Wedding Marriage A wedding begins a lifetime - of memories that fill a marriage - Special Supplement

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Wedding Marriage A wedding begins a lifetime - of memories that fill a marriage - Special Supplement
October 4, 2019             Tennessee Register Weddings & Marriages Supplement 1

                      Special Supplement

       E  Marriages
                    A wedding begins a lifetime
                  of memories that fill a marriage
Wedding Marriage A wedding begins a lifetime - of memories that fill a marriage - Special Supplement
2 Tennessee Register Weddings & Marriages Supplement                                                                                                 October 4, 2019

Engaged Couples Retreats help prepare for life after the wedding
Christie McCullough

       cientific studies are beginning to
       show what the Catholic Church
       has known all along: premarital
counseling can help prevent divorce.
  “In order to have a successful mar-
riage, you have to prepare for it,” said
Deacon Tom Samoray, director of Fam-
ily Life and Marriage for the Diocese
of Nashville. His office organizes the
Engaged Couples Retreats held for
couples preparing for marriage.
  The issues and tools presented in the
Engaged Couples Retreat are issues
and tools that are relevant at every
stage of marriage, he said.
  “Communication is key. We go
through different talks that mainly help
couples learn how to communicate,”
Deacon Samoray said. “Even couples
who have been married for a long pe-
riod of time have to work on their com-
munication. So, that comes early on in
the retreat. …
  “All of the other talks, finance, spiri-
tuality, intimacy all include the impor-     Bishop J. Mark Spalding meets with couples preparing for their upcoming marriages at the diocesan Engaged
tance of communication,” he added. “So       Couples Retreat. The diocese hosts nine of the one-day retreats throughout the year. During the day, the couples
often we find that couples go into small     discuss a variety of topics, including finance, spirituality and intimacy, but the biggest issue is learning how to
groups and they haven’t communicated         communicate, said Deacon Tom Samoray, director of Family Life and Marriage for the Diocese of Nashville.
about things such as student loans. So,
the couples comes in and goes, ‘Oh,          gious counterparts.                          Samoray said.                           can continue their ongoing faith forma-
and I forgot to tell you                        The study further demonstrated that         “Ideally,” he said, “the Engaged      tion as a couple.”
that I have $100,000                         the more active a couple was in their        Couples Retreat is just the beginning     For more information on the Engaged
in student loans.’ This                      parish community, the more their             of the couple preparing for marriage.   Couples Retreat and upcoming retreats,
may come up on the                           chances of divorce decreased. In situa-      In addition to pre-Cana, the couples    visit https://www.dioceseofnashville.
retreat. It’s just some-                     tions where Catholic couples were ac-        should find a home parish where they    com/getting-married.
thing that they never                        tively involved with parish life beyond
thought to discuss                           weekly Mass attendance, statistics
before.                                      showed that the couple was 31 percent
  “Or children. They                         less likely to divorce than their non-
haven’t really talked
                                             religious counterparts.
                                                Having an appreciation of the sanc-                                                  Make your day
about how many or
when,” Deacon Samo-            Samoray       tity of marriage isn’t enough, Deacon
ray said. “But, in the retreat, they’re in   Samoray said. Catholic couples must
small groups with peers and they feel        understand the significance of mar-
comfortable talking about these things       riage as a sacrament and a vocation.
as a couple. ... It helps lessen some of        “As we see it from a Catholic perspec-
the anxiety about marriage.”
  “A robust experience of marriage
                                             tive, we understand marriage as a sac-
                                             rament – the sacrament of matrimony,
                                                                                                                                        with floral
                                                                                                                                    creations from
preparation can have a significant posi-     which imparts graces in the way that all
tive effect upon those who marry, by         sacraments do. … It is also a vocation,”
helping them weigh their decision to         Deacon Samoray said. “It’s a call to

marry more seriously and consider            holiness. Just as a call to the priesthood
more thoughtfully the various dynam-         or religious life, we want to make sure
ics of married life,” said Erin Stracener,   that couples understand that they are
director of the Tribunal for the Diocese     entering their vocation.
of Nashville, which handles requests            “One of the ways we get called to holi-

