Scottish Games 5 16 - Pleasanton Weekly

Page created by Kevin Robinson
Scottish Games 5 16 - Pleasanton Weekly
Scottish Games
                                                                                          Page 15

VOL. XVIII, NUMBER 32 • SEPTEMBER 1, 2017                             WWW.PLEASANTONWEEKLY.COM

                                             5 NEWS   Council likes Costco roadwork financing concept

                                            16 TRI VALLEY LIFE     Ride along with LPFD

                                            18 SPORTS   Local team wins 3rd straight World Series
Scottish Games 5 16 - Pleasanton Weekly


Page 2 • September 1, 2017 • Pleasanton Weekly
Scottish Games 5 16 - Pleasanton Weekly
$200K Price Reduction!
TIM TALK                                                            BY TIM HUNT

 Challenges for retailers are
 reflected in city’s revenues

P       leasanton officials are starting
        to sound the alarm about the
        effects of online shopping,
plus regional competition, on the
city’s sales tax revenue.
                                           It’s designed by celebrity architect
                                           Renzo Piano. The goal is creating an
                                           environment and space that people
                                           will want to return to routinely, not
                                           just when they want to go shopping.
   Mayor Jerry Thorne cited these              Dublin has a similar concept in
concerns during the Tri-Valley             progress for the long-vacant parcel
Mayors’ Summit last month, while
City Manager Nelson Fialho ex-
                                           at the corner of I-580 and Tassajara
                                           Road that has been owned for de-
                                                                                                              471 St. Mary Street
panded on them at a recent meet-           cades by the John Di Manto family.
ing of retired church-going men.           The 76-acre parcel is being dubbed
   Pamela Ott, the city’s econom-          “At Dublin.”
ic development director, shared                The partnership of Shea Proper-
                                                                                                    Historical Downtown Landmark with
the 10-year sales tax revenues for
Stoneridge Shopping Center with
                                           ties and SCS Development is pro-
                                           posing an entertainment-focused
                                                                                                           Development Potential
me. Those revenues hit a pre-reces-        environment with movie theaters,                              4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Bathrooms, 2,632 Sq Ft
sion high of $4.4 million in the fis-      a public plaza, a village green plus
cal year ending in June 2007. They         hotels and housing.
                                                                                                             2 Parcels Totaling 25,000 Sq Ft
had fallen to $3.9 million by 2009             The Dublin project will have up
and then climbed back to an all-           to 400,000 square feet of retail and
time high of $4.6 million in 2014.
   The concern for city leaders is
that sales tax revenues there fell to
                                           entertainment that will also include
                                           a bowling alley. The developers
                                           hope to line up tenants that will
                                                                                                             Gina Piper
$4.3 million despite a very healthy
economy in 2016 (figures for 2017
                                           provide quality meals before or
                                           after the movies.
are not available).
   The companies with the anchor
                                               The proposal, which has not been
                                           submitted to the city, also is planned
retail stores at Stoneridge are strug-     to include 700 units of housing.                                   Better Homes & Gardens Tri-Valley Realty / BRE#: 01201349
gling across the country and clos-             This is the type of competition,
ing stores that are not profitable.        plus the outlets in Livermore, that
Sears and J.C. Penney are having a         Stoneridge is facing. Under Simon’s
particularly hard time, but Macy’s         ownership, Stoneridge has broad-               The Caledonian Club of San Francisco presents......
and Nordstrom are not immune.              ened its restaurant offerings, but it
   The changes driven by online
shopping and the shift in shopping
                                           could really use an entertainment
                                           feature as a drawing card.
                                                                                          152nd Scottish Highland Gathering & Games
behavior is taking its toll. Many
women and teenagers no longer
                                               One retail sector that is flourish-
                                           ing is the low-price stores such as            September 2 & 3• Pleasanton
consider hanging out at the mall a         Ross Stores and TJX (TJ Maxx and               Alameda County Fairgrounds • 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
leisure time activity.                     Marshalls). For the second quarter,
   Macy’s already has announced it         Ross sales increased 4%, while TJX             35+ Pipe Bands from the U.S. & Canada in daily show.*
is closing its men’s store off Union       was up 3%. By contrast, Macy’s was
Square in San Francisco and ex-            off 2.8%. J.C. Penney and Kohl’s               3rd Marine Aircraft Wing Band & L.A. Scots Pipe Band in concert *
ploring other uses for some of its         were also down.                                43rd U.S. Invitational Heavy Events Championship
flagship store on Union Square.                Having been part of an indus-              * Grandstand Show Daily at 4 p.m.
   Consider the big-box sporting           try that has been wrecked by the
goods stores — only Dick’s Sport-          internet (traditional newspapers),
ing Goods is still operating. Both         I can appreciate what is going on
Sports Authority (Dublin and San           for major retailers and shopping
Ramon) and Sports Chalet (Pleas-           centers. Advertising revenue for
anton) have closed their stores.
   There’s a profound shift in the
                                           newspapers hit its all-time high in
                                           2006 and has dropped every quar-                                           22 Attractions....
retail environment and shoppers            ter since then.                                                            •Living History with Mary Queen of Scots
are looking for something differ-              It’s going to take a major shift in                                    •Western U.S. Highland Dancing Championships
ent than the traditional enclosed          strategy for the traditional retailers
mall. If you check out the website         to continue to survive — let alone                                         •Seven Stages Continual Entertainment
for Simon’s stores (owners of both         flourish — in today’s new market. Q                                        •100+ Vendors.....and so much more!
Stoneridge and the San Francisco                    Editor’s note: Journalist Tim Hunt
Premium Outlets in Livermore), it                      has written columns on the Tri-
stressed the “Simon experience.”                      Valley community for more than
   That shift also is being seen in                  40 years. He grew up in the valley
the City Center Bishop Ranch that                    and lives in Pleasanton. His “Tim
will mix retail, restaurants and en-                Talk” blog appears twice a week at
tertainment with an open plaza.                       

About the Cover
                                                                                                        Special Guest
                                                                                                        Graham McTavish
McGrail Vineyards and Winery winemaker Mark Clarin inspects Cabernet
Sauvignon wine grapes growing on the winery’s Livermore property. McGrail
                                                                                                      “The Hobbit Triology”
is just one of the wineries participating in the 36th annual Harvest Wine
Celebration happening this Sunday and Monday. Photo by Julia Reis. Cover
design by Paul Llewellyn.                                   Vol. XVIII, Number 32
                                                                                                      Autograph Sessions             .com
                                                                                                                                          Pleasanton Weekly • September 1, 2017 • Page 3
Scottish Games 5 16 - Pleasanton Weekly
Labor Day
  Weekend Sale
  Save 20% storewide...
                                                                                                                   Streetwise               ASKED AROUND DOWNTOWN PLEASANTON

  Plus, we pay the sales tax!
   Save on landscape
           l d        plants,
                        l      soils,
                                  l fertilizers,
                                      f l
   garden gifts, fountains...everything in stock.
                                                                                                                      What fills your heart
   Look for additional savings on seasonal
   clearance items. Now through Labor day
                                                                                                                           with joy?
                                                 Open Labor Day 9-4:30                                                                              Kim Harding High school student
                          • Fountains & Pots • Garden Art • Container Gardening • Plants & Flowers • Local Honey                                    When I do helpful things for other people
                                   • Seasonal Gift Shop • Vegetables • Water Plants • Fruit Trees & Berries                                         and I see how appreciative they are. Whether
                                                                                                                                                    helping an older person to cross the street
                                                 2756 Vineyard Ave., Pleasanton • 925.462.1760                                                      safely or reaching for something on a high
                                                                                                              shelf at the store for a person in a wheelchair
                                     2017                                                                                                           or making my mom’s life a little easier by
                                    W E E K LY
                                                                                                                    unloading the dishwasher and folding the
                                                        Open daily 9-5:30. Open Labor Day 9-4:30                                                    laundry. I guess anything I can do that less-
                                                                                                                                                    ens someone else’s burden in life.

                                                                                                                                                    Judith Bahr
                                                                                                                                                    Mostly my heart is filled with joy every
                                                                                                                                                    morning when I wake up and find myself
                                                                                                                                                    alive, able to get out of bed and inde-
                                                                                                                                                    pendently capable of taking care of all
                                                                                                                                                    of my own basic needs. If I can do all of
                                                                                                                                                    that, I know it is going to be a great day,
                                                                                                                                                    and everything on top of that is icing on
                                                                                                                                                    the cake.

