Master's Degrees - A Guide to Studying Online

Master's Degrees - A Guide to Studying Online
Master’s Degrees - A Guide to Studying Online

Why Study With the                                        Flexible Learning to Fit Your Life
University of Liverpool?
                                                          Your life as a working professional is already busy

A    s postgraduate degrees become increasingly
     necessary for career advancement, employees
are becoming far more discerning about the qualifi-
                                                          enough. Watching the clock so you leave the office in
                                                          time for an evening class on campus, missing a class be-
                                                          cause of work or personal commitments, limited inter-
cations held by prospective employees. Just having a      action time with your instructors and other students, or
postgraduate degree is no longer enough. Where you        sacrificing your valuable vacation time for residential
studied is becoming increasingly important to stay        courses is going to make studying far more difficult
ahead of the competition and achieve the best career      and stressful than it needs to be.
opportunities.                                              Although any qualification worth having is going to
                                                          require hard work, our flexible online learning format
The University of Liverpool has existed for over 120      puts you in control of your studies.
years. A member of the Russell Group which consists of
twenty of the United Kingdom’s top research universi-       ƒƒ Study any time of the day – the online classroom is
ties, we are recognised as one of the best universities        available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
in the UK. This and the reputation we have gained
as a world-class university from our ground-breaking        ƒƒ No geographical restrictions – with a 100% online
research and expert academic staff (including Nobel            programme you can study whenever you want,
Prize winners) makes a graduate from the University            wherever you are in the world
of Liverpool standout from the crowd.
   Not only do we offer you a degree from one of the
best universities in the UK, we offer you a postgradu-
ate programme that fits into your work and personal

                                                            ƒƒ Our students come from over 180 different
High Levels of Support                                         countries, lending the classroom a unique global
                                                               perspective and exposing you to a wide range of
With over ten years of experience in providing post-           international experiences.
graduate education online, we have developed pro-
gramme structures and support systems that help you       This brochure will give more information about why
achieve academic success from your time and commit-       the University of Liverpool offers you a smarter way
ment during your studies. Online study often gives the    to study, how you can apply, and how we help you
impressions of studying alone. However in our online      succeed.
classrooms, students have greater interaction with
their instructors and fellow classmates than in a typi-
cal face-to-face classroom environment. As an online
student with the University of Liverpool, you should      Applying to Study
                                                          During this phase of your contact with the University, we
  ƒƒ To participate in classes with an average of 18      will assign you an Enrolment Advisor. Your Enrolment
     students – therefore you can expect to receive de-   Advisor will discuss what you want to achieve with
     tailed, weekly feedback on your work from your       your studies and will give you advice about which of
     doctoral tutor and can easily contact them when      our programmes will best help you to reach your goals.
     you need their guidance                              They will assess your suitability for the programme and
                                                          help you to prepare an application.
  ƒƒ High levels of interaction with other students in       When applying you will have to submit documents
     online discussions several times a week              (for example, copies of your identification documents
                                                          (ID) and educational certificates) as requested by your
  ƒƒ Support from a team of specialists who are on-       Enrolment Advisor, complete an online application
     hand to give you the advice and assistance you       form, and make an initial payment.
     need.                                                   After you submit your application, the Board of
                                                          Admissions will examine it. If you meet the require-
                                                          ments of the programme, they will recommend that
                                                          the Faculty accept your application. The Faculty will
A Global Classroom for                                    normally confirm your acceptance within five working
Experienced Professionals                                 days.
                                                             Once your acceptance is confirmed and you complete
Our online programmes offer unique opportunities          any remaining requirements for admission, you will be
that campus programmes find hard to replicate.            admitted as a student to the University of Liverpool.

