Election Time, Candidates Revealed! National News Scout team Resources Adult Resources Upcoming Events Much Much More See Inside - Official online ...

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Election Time, Candidates Revealed! National News Scout team Resources Adult Resources Upcoming Events Much Much More See Inside - Official online ...
Official online magazine of Scouting Ireland

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Election Time, Candidates Revealed!
                       National News
               Scout team Resources
                    Adult Resources
                   Upcoming Events

       Much Much More See Inside
Election Time, Candidates Revealed! National News Scout team Resources Adult Resources Upcoming Events Much Much More See Inside - Official online ...
                      Commissioner Intro

Welcome to this the March issue of Inside Out.

This month’s issue covers all the great Scouting activities that are taking place around the country. We look at all the
information from the recent National Management Committee meeting. We Interview all Candidates going for election this
year at National Council.

Are you heading to the star Scout Show this year? Check out the great packages available for that weekend. We have
another great Backwoods feature, Guerrilla Neckerchiefing we have some great entries this year. The Sea Scouts hold their
Conference in Cork and we are on hand to cover the action. The Crean challenge team return from another great adventure
and much much more.                                                                                                           P. 62 Rover Focus

This month as in every month we feature many articles and Pictures from all around the Country from groups just
like yours. So why not send us in an image an a few lines about what you were up to and we will feature in next
months issue.We have made it easier for you to submit your article and pictures. We now have a dedicated page
set up to enable you to make a submission Just click here and fill in the details.

If you have any Queries please contact us at communications@scouts.ie.

Please forward this month’s issue to all Scouters and Youth Members in your group. Don’t presume they have got it. Deadline
for next month’s issue is the 31st March .

The Communications Team

In this issue...
National Council                                                                                  Quote of the Month
Candidates                           5
Adult Resources
                                                                                                  “Start by doing what’s
Venture Programme                    51
                                                                                                  necessary; then do what’s
Cill Dara Cub                                                                                     possible; and suddenly you are
Challenge                            83                                                           doing the impossible.”
Election Time, Candidates Revealed! National News Scout team Resources Adult Resources Upcoming Events Much Much More See Inside - Official online ...
National Secretary Says

                                                                                  ok pl Chief
                                                                                                SID 08.04 – County                   Camp Chief –
                                                                              t o
                                                                                     d by
                                                              i t
                                                                  tee ( ill chaire tional       Programme                            JamÓIge 2016
                                                        om  m         hH
                                                  ent C ce, Larc am and N
                                                m                                               Coordinator
                                                     l Offi
                                          nag e
                                                                     ngh                                                             Following a recommendation from
                                o n al Ma Nationa se Bermi                                                                           the interview panel, Stephen Halpin
                                       5 in
                            t i
                      e Na                          ere
                 of th Feb 201 urces) Th
                                                                                                The NMC agreed to withdraw
              g                                                                                                                      was appointed as Camp Chief
        t i n         nd
 A me nday 22 dult Res
      e                                 o                                                       SID 08.03 – County Programme
       u                                                                                                                             (JamÓige 2016)
 on  S                r ( A           n )
                                       e                                                        Coordinator in favour of SID 06.03
       m    i s sione ette Byr                                                                  – County Appointments Description
  Com rer (Ann
         su                                                                                     which is a more up to date
                                                                                                document.                            Scout Promise Review
National Spiritual/                                   in 2016. The International                                                     The NMC agreed to establish a
                                                      Commissioner will work to develop
Religious Advisory                                    a project plan will be reverting to the   Camp Chief – Larch                   committee to review the variation of
                                                                                                                                     the Scout Promise. The details can
Panel (NSRAP)                                         NMC shortly in this regard.               Hill                                 be seen here.

The NMC received a verbal update                                                                Following a recommendation from
on the progress of re-establishing                    Governance                                the interview panel, Eoin Campbell
                                                                                                                                     National Spiritual/
the NSRAP and welcomed the                                                                      was appointed as Camp Chief
newly elected Chairperson Pat                         An interim report from the various        (Larch Hill)                         Religious Advisory
O’Suilleabhan as a member of the
team. The NMC wished NSRAP
                                                      governance working groups was                                                  Panel (NSRAP)
                                                      noted and will be followed up in
well and offered it any support it cold
as it progresses with its work.
                                                      more detail at the next meeting.          Camp Chief – Mount                   The NMC received a verbal update
                                                                                                Melleray                             on the progress of re-establishing
                                                                                                                                     the NSRAP and welcomed the
                                                      SID 31.04 – Uniform                                                            newly elected Chairperson Pat
International                                                                                   Following a recommendation from
                                                                                                                                     O’Suilleabhan as a member of the
                                                      Policy (Update)                           the interview panel, Pat O’Connor
Partnership Event                                                                               was appointed as Camp Chief
                                                                                                                                     team. The NMC wished NSRAP
                                                                                                                                     well and offered it any support it cold
                                                      Some minor changes to SID 31.04 –         (Mount Melleray)
It was agreed to bid to host the                                                                                                     as it progresses with its work.
                                                      Uniform Policy were agreed.
International Partnership Event

Election Time, Candidates Revealed! National News Scout team Resources Adult Resources Upcoming Events Much Much More See Inside - Official online ...
Fellowship                              National Council
Communications                       It was agreed in principle, pending a   A number of nominations and
                                     firm proposal from Fellowship of Irsh   proposals to National Council
The NMC received a report from the   Guides & Scouts to bid to host the      were approved and these will be
Communications Commissioner          International Fellowship Conference     circulated in the send mailing from
                                     2016.                                   the National Secretary.

                                     Management Accounts
The NMC received a report from the
International Commissioner           The following set of Management
                                     Accounts were noted:

World Scout Moot –                   • Scouting Ireland Management
                                       Accounts - January 2015
Ireland 2021                         • Scouting Ireland Campsites &
                                       Facilities Management Accounts -
The NMC approved the Terms of
                                       January 2015
Reference (TOR) for the World
Scout Moot 2021 Foundation
Committee. The TOR can be seen

Training Review -
The NMC noted an updated report
from the Training Review.

Election Time, Candidates Revealed! National News Scout team Resources Adult Resources Upcoming Events Much Much More See Inside - Official online ...
National Council Candidates Q&A
                          - Sean Farrell
                                                                                                                  If you had a magic wand and
What position are you running for and why?                                                                        could change only one thing,
                                                                                                                  what would that be?
I am seeking to be elected Chief Scout for a one three year term only
and will not seek a second term.. I believe Scouting Ireland is at a                                              Put in place a strong support network for parents
crossroads and Scouting Ireland needs a Chief Scout who will not shy                                              and young people to ensure that we have unity
away from the tough decisions that need to be made. We need some                                                  and a sense of common purpose at every level
straight talking and strong leadership and that’s exactly what I will                                             within our Association that would build cohesion
deliver as Chief Scout. My record shows that I am willing to serve, ready                                         and teamwork across Scouting Ireland and
to lead and able to deliver, and you know what, not everybody can say                                             where the Scout Group is central to all we do
that.                                                                                                             and our leaders are supported in what can be
                                                                                                                  challenging yet rewarding work.

