Spring 2021, issue 236 - 06 No Space for Hate - Waltham Forest

Page created by Alma Barnes
Spring 2021, issue 236 - 06 No Space for Hate - Waltham Forest
06                 08                     10                17
         No                 Your                   New EMD           Support
         Space              Council                project           for
         for Hate           Tax                    co-chairs         rough

Your council keeping residents informed
www.walthamforest.gov.uk              @wfcouncil
                                                               Spring 2021, issue 236
Spring 2021, issue 236 - 06 No Space for Hate - Waltham Forest
Spring 2021, issue 236 - 06 No Space for Hate - Waltham Forest
06                     08                         10                                17
              No                     Your                       New EMD                           Support
              Space                  Council                    project                           for
              for Hate               Tax                        co-chairs                         rough

  Your council keeping residents informed
  www.walthamforest.gov.uk                     @wfcouncil
                                                                                   Spring 2021, issue 236

Boost for vaccine rollout
n T wo additional vaccination sites open in Waltham Forest
   in line with the Council’s commitment to support the             The roadmap to recovery                                                           See Page 03
   vaccine rollout in any way it can.
Council-owned buildings         programme is a great
Chingford Leisure Centre        example of the exceptional
and Walthamstow Library         teamwork that continues to
are now being used to           be seen across our borough.
vaccinate residents in          By working in partnership
line with the Council’s         with our health colleagues,
commitment to support           we are making sure
the vaccine rollout in any      Covid-19 vaccine rollout is
way it can.                     our number one priority.
   The Library will be run by     “In November last year,
local GPs with the second       we made 12 pledges to the
site located at Chingford       community and number one
Leisure Centre run by           of these was supporting the
North East London NHS           vaccination rollout in any
Foundation Trust (NELFT).       way we can.
  Both sites will use council     “These new clinics,
staff and volunteers working    alongside the specially
alongside local health          trained vaccinators and
colleagues to vaccinate         volunteers we have
residents. In total council     provided, are the result of
staff and volunteers have       our work with partners to
worked over 2,000 hours to      achieve this.
support the rollout already       “We will continue to do
with 57 trained so far and      all we can to support the
more in the pipeline.           vaccine rollout and have
  Cllr Clare Coghill, Leader    offered more sites across the
of Waltham Forest Council,      borough to make it as easy
said: “This exciting new        as possible for residents to
development of the vaccine      get their vaccine.”

  Staff vaccinators                     See Page 02               Two of the many volunteers who have supported the vaccine rollout

                                                                                                                                      MA X IMISE YOU R SUCCE SS
   Secure your place for                                        CREATIVE             SCIENCE &

   September 2021                                               LEGAL &
                                                                                     ENTERPRISE &
                                                                                                                  SOCIETY &
                                                                                                                  CULTURE             To apply now, visit www.sgmc.ac.uk
Spring 2021, issue 236 - 06 No Space for Hate - Waltham Forest
2       News
      From the Leader                                    We must do more to keep women safe
                                    subjected to violence
                                    every day in our country
                                    often in the home by men
                                                                        up start holding each
                                                                        other to account and start
                                                                        having real conversations
                                                                                                                                If you need support
                                    they know.                          about change.                                              You can visit the                                  think you might be at risk
                                       “Research shows it                  “We also need to put                                  Leyton Children and                                  of hurting your partner
                                    takes women on average              energy into teaching boys                                Family Centre, 215                                   or family contact the
                                    three years before getting          how to be respectful,                                    Queens Road E17 8PJ                                  Respect help line 0808
                                    effective help and all too          how to develop healthy                                   which is open between                                802 4040 which is free
                                    often they are not believed         relationships and how to                                 10am and 4pm every                                   and confidential, or visit
                                    by services or people they          hold other boys and men                                  Monday, Tuesday, and                                 www.respect.uk.net.
                                    know.                               to account.                                              Wednesday to speak                                   They will help and
                                       “If you are experiencing            “From agencies to                                     to a specialist worker                               support you to stop.
                                    domestic abuse, we                  individuals we all need
                                                                                                                                 who can offer support.                                 If you are worried about
      “My heart goes out to         have maintained face to             to do more – women
                                                                                                                                 You do not need to have                              a friend or neighbour
      the family and friends        face services throughout            and girls’ freedom has
                                                                                                                                 a child to access this                               suffering domestic abuse
      of Sarah Everard but          the pandemic. With                  always been lessened
      also to those that
                                                                                                                                 service. We are operating                            you too can speak to
                                    over 1000 women                     by the endemic violence
      knew Bibaa Henry              using the service in that           perpetrated by men.
                                                                                                                                 the service in accordance                            a trained professional
      and Nicole Smallman           period alone no one can                “Unless we do                                         with government                                      on the 24/7 domestic
      who were murdered in          underestimate the scale of          something radically                                      guidelines so will be                                abuse helpline which is
      London last year. What        the problem.                        different, in three days                                 implementing physical                                0808 2000 247. If it is an
      these families, and the          “Sarah’s murder has              there will be another                                    distancing.                                          emergency, please call
      hundreds like them            also brought into sharp             woman to mourn.”                                           You can also call                                  the Police immediately on
      every year, go through        focus the all too frequent                                                                   Waltham Forest Solace                                999.
      is unimaginable.              experiences of women                                                                         Women’s Aid on 07340                                   To find a full list of local,
         “A woman is killed at      and girls in all sections                                                                    683382 or visit www.                                 regional, and national
      the hands of a man on         of our society harassed,                                                                     solacewomensaid.org                                  support services please
      average every three days      belittled and attacked on           Cllr Clare Coghill                                         If you are worried about                           visit walthamforest.gov.
      in the UK, not to mention     our streets.                                                                                 your own behaviour and                               uk/support-services
      the countless others             “We need men to step

Council staff help to
vaccinate residents
As well as providing sites to act as vaccination
clinics, the Council has also assisted the rollout by
training staff to help vaccinate residents as well as
providing local volunteers to ensure everyone is safe
and comfortable. So far, volunteers have completed
over 2,000 hours at vaccination sites – a huge well
done to everyone who has spared their time.

At the time of going to print, 65,000 Waltham Forest
residents have received at least the first dose of

  Contact Waltham Forest Council                          Waltham Forest News
                                                           Edited by: Corporate                      Advertising and promotional enquiries:               Their inclusion does not mean that the council
                                                           Communications Team                       Please email:                                        endorses the company or product being advertised.
                                                           Waltham Forest News wants to hear                                                              Waltham Forest News is produced using
                                                           from people in the local community.       Waltham Forest Council does not accept               trees from sustainable managed forests where more
                                                           If you have a story that you’d like us    responsibility for the content of any non-council    trees are planted than felled. Please recycle Waltham
                                                           to cover, email walthamforestnews         advertisements in Waltham Forest News.               Forest News when you have finished with it.
              tap          scroll   click
                                                                facebook.com/walthamforestcouncil                           @lbwalthamforest                   @wfcouncil
                                                                              Waltham Forest News is published quarterly by London Borough of Waltham Forest with a print run of 110,000 copies delivered to homes, organisations,
           More services                                                      businesses and bulk drops in the borough.
           available online.                                                  The official independently audited free letterbox delivery of Waltham Forest News is 97,376 ABC Regional January to December 2018
Spring 2021, issue 236 - 06 No Space for Hate - Waltham Forest
Spring 2021, issue 236