  ƒƒ The flexibility of our programmes makes them
     more suitable for professionals who are mid-ca-
     reer and unable to take time off to study

  ƒƒ The average age and level of experience of our
     students is higher than many equivalent campus
     programmes, leading to an enriched classroom

Before You Start Studying                                 Starting Your Studies

Before you start studying we make sure you can access       The first three weeks of your studies are designed
the University’s e-learning platform, have the required   to incorporate foundation elements (such as academic
textbooks, and know how to use the online classroom       writing skills and citation and referencing) alongside
and any other important information you will need as      the academic content of your chosen programme. This
a student. Your Enrolment Advisor remains available       ensures that whatever your previous experience of
to offer you any advice or assistance, but you are also   higher education, you have the skills you require to
given access to a website that will guide you through     get off to a good start.
this process.
   Five weeks before the start of your programme             For those without previous experience of higher
you take the Student Readiness Orientation module.        education, the foundation elements are of obvious
Students admitted to the University less than five        importance. For other students, they will refresh skills
weeks before the start of their studies will take the     that they have used in the past. Even if you have fol-
Student Readiness Orientation within a few days of        lowed a higher education programme before, the
admission. The Student Readiness Orientation is an on-    foundation elements ensure that you are familiar with
line, self-study preparatory module that helps you ori-   the expectations of the University in areas such as cita-
entate the online classroom so you know how it works      tion and referencing, which may differ in detail from
and where to find information before your classes         where you studied previously.
begin. This module takes about ten hours to complete
including a short final assessment. You would normally      During the first three weeks of your programme, our
spread this time over two or three days. This module      team of Student Advisors will monitor your progress in
must be completed before you start your programme,        submitting assignments and participating in class dis-
however it is non-credit bearing and does not count       cussions, and reach out to you if it looks like you are
towards your degree grade.                                experiencing difficulties.

                                                            Although support will never be more than a phone
                                                          call or an email away, this enhanced level of support in
                                                          the first few weeks means you get assistance or guid-
                                                          ance as soon as possible, so you do not fall behind with
                                                          your studies.

                                                            Due to the extra foundation elements incorporated
                                                          into the first module, it is ten weeks long, two weeks
                                                          longer than the rest of the modules that make up your

Summary of Application Process

  Application                                  Acceptance
  Your Enrolment Advisor will advise you       The Faculty will consider your applica-
  about the programme that best meets          tion; this normally takes around five
  your requirements, assess your suitability   working days.
  and help you prepare your application.          If successful, you will be accepted on
                                               to the programme by the University.
  What you need to do:                            You will receive an email from the
   ƒƒ Provide documents                        Registrar with a letter confirming your
   ƒƒ Complete Application Form
   ƒƒ Discuss your potential start date
   ƒƒ Make initial payment

                                               After being accepted on to your pro-

  Recommendation                               gramme you must complete any final
                                               requirements before being admitted to
  Your Enrolment Advisor will present          the University as a student.
  your completed application to the Board      To be admitted you must:
  of Admissions.
     If you meet the admission require-        ƒƒ Be accepted by the University
  ments, you will be recommended to the        ƒƒ Sign and return a Student Agreement
  relevant University Faculty for admission.
                                               ƒƒ Select a payment plan for the costs of
                                               ƒƒ Make all initial payments
                                               ƒƒ Confirm your start date

After being admitted you take the
Student Readiness Orientation module.
   This does not count carry credit to-
wards your degree. However, it must be
completed before you can be enrolled
and your start date confirmed.
   The Student Readiness Orientation
teaches you how to use the online class-

Starting your Studies
The first few weeks of your studies
feature foundation elements to help
you get off to a good start. We will also
monitor your progress in this period and
reach out to you, if it looks like you are
experiencing difficulties, to offer support
and guidance.

