PROSPECTUS 2021-2022 ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY - St. Xavier College of Management ...

Page created by Renee Mendez
PROSPECTUS 2021-2022 ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY - St. Xavier College of Management ...

                                Estd. 2012

            Affiliated to Aryabhatta Knowledge University
         Digha-Aashiyaana Road, Digha Ghat, Patna - 800 011
PROSPECTUS 2021-2022 ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY - St. Xavier College of Management ...
Celebrating 500 years of the conversion of St. Ignatius

The Jesuits are celebrating the 500th anniversary of the conversion of
St. Ignatius of Loyola. It was a different kind of conversion, that changed
the course of his life. It was a conversion that led to a new beginning. He
went from being a vain nobleman focused on worldly success and
fame to being the founder of the largest Catholic religious order.
PROSPECTUS 2021-2022 ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY - St. Xavier College of Management ...
Professional Courses Offered

                                                       Estd. 2012

                               Bachelor in Business Administration (B.B.A.)
                                   Bachelor in Computer Application (B.C.A.)
                              Bachelor in Commerce (Professional) (B.C.P.)
                                   Bachelor in Business Economics (B.B.E.)
                                   Bachelor in Mass Communication (B.M.C.)
Website:                       1                       SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
PROSPECTUS 2021-2022 ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY - St. Xavier College of Management ...
SXCMT at a Glance
              Sl. No.        Title                                                                                                                            Page No
                    1.       Preamble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
                    2.       Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
                    3.       Emblem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
                    4.       Vision and Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
                    5.       Priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
                    6.       Aim and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
                    7.       Management Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
                    8.       Co-ordinators of different departments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
                    9.       Rules and Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
                   10.       egkfo|ky; ds fu;e vkSj funsZ'k. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
                   11.       Professional Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
                   12.       Admission Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
                   13.       BBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
                   14.       BCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
                   15.       BCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
                   16.       BBE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
                   17.       BMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
                   18.       Examination (CIA and ESE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
                   19.       AKU Guideline regarding examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
                   20.       Examination Notice (Rules and Procedures). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
                   21.       Examination Notice (Misconduct). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
                   22.       Fee Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
                   23.       Student Council Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
                   24.       EPC (English Proficiency Classes). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
                   25.       F & M (Foundation and Mentoring Classes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
                   26.       Creative & Useful Internal Assessments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
                   27.       Social Involvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
                   28.       Freshers Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
                   29.       Campus Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
                   30.       Xavier Theatre Club                                                                                                                       63
                   31.       YFI (Youth for Free India). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
                   32.       Thank You for NOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
                   33.       Placements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
                   34.       NSS (National Service Scheme) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
                   35.       List of Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
                   36.       List of Committees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
                   37.       Email ID (Official) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
                   38.       SXCMT in Media Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Website:                                                          2                                                               SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
PROSPECTUS 2021-2022 ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY - St. Xavier College of Management ...
1. Preamble

Welcome to St. Xavier's College of Management and Technology, Patna, centre for quality
education, life-oriented, affordable and professional higher education managed by Jesuits,
who are members of the Patna Province of the Society of Jesus. The Society of Jesus, founded
by St. Ignatius of Loyola in 1540, has been active in the field of education managing over 1865
educational institutions in 71 countries. These educational institutions engage roughly 1 lakh
collaborators and educate approximately 18 lakh students.
In India alone over 4100 Jesuits and their 10,000 collaborators from all religions and ethnic
backgrounds shape and mould the lives of over 3 lakhs young people belonging to every
social class, community and linguistic group. As Jesuit educators, our strong concern and
effort is to aid the development of the WHOLE PERSON who will be fully human, fully Indian
and truly modern, open to God and to all people.

Website:               3                           SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
PROSPECTUS 2021-2022 ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY - St. Xavier College of Management ...
2. Profile
The primary objective of St. Xavier's College
of Management and Technology is to
provide quality education to all students
irrespective of caste, class, creed and
gender. However, this being a Catholic
College, its goals and activities are pervaded
with a strong sense of God who alone gives
meaning to life. The various religious beliefs
o f s t u d e n t s a re f u l l y re s p e c te d a n d

Website:                           4   SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
PROSPECTUS 2021-2022 ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY - St. Xavier College of Management ...
3. Emblem

                                               Estd. 2012

The Emblem contains the motto of the                   The Sun with the letters IHS is a symbol
College: izokfgrks Kkuxaxkizokg:- Let the              characterizing the Society of Jesus.
streams of Kkuxaxk keep on flowing. The                The emblem within the emblem, containing
College is situated beside the river Ganga.            crown, crescent moon, etc., is the coat of
Like the flowing river, the College is to ensure       arms of the noble family of our patron saint,
that the streams of Kku keep on flowing and            St. Francis Xavier.
liberating people

Website:                   5                             SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
PROSPECTUS 2021-2022 ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY - St. Xavier College of Management ...
4. Vision and Mission
                                                Our Vision

T   o build an egalitarian society based on
    equality, justice, freedom and fraternity
as enshrined in the Constitution of India
                                                         through various curricular and co- curricular

                    St. Francis Xavier                                St. Ignatius Loyola
                      (Patron of our College)                       (Founder of the Society of Jesus)

                                                Our Mission

T   o form well-motivated leaders who will
    be intellectually competent, morally
upright, socially committed and spiritually
                                                         inspired to transform the world into a ‘olq/kSo
                                                         dqVwEcde~’ (Universal brotherhood-sisterhood).

Website:                     6                                   SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
PROSPECTUS 2021-2022 ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY - St. Xavier College of Management ...
5. Our Priorities

1. Making our college a centre of excellence by offering quality education.
2. Contributing to the integral growth of our students so that they become agents of social
3. A preferential option for the poor and the marginalized.
4. Providing student friendly atmosphere for teaching and learning.

                               Characteristics of Jesuit Education
                                                1. Collaboration
                                                2. Commitment
                                   6 Cs         3. Compassion
                                                4. Competence
                                                5. Conscience
                                                6. Creativity

Character certificate, nomination of students to student council, etc., are based on these
Website:                7                       SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
PROSPECTUS 2021-2022 ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY - St. Xavier College of Management ...
6. Aims and Objectives

The College aims to offer an all-round formation that is intellectual, cultural, social, emotional,
physical, aesthetic, moral and spiritual.
It further aims at promoting values such as respect for common Indian cultural heritage,
egalitarianism, democracy, secularism, equality of sexes, protection of environment, removal
of social barriers, responsible use of cybernetics and mass media, transparency and probity in
private and public life, national unity and respect for religious and moral values.

                                       The Goal of

                 the formation of men and women
                           for OTHERS.
Website:                8                             SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
7. Jesuit Management Team

                            Fr. Dr. T. Nishaant, S.J.                         Fr. Dr. Martin Poras, S.J.
                                    (Principal)                              (Vice Principal and Library Director)

Fr. Alphonse Crasta, S.J.                            Fr. Dr. A. Sebastian , S.J.                              Fr. Dr. Raj Kumar, S.J.
        (Finance Officer)                              (Controller of Examinations                                (Administrator and
                                                          and AICUF Director)                                  Asst. Prof. of Mathematics)

   Fr. Sijo Cherian, S.J.           Fr. Dr .Sushil Bilung, S.J.          Fr. Prem Lal Lucas, S.J. Fr. Sebastian Kanekattil, S.J.
      (Asst. Finance Officer            (Co-ordinator of EPC               (Asst. Prof., BMC Dept.,            (Professor Emeritus BMC)
      Asst. Prof. BBA Dept.)         and Associate Prof. of Hindi)             Pursuing Ph.D)

Website:                                     9                                           SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
8. Coordinators of different departments

    Mr. Piyush Ranjan Sahay         Mr. Ashok Kumar         Mr. Frank Krishner
           Coordinator                Coordinator           Acting Coordinator
              BBA                  B.Com (Professional)            BMC

     Mr. Prakash Upadhyay          Dr. Niharika Kumari    Dr. Anurag Kumar Sinha
           Coordinator                 Coordinator              Coordinator
              BCA                          BBE              English Department

  Dr. Mala Kumari Upadhyay          Mr. Joel D’Cruze       Mr. Alexander Natal
      Dean of Academics             Dean of Activities     Executive Supervisor