Roadmap to recovery announced
Here are the key dates that are coming up and what you will be able to do as restrictions are eased
On Monday 8 March schools
in England reopened to all
pupils as the first step of the       No earlier than                       No earlier than                      No earlier than                     No earlier than
Government’s plan to ease             Monday 29 March:                      Monday 12 April:                     Monday 17 May:                      Monday 21 June:
Covid-19 restrictions.                • Y ou will be allowed to meet       • Retail shops will be allowed      • People can meet outside in       • A
                                                                                                                                                        ll restrictions on social
    It is the first of several key
                                         outside with one other                to reopen.                           groups of up to 30.                contact will be removed,
dates that are coming up in the
                                         household or following the         • Restaurants and pub               • Six people, or two                 and no limits on the
next few months when more
businesses and facilities will           “rule of six”, even in private        gardens will be allowed to           households, can meet               number of people who
be able to reopen as we move             gardens.                              serve customers outdoors.            indoors.                           can attend weddings or
toward summer.                        • The stay at home rule will         • Gyms and spas can                 • Pubs, restaurants and              funerals. Nightclubs will
    The restrictions will only be        be lifted - but residents             reopen for individuals and           other hospitality venues           also be allowed to reopen
lifted if the data shows the             are urged to stay local as            households.                          can seat customers
virus is under control and that          much as possible.                  • Hairdressers, beauty salons          indoors.
key conditions have been met,         • Outdoor sport facilities will         and other close contact           • Up to 30 people can meet
which are that the vaccination           reopen, including tennis              services can reopen.                 to celebrate weddings
rollout continue to go to plan,          and basketball courts at           • Children allowed to attend           or important events like
the numbers of people needing            parks across the borough              indoor play activities,              christenings.
hospital treatment or dying              as well as skate parks.               with up to 15 parents or          • Outdoor theatres and
with the virus have reduced,
                                      • Organised formal outdoor              guardians allowed to join            cinemas can reopen.
that infection rates do not risk
                                         sports sessions can restart.          them.                             • Indoor entertainment such
a surge in hospital admissions,
                                      • Parents and children               • Libraries and community              as museums, theatres,
and that new coronavirus
variants do not change the risk          groups can meet outdoors,             centres can reopen.                  cinemas and children’s
                                         but up to a limit of 15.           • Weddings attended by up to           play areas can reopen,           This is exciting news – but
to the community.
                                         Indoor groups can take                15 people can take place.            including the William Morris     please remember that
    During this time it is still
                                         place for vulnerable                                                       Gallery and Vestry House         following the guidelines now
really important to follow social
distancing guidelines and make           children and where parents                                                 Museum.                          will mean we are able to
sure we are still staying safe.          need childcare so they can                                              • Indoor sports groups and         meet and celebrate again
Relaxing too early and taking            go to work.                                                                exercise classes can start       together soon. You can
risks may mean the easing             • Weddings can take place,                                                   up again.                        see all the key dates on the
of restrictions is delayed. The          attended by up to six                                                                                       Government website here:
sacrifices we make now will help         people.                                                                                                     bit.ly/LBWF_Roadmap
us to return to normal.

  Young people back to school safely
   We are very pleased that all children have safely           can be ordered online or picked up in-person from            Schools will undergo enhanced cleaning routines to
   started to return to schools from Monday 8 March.           these sites conveniently located across the borough          prevent germs spreading, and classrooms will be kept
                                                               between 1.30pm and 7pm every day:                            well ventilated.
   This has been a difficult year for us all and we thank
   parents, carers, and guardians for their support            Stanley Road car park, Leyton E10 7EQ                        By working together we are best able to control the
   during this period.                                         Linford Road car park, Walthamstow E17 3LS                   spread of the virus and protect the most vulnerable in
                                                                                                                            our community while at the same time delivering the
   Teachers and wider school staff have been fantastic         Church Lane car park, Leytonstone E11 1HG
                                                                                                                            high-quality education our young people deserve.
   throughout, educating children of critical workers
   and vulnerable children who have been coming into           Students in secondary schools will be offered three
   school as well as delivering remote learning sessions.      Lateral Flow Tests to be taken in school before they
   We know parents will join us in offering them our
   heartfelt thanks.
                                                               move to the home testing programme.                             More info
                                                               Children in primary schools do not need to undertake            To get more information on test kits for
   The Council has supported schools in putting into           regular testing. All school staff, both primary and             households with school or college-age
   place safety measures to help them reopen as                secondary, will also be offered regular tests. Testing          children please visit bit.ly/WFTestKits
   safely as possible. We have made home testing               is voluntary, but we strongly encourage you and your
   kits available for adults with school-age children          child to take part to help reduce the spread of the virus.
   so that they can be tested twice a week, which
Spring 2021, issue 236 - 06 No Space for Hate - Waltham Forest
4       News
Waltham Forest’s green machines
take to the streets
Waltham Forest Council             seriously and are looking at ways     Forest Council depot, has been
has unveiled its new fleet of      to reduce carbon emissions            designed for a 12-hour shift, to
green machines to clean up         and minimise our impact on            cover 1,200 lifts per day and over
the borough as part of its         the environment across our            60 miles.
commitment to improving the        key services. Introducing these          It is also much quieter and as
environment.                       vehicles to our fleet is a great      there are fewer moving parts           Urbaser Electra 26-tonne bin lorry
  The all-electric refuse and      step towards a cleaner, more          maintaining the vehicle is easier.
recycling collectors, street       energy-efficient and resilient           Once charged, the electric         pollution and improve recycling                  permanent City Tree air biofilters
cleansing, and grounds             borough.                              sweepers, which are powered by        rates in the borough.                            at key locations to cleanse the
maintenance vehicles, have been       “I’m pleased we’ve been able       lithium and lead acid batteries,         Urbaser is also offsetting                    air of pollutants and improve air
supplied by Urbaser, the local     to work with Urbaser to create        can work for up to ten hours.         carbon emissions with a two-year                 quality.
authority’s waste contractor.      a service that continues to              They are also 50 per cent more     tree planting scheme costing                        All weed control in public parks
  Cllr Clyde Loakes, Waltham       provide our residents with the        energy efficient and 30 per cent      £75,000 that began last month,                   is carried out by non-chemical
Forest Council Deputy Leader       value for money they want while       quieter compared to conventional      February 2021.                                   means and green waste
                                   also prioritising local air quality   diesel sweepers.                         The Council is also the first                 collected from parks will be used
   The vehicles which
                                   and our response to the climate          Javier Peiro, Managing Director,   London borough to install two                    for compost.
   make up one of the
                                   emergency.”                           Urbaser Ltd: “Introducing this
   first and largest fleets
                                      The fleet will include an          number of electric vehicles at
   in the country, will
                                   Electra 26-tonne bin lorry, two       Waltham Forest is a milestone
   significantly reduce
                                   mechanical sweepers, up to four       and sets a precedent for other
   carbon emissions.
                                   vacuum sweepers, 12 Nissan            local authorities across the UK.
and Cabinet Member for             vans, and two Renault electric           “We will continue to stay at the
Environment, said: “We have        utility vehicles.                     forefront in promoting sustainable
made a commitment to residents        In addition, there will be 48      technologies for environmental
that as a council we will reduce   items of fully electric equipment     services, to address the climate
our impact on the environment.     such as hedge trimmers and            emergency, reduce pollution and
This is the latest step towards    leaf blowers for the grounds          improve air quality locally.”
honouring that promise.            maintenance service.                     As part of its contract bid
  “This step shows we are taking      The Electra refuse truck, which    Urbaser has introduced a raft of
                                                                                                                Cllr Clyde Loakes with Urbaser electric fleet
the climate emergency extremely    will be charged at the Waltham        additional measures to reduce

