New homes for local people - £1 million boost for communities Park restoration gathers pace New adult learning courses for 2021 - Hillingdon Council

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New homes for local people - £1 million boost for communities Park restoration gathers pace New adult learning courses for 2021 - Hillingdon Council
News from your council
  July/August 2021

£1 million boost
for communities
Park restoration
gathers pace
New adult learning
courses for 2021

                          New homes for
                            local people

New homes for local people - £1 million boost for communities Park restoration gathers pace New adult learning courses for 2021 - Hillingdon Council
advertisements                                                                                                                                                                                          people

                                    July/August 2021
                                    ▸ Cover stories

                                    ▸ 10 Free childcare for eligible families                                                        Dear resident
                                         There are several government schemes available to

                                         help with the costs.                                                                                s we move into summer, I’m pleased that Hillingdon's
                                    ▸ 12	£1 million funding boost for local projects                                                        vaccination programme continues to move at pace
                                          Since September 2011, wards have benefited from                                                    and that a return to normality is on the horizon.
                                          more than £1.1 million.                                                                       As we edge cautiously towards a brighter future, I'd like to
                                    ▸ 13	New food waste collection process launched                                                 remind residents that the fight again COVID-19 isn't over and I
                                          In May, we introduced a new fleet of trucks to collect                                     encourage you to continue to follow the guidelines and take the
                                          food waste separately from garden waste.                                                   vaccine if you haven’t already to protect yourself and others.
                                                                                                                                        In this edition of Hillingdon People you can read about a
                                    ▸ 14	Cranford Country Park restoration                                                         variety of our current schemes to support residents, and I was
                                          Works to restore Cranford Park and transform it into                                       pleased to be able to visit a range of sites in recent months
                                          a thriving visitor attraction continue.
                                                                                                                                     to see first-hand the excellent work being carried out.
                                    ▸ 18	Building high-quality new homes                                                               First up is housing on page 18, where we’re delivering
                                          Several housing schemes have completed this summer                                         hundreds of new homes across the borough for local people.
                                          delivering hundreds of new homes for local people.                                            Helping all our residents to get the best from online
                                    ▸ 24	Further your education with new courses                                                    services is also a priority. Post-pandemic, businesses and
                                          Our adult learning courses for 2021/22 offer                                               residents require the best possible network connections
                                          opportunities to develop new skills.                                                       to thrive, and the council is working with Openreach to
                                                                                                                                     enhance the borough’s digital connectivity. We also launched
                                     Regulars                                                                                        a new MyAccount service on the council’s website to
                                                                                                                                     allow residents to easily contact us online and view the
                                      4 Hillingdon News                            9 Older people                                    status of reports and requests in one place (page 6).
                                      31 Volunteers                                35 Contacts                                          A variety of refurbishment works to improve and create new
                                                                                                                                     facilities for our residents are taking place across Hillingdon,
                                    COVER PHOTO : REHAN KHAN, AGED 12, TAKES HILLINGDON PEOPLE                                       including our ongoing £3 million library improvement
                                    ON A TOUR OF HIS NEW HOME.                                                                       programme (page 5), the modernisation of Yiewsley and West
                                                                                                                                     Drayton Community Centre (page 7), and a project to deliver
                                                                                                                                     a facility for young people at our Civic Centre (page 4).
                                                                                                                                        Climate change and the environment is another key area,
                                                                                                                                     and as you’ll read on pages 13 and 16, we’re encouraging

                                                                     16                                               20
                                                                                                                                     residents to recycle more by participating in our new food waste
                                                                                                                                     collection process, greening the borough by planting more
                                                                                                                                     trees and installing pollution screens at schools, and reviewing
                                                                                                                                     your responses from our recent climate change consultation
                                                                                                                                     to help us shape our plans and deliver a greener future.
                                                                                                                                        I hope you all continue to stay safe
                                                                                                                                     and have a great summer.
                                                                     27                                               29
                                    Advertising deadline for next edition: Friday 6 August 2021
                                                                                                                                                                              Cllr Ian Edwards
                                    Editorial and advertising enquiries                                                                                               LEADER OF THE COUNCIL
                                       01895 556903
                                                                                  After reading, please
                                                                                  recycle this magazine
                                    Published by London Borough of Hillingdon © 2021
                                    Hillingdon People, 3S/05 Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1UW.
                                    Design Corporate Communications Printed by Paragon Service Point
                                    Products and services advertised in this magazine are not necessarily endorsed by the council.