Website:           10                  SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
9. Rules and Regulations
(1)       A student admitted to St. Xavier's College of Management and Technology must
          maintain an ethos of commitment to the academic programme. S/he is expected to aim
          at the highest achievement in every sphere and to conduct himself/herself in a
          responsible and dignified manner wherever s/he may be.
(2)       According to the University regulations the students must attend 75% of all classes. St.
          Xavier's College of Management and Technology expects them to attend all classes.
          Those who miss classes, even for serious reasons like personal sickness, will have to
          make up the shortfall in a manner decided by the Principal or his representative. Any
          one who falls short, irrespective of reasons for absence, will not be allowed to appear
          for the University examinations. Prior permission from the Vice Principal is necessary for
          taking leave from the College.
          A student should apply for leave when it is necessary to the following persons:
          1.      Upto 3 days:          The Dean of Academics
          2.      Upto 7days:           The Vice Principal
          In case of emergency, if a student cannot apply for leave in advance, s/he should send
          an email to the College ( or an SMS to the mobile numbers of the
          College. At the time of resuming classes, the student should submit the necessary
          medical documents or other documents to justify his/her leave. Documents submitted
          later will not be accepted. If a student is absent for three days consecutively, s/he
          should not enter the class without the permission of the authority.
(3)       Students are expected to be punctual at the lectures, tutorials and all the activities of
          the College. No late slip will be issued if a student is late. However, after the attendance
          is taken, a student may attend the class if the Professor allows but attendance will not
          be given to the late comers.
(4)       Students must maintain discipline in the class. Any act of indiscipline may lead to
          immediate suspension and further disciplinary action.
(5)       A student must also attend all functions and activities of the College such as cultural
          functions, seminars, symposia, debates, quizzes, essay competitions, sports,
Website:                   11                            SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
community services, exposure programmes, retreats, etc. Every student has to take
          part in at least one item of a cultural programme and one of the competitions like
          speech, essay writing, poster making, etc.
(6)       Prior permission is required from the Vice Principal for any absence either from classes
          or any other College activity. A student’s name is liable to be dropped from the rolls, if
          s/he is absent continuously for more than 10 days without leave. If the student is
          allowed to resume classes, s/he will have to pay a fine of Rs. 2000/-.
(7)       It goes without saying that no other commitment should be undertaken during the
          regular timings of the College classes and activities.
(8)       Use of mobile phones within the College building is strictly prohibited and they should
          be switched off. In case of violation of this code the mobile phones may be confiscated
          or fines imposed or both.
(9)       Dress Code: All students will follow the following dress code on Tuesdays, Thursdays
                  and Saturdays;
                  Male students: Trousers/Jeans + Shirt/Kurta/T-shirt with collar (without any
                  slogans, pictures, images, etc.)
                  Female students: Salwaar Kurta + Dupatta; Jeans + Kurti; Formal Shirt +
          College Uniform: All students will wear the following uniform on Mondays,
          Wednesdays and Fridays.
                  Male students: Black Trousers and Blue Shirt with full sleeves.
                  Female students: Black Trousers and Blue Shirt with full sleeves or Blue Kurta
                 and Black Churidaar/Salwaar with Black Dupatta.
(10)      Every student is expected to make good use of the library which has a good collection
          of useful and enriching books.
          The rules of the library must be carefully observed so that all have an opportunity to use
          the books.

Website:                  12                            SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
(11)      Once the teaching days are over in a semester/year the students will be issued books in
          the library on following conditions:
          a. Student deposits the entire cost of the book + Rs. 50. (Security deposit)
          b. If there is only one copy of the book, the student must return it within 24 hours failing
               which the security deposit will not be refunded.
          c. If there is more than one copy available, the student must return it within 72 hours
               failing which the security deposit will not be refunded.
(12)      A student will always have the College identity card around the neck in the college
          premises. It must be given to any authority (including Administrative and Maintenance
          Staff) of the College for inspection on demand.
(13)      If the ID is lost for the first time, students will have to pay the cost of the ID and if they lose
          it for a second time, they will have to pay double the cost.
(14)      Those who take all their original certificates from the college office, have to return their
          ID to the office.
(15)      No visitors for students are allowed during lecture hours.
(16)      No meetings should be held in the College nor any activity taken up without the
          consent of the Principal.
(17)      Ragging is a criminal offence and those found indulging in it, will face immediate
          expulsion and legal action.
(18)      Any offence regarding gender discrimination, eve-teasing, disrespectful acts or words
          will be dealt with severely and may lead to dismissal from the College.
(19)      No student shall come to the college under the influence of any intoxicant and if this
          should happen, serious disciplinary action will be taken. No student shall chew
          tobacco products or chewing gum in the college campus.
(20)      One of the attractions of St. Xavier's College of Management and Technology is its
          large campus. No student however shall mistake the campus for a park. The behaviour
          of the students in the campus should reflect the seriousness of an educational

Website:                      13                               SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
(21)      All students should keep the campus clean and so they shall be careful to throw
          wrappers, plastic papers, polythene bags, etc., in the dustbins.
(22)      The college encourages study tours, picnics and outings with an explicit, prior written
          permission from the Principal or his delegate. No such outing will be permitted without
          at least one male and one female faculty member accompanying the group. All
          expenses including those of the accompanying faculty must be borne by the students.
          The students should submit a letter of consent by the parents.
(23)      Students changing their residence or their parents' mobile number must inform the
          College office without delay. If no information is given to the College office, action will
          be taken against the student.
(24)      No photocopies of certificates will be provided to the students for any purpose from the
          College office. Students are requested to keep one or two sets of photocopies of their
          certificates with them.
(25)      If a student has any complaint with regard to fellow students or teachers or
          administration, s/he should register the complaints through the various forums
          provided by the College such as Suggestion Box, Teachers, Co-ordinators, Student
          Council, Grievance Cell, Women's Grievance Cell, Vice Principal, Principal and Vice
          President. A student should not contact any outside agency without exhausting the
          various forums for redress given by the College. Serious action will be taken, even
          dismissal, if a student does not follow this rule.
(26)      Students are discouraged to get married while pursuing their study here. In case of any
          emergency, it is expected of the students and their parents to inform the Principal in
(27)      Any fine collected from students will be used for the direct benefit of the students
          through Scholarship fund.
(28)      Students will be allowed to park motor cycles/scooters for a nominal charge of Rs.
          1000/- for the whole academic year. The College is not responsible for any loss or
Website:                  14                             SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
damage of the vehicles or helmets. A person is appointed to supervise the parking area
          and it is under CCTV surveillance.
(29)      Due to lack of attendance, if a student is debarred from writing the semester
          examination (University Examination), s/he will have to repeat the semester after
          paying the fee decided by the Principal.
(30)      Students who commit serious misconducts shall be given: Yellow / Red Card
                  Yellow card (last but one chance)
                  Red card     (last chance)

  Yellow Cards may be issued, in case of:                        Red Cards may be issued, incase of:
  Ÿ Disturbing the class often
                                                                 Ÿ If yellow card is repeated thrice, a student shall
                                                                   be given a red card.
  Ÿ Shouting, screaming or speaking very                         Ÿ Disrespecting, back answering, humiliating
     loudly                                                        staff members and members of Management
  Ÿ Chewing gum/gutka in the campus                              Ÿ Aggressive arguments involving abusive
                                                                   language and mild physical fights
  Ÿ Using abusive and vulgar language
                                                                 Ÿ Copying in examinations using chits, mobile
  Ÿ Talking in the Exam hall                                       or any other means
  Ÿ Looking at the answer sheet of other                         Ÿ Contacting parents/guardians/outsiders at
     students during exams                                         the time of crisis before informing the college
  Ÿ Not obeying the staff members and
                                                                 Ÿ Any attempt to malign anybody or inciting
     members of management                                         troubles through the use of social media
  Ÿ Any other serious matter as per the                            which come under cyber crime
     d i s c re t i o n o f t h e m e m b e r s o f t h e        Ÿ Any other very serious matter as per the
     management                                                    discretion of the members of the management

(31)      A student who does meritorious and charitable works like blood donation,
          commendable participation in relief works, etc., will be awarded a Green card.

