Never Too Soon To Start College

Page created by Clinton Murray
Never Too Soon To Start College
Summer 2022                            SCHEDULE OF CLASSES

 Never Too Soon To Start College

                               July 11- August 5, 2022
                               Grades 3-12 (see pages 4-10)


July 12-August 20, 2021
Grades 1-12 (see pages X-XX)
Enrichment Classes for
Adventurous Minds                  Ongoing classes offered
                                   from June- August 2022
                                   register online or by phone :
                                   Phone: 310-660-6460 Text: 424-279-4430
Never Too Soon To Start College
TABLE OF CONTENTS    Welcome to Community Education!                                                                                       REGISTER TODAY FOR SUMMER 2022!
                     ABOUT COMMUNITY EDUCATION
                     ElABOUT     COMMUNITY
                        Camino College’s            EDUCATION
                                         Community Education department provides short-term, not-for-credit
                      We areworkshops,
                               El Camino career-training   programsEducation
                                            College’s Community       and events    designed forWe
                                                                                  department!      professional and/
                                                                                                     provide award-
                     or personal development with a special emphasis on inspiring a sense of wonder and
                      winning classes, in various formats, to meet the needs of our community. Register
                     imagination toward life-long learning. College credit is not given for classes conducted by
                     the   for a variety
                         Community       of classes
                                      Education      offered in-person,
                                                  department.   There arelive-online,  self-paced
                                                                            no transcripts          online,
                                                                                             or grades.     or hybrid.
                     Education is a self-supporting entity of the college and is not funded by taxpayer classes,
                      The  Community     Education    department    provides   short-term,    not-for-credit dollars.                    ONLINE                             PHONE/TEXT                                  OFFICE INFO
                     We  are here tocareer-training   programs
                                      help! If you have  a specialand  events
                                                                   interest     designedneed
                                                                            or particular   for professional   and/or
                                                                                                 for a class, please                 24 hours a day                   Register over the phone.            El Camino College Community Education
                      personal   development     with a special  emphasis
                     send us your suggestion(s) to      on  inspiring  a sense   of wonder   and             Register at our secure               CALL: 310-660-6460 or                     Office Location: Comm 201-C,
                      imagination for life-long learning. College credit is not given for classes conducted                        website with a Visa                  TEXT: 424-279-4430                by appointment only. Please call to schedule.
                                                                                                                                  or MasterCard. Go to                                                         Monday - Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm
                      by the Community Education department. There are no transcripts or grades.
                                                                                                                                                                            Closed weekends and holidays: May 30 (Memorial
                      Community Education is a self-supporting entity of the college and is not funded by                                                                                                     Day), June 24, July 1, (ECC Summer Friday
                      taxpayer dollars. We are here to help! If you have a special interest or particular need                                                                                               Holidays), July 4 (4th of July Holiday), July 8,
                      for a class, please send us your requests to                                                                                                                       August 12 (ECC Friday Summer Holidays).

                                        ’                                                                                        4Confirmation                              $ Class Withdrawal                        5 Cancellation
                                                       Class Schedule Planners.......................….....4-7                   An auto-generated confirmation and         If you request to withdraw from a         If the College cancels a class for
                                    SESSION     1:   JULY 11-15, Register by Thur, June 30...............................4       reminder email will be sent to you. We     class and the request is received         any reason, those pre-registered
                                    SESSION     2:   JULY 18-22, Register by Mon, July 11.................................5      will contact you by phone and email        by the Community Ed office three          will be notified by phone and email
                                    SESSION     3:   JULY 25-29, Register by Mon, July 18.................................6      if the class is canceled or if there are   (3) business days prior to class          and payment will be refunded. We
                                    SESSION     4:   AUGUST 1-5, Register by Mon, July 25.............................7          any changes to your registration.          start date, a credit voucher valid for    also reserve the right to substitute
                                                                                                                                                                            three(3) years will be granted, less      instructors or reschedule class
                                        ’                                                                                        4Kid’s College
                                                       Class Description Index.......................….....8-10                  For Kid’s College classes, a signed
                                                                                                                                                                            a $20 processing fee.                     times if necessary.
                                                                                                                                 parent/guardian release form must be
                    KIDS & PARENTS                                                                                               submitted prior to your child’s first class meeting.
                                                                                                                                                                                     “Education is the most powerful
                                                                                                                                 Access the form online:
                                                                                                                                                                                     weapon which you can use to
                                                                                                                                 OFFICE OF COMMUNITY EDUCATION
                                    Featuring: Fun with Soap Making (ages 12 & up)...........................8                                                                       change the world.”
                                                                                                                                 The Community Education catalog is produced by the
                                                                                                                                 El Camino College Community Education Department:  		   –Nelson Mandela
                                                                                                                                 Betty L. Sedor, Director; Veronica Mendoza,
                    ADULTS                                                                                                       Program Assistant;                                               “You are never too young to learn,
                                                                                                                                           Graphic design by Soap Studio Inc.                     never too old to change.”
                                    Creative Wellness.....................................................................19               at                                  		              –Russell M. Nelson
                                    Featuring: Fizzy Bath Bombs.......................................................19
                                    Featuring: Beginning Digital Photography Intensive................19

                                    Business & Careers....…........…......................................…11-18
                                    Featuring: NEW! Digital Marketing Program................................14

                                    Medical/Allied Health Careers....…......................…............17
                                    Featuring: Medical Assistant, Pharmacy Technician,
                                    Phlebotomy Technician.................................................................17                                                  ’
                                    Commercial Drone Pilot....…..................................................13
                                                                                                                                                                  11 - August 5, 2022
                                                                                                                                                     Serious summer fun.
                                    Foster and Kinship Care Education ...…..............…...........18                              Inspiring a sense of wonder and imagination for learning!
                                                                                                                                     1 week sessions. In-person & live-online class offerings.
                                                                                                                                 Not-for-credit classes: Not for K-12 or college credit. No grades assigned.

                     How to Register for Classes................................................…3                                Grade levels indicate the grade level children will be entering in the fall.

                                                                                                                                ’ @ EL Camino College                                  3      3         Register Online:
Never Too Soon To Start College
’                    *                                                  						                                   ’                  *
       o3 ADD TO MY SCHEDULE               SCHEDULE PLANNER                                                                                                                SCHEDULE PLANNER
       					                *Detailed Kid’s College class descriptions available on pages 8-10.                           3
                                                                                                                          o ADD TO MY SCHEDULE *Detailed Kid’s College class descriptions available on pages 8-10.

                SESSION #1 (WEEK 1): JULY 11-15, Mon-Fri                                                                         SESSION #2 (WEEK 1): JULY 18 – JULY 22, Mon-Fri
                                 Last day to register: Thursday, June 30                                                                             Last day to register: Monday, July 11, 2022
  Course #    Title                                                     Grade     Tuition Instructor		           Format    Course #				Title														Grade                                     Tuition   Instructor						 Format

             MORNING DROP-OFF FOR CAMPUS CLASSES: 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM                                                                 MORNING DROP-OFF FOR CAMPUS CLASSES: 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM
		                      MORNING CAMPUS CLASSES: 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM                                                                             MORNING CAMPUS CLASSES: 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
 o 410054 		 Math-Amazing! Addition + Subtraction x Multiplication = Fun! 		 3 to 4		$159   Keisha Bennett			    Campus    o 51743				 Improving Reading Comprehension & Reading Skills		 3 to 4		$159        Keisha Bennett		    Campus
 o 9730048			 Lego Robotics								 3 to 5		$295                                            Rolling Robots				   Campus    o 9730051			Vex GO Robot Building							 3 to 5		$295                              Rolling Robots			   Campus
 o 460164 		 Kid’s College Chefs--Healthy Cooking Fun!					 3 to 6		$189                    Nigel Napolion/			   Campus    o 9730050			VEX IQ Code & Build Robotics 							 6 to 8		$295                      Rolling Robots			   Campus
																								 + $15 Materials Fee                                                Tanika Rountree                o 460061			Drawing & Illustration							 6 to 8		$159                              Edwin Gomez			      Campus
 o 9730013			 Stop Motion Animation 							 6 to 8		$159                                    Edwin Gomez				      Campus   																								 + $15 Materials Fee
 o 9730050			 VEX IQ Code & Build Robotics 							 6 to 8		$295                             Rolling Robots				   Campus              MORNING PICK-UP FOR CAMPUS CLASSES: 11:30 AM-11:45 AM

