News flock 2021 - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church

Page created by Herman Adams
News flock 2021 - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
news flock                   for
12650 Johnny Cake Ridge Road, Apple Valley, MN 55124 | 952.432.6351 |

            Goodbye and Godspeed
News flock 2021 - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
Pastor RanBran:
Our Lent Trivia Man
Is the season of Lent that starts in February required
in order to have Easter?
No, that’s silly, because every Sunday is like a
mini-Easter, acclaiming Christ’s resurrection.
Lent is a helpful tradition however, to prepare and
celebrate Easter more fully.
Is Lent cancelled this year because of the pandemic?
No, it is not. Lent has endured dozens of terrible pandemics in the past, including many recurrences of the Black
Plague between the years 1347-1665. This year Ash Wednesday and Lent will look different, but watch for all the
ways and opportunities for still fully observing this season.
On Ash Wednesday, because of COVID-19, will a cross be put on our foreheads with a felt-tip marker?
No, we will not be using markers, but, yes, there will be an opportunity to get marked with a cross. Look for
detailed information on page 6 for how to pick up an Ash Wednesday kit that will have actual ashes in it for you.
Why use those dirty ashes to make a cross? I like it so much better when we use baptism water to sign the cross
on our foreheads!
Ashes are an ancient sign of sorrow, repentance, and death. It is a powerful symbol of our mortality, that we
admit our sins honestly, and that we remember the Good News: God loves and forgives fully and completely.
Is the main point of Lent that we each give up something we like for 40 days?
Oh, goodness, no. Lent is a 40 day journey of intentionally turning once again toward God (repentance).
The tradition of giving up something came out of the practice of fasting in order to dedicate oneself to prayer,
worship, and reflection.
So, Pastor Trivia Man, what are YOU planning to do during Lent this year? Are you giving something up?
Well, there are a few things that would be good for me to give up, but this year I am going to add something to
my life that will help turn my heart and mind to experience God’s presence and peace more deeply. I am
going to join Pastor John Keller’s class on “Centering Prayer” which will be held every Monday morning and
evening during Lent.
I see that this year’s Lent theme is “Community.” Is that related to the TV comedy series?
The reruns on cable you ask about center on community college life, but our Lent series offers a mid-week
opportunity to reflect on five types of community that God provides for life-giving connections (which is
especially critical during this pandemic when many feel disconnected).
God invites us to be in community with creation, in community with all the saints, in community with our
neighbor, in community with those on the margins, and in community with Christ.
Does the word “lent” come from the same origin as the word “lint?”
Ha! No, the word “Lent” comes from the Old English word "Lencten," which literally means "spring."
That’s because Lent always occurs during the spring months.
If purple is the color for Lent, should I wear my Vikings gear for 40 days?
Good grief, wear MN Vikings clothing at your own risk, but you are right. Purple (or violet) is used for Lent
because it is associated with mourning and anticipates the pain and suffering of the crucifixion.
Purple is also the color of royalty, and celebrates Christ's resurrection as our eternal king.
Pastor RanBran Trivia Man, any final words of wisdom?
Yes, the weeks before Holy Week and Easter have a long and deep history in the Christian church as a unique
opportunity to worship, learn, and grow in faith with one another. We pray this is your experience with the SOTV
staff and congregation. Let’s journey together, worship, encourage one another, and find ourselves renewed in
the bountiful community God provides. The abundant blessing of the Holy Spirit’s work be upon us all!

2 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                     
News flock 2021 - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
Church News
                  Goodbye and Godspeed
                  Pastor Wendy Steger started a new call on February 1, 2021.
                  Thank you to Pastor Wendy for her five years of strong, caring, and creative ministry. She will be missed! The staff and
                  Wendy were able to share stories and gratitude together at the last all staff Zoom meeting. We wish there was a way for
                  you all to greet her in person to convey your thanks, but coronavirus makes that impossible right now. If you wish, you can
                  mail a note to the church, and we will be sure she receives it. We wish Pastor Wendy the best in her new call!