                                                                                                                                                    Esther Jobrack, with Armani
                                                                                                                                                    Retired 9-1-1 dispatcher
                                                                                                                                                    I find joy in virtually everything I choose
                                                                                                                                                    to do and choose to see. Seeing my
                                                                                                                                                    dogs’ smiling faces each day fills me with
                                                                                                                                                    joy. So does seeing the flowers in my gar-
                                                                                                                                                    den, dancing in the breeze.

                                                                                                                                                    Stella Beck Business owner
                                                                                                                                                    Touching other people, whether physically
                                                                                                                                                    or otherwise through my actions. I feel
                                                                                                                                                    strongly that every good deed I do helps to
                                                                                                                                                    fix our broken world and brings me closer
                                                                                                                                                    to others. I especially love holding my
                                                                                                                                                    great-grandchildren because it keeps me
                                                                                                                                                    connected with the younger generations
                                                                                                                                                    who are our future. I have 23 great-grand-
                                                                                                                                                    children, and a 24th on the way.

                                                                                                                                                    Cathy Kessler
                                                                                                                                                    When I’m singing with my choir, hearing
                                                                                                                                                    the beautiful voices that surround me, I
                                                                                                                                                    feel joy in my heart. Sometimes I wish I
                                                                                                                                                    could just sing forever.

                                                                                                                                                                 —Compiled by Nancy Lewis and Jenny Lyness

                                                                                                                   Have a Streetwise question? Email

                                                                           LET’S DISCUSS:
                                                                                                                   The Pleasanton Weekly is published every Friday by Embarcadero Media, 5506 Sunol Blvd.,
                                                                Read the latest local news headlines and           Suite 100, Pleasanton, CA 94566; (925) 600-0840. Mailed at Periodicals Postage Rate,
                                                                                                                   USPS 020407. The Weekly is mailed upon request to homes and apartments in Pleasanton.
                                                                talk about the issues at Town Square at            Print subscriptions for businesses or residents of other communities are $60 per year or $100
                                                                                                                   for two years. Go to sign up and for more information.
                                                                                     POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Pleasanton Weekly,
                                                                                                                   5506 Sunol Blvd., Suite 100, Pleasanton, CA 94566. ©2017 by Embarcadero Media.
                                                                                                                   All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.

Page 4 • September 1, 2017 • Pleasanton Weekly
Scottish Games 5 16 - Pleasanton Weekly
DIGEST                                    Council offers early support to roadwork
Mines Road fire
   A vegetation fire that sparked
                                                 financing deal with Costco
Sunday in unincorporated Alam-
eda County has been fully con-
                                                              Poised to give final direction on proposed term sheet Sept. 18
tained after burning 44 acres,                   BY JEREMY WALSH                    infrastructure financing in place be-        provide feedback publicly before         we don’t have exposure.”
Cal Fire officials confirmed               A majority of the Pleasanton City        fore moving forward with finalizing          city staff returns seeking final coun-      “We did have an election, and the
Wednesday.                              Council indicated initial support           the Johnson Drive Economic Devel-            cil direction Sept. 18.                  election — whether it said it was
   The blaze started around 5:45        to a financing deal with Costco to          opment Zone (JDEDZ), a plan that                “Just think about that 60% that       (Measure) MM for 50,000 square
p.m. Sunday in the area of Mines        fund $21.47 million in road im-             would outline rules for redeveloping         comes in to the city’s General Fund,”    feet or less — it was about Costco,
and Crane Ridge roads, about            provements around Johnson Drive             40 acres near the intersections of           Olson added. “It’s accretive. We’re      and we had a 63% vote that said we
eight miles south of Livermore,         on Tuesday, though most members             interstates 580 and 680, including           not losing any money on that deal.”      want to see a Costco in Pleasanton,”
according to Cal Fire.                  asked city staff to fine-tune the pro-      vacant property eyed by Costco for              Vice Mayor Jerry Pentin and           Pentin said, later calling the tax
   A final update from the state        posal before returning for further          its third Tri-Valley warehouse store.        Councilwoman Kathy Narum also            sharing plan the best available op-
fire agency at 8:40 a.m. Wednes-        consideration later this month.                “We’ve been at this for several           voiced early support for the financ-     tion to fund the needed roadwork.
day said the blaze had been 100%           The proposed term sheet calls for        years now. It’s time to move on ...          ing concept.                                Councilwoman Karla Brown said
contained. No other information         just under one-third to be paid by          I think the sales tax sharing agree-            “I would like to see us move          she was concerned with the prec-
about the fire was immediately          city traffic impact fee reserves, just      ment is the way to go,” Councilman           forward with this sales tax sharing      edent the agreement might set.
available.                              over one-third by a cash payment            Arne Olson said in offering the              agreement,” Narum said. “I’m not            “What this program is doing is it’s
           —Bay City News Service       from Costco and just over one-third         strongest support for the proposal           really seeing the risk to the city as    saying 40% of what should be com-
                                        by a separate payment by Costco             presented to the council at a public         long as there’s conditions that say if   ing to the city is now going back
Docent training                         that will be reimbursed to the com-         workshop Tuesday night.                      Costco closes the door — other than      to Costco to repay what they have
                                        pany by the city through a 60-40               The meeting was designed to give          for an act of God — the loan termi-      put as money up front,” she said.
   The East Bay Regional Park           sales tax sharing agreement.                the council and residents an early           nates, it’s forgiven. Or at the end of
District is recruiting residents in-       City officials want to have the          look at the proposed term sheet and          25 years, the loan terminates, so that          See COSTCO on Page 10
terested in becoming docents in
the Tri-Valley, primarily to help
lead lessons with school pro-
grams at parks here.
                                                                                                                                                                             Adult Ed
   The docent position is ideal for
retired educators, nature enthusi-                                                                                                                                          starts fall
asts and those who want to share
their love of the outdoors with
local youth, district officials said.
Special events and other public                                                                                                                                           Citizenship, health care
programming at Sunol Regional
Wilderness will also occur.                                                                                                                                                 classes among new
   There are six training sessions                                                                                                                                            PUSD offerings
over the next month-plus, run-
ning from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. each                                                                                                                                                       BY JULIA REIS
day. Highlights included Native                                                                                                                                              It’s not just the kids who have
American cultural history, geolo-                                                                                                                                         gone back to school in Pleasanton.
gy, ecology and presentation skill                                                                                                                                           Pleasanton Unified School Dis-
development.                                                                                                                                                              trict’s Adult and Career Education
   For more information or to                                                                                                                                             Department started its fall semester
apply, call 510-544-3243 or email                                                                                                                                         last week, with several new classes                                                                                                                                                     set to begin later this month.
                                                                                                                                                                             Since PUSD brought the depart-
Supporting Texas                                                                                                                                                          ment back thanks to renewed state
                                                                                                                                                                          funding in spring 2016, offerings
   Alameda County officials have                                                                                                                         ERIKA ALVERO     have expanded every semester. And
reactivated the disaster relief            Mule (right) and Little Girl (left) pause to rest at the intersection of Arnold and Martinelli in Dublin, right by the         this fall is no exception.
fund to enable the county’s ap-            Whole Foods. They were about to go deliver their “Declaration of Emergency” letter to the Dublin City Hall on                     Besides the slate of free English
proximately 9,700 employees                Tuesday afternoon while traveling through the Tri-Valley.                                                                      as a second language (ESL) classes
and people in the community to                                                                                                                                            — with two new classes for a total
voluntarily donate funds to sup-
port the recovery effort needed
                                                                       California nomad                                                                                   of 11 — that started last week, the
                                                                                                                                                                          department is now offering ESL
to rebuild communities through-                                                                                                                                           citizenship classes, an Orientations
out major parts of Texas and to
                                                                             ‘Mule’ treks through Tri-Valley                                                              to Health Care Careers course and
help the thousands of people suf-                   BY ERIKA ALVERO                  the past 14 years, including a vari-        would work during the winters            several new community education
fering in the wake of Hurricane               The Tri-Valley has been graced         ety of trips through the Tri-Valley. It’s   and roam during the summers,             classes like contra dancing and con-
Harvey.                                    with a visit from California’s very       part of who he is, and he’s made it         until reaching his mid-50s, when         versational Mandarin.
   The fund allows workers and             own nomad this week, as he treks          his mission to oppose urbanization          he decided to devote himself to the         Updates to the Adult and Career
residents to contribute cash to the        down to San Diego for his win-            and to ask lawmakers for a country-         latter full-time.                        Education Department this semes-
cause. County employees can also           ter migration with a recognizable         wide interstate trail system.                  Over a decade later, he’s still       ter include:
donate up to five days of their            travel companion.                            “I belong to an ageless, old way         walking.                                 • The Orientation to Health Care
accrued vacation time, compen-                The name that appears on his           of life, a nomadic way of life,” Mule          He’s brought along furrier,           Careers Class being offered Thurs-
satory time and holiday in-lieu            official records is John Sears, but he    said. “We all used to live like this,       hoofed mules to join him, and help       day evenings Sept. 7 through Dec.
time.                                      prefers “Mule” or “Monk”: “Mule”          with our animals, traveling. That’s         him carry supplies on his journeys       14 at Pleasanton Middle School
   County officials said they              because he lives with mules and           very strong in me, so I gravitated to       up and down the West Coast.              ($179 fee includes all required ma-
intend for all contributions to            “Monk” because of his solitary,           not lose it.”                                  Mules have come and gone over         terials). Taught by Laurie Erceg, a
go directly to victims and fam-            simple, meditative existence.                Mule is originally from around           the years, with several having been      career technical education teacher
ilies affected by the devastat-               He’s been roaming the West on          Los Altos and spent 30 years work-                                                   and Joe Carlucci of Stanford Health
ing storm. To learn more, visit            foot for decades now, full-time for       ing as a tree-cutter. For a time, he               See MULE on Page 8                Care-ValleyCare, the course will
                                                                                                                                                                                See ADULT ED on Page 9
                                                                                                                                                               Pleasanton Weekly • September 1, 2017 • Page 5
Scottish Games 5 16 - Pleasanton Weekly
                                                                                     W E E K LY