                                                                                                                                             Up to

                                                                                                                                             per week

                                                                                                                                                                           Up to

                                                                                                                                                                           taken off
                                                                                                                                                                           Council Tax

   Join our Virtual Lunch on Tuesday 6 April 2021
   Register here for access; www.fosteringwalthamforest.co.uk
Spring 2021, issue 236 - 06 No Space for Hate - Waltham Forest
Spring 2021, issue 236

Census 2021 – make sure you’re counted!
The census will be held on Sunday 21 March. It’s a once in a decade event by Government to understand people and households that make up our country.
                                                                                          “Noor Ul Islam is a registered                     our resources when it comes to
                                                                                        charity looking after the social,                    engaging our young people.
                                                                                        educational and welfare needs                          “We will be having some
                                                                                        of the local community. Our                          information workshops with
                                                                                        organisation runs a mosque,                          our young people so they can
                                                                                        community centre, nursery and
                                                                                                                                                   “The census is an excellent
                                                                                        primary schools, a health service,
                                                                                                                                                   way for governments to see
                                                                                        youth groups and social activities.                        the changing demographics
                                                                                          “When we were approached to                              within the borough. This in
                                                                                        support promoting the Census                               turn helps organisations like
                                                                                        2021 campaign, we were more                                Noor Ul Islam with planning
                                                                                        than happy to oblige. We have                              medium and long term
 Stephen Barnabis                                                                       been posting to our social media                           strategies. We continue to
                                                                                        information about census and                               advise and remind people to
It’s really important that we                         “The importance of the            created an awareness of the                                help their local communities
fill it in as decisions are made                      information collated from the     importance of completing the                               by taking part in this very
on the basis of the results on                        census for an organisation        questionnaire.                                             important census campaign.”
all manner of topics such as                          like ours is so that we             We also spoke to Stephen
transport, health, policing and                       can develop services and          Barnabis, Founder and Operational                    understand what the Census is
                                                      respond to the needs of our       manager of Project Zero, a new                       about and why it’s needed. We want
                                                      communities. “                    youth club in Waltham Forest.                        our young people to take part in
   That means everything from how
many police officers are assigned                 helping spread the word.              The centre was set up to engage                      youth social action projects so they
to work in the borough to how                       “My name is Aslam Hansa. I am       young people in positive activities                  are part of shaping the look of the
much funding or space your local                  the Operations Manager at Noor Ul     to promote social inclusion and                      community for where they reside.
GP services have.                                 Islam, Leyton, London. I have lived   reduce anti-social / offending                       We have also shared information
   We spoke to a few local people in              in Leyton for almost my whole life    behaviour.                                           about the census through our social
the borough about why the census                  and have seen so many changes in        He said, “Our main aim is to                       media platforms as well as posters
is important how they have been                   the area.                             tackle the complex issues around                     within our centre.”
                                                                                        youth violence and knife crime.
                                                                                        We want to see a year in Waltham
                                                                                        Forest where there have been zero
                                                                                        deaths of a young person due to

                    Apply to                                                            knife crime
                                                                                          We will be able to have a
                                                                                        better idea of the dynamics   The CENSUS
                    vote by post                                                                                      is HERE The CENSUS
                                                                                        within families, data of the youth
                                                                                        population within the borough
                                                                                        and where we need to focus

                    There are elections for the London
                    Mayor and Assembly on Thursday
                                                                                          More info                                                     is HERE
                                                                                                                      Census Day is Sunday 21 March 2021.
                                                                                                                All kinds of organisations, from local authorities
                                                                                          You can find out moreto charities, use the information toCensus     Day is Sunday 21 March 2021.
                    6 May 2021.                                                                                                                        help provide
                                                                                          about the survey here vital services, including transport, education
                                                                                                                                           Aslam Hansa             and
                                                                                                                                                   All kinds of organisations, from local authorities
                                                                                                                healthcare. By taking part, you’ll to
                                                                                                                                                        helping use
                    Anyone can apply to vote by post. You don’t                           walthamforest.gov.uk/census
                                                                                                                sure you and your community get       theservices,
                                                                                                                                                                     the information to help provide
                    need to give a reason.                                                                                                         vital           including transport, education and
                                                                                                                needed now and in the future. healthcare. By taking part, you’ll be helping make
                                                                                                                                                        sure you and your community get the services
                    You can apply now at:                                                                                                               needed now and in the future.
                                                                                                                      How to take part

                                                                                        The CENSUS
                    walthamforest.gov.uk/elections                                                                                                      How to take part
                                                                                                                                        You will be sent
                    The deadline to apply for elections in May is
                                                                                                                                        a letter with an                You will be sent
                    5pm, Tuesday 20 April 2021. The earlier you                                                                                                         a letter with an
                    apply, the earlier we can send your postal vote.
                                                                                                                                        access code.
                                                                                                                                                                        access code.

                                                                                        is HERE
                    If you need a paper copy form contact us at:

                       electoral.services@walthamforest.gov.uk                                                                           Visit the secure website Visit the secure website
                                                                                                                                         and enter your access    and enter your access
                    Or you can call us on    020 8496 3000                                                                               code to get started.     code to get started.
                                                                                        Census Day is Sunday 21 March 2021.
                    For more information visit:
                                                                                        All kinds of organisations, from       authorities visit:For more information, visit:
                                                                                                                         local information,
                                                                                                                     For more
                       walthamforest.gov.uk/elections                                   to charities, use the information to help provide        census.gov.uk
                                                                                        vital services, including transport, education and
                                                                                        healthcare. By taking part, you’ll be helping make
                                                                                        sure you and your community get the services
                                                                                        needed now and in the future.

                                                                                        How to take part

                                                                                                            You will be sent
Spring 2021, issue 236 - 06 No Space for Hate - Waltham Forest

Waltham Forest’s first
No Space for Hate
Ambassadors graduate
The first wave of Waltham          share their knowledge with          community alert to stamp
Forest’s No Space for              their own network.                  out behaviour that physically
Hate Ambassadors                     Nearly 60 residents have          harms, destroys confidence
graduated in early March           registered for future training      and blights communities.
as the Council steps up its        and the Council will continue         This is our next step
campaign against hate.             to arrange the training             towards making Waltham
   The No Space for Hate           based on demand in the              Forest a hate-free borough
Ambassador training is one         community.                          where our differences are our
of several community-led             Cllr Ahsan Khan, Cabinet          strength.”
programmes the Council is          Member for Community
taking forward to stop hate        Safety, said: “Almost 7 in             More info
following its hosting of the       10 residents feel that hate            For more information on the
first ever Citizens Assembly       is a serious issue but it’s            No Space for Hate programme
on the topic of hate early last    programmes like this which             and to register for training
year.                              show this community won’t              visit walthamforest.gov.uk/
   Over the course of              stand for it. Perpetrators             nospaceforhate                    Citizens Assembly

three two-hour sessions,           must learn that they have no
participants learned how           place in our community. Too
to recognise hate in the           often cowards prey on the
community, workplace,              defenceless, thinking that
and other settings including       they can get away with it.
                                                                         The Council commissioned a new reporting               To report a hate in Waltham Forest:
bullying or street based sexual    Well, not anymore.
                                                                         helpline with Stop Hate UK to make reporting           • Freephone: 0800 138 1625
harassment, how to safely            “As our No Space for Hate
                                                                         and accessing support easier for victims. By           • Email: talk@stophateuk.org
intervene and stop it, as well     Ambassador programme                  reporting hate crimes and incidents, residents         • Text: 07710 989 025
as support victims. They have      grows there will be more              can become part of a movement to stop it.              • Visit: walthamforest.gov.uk/NoSpaceForHate
also been given the tools to       eyes and ears in the

  “There should be more people
  like me doing this training”
  Andrew Thorne, 54, went to school in Waltham Forest and travelled the world while
  working in shipping and logistics before settling back down to Leytonstone with his
  wife, Clare. We caught up with Andrew after doing the training:

  “It’s shocking in 2021 to hear how people going about their daily lives are being treated. I
  realise that I don’t need to plan my route home to feel safe, I feel comfortable walking home
  in the dark. Nobody makes fun of my English and staff don’t look past me in shops and

  “But it’s really not okay to do nothing. If the person on the receiving end feels like they and
  others agree with everything that is happening against them, it reinforces that person’s pain
  and hurt. The training has helped me to learn more about how I can be an ally for people on
  the receiving end of prejudice, racism or street-based harassment or violence.