 From Senior Pastor Rick Summy:
 Thank you!
 I was afraid that COVID-19 was going to be the Grinch that Stole Christmas in 2020. But just as in the beloved
 Dr. Seuss story, Christmas came all the same. Even if we couldn’t observe it the same way, we still celebrated God’s
 gift of the Incarnation of Our Lord, the birth of Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us.
 So, instead of filling (or overflowing) the worship space 9 or 10 times on Christmas Eve, the coronavirus called us
 to get creative. We did! And you responded with your usual good humor and willingness to make the best of a
 not-so-great situation.
 Our two-night Drive-Through Live Nativity had 823 cars participate, with an estimated 2,500 people. The virtual
 Sounds of the Season concert drew 2,400 views. Gathering in the parking lot on Christmas Eve to hear the Christmas
 story on the radio and sing Silent Night outside in a wind child of 15 below had 1,500 reservations. And our virtual
 Christmas Eve worship service has had 1,644 clicks to date.
 I am grateful for the creativity and diligent work of the staff and your wonderful response!
 More incredibly still, your offerings for the month of December, in the tenth month of a pandemic, came in above
 budget while we kept expenses significantly below budget. Your generosity in response to God’s love is nothing
 short of amazing. Thank you for your steadfast faithfulness!

 Guidelines on Reopening
 We have put together a document that will give guidance about our plans for re-opening based on Dakota County numbers. You can find this
 document at This document lists the case rate numbers (Dakota County cases per 10,000 that are based on a 14-day
 period) that are released every Thursday. Changes in thresholds will not result in instantaneous ministry changes; watch for changes on our
 website and through weekly congregational emails. Please note that all scenarios include face masks, safe social distance, cleaning, protocols,
 waivers, and small group requests. Event sizes will be based on MDH guidelines and SOTV capacity.

 Interim Pastoral Help
 With Pastor Wendy off to her new call and Pastor Lindsey soon to go on maternity leave, we are working to obtain some interim pastoral
 help. We don’t have anything to announce just yet but will keep you updated over the next several weeks.

                                                      Need technology help for streaming our
                                                      worship service, attending our online
                                                      classes (Zoom), or for Facebook?
                                                      Dan Ferber, an SOTV member, would like to help you with any of
                                                      these problems at no cost. Dan is familiar with a wide variety of
                                                      platforms, including Mac, PC, iPhone, Android phone, and
                                                      iPad. If you’d like Dan’s assistance, email or call
                                                      651.322.0274 (preferred between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm).

3 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                                           
News flock 2021 - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
Church News                                                                                        CONTACT US

A Walk Down Memory Lane                                                                          Church Council:
                                                                                                 Cheryl Seely, President
                                                                                                 Melissa Taphorn, Vice President
“Before the building of SOTV was completed,                                                      Jim Winslow, Secretary
I was selected to be a delegate to the Lutheran                                                  Michael Schaeffer, Treasurer
district church convention by another area                                                       Rick Summy, Senior Pastor
church. Representing the church that would                                                       Dave Brueshoff
soon become SOTV was the selected Pastor                                                         Emily Capra
Paul Harrington. When Paul was asked what                                                        Rod Hofland
the name of the new Apple Valley church was going to be, he replied that since it was going to   Michael Kelly
also be a neighbor to the new Minnesota Zoo, he suggested an appropriate name might be the       Rachel Wermerskirchen
NU ZU LU.” - Mike Gerkin                                                                         Karla Williams
To hear more, follow us on Facebook! Do you have a story about our history to share? We          Bernie Zimmermann
would love to hear it! Send stories and photos to             
                                                                                                 Main Office:
Capital Fund Update & Supporting the Church                                                      Children, Youth, & Family (CYF):
Council approved a Capital Fund designation of $50,000 in January. With this designation, we     All other numbers:
will pay an additional $40,000 toward debt reduction, allocate $7,500 to the facility, and       952.985 (+ ext)
allocate $2,500 to outreach.
When you give to the Capital and Building Funds, you support our facility and mortgage
                                                                                                 Rick Summy - 7301
payments. Giving to the General Fund ( covers our operational expenses, and
                                                                                                 Lindsey Bina - 7351
enables ministries in our church, our community, and the world. Thank you for you generous
                                                                                                 Randy Brandt - 7302
support of Shepherd of the Valley!
                                                                                                 Mary Pottratz - 7321

