Page created by Hazel Hicks

The Objects of The University of Notre Dame Australia are:
    a) the provision of university education within
       a context of Catholic faith and values; and
    b) the provision of an excellent standard of –
       i) teaching, scholarship and research;
       ii) training for the professions; and
       iii) pastoral care for its students.

    Welcome to Notre Dame              3          Study Support                            17

    Getting started                    4          Student Services                      18-19

    O-Day                              5          Student wellbeing safety & support    20-22

    IT access                          6          Study Abroad                          24-25

    Travel tips                        7          Policies                                27

    Academic Matters                 8-9          Glossary                              28-29

    Student Administration          11-13         Student directory                       30

    International students            14          Campus map                              31

    Fees                              15          Student Services – Stay in the loop     32

2   Notre Dame Student Guide 2018
Welcome to Notre Dame
Welcome to the Notre Dame community! We hope you enjoy your time here and that this
Student Guide helps you on your way as you start your degree.

Here you will find everything you need to know about getting started at university,
Student Services, Campus Ministry, student policies and more.

Plus, Student Services are always available to answer any other questions or concerns
you might have along the way. Visit us at Mouat Street – opposite the Malloy Courtyard
(see Campus map on page 31).

                                                                            Fremantle Campus   3
Getting started
     1. GET YOUR STUDENT ID CARD                                 From here, you can navigate through the various
     All students are encouraged to obtain a Student ID          headings to access or change your student
     card, as this is the preferred ID used in examinations      information including the following:
     (you will need to enter your ID number on your              › personal timetables;
     examination papers). It is also doubles as your NDA         › contact details;
     Library Card, and you can also add credit to it for         › grade history; and
     using the on-site printer / copiers. You will also need     › other important student records
     it to obtain concession on public transport, and for        You can also make payments through the portal,
     students of some Schools it is mandatory to have            including library fines etc. Step-by-step guides
     a Student ID card. The Student Admin team can               and tutorials are also provided to help you make
     take your photo and issue you with your Student ID          the most of the system, with training sessions also
     before you leave today.                                     available to those requiring further assistance.

     2. LOG ON                                                   5. ENROL
     As a Notre Dame student you will receive access             You will work with staff from your School to
     to a number of systems, all of which have the same          determine the classes you are going to enrol in for
     default login details:                                      the coming year.
     Username: Your ID number                                    From there you will need to go enrol online through
     Password: ‘Nd’ (for Notre Dame) followed by your            PeopleSoft Student Self Service, using your new
     date of birth in the format ‘ddmmyyyy’                      student number and password.
     (e.g. If your birthday is 13 July 1998, your password
     would be Nd13071998)
                                                                 6. YOUR TIMETABLE
     Most applications are available through MyND Portal.        Please refer to the information you received to sign
     This can be accessed via the ‘Students’ tab on the          up for your tutorials online.
     University website – Here you will
                                                                 You can access your personalised timetable
     find all your lecture and tutorial content on Blackboard.
                                                                 through the Student Peoplesoft portal.

                                                                 7. MAKE FEE ARRANGEMENTS
     Your NDA email account (accessible via the Email
                                                                 Your offer pack should have included important
     tab) is one of the primary ways we will communicate
                                                                 information on payment of fees, or where applicable,
     with you. As a student you are required (under our
                                                                 FEE-HELP or HECS-HELP documentation. All
     General Regulations) to check your email at least
                                                                 relevant forms must be returned to the Fees Office
     once a week (daily would be preferable), and going
                                                                 before the Census date 24 August. Please refer to
     forward, all emails to / from the University must be via
                                                                 page 15.
     your NDA email account.

     Once you have your student number and password,
     you can access your online records through the
     Oracle PeopleSoft portal.
     How to access your PeopleSoft account:
     1. Visit and click on the Web
        Portals tab
     2. Click on the Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise icon
     3. The PeopleSoft landing page will appear

4   Notre Dame Student Guide 2018
O-DAY 2018
This is a not to be missed event for all new students. Spend your day on
our beautiful Campus exploring the numerous stalls, taking a Campus
tour, discovering the different student clubs and meeting new people! It
is a great way to celebrate the start of your studies at Notre Dame and
prepare for your first day.

Telephone: 9433 0506

                                                           Fremantle Campus   5
IT access
     All teaching material used by students is hosted in the
     Blackboard Learning Management System. Content stored
     here is accessible both on and off Campus.

     Each student also receives a OneDrive account accessible
     through This OneDrive is accessible both on
     and off Campus.

     Additionally, each student has a work area that can be used
     for temporary storage on Campus only. This is provided on
     all student accessible desktops in the library and computer
     labs (H:Drive) and is limited to 250MB. Students are advised
     to upload files from their work area to their OneDrive for
     longer term storage.

     For any IT assistance in Notre Dame, including configuring
     your personal notebook to access our Wi-Fi service, contact
     the Student IT Support Desk on;
     Student Support Desk located in St Teresa’s Library; or
     on 9433 0777 (Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm).


6   Notre Dame Student Guide 2018
Travel tips
SMARTRIDER                                        ALL-DAY PARKING
All full-time students are eligible to apply      The multi-storey car park on Collie Street
for a tertiary SmartRider by completing           offers special daily rates to Notre Dame
the Application for Metropolitan Tertiary         students. To enjoy the special Notre
SmartRider form available from Student            Dame discount ($7.50 + $1 booking
Administration in ND7 or the Transperth           fee), you need to register online at www.
website.                                 and book your
                                                  parking bay in advance. Please note there
The completed form needs to be signed off
                                                  will NOT be any on-the-spot discount if
by a Student Administration staff member
                                                  you don’t book your parking bay online.
before submitting it to any Transperth
Information Centre or authorised SmartRider       If you do not book a parking spot, you will
retail sales outlet.                              automatically be charged the Early Bird
                                                  Parking rate of $9 if you drive in before
For more information on the SmartRider,
                                                  9.30am and leave between 2pm and 7pm.
please contact Transperth on 13 62 13 or
visit:                       Fremantle Port Authority (behind the
                                                  Fremantle Train Station) and the car park on
THE FREMANTLE CAT                                 the corner of Beach & Parry Street (to the
                                                  North of the railway station) also offer all-day
This is a free bus service which travels around
                                                  parking at a cheap rate.
Fremantle, passing through Notre Dame.
Visit for          Free parking is available along Marine Terrace,
timetables and bus routes.                        towards South Fremantle which is a 10-20
                                                  minute walk to Notre Dame or a short CAT
CYCLING                                           bus ride away.