                                    For a copy in large print or as an
                                    audio version call 01895 556903                                                                                                                         18
 2               July/August 2021                                                                                                                                      July/August 2021                     3
New homes for local people - £1 million boost for communities Park restoration gathers pace New adult learning courses for 2021 - Hillingdon Council
news                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                news
    Cllr Jane Palmer and Leader of the Council,
    Cllr Ian Edwards review the plans
                                                                            Making Hillingdon safer at night                                                                                                            New councillor elected for Charville ward
                                                                            The death of Sarah Everard          Cllr Jane Palmer,                                                                                       Cllr Darran Davies                  The election of the               Hillingdon constituency,
                                                                            has shone a spotlight on         Cabinet Member for                                                                                         has been elected to               Mayor of London and                 and one vote for a London-
                                                                            women’s safety and feelings      Health and Social Care,                                                                                    represent Charville ward          25 London Assembly                  wide assembly member.
                                                                            of safety on London’s            said: “For the majority of                                                                                 following a by-election           members took place on               Sadiq Khan was re-elected
                                                                            streets and public spaces.       residents, the reopening                                                                                   on Thursday 6 May.                the same day. In Hillingdon,        as Mayor of London,
    New facility for families to                                               The council is listening,
                                                                            recognising and responding
                                                                                                             of Hillingdon’s night-time
                                                                                                             economy is a chance to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Cllr Davies, of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Conservative Party, received
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          voters were able to cast
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          two votes for the Mayor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              while Onkar Singh Sahota
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              was chosen to remain as
    open this summer                                                        to those concerns and
                                                                            has launched its evening
                                                                                                             socialise and reconnect
                                                                                                             with friends and family.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2,098 votes during the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        poll, which saw 46.71 per
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          (expressing a first and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          second choice), one
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              assembly member for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ealing and Hillingdon.
                                                                            and night-time economy              “We want to ensure that                                                                                 cent of eligible voters turn      vote for the assembly                  See the full results at www.
    The council has invested                waiting area, conference        strategy, Operation              women and men who                                                                                          out to have their say.            member for the Ealing and 
    more than £700,000 in                   facilities, and a variety       SafeNight, to make               work, visit or live in the
    the refurbishment of a
    large office space at its
                                            of contact rooms.
                                               The reception area will
                                                                            Hillingdon a safer place
                                                                            to live, work and visit.
                                                                                                             borough have positive
                                                                                                             experiences and feel safe
                                                                                                                                                                                       Review for Master Brewer site
    Civic Centre in Uxbridge,               offer an inviting space for        Key elements of the           when they visit our bars,                                                 On Monday 10 May, the            by the Secretary of State
    offering a new facility                 families to engage with         strategy include supporting      pubs and restaurants.                                                     council asked the High           in December 2020. The
    for children and young                  social workers and council      businesses to have robust           “That’s why we are                                                     Court for a Judicial Review      Mayor also failed to act
    people in the borough.                  staff, and other facilities     policies in place to improve     working alongside the Safer                                               of the Mayor of London's         in accordance with the
       The hub will offer a range           include treatment rooms,        safety at night; encouraging     Hillingdon Partnership                                                    decision to approve              strict requirements of the
    of activities and services to           a life-skills kitchen for       residents to report abuse        and local businesses and                                                  plans for 514 new homes          London Plan, which now
    children and their families,            supervised learning, toilets,   directly to the venue and/       venues to ensure that they                                                on the former Master             contains a clear policy against
    including child counselling             and a baby changing area.       or the police; ensuring that     are better equipped to                                                    Brewer site in Ickenham.         tall buildings in areas that
    and therapy, youth sexual                  Services from the            businesses have the right        help tackle any instances                                                    The council originally        councils deem inappropriate
    health and support following            Abacus Centre in West           training in place to respond     of abuse and violence.”                                                   refused the planning             and emphasises the
    substance misuse.                       Drayton will be relocated       effectively to challenging          For more information                                                   application from Inland          key role of boroughs in
       Building works include               to the new facility to          situations and identifying       on how we can all play                                                    Homes in March 2020              determining where tall
    the installation of new                 accommodate a new               problem areas and putting        our part in keeping                                                       due to concerns about            buildings should be located.
    partitions, ceilings,                   sports and leisure centre.      in place strategies to           Hillingdon safe, visit www.                                               the inappropriate scale of          Leader of the Council,                                                                   ENHANCED
    upgraded air-conditioning,              Services at Fountains Mill      help make them safer.                                                   the development, which           Cllr Ian Edwards, said:                                      Cllr Ian Edwards, Leader of the Council and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Cllr Susan O'Brien visit Manor Farm Library
    LED lighting, heating                   Young People's Centre in                                                                                                                   includes buildings up to         “The Master Brewer site,
    and ventilation, flooring
    and redecoration.
                                            Uxbridge will also move to
                                            the new hub, followed by
                                                                                                                                                                                       12 storeys, and its impact
                                                                                                                                                                                       on the surrounding area.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        which is characterised
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        by low-rise suburban
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Libraries upgrade continues
       The existing office area             the council’s Youth Justice                                                                                                                   However, the Mayor            buildings and green belt          Our West Drayton and                   There are also new study
    measures approximately                  Service later in the year.                                                                                                                 of London, Sadiq Khan,           land, is simply not suitable      Eastcote branches reopened          areas with plug-in points
    1,000 square metres and                    The refurbishment project                                                                                                               exercised his right to call in   for excessively high tower        in May and June, following          for visitors to use their
    will be transformed into a              will take around 12 weeks                                                                                                                  the planning application         blocks. The London Plan           extensive refurbishments            own devices and space for
    multi-functional space with             to complete and is due to                                                                                                                  and determine it himself.        only permits new high-rise        that are part of the council’s      other items, such as books.
    a modern reception and                  open at the end of July.                                                                                                                   During a virtual hearing         buildings in areas that the       £3 million investment               While the desktop PCs
                                                                                                                                                                                       in September 2020, he            council has identified as         programme, which will               have been equipped with
    Summer Reading Challenge returns with nature theme                                                                                                                                 conditionally approved
                                                                                                                                                                                       the plans, pending legal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        suitable and Hillingdon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Circus is not one of those
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          see many of Hillingdon’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          libraries renovated.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              new screens, keyboards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and computer mice.
    Children aged from four to              launched on Saturday              Youngsters are also being                                                                                agreements. He gave final        areas. With more than                The scheme aims to follow           Manor Farm, Oak Farm
    11 are being encouraged to              10 July and will run            encouraged to put their                                                                                    approval on 29 March 2021.       200 objections to the             the same design principles          and Hayes End libraries
    ‘go wild’ for this year’s annual        until September.                creative skills to the test as                                                                                The council is seeking        plans and scores of letters       to ensure a consistent look         were reopened in January
    Summer Reading Challenge.                  Children are being           part of a nature-themed                                                                                    a Judicial Review of the         since the final decision          and feel at each branch. But        and February following
       The ever-popular                     invited to visit their local    photography competition.                                                                                   Mayor's decision on the          was made, it's clear that         as each library’s interior is       refurbishments, and Ickenham
    initiative, run by Hillingdon           library at least three            Cllr Susan O’Brien,                                                                                      grounds that the scale of the    residents agree with us.          unique, some features have          Library reopened in April.
    libraries in conjunction                times during the school         Cabinet Member for                                                                                         planned development is not          “We refuse to stand by         also been adapted, and                 Improvements to
    with the Reading Agency,                summer holidays and             Families, Education                                                                                        appropriate for the area, and    and let Ickenham's and            this will help to maintain          these branches included
                                            borrow books in return          and Wellbeing, said:                                                                                       because the council does         North Hillingdon's skyline        each site’s individuality.          light stowaway seating
                                            for a series of rewards.        “Our Summer Reading                                                                                        not think full and proper        be permanently blighted              Improvements at West             in the children’s areas,
                                               This year’s theme, Wild      Challenge always proves                                                                                    consideration has been given     by this development,              Drayton and Eastcote                reupholstering to the
                                                                                                                                              ILLUSTR ATIONS © HE ATH MCK ENZIE 2021

                                            World Heroes, is aimed          popular with local families                                                                                to the air quality impacts at    and so we have been               included an automatic safety        libraries’ existing seats and
                                            at inspiring young readers      and this year promises                                                                                     the site, which is next to the   left with no choice but to        door in the children’s areas;       modified bookshelves
                                            to think about how they         to be no different.              generations, so, I encourage                                              A40. The council believes        fight the flawed decision         new-look open plan interiors        to create more space.
                                            can make a difference to          “This year’s environmental     families to visit their local                                             the Mayor has acted              through the courts.               with distinct zones to                 So far, 10 libraries have
                                            the environment. Visit the      theme will give children         library and get involved.”                                                unlawfully by not publicly          “We will continue to           highlight each area’s different     been refurbished. For
                                            council's website or pop        lots of ideas about how             For more information on                                                reconsidering the application    put our residents first,          use; freshly painted walls          more information about
                                            into your local branch          they can stand up for the        how to sign up and prize                                                  after he was directed to         and will continue to              and ceilings; refurbished           Hillingdon’s libraries,
                                            to find out more about          planet and take care of it       details, visit www.hillingdon.                                            update the tall buildings        oppose inappropriate              floors, furnishings and toilets,    visit www.hillingdon.
                                            the activities planned.         for themselves and future                                                    policy in the London Plan        development.”                     and additional staff offices.

