NetZero Dentistry - Scottish Dental magazine
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E S S E N T I A L K N OW L E D G E F O R D E N TA L P R O F E S S I O N A L S I N S CO T L A N D D E C /J A N 2 0 2 2 RRP £5.50 Net Zero Dentistry A new initiative that will save you money …and help save the planet see p40 PLUS: ORTHODONTICS IN DEMAND – P24 -29
DECEMBER 2021 / JANUARY 2022 E N S U R E YO U CO N T I N U E TO R E C E I V E S COT T I S H D E N TA L M AG A Z I N E Sign up to receive email notifications from Scottish Dental magazine, including the latest issues in digital format, news, and Show updates. V i s i t W W W. S D M A G .C O. U K / E M A I L - S U B S C R I B E 04 Editorial 07 Insider 09 News FEATURES 24 Linking paediatric dentistry and orthodontic treatment 9 26 Orthodontics; an opportunity for health improvement 30 Cracking the molar mystery; timing is everything 36 Transform your approach to practice safety 44 38 Remembering Professor Ruth Freeman 40 Introducing Net Zero Dentistry 42 Clyde Munro - leading the charge on sustainability 44 The story of Running Scotland 2021 CLINICAL 50 Medical emergencies in practice PROFESSIONAL FOCUS 72 Meet the Representatives 84 Product News MANAGING EDITOR ADVERTISING © Connect Publications David Cameron Ann Craib (Scotland) Ltd Tel: 0141 560 3021 The copyright in all articles published in Scottish Dental EDITOR Will Peakin DESIGN magazine is reserved, and Tel: 0141 560 3019 Felipe Perez and Stuart Mathie may not be reproduced without permission. Neither SUBSCRIPTIONS the publishers nor the editor Stephanie Koetsier necessarily agree with views Tel: 0141 560 3019 expressed in the magazine. ISSN 2042-9762 Dec/Jan 2022 | 3
Editor Will Peakin Follow Scottish dental on Twitter at: @ScottishDental ‘What about if we make it £300?’ It pays to help someone do their research, apparently, but I’d welcome readers’ thoughts I I COULD HAVE GONE ALL WOODWARD nvitations for me to connect with people on LinkedIn are not a regular occurrence, I must admit; more what you would describe as occasional. In most instances there is a valid reason; a PR who’s been in touch separately about a client, perhaps, or a source I have spoken to for a story. Every now and then, though, & BERNSTEIN AND HEADED OUT TO it seems to be completely random, with no obvious reason why we should be connected. Recently, however, in the space of a fortnight, I have been A MEETING WITH DEEP THROAT asked to connect by two people – apparently unconnected researcher – to connect on LinkedIn. Then, on the same themselves, but in eerily similar lines of work. One describes day that £300 was being waved in my face, an email from himself as a ‘Healthcare Marketing Consultant & Business the second researcher arrived: “Hello,” he wrote. “Hello,” I Analyst’ and the other as a ‘Healthcare Researcher’. thought to myself. “I have a client,” he said, “who would like The former is based in Europe, the latter in the UK. I didn’t to interview (for 1 hour) someone who could be described as a accept either invitation and, in hindsight, perhaps should have ‘Dental Journalist’.” clicked the ‘Ignore’ button at the time. “Ok,” I said out loud to myself, brow furrowing slightly. “I Because, there then followed emails from both. think I can accept that description. I’ve been called worse.” He The Europe-based researcher said he was conducting a study continued: “They would be happy to pay £300 to someone who on “filling materials”. Would I be willing to take part in a “web- could do it this week.” assisted telephone interview” that would take about an hour? Hm, was this a separate offer or were the two connected? He added: “We would like to offer you a 200 GBP compensation The second brief was certainly different; it didn’t mention for your time (PayPal or bank transfer), paid immediately after anything about “filling materials” and would range across completing the interview.” a different set of topics, such as – and these are his words – I wrote back: “Thanks for the invitation, but it’s not “Biggest innovations in dentistry in recent years and on the something I am able to do.” Twenty minutes later, he horizon today … Biggest changes observed in last two years in responded: “Thank you and absolutely understand your answer. the areas of interest at conferences, seminars … COVID related Nevertheless, allow me to insist because this discussion is rather … Non COVID - within Dentistry and adjacent areas connecting ‘open’ on the subject of dental medicine, and to talk about…”, with dentistry, eg sustainability … What see coming in the future and he went on to list a series of topics for discussion. as new focus areas … At home oral care – where does it feature in “We are not looking for any info about you or your news this world”. organisation and you are always free to decline any given I’ve never been good at maths, but if it was the former then, question,” he said. “I would be extremely grateful if you could by my calculation, I now had the opportunity to earn £600 for consider participating, your background and expertise will be two hours ‘work’. Don’t snigger; I am a ‘Dental Journalist’, very useful to us and participation is absolutely anonymous after all. (first name use only). Would you be kind to consider I thought long and hard about the offer(s). Well, that’s not participating? I would be extremely grateful!” true. I just thought, this is weird. Or is this ‘a thing’ in the I thought silence would be the best option. Three healthcare sector; paying journalists for their insights? days later the same email arrived in my inbox, except You tell me. I could have gone all Woodward & Bernstein and for one change: “We have increased compensation hit the ’phones, or thrown on the jacket of my corduroy suit as to 300 GBP as to reflect the high value of your I headed out to a meeting with whoever is the Deep Throat of involvement.” the healthcare market research world. He gave me some time to think; a full 11 days, to be But I wrote this instead; thought I’d crowdsource it. precise. Then another email: “Allow me getting back to me whether you could still consider participation.” Correction: In a feature (‘Looking forward’) in the October edition of Despite the fractured English, I understood he was Scottish Dental, we wrongly described Graham Smith, Chair of the Scottish keen that we should have that discussion. Public Dental Services Committee, as a consultant oral and maxillofacial In the meantime, however, I had received the surgeon. We apologise for this error, which resulted from information provided to us by a third party. second invitation – from the UK-based 4 | Scottish Dental Magazine