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           KID’S COLLEGE
             MORNING PICK-UP FOR CAMPUS CLASSES: 11:30 AM-11:45 AM
                                                                                                                                         MORNING ZOOM/AT HOME CLASSES: 9:30 AM - 11:30AM
                  MORNING ZOOM/AT HOME CLASSES: 9:30 AM-11:30 AM                                                           o 410056			Math Tutoring 3:1: High School Math--Algebra,				 9 to 12		$350         Geanie Kim				 Zoom
 o 410056			 Math Tutoring 3:1: High School Math--Algebra,				 9 to 12		$350                Geanie Kim					 Zoom          									 Geometry, Trigonometry
									 Geometry, Trigonometry                                                                                                          MORNING ZOOM/AT HOME CLASSES: 9:30 AM-11:30 AM
                  MORNING ZOOM/AT HOME CLASSES: 9:30 AM-11:30 AM                                                           o 51765				Code Your Own Adventure! Interactive Storytelling			 3 to 5		$189       BlackRocket				     Zoom
  o 9730052			 3D Game Design with Unity							 3 to 5		$189                                BlackRocket					     Zoom      o 51767				JavaScript Developer Jam							 6 to 8		$189                            BlackRocket				     Zoom
  o 51773				 ROBLOX Coders & Entrepreneurs!						 3 to 5		$189                             BlackRocket					     Zoom      o 9730042			 Make Your First Video Game!							 6 to 8		$189                       BlackRocket				     Zoom
  o 51749			 Video Game Animation							 3 to 5		$189                                       BlackRocket					     Zoom      o 9730003			Minecraft Modders							 3 to 5		$189                                  BlackRocket				     Zoom
  o 51750				 Inventor’s League - Prototyping for the Future!				 6 to 8		$189              BlackRocket					     Zoom      o 9730008			 ROBLOX Makers								 6 to 8		$189                                    BlackRocket				     Zoom
  o 51754				 Python Programmers							 6 to 8		$189                                        BlackRocket					     Zoom       SUPERVISED LUNCH FOR FULL-DAY CAMPUS STUDENTS: 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
                                                                                                                                    AFTERNOON DROP-OFF FOR CAMPUS CLASSES: 12:00-12:15 PM
                                                                                                                                           AFTERNOOON CAMPUS CLASSES: 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
                      AFTERNOOON CAMPUS CLASSES: 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM                                                        o 9730049			 Scratch Code 									 3 to 5		$295                                   Rolling Robots			 Campus
 o 9730051			 Vex GO Robot Building							 3 to 5		$295 Rolling Robots				 Campus                                          o 9730048			Lego Robotics								 3 to 5		$295                                     Rolling Robots			 Campus
 o 460061			 Cartooning & Drawing							 3 to 5		$159 Edwin Gomez				 Campus                                               o 9730043			Digital Photography							 5 to 8		$159                                Edwin Gomez			 Campus
																								 + $25 Materials Fee                                                                               o 9730052			 3D Game Design with Unity							 6 to 8		$295                         Rolling Robots			 Campus
 o 9730047			 Arduino Electronics and Code							 6 to 8		$295 Rolling Robots				 Campus
                                                                                                                                    AFTERNOON PICK-UP FOR CAMPUS CLASSES: 2:30 PM-2:45 PM
                                                                                                                                      AFTERNOOON ZOOM/AT HOME CLASSES: 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
              AFTERNOOON ZOOM/AT HOME CLASSES: 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
                                                                                                                           o 410061			High School Algebra 2 Critical Concepts						 9 to 12		$159             Geanie Kim				 Zoom
  o 410060			 High School Algebra 1 Critical Concepts						 9 to 12		$159                   Geanie Kim					 Zoom
                                                                                                                                      AFTERNOOON ZOOM/AT HOME CLASSES: 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
               AFTERNOOON ZOOM/AT HOME CLASSES: 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
                                                                                                                           o 51766				Code Your Own Adventure! Interactive Storytelling			 6 to 8   $189      BlackRocket				 Zoom
  o 51751				 Inventor’s League - Prototyping for the Future!				 3 to 5		$189              BlackRocket					 Zoom
                                                                                                                           o 51768				JavaScript Developer Jam							 3 to 5                        $189      BlackRocket				 Zoom
  o 9730016			 3D Game Design with Unity							 6 to 8		$189                                BlackRocket					 Zoom

       ’         @ EL Camino College                     4                    Register Online:
                                                                                                                           ’ @ EL Camino College                             5   5       Register Online:
Never Too Soon To Start College
’                 *                                                    						                                    ’                 *
   o3 ADD TO MY SCHEDULE               SCHEDULE PLANNER                                                            o3 ADD TO MY SCHEDULE               SCHEDULE PLANNER
   					                *Detailed Kid’s College class descriptions available on pages 8-10.                        					                *Detailed Kid’s College class descriptions available on pages 8-10.
        SESSION #3 (WEEK 1): JULY 25– JULY 29, Mon-Fri                                                                        SESSION #4 (WEEK 1): AUGUST 1-5, Mon-Fri
                           Last day to register: Monday, July 18, 2022                                                                      Last day to register: Monday July 25, 2022
 Course #    Title                                                Grade   Tuition Instructor		         Format    Course #    Title                                                 Grade   Tuition Instructor		       Format

            MORNING DROP-OFF FOR CAMPUS CLASSES: 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM                                                          MORNING DROP-OFF FOR CAMPUS CLASSES: 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM
		                    MORNING CAMPUS CLASSES: 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM                                                		                    MORNING CAMPUS CLASSES: 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
 o 410058			 Super Cool Math 								 4 to 5		$159                                Keisha Bennett			    Campus    o 435010			 Write On! Writing Camp							 3 to 4		$159                            Keisha Bennett			 Campus
 o 9730048 Lego Robotics								 3 to 5		$295                                     Rolling Robots				   Campus    o 9730051			 Vex GO Robot Building							 3 to 5		$295                            Rolling Robots				 Campus
 o 9730052			 3D Game Design with Unity							 6 to 8		$295                       Rolling Robots				   Campus    o 9730047			 Arduino Electronics and Code 							 6 to 8		$295                    Rolling Robots				 Campus
 o 460164 		 Kid’s College Chefs--Healthy Cooking Fun!					 3 to 6		$189          Nigel Napolion/			   Campus               MORNING PICK-UP FOR CAMPUS CLASSES: 11:30 AM-11:45 AM
																							 + $15 Materials Fee                                       Tanika Rountree
 o 9730012			 Kid’s College Film School: Filmmaking						 6 to 8 $159             Edwin Gomez				      Campus                    MORNING ZOOM/AT HOME CLASSES: 9:30 AM-11:30 AM