4                        July/August 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     July/August 2021                       5
New homes for local people - £1 million boost for communities Park restoration gathers pace New adult learning courses for 2021 - Hillingdon Council
news                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          news

    Multi-million pound Openreach investment brings                                                                                                 Inventor of stereo sound commemorated at Hayes underpass
    enhanced digital connectivity to local communities                                                                                              Later this summer, a new
                                                                                                                                                    permanent light and sound
                                                                                                                                                                                     aluminium and natural
                                                                                                                                                                                     pigmented mineral panels,
    Residents and businesses            estimates that digital traffic              Cllr Edwards said:             and to enable borough            feature will be installed        and architecture practice,
    in Hayes and Uxbridge are           is set to increase by 25 per              “Residents and businesses        businesses to innovate.          by the council at the Blyth      The Decorators, will be
    the first in the borough set        cent to 40 per cent in the                need and deserve the             This partnership with            Road underpass in Hayes          using local suppliers,
    to benefit from ultrafast,          near future, so those better              best possible connections,       Openreach is a key step in       to honour the work of Alan       wherever possible, for the
    ultra-reliable internet             connections will help local               so we’re grateful for            enabling us to build better      Dower Blumlein, an engineer      specialist rendering work
    connections following               businesses and town centres               Openreach’s investment and       connected communities.”          who invented stereo sound.       and entrance signage. The
    a multi-million pound               recover more quickly post-                delighted to work with them         Kieran Wines,                    In 1935, Blumlein shot        tunnel installation will play
    investment in ‘Full Fibre’          pandemic and help attract                 to make Hillingdon a far         Openreach’s Partnership          the world’s first stereo film,   with textures, sound and
    broadband by Openreach.             vital footfall to the borough’s           better-connected borough.        Director for London,             Trains at Hayes Station          light and echo the stereo            SOUND OF HAYES
       The digital network              commercial centres.                         “It’s fascinating to see how   said: “Great connectivity        from a window in EMI’s           sound of local people                Artists' impression of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          new Blyth Road underpass
    company is currently                   Additionally, the fibre optic          these tiny glass wires can       has never been more              offices which overlooked         passing through Hayes
    building new infrastructure         cables aren’t affected by                 shape our daily lives. As we     important and Openreach          what is now Hayes and            on their daily commute.              and parking measures to         technological innovation
    across the borough. A               bad weather and are far less              become increasingly reliant      is pleased to be investing in    Harlington station.                 Works to the ‘Sound               help connect the route          that put EMI and Hayes
    mammoth project, it’s               likely to slow down, or ‘drop             on internet connections,         gold standard Ultrafast Full        His frustration with the      of Hayes’ underpass are              to the new Hayes and            at the centre of musical
    been made possible after            out’ like existing broadband              much like we rely on             Fibre across Hillingdon.         poor sound quality of the        due to start later this              Harlington Crossrail station.   innovation for decades.
    Openreach invested in major         connections might.                        other household utilities,          “Our work to upgrade          cinema of the 1930s led          summer and are expected                Leader of the Council,           “The works will be fully
    upgrades at its exchanges              The growing relationship               providing the best possible      Hayes and Uxbridge               him to conceive the idea         to be completed by                   Cllr Ian Edwards, said:         funded by contributions
    in Hayes and Uxbridge.              between the council and                   network ensures residents        is close to completion           of what he described as          the end of the year.                 “There’s no doubt Blumlein’s    from land and property
       This new network delivers        Openreach was marked                      and businesses can thrive.       and we look forward to           “binaural stereo sound” so          The underpass will                audio breakthrough              developers to the council,
    fibre optic cables from the         by a symbolic ‘splicing’                    “We are developing             continuing the journey and       that the sound heard moved       also complement the                  revolutionised the music        otherwise known as section
    local exchange to residents’        of a fibre optic cable at                 a new digital strategy as        close working relationship       in the same direction as the     council’s wider streetscape          and film industries.            106 agreements, and are part
    and businesses’ front doors,        the Hayes exchange by                     we know there is further         with Hillingdon Council.”        pictures on the screen.          improvements along Blyth               “This new installation        of the council’s commitment
    also known as Fibre-to-             Leader of the Council,                    work to be done to help             Through Openreach’s              The new underpass will        Road, which include new              commemorates Blumlein           to the wider regeneration
    the-Premises technology             Cllr Ian Edwards on                       support those residents          infrastructure residents         be constructed from steel,       paving, traffic calming              and celebrates the              of Hayes town centre.”
    (FTTP) or ‘Full Fibre’.             Wednesday 26 May.                         who are digitally excluded       will have the option to
       Hundreds of borough
    businesses and tens of
                                                                                                                   choose their internet
                                                                                                                   connection from a great
                                                                                                                                                    Community centre undergoes £2 million modernisation
    thousands of homes can                                                                                         selection of retailers.          Yiewsley and West Drayton        chairs and soft furnishings,         vehicle charging points.        accessible to all, with the
    already order the faster,                                                                                         A map of Openreach’s          Community Centre                 including curtains and                  Other highlights include     new platform lifts giving
    more reliable connections                                                                                      commercial plans in              reopened in May following        blinds, have transformed             new windows and exterior        step-free access to all areas.
    from a range of competing                                                                                      Hillingdon is available          a refurbishment of almost        the interior giving it a more        doors, repairs to the roof        “The trustees, staff,
    service providers that use                                                                                     at            £2 million to modernise          modern look and feel. Two            and new roof lights, a          members, volunteers, regular
    Openreach’s network.                                                                                           fibre-broadband/fibre-           the facilities and make the      platform lifts have been             new boundary wall and           users and local residents are
       Full Fibre can deliver                                                                                      first. To find out whether       building more accessible         installed so that visitors           railings and new step           absolutely delighted with
    speeds of up to one Gigabit                                                                                    Full Fibre is available at       and energy efficient.            with mobility issues can             access from the car park        the amazing transformation
    and beyond – that’s 15 times                                                                                   your home or business,              Works started last            now access all floors.               to the main entrance.           of their much-loved
    faster than average speeds          Cllr Ian Edwards, Leader of the Council                                    check your postcode at           September and this                 New cavity wall                       John Davies, Chair of        community centre.”
    today. The government               and one of Openreach's engineers                                                significant investment by        insulation has been                  the Yiewsley and West             Cllr Jonathan Bianco,
                                                                                                                                                    the council has transformed      inserted into the external           Drayton Community               Cabinet Member
    Access more online services - sign up to MyAccount today                                                                                        the building into a
                                                                                                                                                    welcoming community hub.
                                                                                                                                                                                     walls to help the building
                                                                                                                                                                                     retain heat, and solar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Association Trustees,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          said: “The council’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for Property and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Infrastructure, said: “The
    The council has launched            has now been switched                     in a road, or something          time is convenient to               The upper bar area            panels on the roof are               investment in the upgrading     centre has been at the
    a brand-new online                  off, please register for a                else entirely, reporting it      them, without having to          has been enlarged to             also helping to reduce the           of the community centre         heart of the community for
    MyAccount that allows you           new MyAccount. If you                     via the new online portal        queue on the phone.              accommodate more guests          centre’s electricity costs.          has completely transformed      decades and this substantial
    to view and check the status        log on to the old system,                 provides you with real-time         “Over the past year or        at functions and the bar         Additionally, the car park           it for the next generation.     investment by the council
    of reports and requests             you will be redirected.                   updates on your query.           so, we’ve transformed our        counters to the Social Club,     now includes two electric            It is now light, bright and     has created new state-of-
    in one place, 24 hours a               The way you can report                    The new online services       website and made it more         Oscar Frey Hall and Cyril                                                                             the-art facilities for the
    day, seven days a week.             issues and make requests,                 are part of the council’s        modern and easier to use.        Boatman Hall have been                                                                                local community to enjoy
       Registration is done via         including applying or                     long-term plan to maximise       The launch of the new            remodelled to provide a                                                                               for generations to come.
    the council’s website –             booking some of our                       the use of digital platforms     MyAccount is the next phase      lower shelf for wheelchair                                                                              “As restrictions ease,              services, has also changed.               for the benefit of residents.    of our digital transformation    users. A new spacious                                                                                 residents will once again
    myaccount - and is quick            Use the search box on our                    Cllr Martin Goddard,          project, which will ultimately   meeting room has also                                                                                 be able to enjoy the
    and easy. Simply enter              website to find our services              Cabinet Member for               see more services provided       been created out of the                                                                               wide range of exercise
    your email address and              and complete one of our                   Finance, said: “In this          online and a more                former snooker room.                                                                                  classes on offer and attend
    follow the instructions             new-look online forms.                    increasingly digital world,      personalised experience             The centre’s walls                                                                                 celebration events such as
    to verify your account              While you don’t need a                    we want to offer residents       for residents when they          have been repainted                                                                                   weddings and birthdays.”
    and set up a password.              MyAccount to report fly-                  the flexibility of contacting    log-in, as well as saving the    throughout and the existing                                                                             Find out more about
       If you used the old ‘do          tipping, request recycling                us on whatever device            council money to invest          timber floors have been          Cllr Jonathan Bianco, Jackie Westbrook from the centre and           the community centre by
    it online’ system, which            bags, tell us about a problem             they’re using, at whatever       in frontline services.”          refurbished. New tables,         Leader of the Council, Cllr Ian Edwards in Oscar Frey Hall           visiting