                                                                                                     Fundraiser Sunday for Pleasanton
                     Thank You for Voting Us
                       “Best Barbershop”                                                                  native fighting cancer
                 Cosmo’s Barber Shop now has a second location.
             Cosmo’s 2 Custom Barber & Beauty Shop is now open at
                                                                                                            All proceeds will support 9-1-1 dispatcher Genevieve Giordano
            2739 Hopyard Road in Pleasanton (formerly “Shear Cuts”)                                          BY JULIA REIS
             in the Gene’s Fine Foods Shopping Center. We specialize                                 This Sunday evening the Sun-
               in haircuts and styles for men, women and children.                                shine Saloon in Pleasanton is set to
                                                                                                  host a fundraiser dinner and raffle,
                      GRAND OPENING SPECIALS                                                      with all proceeds going to a Pleas-

        $4 off                            $2 off                          $5 off
                                                                                                  anton native and Alameda County
                                                                                                  Fire Department 9-1-1 dispatcher
      any men’s or                    children under 12                    any color              battling cancer.
     women’s haircut                  or senior citizen’s                   or perm                  Tickets for the event, which is
                                           haircut                                                taking place from 5-9 p.m. at the
                                                                                                  restaurant (1807 Santa Rita Road,
  Men’s Haircuts ....$12         Beard Trim ..........$5        Women’s Haircuts . $14 & Up       Suite K), are being sold online for
  Boy’s Under 12 ....$10         Flat Top ...............$14    Girls Under 12 ....... $12 & Up   $25 each through the Fighting for
  Senior Citizens ....$10        Men’s Color                    Senior Citizens ...... $12 & Up
                                                                                                  Genevieve Facebook page. The res-
  Shampoo & Cut ..$15            & Cut ...................$45   Color & Perm ........ $45 & Up
  Shave ...................$20   Color Only ...........$35                                        taurant’s capacity is 200, and any
                                                                                                  tickets not sold in advance will be
   No appointment necessary —                        OPEN 7 days a week
                                                                                                  available at the door.
          walk right in.                         Monday – Saturday 8 am to 8 pm
                                                                                                     Money raised will go to Gen-
   These offers are good at the                      Sunday 9 am to 5 pm
                                                                                                  evieve Giordano, 41, who since
    Cosmo’s 2 location only.                  2739 Hopyard Road - Pleasanton
                                                                                                  2013 has been fighting a rare form
                                                                                                  of soft tissue sarcoma, a type of
                                                                                                                                                                                                         YVONNE GIORDANO
                                                                                                  cancer that develops from certain
                                                                                                                                          The Sunshine Saloon is hosting a fundraiser dinner Sunday for Pleasanton
                                                                                                  tissues like bone or muscle.            native Genevieve Giordano, who is battling a rare form of soft tissue sarcoma.
                                                                                                     A Pleasanton native who gradu-
                                                                                                  ated from Amador Valley High in         multiple surgeries and rounds of         include a spaghetti dinner, Caesar
                                                                                                  1994, Giordano has worked as an         chemotherapy since being diag-           salad and garlic bread. Raffle tickets
                                                                                                  emergency dispatcher for the past       nosed, her mother Yvonne Gior-           will be sold for $5 each, with prizes
                                                                                                  20 years, most recently for ACFD.       dano wrote in an email.                  up for grabs including a four-night
                                                                                                  Over her career she has been rec-          “Despite all these setbacks she       stay in Tahoe, gift baskets and
                                                                                                  ognized as Rookie of the Year by        continues to bring joy and encour-       more.
                                                                                                  the Lawrence Livermore Lab Fire         agement to others with her joy-             To purchase tickets, look for the
                                                                                                  Department and Dispatcher of the        ful smile and persevering spirit,”       link on the Fighting for Genevieve
                                                                                                  Year by ACFD, as well as for her        Yvonne Giordano said. “Friends,          Facebook page. There is also a
                                                                                                  work on the Berkeley balcony col-       coworkers, neighbors, church fam-        GoFundMe that can be accessed by
                                                                                                  lapse and ACE train derailment.         ily, medical staff and family contin-    searching “Fighting for Genevieve

           RAD LAB WORKERS                                                                           Currently she is on leave to treat
                                                                                                  her cancer and has undergone
                                                                                                                                          ue to pray her through each battle.”
                                                                                                                                             Tickets for Sunday’s fundraiser
                                                                                                                                                                                   Giordano.” It had raised $12,000
                                                                                                                                                                                   as of Wednesday afternoon. Q