Website:                            15                                 SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
10. lar tsfo;lZ dkWyst vkWQ eSustesUV ,.M VsDukWykth ds fu;e vkSj funsZ'k

1-     lar tsfo;lZ dkWyst vkWiQ eSustesUV ,.M VsDukWykth esa nkf[kyk izkIr gj fo|kFkhZ dks 'kSf{kd dk;ZØe ds izfr
       yksdkpkj vfuok;Z #i ls cuk, j[kuk visf{kr gSA mlls ;g vis{kk Hkh dh tkrh gS fd og gj {ks=k esa vius egku
       y{; fu/kZfjr djs vkSj lkFk gh og tgk¡ Hkh gks] nkf;Roiw.kZ vkSj e;kZfnr vkpj.k dk çn'kZu djsA
2-     fo'ofo|ky; ds fu;ekuqlkj fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy, lHkh fo"k;ksa dh d{kkvksa esa 75» mifLFkfr vfuok;Z gSA lar tsfo;lZ
       vkWiQ eSustesaV ,.M VsDukWykth muls ;g Hkh vis{kk djrk gS fd gj fo|kFkhZ lHkh d{kkvksa esa mifLFkr jgsaA tks
       fo|kFkhZ xaHkhj dkj.kksa] tSls O;fÙkQxr chekjh] vkfn ds dkj.k d{kk esa vuqifLFkr jgrs gSa] mUgsa bl deh dks çkpk;Z ;k
       muds çfrfuf/ ds fu.kZ;kuqlkj iwjk djuk gksxk A ftl fo|kFkhZ dh mifLFkfr fdlh Hkh dkj.k ls 75» ls de gksxh
       mls fo'ofo|ky; dh ijh{kk esa cSBus dh vuqefr ugha feysxhA ijh{kk esa vuqifLFkr jgus ds fy, ijh{kk fu;a=kd dh
       vuqefr vR;ko';d gSA dkWyst ls vuqifLFkr jgus ds fy, miçkpk;Z dh vuqefr t#jh gSA
       vko';drk iM+us ij çR;sd fo|kFkhZ dks vodk'k gsrq vkosnu djuk visf{kr gSA vfr vko';d ifjfLFkfr esa
       (vkikrdkyhu) ;fn dksbZ fo|kFkhZ vodk'k gsrq vkosnu ugha dj ldrk@ ldrh gks rks og egkfo|ky; ds bZesy ls
       vFkok egkfo|ky; ds eksckby uEcj ij ,d SMS dj lwpuk vo'; Hksts A ijarq blds rqjar ckn d{kk ds 'kq#vkrh
       fnuksa esa mÙkQ vodk'k lacaf/r mfpr nLrkost vFkok LokLF; laca/h dkxtkr vo'; tek djsA ckn esa blls lacaf/r
       dkxtkr Lohd`r ugha gksxhA vxj fo|kFkhZ yxkrkj 3 fnuksa ls vf/d le; rd vuqifLFkr jgrk gS rks fcuk vuqefr
       ds oks d{kk esa izos'k ugha dj ldrk gSA blds fy, fuEu vf/dkfj;ksa ls vuqefr i=k ysuk vR;ko';d gS%&
       d) 3 fnuksa rd%                  vdsMfed foHkkx ds Mhu
       [k) 7 fnuksa rd%                 mi&iz/kukpk;Z
3-     fo|kfFZk;ksa ls vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd os O;k[;ku] f'k{kk laca/h dk;ZØe vkSj egkfo|ky; ds dk;ZØeksa ds fy, le;
       ij mifLFkr gksaA ;fn dksbZ fo|kFkhZ nsj ls vkrk gS rks dksbZ foyac iphZ tkjh ugha dh tk,xhA gkyk¡fd] gkftjh ysus ds
       ckn] ;fn çksiQslj vuqefr nsrs gSa rks] og fo|kFkhZ d{kk esa mifLFkr gks ldrk gS ysfdu ml fo|kFkhZ dh mifLFkfr ugha
       ntZ dh tk,xhA
4-     fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks d{kk esa vuq'kklu cuk;s j•uk gksxkA fdlh Hkh rjg dh vuq'kklughurk muds 'kh?kz fuyEcu dk

Website:                            16                                    SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
dkj.k cu ldrh gS vkSj muds fo#¼ Hkkoh vuq'kklukRed dkjZokbZ dh tk ldrh gSA
5-     fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks lkaLd`frd dk;ZØe] lsfeukj] fopkjxks"Bh] okn&fookn] ç'uksÙkjh] fuca/ izfr;ksfxrk] [ksy&dwn]
       lkekftd lsokdk;Z] izn'kZu dk;ZØe] vkè;kfRed lk/uk] vkfn lHkh egkfo|ky;h dk;ZØeksa ,oa xfrfof/;ksa esa Hkkx
       ysuk vfuok;Z gS A çR;sd fo|kFkhZ dks de lss de ,d lkaLÑfrd dk;ZØe esa vkSj ,d Hkk"k.k] fuca/&ys•u] iksLVj
       cukus] vkfn izfr;ksfxrkvksa esa Hkkx ysuk visf{kr gSA
6-     fdlh Hkh d{kk vFkok lkeqnkf;d thou laca/h xfrfof/;ksa ;k egkfo|ky; ds dksbZ vU; dk;ZØeksa esa vuqifLFkfr ds
       fy, mi&ç/kukpk;Z dh iwoZ vuqefr vfuok;Z gSA ;fn dksbZ fo|kFkhZ fcuk vuqefr izkIr fd;s 10 fnuksa ls vfèkd
       le; rd yxkrkj vuqifLFkr jgrk gS] rks ml fo|kFkhZ dk uke mifLFkfr jftLVj ls gVk fn;k tk;sxkA ;fn fo|kFkhZ
       dks fiQj ls d{kk,a 'kq: djus dh vuqefr nh tkrh gS] rks mls 2000@& #i;s dk izos'k&'kqYd nsuk gksxkA
7-     egkfo|ky; dh d{kkvksa rFkk xfrfof/;ksa dh fu/kZfjr vof/ ds le; fdlh ckg~; dk;ZØe esa layXu gksus dh
       opuc¼rk ugha gksuh pkfg,A
8-     egkfo|ky; Hkou esa eksckby iQksu dk ç;ksx l[r euk gS vkSj ;fn lkFk esa gks rks og can jgus dh fLFkfr esa jgsA bl
       fu;e ds mYya?ku ij eksckby iQksu tCr fd;k vFkok vFkZn.M fy;k vFkok nksuksa fd;k tk;sxkA egkfo|ky;
       nwjHkk"k] dk;kZy; vof/ esa (lqcg 8 cts ls 'kke 4%30 cts rd) miyC/ gSA
9-     Mlsª dkMs & lHkh Nk=kkas dks exayokj] cg`Lifrokj rFkk 'kfuokj dks fuEufyf•r Ml   sª dkMs dk ikyu djuk vko';d g&S
            Nk=kksa ds fy,% iSaV~l @ ftUl o deht @ dqrkZ @ jaxhu Vh&'kVZ (fdlh Hkh çdkj dk Lyksxu] rLohj vFkok fp=k
            ugha gksuk pkfg,A)
            Nk=kkvksa ds fy,% lyokj dqrhZ o nqiV~Vk] ftUl o dqrhZ] iQkWjey deht o iSUV~l
            dkWyst ;qqfuiQkeZ% lHkh Nk=kkvksa dks lkseokj] cq/okj vkSj 'kqØokj dks dkWyst ;qfuiQkeZ iguuk vko';d gSA
            Nk=kksa ds fy,% dkyk iSUV~l vkSj iwjh ck¡g okyh uhyh 'kVZ
            Nk=kkvksa ds fy,% dkyk iSUV~l vkSj iwjh ck¡g okyh uhyh 'kVZ vFkok uhyh dqrhZ vkSj dkyk pwM+hnkj @ lyokj ds
            lkFk dkyk nqiV~VkA