Leadership Team Openings                                                                         Weddings:
                                                                                                 Jill Johnson - 7381
Beginning in August 2021, we will have openings on many leadership teams.                        Preschool:
The commitment is 3 years, with (generally) monthly meetings.
                                                                                                 Linda Nelson - 7370
Learn more and apply at
   Endowment                                                                                    Finance:
   Engagement                                                                                   Dawn Della Paolera - 7315
   Human Resources                                                                              Funerals:
   Nominations                                                                                  Jill Johnson - 7381
   Stewardship
                                                                                                 Staff email addresses:
   Council (2 members and 1 non-voting secretary)
                                                                                                 Full staff directory at
Our Deepest Sympathy                                                                   

Ed and Larry Ahrens on the death of wife/mother, Mary Ahrens
Steve Lovejoy on the death of wife, Darla Lovejoy
Juanita Brandenburg on the death of sister, Deborah Silda
Renae Spande on the death of husband, Lon Spande                                                        Tax Statement
Rosanne Greunke on the death of father, Richard Greunke
                                                                                                 If you did not receive your 2020
Carol Wedding on the death of sister, Patty Szymik
Rose Johnson on the death of mother, Dorothy McClard                                             giving statement in your email inbox
Katie Strand on the death of grandmother, Donna Heilman                                          to file with your taxes, email
Don Berdahl on the death of father, Wayne Berdahl                                      
Robin Robinson on the death of husband, Randy Robinson
Bob Nelson on the death of wife, Joan Nelson
Betty O'Leary on the death of sister, Marie Tesch
Jo Knutson on the death of husband, Lee Knutson

4 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                                
News flock 2021 - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
WORSHIP                                             Online Worship Schedule

                                                  FEBRUARY 6 & 7
                                             Preaching: Rick Summy
                                                  Holy Communion
                                              Good News for Kids Message

                                               FEBRUARY 13 & 14
                                           Preaching: Randy Brandt
                                Thanksgiving for Baptism with a Water Blessing
                                        Good News for Kids Message

   Want ashes for                  WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17
  Ash Wednesday?
 You can pick up between
 9:00 - 11:00 am on Feb. 14,
                                            Preaching: Rick Summy                 Lenten plans
  or 24/7 in SOTV’s shed by                       Ash Wednesday                    on page 6
door 3 from February 14 - 17.
                                             Good News for Kids Message

                                               FEBRUARY 20 & 21
                                            Preaching: Lindsey Bina
                                                  Holy Communion
                                              Good News for Kids Message

                                               FEBRUARY 27 & 28
                                            Preaching: Rick Summy
                                             Good News for Kids Message

                                                      Online Worship:
                      Available Saturdays after 5:00 pm:
                     Worship video is posted on Facebook: Sundays at 9:45 am

  5 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                              
News flock 2021 - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
WORSHIP                                                  Lenten Worship & Communit y Time

Lent Worship on Zoom
Wednesdays (February 24 - March 24)
12:00 pm
Find the Zoom link on our website.
Stay on after worship for some community time!
Note: Lent worship will be available on our website after the Zoom
Lent theme: Created for Community. The invitation to Lent spoken on Ash Wednesday reminds us that we enter this season together “with the
whole church.” It goes on to state that “we are created for communion with God, to love one another, and to live in harmony with creation.”
This series invites us to reflect on what it means to be in community with one another, with the world, with creation, and with God.

                Lent Activity Gift Bags (Celebrate Lent at home)
                        All ages are invited to experience the Lenten season
                                   united as a community of faith.         Just want ashes for
                                                                                                                     Ash Wednesday?
                                       Pick up a Lent Activity Gift Bag                                            You can pick up between
                                   Sunday, February 14 from 9:00 - 11:00 am                                        9:00 - 11:00 am on Feb. 14,
                                                                                                                    or 24/7 in SOTV’s shed by
                                        Contactless drive-thru in SOTV parking lot                                door 3 from February 14 - 17.