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               KID’S COLLEGE
																								 + $20 Materials Fee
                                                                                                                 o 410056			 Math Tutoring 3:1: High School Math--Algebra,				 9 to 12		$350       Geanie Kim					 Zoom
            MORNING PICK-UP FOR CAMPUS CLASSES: 11:30 AM-11:45 AM                                               									 Geometry, Trigonometry
                                                                                                                 o 435026			 Writing Skills Development For High School				 9 to 12		$159          Elizabeth							 Zoom
                 MORNING ZOOM/AT HOME CLASSES: 9:30 AM-11:30 AM                                                 									 Composition														                                                Craigg-Walker
 o 410056			 Math Tutoring 3:1: High School Math--Algebra,				 9 to 12		$350      Geanie Kim					 Zoom
                                                                                                                               MORNING ZOOM/AT HOME CLASSES: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
									 Geometry, Trigonometry
                                                                                                                 o 9730052			 3D Game Design with Unity							 3 to 5		$189                        BlackRocket					   Zoom
               MORNING ZOOM/AT HOME CLASSES: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM                                                 o 9730003			 Minecraft Designers							 6 to 8		$189                              BlackRocket					   Zoom
 o 9730034			 Code Breakers								 3 to 5		$189                                  BlackRocket					     Zoom      o 51754			 Python Programmers							 6 to 8		$189                                 BlackRocket					   Zoom
 o 51751				 Inventor’s League - Prototyping for the Future!				 3 to 5		$189     BlackRocket					     Zoom      o 9730023			 ROBLOX Coders & Entrepreneurs!						 3 to 5		$189                    BlackRocket					   Zoom
 o 9730039			 Minecraft Redstone Engineers							 6 to 8		$189                    BlackRocket					     Zoom
                                                                                                                  SUPERVISED LUNCH FOR FULL-DAY CAMPUS STUDENTS: 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
 o 51748				 Video Game Animation							 6 to 8		$189                             BlackRocket					     Zoom
 o 9730027			 YouTube Content Creators							 6 to 8		$189                        BlackRocket					     Zoom                 AFTERNOON DROP-OFF FOR CAMPUS CLASSES: 12:00-12:15 PM
                                                                                                                                     AFTERNOOON CAMPUS CLASSES: 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
            AFTERNOON DROP-OFF FOR CAMPUS CLASSES: 12:00-12:15 PM                                                o 9730048 		 Lego Robotics								 3 to 5		$295                                   Rolling Robots				 Campus
                                                                                                                 o 9730050			 VEX IQ Code & Build Robotics 							 6 to 8		$295                    Rolling Robots				 Campus
                     AFTERNOOON CAMPUS CLASSES: 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
                                                                                                                            AFTERNOON PICK-UP FOR CAMPUS CLASSES: 2:30 PM-2:45 PM
 o 9730049			 Scratch Code 									 3 to 5		$295 Rolling Robots				 Campus
 o 9730051			 VEX GO 													 3 to 5		$295 Rolling Robots				 Campus                                                    AFTERNOOON ZOOM/AT HOME CLASSES: 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
 o 9730012			 Kid’s College Film School: Moviemaking 						 3 to 5 $159 Edwin Gomez				 Campus
																							 + $20 Materials Fee                                                                      o 435031			 Adventures in Middle School Writing: Daily Lessons			 6 to 8		$159    Elizabeth							 Zoom
                                                                                                                									 & Prompts																                                                Craigg-Walker
            AFTERNOON PICK-UP FOR CAMPUS CLASSES: 2:30 PM-2:45 PM                                                o 410020			 High School Geometry Critical Concepts						 9 to 10		$159            Geanie Kim					 Zoom

             AFTERNOOON ZOOM/AT HOME CLASSES: 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM                                                             AFTERNOOON ZOOM/AT HOME CLASSES: 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
 o 410025			 High School Trigonometry Critical Concepts				 9 to 12		$159         Geanie Kim					 Zoom           o 51756				 Python Programmers							 3 to 5		$189                                BlackRocket					 Zoom
                                                                                                                 o 51773				 ROBLOX Coders & Entrepreneurs!						 6 to 8		$189                     BlackRocket					 Zoom
             AFTERNOOON ZOOM/AT HOME CLASSES: 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
 o 9730019			 Inventor’s League - Prototyping for the Future!				 6 to 8		$189    BlackRocket					 Zoom
 o 9730027			 YouTube Content Creators							 3 to 5		$189                        BlackRocket					 Zoom

      ’       By Phone:
              @ EL      310-660-6460
                   Camino College                  6    6            Register Online:
                                                                                                                 ’ @ EL Camino College                              7   7      Register Online:

GRADES 3-12                                    ’
                                                                                                                                 GRADES 3-12                                ’

                                           CLASS DESCRIPTION INDEX                                                                                                      CLASS DESCRIPTION INDEX

3D Game Design with                        Code Your Own                             High School Algebra                         JavaScript                             Lego® Robotics                           Minecraft® Modders
Unity (Grades 3-5) #51737                  Adventure!                                1 Critical Concepts                         Developer Jam                          (Grades 3-5) #9730048                    (Grades 3-5) #9730003

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        KID’S COLLEGE
& #51738 (Grades 6-8) #51795                                                         (Grades 9-12) #410060                       (Grades 3-5) #51768
                                           Storytelling                              Through hands-on activities,
                                                                                     interactive lessons, and expert direct
                                           (Grades 3-5) #51765                       instruction, students will acquire the      Developer Jam
                                           (Grades 6-8) #51766                       critical skills necessary for optimal       (Grades 6-8) #51767
                                           Watch as the characters in                success: Students will be able to           Start with programming your first
                                           your imagination come to life in          add, subtract, multiply and divide          animated memes, then tackle more
                                                                                     integers, decimals, fractions.              advanced skills such as interactive    For kids who love to play with
                                           this unique course that blends
                                                                                                                                 3D experiences and game creation.      Legos! They’ll learn how to build
                                           classic storytelling with animation
Are you ready to take your game
                                           techniques and coding.                    High School Algebra                                                                LEGO Robots using LEGO
design skills to another level? With
Unity, an industry-grade design
                                                                                     2 Critical Concepts                         Kid’s College Chefs                    Mindstorms EV3 and programming
                                                                                                                                                                        through MakeCode.
software, aspiring game designers          Fun with Soap                             #410061                                     --Healthy Cooking                                                               Customize your own Minecraft world
will learn level editing, 3D modeling,     Making (Ages                              Students will learn to use the              Fun! (Grades 3-6)                      Make Your First                          and mod the classic game in this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 one of a kind class. Learn scripting
impactful gameplay creation, as well       12 & Up) #110029                          greatest common factor (GCF)                #460164
                                                                                                                                                                        Video Game!                              and logic statements as you create
as how to utilize scripts and variables.                                             and least common multiple (LCM)
                                                                                     when adding, subtracting, and                                                      (Grades 6-8) #9730042                    your first mods.
Adventures in Middle                                                                 multiplying fractions.
School Writing: Daily                                                                                                                                                                                            Minecraft® Redstone
Lessons & Prompts                                                                    High School                                                                                                                 Engineers
(Grades 6-8) #435031                                                                 Geometry Critical                                                                                                           (Grades 6-8) #9730039
Through daily writing lessons and                                                    Concepts                                                                                                                    Take the next step beyond simply
prompts expressly designed for                                                       (Grades 9-10) #410020                                                                                                       “playing” Minecraft and become a
middle school students, students                                                                                                                                        If you love playing video games, this    true Redstone engineer. Expand
                                                                                     Topics will include points, lines,
will practice writing skills that will                                                                                                                                  is the camp for you! Make your first     your Redstone knowledge by
                                           Fun for adults and kids! You’ll learn     planes, segments and angles,
help them throughout their lives.                                                                                                                                       video game in this one-of-a-kind class   constructing your own carnival
                                           how to make bar soaps, cleansing          triangles, symmetry, parallel and
                                                                                                                                                                        that shows you the keys to designing     with a variety of mini-games, roller
                                           gels, and bubble bath. Create soaps       perpendicular lines, distance,
Arduino Electronics                        for the ultimate home-spa                 midpoint and more.
                                                                                                                                                                        your first 2D platformer game.           coasters, and attractions powered
and Code (Grades 6-8)                      experience or for gift giving.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 by Redstone.
                                                                                                                                                                        Math Tutoring:
#9730047                                                                             High School
                                           #51716 Saturday, July 16, 2022                                                        Become an El Camino College            High School Math--                       Minecraft®
For kids who are into tech! Arduino        2:00 PM - 5:00 PM                         Trigonometry                                Kid’s College chef! Bursting with      Algebra, Geometry,                       Designers
is an open-source electronics                                                        Critical Concepts
platform based on easy-to-use              Tuition: $69                                                                          hands-on cooking activities with       Trigonometry                             (Grades 6-8)            #9730003
                                           Instructor: Quayum Abdul                  (Grades 11-12)                              an emphasis on nutrition, your kid
hardware and software.
                                           Location: El Camino College Campus        #410025                                     will learn basic cooking techniques,
                                                                                                                                                                        (Grades 9-12) #410056                    If you love the game Minecraft and
                                                                                                                                 how to safely work with cooking                                                 always wanted to design your own
Cartooning &                               Materials Cost: $25                       You’ll learn the critical concepts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 world, this class is for you! Learn
                                                                                     of Trigonometry (Precalculus),              tools, and fractional math through
Drawing (Grades 3-5)                                                                                                                                                                                             how to create a custom map, the
                                           Digital Photography                       including the unit circle, trig             measurements.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 basics of creating 3D models using
                                           (Grades 5-8) #9730043                     functions, right angles, trig identities,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 a new software to design your
Do you love to draw and create                                                       and trig equations.                         Kid’s College                                                                   very own objects, how to build with
                                           Level up your skills and passion
your own illustrations? Join this fun
                                           for the art of visual story telling
                                                                                                                                 Film School:                                                                    Redstone and Command blocks,
Cartooning Class and learn how                                                       Improving Reading                           Moviemaking                                                                     and create custom textures for
                                           through photography! In this course
professional artists and cartoonists
                                           you’ll learn the fundamentals of          Comprehension                               (Grades 3-5) #9730012                                                           you to import at home or share
create amazing, colorful characters
and make the world of cartooning a         digital photography.                      & Reading Skills                                                                                                            with friends.
fascinating career.                                                                  (Grades 3-4) #430047                        Kid’s College Film
                                           Drawing &                                 This course will teach your 3rd or          School: Filmmaking                                                              Python
Code Breakers                              Illustration                              4th grader the skills she/he needs to       (Grades 6-8) #9730012                                                           Programmers
(Grades 3-5) #9730034                      (Grades 6-8)            #460061           become a better reader.                                                            Customized High School Math              (Grades 3-5) #51756
                                                                                                                                                                        instruction to provide optimal
                                                                                     Inventor’s League -                                                                support needed to excel in High          Python
                                                                                     Prototyping for the
                                                                                                                                                                        School Math.                             Programmers
                                                                                     Future! (Grades 3-5)                                                                                                        (Grades 6-8) #51754
                                                                                     #51751                                                                                                                      Want to learn the world’s fastest-
                                                                                                                                                                        Addition +                               growing programming language
                                                                                     Inventor’s League -                                                                Subtraction x                            favored by Google, NASA, Youtube,
                                                                                     Prototyping for the                                                                Multiplication = Fun!                    and the CIA? Learn how to code
                                                                                     Future! (Grades 6-8)                        Learn the art of film making! You’ll
                                                                                                                                                                        (Grades 3-4) #410054                     with Python to create engaging apps
Calling all future coders, programmers,    Do you want to learn how to draw                                                      learn the step-by-step process of
                                                                                     #51750                                                                                                                      and games. Each lesson takes you
& designers! Learn the basics              or become better at drawing? In this                                                  how a story, script, storyboards,      Inspire a sense of amazement
                                                                                     Become an inventor of the                                                                                                   step-by-step on a programming path
of coding languages like HTML,             step-by-step drawing class, you’ll                                                    and camera movements lead to film      for math in your child in this fun,
                                                                                     future! Learn ‘rapid prototyping’                                                                                           that will let you challenge friends
JavaScript, and CSS through a              learn through fun daily art activities.                                               development. In this action-packed,    interactive, NOT BORING math
                                                                                     and problem solving as you                                                                                                  with fun content you create from
series of web projects and design          Each activity will cover a different      conceptualize and design a product          hands-on, interactive environment      class for grades 3-4.                    start to finish!?
challenges each day.                       subject or topic.                         to solve a critical global issue.           you’ll create a short film.