  “Whatever action you take there is always something you can do. You can distract the people
  involved, be there actively to make sure that a situation doesn’t escalate and there are also
  safe ways you can intervene.

  “It’s so important to make sure that the person on the receiving end doesn’t feel isolated or like
  the people around them don’t care.

  “One thing that struck me as I looked around the room on Zoom is that there should be more
  people that look like me there. I hope that more of us come forward.”                                  Andrew and Clare
Spring 2021, issue 236 - 06 No Space for Hate - Waltham Forest
Spring 2021, issue 236

     Waltham Forest standing together against racism
     Local group brings community together to speak in one voice
     The Be That Change                       deep-rooted. After reaching           Windrush scandal to ensure
     Collective is a grassroots               out on social media about             that they are aware of the
     community group made                     my disappointment, positive           compensation they are
     up of Waltham Forest                     comments flooded in from              entitled to.
     professionals from across                fellow residents of Waltham             Annette added: “As well
     the borough.                             Forest reassuring me that             as engaging the community
       Founding members Gelina                the place that I have called          and encouraging a wider
     and Annette tell us about the            home for over a decade,               discussion about anti-
     formation of Be That Change              had more voices to be                 racism, recent events have
     following the tragic murder              heard than just the negative          also exposed the lack of
     of George Floyd in the USA.              voices I had experienced.             prominence of people of
       “After the George Floyd                There was a clear message             colour in lead roles - not
     murder and during the                    for other Waltham Forest              just in our borough but
     protests that followed, I was            residents that they did not           across UK society, and the    range of organisations to see   resource page on Facebook
     shocked and saddened                     want to be represented                barriers faced by the Black   what commitments are being      and published an anti-racism
     by the number of negative                by, or associated with the            community in particular. We   made internally to push an      poster campaign following a
     reactions that I saw on                  racism that I had witnessed           have seen the latest data     anti-racist agenda in the       BTC Virtual Art Exhibition over
     the local community social               and were ready to be that             from the Office of National   work that they deliver in our   the summer. The work of the
     media platforms, some                    change.”                              Statistics that the UK        communities. The Be That        Be That Change Collective
     ignorant and others purely                  Currently, Be That Change          Black community are four      Change Collective is focused    has only just begun – lend
     racist,” said Gelina. “It hurt           is liaising with the Council          times more likely to die of   on actions that result in us    your support and show
     that these comments were                 and local MPs to ensure that          Covid-19, which shows the     moving closer to being an       solidarity by joining today.
     not only local, from people              there is a firm commitment            need to address inequality    equal society through and
     who I potentially pass in                within Waltham Forest to              as well as access and trust   through.”                          More info
     the street, or sit next to on            promote a united message              issues remain.”                 The Be That Change               Get the latest news by
     the bus, but that in some                of anti-racism, as well as              “We’re engaging             Collective has set up a            following BTC on Facebook at
     cases, STOP
             the Hate
                       seemed WFN HALF PAGE
                                              supporting victims
                                              AD [PRESS].pdf 2
                                                                     of the 16:48
                                                                                    community leaders in a        dedicated digital online           facebook.com/BTCWF










           Stand up Stand together
           To report hate phone 0800 138 1625. Find out how to show your
           support against hate, visit walthamforest.gov.uk/NoSpaceForHate
Spring 2021, issue 236 - 06 No Space for Hate - Waltham Forest
8       News
Council Tax and what you
need to know about your bill
Increase in Council Tax will fund essential services that keep our borough going
It has been a difficult         elderly and most vulnerable       financial burden has fallen     work, the rest has to be           If you are struggling to pay
year for us all because         were safe and fed during          on the local authority. The     raised by Council Tax.           your Council Tax you may be
of the global Covid-19          the prolonged lockdowns to        amount of Government              The total Council Tax          eligible for support. Please
pandemic. Many lives            helping to facilitate thousands   funding we receive has          increase for 2021/2022 is        visit walthamforest.gov.uk/
have been lost and              of tests within the borough,      reduced dramatically over the   5.84 per cent which for an       localctaxsupport
many more people face           we have played a vital role.      last decade as the pie charts   average household living in
uncertain futures.                All of this is in addition to   show. Despite £120m being       a Band C property will mean          More info
  The Council has worked        the daily frontline work that     slashed from the budget since   an extra £1.76 per week.             Find out more about Council
hard to support residents       ensures that Waltham Forest       2010, savings alone are not       This breaks down as 1.99           Tax in Waltham Forest, apply
and will continue to do so in   remains a clean, decent, and      enough.                         per cent rise in basic council       for an exemption or discount,
the wake of the challenges      safe place to live.                  While the Government has     tax and a 3 per cent increase        or set up your payment by
brought by the coronavirus        But it has come at a cost       made some contribution          in the Adult Social Care             visiting walthamforest.gov.
pandemic. From ensuring our     and the lion’s share of the       towards the council’s vital     precept.                             uk/counciltax

                                                                                                          Waltham Forest Funding 2013/14
   The Adult Social
   Care precept
   The population is getting older and                                                                                                   35%
   residents’ needs more complex.
     The ringfenced money raised under                                                                           57%
   the precept can be spent only on
   adult social care, including care for
   people with complex needs, those in                                                                                                  8%
   care homes, mental health provision
   and elderly residents.
     More than £1 in every £2 raised                                                                                     Local Council tax
   by Council Tax in Waltham Forest
                                                                                                                         Local Business Rates
   goes towards caring for the elderly
   and most vulnerable residents in the
                                                 What else does                                                          Government Funding

     The Council is also preparing for the
   expected after-effects of pandemic in
                                                 my Council Tax                                           Waltham Forest Funding 2021/22
   terms of the social care required for         pay for?
   treatment of Long Covid.
                                                 Council Tax funds local services
                                                 on which residents rely day in,
                                                 day out.
                                                    This includes waste and recycling                             33%                        56%
                                                 collections, parks and open
                                                 spaces so residents can enjoy the
                                                 environment, libraries and education
                                                 services, and environmental health                                  11%
                                                 and trading standards.
                                                    It also helps pay for transport and
                                                 highway services including street
                                                                                                                         Local Council tax
                                                 lighting and cleaning, and road
                                                                                                                         Local Business Rates
                                                                                                                          Government Funding
Spring 2021, issue 236

                            Waltham Forest Council’s IMMEDIATE PRIORITIES
              Connecting people                             Safe and                                         Our 15-minute                                  Confidence in
              with jobs                                     healthy lives                                    neighbourhood                                  the future