                 Lenten gift bags contain simple supplies to help you celebrate Lent at home:
                                           Ashes for Ash Wednesday
                       The makings of a prayer station and weekly devotional activities
                                    Guided daily reflections and activities
                                        A message from SOTV pastors
                 There is no charge for a Lenten gift bag, but please RSVP online by Wednesday, February 10 to help us plan.
    After our February 14 pick-up day, any leftover Lent activity gift bags and ashes will be available 24 hours/day outside SOTV’s Door 3.
                If you can’t register online, please call Julie Opheim at 952.985.7331 and leave your name and phone number.

                                                    Requested Donations:
                                                     $10 Cub Food gift cards for Easter dinners for All Nations Indian Church
                                                     Cleaning and personal care products for the SOTV Food Shelf
         Bring a donation                                 Cleaning Supplies: dish soap, laundry detergent, bathroom cleaner, Clorox
        when you pick-up                                        wipes, fabric softener, kitchen cleaner, liquid hand soap
                                                            Personal Care Products: body wash, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant
          your Lent Bag!                                        (men & women), tampons/pads/poise pads, hand sanitizer, toothpaste,
                                                                toothbrush, hand lotion

 Lent Themed Coffee Breaks on Facebook Live
 Weekdays from Ash Wednesday (February 17) – Good Friday (April 2)
 10:30 - 10:45 am
 Tune into our weekday Facebook live videos to hear a pastor or staff member on our Coffee Break! Beginning February 17, we will have
 special Lenten themed Coffee Breaks. If you don’t have Facebook, you can view our videos at

6 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                                         
News flock 2021 - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
LEARN                                              Children, Youth, & Family (CYF)
Outdoor Family Fun Day
Sunday, February 14
11:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Cost: $10/family
Families of all ages are invited for an Outdoor Family Fun Day at SOTV! We’ll experience some outdoor winter activities, including a Bible
story, snow art, a service project, and scavenger hunt. Families will be sent home with a Valentine’s Day treat bag as well as one of our Lent
Activity Gift Bags. This day is sure to be “snow” much fun!

Masks are required and families will participate within their family unit at a safe social distance from others. At least one parent/guardian
must attend with their child(ren). Minimum of 3 families required, maximum of 12 families. All plans subject to change with interest levels,
COVID updates, and weather. In the event of a COVID-related cancellation, participants will be issued a 100% refund.

5 Love Languages
Tuesdays, February 9 & 16
12:30 pm
Video Premiere on Shepherd of the Valley Parents Facebook Page
Each of us crave different kinds of attention and affection; including our children. Your words and actions play a key role
in how children perceive and know that they are loved. The Five Love Languages for Children by Gary Chapman helps
families identify the primary ways in which their child genuinely feels love. Join Erin Swenson-Hatzung and Katie Strand
as they discuss these five love languages and take a journey to discover how you can effectively communicate love to
your children.

                                   SOTV Parents Facebook Live Videos
      It’s important to have a community of fellow parents who support and encourage each other!
      SOTV has a private Facebook group for SOTV parents who are looking for a safe place to share joys, concerns, questions, photos,
                           and stories; where resources are shared and grace is shown for pandemic life with kids.
      To participate, request to join the private Shepherd of the Valley Parents Facebook group at
                                            No registration, experience, or preparation is necessary.

New baby? We want to know!
Are you expecting a child through birth or adoption? Do you have a new infant at home?
In these sacred seasons of waiting for and welcoming a baby, SOTV is here for you. We have resources to support the whole family, and are
now starting to deliver care packages for new moms. Contact Katie Strand at

Family Faith @ Home
Family Faith @ Home is a faith formation option that provides structure and flexibility for households of all shapes and sizes to explore faith
together. With a combination of live gatherings and experiences that can be done at your pace and on your schedule, FF@H is designed for
participation instead of or in addition to age-specific programming (GodZone or Confirmation) for the 2020-21 school year. Learn more and

             For announcements, events, serving opportunities, and more information for
                 Children, Youth, & Families, visit

7 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                                           
News flock 2021 - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
LEARN                                            Children, Youth, & Family (CYF)
Ice Skating Meet Up (High School)
Sunday, February 21
2:00 - 3:00 pm
All high school students are invited to take a break to enjoy this winter and join us for some ice skating! We'll meet at Hagemeister Park
(13000 Johnny Cake Ridge Rd., just south of SOTV) and ask that you bring your own skates and cold weather gear. Even though the warming
house may be closed, we'll gather for an hour to meet some new people and get to know each other while social distancing. Masks are
required at all times. Registration will close on February 16, or when 15 participants are registered (max allowed). All plans subject to
change with interest levels, COVID updates, and weather.