                                                                                                         President signs Swalwell’s bill to
  16 MORE LLNL YEARS                                                                                          speed up DNA testing
   LAWRENCE BERKELEY, 1942-1961                                                                    Pleasanton-based IntegenX Inc. cited as global leader in Rapid DNA technology
    SANDIA LIVERMORE, 1956-1994                                                                      President Donald Trump has           let local law enforcement agencies          “This new law will help law
                                                                                                  signed legislation co-sponsored by      — under standards and guidelines         enforcement agencies across the
  Thank you, Americans. You worked a year, or maybe a career, providing
                                                                                                  San Ramon’s Congressman Eric            established by the FBI — perform         nation use a more powerful tool to
  for our national security at the AEC/DOE National Radiation Labs, or
                                                                                                  Swalwell that’s aimed at helping        real-time DNA testing at the time        protect and serve our communities,
  myriad other Manhattan atomic weapons civilian project sites. Then
                                                                                                  law enforcement agencies perform        of arrest within their own book-         to clear the innocent, and to attain
  you got cancer or another toxicity caused illness. New claims or
                                                                                                  real-time DNA testing to speed up       ing stations, comparing samples to       justice for victims,” he said.
  denied claims. I will help you, or your direct survivors. $150,000 to
                                                                                                  justice.                                profiles in the FBI’s Combined DNA          The bill was supported by law
  $400,000 lump sum, tax free awards are available for 23 common types
  of cancer. Similar survivor awards for deceased workers. Also, occup.
                                                                                                     Swalwell (D-Dublin) said tra-        Index System, which is known as          enforcement organizations includ-
  asthma, COPD, chronic kidney/renal claims. Let me ask a few simple
                                                                                                  ditional DNA analysis can take          CODIS.                                   ing the National Fraternal Order of
  questions for five minutes. I’ll give you a frank (and free) assessment                         weeks, but rapid DNA analysis                                                    Police, the International Associa-
                                                                                                  permits processing of samples in                                                 tion of Chiefs of Police, Major City
  as to whether I can help. I’m not a lawyer. This is no lawsuit. Through
                                                                                                  about 90 minutes or less.
                                                                                                                                           ‘More powerful tool                     Chiefs Association, National As-
  2,500 of these claims over nine years, I’ve become a national expert
  on EEOICPA entitlement. You call and speak to me, one on one, the                                  He said the technology revolu-        to protect and serve                    sociation of Police Organizations,
  professional advocate, not a flunkie. I unravel the frustrating red tape                        tionizes the way in which people                                                 Federal Law Enforcement Officers
  so you don’t have to. Nobody does it better. You get paid directly by the                       who are arrested for crimes are          our communities, to                     Association, and National District
  U.S. Treasury, tax free. Then you pay me just 2%, but only if you win.                          enrolled in the criminal justice sys-                                            Attorneys Association, as well as by
  No appeal fees. No fine print.                                                                  tem, shortens the time required for     clear the innocent and                   the Consortium of Forensic Science
                                                                                                  their DNA to be linked to unsolved                                               Organizations.
                                                                                                  crimes and speeds up innocent
                                                                                                                                             to attain justice.’                      Alameda County District Attor-
                 858.756.1494 phone or fax                                                        people’s exoneration.                              Eric Swalwell,                ney Nancy O’Malley, who used to
                 7 days/7 nights, do it now!                                                         The Rapid DNA Act was intro-                     Congressman                  be Swalwell’s boss when he was
                                                                                                  duced in January by Sens. Orrin                                                  a prosecutor in her office, said,
                  Internet? FROWISS.ORG                                                           Hatch (R-Utah) and Dianne Fein-            “This law’s enactment proves that,    “Rapid DNA technology provides
                            ALBERT B. FROWISS, SR.                                                stein (D-Calif.) and by Reps Jim        even in troubled political times, we     an effective new way to identify
                         Email: FROWISS@FROWISS.ORG                                               Sensenbrenner (R-Wisconsin) and         can work together across the aisle       or clear a suspect within 90 min-
                   P.O. BOX 909, RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92067                                        Swalwell. President Trump signed        to make Americans safer,” Swalwell,      utes instead of what now can take

                                                                                                  it on Aug. 18.                          who serves on the House Judiciary
                                                                                                     Swalwell said the legislation will   Committee, said in a statement.               See DNA TESTING on Page 7

Page 6 • September 1, 2017 • Pleasanton Weekly
Scottish Games 5 16 - Pleasanton Weekly

 Local LDS Stake welcomes new leaders                                                                                                                 Sampling that
        Black becomes president of congregations in Pleasanton, Dublin
   The Pleasanton Stake of The                                                                                                                       ‘perfect forkful’
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
day Saints announced a change                                                                                                                       New PDA event aims to showcase
in leadership this week, with a                                                                                                                         downtown restaurants
new president and counselors
now in place.                                                                                                                                     BY JEREMY WALSH                               reception during check-in at the
   Brian Black is the new presi-                                                                                                             The Pleasanton Downtown                            Museum on Main, 603 Main St.,
dent of the local stake, which                                                                                                            Association is holding a new                          from 2:30-4 p.m. Sept. 9. The
is comprised of six Mormon                                                                                                                event next weekend designed to                        savory stops will run from 3-5
congregations in Pleasanton and                                                                                                           highlight the culinary talents of                     p.m. while the sweet portion will
Dublin. James Gardanier was                                                                                                               downtown restaurants and dessert                      go from 4-6 p.m.
named first counselor and Clin-                                                                                                           spots.                                                   Attendees, who must be 21
ton Jensen as second counselor.                                                                                                              Forkful will feature more than                     years old or older, will be able to
   “President Black and his coun-                                                                                                         a dozen eateries showcasing                           stroll through downtown and visit
selors, with the support of their                                                                                                         samples of their best treats the                      participating locations at their
wives and children, will lead six                                                                                                         evening of Sept. 9. Attendees will                    own pace with their own routes.
congregations totaling more than                                                                                                          take their commemorative rose                            Restaurants participating in the
2,000 members and help them                                                                                                               gold fork to savory and sweet                         savory section include Handles
increase their commitment to our                                                                                                          stops across downtown, tasting                        Gastropub, Salt Craft, Beer Baron
Savior Jesus Christ, strengthen                                                                                                           food while sipping on compli-                         Bar & Kitchen, Strizzi’s, Cellar
their families and serve their fel-                                                                                                       mentary adult beverages handed                        Door, Baci Bistro & Bar, Sabio
lowmen,” stake officials said in                                                                                       PLEASANTON STAKE   out along the way to accentuate                       on Main, Nonni’s Bistro, Fron-
announcing new leaders Tuesday          The new leadership of the Pleasanton Stake: President Brian Black flanked by                      the forkful.                                          tier Spice, Pasta’s Trattoria, Café
morning.                                second counselor Clinton Jensen and first counselor James Gardanier.                                 “This unique self-paced tasting                    Main, Neighborhood Sports Bar
   The appointments were made                                                                                                             experience will allow event guests                    & Kitchen and Namaste Pizza.
after releases were extended to         1,000 members in attendance.                   of three children. Jensen, who                     to stroll through downtown stop-                         Sampling their sweet treats will
former president Jeremy D. Mc-             The Pleasanton Stake is now                 with wife Marianne Turner Jen-                     ping at participating locations to                    be Rita’s of Pleasanton, Juice &
Fadden, first counselor Richard         guided by Black, who works for                 sen have six children, is director                 taste their perfect forkful of food,”                 Java, Primrose Bakery, Peet’s Cof-
L. Hair and second counselor Al-        Analog Devices, Inc. He and wife               of technology risk management                      PDA officials said. “This event will                  fee and Noland’s Cake Shop.
exander Tang. The releases came         Stephanie McConkie Black have                  at Kaiser Permanente.                              allow event guests to truly experi-                      Tickets start at $50, available at
because of a job transfer for           five children.                                    The church operates a lay min-                  ence the culinary landscape of              
McFadden. The three men were               Gardanier, owner of Vision                  istry, and all local members serve                 downtown Pleasanton.”                                 Forkful. The event will be held
recognized for their service at         Media, and his wife Kerry Kinat-               without pay, officials said. Q                        The inaugural Forkful event                        rain or shine, with no refunds
a recent gathering from nearly          eder Gardanier are the parents                                      —Jeremy Walsh                 will begin with a sparkling wine                      available. Q

                                                                                             Let’s Eat
       Continued from Page 6

   O’Malley said, “Law enforcement
agencies across the nation and the
people they serve will be grateful
for this bipartisan effort to make
their work more efficient.”
   O’Malley said DNA is a criti-
cal forensic tool in solving sexual
assaults as well as other serious
crimes because many government
crime labs are overburdened with
work and don’t have the capacity to
process this vital forensic evidence
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                                                                                                 N   E: W W W.NYP
IntegenX Inc., which is located                                                O   RDE R O N L I
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in his district, is a global mar-
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ket leader for Rapid DNA human                                                SA L A DS                                                                             Early Dinner Special
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   IntegenX chief executive Rob-                        463-0280  In Rose Pavilion Shopping Center                                                Any Large Two-Topping Pizza and a Pitcher of Soda
ert Schueren said the legislation                                                                                                                               for only $25.00 (plus Tax)
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“marks a landmark day in more
efficiently fighting crime and sup-
porting law enforcement.”
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                                                                Must use coupon. Cannot be FRPELQHGZLWKRWKHURσHUV
   Schueren said, “We are grateful                                Minimum order for delivery is $15. Expires 10-5-17.
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for District Attorney O’Malley’s un-                       NY Pizza & Pasta  4001-5 Santa Rita Road  Pleasanton                             
wavering support of DNA testing
being performed in a most stream-
                                                                                      463-0280                                                               — Open 7 Days —
lined and accurate manner.” Q
    —Jeff Shuttleworth, Bay City News
                                                                         To have your business included on this page call Karen Klein
                                                                       at (925) 600-0840 x122 or email
                                                                                                                                                                              Pleasanton Weekly • September 1, 2017 • Page 7
Scottish Games 5 16 - Pleasanton Weekly