Insider Arthur Dent is a practising NHS dentist in Scotland Got a comment or question for Arthur? Email A turning point Let’s get the next wave of professionals trained and ready to upgrade our profession W e are near at critical mass. People now know this will end in April. Time to twist. Anyone I talk to have concerns about what waiting to retire will do so. This will have been delayed is coming and a certainty there will (if they have any sense) and I suspect anyone who has be change. I’m not going to continue been swithering will see the workload and difficulties harping on about COVID and its coming and jump ship. Anyone who has enjoyed a more effect, but it plays a role here. relaxed pace and fewer hours and who can afford not to Dental professionals’ working patterns have changed. go back, will work part-time. For some a little, for many, very dramatically. In the last The privatisation of dentistry is rearing its head 20 months, many of us have worked in a more flexible again, too. Some practitioners will not wish to return to and, perhaps, less time pressured way. Albeit, without NHS care, particularly with the SDR and its inevitable financial incentives to work faster or longer and without ‘hamster’s wheel’. They may even change their whole performing our usual level of activity. While there are practice business model to private care. Thereby, not many reasons for this and reasons that may not change, only a ‘person power’ reduction but a loss of NHS dental I want to explore what’s likely to happen and the impact infrastructure. This will be a huge challenge to the on the profession in the next five to 10 years. I see huge workforce. We will need to adapt to overcome it. Supply challenges to our ability to cater for the demand. and demand economics dictate that, if the Scottish Firstly, we have a backlog. This will lead to increased Government wants NHS dentistry, they’re going to have volumes of work, increased complexity and increased to fund it. If we suffer, what I fear could be a 20 per cent time required to treat people. This is not a new concept. plus reduction in the workforce available to perform We won’t know the magnitude until we start really NHS care, we are going to need to change the way we addressing it and we don’t know how long it’ll take to get work. We will need more people: most likely in the form through. What we do know is that it’s coming, and it will of therapists. They’re quicker to train. Quicker to fill the be very challenging to our workforce. void: should I say cavity? If this is the way forward, Secondly, free dentistry on the NHS will increase we’re going to need to adapt our style. More consultant- demand. Again, it’s not certain how this will affect things. led care with other providers involved on prescription. However, I suspect the effect will only really be felt The funding model will need to shift too. Therapists after the first wave of the backlog is dealt with and the can’t perform enough care using the SDR to make second phase of more advanced treatment (rather than them viable. If we need many more of them, we’ll need stabilisation) begins. I think this will be two to three years bigger infrastructure. Investment in infrastructure is down the line, when we’ve done the basics and the Scottish expensive and risky without a well-established system Government has let more age groups access free care. and funding model. The final and most complex point is workforce. We’ve How do we get that? We have to adapt what we’ve got already lost a lot of DCPs. Registration with the GDC is at to suit. In my opinion, a whole new model will create too an all-time low. Many will be concerned about the risk of many risks. Practices (whether independent or corporate) further disruption to normal dental work and feel their won’t invest until they get a handle on the system and jobs may be at risk. The inflationary pressures on wages banks will make lending more difficult without a track and a continued agenda to lift the Living Wage bring record of profits. There could be a decade of delayed care enormous pressure to bear on practices to pay top rates, in dealing with the backlog; loss of staff and dentists; and reducing the workforce further. Simpler, less stressful a new system to get used to before there’s any reasonable jobs paying similar money will attract people from the benefit to the patients and the profession. profession. It was not my intention in this article to create a A younger cohort of dentists, keen to strike a more doomsday scenario. I’m simply expressing what I think reasonable work/life balance, will not fill the shoes of is about to happen to our profession. I don’t even have older workaholics. The pressures, in terms of increased much of an answer. What I would urge is that we think volume and complexity, and inflation-squeezed margins seriously about what will need to happen and invest in are likely to promote the ‘life’ and decrease the ‘work’ people and our infrastructure. Many of these changes quotient of their week. Furthermore, there’s a huge drive were happening in the wider society, not just dentistry. towards speciality in younger dentists. While benefitting However, Covid has pushed it to the fore and accelerated the skills of the profession, the time taken to learn our change. We must be proactive to ensure the best care and perfect them, and the inherent decrease in overall for our patients and that we don’t burn out trying to wade productivity, adds to the tension. through the next decade. Turn on the training tap now. Then there’s the rest of us. As long as the financial Get the next wave of professionals trained and ready to support measures are in place, people will stick. We upgrade our profession. Dec/Jan 2022 | 7
NEWS Government plans risk ‘catastrophic impact’ Emergency support will be withdrawn from 1 April 2022 NEW STANDARD operating procedures for on one of two pathways, given the likelihood questions in identifying symptoms of the dentists, published at the end of November1, of them carrying a respiratory illness. It Omicron variant. will not restore access to dentistry for the replaces what amounted to a ‘one size fits David McColl, Chair of the British Dental public to pre-COVID levels, the British all’ approach that has been in place since Association’s Scottish Dental Practice Dental Association has warned. the outset of the pandemic, which reduced Committee, said: “We are still facing massive With high levels of COVID-19 and other capacity across the service. backlogs, saddled with a system that is unfit seasonal infections, and the emergence The new model was unveiled on the for purpose. New protocols will not soften of the Omicron variant, the BDA said the same day last month (29 November) that the blow of plans to pull away emergency procedures will also “do nothing to avert the the Omicron variant was confirmed to be support at this challenging time for potentially catastrophic impact of Scottish present in Scotland. Even setting aside any infections