    Camp Wapo Weeklong (completed grades 4 - 12)
    Sunday, June 20 - Friday, June 25

    Camp Wapo Seeds Weekend (completed grades 1 - 3)
    Thursday, July 8 - Saturday, July 10
    Registration is open for Camp Wapo at

                                            Summer Trips & Camps
                                            Registration opens on Monday, March 15
                                            Details will be available online at

    Vacation Bible School (Age 3 - Grade 5)
    Week 1: Monday, July 12 - Thursday, July 15
    Week 2: Monday, July 19 - Thursday, July 22

    Family Vacation Bible School
    Monday, July 12 - Thursday, July 15

    Summer Mini Camps
    PKK - Kindergarten Mini Camp: Monday, June 7 - Thursday, June 10
    Grades 1 - 3 Mini Camp: Monday, August 9 - Thursday, August 12

    Middle School & High School Summer Trips

                                Children, Youth, & Family Staff Contact Information:
                     Family: Katie Strand                                              Grades 6 - 8: Zach Rider
         Preschool - Kindergarten: Heidi Bachmeyer                           Grade 9 & Rite of Confirmation: Kelsey Young
                  Grades 1 - 3: Ali Hohertz                                   General CYF Questions & Registration Help:
             Grades 4 - 5: Erin Swenson-Hatzung                                             Dawn Peterson

8 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                                      
News flock 2021 - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
LEARN                                       Children, Youth, & Family (CYF)

      Preschool registration for the 2021-22 school year is open
                   We focus on the whole child and guide them through
               process-based activities to learn the skills to be successful in life.

                                                        for registration

                                     Monday & Wednesday: 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
                                      Tuesday & Thursday: 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
                                           Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
                                       9:30 am - 12:00 pm or 12:45 pm - 3:15 pm
                                     Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
                                               9:30 am - 12:00 pm

                                        Ages must be met by September 1, 2021.
                          Close birthdays need to be individually cleared by Preschool Director.

                                 Preschool registration is on a first come, first serve basis.
                             Once classes are filled, we will create waiting lists for each class.
                         5-year-old classes are filled with older children receiving highest priority.
                                         Download the 2021-22 registration form.

                            For more information and registration:
                            Contact Linda Nelson, Preschool Director, for more information or to
                            schedule a tour by emailing, calling 952.985.7370,
                            or visiting our website (
                            See our website for registration instructions.

9 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                              
News flock 2021 - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
LEARN                                               Adult Study & Enrichment
Media Night with a Pastor: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
Thursday, February 11
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Register for Zoom (deadline: February 10)
Watch this Academy Award winning movie ahead of time, and join in a Zoom discussion about the life and ministry of Fred Rogers, an
ordained Presbyterian minister. Pastor Rick will lead a discussion on what Mr. Rogers can teach us all about loving our neighbor.

Centering Prayer: A Spiritual Practice
Mondays, February 22 – March 22
9:00 -10:00 am or 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Led by: Pastor John Keller
Register for Zoom (deadline: February 21)
“Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Learn an ancient Christian contemplative prayer practice that can deeply enrich your intimacy
with God and others. Discover the simple yet ever-challenging way to be still and rest in God. John Keller, an ELCA pastor, is a certified
presenter through Contemplative Outreach International. He recommends Thomas Keating's book Open Mind, Open Heart as helpful (though
not necessary) reading for the class. The first class will have an overview of various contemplative practices while the final four classes will
focus on the specific practice of Centering Prayer.

New Member Class
Tuesdays, March 2 & 9
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Location: TBD
Register (deadline: February 22)
All are invited to this two night class led by Senior Pastor Rick Summy to:
   Understand what membership means
   Learn about the mission and vision of our church
   Get to know other new members and people in our faith community
   Tour the building
   Learn about different opportunities to get connected
Invite a friend, and come see why so many feel at home here!