What do you plan to achieve in your term in
the Role?                                                                   Lastly anything else you would like to say to the
I want to make sure we have a Strategic Plan that will benefit our
Association. I want Scouting Ireland to enjoy the recognition it deserves   All of us can say that we benefited personally from our membership of Scouting Ireland
as the largest youth movement in Ireland. And above all else I want         and, as Chief Scout, I want to ensure that as many young people as possible get the
Scouting Ireland to be strongly positioned to support in a positive way     benefit from the Scouting experience. I want each and every member of Scouting
the 36,000 young people who are members of this great organisation          Ireland to be Mental Health Aware and our youth members to be ambassadors for
as they navigate through their crucial pre-teen and teenage years, and      Mental Health Awareness. So for these reasons and the ones outlined above, I would
to achieve that, we must ensure that there is Scouting in every local       like to ask you for your support and vote at this years meeting of the National Council.
community in Ireland.

Election Time, Candidates Revealed! National News Scout team Resources Adult Resources Upcoming Events Much Much More See Inside - Official online ...
National Council Candidates Q&A
                           - Kiernan Gildea
                                                                                                                      are. This means every member feeling that they
What position are you running for and why?                                                                            have a stake in Scouting Ireland and a place
                                                                                                                      in Scouting Ireland. It means ALL of us uniting
                                                                                                                      behind a common vision. Visions don’t manifest
I am seeking to be elected as Chief Scout of Scouting Ireland. Why? –                                                 themselves overnight but imagine the results for
to make a difference. If elected to the role, I will work with everyone to                                            Scouting in Ireland when we discover that vision
bring a collective and inclusive vision of Scouting to life. I believe that                                           together and set out to make it happen?
the fundamental principles introduced to Scouting by Robert Baden-
Powell over a century ago are as relevant now, in a constantly changing                                                If you had a magic wand and
world, as they were then. Working together, we can do incredible things
and inspire each other as we travel together along the Scouting Trail.
                                                                                                                       could change only one thing,
I believe the Chief Scout will lead best by helping and supporting others,                                             what would that be?
especially our young members, to see their potential and giving them
inspiration to add their vision and passion to the great story of Scouting     I would restructure the Association so that every member feels that they belong and that
in Ireland.                                                                    they can have a say in how the Association grows and develops.
What do you plan to achieve in your term in
the Role?                                                                      Lastly anything else you would like to say to the
During my term, I hope to redress the perceived disconnect between             Membership?
‘national’ scouting and the local membership. I want to see greater
transparency in how we work and greater accountability so that                 If I am elected Chief Scout, I intend to put ‘leading by example’ ahead of ‘managing’.
members know who is making decisions. I want to see decision-makers            I believe the Chief Scout we need is someone who understands how to manage, has
with the courage of their convictions who will take responsibility for their   experience in this area (so can ask the right questions and hold people to account),
actions. Ultimately this means leading by example and if I am fortunate        but above all else is a leader by example. The Chief Scout should be a guardian of
enough to be elected, I intend to do exactly that and encourage others         our core principles, fair-minded to all, never partisan, always balanced, and an honest
to do likewise. I want to see Scouting Ireland become not just more            and good-natured broker in every debate. With my active Scout Group involvement
focused on local Scouting but more focused on meaningful youth                 I have a feel for the issues that Scouts and their families face in today’s world; and of
participation at all levels. I want to inspire Scouters to drive youth         the challenges and opportunities as we work together on initiatives, programme and
participation, not just because it excites and motivates young people          activities. I will bring all of my Scouting (and career) expertise to the role of Chief
to be the best that they can be, I believe it also invigorates Scouters        Scout, if I am lucky enough to be bestowed the chance. I will do my best from day
who believe in it and enhances their leadership skills. I want Scouting        one and I will bring energy, enthusiasm and passion to the role to inspire and motivate
Ireland to be truly inclusive for every member, regardless of who they         every member of our great Association and to promote the best of Scouting to the

Election Time, Candidates Revealed! National News Scout team Resources Adult Resources Upcoming Events Much Much More See Inside - Official online ...
National Council Candidates Q&A
                         Jimmy Cunningham
                                                                                                                  Commissioner in developing a new website
                                                                                                                  and a complete new membership management
What position are you running for and why?                                                                        system which would not only replace the existing
                                                                                                                  Database but do a lot more. It would be my wish,
I’m running for the position of National Secretary. I’m highly motivated                                          in the spirit of partnership, to set up a sub group
and passionate about Scouting and the motivation that makes me                                                    of my team that will look at the Constitution and
put my name forward is the great people that are in Scouting Ireland.                                             Rules of the Association, all year round, not just
Our members, both young and old, deserve the best possible support                                                coming up to National Council. I would also like
and assistance that we can offer. With 42 years’ experience of being                                              to ensure to you all that as the person charged
involved in Scouting, which includes having been involved at every                                                with the legal matters of the association you can
level in my Group, spending 5 years as Provincial Commissioner in                                                 have faith in me making sure that this area will
the North Eastern Province and the last 3 ½ years as Communications                                               be carefully attended to under my leadership.
Commissioner, this has given me a great understanding of what                                                     I would also support Youth Members getting
is required to run our association at all levels. My main aim would        involved more with the team of the National Secretary as a way of ensuring that we
be to create a team and structures to ensure we have effective             continue to provide suitable Scouters in the future to take on these roles.
Communication both internal and external, Administration functions that
are both easy to use and are beneficial. My mission will be to support     If you had a magic wand and could change only one
Scouting in local Scout Groups in communities around the Country by
lessening the time they spend at administration and increasing the time
                                                                           thing, what would that be?
spent Scouting. I believe this can be done with effective leadership and   It would be to have every member of Scouting Ireland work together in a spirit of
a strong passion for Scouting, which I have in abundance.                  partnership and to portray a positive image of Scouting to everyone both inside and
                                                                           outside Scouting. We are sometimes our own worst critics and are very hard on one
What do you plan to achieve in your term in                                another. Imagine if as an organization of volunteers we let everyone know more about
                                                                           the good things we achieve in Scouting and then in a more supportive way working
the Role?                                                                  together to address any of our deficiencies. If we could add positivity to the vast
I would like to address and improve on some of the key areas of            amount of work we already undertake well it might be the spark that lights the fire!
Scouting Ireland if elected. But I’m making no promises as I’m a team
player and will be looking to make any changes in consultation and with    Lastly anything else you would like to say to the
the support of both the youth and adult members of our Association.        Membership?
I will encourage the National Management Committee to put in place         I wish to seek your Vote at National Council 2015 and I will Promise that, if I’m elected,
a Strategic Plan for the Association which includes operational plans,     that I will “do my best”. My aim would be to lead by example and to inspire and inform.
a budget, and timelines for same. I would look to streamline the           “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the
various administration duties that both the volunteers and staff have to   future”. To View My LinkedIn Page Click Here: http://goo.gl/ZouAGi Facebook:
undertake. I will continue the work I have started as Communications       https://www.facebook.com/sins2015candidate