and try and return to a ‘business Government plans to withdraw pandemic potential spike in COVID infection, large as usual’ model during a pandemic.” support from NHS practices”. numbers of patients are likely to end up More than 3.5 million NHS dental Humza Yousaf, the Cabinet Secretary for on the respiratory pathway given typical appointments have been lost in Scotland Health, wrote to all NHS dental teams in patterns with seasonal flu and the common since the first lockdown. October stating that all emergency support cold, said the BDA. will be withdrawn by 1 April 2022, as part It is anticipated dentists may opt of a new policy to return to what the BDA for a ‘safety first’ approach and use flexibility 1 described as the “low margin and high- within new protocols to maintain existing respiratory-infections-in-health-and-care- volume” service operating pre-pandemic. protective measures, particularly given settings-infection-prevention-and-control-ipc- Patients in Scotland will now be placed the uncertain effectiveness of triage addendum 8 | Scottish Dental Magazine
Oral health team’s walk to raise mouth cancer awareness In Lerwick, the town hall was lit up in blue as part of the campaign THE NHS ORAL health improvement team found that more than one-in-four (27%) do As part of Mouth Cancer Action Month, in Shetland embarked on a walk around not know any of the potential early warning Denplan and the Oral Health Foundation Lerwick last month to raise awareness of signs for the disease. urged people to learn more about mouth mouth cancer for Mouth Cancer Action More than 2,700 people in the UK lost cancer. You can find more information Month’s Blue Wednesday. their life to mouth cancer last year – a 48% on mouth cancer by going to www. Their initiative came as new research rise compared to a decade ago. and by by the charity and Denplan, part of With almost half (45%) of all mouth following the campaign on social media via Simplyhealth, showed that almost two-in- cancers diagnosed in stage IV, the most #MouthCancerAction. three (64%) have never checked themselves advanced phase of the disease, the Oral In Lerwick, the town hall was lit-up for signs of cancer in or around the mouth. Health Foundation is appealing for more in blue as part of the Shetland oral Carried out as part of November’s Mouth people to routinely look for signs of health improvement team’s efforts to Cancer Action Month, the investigation also mouth cancer. raise awareness. Dec/Jan 2022 | 9
NEWS Edinbrugh dentist wins Profession’s opinion of international award GDC hits new low Awards recognise visionary treatment concepts and The results of research outstanding achievements of women in dentistry worldwide undertaken in 2020, designed to better understand professionals’, students’ and DR EIMEAR O’CONNELL, Clinical Workflow; Digital other stakeholders’ perceptions principal dentist at Bite Dentistry Patient Communication; of the General Dental Council in Edinburgh, was among the Innovative Infection Control (GDC), and test understanding winners at this year’s Dentsply and Prevention; Management of of the regulator’s role, were Sirona Smart Integration Awards. Dental Equipment; and Smart published last month. Dentsply Sirona presented the Lab-Dentist Cooperation. The results indicate that second iteration of its awards to Dr O’Connell was a winner overall perceptions of the GDC women in dentistry last month. in the Smart Lab-Dentist were more negative (58 per With the award, which was Cooperation category. cent) than positive (21 per cent) launched in 2019, the company Dr Terri Dolan, Vice President in 2020, and that views recognises visionary treatment and Chief Clinical Officer at amongst the dental team have concepts and the outstanding Dentsply Sirona, said: “The worsened from when the same achievements of women in significant interest from women questions were posed in 2018. dentistry worldwide, while worldwide shows us how Conversely, views of the GDC creating a network of women in important awards like this are. improved slightly amongst dentistry. The 2021 applicants They recognise achievement and dental students and other came from nearly 40 countries. boost professional confidence, stakeholders. Dentists and dental helping us promote gender parity The report also highlights a technicians from around the in dentistry to support the next lack of universal understanding world submitted their ideas for generation of female leaders.” of the regulator’s role, with integrating digital technologies by 90 nominees, who had been almost half of all professionals into the practices and dental selected by an international jury surveyed believing the GDC was laboratories of the future of Dentsply Sirona executives All winners of the Smart responsible for setting clinical and improving the treatment and renowned external experts. Integration Award 2021 can be standards, which the GDC experience for patients. The Winners were awarded found at: www.dentsplysirona. pointed out – is not the case. award ceremony was attended in five categories: Digital com/smart-integration-award “The findings don’t make comfortable reading,” said Stefan Czerniawski, the GDC’s Executive Director. GC symposium addresses Ian Brack, the GDC’s Chief Executive and Registrar, added: “The findings in this report challenges of ageing population illustrate some of the frustrations felt in the sector and where we can direct our IN SEPTEMBER, the Continental College London, UK), was opened increases with age. The first focus efforts. European division of the by Prof. Jo Frencken (Radboud should always be on prevention “The pandemic has thrown International Association for University, Netherlands) with and non-restorative treatment. up new challenges for us all and Dental Research (CED-IADR), consensus recommendations for However, when the treatment fails exposed some historic ones, together with the association’s the primary and secondary or symptoms arise, restorative not least the need for those we Scandinavian division (NOF), prevention of root caries lesions treatment is unavoidable. regulate to understand our role welcomed more than 500 and their operative management. The series of lectures was and our shared responsibilities participants from 47 countries Being a founding father of closed by Dr Gerry McKenna in ensuring patients are all over the world to the 2021 atraumatic restorative treatment (Queen’s University Belfast, UK), protected, and public hybrid CED-IADR/NOF Oral (ART), he emphasised its ease of who provided a broad overview on confidence is maintained.” Health Research Congress in application and effectiveness of its ways to optimise treatment for Reflecting on the findings Brussels, Belgium. use in modern caries management. older adults. In addition to that dissatisfaction with fitness The event, held over two