    ’          @ EL Camino College                         8              Register Online:
’        By Phone:
         @ EL      310-660-6460
              Camino College                           8       8           Register Online:                 ’        @ EL Camino College                       9                   Register Online:

GRADES 3-12                                  ’
                                                                                                                            BUSINESS & CAREERS                                     and private clients. Notary skills are valuable in
                                                                                                                                                                                   almost any industry: real estate, legal, medical
                                         CLASS DESCRIPTION INDEX                                                            *For complete class descriptions,
                                                                                                                            visit                            and banking to name just a few. Livestream with
                                                                                                                                                                                   a notary expert for three sessions and you will
                                                                                                                                                                                   be ready to take the official notary exam and
ROBLOX® Makers                           Unity Game                              Write On! Writing                          Become a Loan Signing Agent                            practice as a safe and effective notary.
(Grades 6-8) #9730008                    Development                             Camp (Grades 3-4)                          Livestream #300166
                                                                                                                                                                                   #51697 Tue, Wed, Thu 6:00 PM - 8:15 PM; 3
Unlock the power of ROBLOX®              (Grades 6-8) #9730052                   #435010
                                                                                                                                                                                   sessions; June 7, 8 & 9, 2022

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         BUSINESS & CAREERS
Studio, the world creation tool used                                             Students will not only have FUN,
by real-world ROBLOX® developers!                                                they will also learn how to improve                                                               #51698 Tue, Wed, Thu 6:00 PM - 8:15 PM; 3
Learn how to build 3D models                                                     their writing skills through practice                                                             sessions; July 5, 6 & 7, 2022
and create an adventure in your                                                  exercises and skill-building projects
ROBLOX® world.                                                                   directly aligned with the California                                                              #51699 Tue, Wed, Thu 6:00 PM - 8:15 PM; 3
                                                                                 State English-Language Arts                                                                       sessions; starting August 2, 2022, ending
ROBLOX® Coders                                                                   Standards (grades 3-4). Review                                                                    August 4, 2022
& Entrepreneurs!                                                                 of grammar, parts of speech, and
                                                                                 vocabulary are taught.                                                                            Tuition: $125
(Grades 3-5) #51739                      In this class you’ll learn how to use
                                                                                                                                                                                   Instructor: Notary Public Seminars
                                         the professional-grade game-
ROBLOX® Coders                           development platform Unity--creating    Writing Skills                             Make the most out of your notary commission            Location: Live Remote Online
                                         your own multi-level, 3D maze game.
                                                                                 Development                                                                                       Materials Cost: $20
& Entrepreneurs!                                                                                                            by becoming a certified Loan Signing Agent.
(Grades 6-8) #51773                      Vex GO Robot                            For High School                            Our livestream seminar will teach you how to
                                                                                 Composition                                notarize loan documents and give you a simple          Become a Notary Public--1
                                         Building                                                                           strategy to launch your new business. Learn            Day Class #210002
                                         (Grades 3-5) #9730051                   (Grades 9-12) #435026
                                                                                                                            the information and tools you need to succeed
                                                                                 Writing arguments in an analysis           as a Signing Agent from the comfort of your            Sign-up and learn how to perform valuable
                                         Building with the VEX GO System--a
                                         new system added to the family of
                                                                                 of substantive topics or texts is a
                                                                                                                            home. Our expert teachers are seasoned in              services by certifying or witnessing signatures
                                                                                 skill needed for high school writing                                                              on official documents, $15 per signature.
                                         VEX Robotics aimed to introduce                                                    the business; they’ll teach you the process
                                                                                 success. Students will learn specific                                                             Notary skills are valuable in almost any industry:
                                         robot building and designing to                                                    of completing a signing, best practices in
                                                                                 tools to: • Introduce a precise
                                         younger students.                                                                  the industry, and how to get loan signing              real estate, legal, medical and banking to
                                                                                 claim, establish the significance of
Discover how to code in the
                                                                                                                            assignments. Students are eligible to access           name just a few. After becoming a Notary,
                                                                                 the claim, and distinguish it from
Lua language while playing and           VEX IQ Code &                           alternate or opposing claims.              our private Facebook page to ask questions,            train to become a Loan Signing Agent and
designing worlds in ROBLOX®,             Build Robotics                          • Supply evidence for both, pointing       watch webinars and receive updates All you             make $200 to $400 per signing. You’ll be a
an online universe where you can
create anything you dream of.
                                         (Grades 6-8) #9730050                   out the strength and weaknesses            need is your smartphone to join. A certificate is      part of a rewarding and lasting career. This
                                         VEX IQ Robots are fun and easy          of each for the reader. • Use              awarded upon completion of the course.                 six-hour state-approved seminar gives you
                                                                                 transitions and transitional phrases                                                              the knowledge to pass the exam and practice
Scratch Code                             to build! Learn about the VEX IQ
                                                                                 to link the sections of text to create     Topics include:
                                         Challenge game, build and code                                                                                                            as an effective Notary. Participants receive 2
(Grades 3-5) #9730049                                                            a cohesive argument.                       • Notarize a loan package from any bank                practice tests during the training. Must be 18+
                                         your own VEX IQ robots to play
Scratch the basics of computer           the game.                                                                            successfully every time                              years of age. Students must arrive on time and
programming by building stories,                                                 YouTube® Content                           • The dos and don’ts of the profession                 stay for the full duration of class...Students that
games, and animations on MIT             Video Game                              Creators                                   • What to discuss with your clients                    arrive late may be asked to leave. Exam is not
Scratch. This is the perfect starter
class to learn coding.
                                         Animation                               (Grades 3-5) #9730027                      • How to develop your own business                     included in this course. Exam will be offered
                                         (Grades 3-5)           #51749                                                      • Getting signed up with busy signing agencies         after class: 4pm to 6pm.
                                                                                 YouTube® Content
Stop Motion                                                                                                                 Prerequisite: You must be a Notary or
                                         Video Game                              Creators                                                                                          #51696 Friday, August 12, 2022
Animation                                                                                                                   have completed the ‘Become a Notary
                                         Animation                               (Grades 6-8) #9730027                                                                             8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
(Grades 6-8)            #9730013                                                                                            Public’ seminar.
                                         (Grades 6-8)           #51748                                                                                                             Tuition: $125
                                                                                                                            #51705 Tue, Wed, Thu 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM;                Instructor: Notary Public Seminars
                                                                                                                            3 sessions; August 16, 17, & 18, 2022                  Location: El Camino College Campus
                                                                                                                            #51704 Tue, Wed, Thu 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM;                Materials Cost: $20
                                                                                                                            3 sessions; July 19, 20, & 21, 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                   Renew Your California Notary
                                                                                                                            #51703 Tue, Wed, Thu 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM;
                                                                                                                            3 sessions; June 21, 22, & 23, 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                   Commission - 3-Hour Seminar
Learn the art of animation! Through                                              Find your voice and leave your mark                                                               Livestream #210139
the art of capturing movement and                                                on the world! Whether you are six          Tuition: $125
                                         Take your game design skills to the
                                                                                 or sixty, it’s time to start a career as   Instructor: Notary Public Seminars                     Meets twice; Tuesdays 6:00pm - 8:15pm &
motion, you’ll learn how to stage
                                         next level by creating and animating                                                                                                      Wednesdays 6:00pm – 7:00pm
shots and develop interesting                                                    the next YouTube star. Explore the         Location: Live Remote Online
                                         your own character sprites, objects,
camera angles that will have you                                                 variety of content and personalities       Materials Cost: $20
                                         and backgrounds. Start with a name,                                                                                                       #51700 June 7 & 8, 2022
creating your own animation story.                                               that exist on YouTube and how to
                                         develop the character’s personality,
                                                                                 find your own niche. Learn the Dos                                                                #51701 July 5 & 6, 2022
                                         signature moves, special powers,                                                   Become a Notary Public in                              #51702 August 2 & 3, 2022
Super Cool Math                          and a storyline. Finish with a fully
                                                                                 and Don’ts of the platform and how
                                                                                                                            California - Secretary of State
                                                                                 to practice good digital citizenship.
Camp (Grade 4-5)                         animated character to be used in                                                   Approved – LIVESTREAM                                  Tuition: $50
                                                                                 Develop your on-camera presence,
#410058                                  your very own game. *Compatible
                                                                                 your own channel branding, and                                                                    Instructor: Notary Public Seminars
                                         with Windows OS only.                                                              #300165
Math is magical! Math is fun! Math                                               professional editing skills. Take                                                                 Location: Live Online
is super cool! Your child will get all                                           home a plan for launching your own         Establish yourself as a Notary Public, earn            Materials Cost: $20
fired up about 4th-5th grade Math in                                             channel with the content created           additional income and provide a service to
this common core skill building class.                                           in class! *Compatible with MAC and         your community. Successful notaries provide
                                                                                 Windows OS only.                           a valuable service to their company, friends