Election Time, Candidates Revealed! National News Scout team Resources Adult Resources Upcoming Events Much Much More See Inside - Official online ...
National Council Candidates Q&A
                          Charlie McGuinness
                                                                                                                       this will deliver tangible and proven results for
What position are you running for and why?                                                                             Scouting but most important of all will support
                                                                                                                       Scouting locally in Groups and Counties.
I am a candidate for the position of National Secretary. I am running                                                  Secondly I will work to deliver a strategy for
for this position for three main reasons; 1. There is a perceived                                                      Scouting Ireland that will support and sustain
disconnection between the members of Scouting on the ground and the                                                    Scouting. This model of good Scouting will
organisation at a national level. This disconnection needs to be repaired                                              offer opportunities to have more young people
so that Scouting Ireland can continue to grow and develop andensure                                                    and adults experience Scouting. We do that by
that more young people and adults enjoy and gain from Scouting. 2. We                                                  restructuring organisation at national level so
as a society have experienced great change over the past number of                                                     that it better supports Scouting locally. Thirdly
years. This has led to much more statutory responsibilities and codes of                                               and while not technically within the remit of the
governance being placed upon associations, companies and charities,                                                    National Secretary, but within my ability and as a
of which Scouting Ireland is all three and is therefore required to comply     member of the NMC I want to see Scouting Ireland plan, prepare and deliver a National
with. 3. The World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM) of                Jamboree (with international participation) in the coming years.
which Scouting Ireland is a member, has a number of plans in place for
the continued world development of Scouting. Scouting Ireland needs
to be ready to support this. I have a proven track record both in and
                                                                               If you had a magic wand and could change only one
outside of Scouting of getting the job done, in this case, if I’m privileged   thing, what would that be?
to have your trust by your votes and I’m elected as National Secretary,
I will bring that same focus and track record to bear to ensure that the       Careful now – people waving wands can be dangerous !. Seriously I don’t promise
three points above are addressed.                                              anything I cannot deliver on. That said – having Scouting Ireland, along with its
                                                                               National Campsites and Facilities held by others both within Scouting and outside
                                                                               as a model of continuing good example and leadership would be magic and a great
What do you plan to achieve in your term in                                    achievement for us all.
the Role?
The role and tasks of the National Secretary are clearly defined. I
believe and I know that I have the ability, experience and vision to           Lastly anything else you would like to say to the
undertake this role. That said if elected I am also a member of the            Membership?
team that is the National Management Committee. (NMC) I will work
diligently and pro actively both as an individual and as a member of that      Lots and lots but I won’t, instead I’ll close by thanking you for reading about me and
team to achieve the best we can for you the members and for Scouting           hope that I can secure your support in the elections at National Council on the 18th of
in Ireland Firstly I will ensure that we the Association will in areas         April this year. If elected, I undertake to do my best to reward that support by serving all
of best practice, compliance and governance is fully compliant. That           members of Scouting Ireland as their National Secretary.

Election Time, Candidates Revealed! National News Scout team Resources Adult Resources Upcoming Events Much Much More See Inside - Official online ...
National Council Candidates Q&A
                          - John Watmore
                                                                                                                    in on expanding not just our membership
                                                                                                                    but maximising their valued presence in the
What position are you running for and why?                                                                          community locally and nationally. Seeking out
                                                                                                                    partnerships and sponsors to assist with our
I have offered my candidacy for the post of National Secretary because
                                                                                                                    funding, property, equipment and for mutual
I believe my scouting leadership and management achievements
                                                                                                                    promotional advantages. This will enable far
combined with those of my near 40 year career as a professional
                                                                                                                    more people to get the most out of Scouting
designer and photographer gives me the unique, creative edge and
                                                                                                                    whilst helping fulfil our stated aim - improving
problem solving ability to view and resolve issues often from different
                                                                                                                    society through active citizenship.
perspectives. Outside the box? There is no box!

What do you plan to achieve in your term in
the Role?                                                                   If you had a magic wand and could change only one
First we must restore trust between the associations membership and
                                                                            thing, what would that be?
those they elect who are prepared to try to lead it. The time has arrived   Could the waving of a magic wand really change anything? If it could my one wish
for the role of National Secretary to be taken on with a fresh, dynamic,    would be the banishing of conflict between adults in scouting. However, real change
inspirational outlook. To have a more visible presence in an NMC            can come true if there is the will and the trust between us all for it to do so. That
that is more accessible, more engaged with and more accountable to          would be truly magical! T Thoughtful R Respectful U Unconditional S Selfless T
the membership. No strategy is viable without trust. If we can restore      Together
trust we can build any strategy we choose! Together! Restoring trust
can only be achieved by cleaning the slate and making a fresh start.        Lastly anything else you would like to say to the
Behaving in accordance with our Promise and Law. Putting the past
behind us as a learning experience and not carrying resentment              Membership?
into the future as revenge. Letting go of the compromises built into        If Scouting is to be contemporary, relevant, attractive and the youth led activity to be in
the merger, realising the future and releasing Scouting Ireland to be       in our time, we need to reassess what we believe being a Scout is in the 21st century,
everything we want it to be. Consolidation of our current state has to be   ensure the membership understands that and build Scouting around it. In my view
completed and correlated before embarking on a new voyage. Quality          that is best described in the first phrase of our Scout Promise: ON MY HONOUR,
Scouting Experience (QSE), Training Review, Programme Review                I PROMISE THAT I WILL DO MY BEST.… Everything else stems from this simple
and the new Governance and Compliance projects all need finishing           phrase. I have the time, energy, aptitude and enthusiasm to give 100% to the task and
to form a firm foundation. Our Constitution, Rules and Policies must        thank you in advance for the support and trust that I hope you will give me to carry it
also have a thorough analysis and evaluation to rectify all anomalies,      through. Can we meet the challenge to make the change? Together we can! Yours,
contradictions and compromises. This is the short term strategy and         Scout to Scout, John Watmore, Candidate for National Secretary.
must be time limited. Medium to long term, in my view, needs to home