for annulments. “Too often couples be-       ness is through our vocation,” he said.
come so preoccupied with the practical       “Your vocation is to get each other to
details of wedding preparation that they     heaven. To help that person be the best
fail to prepare themselves adequately        person they can be and to help them
for married life itself.                     get to heaven. There again, that’s an
  “If couples more fervently prepared        awesome responsibility. And it takes                                                                         EST. 1968
for marriage and entered married life        some preparation to do that.”
with a deeper and more realistic knowl-         In addition to the Engaged Couples
edge of the commitments and sacrifices       Retreat that the diocese offers nine
involved, we would likely see fewer          months out of the year, Father Jayd
divorces and, therefore, fewer petitions     Neely, pastor of St. Mary’s of the
for a declaration of nullity,” she added.
  An April 2019 article in Catholic
                                             Seven Sorrows Church in downtown
                                             Nashville, offers a weekend retreat                                                                  EXPERTS
World Report backs Samoray’s and Stra-       called Three to Get Married. “They
cener’s emphatic support of premarital       don’t offer the retreat that often. But,                                                               IN THE
preparation, including the importance        if couples have the ability to set aside
of communication. The article cites a
recent study that showed that in states
                                             an entire weekend, it’s a wonderful op-
                                             portunity for them to dedicate the time
                                                                                                                                                   ART OF
where premarital counseling was man-
datory, the divorce rates are about 1.5
                                             to preparing for their marriage and not
                                             just their wedding,” Deacon Samoray                                                               EXPRESSION
percent lower than in states where pre-      said.
marital counseling isn’t required.              While the Diocesan Engaged Couples
  When faith is an influencing factor,
the numbers drop even more. A 2016
                                             retreat and Three to Get Married are
                                             both preparatory tools, they work in        | 615.824.0857
Pew report showed that even “nominal”        conjunction with the preparation pro-
Catholics had a 5 percent less chance
of getting divorced than their non-reli-
                                             vided by the deacon or priest who will
                                             preside at a couple’s wedding, Deacon
                                                                                                   Follow us ... on at Browns_florist
Wedding Marriage A wedding begins a lifetime - of memories that fill a marriage - Special Supplement
October 4, 2019                                                                                     Tennessee Register Weddings & Marriages Supplement 3