 ’         @ EL Camino College                       10                  Register Online:
                                                                                                                            					                                               11 11   Register
Never Too Soon To Start College
situations. Prerequisites: 16+ years of age.
                                                                                                   Parental/Guardian Release form required for
                                                                                                   Students under 18 years of age. High school
                                                                                                   Senior/High School Diploma or GED.
                                                                                                   Due to COVID-19 closure, at this time, on part
                                                                                                   1 of the Drone Pilot course series will be offered
                                                                                                   (via live Zoom format). In-person/flight time
                                                                                                   parts 2 and 3 of the series will be added as
                                                                                                   soon as restrictions are lifted.

                                                                                                                                                          BUSINESS & CAREERS
                                                                                                   Part 1: #51675 Tue 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM;
                                         Commercial Drone Pilot:                                   7 sessions; starting June 7, 2022, ending
                                         sUAS (small Unmanned Aerial                               July 19, 2022
                                         Systems) RPIC (Remote                                     Part 2: #51676 Sat 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM;
                                         Pilot in Command) Training                                2 sessions; starting July 23, 2022, ending
                                         Program 37 classroom hours                                July 30, 2022
                                         + 120 Externship hours
                                                                                                   Part 3: #210185 Externship
                                         This 3-part Commercial Drone Pilot job training
                                         course prepares you to pass the FAA part 107
                                         Remote Pilot in Command (RPIC) exam and                   Free Information Session
                                         receive their RPIC certification. The course
                                         work covers: Regulations, National Airspace,              Interested in enrolling in the Commercial Drone
                                         Aircraft Performance, Operations, and Weather.            Pilot Training program? For more information,
                                         Additionally, students will be given physical flight      schedule a call with one of our Drone Pilot
                                         training with various types of sUAS (drones).             instructors to learn about details of the program
                                         This program is designed to optimally prepare             and the FAA certification requirements.
                                         you to perform the duties of a Commercial
                                                                                                   To schedule: Call 310-660-6460 or
                                         RPIC that are required in any commercial drone
                                         setting including public safety, cinematic, realty,       text 424-279-4430
                                         construction, transportation, and surveying.
                                         Students will learn to assist established
                                         Commercial sUAS operators in “real-life”

                                          Electric Vehicle Charging                                hoping to make 100% vehicles operating by
                                          Station Design, Installation                             battery powered by year 2035. This will require
                                          and Operation #3470002                                   millions of charging stations to be installed at
                                                                                                   the garages, parking lots, roadside electric
                                                                                                   poles, etc. Therefore, we need millions of
                                                                                                   EVCS installers and service providers all over
                                                                                                   US and worldwide. This course will offer A to
                                                                                                   Z of EVCS design, Installation and operation,
                                                                                                   including troubleshooting the system. A chapter
                                                                                                   been added on “How to Design and Calculate
                                                                                                   Solar Photovoltaic and Batteries while in
                                                                                                   Outdoor Installation”. Due to pandemic, classes
                                                                                                   will be online and total lecture time 12 hours.
                                                                                                   #51721 Meets for 3 sessions on Tue & Thu
                                          One of most growing businesses in USA
                                                                                                   6:30 PM - 10:00 PM; July 26, & 28 &
                                          and worldwide are electrical vehicle and EV
                                                                                                   August 2, 2022
                                          charging station installation. Millions of electric
                                          cars, SUVs and trucks will be on the road by             Tuition: $199
                                          next 10 years. To offset the carbon load on the          Instructor: Quayum Abdul
                                          environment, the California Government is                Location: El Camino College Campus

                                         DMV Auto Wholesale Certificate—Start an Auto Wholesale Business!
                                         Make $3K-$6K per month buying, selling or exporting wholesale cars from home. Students will learn step-by-step
                                         directions on how to obtain an auto dealer license and how to operate a profitable used-car business.
                                         #51713 Meets twice on Mon & Tue, July 25 & 26, 2022 6:00pm - 9:00pm
                                         Tuition: $89      Instructor: Ronald Williams          Location:                  Materials Cost: $25

Register By Phone: 310-660-6460		   12
                                         					                                                  1313     Register
                                                                                                       Register   Online:
Never Too Soon To Start College
Solar Panel Installation                                                                                                                                                     Become A
  Training 101 #3470001                                 Digital Marketing Program                                                                                          Software Developer