6                    July/August 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                     July/August 2021                   7
New homes for local people - £1 million boost for communities Park restoration gathers pace New adult learning courses for 2021 - Hillingdon Council
news                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     older people

    Children warned about the dangers of cannabis sweets
    The council has recently                  The illegal sweets look        had illegally supplied Class       Cllr John Riley, Cabinet
                                                                                                                                             Supporting older residents
    been offering support to
    local children, typically
    aged between 12 and 15,
                                            similar to branded products
                                            such as Haribo, Smarties
                                            and chocolate bars, but are
                                                                             B drugs to another student.
                                                                               “The child was referred
                                                                             to our programme and
                                                                                                             Member for Public
                                                                                                             Safety and Transport,
                                                                                                             said: “While incidents of
                                                                                                                                             to keep active and stay well
    who have experienced                    often marked with ‘THC’          we discussed the risks          this nature in Hillingdon
    detrimental effects                     on the packaging to show         of substance misuse and         have been rare, the rise in     There are a range of indoor and outdoor activities
    from cannabis edibles
    such as jelly sweets,
                                            that they contain a high
                                            concentration of cannabis.
                                                                             the legal implications
                                                                             of supplying drugs.
                                                                                                             consumption of cannabis-
                                                                                                             infused sweets nationally
                                                                                                                                             you can get involved in to help improve and
    lollipops and cookies.                    Ania Frejlich-                 Completing the programme        is a concern for parents        maintain your fitness. Find out more about
       There has been a rise                Botha, Substance                 should support their            and it’s important that
    in cannabis sweets in the               Misuse Programme                 application to return to        children are aware of the
                                                                                                                                             some of the groups and initiatives you could
    UK recently, with edibles               Coordinator, said: “We           another mainstream school.”     effects of these seemingly      get involved in this summer and beyond.
    being purchased online or               are currently working              Our Sorted team               harmless products.”
    through social media sites              with a child who was             supports children affected         If you are concerned         Work out at an outdoor                       Payment can be made when booking               Book your place by emailing
    like Instagram and Snapchat.            permanently excluded             by substance misuse,            your child has used             gym near you                                 a court. Find out more and book a            sportandphysicalactivity@hillingdon.
       Cannabis-infused sweets              from secondary school for        providing one-to-one            edibles, phone 101              There are 27 outdoor gyms in parks           court at with your name and the date
    give the same psychoactive              buying cannabis sweets           educational sessions on         in non-emergencies,             and open spaces across Hillingdon                                                         of the session that you would like
    effects of smoking cannabis             during their lunch break.        the impact that drugs           and 999 in emergency            designed to encourage residents              Free swimming for over-65s                   to join. Joining details will be sent
    but may take longer to                  Although they didn’t             can have on physical and        situations. You can contact     to keep fit and active for free. The         The council offers free weekly               to you once you're registered.
    have an effect, which can               consume the edibles, they        mental health, social skills,   the council’s substance         facilities, which reopened earlier this      swimming lessons, which cater for
    lead to overdose and                    shared them with friends         education, employment,          misuse team by emailing         year, are suitable for all ages and          varying abilities, for residents aged 65     Join a walking group
    hospitalisation in some cases.          and in the eyes of the law,      and a criminal record.       fitness levels. The equipment varies         and over at three of its leisure centres.    Our Walk Hillingdon programme
                                                                                                                                             from site to site, but can include a         Over-65s can also book free swimming         runs free guided walks through many

    Polish Air Force display opens                                                                                                           cross trainer, leg press, seated row
                                                                                                                                             and big shoulder wheels. While using
                                                                                                                                                                                          at the pools as a way to stay fit.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Classes and swimming sessions can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       of the borough’s award-winning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       parks. These walks are a great way
    A special exhibition                    the permanent display                                                                            these gyms, please adhere to the             be booked at Hillingdon Sports and           to meet people and are suitable
    recognising the outstanding             which includes an array of                                                                       current social distancing guidelines         Leisure Complex (indoor pool only),          for a variety of fitness levels.
    contribution the Polish                 artefacts never-before-seen                                                                      and sanitise equipment before and            Botwell Green Sports and Leisure                Booking in advance is
    Air Force made during                   by the public, alongside                                                                         after use. For a full list of sites, visit   Centre (Hayes) or Highgrove Pool             essential to ensure safe group
    the Second World War                    fascinating personal                                                                              (Ruislip) by visiting or   sizes can be maintained.
    opened on Friday 21 May.                accounts from Polish pilots                                                                                                                   downloading the Better UK phone app.            To find out more and book onto
       The Polish Air Force                 and historic film footage.                                                                       Play a discounted                                                                         a session near you, visit discover.
    Exhibition was officially                 Cllr Puddifoot said:                                                                           round of golf                                                                   
    opened by HE Prof. Arkady               “We’re delighted to open                                                                         Haste Hill and Uxbridge Public                                                               Alternatively, downloadable
    Rzegocki, the Ambassador                this fantastic exhibition                                                                        golf courses are open and                                                                 self-guided walking tours and easy-
    of the Republic of Poland               which shines a spotlight                                                                         welcome all golfing abilities.                                                            to-follow directions are available
    to the Court of St James’s              on the invaluable efforts                                                                          Since reopening in March, a range                                                       for a range of Hillingdon routes
    and the council’s Armed                 our Polish allies made                                                                           of measures have been put in place to                                                     and trails. Find out more at www.
    Forces Champion, Cllr
    Sir Ray Puddifoot MBE
                                            during one of history’s
                                            most notable conflicts.
                                                                             Dementia Action Week 2021                                       ensure the safety of visitors and staff.
                                                                                                                                               The game is a great way to