  February Sunday Forum:                                                                  March Sunday Forum:
  Sunday, February 21                                                                     Sunday, March 14
  9:45 – 10:45 am                                                                         Speaker: Bonnie Wilcox,
  Register for Zoom (deadline: February 19)                                               Senior Pastor at First Lutheran Church &
  Speaker: Kristin Anderson, Professor of Art at Augsburg University                      former Pastor at Shepherd of the Valley
  Topic: God’s House - A History of Church Architecture                                   Topic: TBA

Women’s Bible Study
Jonah - Navigating a Life Interrupted
Tuesdays, February 9 - March 23
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Register for Zoom (deadline: February 8)
What do we do when God interrupts our lives? Many times, like Jonah, we run! In this 7-session Bible study, Priscilla Shirer redefines
interruption and shows that interruption is actually God's invitation to do something beyond our wildest dreams. Purchase the Jonah Bible
Study Workbook on your own. Information about watching the Bible study videos will be provided after you register.

10 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                                          
LEARN                                               Groups

Racial Truth & Justice
Immigration: A View from the Arizona Border
Thursday, February 18
7:00 – 8:00 pm
Register for Zoom (deadline: February 17)
Mary Martin and Mike Day are Minnesota transplants who live in southern Arizona and volunteer with the Green Valley-Sahuarita
Samaritans, a humanitarian aid group that helps migrants in the desert by providing water, food, and clothing. The group organizes searches
and water drops to reduce the number of migrants who die trying to cross the border, and provides witness to Border Patrol activities along
the border. They will talk about their experiences in the desert and what you can do to help reduce deaths and suffering along the border.

Podcast Night on Notice the Rage; Notice the Silence
Thursday, March 11
7:00 - 8:30 pm
Register for Zoom (deadline: March 10)
During this time, we will discuss Notice the Rage; Notice the Silence, an interview by Krista Tippett with Resmaa Menakem, a Minneapolis
author and trauma specialist (50 minutes). Optional 17 minute Ted-Talk: How to Overcome Our Biases? Walk Boldly Toward Them by Verna
Myers. We invite participants to listen to the Resmaa interview (and optional Ted Talk) beforehand and be ready to discuss!

Empty Nesters
Make Sandwiches for the Homeless
Prepare sandwiches together via Zoom: Friday, February 19 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Drop sandwiches and receipts off at SOTV’s Door 3: Saturday, February 20 from 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Register (deadline: February 18, limited to 20 households)
In this season of love, the Empty Nesters are invited to make sandwiches for Allen Law, the “sandwich man” who spends many nights feeding
the homeless on the streets of Minneapolis. Learn more details at

Winter Outing at Whitetail Woods Regional Park
Sunday, March 7
4:00 – 6:00 pm
Save the date for a fun afternoon of sledding, hiking, and enjoying social time around a bonfire.

Purposeful Retirement
Ted Talk & Discussion on Lessons for a Long & Happy Life
Part I: Thursday, February 18
10:00 – 11:30 am
Register for Zoom (deadline: February 17)
Join us as we review and discuss two Ted Talks about living a long and purposeful life. We will look at the effects on successful aging as
discovered in the Blue Zones.

Part II: Wednesday, March 10
10:00 – 11:30 am
Register for Zoom (deadline: March 9)
In part I we looked at the effects on successful aging as discovered in the Blue Zones. Now we will focus on the impact of your social life on
aging as presented in two more Ted Talks. Participation in session I is not needed to enjoy this session.

11 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                                           
CONNECT                                            Thank You!

      Thank you from
      Southside Family
      Nurturing Center
“On behalf of Southside Family Nurturing Center, we would like to thank you for your recent donation of a bus full of toys and
toiletries for our annual Holiday Store. We are deeply grateful for your support of our work to address disparities in health and
education outcomes, across race and income in our community. Your generosity lifts some of the holiday stress for the
families we serve and brings joy to their children.

Exposure to violence, trauma, and generational poverty create enormous barriers for young children. Yet truly extraordinary
is the face that with support, guidance, and intervention, children continue to develop the social, emotional, and cognitive
skills necessary to progress in the development. Children thrive when parents simultaneously receive the help they need to
provide stable and nurturing home environments. We know we would not be able to provide the intensive services children
and families need without this generous support.

