The professional journal for Management & Staff - Chair Head Bursar Registrar Staffroom SchoolOffice - Independent Schools Magazine

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The professional journal for Management & Staff - Chair Head Bursar Registrar Staffroom SchoolOffice - Independent Schools Magazine
February 2021

Chair   Head   Bursar   Registrar   Staffroom   School Office
...the professional journal for Management & Staff
The professional journal for Management & Staff - Chair Head Bursar Registrar Staffroom SchoolOffice - Independent Schools Magazine
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The professional journal for Management & Staff - Chair Head Bursar Registrar Staffroom SchoolOffice - Independent Schools Magazine
In this issue...
                                                  04 Remote Teaching
                                                        impact on face-to-face lessons
                                                  05 Resilience Over Results
                                                        new rules of competition
                                                  07 Re-defining Physical Education
                                                        focus on fundamental movement
                                                  08 At the Heart of the Vacc Pack
                                                        schools join massive volunteer programme
Rescued farm animals
                                                  16 Boosting Admissions
bring comfort to children                               getting results during the pandemic
Resident animals have become ‘listening’
companions for pupils at York House School,       20 Profile
Hertfordshire, to help express emotions and
anxieties outside of the classroom.
                                                        in conversation with Dr. Pamela Edmonds
As mental health and wellbeing continues          22 Cost-effective Theatre Project
to be a top priority for children across the
country, pupils at York House escaped back
                                                        design competition delivers results
to nature to ‘switch off’ and spend more
quality time with resident animals at the
                                                  24 ‘Music Makes the Brain grow’
school. Home to horses, ponies, sheep, pigs,            more to music than meets the ear
goats, pygmy goats and donkeys, the school’s
animals provided comfort and a calm haven         27 One School, Two Principals
of outdoor tranquillity for the children before
the third-lockdown was imposed.
                                                        innovative structure explored
Alongside a regular smallholding club at
break times and two after school clubs,
the school adapted its timetable to offer         06 ‘Active Learning’ offsets pandemic negatives
extra form time sessions to allow more            10 Teaching style & student perceptions of performance
classes to escape the bustle of the busy          14 TPS - why stay on board?
classroom environment and to have time to         18 Students self-help scheme supports mental health
engage with the animals one to one, on a          22 Music, Drama, & Dance Focus Feature
daily basis. Pupils who need to share their       28 Engaging alumni during lockdown
feelings and emotions further, are given extra    32 Staff Well-Being - when the stress becomes too much
sessions named ‘Donkey Downtime’. This is a       35 Refectory at the heart of a school community
structured forum in which pupils can share,       36 Heads Hunted
reflect and discuss matters during their day
                                                  37 Changing Faces, Changing Places
at school.
                                                  38 Pandemic demands new approach to cleaning
Jon Gray, Headmaster, said: “The school’s
smallholding has become important in
promoting positive thinking and encouraging        Is Your School Mentioned?
children to talk about their feelings.”
                                                   Schools featured in this issue include:
                                                   ACS International School; Bickley Park School; Bilton Grange School; Burgess Hill
Cover background                                   Girls; Chetham’s; Crown House Preparatory School; Dean Close St. John’s School;