Connecting people                           Safe and                                          Our 15-minute                                   Confidence in
with jobs                                   healthy lives                                     neighbourhood                                   the future
What we’ve done                             What we’ve done                                   What we’ve done                                 What we’ve done
• W
   e are investing in new housing and      • R
                                               apidly set up Covid-19 testing facilities     • Launched our Choose Local campaign           • W
                                                                                                                                                 e’ve provided 2,931 laptops to
  infrastructure in every part of our         and our local contact tracing service              to highlight our fantastic local               children with no access to online
  borough to directly stimulate the local     carrying out over 38,000 tests so far              businesses, and motivate residents to          learning whilst schools are closed and
  economy                                   • T
                                               aken rough sleepers off the streets and          use their spending power locally               spent £500,000 to make sure every
                                              implemented our landlord licensing                                                                child that needed a free school meal
• W
   e held our Local Business Recovery                                                        • We’ve created people-friendly streets,
                                              scheme to ensure everyone has a decent                                                            got one
  Summit to connect businesses to                                                                investing in parks, play areas and cycle
  support services and have distributed       roof over their heads                              hangars and seen a 56 per cent               • W
                                                                                                                                                 e’ve built a higher percentage of
  more than £50m in grants                  • C
                                               arried out more than 35,000 checks to            increase in cycling journeys in 2020           affordable housing than any borough in
                                              ensure venues and businesses operate                                                              London
What we’re doing                                                                              What we’re doing
                                              safely, and handed out more than 78,000                                                         • Invested nearly £4 million to refurbish
• W
   e will hold a Jobs Summit and are                                                         • Work is ongoing to redevelop the EMD
                                              free masks                                                                                         the Suntrap environmental education
  developing a single front door for jobs                                                        Cinema, which will bring £50m into the
  to connect local residents to good,       What we’re doing                                     local economy over the next decade
  meaningful jobs in your neighbourhood     • W
                                               orking with local health services to                                                          What we’re doing
                                                                                              • We will keep investing in our town
• W
   e will continue to improve life           support the rollout of the vaccine                 centres, creating quality cultural, work     • We will launch a Climate Action Plan
  chances of our young people,                programme and ensuring a new, modern               and leisure facilities                          this year to support a green recovery,
  providing opportunities and guidance        hospital is delivered at Whipps Cross                                                              create green jobs and plan how to
                                                                                              • Make our borough greener, starting by
  through apprenticeships, partnerships     • L
                                               aunching a campaign to stop crime and                                                            achieve a zero carbon future
                                                                                                 opening up the refurbished Town Hall
  and services to improve our young           ensure everyone in our borough feels               and Fellowship Square                        • We are designing a strategy to
  people’s employment and skills              equally safe and welcome                                                                           confront the stark inequalities exposed
                                            • Building on the connections made with                                                             by the pandemic
                                               our neighbours during the pandemic,
                                               we will set up a borough-wide
                                               befriending service

                                                                                            Are you considering getting
                                                                                            solar panels or battery storage
                                                                                            but not sure where to begin?

                                                                                            Solar Together London is here to help you
                                                                                            get high-quality solar panels at a competitive
                                                                                            price through the power of group-buying.

                                                                                            To find out more about our hassle-free
                                                                                            approach, and to register your interest
                                                                                            before 23 March visit our website today.

10         Community
 New Co-Chairs appointed to board overseeing
 renovation of former Granada/EMD site
   The re-opening of the former Granada/EMD cinema on Hoe
   Street, Walthamstow, has taken another stride forward with
   the appointment of two new Co-Chairs to Soho Theatre’s
   board for the revitalised venue, which is due to open as a 950-
   seat theatre with a bar and community space in late 2022.
      The Council is working in partnership with Soho Theatre to restore
   the iconic landmark to its former glory and bring the biggest names
   in comedy and entertainment to the borough. The £25m investment
   into the venue’s revival is part of the Council’s London Borough of
   Culture 2019 legacy and its commitment to place culture at the heart
   of its communities. The new theatre will help support the local night-
   time economy and give a boost to existing businesses.
      Olivier Award-winning performer and Waltham Forest resident
   Alessandro Babalola and the Royal Court’s Executive Director Lucy
   Davies have recently been added to the project board. We caught up
   with Alessandro and Lucy to find out more about the exciting vision
   for a ‘local theatre with a national profile’.
      To keep up to date with the latest announcements and to sign up
   for a newsletter, visit walthamforest.gov.uk/EMD

                                                     If you had to describe culture in                                                                   What’s your relationship with
                                                     Waltham Forest what three words                                                                     Soho Theatre?
                                                     would you use?                                                                                      I have been a devotee of Soho’s new
                                                     Spirited. Neo-Cockney. Metropolitan.                                                                writing and comedy (and bar!) as an
                                                                                                                                                         audience member for decades. Soho
                                                                                                                                                         and the Royal Court are both members
                                                     What’s your relationship with
                                                                                                                                                         of London Theatre Consortium so we’ve
                                                     Soho Theatre?                                                                                       worked closely together on shared
                                                     Soho Theatre is my favourite London theatre                                                         strategic projects
                                                     and is a home for artists like myself. The
                                                     punk non-conformist spirit speaks directly                                                          What benefits will the
                                                     to my creative ambition and identity. It has
                                                     long championed diversity and programmes
                                                                                                                                                         collaboration between Soho
                                                     such a wide variety of high-quality work it’s                                                       Theatre and Waltham Forest
  Alessandro Babalola                                almost unbelievable. The relationship that         Lucy Davies                                      Council bring to the borough
                                                     Soho forms with its artists is special; it’s                                                        and London?
Tell us about your background in                     patient, supportive, progressive and has         Tell us about your background in
                                                                                                                                                         Oh, this is such an exceptional project
Waltham Forest.                                      led to many unforgettable pieces of theatre.     the arts and theatre                               and collaboration - it brings such hope
I was born in the borough’s own Whipps               Soho Theatre is a real community of forward-     I’ve had a very lucky journey - starting out       for live theatre and events at such a dark
Cross Hospital in the early 90s. I’ve been           thinking artistic individuals. I’m proud to be   as an Assistant Director, then getting into        time - all of the stories that building holds
a Leyton resident all my life. I went to St          an ambassador.                                   working with playwrights and writers, before       facing a new live and digital future locally,
Saviour’s Primary School in Walthamstow                                                               moving into leadership. I’ve been part of          nationally, and globally … thrilling!
and Leytonstone Secondary School in                  What benefits will the collaboration             some amazing theatres - the Donmar, the
Leytonstone.                                         between Soho Theatre and Waltham                 National, National Theatre Wales, and now          Why did you decide to get
                                                     Forest Council bring to the borough              the Royal Court.
                                                                                                                                                         involved in this project?
What advice would you give to                        and London?                                                                                         I felt overwhelmingly humbled and thrilled
young people from Waltham Forest                                                                      You’ve also worked in film. Tell us
                                                     The arts in London need hope and                                                                    to be asked! A great adventure, and very
who want to have a career in the                     reinvigoration right now… The return of the
                                                                                                      about some of the feature films you                excited to be in a double act with brilliant
performing arts?                                     former Granada/EMD brings both.                  commissioned                                       Alessandro.
1. Actively seek opportunities, do not wait for                                                      It was a very small slate of four or five films,
    them to fall in front of you.                    Do you have favourite places in the              all exceptional but none of which got made         Why is a theatre space like this
                                                     borough that you like to visit?                  (yet) - the film industry is a casino!             important for the borough - what
2. True confidence comes from self-belief
    and self-belief is heavily dependent on          The huge Leyton sign in Leyton at night                                                             will it bring to the borough?
    self-acceptance. Accept yourself. Love           when it’s lit up; Walthamstow Village;           What is it about Waltham Forest that
                                                                                                                                                         Joy, refuge, excitement, buzz, a space to
    yourself.                                        Drapers Field; Leyton Orient F.C.; Leyton        inspires you?                                      create work, an inspiration, an escape, a
                                                     library; Walthamstow Market; Markhouse           The vision of Waltham Forest Council,              creative engine...
3. Take in as much art as you can. Go to
                                                     Road; the River Lea by Essex Wharf in            the people, the spaces and places, the
    museums, watch films, read poetry, look
                                                     Leyton; the south side of Leyton High Road,      possibilities for cultural and civic life in the
    at paintings, listen to all sorts of music, go
                                                     and the view of the East London skyline from     borough in the coming years.
    to our new venue when it opens as much
                                                     Leyton station.
    as possible.
Regeneration                                                                                                                                 Spring 2021, issue 236