and a According to Prof. Frencken, ART preventive care and preservation of to practise performance was a half days, offered a broad scientific with high-viscosity glass ionomer natural teeth, he recommended significant contributor to programme consisting of cement has been proved to be a that tooth replacement follows a negative perceptions, Brack state-of-the-art symposia, keynote successful approach to managing functionally oriented approach. At continued: “I am accountable lectures and presentations by root surface caries. the end of the day, Prof. Banerjee for performance of the GDC researchers from Europe and The next speaker was Prof. Falk moderated a Q&A session. and very clear about what has beyond. On the first day, GC Europe Schwendicke (Charité— not gone well and what we’re hosted a symposium focusing on Universitätsmedizin Berlin, doing about it. the challenges of an ageing Germany), who pointed out the For further information contact “I am determined that we population with respect to cervical importance of cost assessment of GC UK on 01908 218999, email will make the improvements lesions. The symposium, chaired treatment. The prevalence of or visit we can.” by Prof. Avijit Banerjee (King’s non-carious cervical lesions 10 | Scottish Dental Magazine
NASDAL DCby1 Practice of the Year Award 2022 launches Providing access to dentistry for young people is now top of the agenda THE launch of the 2022 NASDAL Dental Check by One Practice of the Year award has been announced by the Chairman of NASDAL, Nick Ledingham. The award recognises a practice that has successfully introduced the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry (BSPD) Dental Check by One. The aim of the campaign is to increase the number of children who access dental care aged 0-2 years. It seeks to highlight excellence in the provision of oral care and prevention in children and showcase the opportunity to achieve a real business improvement. Credit is given to applications from dental practices with evidence supporting their contribution to the overall health of their community. The Claire Stevens, spokesperson for BSPD, Practices interested in entering should award will be presented at the BDIA Dental added: “The last 18 months have been tough visit Entries must Showcase on 25 March 2022. for dental practices but as dentistry builds be submitted before 5pm, 31 January 2022. Nick said: “We look forward to hearing back following the enforced pause, providing The winner will receive £1,000, a trophy, and how the entrants have reached out to their access for children and young people will be the right to use the NASDAL Dental Check communities and engaged with families.” top of the agenda.” by One Practice of the Year 2022 title. Dec/Jan 2022 | 11
NEWS Scots dentist to be Rotary International President Dundee University graduate calls for people to serve and help others GORDON McINALLY, Congregational Board, and member for 37 years and plans a graduate of dental surgery at commissioner to the church’s to boost member engagement to You can read more about his the University of Dundee, has general assembly. help grow the organisation. appointment here: www.bit. been selected to serve as A Rotary member since He complimented the Rotary’s ly/31lYzp6. He is the second Rotary 2023 Rotary International 1984, he has been president ability to adapt technologically president from Scotland. President. and vice president of Rotary during the COVID-19 pandemic, Rotary brings together a global Mr McInally, who owned International in Great Britain saying the approach should network of volunteer leaders and operated a dental practice and Ireland. He has also served continue and be combined with dedicated to tackling the world’s in Edinburgh, was the Rotary International as a the best of traditional practices humanitarian challenges. Rotary chair of the East of director and as as Rotary seeks to grow and connects 1.4 million members of Scotland branch of the member or chair increase engagement. more than 46,000 Rotary clubs in British Paedodontic of several committees. “We have learned there more than 200 countries and Society and has held He is currently an is a willingness within geographical areas. Their work various academic adviser to the 2022 communities to care for one improves lives at both the local positions. Houston Convention another,” he said, “and we and international levels, from He has also served Committee and chair must ensure that we encourage helping those in need in their own as a Presbytery of the Operations people who have recently communities to working toward a elder, chair of Review Committee. embraced the concept of polio-free world. Queensferry Gordon Mr McInally volunteering to join us to allow Parish McInally has been a Rotary them to continue giving service.” FOR LEASE Fully equipped and established 3 surgery dental practice. Glasgow area. All offers will be considered. Christmas Amazing opportunity, gifts now not to be missed. available For further details call 07971000717. 12 | Scottish Dental Magazine
NEWS ‘Exodus’ from public dentistry feared 80 per cent of practices will reduce their NHS commitment, survey reveals THE BRITISH DENTAL Association has pre-COVID capacity. While the Scottish NHS dental care, free at the point of use, warned the Scottish Government plans to Government has offered a support package remains a centrepiece SNP policy. BDA revert to pre-COVID models of care risks to boost capacity, many practices are Scotland has said the Scottish Government sparking a flight of dentists from the NHS, unwilling to commit to a broken NHS must change course to achieve that goal, with potentially devastating consequences model. More than 30 per cent say they have develop an interim funding package to for patient access across Scotland. not applied, and among those, half (50 per support dentists and their teams as they In October, Cabinet Secretary Humza cent) say they are now unable to commit to work through the backlog, and begin work on Yousaf wrote to all NHS dental teams that the NHS long-term. Support for ventilation a new, sustainable model for delivering care. all emergency support will be withdrawn by costs requires a minimum three-year David McColl, Chair of the British Dental 1 April 2022. Since the first lockdown, NHS commitment to the NHS. Association’s Scottish Dental Practice practices have operated under a COVID • 9 in 10 dentists (89 per cent) estimate the Committee, said: “Free NHS dentistry support package, reflecting pandemic removal of emergency funding will have for all is a worthy ambition. Rather than pressures and tight infection control a high impact on the short-medium term exploring ways to actually achieve that goal, restrictions that continue to limit capacity sustainability of their practices. the Scottish Government has