              Wedding & Marriage Announcements
     ENGAGEMENTS                                    ANNIVERSARIES                          Ashburn 50th anniversary                    Victory 50th anniversary
                                                                                         Joseph and Marlene Gawlowski Ash-          John and Theresa Victory celebrated
        Askland-Krauss                             Burns 10th anniversary                burn will celebrate the 50th anniversary   their 50th wedding anniversary on
                                                                                         of their wedding on Oct. 18, 2019. They    Sept. 27, 2019. They were married at
Vannessa Maria Askland and John               Jason and Aubrey Burns celebrated          were married at St. Basil the Great        the Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual
Sebastian Krauss will be married on           their 10th wedding anniversary on          Church in East Pointe, Michigan. The       Help in Rapid City, South Dakota. The
July 11, 2020, at the Copper Ridge            June 20, 2019. They were married in        couple has two children, David Ashburn     couple has two children, Christopher
Venue in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.             Nashville. The have one child, Gary.       and Rebecca Limones, and five grand-       and Matthew Victory, and four grand-
The bride is the daughter of Esmer-           Mr. Burns is a legal assistant and Mrs.    children. Mr. Ashburn works for NAPA.      children. They are both retired.
alda Guadalupe Askland. She works             Burns is a paralegal. The couple resides   Mrs. Ashburn is retired. The couple
as a high school Spanish teacher. The         in Nashville.                              resides in Cookeville, Tennessee.           McKeegan 55th anniversary
groom is the son of Teresa Krauss.
He works in law enforcement. The                Calzavara 25th anniversary                Brancheau 50th anniversary                Paul and Mary Ann McKeegan cele-
couple will reside in Murfreesboro.                                                                                                 brated their 55th wedding anniversary
                                              Deacon John and Jacqueline Calzavara       Deacon Paul and Laura Brancheau            on June 20, 2019. They were married
         WEDDINGS                             will celebrate their 25th wedding an-
                                              niversary on Oct. 22, 2019. The couple
                                                                                         celebrated the 50th anniversary of their
                                                                                         wedding on Sept. 6, 2019. They were
                                                                                                                                    at Our Lady of the Lake Church in
                                                                                                                                    Edinboro, Pennsylvania. The couple
                                              were married in Orange, California.        married at St. Michael Catholic Church     has three children, Shawn, Brian and
      Clippard-Scaglione                      The couple has one child, Adriana.         in Livonia, Michigan. The couple has       Keith, and four grandchildren. Mr.
                                              He serves as a deacon at Holy Family       three children, Jennifer Frey, Rebecca     McKeegan is a retired university pro-
Elizabeth Ann Clippard and Patrick            Church in Brentwood and is a profes-       Griffin, Christopher Brancheau, and
James Scaglione were married on                                                                                                     fessor, and Mrs. McKeegan is a retired
                                              sional musician. She is the manager of     five grandchildren. Deacon Brancheau       elementary school teacher.
March 2, 2019, at the Church of               client experience at Ingram Content        serves at St. Philip Church in Franklin
the Assumption in Nashville. The
bride is the daughter of Richard and
                                              Group.                                     and is an Uber driver. Mrs. Brancheau       Moynahan 60th anniversary
                                                                                         is an independent college consultant.
Norma Clippard. She works as the                   Spehr 25th anniversary                The couple resides in Franklin.
staff counsel at Asurion. The groom                                                                                                 John D. and Virginia Moynahan will
is the son of Rich and Ginny Sca-                                                                                                   celebrate the 60th anniversary of their
glione. He works as a Solution Ex-
                                              William and Tricia Spehr will celebrate       Schafer 50th anniversary                wedding on Oct. 10, 2019. They were
                                              the 25th anniversary of their wedding                                                 married at St. Eugene Catholic Church
ecutive at Healthstream. The couple           on Oct. 8, 2019. They were married at      Roger and Bernadette Schafer cel-
resides in Nashville.                                                                                                               in Chicago. The couple has four chil-
                                              St. Thomas More Catholic Church in         ebrated their 50th wedding anniversary     dren, Laura Moynahan, Mark Moyna-
                                              Darien, Connecticut. They have three       on April 12, 2019. They were married       han, Tricia Spehr, and Kate Moynahan,
        Farone-Hurtado                        children, W. Tyler Spehr, Grace V.         at Sacred Heart Church in Lawrence-        and three grandchildren. They are
                                              Spehr and Henry Allen Spehr II. Mr.        burg, Tennessee. The couple has three      retired and reside in Brentwood.
Mary Grace Farone and Jorge Igna-             Spehr is president of sales for Express    children: Daniel, Brian and Karen, and
cio Hurtado were married on Aug.              Scripts, and Mrs. Spehr is retired. The    seven grandchildren. They are retired.                      Continued on next page
11, 2018, at St. Rose of Lima Church          couple resides in Brentwood.
in Murfreesboro. The bride is the                                                            Singer 50th anniversary
daughter of Anthony and Mary                      Thomas 30th anniversary
Farone. She works as a registered                                                        Charles and Virginia Singer will cel-
dietitian at Vanderbilt Medical Cen-          Joni and Karl Thomas will celebrate        ebrate the 50th anniversary of their
ter. The groom is the son of Gabri-           their 30th wedding anniversary on Dec.     wedding on Nov. 22, 2019. They were
ela Perez and Miguel Hurtado. He              16, 2019. They were married at Holy        married in Nashville. The couple has
works as a registered nurse at Saint          Name Church in Louisville, Kentucky.       two children, Charles Alan Singer and
Thomas Midtown Hospital. The                  The couple has two children, Kala and      Carrie Elise Singer, and two grandchil-
couple resides in Nashville.                  Jordan, and two grandchildren. Mr.         dren. Mr. Singer works for Nashville
                                              Thomas is a retired U.S. Army officer.     Gas, and Mrs. Singer works for St. Pius
        Crowder-Hobson                                                                   X Church and Classical Academy.
                                                Hollmann 50th anniversary
Trevor Lanese Crowder and Carl L.
Hobson were married on Sept. 19,              Joe and Clara Hollmann celebrated the
2019, at St. Vincent de Paul Church in        50th anniversary of their wedding on
Nashville. The bride is the daughter          Aug. 29, 2019. They were married at Sa-
of the late Littleton and Sadie Crowder       cred Heart Church in Loretto, Tennes-
Wade. She works as a public health di-        see. The couple has five children, Tara,
rector. The groom is the son of the late      Timothy, Jessica, Mark and Laura, and
Ronald and Charlene Hobson. He is re-         14 grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Hol-
tired. The couple resides in Nashville.       lmann are retired and reside in Loretto.

                                           Every married couple is like the couple
                                                  at the wedding in Cana.
                                               Sometimes we run out of wine
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                                                                                                      Sue Valenti | Owner •
Wedding Marriage A wedding begins a lifetime - of memories that fill a marriage - Special Supplement
4 Tennessee Register Weddings & Marriages Supplement                                                                                                    October 4, 2019

             Burns-Gray                                Kleman-Macuil                                Tipton-Krispin                              Campbell-Zell
Emily Renee Burns and Arthur Whitsitt         Susan Kleman and Edgar Macuil will         Isabel Tipton and Isaac Krispin will        Taylor Campbell and Paterick Zell will
“Whit” Gray will be married on Oct. 5,        be married on Oct. 19, 2019, at Holy       be married on Nov. 2, 2019, at St. Ann      be married on Oct. 5, 2019, at Our Lady
2019, at the Cathedral of the Incarnation     Family Church in Brentwood. The            Church in Nashville. The bride is the       of the Lake Church in Hendersonville.
in Nashville. The bride is the daughter       bride is the daughter of Christopher       daughter of Curtis and Rosalina Tipton      The bride is the daughter of Dana and
of James and Jill Burns. She works as         and Laura Kleman and works as a qual-      and works as a project manager and in       Charlie Campbell and works as a pre-
a speech pathologist. The groom is            ity engineer. The groom is the son of      board relations for the Nashville Ballet.   school teacher. The groom is the son of
the son of Arthur and Marcia Gray. He         Hugo and Maria Macuil and works as         The groom is the son of William and         Amy and Scott Zell and works as a net-
works as a certified public accountant.       a process engineer. The couple will re-    Barbara Krispin and works as a free-        work engineer. The couple will reside
The couple will reside in Nashville.          side in Dallas, Texas.                     lance stage manager. The couple will        in Clarksville.
                                                                                         reside in Nashville.