Election Time, Candidates Revealed! National News Scout team Resources Adult Resources Upcoming Events Much Much More See Inside - Official online ...
National Council Candidates Q&A
                         - Christy McCann
                                                                                                              If you had a magic wand and
What position are you running for and why?                                                                    could change only one thing,
                                                                                                              what would that be?
I am seeking re-election as International Commissioner as I have
begun a body of work to support Groups to have the best International                                         If I had a magic wand I would love for every
Scouting Experience and this process now needs further support and                                            member to have within their Scouting life to
promotion.                                                                                                    experience a World Jamboree or a World Moot

What do you plan to achieve in your term in                             Lastly anything else you would like to say to the
the Role?                                                               Membership?
I plan within the next term to build a dynamic team to be the “go to    My best thought to everyone is to consider Ireland as your backyard and the rest of the
people” at ground level to help Groups who decide to go abroad or       World as your playground.
make links to turn that project into a great programme opportunity.

National Council Candidates Q&A
                           - Kieran Cody
                                                                                                                   If you had a magic wand and
What position are you running for and why?                                                                         could change only one thing,
                                                                                                                   what would that be?
I am running for the role of Communications Commissioner, as a current
member of the communications team I would hope to continue and                                                     I would wish for Government recognition of all
indeed improve upon the good work achieved in the last few years. I                                                the volunteer hours our Programme Scouters
believe that in Scouting we have a great story to tell, both internally and                                        give to help in the development of young people
to the general public, however with the best of intentions many times                                              in our society, how about an extra weeks paid
we don’t always get it right. Effective communication would help us                                                leave every year!
better understand a person’s point of view or situation, and would go a
long way in enabling us to resolve differences, build trust and respect,
and create environments where creative ideas, problem solving and             Lastly anything else you would like to say to the
caring can flourish. As simple as communication seems, much of what
we try to communicate to others—and what others try to communicate
to us—gets misunderstood, which can cause conflict and frustration in         Many of you reading this may not know who Kieran Cody is, so here is a bit of
our dealings with each other. If elected I would hope to bring my skills to   background: I Joined the 5th Port (12th Dublin) Dollymount Sea Scouts in April 1982,
the table and assist in creating an effective and simple communication        at the age of 12. This decision changed my life but began my journey of adventure
platform for Scouting in Ireland, that centres around our Scout Law and       and challenge. Since then…. Currently a Programme Scouter with the Tuesday
Promise, and a shared understanding of mutual trust.                          Cub Pack in Dollymount. A Cub Scouter since 1987; also in my time helping out with
                                                                              other Scout Groups including 35th Dublin Grange, and 1st Carlow both in the Scout
What do you plan to achieve in your term in                                   Section. National Commissioner for Cub Scouting in Scouting Ireland SAI from 1994
                                                                              to 1997, prior to that on the National Cub Team for 5 years. Part of the Programme
the Role?                                                                     Review Team that developed “Kubuk” and “How 2 Kubuk”. Also heavily involved
                                                                              in the organising of three National Cuborees, the main one being Cuboree 2006 in
A major part of next year’s agenda and a major goal of the                    Lough Dan during my term as National Commissioner, by far the largest Cub Camp
communications team will be a huge upgrade to www.Scouts.ie, making           of its time. Now also a member of the Communications Team, with a keen interest in
it the go to place for information and ideas. Work has already started on     photography and video, you will have seen a lot of my work over the last few years
this project and I would encourage as many people as possible to get          at National Council, where my videos were used throughout the day. Being part of
involved in the creative process and putting together ideas for content.      the team that put together the successful bid for the World Scout Moot in 2021 gave
I would also work with the communications team and put together a             me great experiences. I also look after Communications and Apparel as part of the
viable three year plan, with clear goals and objectives, majoring on          Contingent Management Team for the upcoming World Scout Jamboree in Japan in
proper youth empowerment, together we can tell a better story.                2015.

National Council Candidates Q&A
                           - Gerry Glynn

                                                                                                                     If you had a magic wand and
What position are you running for and why?
                                                                                                                     could change only one thing,
Member of National Management Committee                                                                              what would that be?
                                                                                                                    Would be to give young people living in our
                                                                                                                    inner Cities the opportunity to sample Scouting
What do you plan to achieve in your term in                                                                         - this is particularly so for Dublin, where with
the Role?                                                                                                           the exception of one or two, all the units/
                                                                                                                    groups between the canals of the former two
                                                                                                                    associations have closed down - there are
If elected I will work with the other members of the National                 thousands of young people living in theses parishes/areas who deserve to at least try
Management Committee in providing the best possible management                Scouting for themselves.
to our association. N.M.C members should not have personal
agendas, however there are a number of issues of major importance:
Governance of our association: supporting the need for having: clear
goals and objectives; transparency in decision making, accountability
for actions; reducing the levels of bureaucracy and structuring a
less complicated and easy to understand administrative system and
procedures. Constitution and Rules: supporting a review of the
Constitution and Rules; having a consultative process that involves our
membership at all levels of the association; development of a working
document based on the needs of our association; providing regular
feedback on how things are progressing; developing a draft discussion
document to be sent out to group councils; the provision of a forum to
discuss proposals and resolve issues before being voted on at national
council. Planned change: supporting the development of a vision for
Scouting in the future; through a consultative process involving groups
at local level; developing a range of strategic options covering all facets
of the service provision of Scouting; identifying what needs to be done
now and the resources required to make the future vision a reality.