    in the presence of the                    “Their lesser-heard stories    A series of events and          the Council, Cllr Ian Edwards   socialise safely outdoors, while                                                          Terry Loane, aged
    Prime Minister and MP for               of bravery echo those of         activities were held by the     (pictured above), visited       enjoying some fresh air and working          Join a bowling club                          71, from Ruislip,
    Uxbridge and South Ruislip,             Britain’s pilots, crews and      council across Hillingdon       Grassy Meadow Court on          out your arms with each swing.               There are 13 bowling clubs across            is a Walk Hillingdon
    the Rt Hon Boris Johnson.               officers whose collective        to mark Dementia Action         Wednesday 19 May to               Discounted rates for the over-65s          the borough, and the season                  walk leader. He said:
       The council worked                   heroism played a vital part in   Week (17 to 23 May)             meet residents and staff and    are available at Haste Hill between          runs from April to September.                “Tuesday 25 May was
    closely with the Polish                 bringing the war to an end.”     and raise awareness of          celebrate the development       7.30am to 10am Monday to Friday,                Some clubs have additional                a day to remember
    Air Force Memorial                        To find out more and           how people can live well        being featured on the           excluding Bank Holidays. Proof of            facilities, such as a clubhouse and a        for me as it was the
    Committee, using their                  pre-book, visit www.             with the condition.             front cover of Architecture     age will be required when booking.           space for short mat bowls which can          first time I had led a
    unique collection, to create         Highlights included           for Dementia. The book          Find out more and book a session             be played indoors all year round.            walk for more than
                                                                             sensory walks at Eastcote       features international          at                  To find a club near you, details on       14 months! I had really missed taking
                                                                             House Gardens,                  architecture projects which                                                  memberships and more, visit www.             part in the borough's programme, so
                                                                             reminiscence Zoom               have been awarded the           Fancy a game of tennis?                         it was wonderful to be out and about
                                                                             sessions, outdoor sport         ‘Gold’ award for excellence     Ten of the borough’s tennis sites                                                         with a group of people to enjoy Ruislip
                                                                             sessions, a walking football    in dementia design.             reopened in March. A hiring fee of £5        Online seated exercise classes               Lido and Woods - one of the gems
                                                                             session at Middlesex FA            For more information         per hour, per court has been introduced      The council runs weekly online               of Hillingdon's many green spaces.
                                                                             and a Dementia Friends          on the council’s extra-care     at seven of these: Cavendish Recreation      seated exercise classes for over-            I am convinced that the Hillingdon
                                                                             information event.              housing schemes and             Ground (Eastcote); Court Park                65s so you can keep fit from the             programme of led walks is not just
                                                                               Also, as part of the week,    dementia support, visit         (Hillingdon); Fassnidge Park (Uxbridge);     comfort of your own home.                    beneficial for physical health but also
                                                                             Cllr Jane Palmer, Cabinet          Churchfield Gardens (Ruislip); The             The free sessions take place               makes an important contribution to
    Cllr Sir Ray Puddifoot MBE, HE Prof. Arkady                              Member for Health and           extracarehousing and www.       Closes (West Drayton); Rosedale Park         every Monday between 10.30am                 social wellbeing. I am looking forward to
    Rzegocki and the Rt Hon Boris Johnson                                    Social Care and Leader of     (Hayes), and Swakeleys Park (Ickenham).      and 11.30am via Zoom.                        leading many more walks in the future.”

8                        July/August 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                         July/August 2021                 9
New homes for local people - £1 million boost for communities Park restoration gathers pace New adult learning courses for 2021 - Hillingdon Council
children                                                                                                                                                                                                    children

                                                                                                                                         Gemma Caplin, aged 35 from
                                                                                                                                      South Ruislip, is a working mum
                                                                                                                                      and sends her son Charlie to South
                                                                                                                                      Ruislip Early Years Centre, where
                                                                                                                                      next year she will be entitled to the
                                                                                                                                      30 hours free childcare scheme.
                                                                                                                                      She said: “Charlie had been on the
                                                                                                                                      waiting list for the early years centre
                                                                                                                                      and I moved him there as soon as
                                                                                                                                      a place became available. It has
                                                                                                                                      a really good reputation and was
     There are several government schemes available to help Hillingdon parents                                                        highly recommended. The centre
     and carers with the costs of childcare, including free childcare for two,                                                        has small class sizes which is great,
                                                                                                                                      but the biggest attraction to me
     three and four-year olds - find out if your family could be eligible.                                                            is the staff. They are so kind and
                                                                                                                                      caring and you can tell that they

            he government offers its 30            Naz Khan, aged 34 from                  Uxbridge Early Years Centre because        do it all for the love of children.
            hours free childcare scheme         Uxbridge, has four children and            of the staff. They are all so nurturing,      “Charlie enjoys nursery and
            for three and four-year             was eligible for 15 hours of funding       welcoming and knowledgeable, with          they’re always doing fun activities
     olds to eligible working families.         per week for her two-year-old              years of experience looking after          and themes like fancy dress. One of
     Free childcare is also available to        daughters Miescha and Safa.                children. After just six months there,     the biggest differences I’ve noticed
     working families on a low income,             She said: “I hadn’t planned on          Miescha was talking in full sentences      is his independence, as they teach
     or to families who are not working         sending any of my children to              which I couldn’t believe – it was          him how to eat independently, how
     and receive benefits, for 15 hours         nursery until they were three, but         such a relief for me as a parent.”         to put on his coat and shoes and
     a week for two-year-olds.                  when my daughter Miescha turned                Now Miescha is at school but her       wash his hands. It’s a great thing for
       Parents who receive Disability           two I realised that her speech was         younger sister, Safa, attends for 15       them to learn from an early age.
     Living Allowance for their two-year-       delayed and I was worried about her        hours a week through the same free            “Charlie will remain there until
     old child, and families caring for a       development. When I learnt that she        childcare scheme. Naz continued:           he starts school, and next year he
     child who is fostered or adopted,          was eligible for the government’s free     “After seeing the benefits of free         will be entitled to 30 hours free
     may also be eligible for free childcare.   childcare scheme for two-year-olds,        childcare for my eldest daughter, I        childcare. There is great flexibility
       The council is now encouraging           I decided to send her to nursery           was keen to send Safa when she was         with the hours, the staff update
                                                                                                                                                                                     Nursery worker Gill Ashton with Charlie
     more local families to take up the free    to help with her speech and her            eligible for two-year-old funding. She     you on how your child’s day has                     at South Ruislip Early Years Centre
     childcare scheme for two-year-olds.        confidence as she was very shy.            was very shy and clingy to mummy           gone, and it is such a high standard
                                                   “After having a look at various early   and not interested in socialising          of care. As a working parent, it
                                                years settings in the area, I chose        with other children, but since going       gives me peace of mind knowing
                                                                                           to nursery she has really come             that he is so well looked after.”
                                                                                           out of her shell. She even comes
                                                                                           home talking about her friends!”
                                                                                               In addition to improving               Free childcare schemes
                                                                                           development and increasing                 Some Hillingdon families may
                                                                                           confidence, are there any other            be eligible for the government’s
                                                                                           reasons for eligible parents to use the    free childcare scheme.
                                                                                           free childcare offer? Naz concluded:         · Families with a two-year-old
                                                                                           “I have a five-month-old baby and              child must meet eligibility
                                                                                           it’s important that I get time to              requirements to receive 15
                                                                                           spend with him but also some time              hours of free childcare.
                                                                                           to myself. I really appreciate some          · Working families with three and
                                                                                           quiet time while Safa is enjoying              four-year-old children may be
                                                                                           nursery and being able to get things           entitled to 30 hours free childcare.
                                                                                           done around the house. The two-              · All families in England with a
                                                                                           year-old free childcare scheme has             three and four-year-old child are
                                                                                           really benefited us as a family.”              entitled to 15 hours free childcare.