           Lanier-Statler                                 Varley-Bock                            Murphy-Klabunde                              Morgan-Montesi
Elizabeth Hope Lanier and Thomas              Bridget Varley and George Bock IV          Bevin Gwyn Murphy and Nathan Mark           Julia Morgan and Murray Montesi were
Joseph Statler will be married on Nov.        were married on June 23, 2018, at the      Klabunde were married on Dec. 29,           married on Sept. 28, 2019, at Christ the
24, 2019, at Joshua Tree National Park        Cathedral of the Incarnation in Nash-      2018, at the Church of the Assumption       King Church in Nashville. The bride is
in Southern California. The bride is the      ville. The bride is the daughter of Pam    in Nashville. The bride is the daughter     the daughter of Janet Morgan Mann.
daughter of Tom and Jan Lanier and            Kohl and Bill Varley. She works as a       of Joe and Carol Murphy. She works          She works as a nurse practitioner. The
works as a production coordinator for         clinical leadership recruiter at Sound     as a Collegiate Development Specialist      groom is the son of Dr. Scott and Trudi
content development. The groom is             Physicians. The groom is the son of        for Delta Gamma Sorority. The groom         Montesi. He works as an accountant.
the son of Tom Statler and Chris Fagin        George and Jamy Bock. He works as          is the son of Mark and Dana Klabunde.       The couple resides in Nashville.
Statler and is a master’s of fine arts can-   the director of operations and business    He is a dentist. The couple resides in
didate in directing. After the wedding,       development at Bock Construction. The      Columbus, Ohio.
the couple will reside in Los Angeles.        couple resides in Nashville.

           DeMers-Savko                                 Anthony-Guidry                            Tibbetts-McCulley                             Jackson-Lydon
Sandra Lee DeMers and Brian Paul              Bethann Anthony and Justin Guidry          Catherine Michelle Tibbetts and Daniel      Erica Jackson and Craig Lydon were
Savko were married on June 22, 2019,          were married on July 27, 2019, at the      Alexander Vinson McCulley were mar-         married on April 6, 2019, in Nashville.
at St. Rose of Lima Church in Mur-            Cathedral of the Incarnation in Nash-      ried on Sept. 20, 2019, at St. Lambert      The bride is the daughter of John and
freesboro. The bride is the daughter of       ville. The bride is the daughter of Bev-   Church in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The    Lisa Jackson. She works as a nurse-IT.
John and Barbara Schaffer. She works          erly and David Anthony. She works as       bride is the daughter of Christopher and    The groom is the son of Patrick and
in insurance operations. The groom is         a social media manager. The groom is       Jennifer Tibbetts. She works as a nurse     Jeannetta Lydon. He works as a project
the son of Robert and Eleanor Savko.          the son of Janice and Paul Guidry. He      practitioner. The groom is the son of the   manager. The couple resides in Leba-
He works in insurance operations. The         works as a certified public accountant.    Rev. Mr. Daniel McCulley and Dr. Janice     non, Tennessee.
couple resides in Murfreesboro.               The couple resides in Nashville.           Vinson. He works as a chemist. The cou-
                                                                                         ple resides in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Wedding Marriage A wedding begins a lifetime - of memories that fill a marriage - Special Supplement
October 4, 2019                                                                                     Tennessee Register Weddings & Marriages Supplement 5

        McInturff-Hoffman                               Aldin-Mosrie                         Barber 25th anniversary                       Bates 25th anniversary
Audry McInturff and Ryan Hoffman             Erica Diann Aldin and Mark Jeffery          Kevin and Michelle Barber celebrated         Sam and Shannon Bates will celebrate
were married on Aug. 10, 2019, at the        Mosrie were married on July 20, 2019,       their 25th wedding anniversary on July       their 25th wedding anniversary on Oct.
Church of the Assumption and Belle           at the Church of the Assumption in          16, 2019. The couple were married in         8, 2019. They were married in Hebron,
Meade Plantation in Nashville. The           Nashville. The bride is the daughter of     Plano, Texas. The Barbers have four          Indiana. They have two children, Sam-
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.        Gabriel and Mary Ann Aldin. She works       children: Madeline Louise, Audrey            uel and Patrick. He works as a manager
Timothy Shawn McInturff. She works           as a formulation scientist at Mars Pet-     Claire, Kate Amalia and Mary Isabelle        and she is a registered nurse.
as an engineer. The groom is the son of      care. The groom is the son of Zook and      Grace. He works for Barber Cabinet
Mr. and Mrs. Joey Brown. He works as a       Caroline Mosrie. He works as a profes-      Co., and she is the Dean of Advance-
lawyer. The couple resides in Nashville.     sional photographer. The couple resides     ment and Admissions for Pope John
                                             in Spring Hill, Tennessee.                  Paul II High School in Hendersonville.

