers (as done e.g. by Hjortnaes et al. (2020)). The
                                                          Method                   WER CER WER CER
complete training script, as well as the modified
versions of DeepSpeech that utilize layer freezing        Baseline                    .70     .42       .74      .52
are available online5 . The weights were frozen           0 Frozen Layers             .63     .37       .76      .54
by adding trainable=False at the appropri-                Layer 1 Frozen              .48     .26       .69      .48
ate places in the TensorFlow code, though some            Layers 1-2 Frozen           .44     .22       .67      .45
other custom modifications were necessary and are         Layers 1-3 Frozen           .44     .22       .68      .47
described online5 . For Swiss German, we do not           Layers 1-4 Frozen           .45     .24       .68      .47
train the network on the German dataset first and         Layers 1-3,5 Frozen         .46     .25       .68      .46
transfer from German to Swiss German, as this has         Layers 1-5 Frozen           .44     .23       .70      .48
been shown to lead to worse results (Agarwal and
Zesch, 2020).                                                 Table 2: Results on test sets (cf. Section 3.3)

3.4       Hyperparameters & Server
In training each model, we used a batch size of          freezing (“Baseline” and “0 Frozen Layers”). The
24, a learning rate of 0.0005 and a dropout rate         results seem to indicate that freezing the first layer
of 0.4. We did not perform any hyperparameter            brings the largest advantage in training, with dimin-
optimization. The training was done on a Linux           ishing returns on freezing the second and third lay-
machine with 96 Intel Xeon Platinum 8160 CPUs            ers. For German, additionally freezing the fourth
@ 2.10GHz, 256GB of memory and an NVIDIA                 or fifth layer slightly worsens the result, though
GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GPU with 11GB of mem-                interestingly, freezing both results in better error
ory. Training the German language models for 30          rates. This might however only be due to statistic
epochs took approximately one hour per model.            fluctuations, as it can be seen in Figure 2 that on
Training the Swiss German models took about 4            the validation set, the model with 5 frozen layers
hours for 30 epochs on each model. We did not            performs worse than those with 3 or 4 frozen lay-
observe a correlation between training time and the      ers. For Swiss German, the result slightly worsens
number of frozen layers. For testing, the epoch          when the third layer is frozen and performance fur-
with the best validation loss during training was        ther drops when freezing subsequent layers. Sim-
taken for each model.                                    ilar results were achieved by Ardila et al. (2020),
                                                         where freezing two or three layers also achieved
4       Results & Discussion                             the best transfer results for German, with a word
                                                         error rate of 44%. They also used DeepSpeech and
Results of our baselines are very close to the values    a different version of the German Common Voice
reported for German by Agarwal and Zesch (2019)          dataset.
and Swiss German by Agarwal and Zesch (2020)
                                                            The results don’t show a significant difference
using the same architecture.
                                                         between freezing the fourth or the fifth layer of the
   The test results for both languages from the dif-
                                                         network (“Layers 1-4 Frozen” vs. “Layers 1-3,5
ferent models described in Section 3.3 are com-
                                                         Frozen”). This indicates that the features learned
piled in Table 2. Figures 2 and 3 show the learning
                                                         by the LSTM are not as language-specific as we hy-
curves for all training procedures for German and
                                                         pothesized. It might even be that, in general, it does
Swiss German, respectively. The epochs used for
                                                         not matter much which specific layers are frozen,
testing (cf. Table 2) are also marked in the figures.
                                                         if the number of frozen parameters is the same. It
   For both languages, the best results were             might be interesting to see what happens if the last
achieved by the models with the first two to three       instead of the first layers are frozen (not necessarily
layers frozen during training. It is notable however,    with this architecture), thereby breaking the moti-
that the other models that utilize layer freezing are    vation of hierarchically learned features, with later
not far off, the learning curves look remarkably sim-    layers being more task-specific.
ilar (in both plots, these are the lower six curves).
                                                            It is interesting that the models with four or five
For both languages, these models achieve much
                                                         frozen layers, i.e. only 2 or 1 learnable layers, still
better results than the two models without layer
                                                         achieve good results. This indicates that the fea-
        https://github.com/onnoeberhard/deepspeech       tures extracted by DeepSpeech when trained on
German Dataset                                         Swiss German Dataset
                                 Baseline                            190                   Baseline
                                 0 Frozen Layers                                           0 Frozen Layers
                                 Layer 1 Frozen                                            Layer 1 Frozen
            90                   Layers 1-2 Frozen                                         Layers 1-2 Frozen
                                 Layers 1-3 Frozen                   180                   Layers 1-3 Frozen
                                 Layers 1-4 Frozen                                         Layers 1-4 Frozen
            80                   Layers 1-3,5 Frozen                                       Layers 1-3,5 Frozen
                                 Layers 1-5 Frozen                                         Layers 1-5 Frozen
                                 Best epochs (of 30)                 170                   Best epochs (of 30)
CTC Loss

                                                          CTC Loss


            50                                                       150

            40                                                       140

                 0       5             10                                  0       5            10
                             Epoch                                                     Epoch

Figure 2: Learning curves (validation loss) on the Ger-   Figure 3: Learning curves (validation loss) on the
man dataset. Layer freezing has a noticeable impact,      Swiss German dataset. Compare with Figure 2.
but how many layers are frozen does not seem to make
much of a difference. See Section 3.3 for details.
                                                          layer freezing, but that already one frozen layer
                                                          yields quite good results. The differences between
English are general enough to really be applicable        freezing schemes are surprisingly small, even when
for other languages as well. It is probable that with     freezing all layers but the last.
a larger dataset the benefits of freezing weights de-
crease and better results are achieved with freezing      Acknowledgements
fewer or no layers. For both languages it is evident
                                                          We want to thank Aashish Agarwal for valuable
that the transfer learning approach is promising.
                                                          help in setting up DeepSpeech and for providing
Limitations Our experiment is limited to a trans-         preprocessing scripts as well as the hyperparame-
fer between closely related languages. For example,       ters we used for training.
when just transcribing speech there is no need for
such a model to learn intonation features. This
might be a problem when trying to transfer such           References
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