National Council Candidates Q&A
                           - Pat McCartin
                                                                                                                   If you had a magic wand and
What position are you running for and why?                                                                         could change only one thing,
I am running for the position of the Ordinary member of the National                                               what would that be?
Management Committee. I have been involved in Scouting at every                                                    I would ensure that an atmosphere was created
level from as Group Scouter, Group Leader, County Commissioner and                                                 that would allow all members of this great
Programme Commissioner for Camping & the Out of Doors. I believe                                                   movement to input into all major decisions being
that with my wide range of experience, I have gained an invaluable                                                 taken. This I believe would help develop an
knowledge and experience that will allow me to contribute to the                                                   atmosphere of inclusivity and ownership for all
workings of the NMC. I have always listened to the views and opinions                                              members.
of Young People and Scouters and if elected I would continue to work
with local Groups and Counties throughout the Country. No matter what
task I have undertaken at Group, County, National and International
levels, I have at all times been involved with my Scout Group (94th         Lastly anything else you would like to say to the
Dublin, Walkinstown) as a Section Scouter. This I believe keeps me in
touch with what is happening at local level and will be invaluable in my    Membership?
role as a member of the NMC
                                                                            As a Troop Leader of the Moy Troop at the World Scout Jamboree 2007 in England, I
                                                                            experienced the benefit of using the Scout Method at a different level. This experience
What do you plan to achieve in your term in                                 in England gave me the opportunity to head up the “Irish House” at the Jamboree in
                                                                            Sweden in 2011. This was a huge project and I believe the experience gained here will
the Role?                                                                   be invaluable to me if I am elected to the NMC. My promise to you as both Young
In the next three years I will work with my fellow NMC colleagues to        People and Scouters is that at all times I commit to being honest, hard working and
develop a sustainable, achievable strategy that will place Scouting         committed in my work at the NMC. I have always encouraged Young People and
Ireland to the fore of the Youth Work Sector in Ireland. As a team-         Scouters, I have had the privilege of working with, to doing their best and if elected I
leader / player, I pride myself with the ability to bring people together   will continue to do my best to ensure that Scouting Ireland is as relevant in the next ten
and where necessary to lead teams to the successful conclusion of           years as it has been over the last 108 years.
projects. With my wide range of experience, I believe that I am more
than qualified to place the views of Scout Groups and Counties to the
front and centre of everything that the NMC does. As a member of the
NMC I believe it is critical that the decisions taken there should have a
positive impact on the work being carried out at Group Level, if this is
not the case, then that decision should not be taken.

National Council Candidates Q&A
                         - David Byrne
                                                                                                                   like to see Scouting Ireland further develop
What position are you running for and why?                                                                         their training around the area of Special Needs.
                                                                                                                   This training is very important for both youth
                                                                                                                   and adult members and would aid scouting
I am running for the position of Ordinary Member (under 26). As an                                                 in becoming more accessible and inclusive.
active scouting member since the age of six I have experienced the                                                 Youth Representation- Finally, at twenty-five
many things that scouting has to offer. I have taken part in county,                                               years of age, I feel I am suited to, and capable
national and international scouting events, including World Jamborees.                                             of, representing the youth members of our
I received the Chief Scout Award in 2007 and I was recently elected                                                organisation. I think it is important to have an
as the County Chairperson for Wexford. I have worked as a secondary                                                NMC that prioritises youth and their needs; this
school teacher for the past three and a half years and now that I                                                  is something I would work diligently to achieve.
have settled into my profession I feel I can dedicate more of my time
and experience back into scouting. I believe that I am capable and
competent to carry out the role of and Ordinary Member on the National     If you had a magic wand and could change only one
Management Committee. I would be interested and hard working in this
                                                                           thing, what would that be?
What do you plan to achieve in your term in                                This is a tough question. There are so many excellent parts to the program that the
                                                                           positives far out-way any downfalls the organisation might have. I would love to see
the Role?                                                                  more young people getting involved in Scouting. The experiences that I have enjoyed
In the role of an Ordinary Member I would aim to achieve the following:    will stay with me a lifetime. From World Jamborees and international Summer Camps
Clarity, Transparency & Fairness- I see the roll of the ordinary member    to simple hiking trips with your friends, it’s these activities that make Scouting. My wish
as one who questions. By doing this I would hope to ensure that there      would be that every child should have the chance to also experience such adventures
is clarity and transparency where ever possible in decisions from the      and make lifelong friends along the way.
NMC. This also helps to ensure that the correct decisions are made
for the right reasons. Increased accessibility for all to the Scouting
Program- I wish to get actively involved with the program. As an active    Lastly anything else you would like to say to the
Scout Leader I find the current framework for the scouting program         Membership?
to be good, in theory. However, in practice it can be too large at times
and sometimes difficult to understand. I would hope to get active          I am seeking your vote to secure this position. I can assure you that, should I be
group leaders involved in the program review in order to get on-the-       successful, I will work hard to be an effective member of the NMC and bring about
ground, relevant feedback that would help improve on the already           positive change wherever possible. I will strive to accurately and adequately represent
high quality program. Training with increased awareness of Special         the average Scout and Scouter and perform any other tasks required of me to the best
Needs- Training is another area that I am very interested in. I would      of my ability.    Thank you for your consideration. Yours in Scouting, David Byrne

National Council Candidates Q&A
                        - Mary Fricker
                                                                                                                If you had a magic wand and
What position are you running for and why?                                                                      could change only one thing,
My name is Mary Fricker from 5th Kildare Athy. After long and hard                                              what would that be?
consideration I have decided to accept a nomination for the position                                             If I had a magic wand and could change only
of Ordinary Member of the National Management Committee (NMC).                                                   one thing it would be the public perception of
Over the past two years I have worked closely with the National Adult                                            Scouting. I feel that a large proportion of our
Resources Committee (NARC) and spend most of my Monday night’s                                                   government officials and the general public
in National Office making calls to and taking calls from Group Leaders                                           don’t truly understand what Scouting offers to
(GLs) around the country assisting them with general queries and                                                 Young People and Adults alike. I would make
providing additional support where needed. This NARC initiative is                                               them aware of the adventures, challenges,
one reason I have decided to run for the position. I believe there is a                                          personal development and opportunities for
lot more we can do as an Association to improve our level of support to   empowerment that Scouting Ireland offers it’s members. I would ensure that everyone
all members of Scouting Ireland. The other main reason is that I truly    understood the underlying principles, values and ethos that allows so many of our
believe in Scouting and can think of no other youth organisation that     Youth Members to become confident, well balanced and constructive members of
offers the same level of personal development not only to our Youth       society.
Members but also to our Adults. I am proud to be part of this and feel
that as a member of the NMC I can help promote and further the aim of
Scouting Ireland.                                                         Lastly anything else you would like to say to the
What do you plan to achieve in your term in                               Membership?
the Role?                                                                 I have been involved in Scouting in Ireland for 32 years and have worked at Group,
                                                                          County, Provincial and National level during that time. Looking back over my time I
There are two main areas that I would like to pursue should National
                                                                          have had some very rare and memorable opportunities and experiences which have
Council see fit to elect me. One would be to find ways to increase the
                                                                          made me the person I am today. I would really welcome this new opportunity to
level of support we offer our adult members and the other would be to
                                                                          represent you on the NMC and promise to abide by the Scout Promise and Law at all
promote and support youth empowerment in any way I possibly can.
                                                                          times. I would therefore like to ask you to consider giving me your number 1 vote so
These may seem total opposites to some people but I believe that by
                                                                          that together we can help improve our already great Association.
supporting and training our adults correctly and in a timely fashion we
can provide them with the necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes to
create opportunities to empower our youth members. I can assure you
that whatever committee or working group the NMC sees fit to appoint
me to I will always to my best to represent the Scouters and Youth
Members who elected me.