     Bruce 25th anniversary                     Goggins 25th anniversary                    Labadie 25th anniversary                     Tiamson 25th anniversary
Pete and Kristine Bruce celebrated the       Bernie and Dotti Goggins celebrated the     Robert and Karyn Labadie celebrated          Lito and Carmela Tiamson celebrated
25th anniversary of their wedding on April   25th anniversary of their wedding on Aug.   the 25th anniversary of their wedding        the 25th anniversary of their wedding on
9, 2019. They were married in Columbia,      22, 2019. They were married in Bowling      on Aug. 6, 2019. They were married           Sept. 9, 2019. They were married in Leba-
Missouri. The couple has five children,      Green, Kentucky. The couple has four        at Sacred Heart Church in Pittsburgh,        non, Tennessee. The couple has two chil-
Savannah, Adam, Mitchell, Elliott and        children, Bernie III, Scotty Lynn, Corey    Pennsylvania. The couple has four            dren, Gabriel and Isabella. Both Mr. and
Eiley. Mr. Bruce works as a vice president   and Kylie, and nine grandchildren. Mr.      children, Matthew, Jameson, Aidan and        Mrs. Tiamson are registered nurses. The
of sales, and Mrs. Bruce is a homemaker.     Goggins is retired, and Mrs. Goggins is     Zachary. Dr. Labadie is an otolaryn-         couple resides in Old Hickory, Tennessee.
The couple resides in Brentwood.             an ophthalmic technician. The couple re-    gologist, and Mrs. Labadie is a home-
                                             sides in Goodlettsville, Tennessee.         maker. The couple resides in Nashville.

  Suchanick 25th anniversary                     Markut 30th anniversary                     Leonor 48th anniversary                     Rodgers 50th anniversary
David and Rose Marie Suchanick will cel-     Bill and Lisa Markut celebrated the         Victor and Anamaria Leonor celebrated        Evelyn and Bill Rodgers will celebrate
ebrate the 25th anniversary of their wed-    30th anniversary of their wedding on        the 48th anniversary of their wedding        the 50th anniversary of their wedding on
ding on Oct. 15, 2019. They were married     Aug. 26, 2019. They were married at St.     on March 23, 2019. They were married         Dec. 20, 2019. They were married at Holy
at St. James Catholic Church in Tupelo,      Joseph Church in Marseilles, Illinois.      in Quezon City, Philippines. They have       Rosary Church in Donelson. The couple
Mississippi. The couple has one daugh-       The couple has two children, Beau and       three children and five grandchildren. Mr.   has five children, Kimberly Sigmund, Bill
ter, Katie Suchanick. Mr. Suchanick is       Jake. Their occupations are software        Leonor is a physical therapist and Mrs.      Rodgers Jr., Matt Rodgers, Ann Marie
the territory manager for Armstrong          engineer and hobby farmer. The couple       Leonor is a registered nurse. The couple     Strickmaker and John Rodgers, and 13
Medical Supply, and Mrs. Suchanick is a      resides in Spring Hill, Tennessee.          resides in Old Hickory, Tennessee.           grandchildren. The couple work as a con-
registered dental hygienist for Dr. Justin                                                                                            tractor and Realtor. They reside in Kings-
Poff. The couple resides in Nashville.                                                                                                ton Springs, Tennessee.
                                                                                                                                                           Continued on page 8
Wedding Marriage A wedding begins a lifetime - of memories that fill a marriage - Special Supplement
6 Tennessee Register Weddings & Marriages Supplement                                                                                                          October 4, 2019

Book shows couples how to let marriage age like fine wine
Kristina Shaw                                 sharing, and a tip about how to practice      2012 at the World Meeting of Families           These books also have accompanying
                                              what was discussed in the chapter.            in Milan, Italy. The couple attended the      programs that can be used in parishes.