 £200 million of investment in Walthamstow Town Centre
 Redevelopment of The Mall             a new children’s play area and       improved children’s play area            active street frontage on
 to bring hundreds of new              re-landscaped town square.           as part of the rejuvenation              Selborne Road
                                                                                                                                                         More info
                                                                                                                                                         Stay connected as the project
 homes, jobs, retail space,               These new applications            of Walthamstow’s main                 • Provide 538 homes that
                                                                                                                                                         progresses – to sign up for email
 rejuvenated Town Square               built on the previous planning       public space                             are for local people to             updates on business support,
 and new underground                   permission, taking on board local • Move the residential                     rent, including 99 homes            events and other topics please
 station entrance                      resident consultation feedback       towers back from the Town                discounted below                    visit walthamforest.gov.uk/
    The plans to redevelop The         and changes requested by the         Square and create a more                 market rent levels.                 TheMall
 Mall in the heart of Walthamstow      Council. Capital and Regional
 were approved by Waltham              have worked with the Council
 Forest Council’s Planning             to maximise the amount of
 Committee on Wednesday                affordable housing generated by
 27 January 2021, subject to           the scheme.
 final sign off by the Mayor of           The approved planning
 London. The development will          applications propose changes
 bring significant investment and      to the previously consented
 opportunity to businesses and         redevelopment that will:
 residents alike.                      • F acilitate a potential new
    This approved scheme will             step-free entrance to
 bring £200 million of private            Walthamstow Central
 investment, provide 5,000 sq             underground station at the
 metres of new retail space,              entrance to The Mall
 350 new permanent retail              • Retain the avenue of lime
 jobs, 500 new jobs during                trees in the Town Square        The Mall Walthamstow Central Station new entrance
 construction, 538 new homes,             and provide a new and

Coronation Square gets the green light                                                                            Exciting vision for Leyton
Coronation Square project to create 750 new homes alongside a new                                                 Waltham Forest Council appoints award winning architects Gort
                                                                                                                  Scott to create new vision to deliver new homes and jobs.
health hub and sports centre in Leyton.
                                                                                                                  Waltham Forest Council is             between Stratford and Lea Bridge
The Council’s largest regeneration                    Homes Programme. Tom Copley, Deputy                         moving forward with plans             Stations.
development, a major redevelopment of                 Mayor of London for Housing and Residential                 and appointed Gort Scott                 Cllr Simon Miller, Cabinet
The Score Centre in Leyton that will bring            Development, said: “I’m delighted to see work               architects to establish an            Member for Economic Growth and
hundreds of homes and a wide range of                 getting underway on this project, delivering                exciting new vision for the           Housing Development, said: “The
new facilities to the borough, has been               hundreds of the genuinely affordable homes                  Leyton area, showcasing an            development potential of these
given the green light to go ahead.                    Londoners so desperately need. The plans for                urban design strategy and             sites in Leyton, the size of almost
   The planning application for Coronation            Coronation Square show what can be achieved                 development framework for             50 football pitches, presents one
Square was given the go ahead on 23                   when councillors and developers work together               a new high-quality mixed-use          of the most significant economic,
December 2020. The new development will               with the community to deliver the homes,                    neighbourhood on the New              transport and housing growth
include 750 new homes, of which 50 per                infrastructure and facilities the people of Leyton          Spitalfields Market site.             opportunities ever seen within the
cent will be affordable and prioritised for local     deserve.”                                                      Owned by the City of London        borough of Waltham Forest.
people, a new health hub and sports centre,               For more information about what’s                       Corporation, the Market is               “Our Public Service Strategy
pre-school nursery, and a vibrant new civic           happening at Coronation Square, go to                       proposed to be relocated to           underlines the need to keep
square with retail and commercial space for           walthamforest.gov.uk/scorecentre for                        Barking and Dagenham, which is        developing our borough so that
existing and new start-up businesses.                 regular updates and to sign up for the Score                anticipated to happen in 2026/7.      every one of our residents can
   Coronation Square is the largest in scale of the   Centre newsletter.                                             This presents a unique             easily access what they need
Council’s regeneration programme. Work is due                                                                     opportunity for the creation          to live a fulfilling and healthy life
                                                                                                                  of a new piece of city on the         within their local area. Developed
to start onsite in spring 2021 and is expected
                                                                                                                  vacated land in Leyton and the        with Gort Scott, the vision will
to finish in 2027. Existing facilities at The Score
                                                                                                                  key strategic sites that surround     look at how we can create a
Centre will continue to operate until they move
                                                                                                                  it – totalling an area of over        new 15-minute neighbourhood
to their new location when the development is
                                                                                                                  25 hectares. Waltham Forest           in this area with the right
                                                                                                                  Council’s early feasibility studies   social, cultural and community
   Councillor Simon Miller, Waltham Forest                                                                        show there is the potential to        infrastructure in place to support
Council Cabinet Member for Economic                                                                               deliver around 5,700 homes,           growth, along with a new
Growth and Housing Delivery, said: “This is a                                                                     8,550 construction jobs, 2,835        station ensuring connectivity to
significant milestone in the Council’s regeneration                                                               permanent jobs, 80,000 sqm            London and surrounds. London
programme and aligns with our commitment                                                                          of non-residential floorspace         desperately needs housing and
to building better services and putting Waltham                                                                   including commercial, cultural,       this site will not only deliver
Forest residents at the heart of everything we do.                                                                social/community uses and a new       that, but thousands of jobs and
   The new homes at Coronation Square will              Artist’s impression of the planned
                                                                                                                  station at Ruckholt Road, situated    opportunities for local people.”
                                                        Coronation Square”
support the Mayor of London’s Affordable
12         Business
  Steps into Work brings opportunities to local residents
  The Waltham Forest Brokerage Service
  Steps into Work has been leading on
                                                   a call from Mr. Aftab Ahmed, who was
                                                   very polite and explained how Waltham
                                                                                                   a position after a telephone conversation
                                                                                                   about the role, an interview and two
  the recruitment of residents to support          Forest Adult Centre can help me to              assignments, one theory and one practical.                             Phelan
  Covid-19 testing programme, helping to           find my next job. I’m working now for                                                                                   “My usual life pre-
                                                                                                   “This is my first step in getting back into
  drive down infection rates.                      Waltham Forest Services in Covid-19                                                                                     Covid was managing
                                                                                                   employment after three years. This role
     Over 50 residents have been recruited         Test Centre and I really like this new                                                                                  a vibrant restaurant
                                                                                                   has given me the confidence to be ready
  since December 2020 with recruitment             challenge.”                                                                                                             in Central London.
                                                                                                   for any other position when this contract is
  set to continue over the coming months.
                                                                          Ensenora                 completed.”                                                             However, due to
                         Boyana                                                                                                                                            national and local
                                                                          Chung                                           Karine                                           restrictions, I’ve spent
                         Mihalkova                                                                                                                 most of the last year confined to my house.
                         My name is Boyana,
                                                                         “I have worked
                                                                         for thirteen years
                                                                                                                          Duverger                 This project was discovered when my
                         I’m 33 years old and                                                                             “I have been out         friend forwarded a social media post for a
                                                                         in various single
                         I’m living in London.                                                                            of work for over         test operative role. I immediately applied
                                                                         young people and
                         My background                                                                                                             and joined the team in early Feb as Team
                                                                         mother and baby                                  three months then
                         is in finance and                                                                                                         Leader. It was really exciting to be involved
                                                                         Housing Association                              Universal Credit
                         hospitality. Also, I’m                                                                                                    with an important project, helping my local
                                                                         temporary                                        contacted me with
                         a mum of a two-                                                                                                           community, and having the chance to
                                                   accommodation hostels. I was getting                                   the opportunity as
                         year-old boy.             more passionate about housing, so I                                                             speak to other people! I quickly realised
                                                                                                   a test and trace coordinator. I sent my
  I was unemployed since December                  went back to university in 2017 to do a                                                         that this was also the same for many
                                                                                                   CV and was contacted by Paul Coster.
  2019 and when I start to look for new            Housing Policy and Practice degree course                                                       others. This was a great opportunity for me
                                                                                                   He interviewed me over the phone, then
  opportunity the Covid-19 pandemic began.         to further my career development. I had                                                         to apply my experience to the role focusing
                                                                                                   sent me the on-line training via email.
  The lockdowns started and finding a good         not worked during the three years while                                                         on great customer service and efficient
                                                                                                   After I completed the training, I sent the
  job was hard. I started to do my research        studying although I was actively looking for                                                    teamwork. The experience has continued
                                                                                                   certificates to Paul Coster.                    to exceed my expectations. In early March,
  and to apply for job vacancies. I’ve done        employment.
  around 50 applications and from this figure                                                      “I then attended a practical training session   I was promoted and I’m now responsible
                                                   “I was reading the Waltham Forest
  I’ve got around four or five interviews but      newsletter sent via email when I saw an         and after completing that training I was        for ensuring all our asymptomatic testing
  these were just different offers for training,   advertisement for Covid-19 test centre          sent a rota to work in the Covid Testing        sites are fully stocked with enough tests
  but no real job.                                 operative. Paul Coster responded to my          Centres. I am happy working helping             and PPE to welcome all the residents.”
  “Then I found about the “Steps into              email with my requested information and         and reassuring people and using good            For more info and to see how you can get
  Work” program on social media and                asked me to send a copy of my CV to him         customer service skills, and the customers      involved please visit walthamforest.gov.
  decide to drop an email. I’ve received           if I was interested in the job. I was offered   leave the site very happy.”                     uk/stepsintowork