                                                   Denstone College; Ellesmere College; Hampshire School Chelsea; Horris Hill School;
Fine dining - and more                             Ibstock Place School; King Edward VI School; King’s High School; Lady Eleanor
The new dining hall at London’s Ibstock            Holles School; Malvern College; Marlborough College; New Hall School; Plymouth
Place School is so much more than a place          College; Prince’s Gardens Preparatory School; Queen’s College; Rossall School;
to eat.                                            Royal School; Salisbury Cathedral School; Sevenoaks School; Sherborne Prep School;
                                                   Shoreham College; St. Mary’s Music School; St. Mary’s School; Stamford High School;
An architect discusses the thinking behind         Thorngrove School; Warwick School; Windlesham House School; York House School
the innovative design... page 35                                                                  Independent Schools Magazine 3
The professional journal for Management & Staff - Chair Head Bursar Registrar Staffroom SchoolOffice - Independent Schools Magazine
“Remote teaching will
positively impact our face-
to-face delivery of lessons”
“I don’t think I would be alone in saying that the past year
has truly tested my teaching skills” says Lucy Hanham,
Deputy Head Academic, at Thorngrove School, in Berkshire...
Technology has come to play a          live lessons per day, with form        A key point to ponder when               in time, create an invaluable store
huge role in my daily teaching life,   times built around this to allow       delivering live lessons via remote       of information.
and that of my colleagues It has       for social interaction. Hour-long      methods is to consider how to
                                                                                                                       Delivering lessons remotely is not
certainly called for adaptability,     lessons allow for immersion in a       gather children’s responses and
                                                                                                                       strictly what I came into teaching
flexibility and ingenuity.             task, with breaks between allowing     check understanding. Although we
                                                                                                                       for – I much prefer delivering
                                       time away from the screen. In the      may have cameras on, we may not
Careful and considerate timetabling                                                                                    face-to-face lessons and I know
                                       spring lockdown, this allowed for      always be able to see the children
has been vital to the success of our                                                                                   that I am not just speaking for
                                       time outside in the good weather,      and gauge their understanding
remote provision. Asking children,     but with darker days and poorer        from facial expressions and body         myself. However, I much prefer
and adults, to be live online can      weather, encouraging the children      language. Also, some children may        being able to interact with my
be challenging and tiring for          to take time out has been a little     be reluctant to speak on a Teams         pupils online than not at all. It
all involved, so giving sufficient     more challenging. The introduction     call. A great method, aside from         has meant getting creative and
breaks and manageable teaching         of Forest Schools onto our remote      using the chat function, is to make      delivering content differently
blocks has been imperative. On         timetable will hopefully redress the   use of Padlets. This nifty little tool   to allow full engagement. For
average, Thorngrovers can expect       balance, allowing for more time        allows all children to pin their         example, I have found that pre-
between three and four hours of        away from the computer screen.         thoughts or ideas on digital ‘post-      recording the more complicated
                                                                              its’ – it is high speed and very         parts of a lesson is very popular,