                                                                                 Express lanes opening in October
                                                                                              MTC: Firm date dependent on pending software test
                                                                                      BY ERIKA ALVERO                some select others can use them          throughout the next month.
                                                                                The upcoming Interstate 680 ex-      for free during toll hours: carpools,       This San Ramon-Walnut Creek
                                                                             press lanes north of Pleasanton are     vanpools, eligible clean-air vehicles,   segment is the first of three proposed
                                                                             now set to open in October, with        motorcycles and buses all count as       MTC projects intended to imple-
                                                                             the exact opening date pending the      HOVs for tolling purposes. Like          ment express lanes most of the way
                                                                             conclusion of a software test set to    the I-580 express lanes, drivers will    from Alcosta to the Benicia-Martinez
                                                                             finish mid-September.                   need a FasTrek Flex toll reader to       Bridge. Q
                                                                                The $45 million San Ramon            receive the free toll.
                                                                             Valley project involves converting         The lanes will operate from 5 a.m.
                                                                             high-occupancy vehicle (HOV)            to 8 p.m. weekdays and will be man-                   MULE
                                                                             lanes into toll express lanes, an       aged and monitored by the Metro-                 Continued from Page 5
                                                                             effort aimed at improving mobility      politan Transportation Commission.
                                                                             through the corridor.                   Tolls will be dynamic and dependent      retired to California ranches. Right
                                                            HOFFMAN FAMILY      The project includes one north-      on traffic. The minimum toll price       now, he’s currently traveling with just
                                                                             bound express lane from Alcosta         will be 50 cents and the maximum         Little Girl — a dappled 27-year-old
  ‘Mac’ Hoffman graduates West Point                                         Boulevard in San Ramon to Livorna       will be set by supply and demand.        who’s only been sick once, for about
  U.S. Army 2nd Lt. Joseph M. “Mac” Hoffman, a Pleasanton native and
                                                                             Road in Alamo, and one southbound          According to project officials, mo-   an hour while they were traveling
  De La Salle High School alum, graduated from the United States Mili-       express lane from Rudgear Road in       torists can expect to see dots, test     through Nevada.
  tary Academy this spring, finishing in the top 100 of his class academi-    Walnut Creek to Alcosta Boulevard.      toll amounts and notifications that         The animals he brings along forage
  cally en route to earning a Bachelor of Science in systems engineering.       Construction began on the project    testing is occurring on the over-        on grass and plants along the road
  Shown here taking the oath administered by retired Lt. Col. Shannon        in August 2015 and was originally in-   head electronic signs, and the signs’    and in open areas, supplemented by
  Sentell, Hoffman is part of the Army’s aviation branch and reported to     tended to be completed in late 2016.    “under construction” labels will be      hay, apples and carrots that people
  flight school at Fort Rucker in Alabama earlier this summer.                   Everyone will be able to drive       removed. And nighttime lane clo-         bring when they find out the Mules
                                                                             in the lanes, but only HOVs and         sures on I-680 are set to continue       are in town.
                                                                                                                                                                 Mule himself subsists on vege-
                                                                                                                                                              tables, beans, rice and a whole lot

             Adult Community Education Classes                                                                                                                of oatmeal — he goes through 20
                                                                                                                                                              pounds of the grain every month.
                                                                                                                                                              At night, they rest at various public
                                                           Evenings Fall 2017                                                                                 spaces.
                                                                                                                                                                 A few years ago, Mule decided
                                                                                                                                                              he had a mission — to promote the
      Citizenship                                                            Fine Arts & Crafts                                                               natural world, in opposition to the
      Assistance in completing the                                           • Contra Dancing                                                                 expanding concrete jungle he calls
      naturalization application                                             • Crocheting
                                                                                                                                                              the “Megatropolis.” And now, his
                                                                                                                                                              journey is more than just wander-
      and interview                                                          • First Time Embroidery
                                                                                                                                                              ings. He’s delivering a “Declaration of
                                                                             • Knitting - Advanced Workshop
                                                                                                                                                              Emergency” to every city hall, con-
                                                                             • Knitting - Beginning Workshop                                                  gressional member office and state
      Computers / Technology                                                                                                                                  capitol by which they pass.
      • All About iCloud                                                                                                                                         “A most necessary first step is an
      • All About Photos                                                     Orientation to Health Care Careers                                               interstate trail system in this country
      • Introduction to Google Docs                                          A basic overview of human health,                                                going in all four directions — north,
      • Intermediate Google Docs                                             the healthcare system,
                                                                                                                                                              south, east and west — linking all
                                                                                                                                                              states to all other states passed and
      • Introduction to Google Sheets                                        and healthcare careers
                                                                                                                                                              funded by Congress with the same
      • Introduction to Google Slides
                                                                                                                                                              energy and effort that was applied to
      • iOS Tips & Tricks iPad 101                                                                                                                            the building of the interstate freeway
      • Microsoft Excel                                                                                                                                       system, which was built for the ex-
      • Microsoft Word                                                       Parent / Guardian Education                                                      clusive use of automobiles,” he said
      • Surfing with Safari                                                   • Loving Solutions                                                               in the declaration.
      • Typing / Keyboarding                                                 • Persuasive Push vs                                                                “Cyclists, pedestrians, equestrians,
                                                                               Shameless Shove Class
                                                                                                                                                              people in wheelchairs, etc. are being
                                                                                                                                                              removed from this public thorough-
      Conversational Languages                                               • The Parent Project
                                                                                                                                                              fare simply because there is no room
      • Mandarin (Beginning)                                                                                                                                  by which to use it alongside motor-
      • Spanish (Intermediate)                                                                                                                                ists,” he added.
                                                                             US History                                                                          One of the catalysts for this mis-
                                                                             • American Protest Literature from                                               sion has been his many run-ins with
                                                                               Thomas Paine to Today                                                          authority, as the presence of mules in
                                                                             • BFFs Hamilton and Jefferson:                                                   urban areas and sleeping in public
                                                                                                                                                              spaces often collide with legal restric-
      Finance & Retirement                                                     Best Frenemies Forever?
                                                                                                                                                              tions. He’s been issued citations in a
      • Estate Planning 101 - Do I Need a Will?                              • First Freedoms
                                                                                                                                                              spread of localities, from Thousand
      • Identity Theft & Credit Card Fraud                                                                                                                    Oaks outside Los Angeles to Gilroy,
      • Retirement Planning Today                                                             Registration & Information:                                     where he was arrested going south-
      • Student Loans: What Are My Options?                                                                                                                   bound on Highway 101.
      • What’s My Number?                                                                                                                                        Mule spent this week in the
      • Improve Your Credit Score                                                  Most classes begin in September and space is limited!                      San Ramon Valley before moving
      • Wills, Trusts and Inheritance for Internationals                                    Check online for days, times, fees and                            through Pleasanton, walking along
                                                                                               descriptions or call our office!                                the Iron Horse Regional Trail and
                                                                                                                                                              delivering his “Declaration of Emer-
                                                                                                                                                              gency” letter to local officials. He
                                                                  (925) 463-0616                                                                              expects to reach San Diego by No-
                                                                                                                                                              vember, and after that, he’s not
                                                                                                                    exactly sure where he’ll go.
                                                                                                                                                                 For more information, check his
                                                                                                                                                              blog at Q
Page 8 • September 1, 2017 • Pleasanton Weekly
Scottish Games 5 16 - Pleasanton Weekly