We are especially grateful for your gifts in this time of uncertainty. Our team is working harder than ever to assure the families
we serve have what they need to thrive including access to healthy fresh food, base needs support, virtual ECE and
therapies, and home visiting via phone/video conferencing weekly.

May you be blessed as greatly as you have blessed the children and families we serve. Wishing you and your loved ones
health and safety. Happy New Year!” With gratitude, Julie Ellefson, Executive Director at Southside Family Nurturing Center
and Diane Cullumber, Development Director at Southside Family Nurturing Center

“Wow! We couldn’t put on the holiday store without your congregation. We are so grateful. Thank you!” - Southside Family
Nurturing Center

 The Red Cross collected 78 units of blood during the drive on January 28, surpassing the drive goal.
 Thank you to all the donors and volunteers! Together we offer hope and healing to up to 234 individuals.

“We received $120 in gas gift cards. Thank you so much, this is so helpful to our school community, especially at this time,
when there is so much need.” - School Social Worker for Rosemount Elementary

12| Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                             
CONNECT                                              SO T V’s Food Shelf

   Dear hunger relief partners:
   We wanted to send you a brief note to say – thank you. On behalf of the state of Minnesota, our families, our communities,
   thank you.
   You have been on the front lines since the beginning of this pandemic – changing your operations, supporting volunteers,
   resolving supply chain challenges, and assuring clients – all to ensure that the people of Minnesota can safely access food so
   they do not go hungry.
   You represent the best of One Minnesota, including food shelves, food banks, meal programs, Tribal Nations, local
   government, the private sector, and so much more. Together, you have shown what it means to care for one another through
   the power of food.
   At a time when so much is uncertain, knowing where your next meal will come from should not be in doubt. Thanks to your
   hard work, you’ve made sure that’s true for thousands of families.
   We know this work can be both energizing and exhausting, often at the same time. You have made sacrifices and continue
   to show up day in and day out. Many of you have been impacted by the increases in cases and transmission in the
   community. We want to assure you that our teams continue to monitor and analyze patterns of transmission. The measures
   you are taking to stay safe are working – keep it up.
   The hunger relief network in Minnesota is strong, deep, and resilient. When this is all said and done, people will remember your
   heroic efforts to serve more people than ever. You have responded to increased need with dignity, kindness, and respect.
   Whether you’re delivering food, packing it into boxes, or adapting your spaces to welcome clients in new ways, you make a
   difference each and every day.
   Please take care of yourselves and know that we are grateful for all that do you.
   Thank you,
   Tim Walz, Governor                           Peggy Flanagan, Lt. Governor

Food Shelf Volunteers
There are many open ongoing volunteer and substitute positions. To find details and sign-up, visit

                         Throughout February.. the SOTV Food Shelf is collecting
     Laundry Detergent • All Purpose Cleaners • Toilet Bowl Cleaner • Instant Oatmeal Packets • Garbanzo Beans
                               Great Northern Beans • Refried Beans • Hard Taco Shells

           For more information and to stay up-to-date on the food shelf, visit

                         Please put all donations in paper grocery bags (prefer handles on bags),
         and leave on the metal rack outside SOTV’s Door 3 on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 10:00 am - 4:00 pm.

13 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                                
CONNECT                                            Ways to Help

Sheridan Story/Every Meal Update
“Every Meal has missed connecting with weekend food program distribution volunteers, but our work fighting
child hunger hasn’t stopped! We wanted to reach out to share a brief update and extend our continued
At Falcon Ridge Middle, Every Meal weekend food bags are available to students, although distributions look a
bit different than usual. Currently, the bags are available for students to pick up at the school. I have been
working closely with the school counselor who runs the program, and he is working hard to ensure that his
students get the food they need during this time.
Thank you for your support as we continue toward our vision of Every Child. Every Meal.”

Donate Food, Paper Bags, Artwork, & Handmade Items
  Non-perishable food and paper bags for the Food Shelf
  Artwork for elderly or ill people
  Handmade items (Cards, hearts, face masks - especially for males, fidget blankets) for nursing home
   residents at Presbyterian Homes and Optage (more info at Label bag “Presbyterian
   Homes/Optage Donation.”
Please put all donations in paper grocery bags, and leave on the metal rack outside SOTV’s Door 3 on Tuesdays
or Thursdays between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm.