 300 laptops donated to                                                       interactive, not to mention visually
                                                                              appealing. Our children love it, as
                                                                                                                       allowing pupils to review the
                                                                                                                       content at their own speed. I also

 state primary schools
                                                                              they can all share at the same time      feel that having a clear timetable
                                                                              and see each other’s responses too.      of lessons, where children can still
                                                                              This prevents the rot setting in, as     see their teachers and friends is
  ACS International Schools            partnership with local state and
                                                                              all children engage simultaneously       crucial to maintaining a routine
  has donated 300 brand new            independent schools, higher
  laptops to 20 partner state          education institutions, corporate      and it allows a quick teacher            and mental health. Many of my
  primary schools in and around        partners and communities to            response. Misunderstandings are          students have said that having
  Cobham, Surrey, to support local     share facilities, resources and        quick to see.                            the routine and knowing what is
  children who do not have access      educational expertise, ensuring                                                 happening has really helped them
                                       young people across the region         Firefly (our virtual learning
  to technology at home. The
                                                                              environment) has played an               in these uncertain times. Routine
  donation was made as part of         have access to the highest
  ACS’s continued commitment to        quality education and learning         integral role in delivering our          and interaction are important parts
  supporting its community and         experiences.                           remote learning curriculum.              of any remote lesson.
  advancing education. Through         Graeme Lawrie, ACS’s                   Teachers can create resource pages       The Covid-19 pandemic has
  this initiative, 300 more children   Partnerships Director, comments:       for lessons, which allows for all
  will be able to learn safely and                                                                                     certainly thrown down various
                                       “Speaking with many of our             content, such as presentations,
  securely at home during the                                                                                          challenges and has called on
                                       partner schools over the past          videos and worksheets, to be
  Covid-19 lockdown.                   couple of weeks, it is abundantly                                               teachers to use all of their
                                                                              stored in one place. Creating tasks
  All 300 laptops were delivered       clear that there is the need                                                    ingenuity to maintain pupil
                                                                              from these resource pages allows
  during January, with each            for support with additional                                                     progress and engagement. I
                                                                              children to upload work and send
  school receiving 15 laptops          resources. Teachers are                                                         do think that it will impact on
                                       juggling the delivery of remote        questions and comments to their
  which they can issue to children                                                                                     the way that we deliver lessons
                                       learning, while also supporting        teachers. All work and feedback
  who do not have a laptop or                                                                                          and here at Thorngrove, it has,
  device to learn from at home.        children who, without access           are stored digitally in the mark
                                       to technology at home, are             book function. A glance at my            without doubt, proven the value of
  ACS also provides support to
  ensure children are able to          allowed to come into school.           mark book allows me to track who         technology. It has forced many of
  use them effectively for their       During these challenging times         hasn’t been handing in work, the         us to think a little more creatively,
  learning.                            it is essential that we do what                                                 such as how we gather feedback
                                                                              marks a child has been getting
                                       we can to ensure the continued
                                                                              for work and any feedback given.         from the children. I look forward
  ACS, which has three UK school       learning of children in our
  campuses in Cobham, Egham            community - we hope that the           Progress can easily be tracked and       to the day when we can return
  and Hillingdon, became a             laptops will help students with        monitored. Not only has this made        to the classroom, but I know that
  registered charity in September      their learning and development,        parents’ evening feedback much           this remote teaching period will
  2018 with a mission to advance       while also easing the load for         easier to handle, but the digital        positively impact our face-to-face
  education. As part of this           some of our partner teachers                                                    delivery of lessons. Every cloud has
                                                                              trail can be held on record over the
  mission, ACS regularly works in      too.”
                                                                              child’s time at the school. This will,   a silver lining.

4 Independent Schools Magazine                                                                                    Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249
The professional journal for Management & Staff - Chair Head Bursar Registrar Staffroom SchoolOffice - Independent Schools Magazine
‘Education shouldn’t be defined as a game of winners and losers’