blindly headed across the service. down a road that could destroy this service. According to a survey of dentists in Scotland: BDA Scotland has warned from the “COVID has slashed our capacity, yet • 80 per cent of dentists estimate their outset that a return to a ‘business as usual emergency support will end. Yes, Ministers practices will reduce their NHS model’ – low margin and high volume – will have offered some support, but with small commitment should the Scottish put practices under unsustainable financial print many practices simply could not sign Government withdraw emergency support pressure and will likely lead to closures or up to in good conscience. and return to pre-COVID models of care. movement to the private sector. “Dentists are unwilling to be shackled to Over a third (38 per cent) of dentists indicate Practices are facing an unprecedented a corpse. When aid hinges on committing they are now likely to change career or backlog, with recent data from Public Health to an NHS model that is now frankly seek early retirement in the next 12 months Scotland indicating that the number of unsustainable, it is unsurprising take up should the policy be taken forward. 15 per treatments delivered in the year to March appears so modest. cent say they are likely to practice dentistry 2021 was less than 25 per cent of those “We doubt Humza Yousaf wants to be outside of Scotland, and 1 in 10 estimate delivered in the previous 12-month remembered as the man who killed NHS their practice is likely to cease operations. period, corresponding to more than dentistry in Scotland. Without a willingness • Half of dentists report that they are 3.5 million appointments lost as a result to reflect on choices made in recent weeks operating at less than 50 per cent of of the pandemic. that risks being his legacy.” Study proves benefits of AI technology for dentistry DEVELOPMENTS in artificial the control group, who found intelligence (AI) are of growing 44.3%. The results reflect the interest to the dental profession difficulty of spotting early-stage and now a peer-reviewed study1 proximal caries when examining has proven that a new AI tool bitewing radiographs, as the subtle significantly enhances dentists’ patterns that represent ability to detect enamel-only demineralisation are often missed proximal caries. by the human eye. University of Manchester Dental The AI tool was proven to aid School’s ADEPT (AssistDent clinical judgement and, if identified Enamel-only Proximal caries early enough, the disease can be assessmenT) study, published in reversed by non-invasive means, the British Dental Journal, involved a critical aspect of preventive 23 dentists, randomly divided into dentistry. The AssistDent® a control arm (without AI software is developed by assistance) and an experimental Manchester Imaging, a company arm in which AI assistance established to commercialise provided on-screen prompts research into preventive dentistry indicating enamel-only proximal been inspected previously by an The participants in the ADEPT from the University of Manchester. caries. expert panel who identified 65 study who used AssistDent® AI Participants in the study enamel-only carious lesions and software identified 75.8% of the analysed 24 bitewings which had 241 healthy proximal surfaces. caries - considerably more than 1 14 | Scottish Dental Magazine
NEWS Improving response for people at risk of suicide Group established to drive forward approach A NEW GROUP will be set up to for Mental Wellbeing and Social “We know there are some found that more than a quarter of make sure that everyone at risk Care, said: “I welcome the excellent examples of suicidal respondents displayed symptoms of suicide can access the right report from the NSPLG and the crisis support services across of depression, and more than half support when then they need it, recommendations it makes on Scotland already, and we have an rated themselves as “emotionally the Scottish Government said, improving responses to people in opportunity to learn from those exhausted”. Earlier this year, following recommendations suicidal crisis. We will consider to make sure this type of support an initiative was launched to made by the National Suicide the recommendations in full. is available right across Scotland. encourage all dental workplaces Prevention Leadership Group “To deliver the scale of change “Every day, people in our to make mental health wellness (NSPLG)1. set out in their recommendations, communities, and those a priority2. The Suicidal Crisis Support a dedicated Suicidal Crisis working in statutory and third Action Group will drive Support Action Group will be sector services, are responding 1 implementation of the Time, established to take forward and compassionately to people in third-annual-report-national- Space and Compassion approach, oversee the implementation of crisis. However, there is more we suicide-prevention-leadership- a new way to improve help this work. The appointment can do. This report offers a real group-nsplg/ for people who are suicidal. of Nigel recognises his career opportunity to transform how Nigel Henderson, former Chief in developing compassionate we engage and support our most 2 Executive of Penumbra, has been support for vulnerable people, vulnerable people at times of appointed as National Lead for including those at risk of suicide. suicidal crisis.” See also ‘Dentists run length of Suicidal Crisis Support to lead The group will be accountable to A survey of dental trainees Scotland in aid of aid of mental this work. ministers and continue to work and primary dental care staff health support and services’ – Kevin Stewart, the Minister in close partnership with NSPLG. carried out in Scotland last year page 44 16 | Scottish Dental Magazine
NEWS Dental firm introduces paperless patient journey Group has appointed six of its practices across Scotland as ‘eco-champions’ CLYDE MUNRO has introduced a ‘sustainability protocol’ which it says has enabled the group to save the paper equivalent of four trees per month. Around 164,000 forms were completed electronically across Clyde Munro Dental Group’s practices between April and July this year, with each form averaging one sheet of paper. It comes after the Scottish dental firm launched its ‘Paperless Patient Journey’, encouraging patients to communicate electronically. Clyde Munro has been working with software partners to reduce its paper usage by introducing a user-friendly online patient platform that will replace the traditional paper-based forms. The pursuit of going paperless comes as part of the group’s wider environmental initiative to reduce, reuse and recycle where Torwood Dental Practice in Inverness is one of six ‘eco-champions’ possible and encourage an eco-friendly dental practice and a greener future for the dental industry as a