                                                                                                                                                                           18-Week Online Coding Boot Camps
  This course will prepare participants to design                                                                                                                          Back End Software Developer Boot Camp
  and install solar photovoltaics on roof-tops.                                                                                                                            #210190
  Class topics include solar, electrical, and city      The Digital Marketing program is designed                                                                          Back End Software Developers are in charge of building applications that do
  codes as well as electrical wiring. Optional          to help students with an interest in marketing                                                                     the behind-the-scenes work. This typically involves receiving requests from
  opportunity to receive hands-on training in a         create a portfolio and begin an entry level                                                                        a Front End application, processing the request, reading and writing to a
  real world installation setting is available upon     position in the digital marketing field. The                                                                       database, and responding back to requests from other applications.
  request, after successful completion of the course.   curriculum is a project-based course that blends
                                                                                                                                                                           In this 18-week, Back End Software Development program, students take
                                                        marketing theory, critical thinking skills, and                                                                    three courses to learn the skills and technologies necessary to enter the
  #51720 Meets for 6 sessions on Wed & Thu              practical experience to prepare students for                                                                       industry as a Back End Software Developer: Introduction to Java, Relational
  6:00 PM - 10:00 PM; June 14 – 23, 2022                an entry-level position in a growth industry.                                                                      Databases with MySQL, and Web API Design with Spring Boot. Skills and
  Tuition: $265                                         Students will become proficient in advertising                                                                     technologies learned include Java 1.8, Algorithms, OOP, Design Patterns,
  Instructor: Quayum Abdul                              platforms such as Facebook, Google,                                                                                Unit Testing, SQL, DDL, DML, Database Concepts, JDBC, Spring Boot,
  Location: El Camino College Campus                    Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Our program                                                                      Spring Data, REST, JPA, JWT, AWS, and more.
  Materials Cost: $40                                   provides a fast-paced, detailed curriculum with                                                                    Class Start Dates:
                                                        a full-breadth of digital marketing knowledge in                                                                   #51722 Thursdays 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM; June 23 – October 20, 2022
                                                        order to be a competitive applicant in an ever-
  Introduction To Voiceovers                            growing job market. Digital Marketing jobs are
                                                                                                                                                                           #51723 Tuesdays 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM; August 23, 2022 - January 10, 2023
  (Getting Started In Voice                             growing 112% faster than the U.S. national                                                                         Tuition: $2,995
  Acting) #210146                                       average job growth (Bureau of Labor Statistics).                                                                   Instructor: Promineo Tech, a group of IT professionals and leaders who
                                                        Upon completion of the program students will be                                                                    prepare participants for high-growth careers in software development.
  “Wow, you have a great voice!” Have you
                                                        equipped with the tools to be successful at jobs                                                                   Location: Online
  heard that more times than you can count? Or
  maybe you listen to your favorite audiobooks,         such as marketing coordinator, social media
  commercials, or cartoon characters and think,         advertising coordinator, branding coordinator,                                                                     Front End Software Development Boot Camp
  “I could do that!” If so, then you could have         junior UX designer, and more.                                                                                      #210191
  what it takes to begin working as a professional
                                                        In this 16-week program, students are taught                                                                       Front End Software Developers build the pieces of applications and websites
  Voiceover Artist. Explore the voiceover industry                                                                                                                         that users see and interact with. This involves creating components that
  with your instructor, a professional, working         foundational basics such as:
                                                                                                                                                                           look good and provide functionality when a user interacts with them. It also
  voice actor from Voices For All.                         • Branding                                                                                                      involves interacting with Back End applications and displaying data in an
  Sat 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM; starting July 9, 2022
                                                           • Market Research                                                                                               aesthetically pleasing manner.
                                                           • Digital Advertising                                                                                           In the 18-week, Front End Software Development program, students take
  Tuition: $79                                                                                             Schedule
  Instructor: Voices For All
                                                           • Competitor Analysis                           Class meets online on a weekday evening. Each student           three courses to learn the skills and technologies necessary to enter the

  Location: El Camino College Campus                       • Organic and Paid Media                        will also participate in a weekly 30 minute, one-on-one         industry as a Front End Software Developer: Introduction to JavaScript,
                                                                                                                                                                           Front End Technologies, and Web App Design with React. Skills and
                                                           • Google Analytics                              session with a mentor. Students start each academic week
                                                                                                           on Sunday and are required to watch all videos and start        technologies learned include JavaScript, Algorithms, OOP, Design Patterns,
  Truck Driver Class A                                     • SEO                                           working on assignments/projects before their online class       Unit Testing, HTML, CSS, JQuery, Bootstrap, AJAX, React, JSX, REST,
  Commercial License                 #210193               • Advertising Strategy                          meeting. Course consists of 13-18 hours of weekly home-         NPM, AWS, and more.
                                                                                                           work and content, including career service assignments
  In this comprehensive 10-week 170-hour                   • Customer Personas                             utilizing LinkedIn.
                                                                                                                                                                           Class Start Dates:
                                                                                                                                                                           #51724 Wednesdays 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM; July 27 – November 16, 2022
  course, you will obtain the knowledge and skills         • Website Analytics, and more                   Prerequisites
  necessary to pass the California commercial                                                              Students must be 18 or over and have a high school              Tuition: $2,995
                                                        Class Format: 16 week/320 hour Flipped                                                                             Instructor: Promineo Tech, a group of IT professionals and leaders who
  truck class “A” driver’s license written exam                                                            diploma or equivalent. Basic computer literacy and the
                                                        Classroom. 1.5 hours micro-tailored lecture        ability to navigate one’s own computer is strongly              prepare participants for high-growth careers in software development.
  and driving test. To complete your license
                                                        from Instructor, Mentor Sessions, Office Hours,    preferred. Students will complete an aptitude test prior        Location: Online
  requirements you must take the written exam
                                                        Career Services, and all students will complete    to the first class session.
  and the driving test at the California DMV.
                                                        a Capstone project in the last month of class.     Technical Requirements
  #51381 Meets twice a week on Sat & Sun 7:00 AM                                                           Students must have access to a computer with a minimum
  - 4:00 PM; July 9 - September 18, 2022                Schedule: June 28 – October 11, 2022               of 8GB RAM and i5 processor. Class utilizes both Zoom              For More Information:
                                                                                                           and Slack for meetings and communication. Although not re-         Call 310-660-6460 or text 424-279-4430 to schedule
  #51382 Meets twice a week on Sat & Sun 7:00 AM        Tuition: $3,599                                    quired, students may find a second monitor extremely helpful.
  - 4:00 PM; September 24 - December 11, 2022;                                                                                                                             		an individualized information session with a coding
                                                        Instructor: Promineo Promineo Tech                 Job Outlook                                                     		 program counselor.
  (No class on November 12, 13, 26 & 27, 2022)          Location: Online                                   • Average wage in California is $64.60 hourly,
  Tuition: $2,499                                                                                            $134,370 annually.                                            		 Also check out this video for an overview of the
  Instructor: Emmanuel Navarro                                                                             • Average wage nationally is $53.66 hourly,                     		 program and to meet former coding students:
                                                                                                             $111,620 annually.                                    
  Location: El Camino College, Parking Lot L                                                               • Jobs for software developers are expected to grow
                                                                                                             25.6% by 2028.
Register ByBy
  Register Phone: 310-660-6460
              Phone: 310-660-6460		                14 14

                                                                                                           Data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics                      1515     Register Online:
Never Too Soon To Start College
Additional job training courses and course descriptions available, visit:                                                             Data Science Job Training Certificates
                                                                                                  The explosion of data today has created                             Certificate in Mastering Excel
                                                                                                  huge advantages to individuals and
                                       Top 25 High Demand                                         businesses who can effectively analyze it
                                                                                                  for impactful business decisions. Jobs in

                                       Job Training
                                                                                                  data science are predicted to grow by 28%
                                                                                                  through 2026 according to the US Bureau of Labor
                                                                                                  Statistics. And those already employed are adding this
                                       Self-paced online and                                      skill set as part of their job.