Website:                          17                                  SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
10- iqLrdky; esa i;kZIr la[;k esa iqLrdsa miyC/ gSaA izR;sd fo|kFkhZ ls vis{kk gS fd og bldk iwwjk&iwwjk ykHk mBk;s vkSj
    iqLrdky; ds fu;eksa dk iw.kZr% ikyu djsA
11- O;k[;ku o i
P;wbax xe dk lssou oftZr gSA
20-    lar tsfo;lZ vkWiQ eSustesaV ,.M VsDukWykth dk ifjlj fo'kky gSA vr,o fo|kFkhZ ifjlj esa çseh&çsfedk tSlh
       pgy&dneh djus dh Hkwy u djsaA
21-    lHkh fo|kFkhZ /jrh ek¡ ds lja{k.k dk [;ky j•sa vkSj IykfLVd inkFkksZa] iksfyfFku FkSyksa] vkfn dks dwM+snku esa gh MkysaA
22-    vè;;u çokl ;k vU; dksbZ Hkh izokl ds fy, çkpk;Z ;k muds çfrfuf/ dh Li"V fyf•r iwoZ vuqefr vfuok;Z gSA
       mlds fy, de&ls&de ,d iq:"k vkSj ,d efgyk ladk; lnL; dk lkFk esa gksuk visf{kr gS A lkFk esa tkus okys
       ladk; lnL;ksa dk •pZ lfgr izokl dk iwjk •pZ fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks ogu djuk gksxkA blds fy, Nk=k & Nk=kkvksa dks
       vius ekrk &firk dk lgefr i=k nsuk Hkh vfuok;Z gSA
23-    viuk ;k vius ekrk&firk ds ?kj dk irk ;k eksckby la[;k cnyus ij egkfo|ky; dk;kZy; dks rqjar lwfpr djsaA
       ;fn dksbZ fo|kFkhZ ,slk ugha djrk@rh gks rks mlds fo#¼ vuq'kklukRed dkjZokbZ dh tk;sxhA
24-    fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vius çek.k i=kksa dh de&ls&de nks Nk;kçfr;k¡ vius lkFk j•us dk vuqjks/ fd;k tkrk gSA
       egkfo|ky; dk;kZy; ls ,slh dksbZ Nk;kçfr fdlh Hkh dkj.k ls ugha nh tk;sxhA
25-    ;fn fdlh fo|kFkhZ dks egkfo|ky; ds fdlh vU; fo|kFkhZ ;k çkè;kid@ çkè;kfidk vFkok ç'kklu ls f'kdk;r gks
       rks og viuh f'kdk;r egkfo|ky; }kjk xfBr fofHkUu eap tSls] lq>ko ckWDl] çkè;kid@ çkè;kfidk] foHkkxkè;{k]
       fo|kFkhZ ifj"kn] f'kdk;r d{k] efgyk f'kdk;r ladk;] miçkpk;Z] çkpk;Z] egkfo|ky;&mikè;{k] vkfn ds le{k
       j• ldrk@rh gSA budks njfdukj dj og lh/s cká ,tsalh ls lEidZ ugha dj ldrk@rh vkSj ;fn dksbZ fo|kFkhZ ,slk
       djrk@rh gks rks mlds fo#¼ l[r ls l[r vuq'kklukRed dkjZokbZ dh tk;xh] ;gk¡ rd fd mls egkfo|ky; ls
       fu"dkflr Hkh fd;k tk ldrk gSA
26-    fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks dkWyst esa i
izdkj dh {kfr ;k gsyesV ds xqe gks tkus dh fLFkfr esa dkWyst ftEesokj ugha gksxkA ,d O;fDr dks okgu ikfdZax {ks=k
    dh fuxjkuh ds fy, fu;qDr fd;k x;k gS] vkSj lh- lh- Vh- oh- }kjk bl {ks=k dh fuxjkuh dh tkrh gSA
29- ;fn mifLFkfr dh deh ds dkj.k fdlh fo|kFkhZ dks lsesLVj ijh{kk ls cfg"d`r fd;k x;k gks] rks ml fo|kFkhZ dks
    fçfliy }kjk fuèkkZfjr 'kqYd dk Hkqxrku djus ds ckn lsesLVj dks nksgjkuk gksxkA
30- xaHkhj dnkpkj okys fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks ihyk @ yky dkMZ fn;k tk;sxkA
               ihyk dkMZ & rhu ihys dkMZ ds ckn yky dkMZ fn;k tk,xkA
               yky dkMZ & vkf[kjh ekSds dk |ksrd gSA

  fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ihys dkMZ tkjh fd, tk          fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa yky dkMZ tkjh fd, tk ldrs gSa%
  ldrs gSa%                                                   Ÿ vxj ihyk dkMZ rhu ckj nksgjk;k tkrk gS] rks fo|kFkhZ dks
                                                                 ,d yky dkMZ fn;k tk,xkA
  Ÿ d{kk dks lqpk# #Ik ls pykus esa ck/kk Mkyuk
                                                              Ÿ vuknj djuk] cgl djuk] LVkQ ds lnL;ksa vkSj çca/ku
  Ÿ tksj ls fpYykuk ;k cksyuk                                    ds lnL;ksa dks viekfur djukA
  Ÿ ifjlj esa xqVdk ;k fpfoaxe pckuk                          Ÿ viekutud Hkk"kk vkSj gYds >xM+s] vkØked 'kCnksa dk
  Ÿ viekutud vkSj vHknz Hkk"kk dk ç;ksx djuk                  Ÿ ijpk] eksckby ;k fdlh vU; ek/;e ls ijh{kkvksa esa
  Ÿ ijh{kk g‚y esa ckrsa djuk                                   dnkpkj djukA
  Ÿ ifj{kk dky esa vU; Nk=ksa dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks             Ÿ d‚yst vf/kdkfj;ksa dks lwfpr djus ls igys ladV ds
     ns[kuk                                                     le; ekrk&firk] vfHkHkkod o ckgjh yksxksa ls laidZ
  Ÿ LVkQ o çca/ku ds lnL;ksa dh vkKk dk ikyu                  Ÿ fdlh Hkh O;fä dks nqHkkZoukiw.kZ ;k lkekftd ehfM;k ds
     ugha djuk                                                  ek/;e ls ijs'kku djus dk dksbZ ç;kl tks lkbcj vijk/k
  Ÿ çca/ku ds lnL;ksa ds foosdkuqlkj dksbZ vU;                  ds varxZr vkrk gSA
     xaHkhj ekeyk                                             Ÿ çca/ku ds lnL;ksa ds foosdkuqlkj dksbZ vU; cgqr xaHkhj

31- tks fo|kFkhZ jÙkQnku] jkgr dk;Z bR;kfn esa ljkguh; dke djrk gS] ml fo|kFkhZ dks ,d xzhu dkMZ ls lEekfur fd;k

Website:                         20                                     SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
Course Structure
                    W e b s i t e : h t t p s : / / s x c p a t n a . e d u . i n

Website:                                           SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
11. Professional Courses

                                     St. Xavier's College of
                                   Management & Technology
                                   (affiliated to Aryabhatta Knowledge University)

St. Xavier's College of Management & Technology started with B.B.A & B.C.A in 2012, B.Com
(Professional) in 2013 and B.B.E (Bachelor in Business Economics) & B.M.C (Bachelor in
Mass Communication) in 2014. The first professional and technical University of Bihar,
Aryabhatta Knowledge University ( is granting us affiliation for these courses.
Aryabhatta Knowledge University is recognized by UGC and it can be found in the website:

                                      11.1 Duration of Courses
B.B.A., B.C.A., B.Com (Professional), B.B.E. & B.M.C. courses shall cover a period of three years
through six academic semesters.

Website:                         22                          SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
12 Admission Procedure

Entrance Test                                                 2. Upload Scanned Photo and Signature
Candidates have to appear in an entrance                      3. Pay the Fee
test - Xavier Eligibility Test (XET) - followed by            4. Print Confirmation Message
a Personal Interview/Counselling.                         Candidates can download their Admit Cards
Admission to a program/course will be                     from the same webpage 24 hours after
offered on the basis of a candidate’s                     paying the fee for entrance test. Admit Card
performance in both the Test and the                      will contain Date and Time for the Xavier
Interview.                                                Eligibility Test (XET) and for Personal
How to Apply?
A candidate must visit the College website                Eligibility Criteria:
and click on the Admission tab/link and fill in           Pass in Intermediate/+2 examination in any
the online application form.                              discipline with a minimum of 45% marks (or
Steps to be followed to apply online:                     equivalent CGPA ).
   1. Fill-in the Application Form

Website:                     23                            SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
Xavier Eligibility Test (XET) - GUIDELINES

           Two Question Papers                     Total Time: 75 minutes                      Total Marks: 100

                  Question Paper 1                                              Question Paper 2
             (Common to All) | Marks: 40                                     (Course Specific) | Marks: 60

            Test of English Language                                        BBA
               Basic English Grammar                                          Reasoning & Logic
                                                                              Basic Business Awareness
                 Parts of Speech
                                                                              Basic Mathematics
                 Syntax                                                     BBE
                 Articles                                                     Logical Reasoning
                 Tenses                                                       General Awareness
                                                                              Basic Mathematics
                 Comprehension                                                Basic Computer Knowledge
                 Essay/Paragraph Writing                                      Logic & Reasoning
                                                                              Basic Mathematics
                                                                              Basic Commerce
            College Prospectus                                                Basic Economics
               Page Nos. 04 - 20                                            BMC
                                                                              Logical Reasoning
                                                                              Current Affairs

                                   11.3 At the time of Admission
The candidate will submit following certificates in                       4. Intermediate Leaving Certificate.
the original after paying the required fees:                              5. Intermediate Character Certificate.
1. Matric Mark-sheet and 2 photocopies.                                   6. Caste Certificate from SDO/ BDO/ DM (if
2. Intermediate Mark-sheet and 2 photocopies.                                applicable) for SC/ST.
3. I n t e r m e d i a t e M i g r a t i o n C e r t i f i c a t e        7. All Christian students will submit a letter from
    delaminated.                                                             their Parish Priest/ Pastor along with their
Website:                                     24                                SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
13. Bachelor in Business Administration (B.B.A.)