                                                                                                                                            For more information on the
                                                                                                                                      government’s free childcare scheme
     Nursery worker Carol Barber with                                                                                                   and tax credits for childcare, visit
     Safa at Uxbridge Early Years Centre

10                        July/August 2021                                                                                                                                                July/August 2021                       11
New homes for local people - £1 million boost for communities Park restoration gathers pace New adult learning courses for 2021 - Hillingdon Council
ward budgets                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 recycling

     Communities benefit from the
     council's ward budget scheme
     Since September 2011, wards across Hillingdon
                                                                                                                                             New food waste collection
                                                                                                  Cllr Douglas Mills, Cabinet
     have benefited from more than £1.1 million                                                   Member for Corporate
                                                                                                  Services and Transformation,
     giving residents the opportunity to have
                                                                                                                                             process launched
                                                                                                  said: “Our ward budgets initiative
     their say on how money is spent locally.                                                     puts residents in the driving seat
                                                                                                  of deciding where and how

                                                                                                  money is spent locally.
            o date, the popular                        projects, including local Scout/
            ward budget scheme has                     Guide group activities; events
                                                                                                    “Over the past decade,
                                                                                                  hundreds of groups and
                                                                                                                                             In May, we introduced a new fleet of trucks which will collect food waste
            funded 693 proposals                       such as summer or Christmas fêtes;         organisations have received                separately from garden waste each week as part of our ongoing efforts to
     across the borough’s 22 wards.                    repairs and renewals of community          funding and the scheme is
       The initiative can be used to                   facilities and the purchasing of           intended to be flexible to                 improve the borough’s recycling rates and protect the environment.
     fund a wide range of community                    new street signs or furniture.

                                                                                                  ensure that money can be

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               *Those living in flats aren’t able to use this service just yet but this is something we are working hard to introduce in the future.
                                                                                                  quickly released.”                                 he council has invested             is enough to power the electricity            • you can also sign up to receive
                                                                                                                                                     £485,000 in the trucks,             of 372,473 homes for a year).                   free automatic food waste bag
                                                                                                                                                     which started to carry out             Disposing of food waste with general         deliveries, which is useful, so you
                                                                                                  Ten other new proposals were               the separate collection rounds              waste is also 12 times more expensive           don’t need to remember to order
                                                                                               also awarded funding in May. These            from Monday 10 May. Previously,             than when it is recycled separately.            these each time you run out
                                                                                               included St Margaret’s Church in              food and garden waste were                                                                • all you need to do is put a
                                                                                               Uxbridge, which received £2,500               collected at the same time on a             How you can get involved                        compostable bag into your
                                                                                               towards the refurbishment of the              weekly basis by the same vehicle.           and do your bit to protect                      indoor kitchen caddy and
                                                                                               church’s small kitchen and to fund the           Approximately 44 per cent of             the environment                                 start using it. When it’s full of
                                                                                               purchase of a new camera to enable            general waste in Hillingdon is made         Recycling food waste is free and easy           food waste, simply place the
                                                                                               them to continue to livestream events         up of food waste. This is bad for           to do.                                          bag in your outdoor caddy
                                                                                               and reach as many people as possible.         the environment and contributes to            If you live in a house and are already      • remember to put your outdoor
                                                                                                  6th Eastcote Scout Group also              global warming due to harmful gases         recycling your food waste thank you!            caddy at the edge of your
                                                                                               received £2,500 towards the                   like methane and carbon dioxide               If you aren't already using this              property for collection before
                                                                                               purchase of a gazebo to provide               being released into the atmosphere.         service, all you need to do is:                 6am on your usual collection
                                                                                               an outdoor shelter for parents at                If each west London household              • sign up on the council’s website at         day. Thanks to the outdoor
                                                                                               pick-ups/drop-offs. It will also be           recycled just two kilograms of                    caddy's click locking mechanism,
                                                                                               used to accommodate outdoor                   food waste per week it would                  • you’ll receive a free five-litre            it also prevents foxes and
                                                                                               activities such as fire making, compass       save 600,000 tonnes of harmful                  kitchen caddy, compostable food             rodents from tearing open your
                                                                                               making and cooking for the group.             emissions a year (which, in context,            waste bags and an outdoor caddy             black bags looking for food.
     COMMUNITY                                                                                    Grants can be paid to groups
     Local people enjoying the Hayes Canal Festival in 2018
                                                                                               or organisations with a dedicated             The food waste recycling journey
     Bringing the community together                                                           bank account but not to private                                                                                    Cllr Eddie
     Hillingdon Canals Partnership on behalf           everyone and brings people of all       individuals. Ward budgets can                                                                                      Lavery,
                                                                                                                                                             Once collected, Hillingdon's food waste is           Cabinet
     of the Canal and River Trust has been             ages and backgrounds together           also be used for match funding.                               transported in bulk to Surrey for recycling
     awarded a grant of £10,000 to support             to have fun as a community.                                                                                                                                Member for
                                                                                                                                                             via a process called anaerobic digestion.
     the development and delivery of the                 “We’re delighted to have been                                                                                                                            Environment,
     Hayes Canal Festival 2021. The festival           awarded this grant by the council.                                                                                                                         Housing and
     is due to take place in the autumn (date          This funding makes this popular                                                                                                                            Regeneration
                                                                                                                                                             It's then broken down in a series of                 (pictured right), said: “More than half of the
     TBC and COVID-19 dependent).                      event possible and we hope to                                                                         temperature-controlled tanks to speed up
        Each year, the festival attracts               be able to welcome both new                                                                                                                                borough’s food waste ends up in general waste which
                                                                                                                                                             the digestion process.
     approximately 2,500 visitors and                  and familiar faces later this year.                                                                                                                        is harmful for our planet. By making small changes to
     offers a range of free activities                   “The theme of this year’s event                                                                                                                          the way we all think about food waste and by using
     for local people to enjoy                         will be health and wellbeing and will                                                                 The bio-methane gases produced are used to           the council’s easy-to-use recycling service residents
     including boat trips, canoeing,                   include stalls from the NHS, H4All      Hillingdon Musketeers benefited from                          generate electricity which is fed back to the        can help us to make a real difference.
     paddle boarding, fishing, live                    and other wellbeing organisations.      funding in the past for new equipment                         National Grid and helps supply homes and                “I encourage those who haven’t yet signed up for this
     music, children’s entertainment,                    “Studies have shown that being                                                                      businesses with clean, renewable energy.             service to request their free caddies today and play

     displays, stalls and much more.                   beside the water can have a                       To apply for ward budget                                                                                 their part in helping to make our borough greener.”
                                                                                                                                                             The leftover material is used as high-
        David Brough, Chair of                         positive impact on mental and              funding, contact your local ward

                                                                                                                                                             quality fertiliser for agricultural land. Your
     Hillingdon Canals Partnership,                    physical health, so I’d encourage            councillor with your proposal.                           garden waste (which can include home                                     To find out what food items you can
     said: “The Hayes Canal Festival                   local people to check out their            For more information, visit www.                           composting) will continue to be composted                              recycle and for more information, visit
     really does have something for                    nearest stretch of canal.”                                     locally in Harefield.                                           