The E-Learning Platform                                                Weekly Assignments

The e-learning platform consists of four main parts:                     ƒƒ A study week starts on a Thursday and ends on a
  ƒƒ is where you log-in to the
     University’s online classroom. From this page you                   ƒƒ Every Thursday your instructor will make the lec-
     can access your grades, other administrative infor-                    ture notes, reading list and assignments for the
     mation, the other parts of the online University                       week available in the online classroom
     and your Student Support Manager*
                                                                         ƒƒ Each week you will normally need to either com-
  ƒƒ eCampus is where you access your study email                           plete a written assignment, or work on a project
     and meet students from other classes and pro-                          that you submit at the end of the module. Each
     grammes in discussion boards - these are known                         assignment must be completed by a deadline.
     as ‘Student Lounges’

  ƒƒ Blackboard is the name of the online classroom.
     This is where you receive and submit assignments,                 Interaction with Other Students
     and interact with your instructor and the other
     students in your class                                            In addition to the assignments described above, your
                                                                       instructor will also ask you one or two discussion ques-
  ƒƒ The Online Library gives you access to thousands                  tions each week. Your answers to these will not be
     of books, magazines and journal articles to use in                long, maybe a few hundred words. You can read all
     your studies.                                                     the answers to these questions by other students in
                                                                       the online classroom and they can read your answers.
All parts of the e-learning platform are easy to use. If                  You are expected to respond to other students’ an-
you can surf the internet and send an email you will                   swers by making comments and asking questions, and
have no problems getting to grips with our e-learning                  to reply to any questions or comments they have for
platform. Most computers (PC or Mac with compatible                    you. This allows you to demonstrate your understand-
Microsoft software) manufactured within the last five                  ing of the subject to the instructor, to learn from other
years will have a high enough specification to use the                 professionals’ experience, and to let them learn from
e-learning platform, but we can provide detailed tech-                 yours.
nical requirements if you need them. You will of course                   The quality, not quantity of your responses is what is
need a reliable internet connection – and although                     important. You are normally expected to make about
broadband (cable/ASDL) will enhance the speed at                       six responses (exact requirements vary) each week, in
which you can access the e-learning platform, it is still              addition to your initial answers to the instructor’s ques-
possible to study if you only have a dial-up connection.               tions.
* see below for details of the Student Support Manager and the other      You will study each module with a class of around
members of the University staff.                                       18 other students. Although you may work with some
                                                                       students in more than one module, normally the com-
                                                                       position of each class varies, allowing you to interact
                                                                       with different people over the course of your studies.
                                                                          Our postgraduate students come from all over the
                                                                       world. The online discussions give you the opportunity

to gain insights from a variety of countries, cultures,     ƒƒ Write an assignment (c. 700 words) OR work on
industries, viewpoints and experiences. They can form          a project requiring around the same amount of
the beginning of an invaluable global network and              work
wonderful relationships, which you will benefit from
long after you have finished studying.                      ƒƒ Write one or two short answers (a few hundred
                                                               words) to discussion questions set by your instruc-

Flexible Study                                              ƒƒ Participate in the online discussion board at least
                                                               three out of seven days, responding to what other
You must complete each assignment by the deadline              students have written around six times (substan-
set. You must also spread your participation in the            tial, relevant contributions, not just a few sen-
online discussions over at least three days each week.         tences)
Other than this, you are free to study whenever is most
convenient for you. The online classroom is available       ƒƒ Reflect on what you have learned.
24 hours a day, seven days a week. Your interaction
with other students is asynchronous; you do not have      This list should enable you to make a good estimate
to be online at the same time as them. You can read       of the required study time in a typical week, but on
and respond to what other students have written at        average our students find they spend approximately
any time - it is just like checking your email.           20 hours per week studying.

How Many Hours per Week?                                  Academic Integrity

Our online programmes are part-time programmes,           You submit all your work through the online class-
structured so that busy professionals with full-time      room. When you submit an assignment it is compared
jobs and family commitments can successfully complete     with a vast database of printed publications, websites
them. You may find that you have to sacrifice your free   and assignments that have already been submitted to
time in the evenings and at weekends, but the work-       other universities around the world. Instructors can see
load is realistic for full-time professionals.            the amount of material in a student’s work that has
   The exact amount of time you will spend studying       already appeared elsewhere. This allows them to check
each week is hard to predict. People absorb written       you are correctly citing and referencing any material
information and complete assignments at different         you have quoted in your assignments. It also ensures
speeds. Although the assignments set vary between         the University of Liverpool’s standards of academic in-
programmes and the week of the module you are in,         tegrity are maintained and that students only receive
the below list gives a good example of a typical week:    credit for work that they have done themselves.