                                           13.1 Introduction
In today's competitive economy, a B.B.A                        skills. These skills form the foundation of their
course trains effective leaders and                            management careers. The programme also
entrepreneurs of tomorrow. The curriculum                      inculcates entrepreneurship skills in
of our three years B.B.A. Course is so                         students. With this kind of curriculum,
designed as to provide the students a basic                    students are better poised to explore various
understanding about Management skills                          opportunities in the management
and to train them in effective communication                   profession.

                                       13.2 Job Opportunities
C o m p a n i e s h i re B . B . A g r a d u a te s a s        Ÿ   Retail
management trainees. Upon graduation a                         Ÿ   Healthcare
student with a management degree can take
                                                               Ÿ   Government Agencies
many paths. Students can find entry-level
jobs in the areas of:                                          Ÿ   Service Industries
                                                               Ÿ   Non Profit Organizations
Ÿ    Banking/Financial services
                                                               Ÿ   Entrepreneurial Ventures

Website:                          25                               SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
13.3 Future Possibilities
B.B.A. students can proceed to Masters in              Thus, studying for a B.B.A. is a means to
Business Administration (M.B.A.)                       acquire a broader perspective of business
immediately after graduation. With the work            issues and of sharpening managerial skills. A
experience gained during their B.B.A.                  B.B.A. degree will give students a head start
internship, these students are better                  in building a business management career
positioned to benefit from an M.B.A.                   against those without this degree.

                                       13.4 On the Job Training
Students will undergo a rigorous On the Job            be met by the students. They will also
Training (O.J.T) at the end of the fourth              undergo another OJT of a shorter period in
semester for about four weeks. Effort will be          the Service sector which will mostly be in
made to find opportunities for this outside            Patna itself.
Patna. All the expenses of such trainings will

                                   13.5 Pre-requisites for Admission

A student who has passed 10 + 2 in any                 English Proficiency Test after securing
discipline with a minimum of 45% marks can             admission, based on which they will be
seek admission. The medium of instruction is           divided into different groups for English
English and all exams will have to be written          Proficiency Classes.
in English. All students will undergo an

Website:                  26                            SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
13.6 Course Structure of B.B.A.

                                       BBA (First Year) Semester -1
COURSE CODE                 NAME OF THE PAPER                          CREDITS            MARKS
BBA 101                     PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES OF MANAGEMENT       5                  100
BBA102                      MICRO-ECONOMICS                            4                  100
BBA 103                     MACRO-ECONOMICS                            4                  100
BBA 104                     INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN MANAGEMENT -1    4                  100
                            (Office/ Productivity Suites)
BBA 104 P                   INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN MANAGEMENT -1    1                  50
                            (Office/ Productivity Suites)
BBA 105                     MARKETING MANAGEMENT-1                     6                  100
                            (Marketing & Sales)
BBA 106                     COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH                      4                  100
                            TOTAL                                      28                 650

                                       BBA (First Year) Semester -2
COURSE CODE                  NAME OF THE PAPER                         CREDITS            MARKS
BBA 201                      BUSINESS ORGANIZATION & ENVIRONMENT       4                  100
BBA202                       FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT -1                   4                  100
                             (Financial Accounting)
BBA 203                      HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT-1               5                  100
                             (Organizational Behaviour)
BBA 204                      BUSINESS MATHS & STATS -1                 4                  100
                             (Mathematical Economics)
BBA 205                      INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN MANAGEMENT-2    4                  100
                             (Management Information System)
BBA 205 P                    INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN MANAGEMENT-2    1                  50
                             (Management Information System)
BBA 206                      BUSINESS ENGLISH                          4                  100
                             TOTAL                                     28                 650

  Website:                  27                 SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
BBA (Second Year) Semester -3
COURSE CODE                NAME OF THE PAPER                                    CREDITS MARKS
BBA 301                    MARKETING MANAGEMENT -2                              5       100
                           (Consumer Behaviour)
BBA 302                    FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT-2 (Managerial Accounting)       4                100
BBA 303                    HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT-2                          5                100
                           (Human Resource Management)
BBA 304                    BUSINESS MATHS & STATS-2 (Mathematical Statistics)   5                100
BBA 305                    CORPORATE COMMUNICATION                              4                100
BBA 306                    BUSINESS TAXATION (Elective 1)                       3                100
BBA 307                    PSYCHOLOGY (Elective 2)                              3                100
                           TOTAL                                                26               600
                           Either Elective 1 or Elective 2 can be opted.

                                     BBA (Second Year) Semester -4
COURSE CODE               NAME OF THE PAPER                                     CREDITS         MARKS
BBA 401                   STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT                                  5               100
BBA 402                   PRODUCTION & OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT                    5               100
BBA 403                   OPERATIONS RESEARCH AND LOGISTICS                     5               100
BBA 404                   PROJECT & EVENT MANAGEMENT                            4               100
BBA 405                   SOCIAL & MARKETING RESEARCH                           6               100
BBA 406                   ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME                4               100
BBA 407                   BUSINESS ETHICS, CORPORATE GOVERNANCE                 4               100
                          & SOCIAL WORK (Elective 2)
                          TOTAL                                                 29              600
                          Either Elective 1 or Elective 2 can be opted.
 Website:                   28                          SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
BBA (Third Year) Semester - 5
COURSE CODE NAME OF THE PAPER                                                      CREDITS MARKS
BBA 501                     RETAIL MANAGEMENT                                      5             100
BBA 502                     INDIAN FINANCIAL SYSTEM                                4             100
BBA 503                     SECURITY ANALYSIS & PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT               3             100
BBA 504                     E-COMMERCE                                             4             100
BBA 505 P                   O-J-T                                                  10            200
                            (4 weeks internship in an industry)
                            TOTAL                                                  26            600

                                     BBA (Third Year) Semester - 6
COURSE CODE NAME OF THE PAPER                                                  CREDITS           MARKS
BBA 601                   SERVICE MARKETING                                    5                 100
BBA 602                   INTERNATIONAL FINANCE                                5                 100
BBA 603                   RISK MANAGEMENT                                      4                 100
BBA 604                   BUSINESS LAW AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS                4                 100
BBA 605 P                 MANAGEMENT THESIS                                    8                 200
                          (Based on 2 weeks internship in services industry)
                          TOTAL                                                26                600

Website:                       29                          SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
14. Bachelor in Computer Application (B.C.A.)
                                          14.1 Introduction
B.C.A. degree helps the students to acquire            like database and application packages,
sound knowledge of computer applications               networking and internet logical and
with the help of which they can have a                 numerical methods, programming basics
perfect launch pad for a challenging career            and computer fundamentals. The course
in the field of Information Technology (IT).           also helps the students develop core
Our course aims at providing deeper                    competencies in computer applications
knowledge to the students in different areas           thereby creating best professionals for the IT

                                       14.2 Job Opportunities
After successful completion of B.C.A. a                post graduate courses such as Masters in
student can work as a Software Programmer,             Computer Application (M.C.A.) or M.B.A. in
Database Administrator, System and                     Information Technology.
Network Administrator, Multimedia/Web                  Remuneration for B.C.A. degree holders is
Programmer, Web Designer or if one leans               generally very attractive as the range of
towards the academic side - as Faculty for             careers in Computer and IT related fields is
Computer Science / Computer Application                immense.
Technologies. Alternatively, one can opt for

                                   14.3 Pre-requisites for Admission
A student who has passed 10 + 2 in any                 students shall undergo an English
discipline (preference to those who have               Proficiency Test after securing admission,
Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry) with a             based on which they will be divided into
minimum of 45% marks can seek admission.               different groups for English Proficiency
The medium of instruction is English and all           Classes.
exams will have to be written in English. All
Website:                  30                             SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
14.4 Course Structure of B.C.A.