whole. number of sustainable ideas that can help to Amy Reilly, Head of Commercial Finance reduce the firm’s environmental footprint. and Lead on the project, said: “By using less These ideas include ink cartridge recycling, paper, we can reduce our impact on forests, eco-friendly dental care products, and cut energy use and climate emissions, limit reducing plastic cup usage. air, water and other pollution and produce Amy added: “We are working together as less waste. a business and a community to consciously “We are very keen to encourage all look at the ways in which we can better Amy Reilly, Head of Commercial patients who have not already done so Finance, Clyde Munro manage our environmental impact and to to provide an email address or a mobile drive change in those areas in which we number as part of their patient record, are able. which allows us to arrange for all offers a key method by which to reduce “We are passionate about supporting the communication to be sent to them paper generated in practice but also supports dental industry to make a difference for the electronically, including appointment necessary COVID-19 protection procedures.” better, not only for our patients but also for reminders and appointment forms. After appointing six of its practices across our wider society.” “When patients complete their forms Scotland as ‘eco-champions’, the Glasgow- using the online patient portal, this not only based dental group has begun to trial a Leading the charge - see page 42 Dental labs market set to increase THE GLOBAL DENTAL laboratories advancements are also expected to nearly 137 million in 2017. Geriatric equity firms. These mergers and market size is anticipated to reach fuel growth. For instance, the population is highly susceptible to acquisitions are anticipated to lead $43.5bn by 2028 and is expected to digitalisation of dental labs and the dental conditions such as to market consolidation and enable expand at a CAGR of 5.5 per cent. introduction of Computer Aided xerostomia coronal and root caries, leverage advantages of white space According to a report, Global Manufacturing (CAM) and and periodontitis. As a result, the acquisition. Dental Laboratories Market Size, Computer Aided Design (CAD) market is projected to witness For example, Smile Brands, a published by researchandmarkets. technology has improved the significant growth in the near future. Gryphon Investors backed com, this can be attributed to accuracy of dental appliances. The market for dental company, acquired Johnson Family increasing cosmetic dental According to an article published laboratories is highly fragmented Dental as an add-on acquisition in procedures, the geriatric population, by United Nations, the number of and is anticipated to witness a 2017. This acquisition is anticipated and awareness regarding oral adults in the age group of 80 years significant merger and acquisition to contribute to the company’s hygiene. and above is anticipated to reach activity from both large dental growth through the addition of new In addition, technological around 425 million in 2050, from service organisations and private practice locations. 18 | Scottish Dental Magazine
NEWS Pictured (L-R): Yi Xuan Lim, Cara Marcuccilli, Aisha Asif, Libby MacLean, Emma Copley. Also featured in the exhibition were Siya Sharma and Rou Voon Teo. Dental students ‘get their A.C.T. together’ Dundee Dental School has launched an initiative, Art in Clinical Training, where healthcare trainees can express themselves ART in Clinical Training (A.C.T.) is an project. Each student interpreted the word local coffee shop, EH9 Espresso. The opening initiative developed at Dundee Dental School and produced a piece in their own medium. night was a success, after which the pieces during lockdown, giving dental students a The results were incredibly impressive and were displayed in the shop for a week. For community and outlet to express themselves, personal, ranging from renaissance inspired those unable to appreciate the art in person, write Cara Marcuccilli and Clement pieces to tarot cards. It was very interesting to the pieces were uploaded to Instagram Seeballuck. see the different directions each student went for everyone to enjoy. Going forward the After a particularly difficult time for dental with their art. goal is to host pop-up galleries at different students due to the ongoing COVID-19 Cara Marcuccilli led the project and institutions, as well as involving students of pandemic, we thought this presented the created her own piece for the first exhibition. other clinical courses to further grow the perfect project for the talented students The objective was to highlight decay of group and future projects. of Dundee. A.C.T. was also created to traditional art techniques through a study allow dental students from different years of marble sculptures completed in oil to collaborate and to build a supportive paint. This piece was intended to create Any trainee/student from any university is community. For this reason, the group was appreciation from the viewer of the skill welcome to get involved and join the group. If open to any dental student with an interest required of older art techniques. The you would like to follow the progress or create in art, regardless of ability. A theme of collection featured eight pieces which were your own pop-up galleries as part of A.C.T., you ‘Decay’ was, collectively, chosen for the first displayed at a pop-up gallery hosted by our can contact and follow us on @a.c.t.dundee. BOS joins European consensus: ‘DIY ortho’ is hazardous for patients THE BRITISH Orthodontic Society over Europe are witnessing the and regular clinical monitoring or her treatment so that their has joined a Europe-wide increasing activities of start-up can cause severe risks to treatment is practised safely.” consensus that sees 31 professional companies promoting and selling patients’ health.” Anjli Patel, Director of External dental and orthodontic societies, orthodontic treatment using Professor Christian Scherer, who Relations for the British Orthodontic associations, and institutions from aligners by post with great concern, coordinated the project for EFOSA, Society added: “Orthodontic 25 countries come together to said the BOS. This type of remote said: “The unanimity shown by treatment without thorough clinical endorse and fully support a joint treatment is provided without either European orthodontists on this face-to-face examination of the declaration regarding the proper initial diagnosis or any subject makes it clear that patient, x-ray imaging and regular unacceptable and potentially form of regular clinical monitoring, orthodontics is more than just clinical monitoring, is potentially unsafe remote treatment of it added. aligning the front teeth. hazardous to the patient’s health. malocclusions. “These companies often present “It is about a holistic approach to “Any self-administered and The Declaration by EFOSA [the their services as affordable, fast, and care where the patient’s best remote treatment cannot be European Federation of Orthodontic safe, although they clearly do not interests are at the heart of our justified from a professional Specialists Associations) states the meet required professional dental treatments. Every patient should medical perspective and basic requirements that must be standards,” said the BOS in a make sure that the basic thus represents a serious met for any orthodontic treatment. statement. “Orthodontic treatment requirements formulated in the Joint violation of ethical, medical Dentists and orthodontists all without proper initial diagnosis Declaration are also observed in his and dental standards.” 20 | Scottish Dental Magazine