Bicycle racks and showers are available for       For more information on parking in Fremantle,
students cycling to university. It is important   visit:
to lock your bike to a bike rack located on
Campus and not to gates, street signs, tables     DISABLED CAR PARKS
or chairs.
                                                  The City of Fremantle has numerous ACROD
                                                  bays to allow for easy and convenient access
                                                  to ACROD permit holders.

                                                  If a bay is unavailable, a permit holder is
                                                  eligible to park in a regular bay, and remain for
                                                  double the time shown on the sign.

                                                  For a list of accessible parking in and around
                                                  Fremantle visit

                                                                               Fremantle Campus       7
Academic Matters
     Staff and students at Notre Dame’s Fremantle             FINDING LIBRARY RESOURCES
     Campus are serviced by three Campus Libraries            USING SUMMON
     as well as the Library website
                                                              Type your search into the Summon search box
     Regardless of their course, students may use any
                                                              on the Library homepage for a quick and easy
     of these libraries.
                                                              first step to finding books, eBooks, journal articles
     › space for students to study individually;              and more.
     › space to conduct group study;
                                                              Note that online resources such as eBooks,
     › IT facilities including computers, and networked
                                                              streamed videos and databases can be accessed
       printers which also provide photocopying and
                                                              off Campus 24/7. Once you find what you need,
       scanning options; and
                                                              you will need to log in with your Notre Dame
     › access to the Notre Dame’s wireless network.
                                                              username and password to view the content.

     LIBRARY OPENING TIMES                                    NEED HELP? ASK US!
     The Libraries open at 8am each weekday.
                                                              Students can ask for help in person at any of the
     Closing times vary between the teaching and              library information desks, or online via the AskUs
     non-teaching periods of the year. St Teresa’s            search box on the Library homepage.
     Library is open 9am-7pm on weekends and most
                                                              If you need specialised support librarians are
     public holidays.
                                                              available to assist, on the Reference Desk in
                                                              the St Teresa’s Library between 10am-2pm on
     LEARNING TO USE THE LIBRARY                              weekdays, or you may contact a Liaison Librarian
     The library offers classes to students throughout        directly via email or phone. Contact details for
     the semester, including introductory sessions on         all library staff are available via the links on the
     the library’s resources, services and facilities in      Library homepage.
     Orientation Week, workshops aimed at improving
     study and research skills between Weeks 1 to 8,
     and development sessions which are primarily
     aimed at higher degree students and staff.

     All our workshops are free and can be found in the
     Library Classes calendar, linked from the Library
     homepage. Please note that some of these classes
                                                              ST TERESA’S LIBRARY (ND17)
     require registration – look for the Register link once
                                                              T: 9433 0706
     you click on the class in the calendar.
     Subject Guides are accessible from the library
     website and provide starting points for your             CRAVEN LAW LIBRARY (ND13)
     research, including links to discipline specific         T: 9433 0740
     databases, and reference tools and web                   E:
     resources. To help you discover and use the
     Library’s resources, as well as to assist with           GALVIN MEDICAL LIBRARY (ND35)
     referencing, we have created some short videos -         T: 9433 0740
     see the Video Tutorials link on the Library website.     E:

8   Notre Dame Student Guide 2018
The Research Office supports and encourages research by both staff and
students at Notre Dame. It is responsible for the administration of all higher
degrees by research within the University: Masters by Research, Master of
Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy and Professional Doctorates in Business
Administration, Counselling, Education, Health Sciences, Medicine, Nursing and

Domestic students accepted to a research degree are currently entitled to fee
remission under the auspices of the Australian Government Research Training
Program. Domestic and international students are also eligible to apply for
Australian Government and University stipend scholarships.

The relevant School administers honours degrees and Masters by coursework
and dissertation.

Applications are accepted before the start of the Semester – the application
deadline is advertised on the University calendar available on the website.
Specific requirements apply to Honours.

Applications for higher degrees by research (Master of Philosophy, Masters by
Research, PhD and Professional Doctorate) are considered throughout the year
for commencement in the Semester and year nominated by the applicant.

Notre Dame research students undertaking higher degrees can access a range
of facilities and support within their host School and through the Research
Office. Details of support provided are outlined in the Guideline: Support for
Higher Degree by Research Students and the Policy: Research Integrity from the
University Website.

The Vice Chancellor’s Medals are awarded to the highest achieving postgraduate
and undergraduate students. The selection is based on each student’s Grade
Point Average over the coursework courses studied in the previous year that
equate to a full-time load.

The Vice Chancellor’s List is reserved for those undergraduate students who
have attained outstanding academic results in the previous academic year.
Again, the selection is based on each student’s Grade Point Average over those
coursework courses studied in the previous year, that equate to a full-time load.

Each School also has its own list of industry sponsored academic prizes.
Contact individual Schools for further information.

                                                                 RESEARCH OFFICE
                                           T: 9433 0943 | E:

                                                              Fremantle Campus      9
10   Notre Dame Student Guide 2018
Student Administration
Students should enrol in their courses prior to timetable sign-up date, to enable them to complete their class allocation.
You must complete the Change of Enrolment form if you wish to withdraw from or enrol in another course.