                                        BCA (First Year) Semester -1
COURSE CODE                  NAME OF THE PAPER                               CREDITS            MARKS
BCA 101                      COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH                           4                  100
BCA 102                      BASIC MATHEMATICS                               5                  100
BCA 103                      INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & APPLICATION            4                  100
BCA 103 P                    INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & APPLICATION            2                  50
BCA 104                      PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATION         5                  100
BCA 105                      PYTHON PROGRAMMING                              4                  100
                             (Elective 1)
BCA 105 P                    PYTHON PROGRAMMING                              2                  50
                             (Elective 1)
BCA 106                      PROBLEM SOLVING & PROGRAMMING CONCEPT           4                  100
                             (Elective 2)
BCA 106 P                    PROBLEM SOLVING & PROGRAMMING CONCEPT           2                  50
                             (Elective 2)
                             TOTAL                                           28                 600
                             Either Elective 1 or Elective 2 can be opted.

                                        BCA (First Year) Semester -2
COURSE CODE                NAME OF THE PAPER                                     CREDITS       MARKS
BCA 201                    BUSINESS ENGLISH                                      4             100
BCA 202                    MATHEMATICS (Numerical Techniques)                    5             100
BCA 203                    SYSTEM ANALYSIS & DESIGN                              5             100
BCA 204                    PROBLEM SOLVING TECHNIQUE & PROGRAMMING IN C          4             100
BCA 204 P                  PROBLEM SOLVING TECHNIQUE & PROGRAMMING IN C          2             50
BCA 205                    OPERATING SYSTEM & UNIX                               4             100
BCA 205 P                  OPERATING SYSTEM & UNIX                               2             50
                           TOTAL                                                 26            600

Website:                      31                         SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
BCA (Second Year) Semester -3
COURSE CODE                NAME OF THE PAPER                         CREDITS        MARKS
BCA 301                    OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING C++     4              100
BCA 301 P                  OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING C++     3              100
BCA 302                    INTERNET & WEB DESIGNING                  5              100
BCA 303                    JAVA PROGRAMMING                          4              100
BCA 303 P                  JAVA PROGRAMMING                          3              100
BCA 304                    SOFTWARE ENGINEERING                      5              100
                           TOTAL                                     24             600

                                   BCA (Second Year) Semester -4
COURSE CODE                 NAME OF THE PAPER                        CREDITS        MARKS
BCA 401                     RELATIONAL DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM   5              100
BCA 401 P                   RELATIONAL DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM   3              100
BCA 402                     DIGITAL ELECTRONICS, COMPUTER SYSTEM     5              100
                            ARCHITECTURE AND ORGANISATION
BCA 403                     FILE & DATA STRUCTURE                    4              100
BCA 403 P                   FILE & DATA STRUCTURE                    3              100
BCA 404                     INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS               4              100
                            TOTAL                                    24             600

Website:                32                    SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
BCA (Third Year) Semester - 5
COURSE CODE               NAME OF THE PAPER                             CREDITS          MARKS
BCA 501                   WINDOWS PROGRAMMING USING VB.NET              4                100
BCA 501 P                 WINDOWS PROGRAMMING USING VB.NET              3                100
BCA 502                   GRAPHICS & MULTIMEDIA                         4                100
BCA 502 P                 GRAPHICS & MULTIMEDIA                         3                100
BCA 503                   COMPUTER NETWORK, DATA COMMUNICATION          5                100
                          AND CLIENT SERVER TECHNOLOGY
BCA 504                   BUSINESS ACCOUNTING & ERP                     4                100
                          TOTAL                                         23               600

                                   BCA (Third Year) Semester - 6

COURSE CODE                NAME OF THE PAPER                                CREDITS         MARKS
BCA 601                    WEB TECHNOLOGY (Elective 1)*                     5               100
BCA 601 P                  WEB TECHNOLOGY (Elective 1)*                     2               100
BCA 602                    CONCEPT OF DATA MINING & DATA WAREHOUSING        5               100
                           (Elective 2)*
BCA 602 P                  CONCEPT OF DATA MINING & DATA WAREHOUSING        2               100
                           (Elective 2)*
BCA 603                    E-COMMERCE                                       5               100
BCA 604 P                  PROJECT & VIVA                                   12              300
                           TOTAL                                            24              600
                           *Either Elective 1 or Elective 2 can be opted.

Website:                  33                         SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
15. Bachelor in Commerce (Professional) (BCP)
                                     15.1 Introduction

Traditional B.Com. degrees offer little more          sets that transforms a commerce student into
than accounting and taxation basics and               a b u s i n e s s p ro f e s s i o n a l . A p a r t f ro m
therefore, do not offer students scope for            imparting the essentials of traditional
being anything more than an accounts                  commerce courses, this course teaches
assistant or an accountant at best. Limited           fundamentals of financial and marketing
and narrowly focussed syllabus of traditional         management, evaluation of debts and
B.Com. courses seriously limits job                   shares, as well as banking and insurance.
opportunities and career options for the              The course tops it all by training students in
students of commerce. But today's                     effective use of communication skills as well
competitive world demands a much more                 as computers for managing business. The
broad and intensive knowledge of market               course also trains them in entrepreneurship
ready skills. Our B.Com. (Professional) course        skills. With this kind of curriculum, students
is designed precisely to cater to such                are better poised to pursue multifarious
industry demands.                                     opportunities that today's globalized
B.Com. (Professional) course incorporates             economy has to offer.
an eclectic combination of subjects and skill

                                   15.2 Job Opportunities
Upon graduation a student with a B.Com.                       Ÿ Specialist Officer & P.O. (in Banks,
(Professional) degree can take many paths.                    Insurance and Mutual Fund Companies)
Students can find entry-level jobs as:                        Ÿ Tax & Insurance Advisor
       Ÿ Financial Manager                                    Ÿ Project Evaluator
       Ÿ Securities Analyst                                   Ÿ Business Data Analyzer
       Ÿ Portfolio Manager                                    Ÿ Entrepreneur/ Business Owner

Website:                 34                                     SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
15.3 Future Possibilities
After having completed B.Com.                          Studying for a B.Com (Professional) Degree
(Professional) students can proceed to an              is a means to acquire a broader perspective
MBA or an M.Com or an M.Com                            of business issues and of sharpening
(Professional). Other professional post-               managerial skills. A B.Com (Professional)
graduate courses open to them are: CA, CS,             Degree will give students a head start in
CFA, etc.                                              building a highly successful career.

                                   15.4 Pre-requisites for Admission

The course is open to students of all streams,         admission, they will have to go through and
and not just for those with a commerce                 pass a mandatory bridge course of 15 days in
background. Students from non-commerce                 Accounting, Mathematics, and Computer
background at the Intermediate/Plus 2 level            Literacy. The bridge course aims at bringing
will have to appear for a qualifying test in           all students at par with each other in terms of
basic Accounting, Mathematics, and                     academic capability.
Computer Literacy. Further, after taking

Website:                  35                              SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
15.5 Course Structure of B.Com. (Professional)

                                   B.Com. Professional (First Year) Semester -1

COURSE CODE                  NAME OF THE PAPER                                CREDITS            MARKS
BCP 101                      FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING - I                         5                  100
BCP 102                      BUSINESS ECONOMICS                               3                  100
BCP 103                      BUSINESS ORGANIZATION & MANAGEMENT               3                  100
BCP 104                      BUSINESS STATISTICS                              5                  100
BCP 105                      BASIC SPREADSHEET CONCEPTS                       3                  100
BCP 105 P                    BASIC SPREADSHEET CONCEPTS                       1                  50
BCP 106                      COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH                            4                  100
                             TOTAL                                            24                 650

                                   B.Com. Professional (First Year) Semester - 2

COURSE CODE                   NAME OF THE PAPER                                CREDITS           MARKS
BCP 201                       FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING - II                        5                 100
BCP 202                       MERCANTILE (CORPORATE) LAW                       3                 100
BCP 203                       BUSINESS MATHEMATICS                             5                 100
BCP 204                       l.T. FOR ACCOUNTING                              4                 100
BCP 205                       INTERMEDIATE SPREADSHEET CONCEPTS                3                 100
BCP 205 P                     INTERMEDIATE SPREADSHEET CONCEPTS                1                 50
BCP 206                       BUSINESS ENGLISH                                 4                 100
                              TOTAL                                            25                650