12                       July/August 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                       July/August 2021                                                                                                                                                       13
New homes for local people - £1 million boost for communities Park restoration gathers pace New adult learning courses for 2021 - Hillingdon Council
green spaces                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                fostering

     Cranford Country Park                                                                                                                    Help keep siblings together
     restoration gathers pace                                                                                                                 The council endeavours to keep siblings together
                                                                                                                                              in care, but it’s not always possible due to lack
     Works to restore Cranford Country Park’s historic                                            Leader of the Council, Cllr
                                                                                                                                              of space in many homes. We met a local couple
                                                                                                  Ian Edwards, said: “During the
     features, improve accessibility and transform it into a                                      past year, we have all used our             to find out about the challenges and rewards
     thriving visitor attraction continue to gain momentum.                                       parks and open spaces more
                                                                                                                                              of fostering brothers and sisters, and why more
                                                                                                  than ever and these much-
     Hillingdon People takes a look at the multi-million                                          needed restoration works will               people should step forward to make a difference.
     pound restoration project and explores what the                                              ensure that Cranford Park can be

                                                                                                  enjoyed by generations to come.                    oy, aged 60, and Filomena,                                                    because they want to be. They are all
     Green Flag award-winning park has to offer.                                                    “As well as preserving the                       aged 58, from Hillingdon                                                      in education and are doing so well,
                                                                                                  park’s historic features, increasing               (pictured right) first fostered                                               their teachers even say to us that they

          teeped in history, the 144-                                                             biodiversity and enhancing the              a group of three young siblings 11                                                   can’t believe they're children in care!”
          acre (58 hectares) countryside                                                          natural environment, the new                years ago. The children came from                                                       So, what advice would the
          park was the former seat of the                                                         accessible facilities mean that             a household of severe neglect and                                                    couple give to people who may be
     Berkeley family for 300 years and is                                                         schools, community groups and               abuse and were in desperate need                                                     thinking about fostering siblings?
     surrounded by expansive woodlands,                                                           residents of all ages will be able          of a loving family environment.                                                      Roy concluded: “One of the most
     wildflower meadows and wetlands.                                                             to enjoy a wide range of                       Roy, a physiotherapy assistant                                                    important things you can do is to
       In June 2020, the council was                                              FRUITFUL        educational and volunteering                at Hillingdon Hospital, said: “We                                                    make sure you care for each child
     awarded £2.28 million by The                                  Volunteers harvest apples      opportunities.”                             had been thinking about fostering                                                    individually as they all have different
                                                                         in September 2020
     National Lottery Heritage Fund and                                                                                                       since we were first married, but we                                                  needs. We never treated our foster
     The National Lottery Community             the park providing an attractive trail           A raft of new volunteering                   had busy careers and twin girls of                                                   children any differently to our twins
     Fund. An overall £3.47 million budget      for cyclists, runners and walkers.             opportunities and family events are            our own. We both come from large                                                     and we gave them clear boundaries.
     was approved by the council in July           In the autumn, other works will             also in the pipeline this summer and           families and love being busy, but                                                       “It’s imperative that you are
     2020 for the restoration of the park’s     commence on site and are expected              local people will be able to take              most importantly we wanted to make                                                   committed and you must never let
     historic buildings, walls and courtyard;   to last approximately 10 months.               part in an archaeological dig later            a difference to children’s lives. We      over the moon. They’d never even           them down. They have been let down
     landscaping works; the introduction        Highlights include opening up the              this year to help uncover secrets of           had spare bedrooms and felt we            tasted strawberries before.”               and rejected so many times before,
     of new visitor facilities; a network       17th century vaulted brick cellars             the park’s past. Other opportunities           could give a child a safe and secure          As the children grew to trust their    so you have to keep your promises.
     of cycle/walking tracks; as well as        under the former house (demolished             include learning how to maintain an            home where they would feel loved.         foster carers, their behaviour became      Looking after more than one child may
     creating a wealth of volunteering          in 1945); building a new café within           orchard or plant fruit bushes in the           It’s something we felt passionate         more challenging. Roy said: “Certain       seem overwhelming at first, but if you
     opportunities for the local community.     the footprint of the former house,             walled garden, helping to improve              about when the time was right.”           objects would trigger fearful behaviour    put in the time, love and affection -
       Works to the northern cycle path         with access to the cellars; repairing the      the river by clearing out leaves and              Full-time foster mum Filomena          such as the sight of a wine glass -        you will really reap the rewards.”
     completed in April 2021 to link            historic stables to house a visitor centre,    other debris and creating a new                said: “Our first experience was           because they immediately associated
     Watersplash Lane with St Dunstan’s         offices and a space to let for community       wetland area to help wildlife thrive.          fostering three siblings aged two,        drinking alcohol with domestic violence.
     subway. Improvements included              groups; creating two new play areas              The restoration work is being                four and five. Of course it was           We soon learnt that their behaviours          Cllr Jane Palmer, Cabinet
     installing new fencing and creating        and restoring the gardens and historic         supported by Cranford Park Friends             daunting, but we already had twins        were all connected to the abuse they          Member for Health and
     wider, more accessible footpaths           features such as the high garden walls,        who have played an important                   and we just wanted to make them           had been subjected to, and that they          Social Care, said: “What Roy
     to open up the route. As part of           ice house and ‘ha-ha’ (a sunken trench         part in running events and helping             feel safe, so we took it in our stride.   expected everyone to be violent.              and Filomena have done is truly
     the overall restoration project, a         which acted as a boundary to the               with the maintenance of the park.                 “When we first met the children, I         “We had a supportive social worker        remarkable and we are so proud
     perimeter track will eventually circle     park without interrupting the view).             Bob Barton, Secretary of the                 could feel myself welling up as they      to guide us through our foster care           of their achievements. We are
                                                                                               Cranford Park Friends, said: We are            were so malnourished, their hair was      journey and we went on lots of                now appealing to more residents
                                                                                               looking forward to assisting in bringing       dirty, and their clothes were old and     training courses to help understand           who have two or more spare
                                                                                               the plans to fruition, and introducing         far too small for them. We could          the reasons behind their behaviours           rooms to look after siblings, so
                                                                                               many more people to the natural                see how neglected they were, and I        and how to help them get through              that they do not need to be
                                                                                               and built treasures of Cranford Park.          cried so much. Our daughters both         it. It’s been a real learning curve,          separated. Caring for a sibling
                                                                                                 “With its wide range of habitats             fell in love with them the moment         but it’s been so rewarding to see             group may be complex and
                                                                                               and biodiversity, the park is well-            they walked through the door.             the improvements over the years.”             require more time, energy and
                                                                                               loved and enjoyed by the local                    “The first few weeks were                  Filomena continued: “One of the           commitment from foster carers,
                                                                                               community. The COVID-19 crisis                 wonderful, and the children began         best things about caring for siblings         but you will be fully supported
                                                                                               has brought this to a new level, with          to relax more and settle in. It was       has been watching their self-esteem           every step of the way and can
                                                                                               an even greater appreciation of this           incredible to watch them grow in          grow. When they arrived, we bought            make a real difference to the lives
                                                                                               tremendous asset on the doorstep.”             confidence in a safe environment,         them brand new clothes with our               of local children.”
                                                                                                                                              and it was a great feeling when           fostering allowance and praised

                                                                                                To find out how to get to Cranford            they started coming to us for             them for how well they looked. Our