     ohn and Teri Bosio met at a Kansas         The jars correspond with the sacra-         celebration on the way to visit John’s        The programs contain videos with ac-
     church in 1971 where he was working      ments. The first centers around wel-          brother and sister who also live there.       companying handouts, all produced by
     as the director of religious education   come and acceptance for baptism; the            At the event, Pope-emeritus Bene-           the Bosios. They plan to do the same
and she was working                           second is faithfulness for                                     dict XVI was asked by        with “Six Jars of Love.”
as the parish secre-                          confirmation; the third is                                      a young couple from           Another book, “Joined by Grace: A
tary. Almost 47 years                         generosity and sacrifice for                                    Madagascar his advice       Catholic Prayer Book for Engaged and
of marriage later, with                       the Eucharist; the fourth is                                    about getting married.      Newly Married Couples” was published
two daughters and a                           forgiveness for reconcilia-                                     The pope responded          by Ave Maria Press in 2017. An accom-
grandson, they are an                         tion; the fifth is compassion                                   that feelings surround-     panying marriage preparation program
author team with their                        and empathy for the anoint-                                      ing falling in love, do    was also developed for it and it was the
latest published book.                        ing of the sick; and the final                                   not last forever. He       couple’s first book written together.
  “Six Jars of Love:                          jar is service to God and one                                    compared the feelings        John said that he develops the main
Loving Attitudes to            John Bosio     another, with the backdrop of                                    to the first wine at the   concepts, while Teri helps fill in the
Help Married Couples                          Holy Orders and matrimony.                                        Cana wedding, but         content with appropriate stories and is a
Reconnect” was pub-                             “We want to show that                                           said that the second,     good judge of what appeals to readers.
lished in July 2019 and                       Christ’s love for the Church,                                     more mature wine            “My contribution to John’s writing is
revolves thematically                         expressed in the seven sacra-                                     that comes in mar-        about style,” she said. “I read the drafts
around the Biblical                           ments, is the model for spousal                                   riage is “more won-       of his articles as if I were the average
wedding feast at Cana.                        love in marriage,” John said.                                     derful” than the first.   person in the pew.”
When the wine runs                              The Bosios have called the                                       The analogy stuck          John is a certified marriage and fam-
out at the feast, Mary                        volume “a book that all newlyweds             with John and he expressed it through         ily counselor and had a private practice
tells the servants                            should have.”                                 articles written for the Tennessee Regis-     for 10 years in Kansas City. In 1978 he
there to do whatever                            “One of the purposes of the book            ter; The Leaven, a newspaper published        and Teri began working as Family Life
her Son tells them             Terri Bosio    is to remind couples of the reality of        by the Archdiocese of Kansas City in          Coordinators for the Family Life Office
to. Jesus commands                            married life: we all run out of wine          Kansas; and the Diocese of Charleston         in the Archdiocese of Kansas City. Teri
them to fill six jars with water then to      from time to time and hopefully we            publication, the Catholic Miscellany;         also served as the Director of Adult
draw some of the water and take it to the     are friends of Mary and Jesus who will        and at couples’ retreats. It came to frui-    Formation. She is now the Director of
chief steward. They do and the water had      help us, like the couple at Cana,” John       tion after contact with the publishing        Youth Formation at St. Stephen Catholic
turned into wine.                             said. “This is especially important for       company, Twenty-Third Publications.           Community in Old Hickory, and John
  The book goes through each jar and          newlyweds to know. They expect life to          John has partnered with the pub-            serves as president of Nashville Catho-
offers practical advice and stories re-       be wonderful, and it will be, but it is in-   lisher to produce other books includ-         lic Radio. The two also lead couples’
lated to enriching a marriage. At the end     evitable that shortly after the wedding       ing “Happy Together: The Catholic             retreats across the country.
of each chapter there is a prayer, a set      they will drift apart emotionally and         Blueprint for a Happy Marriage” and             To learn more about and purchase
of questions for personal and/or couple       will need to regroup to reconnect.”           “Blessed is Marriage: A Guide to the          their materials, visit happy-together.
reflection, a set of questions for group        The inspiration for the novel came in       Beatitudes for Catholic Couples.”             net. 

       We focus on the
       details, so you can
       focus on creating
       beautiful memories
Wedding Marriage A wedding begins a lifetime - of memories that fill a marriage - Special Supplement
October 4, 2019                                                                                        Tennessee Register Weddings & Marriages Supplement 7

Reading list for engaged couples should include ‘Amoris Laetitia’
Carol Zimmermann CNS                          by a society of consumption and empty
                                              appearances. What is important is