Website:                        36                         SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
B.Com. Professional (Second Year) Semester -3

COURSE CODE                NAME OF THE PAPER                             CREDITS          MARKS
BCP 301                    MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING                         5                100
BCP 302                    TAXATION LAWS -1                              4                100
BCP 303                    ENTREPRENEURSHIP                              4                100
BCP 304                    E-COMMERCE                                    3                100
BCP 304 P                  E-COMMERCE                                    1                50
BCP 305                    PROJECT APPRAISAL, FINANCE & MANAGEMENT       4                100
                           TOTAL                                         21               550

                              B.Com. Professional (Second Year) Semester - 4

COURSE CODE                NAME OF THE PAPER                          CREDITS               MARKS
BCP 401                    COST ACCOUNTING                            5                     100
BCP 402                    FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT                       4                     100
BCP 403                    AUDITING                                   5                     100
BCP 404                    TAXATION LAW - II                          4                     100
BCP 405                    BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODOLOGY              3                     100
BCP 405 P                  BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODOLOGY              1                     50
                           TOTAL                                      22                    550

Website:                    37                         SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
B.Com. Professional (Third Year) Semester - 5

COURSE CODE                NAME OF THE PAPER                                       CREDITS      MARKS
BCP 501                    FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, SERVICE & MARKETS               4            100
BCP 502                    SECURITY ANALYSIS & PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT                5            100
BCP 503                    PRINCIPLES & PRACTICE OF BANKING                        4            100
BCP 504                    PRINCIPLES & PRACTICE OF INSURANCE                      4            100
BCP 505 P                  INDUSTRY INTERNSHIP & VIVA-I                            5            150
                           TOTAL                                                   22           550

                                   B.Com. Professional (Third Year) Semester - 6

COURSE CODE                 NAME OF THE PAPER                                  CREDITS           MARKS
BCP 601                     MARKETING MANAGEMENT                               4                 100
BCP 602                     BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE                              4                 100
BCP 602 P                   BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE                              1                 50
BCP 603                     BUSINESS ETHICS                                    3                 100
BCP 604                     FINANCIAL MODELING                                 4                 100
BCP 604 P                   FINANCIAL MODELING                                 1                 50
BCP 605 P                   INDUSTRY INTERNSHIP, & VIVA-II                     5                 150
                            TOTAL                                              22                650

Website:                        38                         SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
16. Bachelor in Business Economics (B.B.E.)
                                      6   Introduction
The underlying philosophy of the Bachelor in         developments and current trends in
Business Economics course is to develop              business and economy. There is a
theoretical and analytical skills of the             substantial infusion of quantitative
students so that they may be absorbed in the         techniques component in the syllabus to
corporate world or be able to pursue higher          equip students with essential tools for
studies at the Master's level. In the rapidly        business and economic analysis. The course
changing global market scenario, there is a          aims to expose students to the areas of
need for the students to equip themselves            finance, marketing and the legal structure
with the capability to understand and handle         within which businesses operate. Thus, a fine
the dynamics of economics and the business           balance has been maintained between the
world. The papers in this course have been           economic theory and practical business
designed to include recent changes and               components.

                                   16.2 Job Opportunities
Organisations of all sizes - from small              Ÿ   Management Trainee
businesses to large-scale corporations -             Ÿ   Investment Consultant
either employ or consult business                    Ÿ   Business/Marketing/Sales Support
economists, as the service providing                     Analyst
institutions such as banks and charitable            Ÿ   Market Research/Statistical Research
bodies. Following is a partial list of a few             Consultant
potential entry-level job positions for a BBE        Ÿ   Marketing/Purchasing Executive
graduate:                                            Ÿ   Investment / Financial / Risk Analyst
Ÿ   Business Development Officer /                   Ÿ   Logistics/Forecasting Analyst
     Customer Relationship Manager                   Ÿ   Pension Fund/Income Tax Planner

Website:                39                             SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
16.3 Future Possibilities

BBE students can proceed to Master in                  (NABARD) and in the Reserve Bank of India
Business Economics (MBE), Master in Arts               (RBI) are open only for Economics graduates.
(Economics) and Master in Business                     Besides becoming a Probationary Officer,
Administration (MBA). BBE graduates are                students of BBE can also be employed as
eligible for all graduate level Central and            Specialist Officers in banks, both
State government jobs through the Union                nationalized and private. Other institutions,
and the respective State Public Service                like Non-Banking Financial Companies,
Commissions. Specialist jobs, like the one in          Insurance, Investment Bankers, Equity
Indian Economic Service (IES), the Planning            Research, Market Research, Share Trading,
Commission of India, National Sample                   Export Houses, and Asset Management
Survey Organisation (NSSO), National Bank              companies, have a plethora of jobs open for
for Agriculture and Rural Development                  them.

                                   16.4 Pre-requisites for Admission

A student who has passed 10 + 2 in any                 English Proficiency Test after securing
discipline with a minimum of 45% marks can             admission, based on which they will be
seek admission. The medium of instruction is           divided into different groups for English
English and all exams will have to be written          Proficiency Classes.
in English. All students will undergo an

Website:                  40                             SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
16.5 Course Structure of B.B.E.

                                     BBE (First Year) Semester -1

COURSE CODE                 NAME OF THE PAPER                         CREDITS        MARKS
BBE 101                     MICRO-ECONOMIC ANALYS1S-1                 5              100
BBE 102                     MATHEMATICS FOR BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS    4              100
BBE 103                     BUSINESS COMMUNICATION THOUGHT            3              100
BBE 104 P                   LAB - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR          5              100
                            BUSINESS & ECONOMICS
                            TOTAL                                     17             400

                                     BBE (First Year) Semester - 2

COURSE CODE                 NAME OF THE PAPER                         CREDITS        MARKS
BBE 201                     MICRO-ECONOMICS ANALYSIS-2                5              100
BBE 202                     ECONOMICS OF MONEY, BANKING AND FINANCE   4              100
BBE 203                     STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS     4              100
BBE 204 P                   LAB - SPREADSHEETS FOR BUSINESS AND       5              100
                            TOTAL                                     18             400

Website:                  41                   SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
BBE (Second Year) Semester - 3

COURSE CODE                 NAME OF THE PAPER                            CREDITS           MARKS
BBE 301                     PUBLIC FINANCE                               3                 100
BBE 302                     MACRO-ECONOMIC POLICY AND APPLICATION        4                 100
BBE 303                     RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                         3                 100
BBE 304 P                   LAB - SPREADSHEETS FOR BUSINESS              5                 100
                            AND ECONOMICS-2
BBE 305 P                   LAB-COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES FOR             5                 100
                            BUSINESS & ECONOMICS: SAGE
                            TOTAL                                        20                500

                                   BBE (Second Year) Semester - 4

COURSE CODE                 NAME OF THE PAPER                       CREDITS               MARKS
BBE 401                     INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS                 4                     100
BBE 402                     BUSINESS ORGANIZATION & ENVIRONMENT     3                     100
BBE 403                     FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING & MANAGEMENT       3                     100
BBE 404 P                   LAB - COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES          5                     100
                            FOR BUSINESS & ECONOMICS: SPSS-1
BBE 405 P                   LAB-COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES FOR        5                     100
                            BUSINESS & ECONOMICS: TALLY-1
                            TOTAL                                   20                    500
Website:                 42                          SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
BBE (Third Year) Semester - 5

COURSE CODE NAME OF THE PAPER                                          CREDITS          MARKS
                           SINCE INDEPENDENCE                          3                100
BBE 502                    ECONOMETRICS                                4                100
BBE 503                    LEGAL ASPECTS OF BUSINESS                   3                100
BBE 504 P                  LAB -COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES FOR           5                100
                           BUSINESS & ECONOMICS: SPSS-2
BBE 505 P                  LAB-COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES FOR            5                100
                           BUSINESS & ECONOMICS: TALLY-2
                           TOTAL                                       20               500

                                     BBE (Third Year) Semester - 6

COURSE CODE                NAME OF THE PAPER                               CREDITS        MARKS
BBE 601                    EVOLUTION OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT                   4              100
BBE 602                    ECONOMICS OF GROWTH                             4              100
BBE 603                    OPERATIONS RESEARCH                             4              100
BBE 604                    INDIAN FINANCIAL SYSTEM                         4              100
BBE 605 P                  INTERNSHIP/ UNDERGRADUATE THESIS AND VIVA       8              200
                           TOTAL                                           24             600

Website:                  43                        SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
17. Bachelor in Mass Communication (B.M.C.)
                                      17.1 Introduction

This course has been designed to provide                This course will prepare students to work
students with a firm grounding in                       across more than one area in the rapidly
communication skills. It aims to develop an             expanding world of media and corporate
ability for critical thinking and creativity and        communication. It provides key
to give the students an opportunity to                  technological skills and knowledge for work
combine the theoretical curriculum with                 in corporate media and communication
practical applications, through detailed                fields, as well as an understanding of issues
research, lucid writing skills, oral                    and debates concerning media,
presentation skills and a mastery of various            communication and information.
mass communications media in our global
information age.