National Council Candidates Q&A
                           - Paudy O’Brien
                                                                                                                    If you had a magic wand and
What position are you running for and why?                                                                          could change only one thing,
                                                                                                                    what would that be?
My Name is Paudy O Brien and I am Running for the position of
ordinary member of the National Management Committee (NMC) . I                                                       OK picking one thing is hard and I like to
am running because I have grown very frustrated with the disconcert                                                  change a few things! So as it is magic I will
between national scouting and Local Scouting. I believe we had 2 big                                                 pick something that probably would be very
flaws over the last few years namely Jamboree 2013 and Vision 20 20.                                                 hard. We are very lucky to be involved with an
I believe these 2 projects failed due to national leadership not asking or                                           organisation like Scouting Ireland, Yes we do
listing to what scouters wanted on the ground. This needs to change.                                                 have flaws but the difference we are making
                                                                                                                     to young people on this island should not be
                                                                             forgotten. Also we have a lot of great leaders working with each other and I have made
                                                                             many great friends through scouting. However the bad side to scouting is adult conflict.
                                                                             If I did have my magic wand I would wave it about and remind everyone of the Scout
                                                                             law and promise and consign serious adult conflict to the history books.

What do you plan to achieve in your term in
the Role?                                                                    Lastly anything else you would like to say to the
As an Ordinary member I won’t have a portfolio, however, with my one
voice and one vote, I will aim to put common sense back into scouting.       I would ask everyone to make sure that all your group tickets are used this year and
I will not shy away from telling the committee if I feel we are going down   to make your voice heard. We have a very important National Council coming up with
the wrong road. From my group and county roles, believe I have the           a lot of elections. Having spent the last few week driving around the county hearing
experience to know what might work and might not work in different           people views its clear to me that Scouters on the ground are not happy with our
scenarios. Everything the NMC does has to make the lives of leaders          national scouting and are crying out for change. We got to make sure that as many
and youth members easier and help them in their day to day roles.            people as possible can go to national council and vote in a new NMC that are fit for
                                                                             the job and are willing to push for change. It will be a long road ahead to make positive
                                                                             changes but I am willing to put in the work if National Council deem me fit for the job.
                                                                             Thanks for listing and remember vote Paudy #1 :)

National Council Candidates Q&A
                           - David Walsh

                                                                                                                   input. As part of my election campaign, I have
What position are you running for and why?                                                                         travelled all over this island and I have listened
I am hoping to serve Scouting Ireland as an Ordinary Member of our                                                 to and learned from what our youth members,
National Management Committee (NMC). I believe that Scouting                                                       Groups and Counties alike have had to say on
Ireland is in need of fresh thinking, new ideas and a few new faces! I                                             a number of issues. One thing that is clear to
believe that I have the commitment and knowledge to play an active                                                 me is that the One Programme, for many, is an
role in helping to shape the future of Scouting Ireland and if elected to                                          issue. Our youth programme is the single most
the NMC, I would use my voice (and my vote) to champion, advocate                                                  important thing that we should be getting right
for and to help drive the positive initiatives that we as an association                                           in Scouting Ireland. I have listened to youth
require                                                                                                            members who talk about “hating the books”
                                                                                                                   and of their Scouting experience becoming “too
What do you plan to achieve in your term in                                 much like school”. I have heard them say how they “love Scouting despite the One
                                                                            Programme”. I have met many Scouters too who are frustrated with, and still not sure
the Role?                                                                   of, what the One Programme means or how they can deliver it successfully. That’s
If elected, I plan to play my part in fixing the ‘disconnect’ that exists   a problem. I have heard misgivings about the higher levels of our Adventure Skills
between the NMC and Scouting Irelands grassroots. Our NMC needs             being unattainable and too expensive for too many of our youth members (and indeed
to get out and about and it needs to sit down with local Groups and         Scouters) and I have to agree with them. Of course I have also heard from many in
Counties in order to have its finger on the pulse of Scouting and to        the association too who seem quite happy with the One Programme too, particularly
better understand the issues within Scouting Ireland. I plan on helping     the Chief Scout Award, but I think we need to wave a magic wand over much of the
make this happen. I plan on playing my part to ensure that the NMC          programme. “Plan, Do, Review” – Surely we don’t need a magic wand to take our own
is seen to serve Scouting Ireland and its members, not the other way        advice!
around. I plan on working with others on the NMC to support, drive and
insist upon a thorough self-examination of the way we do things with
a view to improving the NMC. I will bring fresh thinking and new ideas      Lastly anything else you would like to say to the
and I will use my voice and my vote at the NMC table to do this.
If you had a magic wand and could change                                    I would like to ask the membership to vote for me in order to help bring about the
                                                                            change that we need at national level and I would say to the membership that I wish to
only one thing, what would that be?                                         discharge my responsibilities as a member of a new NMC for the betterment of us all,
The One Programme. If I had a magic wand I would use it to create a         together. I would say “Thank You” to our membership for the time and dedication that
more robust, transparent and thorough review of our One Programme           you have to Scouting and finally I would like to say thank you for the fantastic support
and it would be the kind of review that seeks and respects everyone’s       you have shown me throughout this election campaign. See you all at National Council.

National Council Candidates Q&A
                           - Gary Gaughan
                                                                                                                   If you had a magic wand and
                                                                                                                   could change only one thing,
What position are you running for and why?
                                                                                                                   what would that be?
I am seeking support in my candidacy for Ordinary Member at this years                                             If I had a magic wand I would put a stop to the
National Council. I am running for Ordinary Member as I wish to help                                               disagreements between members that get in the
bring about change in our Association.                                                                             way of Scouting.

What do you plan to achieve in your term in
the Role?                                                                   Lastly anything else you would like to say to the
I would like to increase the level of input youth members have in the
decisions being made across all structures of Scouting Ireland, as
well as ensuring that the best interests of scouts is at the heart of all
                                                                            Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you have any questions for me, please
decisions. The only way I feel that this can be achieved is by actively     ask away, I’d be more than happy to answer them. I also encourage you to exercise your
engaging with all of our Members throughout the decision making             vote at this years National Council on the 18th of April. Regardless of who you’re voting
process.                                                                    for, it’s important that everybody has their voice heard.