           Committee signs off on Measures B, BB tax spending
                                      15th year in a row Alameda CTC receives clean audit from third-party group
        BY JEREMY WALSH               oversight committee.                         According to the committee,        million for public transit, includ-     to benefit personally in any way
   The Alameda County Transpor-          In addition to the audit, this         the Alameda CTC received $137.3       ing operations, capital investments     from the sales tax spending.
tation Commission spent Measure       year’s report outlines programs           million in Measure B revenue and      and special transportation for se-         The membership roster includes
B and Measure BB sales tax revenue    delivered and projects funded in          expended $125.8 million that year.    niors and people with disabili-         one resident per Board of Super-
in accordance with the intent of      2015-16 through money raised by              Key efforts included $53.1 mil-    ties, and $30.7 million for local       visors district, one resident per
the voter-approved ballot measures    Measures B, the half-cent sales           lion for public transit, including    street, road, bicycle and pedestrian    district appointed by the Alam-
during the 2015-16 fiscal year,       tax approved by county voters in          operations, capital investments       projects.                               eda County Mayor’s Conference,
according to the county’s Indepen-    2000, and Measure BB, passed              and special transportation for se-       Other expenditures among the         and one member each from the
dent Watchdog Committee.              by voters in 2014 to augment the          niors and people with disabilities;   two taxes also included $4.8 mil-       county’s Labor Council, Paratran-
   The 17-member panel, which         transportation sales tax to one cent      $25.8 million for highway and         lion total for general administra-      sit Advisory and Planning Com-
released its annual report last       and extend it through 2045.               street capital projects; and $38.1    tion and $2.6 million total for         mittee and Taxpayers’ Association,
week, is charged with analyzing          Projects in the Pleasanton area        million for local transportation      direct program and project man-         Bike East Bay, East Bay Economic
and auditing how the commission       funded at some level through the          improvements.                         agement and oversight.                  Development Alliance, League of
handles funds generated by the        two taxes in 2015-16 included                In 2015-16, the committee             The oversight committee con-         Women voters and the Sierra Club.
transportation sales taxes.           the Highway 84-Interstate 580 in-         found Alameda CTC received            sists of members on two-year terms         To learn more about the annual
   And for the 15th straight year,    terchange, I-580 auxiliary lanes,         $137.3 million in Measure BB rev-     who live in Alameda County, are         report and audit, visit
the Alameda CTC received a clean,     Highway 84 expansion and I-680            enue and spent $77.2 million.         not elected officials at any govern-, email aayers@alam-
unmodified opinion from its           express lanes south of Pleasanton.           Key projects included $40.1        ment level and are not in position or call 510-208-7475. Q

       ADULT ED                       analysis of Alameda County and               There are also additional short    brought on to help individuals          test,” Cutter explained. “We can
       Continued from Page 5
                                      the Tri-Valley, the health care in-       classes — some of which are           outside the age requirements of         either add them into a class de-
                                      dustry sector will be the largest         one-time — in subjects like com-      traditional K-12 special education      pending on the amount of space
provide students with a basic over-   growing between now and 2022,”            puters, finance and United States     programs.                               or they’ll be ready to start with the
view of human health, the health      Cutter said. “It’s going to be a pretty   history. Among the new offerings      • Two additional conversation           next round of classes in January.”
care system and affiliated careers.   good opportunity for people that          are iPad 101, Surfing with Safari     ESL classes to bring the total of-      • Free ESL citizenship classes for
   The department’s assistant di-     want to explore a variety of careers      and BFFs Hamilton and Jefferson:      fered to 11 covering all levels. Al-    intermediate and advanced stu-
rector, Beth Cutter, said she an-     and figure out what would work            Best Frenemies Forever?               though classes have already begun       dents, with the next one starting
ticipates students will be able to    for their personality and interests.”     • A free high school diploma          and there is a waitlist, Cutter said    Sept. 12 at St. Augustine Church.
earn credits from Las Positas Col-    • Several new community educa-            program for adults that involves a    the department will take new stu-          For more information or to sign
lege for the course.                  tion classes, most of which begin         combination of in-class work with     dents on a rolling basis.               up for a class with the Adult Ed
   “We’re very excited about it be-   this month, including knitting,           a teacher and online work.               “People interested should still      Department, visit its website at
cause, according to the Workforce     contra dancing and conversational         • A part-time adults with disabili-   contact our office and we’ll be
Development Board’s labor market      Mandarin.                                 ties transition specialist who was    scheduling them for a placement         or call 463-0616. Q


                                                                                                                                                    Pleasanton Weekly • September 1, 2017 • Page 9
Scottish Games 5 16 - Pleasanton Weekly