          ASHINGTON “Amoris Laeti-            the love you share, strengthened and
          tia,” Pope Francis’ 2016 apos-      sanctified by grace,” he said, sounding
          tolic exhortation on marriage       almost like the father of the bride.
and family life, is not only something          Pope Francis also pointed out in “Amo-
that can benefit parish programs but it       ris Laetitia” that there are many reasons
also offers very basic and practical ad-      young people don’t get married -- finan-
vice for engaged couples.                     cial reasons, fears or the sense that mar-
  “Learning to love someone does not          riage would limit their independence.
happen automatically, nor can it be             To counter these views, he said
taught in a workshop just prior to the        young people need help discovering
celebration of marriage,” the pope            the dignity and beauty of marriage.
wrote in his reflections on the October         “They should be helped to perceive
2015 Synod on the Family.                     the attraction of a complete union that el-
  He also said the main objective of          evates and perfects the social dimension
parish marriage preparation should be         of existence, gives sexuality its deepest
to help engaged couples “help each to         meaning, and benefits children by of-
learn how to love this very real person       fering them the best context for their
with whom he or she plans to share his        growth and development,” he wrote.
or her whole life.”                             He also said those involved in mar-
  He suggested that couples learn this        riage preparation should try not to
first from their parents and then from        overwhelm couples with too much
parish programs. He also said they            information and instead focus on help-                                                                            CNS photo/Paul Haring
should make use of the sacrament of           ing them accept Church teaching and           “Amoris Laetitia,” Pope Francis’ 2016 apostolic exhortation on marriage
reconciliation to find mercy and “heal-       obtain resources on practical advice          and family life, is not only something that can benefit parish programs but it
ing strength” and also should reflect         and programs.                                 also offers very basic and practical advice for engaged couples.
on the Bible passages selected for their        The pope recommended that mar-
wedding liturgy and the meaning of            riage preparation programs help cou-          couples should discuss what they expect      initial years of their marriage.
their exchanged rings.                        ples recognize eventual problems and          and want from their marriage and what           “Young love needs to keep dancing to-
  On a practical level, he cautioned          risks they could face.                        kind of life they hope to build together.    wards the future with immense hope,”
against the “exhausted and harried”             “In this way,” he said, couples can           Marriage is not the “end of the road,”     he wrote.
feeling many couples experience on            come to realize the wisdom of break-          he said, but “a life-long calling based on      Because that hope, he added, is the
their wedding day and suggested they          ing off a relationship whose failure and      a firm and realistic decision to face all    leaven that “in those first years of en-
could avoid this through more modest          painful aftermath can be foreseen.”           trials and difficult moments together.”      gagement and marriage, makes it pos-
or simple ceremonies.                           The pope also pointed out that “many          The pope also encouraged couples           sible to look beyond arguments, con-
  “Have the courage to be different.          couples marry without really knowing          to continue to get support from their        flicts and problems and to see things in
Don’t let yourselves get swallowed up         one another.” To counter that, he said,       parish after the wedding day and in the      a broader perspective.” 

Couples should make dinners special, cooking priest says
Carol Zimmermann CNS                                                                                                                     hug” because of his family’s hospitality,
                                                                                                                                         which is so typical of the Filipino cul-

          hen Father Leo Patalinghug                                                                                                     ture. He said he helped or watched his
          was leading parish marriage                                                                                                    mother cook and they never ate dinner
          preparation programs, he                                                                                                       until his father, a doctor, came home
noticed couples put a lot into wedding                                                                                                   from work, usually around 7:30 p.m.
planning but didn’t necessarily think                                                                                                      His extended family still gets to-
about celebrating small milestones                                                                                                       gether for big meals and his mom still
after they were married, such as their                                                                                                   does a lot of the cooking, because she’s
month anniversaries.                                                                                                                     such a good cook, said Father Pataling-
  But as he sees it, newlyweds should                                                                                                    hug while coincidentally getting ready
not wait a year to celebrate their wed-                                                                                                  for a family gathering at his home.
ding anniversary but instead they                                                                                                          In his book, the priest says: “It doesn’t
should do something special once a                                                                                                       take an extensive study to show me that
month to celebrate their marriage.                                                                                                       couples that take time to share a meal
  He isn’t suggesting four-course meals                                                                                                  together have stronger relationships.”
necessarily but simply preparing and                                                                                                       He also said this information
sharing good food and conversation. To                                                                                                   shouldn’t surprise anyone, because if
that end, he wrote the cookbook “Spic-                                                                                                   couples think back to when they first
ing Up Married Life.”                                                                                                                          started dating they’ll remember
  Father Patalinghug’s apostolate is                                                                                                           that they likely met for coffee,
“Grace Before Meals” -- encouraging                                                                                                            went on picnics or romantic din-
families to eat dinners together and                                                                                                          ners. “Why stop that momentum
share their faith at the table. His “Spic-                                                                                                   after marriage?” he asked.
                                                                                        CNS photo/Chaz Muth                                    Dinner dates work for married
ing Up” cookbook offers prayer and
conversation topics for couples along         Celebrity chef Father Leo Patalinghug displays                                                couples, he points out in another
with pastoral advice about raising chil-      a Lenten seafood pasta meal he prepared in his                                                chapter, but he also knows that many
dren, forgiving each other, caring for        Baltimore kitchen. His “Spicing Up Married Life”                                             couples give the excuse that they are
extended family members and aging, in         cookbook offers prayer and conversation topics for                                          too busy for this.
between dinner and dessert recipes.           couples along with pastoral advice about raising                                              Again, he advises thinking back to
  In the introduction, he notes that it       children, forgiving each other, caring for extended                                        the dating stage of a relationship, when
“may seem strange for an unmarried            family members and aging, in between dinner                                                couples may have been just as busy as
priest to write a book about marriage         and dessert recipes.                                                                       they are now but they still made time to
(much less a cookbook about mar-                                                                                                         be together.
riage),” but he also points out that he is,   tion programs across the United States.       municating via social media about the          “Admit it, nothing was more impor-
to use a cooking phrase, simply trying          He told Catholic News Service that          need for families to celebrate everyday      tant than keeping that relationship
to stir the pot and encourage couples to      when he was growing up, his family life       meals together. He also has written          alive and well. So why should anything
actively work on their relationships.         helped inspire the apostolate he now          three books and is currently working         change now?”
  He dedicated the cookbook, pub-             dedicates his life to. It involves travels    on two more.                                   And to that end, he would simply
lished in 2012, to his parents on their       across the country giving parish work-          The Filipino-American priest is the        advise picking a recipe from his book,
50th anniversary. Today the book is           shops and speaking at conferences,            youngest of four children and he jok-        cooking it together, and sitting down to
used in a number of marriage prepara-         appearing on radio programs and com-          ingly says he grew up in “Hotel Pataling-    eat it at the kitchen table. Bon appetit! 
Wedding Marriage A wedding begins a lifetime - of memories that fill a marriage - Special Supplement
8 Tennessee Register Weddings & Marriages Supplement                                                                                                                      October 4, 2019