CHANGES TO YOUR ENROLMENT                                         DEFERRED EXAMINATIONS
Student Administration must be notified in writing                You may apply for a deferred examination on medical
regarding any alteration to your personal records                 or compassionate grounds due to illness, accident
or enrolment in courses. The relevant forms are                   or other exceptional circumstances beyond your
available at Student Administration or can be                     control. Deferred examinations will not be granted
downloaded from the University webpage.                           if you mistake the date, time, venue or even if you
                                                                  have made and paid for holiday arrangements during
APPEALS                                                           the exam period. Students are expected to keep
                                                                  the entire exam period free of other commitments
Students have the right to make an appeal against
                                                                  so you can sit for all your exams which may include
various decisions of the University, including their grade.
                                                                  Saturdays and in exceptional circumstances, during
Students with concerns about their grade must                     the evening.
first discuss the issue with the lecturer or course
                                                                  If you miss an exam due to illness or other unforeseen
coordinator. If the matter is still unresolved, students
                                                                  circumstances beyond your control, you must:
may submit a written appeal to the Dean of the
School in accordance with General Regulations and                 1. Contact your School Administration Officer.
the Policy: Student Appeals.
                                                                  2. Obtain an ‘Application for Deferred Examination’
Further advice on appeals is available in the Policy:                and a ‘Statutory Declaration’ from Student
Student Appeals (                           Administration or the University’s website. These
students/support/appeals-and-grievances).                            forms can be mailed to you if you cannot reach the
                                                                     Campus and do not have internet access.
EXAMINATIONS AND ASSESSMENTS                                      3. Attach supporting documentation, such as a
You can access your examination timetables on                        medical certificate or police report, with the
the Notre Dame website. Final exam timetables                        completed forms. You MUST submit supporting
are generally released two weeks before the                          documents.
relevant examination period commences. This
                                                                  4. Submit all paperwork to your School no later than
also applies to students sitting alternative,
                                                                     three working days after the scheduled exam.
deferred or supplementary exams.
                                                                  If you are granted a deferred exam, advice of this
                                                                  exam will be sent to your Notre Dame email account.
                                                                  The deferred exam will usually take place during
                                                                  the next main exam period. It is your responsibility
The Disability Support Manager can organise                       to check the date and time of your deferred exam.
alternative examination arrangements if you have                  Students will not be permitted to defer a deferred
a disability or medical condition that will hinder your           exam unless there are exceptional circumstances.
exam performance.

Contact the Disability Support Officer by emailing before you
enrol to ensure your individual arrangements can
be made. You will need to complete a ‘Request for
Assistance’ form and submit this with any relevant
documentation before the main Census Date of
each semester or Summer/Winter Term. You must
re-register for this assistance EVERY Semester.

                                                                                                                  Fremantle Campus   11
                Release dates for exam results for each summer/        Only the Board of Examiners may grant a
                winter term and semester will be published on          supplementary examination for a course. You may
                the website, under Calendars and Timetables            be eligible for a supplementary examination if:
                (Fremantle), Fremantle Campus – 2018 Key Dates.        ›  you have obtained a mark of at least 45% in
                Results will be available via the Student Academic        the course;
                Information portal. To ensure the safety of your       › the course you have failed is a final course
                personal information, University staff are not           required to complete your degree; and
                permitted to release examination results over the      › the Board of Examiners form the view that the
                phone, nor are they permitted to inform you of your      circumstance of your failure in that course was
                Student ID number over the phone. Examination            due to circumstances beyond your control.
                results are not released to students who have any        If you are granted a supplementary exam
                fees, library items or fines outstanding.                the notation of ‘SP’ will appear beside your
                                                                         course on your record. You will also receive a
                If there is a change to your academic status this        letter advising that you have been granted a
                will also be displayed on your Student Academic          supplementary exam. The supplementary exam
                Information portal. All students commence on             will usually take place during the next main
                ‘Good Standing’. If your academic progress is not        exam period. It is your responsibility to check
                satisfactory you will be placed on ‘Conditional’. If     the date and time of your supplementary exam.
                this occurs for two consecutive semesters, your
                enrolment at the University will be terminated.        If you complete a supplementary examination,
                                                                       you will be awarded a grade of either Pass (P)
                                                                       or Fail (F).
                Schools have procedures in place for you to
                request an extension of time to hand in your
                assignments without penalty if you have genuine        You must apply to graduate before the Friday of
                difficulties due to circumstances beyond               Week 6 in the relevant Semester. Please complete
                your control. Refer to School Regulations, or          the ‘Application to Graduate’ form and submit this to
                speak to your School Administrative Officer            Student Administration. If you wish to change your
                for information on the procedures relevant to          graduation date, complete the relevant section on
                your school before the assignment is due.              the ‘Application to Graduate’ form.

                                                                       Late applications will be accepted, but will not
                SPECIAL CONSIDERATION                                  be considered without payment of $100 late
                A ‘Request for Special Consideration’ form should      fee. Payment of the late fee will not guarantee
                be lodged with your School as soon as possible         approval of the application. Even if late application
                and accompanied by supporting documentation.           is denied, the late fee will not be refunded.
                Lodgement should be no later than three working
                days after the date of the relevant examination.

                A course lecturer may grant special
                consideration for an assignment or project.
                This must be lodged with the course lecturer
                no later than three working days after the due
                date of the assessment item or project.

12   Notre Dame Student Guide 2018
STUDENT ID CARDS                                              DATABASE PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD
OBTAINING A STUDENT ID CARDS                                  The University requires that all students have their
Every Notre Dame student currently enrolled can obtain        photo on their student record on the database. This
a University Student ID card, ID cards can be obtained        will assist your lecturers and tutors with identification
from Student Administration at any time upon payment          and other administrative processes. The same
of $20 at the Fees Office.                                    confidentiality and privacy rules will apply to your photo
                                                              record as with your other student records.
A Student ID card will allow you to:
› prove your identity on Campus and during                    TRANSCRIPTS
                                                              An official transcript of your academic results can be
› store monetary values for printing and photocopying
                                                              obtained from Student Administration for $20. The
  in the Library;
                                                              University does not supply ‘unofficial’ transcripts.
› borrow items from University libraries;
                                                              However, you can download an unofficial record of
› confirm your student status outside the Campus; and
                                                              your academic transcript from your Student Academic
› Receive discounts from many local business.
                                                              Information portal at any time, free of charge.
Student ID cards must be displayed on your desk at
every examination. If you do not have a Student ID card       Past students that are having transcripts posted must
you can display a passport, current Drivers License           complete a transcript request application form and
and/or current Proof of Age Card.                             submit proof ID along with it. Official transcripts will
                                                              NOT be emailed to students under any circumstances.
TO STUDENT ID CARDS                                           WITHDRAWAL FROM COURSES
Photocopy and printing credits can be added to your ID        If you decide to withdraw from a course, you must
card on the autoloader machine located in St Teresa’s         complete a Change of Enrolment form – it is not
Library so you can print from your computer or make           sufficient to inform University staff verbally or by email.
photocopies.                                                  Change of Enrolment forms can be obtained from
                                                              your School, Student Administration, or the University
ON A PHOTOCOPIER                                              There are two important dates each semester
Swipe your ID card on the photocopier terminal attached       for withdrawal from courses that you need to be aware of:
to the photocopier and follow the instructions on the         › Census Date
screen to print or make copies.                                 (also known as Financial Penalty Date)
                                                              › Academic Penalty Date
LOST, STOLEN OR FAULTY                                        Please visit
STUDENT ID CARDS                                              enrolment/calendars-and-timetables for census dates
Lost, stolen ID cards can be replaced with a $20              and academic penalty dates.
payment. There is no charge if the card is faulty or if you
                                                              Important: Non-standard census date and academic
have a police report to prove that your card was stolen.
                                                              penalty date will apply to some courses. Please ensure
Further information regarding Student ID cards can            you visit the website above for confirmed dates, or
be obtained from Student Administration or email              contact your School.
                                                              It is your responsibility to ensure that Change of
                                                              Enrolment forms are received by your School prior to
                                                              these deadlines and to keep copies of your forms for
                                                              proof of lodgement.