National Council Candidates Q&A
                           - Andrew Rigney

                                                                                                                     If you had a magic wand and
What position are you running for and why?                                                                           could change only one thing,
                                                                                                                     what would that be?
I am running for the position of Under 26 Ordinary Member of the NMC.
I am running for this position as I feel I would provide a valuable insight                                        If I had a magic wand and could change
into the workings of Youth Programme and issues concerning Youth                                                   only one thing, I would change the break in
Members. As both a Scouter and a Youth Member, I feel that I would be                                              communications within Scouting Ireland. I feel
capable of providing a balance of both perspectives.                                                               that for our association to achieve more of it’s
                                                                                                                   potential, we must operate in a clear and open
                                                                                                                   manner, which will allow the Membership to
                                                                              have more involvement in the running of the association.
What do you plan to achieve in your term in
the Role?
During my term in the role, I hope to involve Youth Members more
closely with the NMC and vice versa, allowing the youth to have more
involvement in the runnibg of Scouting Ireland, and to familiarise the
NMC with the Membership. Scouting is a youth-led Movement, and I
aim to have Youth Members lead.

National Council Candidates Q&A
                          - Mark Blake
                                                                                                                   Scouters, with the request to organise more
                                                                                                                   due to their success, which we have provided.
What position are you running for and why?                                                                         We will monitor the requirements and provide
                                                                                                                   more if and when required. • Assistance and
Provincial Commissioner Dublin Scout Province I see the role of the
                                                                                                                   support with the interpretation, compliance and
Provincial Commissioner as being a representative of the youth and
                                                                                                                   implementation of SI guidelines and policies
adult members within the Dublin Scout Province along with being the
                                                                                                                   to assist Groups and Counties to operate in a
conduit of the views and opinions of the Province. It is very important
                                                                                                                   safe, less stressful and compliant environment.
that we are positive in our approach with both Adults and Youth
                                                                                                                   • Effective sharing of skills, resources and
Members and that we have positive engagement, communication and
                                                                                                                   experiences - we have commenced this process
contact with the adults and youth members within the Counties and
                                                                                                                   of active engagement between Counties and
Groups in order to build up a scouting working relationship, trust and
                                                                                                                   Groups and we would hope to continue with this
co-operation, this will help to provide a link and purpose for being part
                                                                                                                   process. • PMST more focused and to be more
of the province. This will be strengthened by working with all of the
                                                                            effective and relevant to both Counties and Groups – again we have commenced this
PMST members both collectively and individually in the support of all of
                                                                            process and would hope to continue with it.
our youth members & adults. I would like to have the opportunity to
continue to work with the county teams that will achieve the objectives
outlined above and any other objectives or priorities that may be
                                                                            If you had a magic wand and could change only one
identified by Counties and Groups.                                          thing, what would that be?
                                                                            To ensure more positive engagement and support for our Adults and Youth Members
What do you plan to achieve in your term in
the Role?                                                                   Lastly anything else you would like to say to the
Some of the objectives that I would see as being the priorities to          Membership?
address within the Province would be; • More effective communication
& personal contact with Counties and Groups- we have commenced              Dublin Scout Province has within it fantastic groups and counties all of whom are trying
this process by bringing the Counties to the fore at PMST Meetings          to provide the best programme they can for their youth members while also striving to
along with assessing Group and County needs and requirements                provide the best supports and environment for their adult members to operate within.
and providing training and supports within these specific areas. •          As an Interim Provincial Commissioner I held foremost the importance to work closely
Effective youth involvement within the Province – we have successfully      with all of the County Commissioners and County teams and Groups. I also ensured
held Provincial Youth Fora and have we commenced the process                that Dublins voice and opinions from our Counties and Groups were considered and
of active and continued engagement with our youth representatives           heard. Having only held the appointment of interim Provincial Commissioner for the
which we hope to build further upon. • Programme support for Adults         past 7 months I would like the opportunity to continue with the objectives we have
– we successfully held a number of Provincial One Programme                 commenced and identified and to continue to represent all of the members of the
Implementation workshops for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venture              Dublin Scout Province at National Level.

National Council Candidates Q&A
                           - Chris McSweeney
                                                                                                                      onus placed on NMC members. A Provincial
                                                                                                                      Commissioner is democratically elected by the
What position are you running for and why?                                                                            Province. The Directorship onus in this case
                                                                                                                      prevented Provincial Commissioners from
I am running for the position of Provincial Commissioner, Southern                                                    representing their electorate. Business of the
Province. Having taken the choice for a number of reasons in the past                                                 NMC at times is just that and is not for general
not to run for this position this current opportunity (with Morgan stepping                                           circulation. But where matters that directly
back), I feel is now the right time for me to put myself forward for this                                             involve members of our Groups consultation
position and give it all I can offer to the role.                                                                     is a pre-requisite. My use of the magic wand
                                                                                                                      would be the removal of this excuse never to
What do you plan to achieve in your term in                                                                           be used again by any member of the NMC in
the Role?                                                                                                             matters that directly involve ‘all’ the members of
                                                                                                                      Scouting Ireland.
Scouting Ireland has over the last number of years developed many
policies, support tools and programme content. These include many
Adult Resource documents, Training schemes, Financial Reporting
structures and off course our One-Programme. Filtering of this
                                                                              Lastly anything else you would like to say to the
information, guidance and support for its correct implementation              Membership?
is real challenge, and especially the latter point. The work done at          Scouters and Youth across our association have mixed opinions on the purpose and
National Level in creating these and also the great work done to date         usefulness of the Province. I believe a Province can be as useful as it sets itself out to
at Provincial Level in their implementation must not go unrecognised.         be. A Province on its own cannot change how we manage the association, nor can it
However not all of our ‘target audience’ reach out for such support. I        change the content of the Constitution and Rules. Nor can a Province contradict the
plan to actively address this along with my Provincial team. To do so the     processes as set out in various Scouting Ireland Documents (SIDs). What a Province
Province will draft a three year plan that will be implemented during my      can do is support Group Leaders and Commissioners is all aspects of their work as
term. This will involve the initial step of a meeting with representative     set out by Scouting Ireland. While there is no ‘authority’ or ‘power’ associated with the
groups of stakeholders from across the Province made up of Scouters           Province, its team members must play a vital role in direct working relationships with
and Youth to draft this plan under a number of identified key headings.       Groups. In Training and Financial Governance we in the Southern Province have seen
                                                                              great successes. I would like to see such links reaping similar rewards developed with
If you had a magic wand and could change                                      Groups in the areas of Adult Resources namely incorporating the ‘Adults in Scouting
only one thing, what would that be?                                           Model ‘ in every aspect a Group’s operation. I would like to see a more systematic
                                                                              approach to Programme Support offered by a wider team at a Provincial level covering
In just over the last 12-14 month period a disparity between Group            all aspects of the One-Programme.
Level and National Level has developed. In my personal opinion
the secrecy behind the drafting of the 20:20 Vision documents was             Finally I hope that other members of the Southern Province will take the first step to
the evolutionary spark for this. This stemmed from the Directorship           share my vision with me by Voting for me at National Council.