25-26 MARCH 15-18 JUNE D AT E S EVDA Congress 2022 EuroPerio10 Copenhagen Edinburgh Surgeons Quarter FOR YOUR evda-congress-edinburgh-2022/ 24-25 JUNE Scottish Dental Show DIARY 1-2 APRIL European Carriere Symposium, Braehead Arena, Glasgow Portugal 11-13 AUGUST event/70ccbece-04c1-4ccb-93f2- International Symposium on 2022 10-11 MARCH 5183ed39da80/summary Dental Hygiene 28 JANUARY Challenging the Dogma in Dublin Scottish Orthodontic Prosthodontics 7-8 APRIL Conference P&J Live venue Aberdeen Euro Implanto 2022, Nice, Royal College of Physicians and France 7-8 OCTOBER Surgeons of Glasgow & Online Annual+Conference+2022.aspx BADT Conference 2022 euro-implanto-2021/ Crewe view/scottish-orthodontic- 17-19 MARCH conference-28-jan-22 ICOI Winter Implant Symposium 13-14 MAY badt-conference-2022/ Georgia, USA British Dental Conference & 7-8 MARCH Dentistry Show 10-12 NOVEMBER 5th International Conference on Events/Event_Display. NEC, Birmingham BACD Nanomedicine and aspx?EventKey=ATLANTA22 Newport Nanotechnology Edinburgh 25-26 MARCH 26-28 MAY https://nanomedicine- BDIA Dental Showcase ADI Congress nanotechnology.pulsusconference. London Excel Manchester Central Convention Note: Where possible this list includes com/ Complex rescheduled events, but some dates may still be subject to change. 22 | Scottish Dental Magazine
ORTHODONTICS One in a... Vermilion management with conscious sedation, which is not readily available outside of the PDS or hospital dentistry. This gives parents and referrers access to sedation services without long waits to undergo treatment. In addition, the team give advice/ manage cases with dental trauma or those that require surgical removal or exposure of impacted teeth. Multi-disciplinary treatment For dentists referring patients, Vermilion also provides accessible and expeditious paediatric dentistry and orthodontics under one roof, with treatments that are consultant-led and overseen by their specialists. Aman said: “Being closely linked with clinicians from Vermilion – The Smile Experts and our very skilled referring practitioners, we are able to provide complex multi-disciplinary treatment (MDT) with close communication between clinicians. Focusing on the link between the Lead Clinician for Orthodontics at the Edinburgh Dental Institute, “For MDT cases, we are in an excellent position to provide paediatric dentistry and providing complex multi-disciplinary orthodontic treatment. treatments which require restorative dentistry, for example hypodontia, or orthodontic treatment At Vermilion Orthodontics, Aman surgical input such as implants. V will provide orthodontic service that “Our focus is on aesthetic will cover the full range of treatments, appliances for both children and ermilion Orthodontics, WORDS from interceptive treatment for young adults, with an emphasis on treating a new private WILL PEAKIN children to comprehensive adolescent complex cases with clear aligners and orthodontic and and adult orthodontics. ceramic labial brackets.” paediatric dentistry He is joined by his colleague of clinic, was launched seven years, Dr Graeme Wright, a Launch of study club earlier this year by Dr Consultant/Specialist in Paediatric As well as accessibility and a swift David Offord, founder of Vermilion Dentistry. response for referring dentists’ – The Smile Experts, and his clinical Graeme is Lead Clinician for patients, the Vermilion Orthodontics colleague and business partner, Dr Paediatric Dentistry at the Edinburgh team is also augmenting the support Aman Ulhaq. Dental Institute and The Royal it provides to dentists through the With the patient at the centre Hospital for Children and Young launch of a monthly two-hour study of every treatment, Vermilion People in Edinburgh. club (both face-to-face and live Orthodontics offers a bespoke service streaming). undertaken by its experienced team A range of services “We will look to assist our referring of specialist clinicians. At Vermilion Orthodontics, Graeme practitioners by giving advice for “The aim is to provide a high offers a wide range of paediatric orthodontic treatment planning and quality orthodontic and paediatric dental services, often facilitated by mentoring for cases they may wish to dentistry service with short waiting conscious sedation for nervous or treat within their own clinics. times for consultation and treatment,” anxious children. “These study groups will be held said Aman. He has a specialist interest in the in the evening throughout the year - “We want to work closely with our dental management of medically more information will follow soon.” referring practitioners and the team compromised children, cleft lip and at Vermilion – The Smile Experts, to palate, dental anxiety, and paediatric provide tailored treatment plans for dental trauma. patients.” The paediatric service, offered at For more on Vermilion Orthodontics Aman is a Consultant/Honorary Pictured, above: Edinburgh’s St John’s Road clinic, and its services, visit: Dr Aman Ulhaq Senior Lecturer in Orthodontics, and provides the option of anxiety 24 | Scottish Dental Magazine