                                                                                                                                                            and Marriage
                                                                                                                                                               For Your Marriage
    Agansky 50th anniversary                                        Turner 50th anniversary                        Lambert 60th anniversary
Gary and Diane Agansky will celebrate                        Ray and Colleen Turner will celebrate             Edward and Mary Margaret Formosa           Marriage Encounter Weekends,
the 50th anniversary of their wedding on                     their 50th wedding anniversary on Oct. 18,        Lambert will celebrate the 60th anniver-               Alabama
Oct. 11, 2019. They were married in Jack-                    2019. They were married at SS. Peter and          sary of their wedding on Nov. 7, 2019.    
sonville, Florida. They have one child, Pa-                  Paul church in Detroit, Michigan. They            They were married at the Cathedral of
tricia Kathleen Vincent. They are retired                    have two children, Kenneth and Kimberly,          the Incarnation in Nashville. The couple        Couples for Christ
and reside in Franklin, Tennessee.                           and six grandchildren. They are retired.          has three children, Edward Lambert Jr.
                                                                                                               (Michele), Charles Lambert, and Domi-
                                                                                                               nic Lambert (Sonya), and four grand-
                                                                                                                                                                Family Honor Inc.
                                                                                                               children. Mr. Lambert is a retired bear-
                                                                                                               ing salesman and court officer for Divi-
                                                                                                               sion II of the Davidson County Criminal
                                                                                                               Court. Mrs. Lambert is a retired office         Three to Get Married
                                                                                                               manager for Joseph Formosa and Sons   
                                                                                                               Wholesale Produce and administrative          three-to-get-married-retreat
                                                                                                               assistant to Bishops Edward Kmiec and
                                                                                                               David Choby. She is a regular columnist            Matrimonium
                                                                                                               for the Tennessee Register. The couple
                                                                                                               resides in Nashville.                           events/matrimonium
         Kovac 50th anniversary                                     Wathen 60th anniversary
                                                                                                                                                          Six Dates for Catholic Couples
Francis and Carolyn Kovac celebrated                         Gordon and Willie Wathen celebrated
their 50th wedding anniversary on                            their 60th wedding anniversary on
June 28, 2019. They were married in                          Sept. 29, 2019. They were married in
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. The couple has                         Morganfield, Kentucky. The couple has                                                               Retrouvaille
one child, Jerry Kovac. Mr. Kovac is                         one son, Trevor Dean Wathen, and two                                                 
retired from Vanderbilt University, and                      grandchildren. They are both retired
Mrs. Kovac is a retired teacher. They                        and reside in Old Hickory, Tennessee.
reside in Hendersonville, Tennessee.


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Wedding Marriage A wedding begins a lifetime - of memories that fill a marriage - Special Supplement Wedding Marriage A wedding begins a lifetime - of memories that fill a marriage - Special Supplement
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