                                                              Penalties (financial and academic) apply if you have not
                                                              withdrawn by those dates.

                                                                               STUDENT ADMIN (ND7, Closes at 4.30pm)
                                                                                            T: 9433 0577 or 9433 0781

                                                                                                               Fremantle Campus   13
      International students: Once you are enrolled, you should speak
      with the International Officer at Student Administration if you require
      assistance with academic matters, such as:
      ›   making changes to your course
      ›   withdrawing from courses
      ›   renewing your visa
      ›   advanced standing
      ›   leave of absence

      The International Officer is available during office hours to discuss
      any problems you have with regard to your studies at Notre Dame
      or documents required to extend your visa. The University is
      required to report to the Department of Immigration and Border
      Protection (DIBP) with regard to changes of course, withdrawal from
      course or unsatisfactory academic progress.

      As of April 2008, most student visas have been granted working
      visa rights at the time of application. This means 40 hours per
      fortnight when your course is in session and unlimited hours during
      semester breaks.

      Please contact Department of Immigration and Border Protection
      (DIBP) via regarding working eligibility for yourself
      and/or dependants if you are unsure.

      Students requiring documentation to be signed by the University, or
      have student visa queries, should contact an International Officer in
      Student Administration, Senior Administrative Officers Paula Minuta
      on 9433 0683, or Leanne Hagan on 9433 0520 or email

      If you are an overseas student, your student visa will be issued for
      the duration of your course. It is important to note any extension of
      time to complete your course will have implications on your student
      visa and can incur additional costs. An overseas student who
      requires an extension of time must contact the DIBP.

      Students should contact the DIBP with questions relating to
      specifics of their visa.

      Student visa holders are covered by the Education Services for
      Overseas Students (ESOS) legislative framework. It is important
      student visa holders understand their rights and responsibilities
      under the ESOS framework

      It is a condition of your student visa that you inform Student
      Administration of any change of address and contact details within
      seven days of the change. Student Administration will inform
      DIBP of this change on your behalf. International students are not
      permitted to take Leave of Absence unless there are exceptional
                                                                                STUDENT ADMIN (ND7, Closes at 4.30pm)
      compassionate circumstances, which must be verified with
                                                                                             T: 9433 0577 or 9433 0781
      supporting documentation.

14   Notre Dame Student Guide 2018
A number of payment options are available to students studying at Notre Dame (all students at universities in Australia are required to
pay fees). Your offer pack will contain information about the fee arrangements applicable to you.

If you choose to pay your fees up-front, you can pay at either          If you are an international student, you are required to make full
the Fees Office, at Australia Post outlets, via BPAY, or pay over       payment of tuition fees two weeks prior to commencement of
the phone by credit card.                                               each semester.

The following payment methods are accepted:                             Payment can be made by:
› Cheque/cash                                                           › Cheque
› BPay                                                                  › Money order
› Australia Post BillPay                                                › International Bank Transfer
› Mastercard/Visa                                                       › MasterCard/Visa
› EFTPOS                                                                › Direct Deposit
› Direct Deposit                                                        › EFTPOS

DEFER FEES WITH FEE-HELP/                                               PENALTIES FOR LATE PAYMENTS
HECS-HELP LOAN                                                          ALL STUDENTS
The Australian Government’s HELP loan schemes are available             If you have not made arrangements to access the FEE-HELP/
to students who wish to defer their fees partially or in full. This     HECS-HELP scheme or you are not eligible, and your fees are
option is available to students enrolled in Enabling, Diploma and       not paid by the Invoice due date, the University will apply a Late
Degree courses who are also Australian Citizens or who hold a           Payment Fee penalty of $150 per week until your fees are paid.
Permanent Humanitarian Visa and some New Zealand Citizens.
                                                                        While fees are overdue, a hold on re-enrolment will be applied
All students offered a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)               and you will not be able to access your results or obtain
must complete a HECS-HELP form to accept their CSP.                     an official transcript, nor will you be able to graduate. Your
                                                                        enrolment for the current semester may be cancelled.
HELP forms including a Tax File Number must be received
by the University by the first Census Date on your invoice.
Late forms will not be processed. If you are commonwealth               CHANGES TO YOUR ENROLMENT
supported, you will lose your CSP for the semester and will be          The University only sends out a replacement invoices when
required to pay your fees upfront.                                      courses are added to enrolments but not when you withdraw.
                                                                        If you are unsure of your revised liability after changing your
For more information, please visit
                                                                        enrolment, contact the Fees Office.

Application forms and information booklets are available at the
                                                                        FURTHER ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE
Fees Office.
                                                                        Further advice on any fees issue should be directed to the Fees
                                                                        Office. If you are having difficulties with your fees payment, it is
                                                                        imperative that you make an appointment with the Fees Office
                                                                        to discuss your options before the fees due date.

                                                                                                     FEES OFFICE (ND7, Closes at 4.30pm)
                                                                                                                            T: 9433 0536

                                                                                                                      Fremantle Campus         15
16   Notre Dame Student Guide 2018
Study Support
The AESC is committed to equality of opportunity - to the equal access and inclusion of students
whatever their social or cultural backgrounds - we provide support for learners not just at the beginning
of their academic careers but all the way through to graduation.