                                           new traffic signals at Johnson and           The balance due to Costco will
          COSTCO                           Commerce and Johnson and Owens            be subject to 1.5% annual interest,
        Continued from Page 5
                                           Drive (north).                            and the sales tax sharing agreement
“When you make a policy decision               The city announced a staff-level      would remain in place until the bal-
that pretty much hasn’t been done          agreement with Costco on a pro-           ance is paid off with a maximum pe-
before in this town, you really have       posed term sheet last week.               riod of 25 years, under the proposal.
to look at going forward and how               Under the proposal, about 30% of         Any other developer who builds
that’s going to affect the next busi-      the design and construction costs —       on the JDEDZ in the future will
ness that comes to town.”                  $6.4 million — will be paid by the        need to pay their proportional share
   Brown, like Narum, urged city           city from its traffic impact fee (TIF)    of these infrastructure costs back to
staff to talk with Nearon representa-      reserves, money collected from de-        the city, and the city plans to use
tives to see if the firm would pro-        velopers over the years to offset their   those funds — estimated at $8.4
vide money for infrastructure costs        impacts on the city’s transportation      million — to pay down their debt
upfront.                                   system. The reserve funds, which          to Costco.
   “This is a large, successful develop-   can only be spent on projects iden-          That would include anyone who
ment company. Normally developers          tified in the General Plan, will go       develops other Nearon land in the
help pave the roads, literally and         toward the freeway onramp.                JDEDZ, currently envisioned for
financially, so that their businesses          The next portion — almost $6.8        one or more hotels and general
can come in,” Brown added, saying a        million — will be paid for by Cost-       retail uses, or redevelops other sites
Nearon contribution could make the         co, a total that includes the com-        in the zone. Existing land-uses in                                                                              SANDIA
deal “more palatable for me.”              pany’s required TIF contribution of       the zone would be permitted to
   Mayor Jerry Thorne did not par-         $3.7 million but is otherwise on top      continue as is and would not be              Operation Backpack
ticipate in the two-hour discussion        of its development fee package.           charged the JDEDZ traffic fee.               Sandia National Laboratories’ Livermore campus collected 209
at the Pleasanton Civic Center, con-           The final part, again just under         Any cost overruns for the freeway         backpacks filled with school supplies — worth just under $11,000
tinuing to recuse himself after pre-       $6.8 million, will also be covered        project would be paid by the city,           in all — and donated them to children of local military families at
viously owning Costco stock in a           by Costco, money the city will need       while overruns for all other JDEDZ           Camp Parks in Dublin and Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield through
retirement managed portfolio earlier       to repay via a 60-40 sales tax shar-      road projects would be split evenly          the company’s Operation Backpack. Managed by Sandia’s Military
in the JDEDZ consideration process.        ing agreement. That means 60%             between the city and Costco, City            Support Committee in partnership with Veterans in Energy, Technol-
                                                                                                                                  ogy and Science (VETS) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
   City officials estimate $19.97          of the sales tax generated by the         Manager Nelson Fialho said.
                                                                                                                                  This year’s backpack total more than tripled last year’s amount.
million in design and construction         new Costco would go to the city’s            If paid out over the full 25-year
costs and $1.5 million for right-of-       general fund and 40% will be paid         period, the city would expect to pay
way acquisitions to pay for road           by the city to Costco to repay the        Costco about $8.2 million in sales           But the wholesale retail giant        on these two incredibly successful
improvements necessary to support          infrastructure advance.                   tax allocations under the agreement.      plans on thriving in Pleasanton for      warehouses,” she said.
new commercial uses in the JDEDZ.              City officials also considered bor-      However, the city anticipates          the foreseeable future, according to        Of the nearly 100 residents in
   Projects include Stoneridge Drive       rowing internally from city-con-          being able to repay the loan in           Jennifer Murillo, director of real       attendance, only seven spoke to the
and I-680 northbound onramp im-            trolled funds, taking out a conven-       the new Costco’s 17th year, which         estate development for Costco.           council Tuesday night, with com-
provements, Johnson Drive wid-             tional bank loan to cover that re-        would see Costco receive about $7.8          “Why does Costco want to be here      ments ranging across the spectrum.
ening, improvements at the John-           maining $6.8 million or doing noth-       million to cover principal and inter-     in Pleasanton? 23,163 members. It’s         “I am a little disappointed hear-
son-Stoneridge intersection and            ing and not advancing the project.        est, assuming 3% annual revenue           that simple,” she said. “We’re in-       ing we voted upon this and yes
                                                                                     growth — a standard projection            vesting heavily in this site and in      we want it, and it’s getting delayed
                                                                                     methodology, according to city fi-        this community. And it’s an invest-      and delayed and delayed for these
                                                                                     nance director Tina Olson.                ment none of us take lightly. We’re      other reasons,” said resident Mi-
                 Aubrey Leo Copher                                                      If the city’s tax revenue projec-
                                                                                     tions prove off the mark and debt
                                                                                                                               looking to purchase the site from
                                                                                                                               Nearon, invest in the infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                        chelle Flanagin. “It would be great
                                                                                                                                                                        to have the Costco here so we
              February 19, 1939 – August 17, 2017                                    to Costco remains after the 25-           and operate for many more years.”        don’t have to drive all the way to
                                                                                     year repayment term, the remaining           Murillo also alluded to the com-      these other Costcos, and it would
       Aubrey Leo Copher passed                                                      debt would be forgiven, under the         pany planning to retain its stores in    be a benefit for families that are
     away peacefully on August                                                       proposal.                                 nearby Livermore and Danville, two       trying to survive in this Pleasanton
     17, 2017 at the age of 78, after                                                   Narum asked city staff to look at      of Costco’s top-performing stores in     area.”
     a long struggle with Cancer,                                                    adding a provision to have the debt       the Bay Area.                               “We need to come up with a bet-
     with his Life Partner Wilma                                                     balance also forgiven if the Costco          “This site will allow Pleasanton      ter, more equitable agreement,” resi-
     Smith by his side. Aubrey was                                                   store closes during the payback           members to shop closer to home           dent Sandy Yamaoda said. “This is a
     known to Pleasanton as Al                                                       period.                                   and relieve some of the pressure         major risk to the stability of our city
     and Sonny by his family and                                                                                                                                        based on a litany of assumptions.”
     Colorado friends.                                                                                                                                                     Julie Testa said, “This level of
         Al was born and raised                                                                                                                                         developer subsidy is unique for
     in Englewood, Colorado. Al
     joined the Navy in June 11,                                                     TAKE US ALONG                                                                      Pleasanton. There’s a lot of risk
                                                                                                                                                                        that’s not normally absorbed ... This
     1956, serving on the USS                                                                                                                                           doesn’t seem like the best value for
     Princeton, in the Boiler                                                                                                                                           Pleasanton.”
     Division, until his Honorable                                                                                                                                         “I want you to go forward with
     Discharge January 15, 1960. Al participated in the USS                                                                                                             this. It’s been a long, long time com-
     Princeton Far East Cruise. Al then went to work for Mountain                                                                                                       ing,” former planning commissioner
     Bell in Denver, Co. until 1980, at which time he transferred                                                                                                       Mary Roberts said.
     to AT&T California retiring in 1985. He decided retirement                                                                                                            The financing proposal is sched-
     needed some structured activity, began donating his time                                                                                                           uled to return to the council at a
     and graduated to permanent part time employment. He                                                                                                                special meeting Sept. 18, at which
     enjoyed all Pleasanton has to offer, music in the park, dining                                                                                                     time city staff will ask for final di-
     downtown Main Street. He enjoyed maintaining his home                                                                                                              rection on the matter. If endorsed
     and sharing his garden. He also enjoyed weekend jaunts to                                                                                                          then, the term sheet would be
     the ocean and other points of interest.                                                                                                                            finalized and incorporated into the
       Al is survived by his Life Partner Wilma L. Smith, his four                                                                                                      final JDEDZ proposal. The council
     sons Lee, of Arizona, Mark and his wife Nancy, Scot and                                                                                                            could opt to alter it at that time,
     Kurt of Colorado, brothers John Copher and Jerry Copher                                                                                                            too.
     of Colorado, numerous grandchildren, great grandchildren,                                                                                                             The JDEDZ package would then
     nieces and nephews.                                                                                                                                                head to the Pleasanton Planning
       Celebration of Life Services will be held later in Pleasanton,                In Wiseman: Greg, Adam and Tiffany Carper visited Wiseman, Alaska, which           Commission and Pleasanton Eco-
     CA and Denver Colorado.                                                         has 11 people who live there year-round and is located 63 miles north of the       nomic Vitality Committee for re-
       Donation request: Alameda County Food Bank:                                   Arctic Circle.                                                                     view in the coming months, with or St. Jude’s Children’s Research                         To submit your “Take Us Along” entry, email your photograph to editor@             the goal of presenting it to the City
     Hospital:                            Be sure to identify who is in the photo (names listed        Council by the end of the year, ac-
                                                               PAID   OBITUARY
                                                                                     from left to right), the location, the date and any relevant details about where   cording to Fialho. Q
                                                                                     you took your Weekly.
Page 10 • September 1, 2017 • Pleasanton Weekly
Community Pulse
POLICE BULLETIN                          in Benicia, Hendrickson graduated
                                         from Benicia High School in 2003
                                                                                  inmate told a deputy to check
                                                                                  on him, Deputy Anthony Mos-
                                                                                                                           24 on northbound I-880 south of
                                                                                                                           the Aladdin Avenue overpass, CHP