Help Others
  Call people in our congregation (more info at
  Knit or crochet prayer shawls (more info at
  Pray for those in need (more info at
  Give to the General Fund to support all of our ministries (give at

                     Learn all the ways you can help by visiting

14 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                           
CARE                                                Find strength in Christ, and from one another.
Caring for Self & Others During Challenging Times
Tuesday, February 23
6:30 – 8:00 pm
Register for Zoom (deadline: February 22)
Our Biblical stories remind us that suffering, waiting, fear, and loss are a part of life. Right now as a society, we are experiencing all kinds of
stressors. During our time together we will ground ourselves in God’s story as we learn about stress, trauma, crisis, and how it affects us.
We will look at how our faith practices help us take care of ourselves and our neighbors during challenging times.
This event's facilitator is Rev. Ruth Sorenson-Prokosch. She is a spiritual director (Front Porch Spiritual Direction) and serves as Pastor for
Visitation and Congregational Care at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Roseville, MN. She has a passion for working with people around issues
of discernment, spiritual and emotional well-being, and creating and holding safe space for those during times of stress.

                                             Mental Health During COV ID
                                         By Becky Wilken, Faith Community Nurse at SOTV
  Here we are: We are all COVID weary…big time. Life as we knew it has changed immensely. There is plenty of stress,
  fear, and uncertainty to go around. The vaccinating has begun, but we are told it will not be until fall, if all goes well,
  that we can resume normal activity. My heart goes out to parents trying to balance work, family, helping school their
  children. To our seniors who are isolated either at home or in assisted living. To people out of work not able to make
  payments, losing housing and more. There is an increase in depression, anxiety, even suicide. All of this isolation,
  especially during a Minnesota winter, is taking a toll.
  The Challenge: Our challenge is to keep on, and to stay safe. Boy, is that a tough one some days! It’s easy to lose
  motivation. We are not meant to be alone and isolated…we are community oriented beings. While a lot of us know
  what to do to keep ourselves as safe and healthy as possible, we have grown weary of doing it. It’s like we are trying to
  live our lives in a cage and we so long to break free. We know that it continues to be of paramount importance to
  distance, wear masks and avoid risks. We do not want to be the next casualty in this very real pandemic.
  What can we do? Know that there are degrees of mental health difficulties. If you or someone you know are feeling
  suicidal or having thoughts of self-harm, reach out for help and connection. Don’t suffer alone. A Red Flag: If you are
  not able, or totally unmotivated, to accomplish your activities of daily living…reach out for help and connection.
     Call Dakota County Crisis at 952.891.7171.
     Call your primary care clinic to connect with your provider.
     Contact Shepherd of the Valley at 952.432.6351. Pastors and Faith Community Nurses have access to resources
        that range from crisis intervention to supportive phone counseling or a listening ear.
     Find out what your insurance offers.
     Focus on things we CAN DO that make a difference to ourselves and others.
     Utilize the powerful tool of mindfulness and try to look at things from a positive perspective.
  While some things are beyond our control, there is much we can do. We each have our ways of coping. For me,
  getting outdoors to walk vigorously helps my angst, along with prayer, yoga stretches, music, purposeful work or
  volunteering, and staying connected with friends and family. I find that keeping up with personal grooming and putting
  on nice clothing daily helps me. I’m grateful for my spouse Bill, as he is motivated to walk with me and keep up on
  healthy eating (he’s the better cook). Fastidious self-care has become tougher through this long pandemic, but well
  worth the effort. Stay connected!
  For assistance in taking the next steps in caring for your mental health or the mental health of a loved one, please
  contact SOTV at 952.432.6351.

SOTV works with Ellie Family Services to offer emotional wellness and
mental health services.
To learn more about this option, visit

15 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                                               
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Questions? Want to share ways you are staying connected?

                             Visit the website at

               Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, ELCA (SOTV)
               12650 Johnny Cake Ridge Road, Apple Valley, MN 55124
       Admin office: 952.432.6351 | Children, Youth, & Family office: 952.432.6385
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