The Tertiary Pathway Program is an innovative            Of all the services that AESC offers, it is
program that offers the following:                       proudest of its support for students with
› the opportunity to apply for entry into                disabilities and other conditions that may
  undergraduate studies upon completion;                 affect academic performance. The Disability
› a study environment that is both challenging           Support Officers provide help with the
  and supportive;                                        management of students’ Learning Access
› coursework that is contemporary; and                   Plans and are committed to the provision
› is an excellent foundation for successful              of reasonable adjustments in a range
  undergraduate study                                    of areas, including suitable examination
                                                         conditions, assistive equipment and
Through successful completion of the Tertiary            technology, not-taking assistance and
Pathway Program, students may gain entry                 alternative format study materials.
to undergraduate studies in the Schools
of Arts & Sciences, Business, Education,                 For all enquiries please email fremantle.
Health Sciences, Nursing & Midwifery and       
Philosophy & Theology. The Program is
available to students who are post-compulsory            HOLIDAY PROGRAMS
school leaving age and want to undertake
                                                         The AESC offers School Holiday study
undergraduate study successfully. The Tertiary
                                                         programs for students in Years 11 and 12. Best
Pathway Program is a 13-week enabling course
                                                         thought of as a basic primer for academic life,
(one full semester). It runs in Semester 1 and for
                                                         these programs teach students how to organise
students wanting to progress to eligible courses
                                                         their time, understand what learning styles work
offered in the Schools of Health Sciences,
                                                         best for them and a range of other useful skills.
Arts & Sciences, Business and Philosophy
& Theology there is a mid-year intake for
Semester 2.                                              INDIGENOUS SUPPORT
                                                         Support is available to all Indigenous students
ACADEMIC SUPPORT                                         at The University via the Indigenous Support
                                                         Officer located in the AESC throughout the
Notre Dame seeks to help students formulate
                                                         Semester. Students are supported with
their goals and develop the skills and
                                                         information regarding services, funding, the
confidence they need to attain them. With a
                                                         Indigenous Tutorial Assistance program and
strong emphasis on ‘the whole student’ and
                                                         assistance available to them.
supported by a dedicated team of lecturers
and tutors, the AESC offers a range of courses
                                                         The Indigenous Tutorial Assistance program
and programs, as well as help for students with
                                                         assesses students’ eligibility for academic
special educational requirements.
                                                         support and, if needed, ‘matches’ the student to
                                                         a sessional staff member to provide additional
                                                         academic support.

                                                              ACADEMIC ENABLING & SUPPORT CENTRE (ND44)
                                                             T: 9433 0950 | E:

                                                                                                       Fremantle Campus   17
Student Services
      ACCOMMODATION                                              CAREERS SERVICE
      Off-Campus                                                 Assisting students to succeed in your future
      A accommodation noticeboard is available for               career, the Career Service can help you with:
      Notre Dame students to advertise and seek                  › making informed decisions about your career
      accommodation. The accommodation service                     destination and course choices;
      is a referral service only. Therefore, the listings        › how to create and obtain work opportunities
      of any available rental properties have not been             whilst studying and for when you graduate;
      inspected by Notre Dame. To view available                 › self-marketing skills for networking, LinkedIn,
      properties or advertise accommodation, please                résumé/CV, cover letter, selection criteria;
      visit                            statements, and interviews; and
                                                                 › work place information for researching your
      For further information on accommodation visit
                                                                   industry, labour market and work rights.
      life/accomodation/fremantle-accomodation                   What we offer:
                                                                 › CareerHub is a career and job search portal
                                                                   containing a Job Board, career and job
      If you would like to enquire or apply for on-                application resources, employer information,
      Campus accommodation, please contact the                     and employer and career workshop events.
      residential team at            › One-to-one career appointments for: career
                                                                   direction, course exploration, job application
      CAMPUS MINISTRY                                              review, interview practise, job search and job
      Regardless of your faith background, Campus                  creation techniques.
      Ministry seeks to assist you as you grow into the          › Workshops are usually offered through
      person God created you to be. With a full-time               individual schools to give practical, relevant and
      priest chaplain on Campus, and opportunities for             current information on how to gain employment
      daily Mass, and reconciliation, Campus Ministry              and manage your career.
      supports the spiritual life of the University by           › Employer visits to the University and other
      inviting you to participate in a wide variety or             career events.
      events from prayer, faith sharing and formation,
      and service opportunities.                                 INTERNATIONAL, RURAL WA AND
      We invite you to learn more about our upcoming
                                                                 INTERSTATE STUDENTS
      events and programs, sign up for a retreat, or             Moving to a new country or state can be
      audition for a choir. There are many different ways        challenging. The Student Connect Officer
      to get involved with Campus Ministry.                      organises programs to facilitate integration into
                                                                 university life. Such events include: student
      MENTOR PROGRAM                                             trips, Communité (weekly coffee catch ups),
                                                                 Multicultural Day (a day of festivities to celebrate
      Student Services coordinates the Mentor Program
                                                                 our international students) and a end of
      to assist new students with the transition to university
      life. If you feel nervous about starting university,       semester event.
      this is a great way to start. The Mentor Program is
      specifically designed to make you feel comfortable,        MATURE-AGE STUDENT NETWORK
      meet fellow students and become familiar with the          The Mature-age Student Network aims to provide
      various resources available to you on Campus.              networking opportunities to students over the
                                                                 age of 25 through social events and activities
      NOTRE DAME VOLUNTEER                                       such as a welcome lunch, morning and afternoon
      NETWORK (NDVN)                                             teas, breakfast and lunches, workshops and
      NDVN links our enthusiastic volunteers to many
      exciting and rewarding volunteer opportunities,
      offered by a variety of community organisations.
      Our volunteers are rewarded with the opportunity
      to share their skills, develop a sense of
      community and make a difference.

18   Notre Dame Student Guide 2018
The sport and recreation program provides opportunities
for students of all ages and abilities to participate in sports
on a social and competitive level.

On-Campus fitness programs such as yoga and pilates
run on a weekly basis throughout semester. The social
sport competition includes mixed indoor volleyball, mixed
indoor netball, futsal and badminton which run each

For competitive sports, you can represent Notre Dame
at the Nationals – Division 1, Division 2 or Indigenous
Nationals. The sport and recreation programs provide a
great opportunity to meet students from different courses
at Notre Dame, as well as other universities.