  ƒƒ Plan when you will do your assignments and do
     any preparatory work

  ƒƒ Read sections of your textbook/s and other as-
     signed reading from the online library and other

Weekly Assessment                                         Duration of studies

All work undertaken is graded on a weekly basis. Each     The programme takes on average 2½ years to com-
week you will receive grades and feedback from your       plete with a few weeks’ break in between modules.
instructor for the work you did the previous week. At     Should students need to alter their study path due to
the end of a module we use these weekly grades to         work or family commitments they can do so in consul-
give you an overall grade for the module. Two-thirds      tation with a Student Support Manager.
of your final grade for a master’s degree comes from
the final grades of your eight modules. The remaining
third comes from your dissertation.
  You will receive feedback, positive and/or negative     Dissertation
from your instructor about your work, and be given
advice about how to improve grades.                       After successfully completing eight modules you will
  Continuous assessment tests your knowledge and          be ready to start your dissertation. We prepare you for
your understanding of what you are studying in a more     your dissertation just as we prepare you for the start
meaningful way than exams, which can often be a test      of your studies.
of memory.                                                   You will be enrolled into a dissertation class taken
                                                          by a General Dissertation Instructor. In this eight-week
                                                          long class you will be taught any skills you need to
                                                          complete your dissertation, finalise your dissertation
Modular Structure                                         topic and be appointed a Dissertation Advisor.
                                                             Your Dissertation Advisor will then advise and guide
Your studies are broken into modules; each module         your progress as you write your dissertation. Your dis-
focuses on a particular area of the subject you are       sertation will explore in-depth a subject of your choice
studying. Each of your credit-bearing modules lasts       that is relevant to your programme of study and of
eight weeks.                                              interest to yourself. Dissertations average 20,000 words
  A full master’s degree consists of eight modules fol-   in length and normally take seven months to complete,
lowed by a dissertation.                                  excluding the eight-week long dissertation class.
  Some programmes only have compulsory modules.
Other programmes have core modules you must
complete, and a number of specialist and/or elective
modules you can choose. Please see the relevant pro-      Support
gramme brochure for details.
  An instructor who is expert in the relevant subject     Throughout your studies you will have dedicated sup-
area teaches each module. All our instructors hold        port specialists you can turn to for advice and assist-
advanced degrees with over 60% holding doctoral           ance.
degrees. In addition to extensive previous experience       A personal Enrolment Advisor will help you with
as educators many have decades of experience in in-       your initial enquiry and the application process. After
dustry.                                                   you are admitted to the University they will make sure
                                                          you are ready to start your studies on the date you
                                                          have selected.
                                                            During your studies you will be assigned a Student
                                                          Support Manager. They will normally stay with you

throughout your studies, and will provide you with
any non-academic guidance or support you need. In         Graduation
addition to the advice you can get from your Student
Support Managers we have a team of Student Advisors        All of our online degrees follow the same high academ-
who contact students who are falling behind with their    ic standards as our on-campus equivalent degrees, and
studies to see what we can do to help.                    meet the academic and quality standards you would
   You will also benefit from access to an Online         expect from one of the leading research universities in
Librarian to assist you in finding research material,     the UK. Therefore upon successful completion of your
and technical support for the e-learning platform 24      degree, you are welcome to attend your graduation
hours a day.                                              ceremony in Liverpool alongside other students of our
   If students find their study skills are holding them   online programmes and students who have studied on
back from doing their best in their studies, we offer     campus. If you are unable to travel to the UK, we will
a number of academic skills modules. These modules        arrange for the secure delivery of your degree.
allow students to improve their study skills in spe-
cific areas (Citing and Referencing, English, Academic
Writing, and Research).
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