ORTHODONTICS Demand is ‘higher than ever’ Increased demand for orthodontic treatment is an opportunity to embrace the many health improvements, both functionally and psychologically, the profession can provide T he 2021 annual WORDS orthodontic treatment has placed followed by small, group case- British Orthodontic WILL PEAKIN many of us under increased pressure. based discussions. This primarily Conference (BOC) took “We should look on this as a focused on establishing an enhanced place in September positive and embrace the many health appreciation of joint restorative and at the Midland Hotel, improvements both functionally orthodontic approaches in diagnosing Manchester. and psychologically we can provide. and managing complex patient It combined in-person presentations Additionally, the need to continue cases. The interface between both and a trade exhibition with online professional development and approaches demonstrated methods to virtual access. learning is always paramount and tackle cases such as hypodontia. David Waring, the British the British Orthodontic Conference Day one of the main scientific Orthodontic Society’s Director, aims to go some way to fulfil this programme included the Chapman Professional Development, and aspiration. Prize 2020 presentation, delivered conference chair, commented: “The “However, a conference is not jointly by Professor Padhraig Fleming last 18 months have been the most only about learning – it is also the and Dr Pratik Sharma, in which they challenging time, both professionally wellbeing that comes from meeting presented their mixed-methods and personally, that many of us have colleagues and friends. I am sure research study. It incorporated a ever encountered. We are all hopeful I speak on behalf of us all as I relish randomised control trial (RCT) however that with the incredible the time when we can meet, chat, investigating the effectiveness of advances of science we are developing and socialise with friends at the full versus part-time Twin Blocks ways of living with and managing the Orthodontic Conference. The British appliance wear, while a qualitative virus and pandemic that has torn our Orthodontic Conference team have evaluation was utilised to explore world apart. had a busy 18 months organising, the factors affecting compliance with “The need for quality orthodontics cancelling, and re-organising a prescribed wear protocols. has not gone away, and the demand is conference and it is with absolute This was followed by Dr Simon higher than ever. delight that we welcome you to the Littlewood’s presentation on “Whether that is the impacted 2021 BOC.” enhancing the clinical application canine, or a desire to improve the The pre-conference course of evidence-based tooth retention appearance, the aspiration to seek offered a hands-on seminar, regimes. It was supported by 26 | Scottish Dental Magazine
ORTHODONTICS LOOKING AHEAD TO 2022 Returning for its seventh year, the annual Scottish Orthodontic Conference will welcome both face-to-face and virtual delegates and will provide updates on current practice and contemporary topics including temporary anchorage devices, 3D printing and orthodontic management of traumatised teeth. With a mix of engaging speakers, clinical pearls and panel sessions, the conference will be of interest to those based in both primary and secondary care and is intended to engage the whole orthodontic team and those with an interest in orthodontics. SPEAKERS INCLUDE: contemporary research into Advances in the Dr Mandall continued by discussing • Dr Niall McGuinness, Consultant orthodontic-bonded retainers, dental profession how the specific research has since and Honorary Senior Lecturer, will bring benefits ultimately helping mitigate the risk to patients changed her clinical practice, as well Edinburgh Dental Institute of relapse. as future proposals for a further RCT. (Orthodontic management of Dr Sarah Good’s presentation The BOC’s 2019 dual parallel track traumatised teeth) underlined the significance of sessions, Driving Private Practice • Dr Finn Geoghegan, Principal providing closely aligned, joint and So, You Want To Know About Orthodontist, Specialist paediatric-orthodontic services and Orthodontics, were repeated in the Orthodontist Practice, incorporated the presiding evidence 2021 programme schedule. The latter Glenageary that guides the management of was beneficial for those interested in • (3D models and printing) complex cases including molar gaining an increased appreciation of • Richard Cousley, Consultant incisor hypomineralisation. the orthodontic speciality training Orthodontist and Clinic Director, pathway. It was key in highlighting The Priestgate Clinic Range of subjects the associative clinical and research Peterborough (TADs and On the second day, the Northcroft commitments required. Dr Guy anterior open bite management) Memorial Lecture 2020 was Deeming’s presentation discussed • Dr Aubrey Craig, Senior delivered by Professor Jonathan a range of key factors necessary in Dentolegal Adviser, MDDUS Sandler. He covered a range of contributing towards a more cohesive (Update on medico-legal trends subjects, from the importance dental team and its unified benefit in within orthodontics) of serial clinical photography, to enhancing practice performance. • Dr Mohammed Almuzian, osseointegrated palatal implants With the aim of increasing Specialist Orthodontist, Sunrise as substitutes for headgear, and awareness around Orthodontic Dental Clinic, Edinburgh the effective incorporation of Technology, Education and Design, • (My favourite 20 orthodontic tips temporary anchorage devices (TADs) the 2021 OrthoTED lecture series and pearls) into orthodontic practice. RCTs offered a dynamic and informative • Dr Catherine McCanny, Specialist were provided as supplementary, insight into various thought-provoking Orthodontist, St Michael’s supportive material throughout and concepts. Topics ranged from the Orthodontics (Aligners) provided a comprehensive, evidence- provision of oral health advice through based overview of the techniques social media, digital marketing LEARNING OUTCOMES discussed. and alternative team leadership INCLUDE: Dr Aliki Tsichlaki presented approaches. This was supported by • Have updated knowledge in the the Chapman Prize 2021 lecture. clinical pearls, providing more specific management of anterior open Her PhD research looked into the clinical advice around the utilisation bite treatment with TADs development of a standardised, core of floss ligatures, video consultations, • Have an understanding of the orthodontic outcome set for future efficacious pontic-archwire adhesion management of traumatised implementation across clinical trials. and much more. teeth undergoing orthodontic The standardised measures installed treatment would look to enable improved • Demonstrate understanding of outcome consistency between future 3D printing within specialist orthodontic studies and enhanced practice research yield, while guaranteeing an improved measurement of outcomes THE 2021 ORTHOTED LECTURE SERIES • Be aware of updates to clinical skills for aligner treatments and OFFERED A DYNAMIC AND significant to all stakeholders the patient journey including clinicians and patients. • To have participated in academic Dr Nicky Mandall followed, discussion relating to current reflecting upon her multi-centre RCT. It assessed both the clinical and psychosocial influence of Twin INFORMATIVE INSIGHT INTO VARIOUS projects/QIPS within orthodontics Block treatment delay, as well as the associated dentofacial changes. THOUGHT-PROVOKING CONCEPTS 28 | Scottish Dental Magazine
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