National Council Candidates Q&A
                         - Kevin Murphy
                                                                                                                If you had a magic wand and
What position are you running for and why?                                                                      could change only one thing,
                                                                                                                what would that be?
Seeking the position of Provincial Commissioner South East Province.
I have being involved at County / Provincial and National level with                                            That we really follow Promise and Law with all
Scouting and have gained such knowledge. Know how decisions made                                                our dealings
can affect Groups, Counties. With your support I hope to get Provinces
views heard in these decisions. Continue the work of previous
Provincial Commissioners strengthening Scouting within the Province

What do you plan to achieve in your term in                              Lastly anything else you would like to say to the
the Role?                                                                Membership?

To represent the Province with dignity Continue growth in membership     I can only do my best, which will come from interaction with all within the Province.
with emphasis on Rover Section With Professional Staff & PMST to         We have a great Association, we all have our part to play to strengthen it and to make
utilise time & effort to best advantage for Groups & Counties within     it a wonderful place for Youth and Adults. hope to meet you all in the RDS, best of luck
Province That Scouters have access to training both Woodbeads and        to all candidates in forthcoming National Council    Kevin Murphy
Skills To strengthen Youth Foras within Province

National Council Candidates Q&A
                         - Damien Scanlon
                                                                                                                  and voluntary personnel and I see my role as
What position are you running for and why?                                                                        Provincial Commissioner to lead this team to
                                                                                                                  ensure that we continue reaching out to all in the
                                                                                                                  province to make sure the inclusion of all Groups
I am asking for your support to elect me as your Provincial
Commissioner for the South East as I believe that I have the skills and
experience to make a positive contribution to Scouting in our Province.
I have an extensive a background in programme, and have served in                                                  If you had a magic wand and
many positions including Chief Commissioner, County Commissioner.                                                  could change only one thing,
County Training Coordinator, Group Leader and programme scouter.
I have also been a member of the National Executive Board and have                                                 what would that be?
attended international scouting seminars in Malta, Spain and Lithuania
for research and review of “The Programme for Youth” and “Adults in        If I were to have a magic wand and be able to make one change, hmmmmm. Only
Scouting”.                                                                 one change!!!! It would be that our shared experiences of fun and learning will have
                                                                           a happy impact on the lives of those involved and hopefully in old age will be able to
                                                                           laugh reminiscing at the happy memories that scouting creates.
What do you plan to achieve in your term in
the Role?
                                                                           Lastly anything else you would like to say to the
We are about providing a “Quality Youth Programme” and I see my role       Membership?
as Provincial Commissioner as having many strings on the bow but
the three foremost are- 1. to ensure that the support needed and/or        I am asking you to elect me as your Provincial Commissioner as I fully understand the
requested is in place and available to all Groups in the Province and 2.   role of the scouter and can appreciate the fun, happiness, challenge, frustration and
represent the province at the National Management Committee and 3.         panic that we all experience. I want to ensure there is support available to you to help
Believe that our scouters should feel happy, confident and comfortable     the provision of a fun, interesting and enjoyable programme. I have the enthusiasm,
with the scouting skills they possess and know that support is there       drive and commitment to carry out the demands of this role; I have a proven history in
for them. I would aim to ask each Group in the Province to invite          providing support and will continue to do this in the knowledge that having information
me to meet with them thereby giving me the opportunity to chat with        empowers us to do the job of providing quality scouting. I have a Can-do approach to
youth members and scouters alike to ensure each feels valued and           tasks, and believe that “say Yes, keep an open mind and let’s make it happen and that
their views listened to. The primary focus of my campaign is the belief    negativity is the enemy of progress”
that “Information Empowers” - having the knowledge and information
available to you to should ensure that the experience of scouting in
our province is enjoyable and rewarding to all. We are fortunate in
having a Provincial Support Team with the very best in both professional

iefi             ng
                                                              e r c h                                                                                and if you know who they are why

                                                                                                                                                     not ask them to wear a neckerchief
                                                                                       Scou founder
                                                                                     y                                                               for the day also.
                                                                            tion   b
                          y   - G                                     lebra -Powell,
                s’ Da
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                                                        wid              den                                                                         Whatever you and your group
        d  e  r                                   world obert Ba
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                                                                                                    ief fo
                                            i s                                                                                                      decide to do, make sure to
                                b r uary hday of R                                          e r c h
                                                                                       neck                                                          take a picture and e‐mail it to
                              e          birt
                         nd F                                                                         ing
              ’ D  ay 22 brate the ve.                                     e a r their gs Scout                                                      communications@scouts.ie or
       der  s         cele           Ola                               ow             hin
 Foun here to his wife                                  r e l a nd, t rate all t                                                                     post it on Facebook to https://www.
       yw              d                          oss I              ele b
  ever uting, an                             , acr der and c this year
                                                                                   .                                                                 facebook.com/ScoutingIreland for
        c o                        c o u t s
   of S                    ited S           ur fo
                                                  u n
                                                             ag  a i n                                                                               for everyone to see.
                 r, w e inv morate o to do this
           yea            me              ed
    Last y to com ncourag                                                                                                                            The aim of this action is to get
            a               e
     the d couts are                                                                                                                                 Scouts noticed across the country
      and                                                                                                                                            in an exciting, novel way. The more
                                                                                                               and then be on your way. For the      statues, celebrities, politicians
                                                                                                               more ambitious amongst you,           and local community heroes that
  Also last year we went a step                                                                                after seeking suitable permission,    get ‘neckerchiefed’ the better, but
  further and challenged each and                                                                              you might select a statue and let     please be careful and courteous
  every member, young and old, to                                                                              him/her/it wear a neckerchief for     to everyone and do not attempt to
  Join together and help us cover the                                                                          the entire weekend to celebrate       put a neckerchief on a statue (or
  country in neckerchiefs and this                                                                             Founders’ Day.                        person!) if you cannot do so safely
  was a massive success. We want                                                                               •        As many Irish Celebrities,   and with permission.
  to run the same campaign again                                                                               Politicians and Local Community
  this year and let’s make it even                                                                             Hero’s as possible.                   The very best of luck in your efforts
  bigger than last year.                                                                                       At the very least, identify one of    in getting Scouting in Ireland noticed
                                                                                                               the above and get them to wear a      through “Guerrilla Neckerchiefing”.
  The idea is simple!! We want to                                                                              Neckerchief with some Youth
  see neckerchiefs everywhere on:                                                                              Members from your Scout Group,
  •       As many statues around the                                                                           snap a picture and upload it.
  country as possible.                                                                                         •        Don’t forget our former
  At the very least, pick a statue, put                                                                        members – there are thousands
  a neckerchief on it, take a picture                                                                          of young people and adults in our
                                                                                                               communities who have been scouts

You can also read