                                                                                                 Park and latest information on the           cuddles. I remember the first time        children now take so much care                   If you would like to look after
     REVITALISED                                                                                 works and events coming up, visit            we gave them strawberries and             over their hygiene and appearance,             two or more siblings in care, visit
     Cranford Park's northern cycle path                                                          their faces just lit up - they were       and they are always well presented   

14                        July/August 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                    July/August 2021                    15
New homes for local people - £1 million boost for communities Park restoration gathers pace New adult learning courses for 2021 - Hillingdon Council
environment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          environment

     Creating a cleaner and greener                                                                                                                                                                                              Pledge for cleaner air
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 On national Clean Air Day (Thursday
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 17 June) the council pledged to take

     Hillingdon for future generations                                                                                                                                                                                           more action to stop unnecessary vehicle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 emissions in the borough, by joining the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 London-wide ‘Engines Off’ campaign.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Through its pledge, on top of its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 proactive work enforcing against
     In January 2020, the council declared a climate                                                                                                                                                                             engine idling in the borough, the
     emergency and outlined its ambition for its                                                                                                                                                                                 council has promised that drivers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 across its operations will not idle
     day-to-day operations to be carbon neutral                                                                                                                                                                                  their engines wherever possible.
     by 2030. Read about some of the initiatives                                                                                                                                                                                 AirTEXT
     already underway to help achieve this goal.                                                                                                                                                                                 If you’re concerned about air quality
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 in Hillingdon, there’s a free service

            limate-conscious residents          Trees for Cities brings                                                                ENGINES OFF                                                                               you can sign up to which will send you
            and local community groups          green to Hillingdon streets                                                            The council's waste and recycling crew                                                    alerts when pollution levels are high.
            have been sharing their views       More than 230 residents have                                                                                                                                                        AirTEXT is available to anyone who
     on the council’s draft Climate Action      already helped efforts to make                                                         25 schools benefit from pollution ‘green screens’                                         lives or works in the borough. It uses
     Plan through the council’s public          the borough greener by joining                                                         The council recently finished a                  cases will also grow large enough        forecasts generated by Cambridge
     consultation which launched in April       tree-planting schemes organised                                                        third phase of works in installing               to provide privacy to children           Environmental Research Consultants.
     and ran until Sunday 20 June.              through the council’s partnership                                                      pollution-busting ‘green screens’                and staff in the school grounds.         The service predicts when high
       The plan sets out how the council        with the charity Trees for Cities.                                                     at schools across the borough.                     They also have the added bonus         pollution levels might occur and
     intends to tackle climate change              Volunteers from Colham Manor                                                           Although schools in Hillingdon have           of looking more pleasant than the        sends out an alert to subscribers
     across seven key strands of work:          Primary and Meadow High School                                                         not been identified as being above the           usual chain-link fences surrounding      along with some basic medical advice.
     community leadership; council              in Uxbridge, and community group,          creating ‘mini woodlands’ on soft           recognised air pollution limit, the screens      schools and bringing further                If you have an existing respiratory
     operations; building better places;        Hillingdon Litter Pickers (pictured        street verges. Using native tree species,   are an effective barrier to protect              greenery to the borough’s streets.       disease it may help you to know
     using clean/green energy; waste            below and above right) have all worked     rather than the traditional standard        youngsters against any harmful particles           More than 100 hedge plants             there is a free service you can sign
     management; adaptation and                 in COVID-safe bubbles for tree-            trees, they are better for helping          in the air caused by passing traffic.            and various trees now line the           up to which will send you alerts
     mitigation, and carbon offsetting.         planting projects across the borough.      local biodiversity. The examples can           The screens are made of roadside              boundaries of Whitehall School on        when pollution levels are high.
       Thank you to the more than 100              Now entering the second year of a       be seen near Hillingdon Heath and           trees, hedges, willow and green                  Cowley Road, Uxbridge. Almost 40            Alerts are available by SMS text
     residents who shared their views.          three-year partnership, successes from     along Long Lane, with similar schemes       vegetation, and form a natural filtering         trees have been planted in front         message, email and voicemail along
     Here’s what some of them had to say:       the first year of work included the        planned for Charville Lane and Sipson       barrier from the pollution emitted by            of a willow screen at Cherry Lane        with three-day forecasts of air quality,
                                                creation of a new urban woodland           Road over the next two years.               vehicles on the road. Children are at            School, West Drayton, protecting         pollen, UV and temperature across
          All new developments should           and orchard in Colham Green and               The council has ambitious plans          higher risk of harm from air pollution           children on the school fields from       Greater London. To find out more
          be easily accessible for public       the start of pilot ‘mini woodland’         to work closely with Trees for Cities       as their lungs are still developing.             traffic fumes on Cherry Lane. And        and sign up, visit
        transport and should be net-zero        street tree-planting schemes.              on delivering more trees across the            By absorbing the pollutants                   at Hillside School in Northwood, a          To learn more about the work
                                                   Fifty new fruit trees were planted      borough’s parks, streets and green          from the road and stopping them                  new hedgerow has been planted            being carried out to tackle air
                                                in Colham Green, whose flowers             spaces. These will help clean polluted      passing through, these screens help              between the road and playgrounds.        pollution in Hillingdon, visit www.
                                                and fruits will provide foraging           air, provide a home for nature, and the     protect the health of the children                 The work is paid for through 
       Please make sure that any planting       opportunities for a variety of birds.      pandemic has highlighted the benefits       playing on the other side.                       environment and recreation initiatives
          involves local sources. We have          The partnership delivered the first     of such natural spaces for promoting           To date, 25 schools have benefited            funding, with a further 13 schools set
         the largest woodland in London         of three special tree-planting projects,   mental health and general wellbeing.        from the hedging, which in many                  to benefit in the next phase of works.      Cllr Eddie Lavery, Cabinet
        to gather seeds from and schools                                                                                                                                                                                            Member for Environment,
             could be involved in this                                                                                                                                                                                              Housing and Regeneration,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    said: “We’re determined to make
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hillingdon a leading borough in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the fight against climate change.
       Communicate to residents how you                                                                                                                                                                                               “We’ve set an ambitious target
      intend to make changes to buildings                                                                                                                                                                                           for the council’s own operations to
       to reduce the use of fossil fuels and                                                                                                                                                                                        be carbon neutral by 2030. Our
        if there are any economic benefits                                                                                                                                                                                          draft Climate Change Action Plan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    sets out our plan to achieve this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    goal to climate-proof the borough
       Once collated, the council will                                                                                                                                                                                              and make it a place where both
     review all the responses to see what                                                                                                                                                                                           nature and people thrive.
     concerns residents and businesses                                                                                                                                                                                                “It’s vital that residents help us
     the most about the climate crisis. The                                                                                                                                                                                         drive these plans and that’s why
     council will then use this feedback to                                                                                                                                                                                         we are working with businesses,
     shape its future plans and activities to                                                                                                                                                                                       community groups, schools and
                                                                                                                                       GREEN SHIELD
     address both the climate challenge                                                                                                Hawthorn and rowan trees with a willow screen provide a barrier between                      residents to deliver a greener
     and the expectations of residents.                                                                                                Cherry Lane Primary School's playing field and the busy road outside                         borough for future generations.”

16                     July/August 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                     July/August 2021                17
New homes for local people - £1 million boost for communities Park restoration gathers pace New adult learning courses for 2021 - Hillingdon Council
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