                                   17.2 Job Opportunities

There are endless opportunities for a career            Ÿ   Radio/Video Jockey
for students of Mass Communication, which               Ÿ   Reporter/Correspondent/Journalist
even extends beyond the field of Media and              Ÿ   TV Correspondent/Photojournalist
Communications. Following is the partial list           Ÿ   Creative Consultant/Campaign Designer
of a few potential entry-level job positions for        Ÿ   Feature/Screen/Copy Writer
a BMC graduate:                                         Ÿ   Art Director/Editor
Ÿ News Presenter/Talk Show Hosts                        Ÿ   Floor Manager / Sound Engineer /
Ÿ Public Relations Officer                                  Technician
Ÿ Advertising

Website:                   44                            SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
17.3 Future Possibilities

BMC students can proceed to Master in Mass             candidates who have completed Mass
Communication (MMC). The broad expertise               Communication courses are All India Radio
and skills gained through Mass                         (AIR), Doordarshan, Rajbhasha Department
Communication ensures excellent careers                in Human Resources Development Ministry,
for the graduates even in other professions            etc.
besides Media. Various employment areas                Students will undergo a rigorous On-the-Job
for them are Blogs, Radio Telecasting                  Training (OJT) in the fifth semester for about
Companies, Websites, Central Information               four weeks. Efforts will be made to find
Service, Advertising Agencies, Broadcasting            opportunities for this outside Patna. All
Corporations, Legal Affairs Department,                expenses of such trainings will be met by the
Photography Companies, Press Information               students.
Bureau, Periodicals and Magazines, etc.
Some government organizations that offer

                                   17.4 Pre-requisites for Admission

A student who has passed 10 + 2 in any                 English Proficiency Test after securing
discipline with a minimum of 45% marks can             admission, based on which they will be
seek admission. The medium of instruction is           divided into different groups for English
English and all exams will have to be written          Proficiency Classes.
in English. All students will undergo an

Website:                  45                             SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
17.5 Course Structure of B.M.C.

                                      BMC (First Year) Semester -1

COURSE CODE                  NAME OF THE PAPER                         CREDITS          MARKS
BMC 101                      ENGLISH - 1                               4                100
BMC 102                      SOCIAL MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION-1          4                100
BMC 103                      INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION             4                100
BMC 104                      RADIO BROADCASTING                        3                100
BMC 105                      WRITING FOR MEDIA                         4                100
BMC 106 P                    LAB - BASICS IN COMPUTER APPLICATION-1    4                100
BMC 107 P                    LAB - DIGITAL RADIO PRODUCTION - 1        4                100
                             TOTAL                                     27               700

                                      BMC (First Year) Semester -2

COURSE CODE                 NAME OF THE PAPER                           CREDITS         MARKS
BMC 201                     ENGLISH-2                                   4               100
BMC 202                     SOCIAL MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION-2            4               100
BMC 203                     MEDIA EDUCATION                             4               100
BMC 204                     MASS COMMUNICATION THEORIES                 5               100
BMC 205 P                   LAB - BASICS IN COMPUTER APPLICATION - 2    4               100
BMC 206 P                   LAB-DIGITAL AUDIO PRODUCTION-2              4               100
                            TOTAL                                       25              600

Website:                   46                      SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
BMC (Second Year) Semester - 3

COURSE CODE                 NAME OF THE PAPER                                 CREDITS          MARKS
BMC 301                     PUBLIC RELATIONS                                  4                100
BMC 302                     PRINT JOURNALISM                                  4                100
BMC 303                     TELEVISION PRODUCTION -1                          4                100
BMC 303 P                   LAB - TELEVISION PRODUCTION -1                    4                100
BMC 304                     ADVERTISING                                       4                100
BMC 305                     COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (Elective 1)                4                100
BMC 306                     COMMUNICATIVE HINDI(Elective 2)                   4                100
BMC 307 P                   LAB - PRINT JOURNALISM AND ADVERTISING            4                100
                            TOTAL                                             28               700
                            Either Elective 1 or Elective 2 can be opted.

                                    BMC (Second Year) Semester - 4

COURSE CODE                 NAME OF THE PAPER                               CREDITS          MARKS
BMC 401                     TELEVISION PRODUCTION - 2                       4                100
BMC 401 P                   LAB - TELEVISION PRODUCTION - 2                 4                100
BMC 402                     CORPORATE COMMUNICATION                         4                100
BMC 403                     COMMUNICATION & DEVELOPMENT                     4                100
BMC 403 P                   LAB - COMMUNICATION & DEVELOPMENT               4                100
BMC 404                     FILM STUDIES                                    4                100
BMC 405 P                   LAB - PHOTOJOURNALISM - 2                       4                100
                            TOTAL                                           28               700

Website:                     47                          SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
BMC (Third Year) Semester - 5

COURSE CODE                  NAME OF THE PAPER                          CREDITS           MARKS
BMC 501                      MEDIA CRITICISM                            4                 100
BMC 502                      HUMAN RIGHTS AND MEDIA                     4                 100
BMC 503 P                    O-J-T/ RADIO SHOW/ MAGAZINE/PRODUCTION/    10                200
                             SHORT FILM /PRODUCTION AND VIVA
                             TOTAL                                      18                400

                                     BMC (Third Year) Semester - 6

COURSE CODE                  NAME OF THE PAPER                       CREDITS              MARKS
BMC 601                      MEDIA ENTREPRENEURSHIP                  4                    100
BMC 602                      MEDIA ETHICS                            4                    100
BMC 603                      TELEVISION PRODUCTION - 3               4                    100
BMC 604 P                    STUDENT PROJECT AND VIVA                10                   200
                             TOTAL                                   22                   500

Website:                  48                         SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
18. Examination
                                   Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)
                                     End Semester Examination (ESE)

For B.B.A, B.C.A, B.Com. (Professional), B.B.E           surroundings before the examination to
and B.M.C. there will be Continuous Internal             make sure that there is nothing there to
Assessment (CIA) and End Semester                        indicate an attempt at using unfair means.
Examination (ESE). The details of the internal           During the examination, students are not
evaluation will be explained to the students             allowed to leave the lecture halls until half the
by the respective teachers in the very                   duration of the examination is over. Any
beginning of the paper. Students will have to            student leaving the College Building will be
appear for all the tests, assignments,                   considered to have completed the
tutorials, presentations, etc. at End Semester           examination and will not be allowed to re-
Examination. Promotion from one semester                 enter the building/examination hall.
to another will be as per the rules of the               Students who boycott any examination will
University.                                              have to face disciplinary action and it may
Only those students who have got at least                lead to dismissal from the College. Those
75% class attendance will be allowed to fill             students who do not pass in the Terminal
the form for the End Semester Examination.               Examinations may not be allowed to
Any student found using unfair means at the              continue in the College.
College Examinations may be asked to leave               Th e C o l l e g e w i l l o rg a n i ze a P a re n t -
the College at the end of the term/year. The             Professors Meet after the examinations. All
penalties imposed by the Discipline                      parents/guardians are expected to be
Committee will be final and binding on the               present for this meeting to interact with the
student. Students must not carry their                   lecturers and know about the progress of
personal belongings (books, notes, purse,                their wards. All parents/ guardians must meet
mobile, etc.) into the examination hall. They            the Principal if their wards fail in any
must check their person, desks, seat                     examination.

Website:                    49                                  SXCMT, Prospectus 2021 - 22
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