                                                                                                                                                                  sheriff’s investigator Michael Buck-
                                                                                                                                                                  hout wrote in a probable cause
                                         and later attended Napa Valley           chetti wrote in a probable cause         Officer Joseph Fowler said.            statement.
Benicia native joins                     College.                                 statement.                                  Officers arrived at the scene and      In addition to possession of child
Pleasanton police as                        He began his law enforcement             Jail medical services personnel       found that a 2000 Honda had gone       pornography, Mills is charged with
                                         career as a sheriff’s deputy in Sola-    responded but Rodriguez was pro-         off the roadway and hit a tree near    possession of a firearm by a felon,
newest officer                           no County before joining the Beni-       nounced dead at the scene, Mos-          the right-hand shoulder, Fowler        possession of an assault weapon,
   Pleasanton police officials have      cia Police Department as an officer      chetti said.                             said.                                  obliterating the identification of a
welcomed Charles Hendrickson as          in 2014. His transfer to Pleasanton         Medical personnel noticed marks          Esparza, the driver and lone oc-    firearm, possession of ammunition
the department’s newest officer.         this summer was a lateral move.          on Rodriguez’s neck indicating           cupant of the Honda, was pro-          by a prohibited person and sale of
   A Benicia na-                            In his off-duty time, Hendrick-       that his death may not have been         nounced dead.                          a large-capacity magazine.
tive and former                          son said he enjoys spending time         from natural causes, according to        • An ex-felon has been charged            Mills is being held at the Santa
member of that                           with his family, golfing and playing     Moschetti.                               with possession of child pornog-       Rita Jail in Dublin in lieu of
city’s police de-                        guitar.                                     Deputies who investigated Ro-         raphy and five other felonies after    $190,000 bail, with his arraign-
partment, Hen-                                                                    driguez’s death found Hunter, who        authorities executed a high-risk       ment set to occur earlier this
                                                   In other news
drickson was                                                                      was his cellmate, and Hunter ad-         search warrant at his home on          week.
hired in recent                          • An inmate at the Santa Rita Jail in    mitted that he’d been involved in a      Greenville Road in Livermore last         Buckhout wrote that authorities
weeks following                          Dublin has been charged with mur-        physical altercation with Rodriguez      week, prosecutors said.                began investigating Mills after they
a highly compet-                         der for the death of his cellmate        and that he had knocked Rodri-              Jarrett Harvey Mills, 37, of        were tipped off by two informants.
itive recruitment Hendrickson            almost two months ago, prosecu-          guez to the ground and choked            Livermore, was arrested Aug. 22        Prosecutors allege that Mills was
and selection                            tors said.                               him until he became unconscious,         when officers found child pornog-      convicted of receiving stolen prop-
process, according to Pleasanton            James Hunter, 22, was charged         Moschetti wrote.                         raphy in both photo and video          erty in 2003 and possession of a
police.                                  last month for allegedly killing An-        Authorities haven’t disclosed a       formats and 37 rifles, handguns        firearm by a felon in 2005. Q
   “Officer Hendrickson participat-      tonio Rodriguez, 27, and is sched-       motive for the killing. Alameda          and shotguns and 315 pounds                               —Jeremy Walsh and
ed in multiple interviews, a medi-       uled to return to Alameda County         County sheriff’s spokesman Sgt.          of ammunition, Alameda County                            Bay City News Service
cal and psychological examination,       Superior Court in Dublin, across         Ray Kelly wasn’t immediately avail-
and an in-depth background in-           the street from the jail, next Thurs-    able for comment on why Ro-
vestigation which revealed a stellar
work history and excellent com-
                                         day to enter a plea.
                                            Authorities said Hunter had been
                                                                                  driguez’s death wasn’t previously
                                                                                                                                         Marion Lee Emerson
munication skills,” Pleasanton po-       in custody on $10,000 bail after         • An 18-year-old San Ramon man                             Resident of Pleasanton
lice officials said in a statement.      being arrested in Berkeley June          died when his vehicle went off
   Hendrickson was sworn in to           27 for vandalism and Rodriguez           of northbound Interstate 880 and                        March 7, 1931 – August 21, 2017
the department during a ceremony         had been in custody on attempted         crashed into a tree in San Leandro              Marion Lee Emerson passed
Aug. 16. He is progressing through       murder and firearms charges since        last week, according to the Califor-
                                                                                                                               away on Monday, August 21
a 16-week field training process         August 2015.                             nia Highway Patrol and Alameda
before being assigned to patrol in          Rodriguez was found unrespon-         County coroner’s bureau.                     after a brief bout of pneumonia,
Pleasanton as a solo officer.            sive on the floor of his cell at about      Noah Esparza died in the crash            following a stroke last
   Born in Los Angeles and raised        4:40 p.m. on July 6 after a fellow       reported at about 1:10 a.m. Aug.             November. She was a loving,
                                                                                                                               generous mother, grandmother
                                           POLICE REPORT                                                                       and great-grandmother with
                                                                                                                               many talents and an inquiring
The Pleasanton Police Department made    Shoplifting                              Theft                                        mind.
the following information available.
                                         Q 3:17 p.m. on the 2300 block of         Q 10:26  a.m., 4500 block of Rosewood           Marion was born in Dallas
                                           Stoneridge Mall Road                     Drive; shoplifting
Aug. 27                                                                                                                        and grew up in Lancaster,
                                         Q 7:08 p.m. on the 1300 block of         Q 4:44 p.m., 400 block of Old Bernal
Sex offense                                Stoneridge Mall Road                     Avenue; theft of bicycle                   Texas, where she graduated
Q 10:34 p.m. on Hopyard Road             Vandalism                                Q 5:53 p.m. on the 400 block of Old          from Lancaster High School as class salutatorian. She
Theft from auto                          Q 1:24 p.m. on the 3100 block of Santa     Bernal Avenue
                                                                                                                               attended Austin College, Sherman, Texas, and received her
Q 7:59 a.m. on the 5700 block of           Rita Road                              Q 6:01 p.m. on the 5300 block of Case
  Gibraltar Drive                                                                   Avenue                                     BA in Interior Design from Southern Methodist University,
                                         Child abuse
Q 8:10 a.m. on the 5700 block of         Q 11:25 a.m. on Stonedale Drive          Child abuse                                  Dallas. She had three children with her first husband, Frank
  Gibraltar Drive                                                                 Q 1:48 p.m. on Norton Way                    Leslie, and worked as an executive secretary for many years.
                                         Domestic battery
Q 8:50 a.m. on the 5700 block of                                                  DUI
  Gibraltar Drive                        Q 2:03 a.m. on Rosewood Drive                                                         She survived her beloved second husband, Alton Emerson,
                                                                                  Q 4:59 a.m. on the 6100 block of West        moving to California after his death. She was an enthusiastic
Q 9:17 a.m. on the 5700 block of
  Gibraltar Drive
                                         Aug. 25                                    Las Positas Blvd
                                         Alcohol violation                        Vandalism                                    member of Mensa, the international high IQ society, as well
Other thefts                                                                                                                   as a talented artist and craftswoman whose favorite color was
                                         Q 11:39 p.m. on the 800 block of Main    Q 4:24 p.m. on the 3900 block of
Q 4:31 p.m. on the 1700 block of Santa                                              Stoneridge Drive
  Rita Road
                                           Street                                                                              “the rainbow”. She was deeply curious about people, warm
                                         Domestic battery                                                                      and friendly to everyone she met, and loved to chat to anyone
Q 4:39 p.m., 2300 block of Stoneridge                                             Aug. 23
  Mall Road; shoplifting                 Q 6:20 p.m. on Rosewood Drive                                                         at any time about anything. Her proudest achievement was
                                                                                  Theft from auto
Q 5:18 p.m., 1300 block of Stoneridge    Graffiti
                                                                                  Q 3:41 a.m. on the 2500 block of Raven       her family.
  Mall Road; shoplifting                 Q 1:47 p.m. on Division Street at          Road
Q 9:37 p.m., 4700 block of Willow          Hopyard Road                                                                           Marion is survived by her children, Kathryn Gomberg
                                                                                  Q 5:32 a.m. on the 5900 block of Sunol
  Road; theft from structure             Burglary                                   Boulevard                                  (Martin) of Wolverhampton, England; Virginia Leslie
Aug. 26                                  Q 10:21 a.m. on the 1300 block of        Q 7:03 a.m. on the 6500 block of             (Michael Janousek) of Milpitas; David Leslie (Corinne)
                                           Brookline Loop                           Lansing Court                              of Pleasanton; and grandchildren Anna Gomberg and
Assault/battery                          Theft                                    Q 10:09 a.m. on the 1900 block of
Q 11:34 p.m. on the 300 block of St.                                                Foxswallow Circle
                                                                                                                               Thomas Stone of Oakland, Sarah Leslie and Adrian Schulte
                                         Q 7:41 a.m., 4300 block of Krause
  Mary Street                              Street; theft of bicycle                                                            of Denver, Peter and Amy Gomberg and Stephen Gomberg
                                                                                  Q 10:10 a.m. on the 2500 block of
Drug violation                           Q 8:56 a.m., 5500 block of Springdale      Tapestry Way                               of Wolverhampton, England, Jennifer Leslie-Failing and
Q 9:39 p.m. at Hopyard Road and I-580      Avenue; shoplifting                    Shoplifting                                  Nate Failing of Livermore and Simon Gomberg of London,
Q 9:57 p.m. on the 6100 block of West    Q 9:27 a.m., 3600 block of Andrews       Q 2:54 p.m. on the 2300 block of
  Las Positas Blvd                         Drive; theft of bicycle                  Stoneridge Mall Road
                                                                                                                               England; and five great-grandchildren, Reece, Jamie, Pierce,
DUI                                                                               Q 3:34 p.m. on the 1500 block of
                                                                                                                               Parker and Ella. She is also survived by her brother David
Q 7:42 a.m. on the 1000 block of West
                                         Aug. 24                                    Stoneridge Mall Road                       Hardy and niece Anne Estep (Nate) of Oakland.
  Lagoon Road                            Alcohol violation                        Q 7:30 p.m. on the 1300 block of                Friends and family are invited to a memorial service on
Q 9:56 p.m. on the 3100 block of Santa   Q 10:10 a.m. on the 4200 block of          Stoneridge Mall Road
  Rita Road                                Valley Avenue                                                                       Saturday, September 2, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. at Lynnewood
                                                                                  Q 9:33 p.m. on the 1500 block of
Alcohol violation                        Fraud                                      Stoneridge Mall Road                       United Methodist Church, 4444 Black Avenue, Pleasanton,
Q 6:50 p.m. on the 3300 block of         Q 7:37 p.m. on the 5200 block of         Vandalism                                    and a reception which will follow at the church.
  Hopyard Road                             Hopyard Road                           Q 2:56 p.m. on the 600 block of Main
                                                                                                                                                                                      PA I D   O B I T U A RY
                                                                                                                                                     Pleasanton Weekly • September 1, 2017 • Page 11
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