Don’t miss Cycle Spirit Salma’s
the deadline            been
The government’s National Lockdown 3
                                                                                                                       a busy
local business support scheme closes on
Wednesday 31 March. Businesses in
the non-essential retail, leisure, personal
care, sports, hospitality and hotel can                                                                                Salma Attan and her
                                                                                                                       husband have been
apply for support based on the rateable
                                                                                                                       hobbyist beekeepers
value of their premises.                                                                                               for over ten years and
If you think this may affect you,                                                                                      have always had plenty
please visit walthamforest.gov.uk/                                                                                     of yummy honey for
                                                                                                                       family and friends, but
BusinessLockdownGrants                                                                                                                                  Salma Attan
                                                                                                                       their ‘hobby’ flew to new
                                                                                                                       heights in early 2020
                                                               Outset Waltham Forest has provided                      when Salma founded Bushwood Bees.
                                                               business support to over 180                            As bees are livestock, the lockdown rules meant Salma was able
                                                               entrepreneurs, some of whom have                        to continue her business, getting the website up and running so
                                                               started their own business, and provided                customers could pay online as well as providing a click and collect
                                                               support to existing small businesses to                 service from her home in Leytonstone.
                                                               survive and adapt during the pandemic.                  Salma is a shining example of how a micro start-up can adapt,
                                                               One of those businesses is Leyton-based                 grow, and thrive during periods of volatility. She has been an
                                                               Cycle Spirit, a bikes and repairs service that          avid participant in the Council’s Start-ups in London Libraries
                                                               offers customers a range of great quality               programme since 2019 and was recently recommended for the
                                                               bicycles, accessories, and workshops. It was            British Library’s Innovating for Growth scale-up mentoring.
                                                               recently voted London’s Leading Bicycle Store
                                                               2020 by the SME Business Elite Awards. Find                 More info
                                                               out more: https://cyclespirit.com                           If you want to support local, please visit Salma’s Instagram accounts
                                                                                                                           @bushwoodbees and @beesforbusiness to learn more.
Photo taken before Covid-19 social distancing
Free jobs help
Passport to work and our new courses
Get a new job                       Unemployed?                                          Keep learning with us
                                    At Waltham Forest Adult Learning Service,            We have specially prepared our classrooms
Move up in your                     we can help you get a job. Our Passport to           and buildings for your safety. Our courses are a
                                    Work programme is free for unemployed                mix of online and face-to-face learning.
career                              Waltham Forest residents. You can:                   Gain new skills for your work, life and
                                    z get help with your job search;                     wellbeing:
Improve your                        z learn digital skills, interview skills, customer   z Art, crafts, fashion and horticulture
wellbeing                             service, teamwork and how to set goals; and
                                                                                         z Business and finance
                                    z gain practical skills on a work placement.
                                                                                         z Creative writing
Start your own                                                                           z Digital skills (computers and ICT)
business                            Free for you
                                                                                         z English, Maths and ESOL (English for
                                    We also have free:                                     Speakers of Other Languages)
Get a qualification                 z Job clubs
                                                                                         z Family learning
                                    z Arts, crafts and gardening workshops
                                                                                         z Hairdressing and beauty
Become an apprentice                z Community and family learning courses.
                                                                                         z Health, social care and childcare
                                    You could book many of our other courses for
                                                                                         z Job search, CV and interview skills
                                    free or get up to 70 per cent off depending on
Get help with English               your circumstances.                                  z Teaching assistants
and maths                                                                                z Wellbeing
                                    Better English                                       z Yoga.
                                    z Improve your English and make new friends!
Call 020 8496 2974                    Join one of our free English conversation
Visit www.lbwfadultlearning.co.uk     clubs for Waltham Forest residents.
Enrol on our spring and summer 2021 courses
                     Help with fees: You could attend a course for FREE or get up to 70% off your course fees.
                     Free assessments: Most of the art, crafts, fashion and horticulture courses can be booked online.
                     For our other courses below, you will need a free course assessment with us before you can enrol.