                                       Live Online training in new                                Whether you work for a small business or a large company,           A must-have skill to succeed in business, whether an
                                                                                                  our data science courses will help you build a strong
                                       and emerging fields.                                       foundational understanding of data analysis and begin your
                                                                                                                                                                      entrepreneur or a valued employee, is the ability to
                                                                                                                                                                      create, edit and manage spreadsheets. Microsoft
                                                                                                  learning journey into this growing field.                           Excel is the most used spreadsheet tool in the world.
                                        1. Project Management Professional (PMP)*                                                                                     Begin with learning how an Excel worksheet is
                                                                                                  Choose from the following Data Science Certificates:
                                        2. Medical Assistant*                                                                                                         constructed, populated with content, and edited for
                                                                                                  #1030213 Hot! Certificate in Data Analysis                          delivery. Discover how various menu items,
                                        3. Patient Care Technician                                                                                                    commands, settings and processes affects the look
                                                                                                  Data Analysis is quickly becoming one of the most sought-
                                        4. Cisco 200-301 – Implementing and                       after skills in the workplace. Companies have vast amounts          of your Excel worksheets and workbooks. Then,
                                           Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA)                   of data, but it is rare to have someone with the ability to         increase your efficiency by learning how to organize,
                                        5. EKG Technician Career Prep*                            analyze that data to see trends and make predictions.               display and calculate your data into useful information.
                                                                                                  Add a whole new skill set to your portfolio, and make a big         Identify different types of data and how data can be
                                        6. Mental Health Care                                                                                                         best visually represented or formatted, by using
                                                                                                  difference in the success of your organization by acquiring
                                        7. Professional in Human Resources® (PHR®)*               data analysis skills.                                               different data tool techniques. Finally, you’ll learn a
                                        8. Certified Associate in Project Management                                                                                  variety of Excel’s most powerful features to analyze
                                                                                                  Tuition: $495                                                       data quickly and easily. This Certificate will help you
                                                                                                  Location: Online, self-paced                                        discover how to attractively visualize your data into
                                        9. Associate Professional in Human                        Instructor:                                                         meaningful information with confidence.
                                           Resources® (aPHR®)*
                                       10. CompTIA A+ Network+ Security+                                                                                              Tuition: $495

                                       11. Spanish for Health Care
                                                                                                  #1030272 Hot! Power BI Certificate                                  Location: Online, self-paced
                                       12. Auto CAD Fundamentals Certificate
                                       13. Bookkeeping Administration*
                                                                                                                                                                      “Analytics is becoming ever more pervasive in my life.
                                       14. CompTIA A+*                                                                                                                I was looking for a foundational course to build upon.
                                       15. Microsoft Office Excel 2016*                                                                                               This course did an excellent job laying that foundation
                                       16. Spanish for Educators                                                                                                      with the iterative data science process, understanding
                                                                                                                                                                      types of data, selecting the correct data test, correlations
                                       17. Spanish for the Medical Front Office                   Gain insights into your data using business intelligence            & analysis, and visualizing the data. Thank you for taking
                                                                                                  software – Power Business Intelligence. Power BI is
                                       18 Medical Administrative Assistant*                                                                                           the time to put this course work together.”
                                                                                                  a widely used business analytics service offered by
                                                                                                                                                                      		--Data Analysis Student
                                       19. Day Care Administration                                Microsoft. Power BI Desktop is a complete data analysis
                                       20. Substance Abuse Counseling                             and report creation tool that you install for free. Discover
                                                                                                  the process of creating interactive reports. Integrate
                                       21. Physical Therapy Technician                            financial, marketing, or any other source data in your
                                                                                                                                                                      #1060228 SQL Certificate
                                                                                                                                                                      Structured Query Language (SQL) is the industry
                                       21. EKG Technician*                                        accounting system, Excel, or on the Web. Streamline the
                                                                                                                                                                      standard database programming language. It is one
                                                                                                  data to what is needed using Power Query.
                                       22. Spanish for Manufacturing and                                                                                              of the most in demand skills in occupations that
                                           Warehousing                                            Tuition: $495                                                       require interaction with data and analyzing data.
                                                                                                                                                                      Through your knowledge of Structured Query
                                       23. Senior Professional in Human Resources®                Location: Online, self-paced
     For more information,                 (SPHR®)*                                               Instructor:
                                                                                                                                                                      Language, you will become more marketable in
                                                                                                                                                                      computer related career fields that pertain to
    call 310-660-6460 or visit         25. CompTIA Security+                                                                                                          database administration. Learning SQL can also lead
                                                                                                                                                                      to a job that is specific to analyzing data such as a                                                                                                                                        data analyst, a quality assurance analyst, or a
                                                                                                   UGotClass classes are designed for                                 business analyst.
                                       *This program is also available in a Live Online format.
                                                                                                   today’s busy professionals interested in                           Tuition: $595
                                                                                                   advancing their career. Additional classes                         Location: Online, self-paced
                                                                                                   and class descriptions available, visit                            Instructor:

   Register By Phone: 310-660-6460		   16                                                         					                                                          17        Register Online:
Never Too Soon To Start College

                             Personal Finance                         Interpersonal Communication
                             Protect your assets and discover         Become aware of the conscious
                             how best to achieve all your financial   and unconscious codes of meaning                                          
                             goals. ILC SPT                           people send when communicating
                                                                      with others. ILC SPT
                             Using the Internet in
                             the Classroom                            Homeschool With Success
                                                                                                                           also offers dynamic          CompTIA Linux+                            IT Foundations Bundle
                             Discover how you can use the             Discover how to homeschool your
                                                                                                             programs for career training, many         Learn the necessary skill-sets to         This course teaches the basics
                             Internet to make teaching easier         children in a way that ensures
                                                                                                             of which culminate in Program              perform maintenance tasks with the        of IT Service Management (ITSM
                             for you and more relevant to             they get what they need both
                                                                                                             Certificates. For complete list of         command line, install and configure a     and project management, while
                             your students. ILC                       academically and socially. ILC
                                                                                                             classes and descriptions, visit: http://   workstation, and be able to configure     incorporating ITIL, SIAM, and
                                                                                                             a basic network in Linux.                 DevOps framework, concepts
                             Keys to Effective Communication          Integrating Technology in
                                                                                                                                                        (Voucher Included)                        and processes. You will also be
                             Lost for words? Don’t be! Learn to       the Classroom                          Certified Ethical Hacker                                                             prepared to pass the globally
                             build rapport, trust, warmth, and        In this professional development       This online Certified Ethical Hacker       Certified Information Systems             recognized ITIL Foundation,
                             respect through conversation. ILC        course for teachers, you will          (CEH) course will teach you the            Auditor (CISA)
                                                                                                                                                                                                  SIAM Foundation, and DevOps
                                                                      learn about technology integration     valuable details that every information    This online CISA training course
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Foundation certification exams.
                             Creating a Classroom Website             in the classroom and gain the skills   security professional needs to know.       will prepare you for the five key
                             Learn how to create a classroom          needed to use tools like apps,         (Voucher Included)                         domains: auditing, governance,            ITIL Foundation
                             website and how having one can           assistive technology, and blogs                                                   implementation, management,               Learn about DevOps, ITIL and
                             make you a more effective and            effectively. ILC SPT                   Cisco CCNA Certification Training          and protection.                           PRINCE2 and their benefits for
                             dynamic teacher. ILC                                                            You’ll master certification-based                                                    organizations. You will learn the
                                                                      Building Teams That Work               topics for networking essentials, so       AWS System Operations
                                                                                                                                                                                                  basics of IT service management and
                                                                                                                                                        Certification Bundle
                             Individual Excellence                    What are the secrets to managing       you can implement and administer                                                     project management, as well as about
                                                                                                                                                        You will be introduced to Amazon
                             Master twelve career-enhancing           successful teams in the workplace?     Cisco solutions.                                                                     how approaches to IT are evolving.
                                                                                                                                                        Web Services (AWS) and how to
                             skills including goal setting, time      Explore communication techniques                                                                                            (Voucher Included)
                             management, personal                     and problem-solving skills that will   Certified Information Security             create automatable and repeatable
                             organization, and creativity.            help you get your team on track        Manager (CISM)                             deployments of networks and               Microsoft Certified Solutions
                                                                                                             CISM is one of the most valued             systems on the AWS platform. You          Associate (MCSA): Server 2012
                             ILC SPT                                  in no time. ILC SPT
                                                                                                             certifications in the IT security          will also be prepared to sit for the      This online Microsoft Certified
                                                                                                             industry. This online coure will           AWS Certified SysOps Administrator        Solutions Associate (MCSA): Server
                             Creating Web Pages                       Leadership
                                                                                                                                                        Associate exam.
              $120           Learn the basics of HTML so you          Gain the respect and admiration        prepare you to sit for the CISM                                                      2012 course will prepare you to
                             can design, create, and post your        of others, exert more control over     certification exam, and the exam cost                                                install, configure, and manage a
                                                                                                                                                        Help Desk Analyst: Tier I
                                                                                                             is included. (Voucher Included)                                                      Server 2012 network.
                             very own site on the Web. ILC SPT        your destiny, and enjoy success                                                   Support Specialist
                                                                      in your professional and               CompTIA Advanced Security                  This course will teach you to focus on    SSCP Systems Security
                             Creating WordPress Websites              personal life. ILC SPT                 Practitioner (CASP)                        the business needs of the customer,       Certified Practitioner
                             Learn how to create websites                                                    The CASP certification is one of           establish credibility, and provide        This course is an ideal course for
                             with WordPress, the world’s                                                     the most valuable vendor neutral           excellent customer service and support!   individuals interested in advancing
                             most popular website building                                                   certification in the security field,                                                 their knowledge of information
                             platform. ILC SPT                                                                                                          Information Security Training
                                                                                                             allowing students to become                                                          and systems security.
                                                                                                                                                        This training course includes 3 of
                                                                                                             proficient in a variety of areas of
                                                                                                                                                        the most valuable certifications in IT    (Voucher Included)
                             ILC   Instructor-Led Courses - Monthly sessions                                 technology, all awhile allowing them
                                                                                                                                                        Security. These credentials command
                             SPT   Self-Paced Tutorials - Start today and study on your own schedule         to stay vendor neutral and not tied
                                                                                                                                                        some of the most lucrative salaries
                                                                                                             to any one particular infrastructure.
                                                                                                                                                        available in the IT field.
                                                                                                             (Voucher Included)
                                                                                                                                                        (Voucher Included)
                                        offers six-week classes for exploring new
                             careers, honing skills, or preparing for formal exams.
                             For complete list of classes and descriptions, visit