Our number one priority is to make your uni life the best
it can be. We are run fully by students for students. From
events, parties, clubs and societies, networking and
wellness weeks there is heaps to do at Notre Dame. NDSA
always has your back and our message to you is get
involved and make the most of studying in the heart of Freo.
Be sure to check out our website or follow us on Facebook,
Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter to stay up to date with
what we’ve got cooking as well as all the information on
clubs and societies, you can get involved with.

Feel free to drop by the office on the Mezzanine in
Prindiville Hall (ND3), or send us an email or Facebook.

Our services include:
› Individual counselling
› Mental health first aid
› Support groups
› Workshops
› Support in crisis situations
› Support for special consideration, deferred or irregularly
  scheduled exams and retroactive withdrawal
› Support with grievances or appeals
› Advice about disciplinary committee hearings
› Access to online self-help resources

Appointments can be made between 8.30am and 5pm
at ND5/100, 20 Mouat Street (access via laneway) or by
calling reception on 9433 0580.


                                          Fremantle Campus        19
Student Wellbeing
               Safety & Support
               CAMPUS SECURITY                                     › Make sure to always pay attention
                                                                     when walking.
                                                                   Please contact your School to
                                                                   report the following issues:
               9433 0123 OR 0438 923 955
                                                                   › Safety concerns
               All security matters relating to theft,
                                                                   › Maintenance and repairs
               damage and harassment should be
                                                                   › Emergency cleaning requirements
               reported to security immediately (or in an
               emergency, the nearest University staff).
               Whilst on Campus, students may be
                                                                   Lockers are available in Prindiville Hall (ND3).
               asked to produce their ID card by staff.
               This ensures both personal and University
               security is maintained at all times.                LOST PROPERTY
                                                                   Contact Student Services (ND7) if you
               SAFETY TIPS                                         have lost anything while on Campus.

               When walking alone:
                                                                   FIRST AID
               › Use footpaths and well-lit, populated areas.
               › Carry your key in your hand for                   DIAL 000 FOR FIRST AID
                 quick access to your car.                         EMERGENCIES THEN 9433 0789
               › Walk in pairs or in a group where possible.       FOR EMERGENCY FIRST AID
               › Campus security guards will escort students
                                                                   ASSISTANCE ON CAMPUS.
                 between buildings within Campus grounds on        A list of all the first aid officers on Campus is posted
                 request, but are not available off Campus.        near the entrance of every building and at
               › Ensure music is not too loud, so you are
                 aware of your immediate surroundings.
               › Don’t resist if someone snatches your bag. Your
                 life is more important than your belongings.
               › Don’t stop to give directions or information to
                 strangers when asked, especially at night.
               › Walk confidently at a steady pace so
                 that you do not appear vulnerable.
               › If you’re staying on Campus after dark,
                 move your car closer and to a
                 well-lit area, where possible.

20   Notre Dame Student Guide 2018
MEDICARE                                                                OVERSEAS STUDENT HEALTH COVER (OSHC)
Ensure that you have a current Medicare card. You can apply             Medical insurance is compulsory for all international students
for your own Medicare card at a Medicare Office. The closest            holding a Student Visa in Australia and their dependents
Medicare office to Notre Dame is located in Fremantle, within           (spouses and children under 18 years old) while you study
Centrelink, Shop 12, 39 Adelaide Street.                                and stay in Australia.

                                                                        Most of our students are covered by BUPA (
BULK-BILLING                                                            au/get-bupa), which is the University’s preferred provider. If
Some clinics will bill Medicare directly for your doctor’s visit.       students wish to use another provider, they will need to make
Therefore, there is no cost to you when seeing a doctor (GP).           their own payment arrangements and show evidence of
However, you will need to present your Medicare card. If you are        payment for visa application and enrolment purposes.
unable to find a convenient bulk-billing clinic, you will have to pay
                                                                        OSHC covers international students for medical costs. Always
for the visit first and submit your claim from Medicare office.
                                                                        keep your card in your wallet/purse, especially when going to
For further information on Medicare rebates and what                    the doctor (GP).
services are covered, contact Medicare on 13 20 11 or visit
                                                                        It is your responsibility to renew your cover BEFORE it
                                                                        expires. Health cover can be renewed online via oshc.
                                                               or by the representative from the
HEALTH CARE CARD                                                        health insurance company (BUPA) who works on Campus at
To obtain a Health Care Card you need to be                             Student Services (ND7) on Monday from 1.30pm to 5pm and
an Australian citizen and it will be means-tested.                      Thursday 1.30pm to 5pm.

You will also need to be a low-income earner. If you are                For more information on your OSHC, you can visit any of the
eligible, the card entitles you to some cheaper medicines,              following websites:
bulk-billing in some medical practices and cheaper fares                › BUPA Australia
on public transport. Applications are available at Centrelink   
Offices, via                    › OSHC Worldcare
centrelink/health-care-card or                                  
telephone 13 24 90.                                                     › Medibank Private
                                                                        › Australian Health Management OSHC
                                                                        › NIB OSHC

                                                                                                              STUDENT SERVICES (ND7)
                                                                                                                        T: 9433 0658