Course       Course title                     Venue    Start date   Start   Wks   Costs   Course           Course title                      Venue    Start date   Start   Wks   Costs
code                                                                time                  code                                                                     time
Art, Crafts, Fashion and Horticulture                                                     Digital Skills
HO00003C1 Tree and Plant Identification        LP     18/04/2021    13:00    1    £10     DI00046X         Excel – Formulas and              QR      27/03/2021    10:00    1    £36
          in Spring                                                                                        Functions
AC00003A     Garment Making Level 2            QR     19/04/2021    18:00   11    £286    DI00047X         Excel – Charts                    QR      03/04/2021    10:00    1    £36
AC00010A     Start Sewing                      JC     27/04/2021    18:00    5    £65     DI00013A         ICT Functional Skills Level 1      JC     26/04/2021    09:30   10    £134
AC0134C1     Landscapes in Oil                 O      27/04/2021    10:00    3    £50     DI00015A         ICT Functional Skills Level 2      JC     26/04/2021    13:00   10    £134
AC0147C1     Frida Kahlo Inspired Portraits    O      27/04/2021    18:00    5    £80     DI00010A         Computers for Improvers            JC     05/05/2021    10:00   10    £130
                                                                                                           Entry 3
AC0128C1     Tailoring                         QR     27/04/2021    18:00    8    £120
                                                                                          DI00004A         Computers for Complete            QR      06/05/2021    09:30   10    £130
AC00024C1 Ceramics Improvers                   JC     28/04/2021    18:00    8    £120                     Beginners Entry 1
AC00061C2 Craft Workshops                      O      28/04/2021    13:30    5    FREE    DI00007A         Computers for Beginners           QR      07/05/2021    09:30   10    £130
                                                                                                           Entry 2
AC00004A     Textiles Crafts                   QR     28/04/2021    13:00    5    £65
                                                                                          DI00026C1        Smartphone for Beginners          QR      22/05/2021    10:00    1    £20
AC0122C1     Pattern Cutting (Skirts)          QR     28/04/2021    18:00    8    £120
                                                                                          DI00029C2        Let’s Get Digital                 WC      07/06/2021    13:00    5    FREE
AC0136C1     Nuno Felt Scarf                   QR     28/04/2021    10:00    1    £30
                                                                                          DI00032C2        Let’s Get Digital                 MC      08/06/2021    10:00    5    FREE
AC00023C1 Ceramics Beginners                   JC     29/04/2021    10:00    8    £120
                                                                                          DI00038C2        Let’s Get Digital                  JC     08/06/2021    13:00    5    FREE
AC00015C1 Art: Painting with                  QR+O 29/04/2021       10:00    8    £120
          Watercolours and Inks                                                           DI00023C1        Design Your Own Website           QR      26/06/2021    10:00    3    £75
                                                                                                           Using WordPress
AC0149C1     Ceramic Jewellery                 JC     01/05/2021    10:00    2    £35
                                                                                          Hair & Beauty
AC00056C1 Art: Start Drawing                  QR+O 01/05/2021       10:00    5    £80
                                                                                          HA0050A          VTCT Level 2 in Threading         QR      30/03/2021    17:00   10    £211
HO0012A      Gardening Skills Level 1          LP     02/05/2021    11:30    7    £174
                                                                                          HA00022A         Colouring Level 2                  JC     28/04/2021    09:30   10    £277
AC00073C2 Garment Making Level 1               QR     08/05/2021    10:00   10    £166
                                                                                          Health & Social Care/Wellbeing
AC0139C1     Sketchbook on Location           QR+O    11/05/2021    10:00    3    £50
                                                                                          HE0003AG1 Health and Social Care and               QR      28/04/2021    10:00   10    £196
AC0152C1     Making a Lampshade                QR     11/05/2021    10:00    3    £50               Childcare Settings
AC0151C1     Lino-Cut                          O      13/05/2021    10:00    3    £50     Job Skills & Personal Development
AC0143C1     Dry-Point                        QR+O 13/05/2021       18:00    3    £50     JS0072A          Pathway to Personal               QR      29/03/2021    12:30    1    £37
AC0135C1     Introduction to Silk Painting     QR     26/05/2021    10:00    1    £30                      Development
                                                                                          JS0067A          Top Tips for Dealing with         QR      14/06/2021    12:30    1    £37
AC00008A     Start Sewing                      QR     07/06/2021    10:00    5    £65                      Stress and Difficult Situations
AC0140C1     Landscapes in Watercolour         O      08/06/2021    10:00    3    £50     JS0070A          More Confidence and More          QR      21/06/2021    12:30    1    £37
                                                                                                           Motivation for Finding Work
AC00025C1 Collage Decoupage                    JC     09/06/2021    10:00    5    £80
                                                                                          JS0073A          Pathway to Personal               QR      28/06/2021    12:30    1    £37
AC0141C1     Silk Painting                     QR     09/06/2021    10:00    3    £80                      Development
AC00037C1 Introduction to Lingerie             JC     10/06/2021    10:00    3    £50     Teaching, Learning & Training
AC0142C1     Advanced Watercolours             QR     10/06/2021    13:30    5    £80     CO00005N         Volunteering Training Course       JC     24/04/2021    09:30    5    FREE
                                                                                                           (English Conversation Clubs)
AC0144C1     Floral Illustration               O      11/06/2021    10:00    3    £50
                                                                                          TE0029N          Award in Teaching Assistant        O      27/04/2021    09:30   10    £720
AC0150C1     Ceramic Jewellery                 JC     12/06/2021    10:00    2    £35                      Level 3
AC0129C1     Dress-Making                      QR     30/06/2021    18:00    3    £50     CO00006N         Volunteering Training Course       JC     11/06/2021    09:30    5    FREE
                                                                                                           (English Conversation Clubs)
AC0153C1     Mosaic Introduction               JC     01/07/2021    10:00    3    £50
                                                                                          TE0036C2         British Values                    QR      14/06/2021    09:30    1    FREE
HO00004C1 Tree and Plant Identification        LP     03/07/2021    13:00    1    £10
          in Summer                                                                       Course dates and times can sometimes change.
AC00026C1 Hand-Dye and Print a Bag             QR     17/07/2021    10:00    1    £30
                                                                                           Enrol or book your free course assessment today
Business, Finance & Enterprise
                                                                                           We also offer free English and maths adult courses up to GCSE!
BU00002A     AAT Award in Business Skills      QR     26/04/2021    10:00   10    £200
                                                                                           Phone: 020 8496 2974. Online: www.lbwfadultlearning.co.uk
BU00011A     AAT Access Award in               QR     26/04/2021    18:00   10    £200
             Bookkeeping (Eve)                                                             Email: adult.learning@walthamforest.gov.uk
BU00015A     Starting Your Own Business        QR     26/04/2021    18:30   10    £142     Venue Address
                                                                                            QR       Queens Road Learning Centre, 97 Queens Road, Walthamstow E17 8QR
BU0029A      Social Media for Business         QR     27/04/2021    18:30   10    £124
                                                                                             JC      The Junction, 2–4 Cathall Road, Leytonstone E11 4LF
BU00022A     Business Administration           JC     29/04/2021    10:00   10    £174
                                                                                             LP      Lloyd Park, Forest Road, Walthamstow E17 4PP
BU00010A     AAT Access Award in               JC     30/04/2021    10:00   10    £200
             Bookkeeping (Day)                                                              MC       South Chingford Methodist Church, 3 New Road, Chingford E4 9EU
BU00006A     AAT Access Award in               QR     07/06/2021    09:30    6    £200      WC       William Morris Community Centre, Greenleaf Road, Walthamstow E17 6QQ
             Accounting Software (Day)
                                                                                             O       Online
                                                                                           Note: some courses are online as well as in-person at a learning location.
CH00021N     Childminding Level 3              QR     28/04/2021    18:30   10    £153
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