Register By Phone: 310-660-6460		             18                                                             					                                                        19         
                                                                                                                                                                                  Register Online:
Never Too Soon To Start College
MEDICAL/ALLIED HEALTH CAREERS                                                   Register online at
                                                                                             *For complete class descriptions, visit
                                                                                                                                                                             or 310-660-6460 or Text: 424-279-4430

                                                                                          Medical Assistant Training Program                               • Medical Assistant 3: Anatomy & Physiology /
                                                                                                                                                             Body Systems II     #3560003 $575
                                                                                          Pay per module or purchase entire 6-module series +
                                                                                          Externship at discounted rate $3,999 + $75 PPE Fee!              • Medical Assistant 4: Anatomy & Physiology /
                                                                                                                                                             Body Systems III    #3560004 $575
                                                                                          240 total classroom hours + 160 Externship hours
                                                                                          Textbook and clinical supplies included!                         • Medical Assistant 5: Clinical Component /
                                                                                                                                                             OSHA / Medical Asepsis #3560005 $575
                                                                                          Upcoming Start Dates: Saturdays 8:30 AM – 5 PM
                                                                                          June 11, 2022 / August 20, 2022                                  • Medical Assistant 6: Administrative Component
                                                                                                                                                             #3560006 $575
                                                                                          Begin enjoying a fulfilling and rewarding career caring
                                                                                          for others! As a certified Medical Assistant, you’ll have        • Medical Assistant: Externship/
                                                                                          the opportunity to work in a variety of care settings              Apprenticeship #3560008 $799
                                                                                          assisting newborns to senior citizens. A highly qualified        Instructor: Leonor Gonzalez
                                                                                          Medical Assistant can make or break a Doctor’s office,
                                                                                                                                                           Location:             with in-person lab classes
                                                                                          clinic, or hospital.

                                                                            NEW!          Course Module Descriptions:                                      FREE Information Session
                                    Big Data Engineering                                  • Medical Assistant 1: Introduction to
                                                                                            Medical Assisting #3560001 $675 +$75 PPE Fee
                                                                                                                                                           Call 310-660-6460 or text 424-279-4430 to
                                                                                                                                                           schedule a free information session with instructor
                                    The Big Data Engineering Program is                   • Medical Assistant 2: Anatomy & Physiology /                    Ms. Gonzalez to learn all about the Medical
                                    designed to introduce the technically inclined          Body Systems I       #3560002 $575                             Assistant Training Program!
                                    student to the technologies and methodologies
                                    requested by hiring companies and used by real
                                    world data engineers. This program is fast paced      Certified Phlebotomy Technician                                  A certificate of completion is awarded upon successful
                                    and will cover a breadth of technologies, including   Course (CPT1) #234034                                            completion of the course.
                                    Python programming, Hadoop and cloud-based            Employment of phlebotomists is projected to grow                 Course fee includes books, supplies, study
                                    services in Amazon Web Services (AWS). The            25 percent from 2014 to 2024, much faster than the               guides, all class materials, Exam preparation and
                                                                                                                                                           externship. Payment plan available; $665.00 due at
                                    student will also be introduced to such methods as    average for all occupations. In the state of CA, the
                                                                                                                                                           the time of Registration, no later than one-week prior to
                                    data wrangling, munging, ingesting and modeling       average hourly mean wage for phlebotomists is
                                                                                          $19.89. --Bureau of Labor Statistics                             start of program, 2nd payment due by 3rd week of class
                                    for analytics.                                                                                                         and 3rd/final payment by 6th week of class. Tuition
                                                                                          Phlebotomy Technicians are in demand as one of the               does not include required State License fee of $100.00
                                    By the end of the program the successful student      fastest growing occupations in healthcare. Launch
                                                                                                                                                           or the National Certification exam fee of $115.00.
                                    will be prepared for an entry level position as a     your career as a Phlebotomy Technician, collecting
                                                                                          blood samples from patients in a hospital, clinical              Prerequisite: You must be at least 18 years old and
                                    data engineer, Python programmer, or business                                                                          have a high school diploma or equivalent.
                                                                                          laboratory, medical office, or clinic. Through lectures
                                    intelligence developer.
                                                                                          and hands-on training, learn what you need to know               Upcoming Start Dates: Saturdays 9 am – 2 pm
                                                                                          about the circulatory system, venipuncture technique
                                    Pre Requisites for Big Data Engineering:                                                                               Saturday, June 18, 2022
                                                                                          and specimen collection, risk factors and complications,
                                    • Technical aptitude                                  and quality assurance. This course provides a                    Saturday, August 20, 2022

                                    • Logical thinker                                     complete learning experience—with 48-hour classroom
                                                                                          instruction and a 40-hour hands-on externship. It also
                                                                                                                                                           Tuition: $1,995

                                    • Comfortable with OS file system concepts            prepares you to take the National Certification exam to
                                                                                                                                                           Instructor: AUMT Marissa Esparza
                                                                                                                                                           Location: El Camino College
                                    • Experienced downloading and installing software     become a Certified Phlebotomy Technician 1 (CPT1).

                                    • Experience working with data connections in
                                      Excel or other applications
                                                                                          Pharmacy Technician                                              license application fee are not included in tuition.
                                    • Experience creating macros and functions in         Training Program #3240001                                        Salary Information: $40,170 Annual Mean Wage in
                                    • Excel or other application                          Train to become a licensed pharmacy technician in
                                                                                                                                                           California (Source:
                                    • Some exposure to programming is helpful but         as little as 7 months!
                                      not required                                                                                                         #51728 Meets twice a week on Tues/Sat
                                                                                          In this 260-hour program, you will learn what                    Tue 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM and Sat 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
                                                                                          it takes to become a successful pharmacy                         July 26 – December 17, 2022 (No class on
                                    #51725 Tuesdays 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM;                    technician. Topics covered include: pharmacology                 November 26, 2022)
                                    August 23, 2022 – March 7, 2023                       for technicians, pharmacy law and regulations,
                                                                                          sterile and non-sterile compounding, quality                     Tuition: $2,499
                                    Tuition: $3,995                                       assurance, and medication safety. Learn what it                  Instructor: Career Training Solutions
                                    Instructor: Promineo Tech                             takes to assist the pharmacist in preparing and                  Location: Live Remote Online
                                    Location: Live Online                                 mixing prescriptions, maintaining patient records,
                                                                                          purchasing and inventory management, billing and                 			FREE Information Sessions #3240002
                                                                                          reimbursement, and more. Program includes a                      			#51303 July 9, 2022 10:00 AM or
                                                                                          120-hour externship where you will receive hands-                			Aug 6, 2022 10:00 AM
                                                                                          on training in a pharmacy under the direction of                 			Location: Live Remote Online Information
                                                                                          a pharmacist. Upon successful completion of the                  			Session via
                                                                                          Pharmacy Technician program, you will be eligible
                                                                                          to apply for your California Pharmacy Technician                  			FREE to attend, reservation required:
                                                                                          License. Textbook, lab coat/scrubs,                              			Call 310-660-6460 or text 424-279-4430

Register By Phone: 310-660-6460		      20                                                 					                                                       21        Register Online:
Never Too Soon To Start College
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