                                                                                                                    Fremantle Campus
                                                                                                                   Fremantle  Campus     21
      COUNSELLING SERVICES                                 Comprehensive information about Centrelink
      › Aboriginal Health, Department of Health            assistance and payments, including an online claims
        General Queries 9222 2478                          facility, is available via
      › Centrecare: Counselling, Support,
        Mediation and Training                             YOUTH ALLOWANCE
        456 Hay Street, Perth
                                                           Financial help if you are under 24 studying, an
        9325 6644
                                                           Australian Apprentice, looking for work or sick.
      › Relationships Australia
        Fremantle – 6164 0420                              To find out if you are eligible, visit
        Gosnells – 6164 0460                               au/individuals/services/centrelink/youth-allowance.
        Joondalup – 6164 0440
        Kwinana – 6164 0500                                AUSTUDY
        Midland – 6164 0480
                                                           Austudy is available to full-time students and
        West Leederville – 6164 0400
                                                           Australian apprentices aged 25 years or over.
        Mandurah – 6164 0570
      › YMCA: Counselling & Youth services
        9328 3522
      › 24 Hour Telephone Crisis Counselling               Financial help for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
        The Samaritans Helpline 13 52 47                   students and Australian Apprentices.
        or 1800 198 313
                                                           For current information on any of the above,
      › Crisis Care Unit (24 hours service)
                                                           please visit: or call 1800 132 317
        9223 1111 or 1800 199 008 (Country free call)
      › Lifeline WA - 24 Hour Crisis Support               To find out if you are eligible, visit
        1800 198 313                                       au/individuals/services/centrelink/abstudy.
      › Lifeline WA - 24 Hour Crisis Support               Centrelink Fremantle – 13 62 40
        131 114                                            Centrelink’s website –
      › Ferns Counselling Centre
        6226 9400
                                                           COMMUNITY LEGAL CENTRES
      › Alcohol & Drugs Support line:
                                                           Community Legal Centres (CLC) are community
        Confidential counselling & information
                                                           based and controlled organisations providing free or
        9442 5000 or 1800 198 024
                                                           low-cost services to their communities. Some centres
      › South Metropolitan Community Alcohol and
                                                           are set up to meet the needs of specific people –
        Drug Service
                                                           such as young people, women, or people with mental
        This is a free counselling service for drug and
                                                           illness. Please check any eligibility requirements
        alcohol related issues.
                                                           when contacting the centre.
        Fremantle – 9430 5966
        Rockingham – 9550 9200                             Each CLC may offer different services, depending on
        Mandurah – 9581 4010                               the needs of the community.
      › Domestic/Family Violence Helpline:
                                                           For a list of community legal centres in Western
        For information, counselling and referral phone:
                                                           Australia, visit
        9223 1199 for men
        9223 1188 for women                                Please note that the School of Law cannot offer any
                                                           legal advisory service.

22   Notre Dame Student Guide 2018
Fremantle Campus
Fremantle  Campus   23
Your passport to
                                      a global learning


                     STUDY ABROAD
                     Through Notre Dame’s Study Abroad program you can study at one of the
                     University’s partner institutions in Europe, North America and across Asia.

                     Studying one semester of your degree in another part of the world is a major step to
                     becoming a global citizen. Friendships made overseas often last a lifetime, opening
                     doors to a network of worldwide contacts.

                     Notre Dame’s Study Abroad program partners include the following universities:
                                                             › King’s University College, Western Ontario, Canada
                     › University at Albany, New York, USA
                                                             › Leeds Trinity University, West Yorkshire, UK
                     › Bellarmine University, Kentucky, USA
                                                             › Saint Mary’s University, Twickenham, UK
                     › Boston College, Massachusetts, USA
                                                             › Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland
                     › Catholic University of America,
                       Washington DC, USA                    › Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland
                     › College of St Benedict/St John’s      › Catholic University of Lyon, Lyon, France
                       University, Minnesota, USA                › Paderborn University, Germany
                     › DeSales University, Pennsylvania USA      › Pázmány Péter Catholic University,
                     › Purdue University, Indiana, USA             Budapest, Hungary
                     › St Edward’s University, Texas, USA        › Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea
                     › Saint Mary’s College, Indiana, USA        › Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, South Korea
                     › University of Portland, Oregon, USA       › Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan
                     › University of San Francisco,              › Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City, Taiwan
                       California, USA                           › Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia

                     Approved exchange students pay the equivalent of their Notre Dame tuition fees for
                     their semester abroad, plus travel costs and living expenses.

                     For more information, please visit

24   Notre Dame Student Guide 2018
Notre Dame helps make a difference to people’s lives through a range of study tours and projects.

Students of History, Politics, Literature and other disciplines benefit significantly from Notre Dame’s
Overseas study tours and count the course directly towards their degree Major or Minor.

The University’s own lecturers lead the tours – to destinations such as Spain, the UK, Ireland,
Indonesia and the USA – for up to four weeks where intensive study is undertaken of the history,
politics, language, culture and environment of the host city or country.

Our short-term service-learning and cultural immersion program – designed to contribute not only
to programs of study but also personal development, takes students on life-changing journeys to
the world’s developing countries including:

›› Cambodia: Social Justice students at the School of Arts & Sciences engage with community
   leaders to learn everything from homelessness and poverty to social empowerment and solidarity
   following the fall of the Pol Pot regime.
›› Timor-Leste, India, and Cambodia: Education students take their classroom knowledge to small,
   rural communities to deliver lessons in creative arts, language, sporting skills and everything in
   between to children of all ages.
›› Kenya, Zimbabwe: Arts, Business, Education and Medicine students work within marginalised
   communities to support the men, women and children overcome a life cycle of poverty.

                                        VOLUNTEER PROJECTS
                                        Notre Dame students have a rich history of making a
                                        difference through involvement in volunteer projects
                                        both in Australia and abroad. During your time at the
                                        University, you will have opportunities to participate in
                                        social justice and charity projects which contribute both
                                        to the greater good and your own personal development.
                                        Notre Dame has facilitated student participation in
                                        volunteer projects in remote Australia, Africa and India.
                                        You will also be invited to explore volunteer activities in
                                        your local area. Many opportunities are available through
                                        the Notre Dame Volunteer Network.

                                        For more information, please visit

                                                                                                    Fremantle Campus
                                                                                                   Fremantle  Campus   25
message if you have any questions at all.

School of Nursing & Midwifery, Immersion, Vietnam            School of Nursing & Midwifery, Immersion, Laos

Experience The World - School of Education, Tjun Tjun Jara

                                                                                                              School of Nursing & Midwifery,
 26     Notre
Experience The Dame
               World -Student
                      School ofGuide
                               Health 2018  Fremantle
                                      Sciences, OutdoorCampus
                                                        Recreation, Expedition                                Immersion, Laosarade       26
For complete list of up-to-date University policies, procedures and guidelines visit

An international student not satisfied with a decision or action       The Email and Internet Usage Policy was generated to
taken by the University may lodge an external appeal with the          ensure that employees and students of The University of
OSO. For further information refer to                       Notre Dame Australia use the University’s email and internet
                                                                       communications systems appropriately.
CONCILIATOR – OVERSEAS STUDENTS                                        This Policy can be found on the University’s website or at this
In certain circumstances, international students may also              link
choose to access the Conciliator - Overseas Students,
located at the Department of Education Services at an stage            BREACH OF POLICY
during the dispute:
                                                                       Breaches of this policy may result in disciplinary action under
International Education Conciliation Service Department of             the University’s Enterprise Agreement, General Regulations,
Education Services                                                     Policies or Procedures, or legal action.
T: 9441 1900 | E:

The Conciliator will not be actively involved in the matter            GENERAL, SCHOOL AND COURSE REGULATIONS
until the parties have made an initial attempt to resolve the          All regulations can be obtained from the University website and
dispute between themselves. The Conciliator can also act               should be read by all students. If you do not understand any part
as a mediating and conciliatory agent in resolving a dispute           of these policies, please contact your School.
between the two parties.
                                                                       DRESS CODE
CRITICAL INCIDENT POLICY                                               Students are expected to wear neat and clean clothing while                                        on campus. Footwear must be worn at all times. It is not
                                                                       acceptable to be bare-chested. It is important to observe
STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT                                                these guidelines as they are designed to ensure that the
                                                                       University community adopts reasonable standards of personal

                                                                       EATING AND DRINKING
The University recognises that students may wish to raise a
                                                                       Food and drinks, with the exception of bottled water, are not
complaint, problem, issue or concern (Grievance) relating to
                                                                       permitted in the classrooms.
their current or past involvement with the University. Grievances
can be about any number of matters including matters that may
affect a student’s sense of wellbeing and safety.                      MOBILE PHONES
                                                                       Mobile phones should not be switched on at any time in
The University is committed to dealing with all Grievances
                                                                       lectures or used in the libraries as this is a discourtesy to your
efficiently, without bias, in a timely and transparent manner
                                                                       lecturers and fellow students.
and in accordance with the principles of natural justice.
                                                                       Mobile phones cannot be used or accessed during an exam.
The process for resolving Grievances is set out in the
Procedure: Student Grievance. The procedure and list of
University Grievance Officers can be found at           REFUND POLICY FOR OVERSEAS STUDENTS
au/current-students/support/appeals-and-grievances                     The University has a refund policy for overseas students. This
                                                                       can be accessed from the University website, or a hard copy
SEXUAL ASSAULT AND HARASSMENT                                          can be obtained from the Admissions Office.

The University strongly encourages any member of the
University Community who has experienced Sexual Assault                SMOKING
or Sexual Harassment to contact a Support Officer on 9433              Smoking is not permitted anywhere on Campus.
0599 or email

For relevant policies and procedures, visit

                                                                                                                        Fremantle Campus    27
          Academic Penalty Date                                            Core Course
          This is the final date on which you can withdraw from a course   Students in all disciplines at Notre Dame complete Core
          without that course appearing as a ‘Fail’ on your academic       Curriculum courses. For undergraduates these are made
          transcript.                                                      up of three courses; PH100: Introduction to Philosophy,
                                                                           TH101: Introduction to Theology and ET100: Ethics. Some
          Academic Transcript
                                                                           courses and in particular, postgraduate courses, have
          This is the official statement of results for all the courses
                                                                           different courses for their Core Curriculum.
          you have studied. It is the document that you will present to
          potential employers. You will receive a transcript when you      Course
          graduate, and additional copies can be ordered from Student      Your course may also be referred to as your degree program.
          Administration for a small fee.                                  It consists of all the courses which make up your degree.

          Advanced Standing                                                Cross-Institutional Enrolment
          Advanced Standing is credit given towards your Notre             Cross-Institutional Enrolment is where courses studied
          Dame degree for equivalent courses studied at Notre Dame         through another institution while you are enrolled at Notre
          in another course or at another institution or for recognised    Dame, are credited toward your Notre Dame degree (for
          prior learning. Applications for Advanced Standing are           example, a student undertaking a semester in a Study
          considered on a case-by-case basis by the Dean of your           Abroad program). Cross-institutional enrolments must be
          School in conjunction with the Campus Registrar.                 applied for and approved by your Course Coordinator and
                                                                           the Campus Registrar before you enrol at another university
          Amendment to Student Record Form                                 before credit will be granted. Cross-institutional enrolment
          This is the form that you will use if you                        will usually only be granted for courses which are not
          decide to:                                                       available at Notre Dame.
          › update your contact details
          › withdraw from university
                                                                           This means postponing the commencement of your course.
          You can obtain this form from Student Administration, your
                                                                           In most cases, deferral is available for a maximum of one
          School, or download it from the university’s web page.
                                                                           year, and you must obtain the permission of the Dean of
          Audit Enrolment                                                  your School to defer your commencement.
          Students who enrol on an audit basis pay a reduced
                                                                           Enrolment Form
          fee and attend lectures and tutorials, but do not submit
                                                                           Use this form to create a new enrolment for the new Semester.
          assignments or sit for examinations. Audit courses are
          completed for interest only, and cannot be credited toward       Intensive Courses
          any degree. Students will be admitted to study courses for       An intensive course is one which runs outside of the
          audit at the discretion of the Dean of the relevant School.      standard semester and term times.

          Census Date                                                      Leave of Absence
          The Census Date (or Financial Penalty Date) is the final date    You may request up to two years leave of absence over
          that you can withdraw from a course without being required       the course of your degree. Before you request leave of
          to pay the full cost, or incurring a FEE-HELP/HECS-HELP          absence, you are encouraged to discuss with your Course
          liability, for that course. The main Census Dates for Summer/    Coordinator or Senior Administrative Officer what are your
          Winter Terms and Semesters are for standard length               enrolment options upon your return and how a semester or
          courses and can be found on the University calendar on the       year away from studies will affect the completion time for
          University webpage. Courses which are not of a standard          your degree.
          length or have a different commencement or completion
          date to the main term or semester dates, will have different
                                                                           A lecture is a large group teaching session where the
          Census Dates. The Census Dates for each course are
                                                                           lecturer does most of the talking – your role is to listen and
          published on the University’s webpage.
                                                                           take notes, although questions are encouraged. If you wish
          Change of Enrolment Form                                         to record lectures, ask the lecturer’s permission at the
          This is the form you need if you wish to make an                 beginning of the class.
          amendment to an existing course enrolment – to add,
          withdraw from, or change courses either before semester
          starts or in the early stages of Semester. You must submit
          this form to your School before the Census Date.

28   Notre Dame Student Guide 2018
You can also read