The new rules of competition:
resilience over results
‘Competition brings out the best in us!’ We’ve heard it in schools, in the workplace
and on the sportsfield. But it’s a myth that needs dispelling, says Dr Cath Bishop,
author of ‘The Long Win’, Olympian, former diplomat and organisational consultant...
Our obsession with competition,          pupils learn to cooperate and             future need resilience to manage
winning and rankings is holding us       interact also sets expectations           uncertainty and complexity and            Dr Cath Bishop
back from exploring our potential        for adult life – do you expect to         find new solutions to the issues          Dr Cath Bishop is an Olympian,
and building resilience to manage a      succeed alone? To be assessed             of our time. Resilience research          former diplomat and business
complex, uncertain world.                always individually? To be compared       across diverse areas such as grief        coach. She competed in rowing at
                                         and ranked alongside your peers?          and bereavement management,               3 Olympic Games, winning World
What’s going wrong? We have often                                                                                            Championships gold in 2003 and
                                         Or are you developing skills of           trauma studies and mental health,
been taught that competition drives                                                                                          Olympic silver in Athens 2004.
                                         teamworking, appreciating different       and experiences of the military
performance and is a natural force in                                                                                        As a diplomat for the British
                                         perspectives and welcoming                and elite athletes all highlights         Foreign Office for 12 years,
each of us. Well that’s a half-truth
                                         diversity?                                one key characteristic: flexibility.      Cath specialized in policy and
at best. Competition can often drive
                                                                                   Learning to flex comes in many            negotiations on conflict issues,
us to take short cuts, prioritising      Given the number of leadership
                                                                                   forms but requires support and the        with postings to Bosnia and Iraq.
short-term wins over long-term           courses where I see leaders
                                                                                   opportunity to fail. Competition          Cath now works as a business
sustainable gains. It can induce us      struggling to build effective
                                                                                   can get in the way of this deeper         consultant, leadership coach and
to sabotage our peers if we see them     teams and better cross-company
                                                                                   learning from adversity, from             author, and teaches on Executive
as opponents rather than colleagues;     collaboration, and requesting
                                                                                   experience and from failure.              Education programmes at the
and if we think our success depends      sessions on ‘communicating with                                                     Judge Business School, Cambridge
                                                                                   Competition can distort our lens
on their failure. Our colleagues and     your team’ or ‘how to have difficult                                                University and is a Visiting
                                                                                   away from viewing life as an
peers offer a rich source of learning,   conversations’, it seems clear that                                                 Professor at Surrey Business
                                                                                   ongoing continuum of growth and
challenge and support – all essential    lifelong benefits would result from                                                 School. Cath speaks at events
                                                                                   development and mislead us to
qualities for building long-term         learning like this earlier on in life.                                              globally on topics of leadership,
                                                                                   see the world through short-term          high performing teams and
resilience – if only we were open        The view that ‘we’re wired to             results and rankings. Even in elite       cultural change.
to cooperation with them rather          compete’ clashes with findings of         sport, the ultimate world of winning
than competition against them. It’s                                                                                          Her first book ‘The Long Win:
                                         multiple anthropologists that it is       and losing, sports psychologists and      the search for a better way to
worth remembering that the original      our capability to cooperate in large      coaches now realise that athletes         succeed’, published October 2020,
meaning of competition is based on       numbers, communicate through              need to focus on the ongoing              was described by the Financial
the Latin word ‘competere’ which         sophisticated language and connect        process of constant improvement,          Times as ‘a deep and rewarding
actually means ‘to strive together’:     through ideas and stories which           learning from losing and building         exploration of human motivation
no mention of beating, attacking         defined the first humans. Not the         a network of meaningful                   in sport, politics, business and our
and destroying others, but a basis of    use of tools, brain size or aggression.   relationships, rather than simply         personal lives.’
cooperation and common cause.            It is connection that creates             chasing rankings and medals, if they
US educational academic Alfie Kohn       resilience, not isolation. Issues of      are to optimise performance in a
is a firm advocate of ‘cooperative       the future require us to be resilient     sustainable way.                        mindset and a focus on relationships
learning’ which he defines as            and able to manage complex issues                                                 as we learn. That would help us
                                                                                   Education shouldn’t be defined
‘working together to accomplish          that have no ‘right’ answers for us                                               to develop resilient leaders ready
                                                                                   as a game of winners and losers,
shared goals’. How students interact     to mark our thinking against on a                                                 to manage a world we can’t yet
                                                                                   emphasising conformity and
is commonly a neglected or at best       summary sheet.                                                                    imagine, doing jobs we haven’t yet
                                                                                   compliance, and striving to measure
secondary aspect of schooling. Yet       Whether it’s social, economic             extraordinary diversity in narrow       heard of, working collaboratively to
it is critical to how students learn     or environmental challenges of            results. Education is an infinite       find solutions to complex problems
and how they feel about school,          inequality, poverty or climate            game, requiring a ‘Long Win’            for which no single politician,
each other and themselves. How           change, leaders now and in the            approach, a constant learning           scientist or expert has the answer.

State-of-the-art Innovation Centre
Marlborough College, Wiltshire,          ideas, unconstrained by standard
is nearing completion on its new,        classroom sizes.
state-of-the-art Innovation Centre.
                                         Bill Roe, Director of Capital
Building started in October              Projects at Marlborough College,
2019 and is set for completion           said: “Science, Technology and
in March. Set over two levels,           Innovation are deservedly at the top
1000m2 of cutting-edge teaching          of the educational agenda in the
and exhibition space will provide        UK and globally, and Marlborough
                                                                                                                           The build is by Brymor Construction Ltd.
an inspirational setting for             has a desire to be at the forefront of
pupils to test and display their         this educational movement, playing        “We do not know what the                STEM Education in a forward-
ideas. Generous floor to floor           our part in equipping the next            employment of tomorrow will look        thinking and innovative manner
heights offer opportunities for          generation of young people with           like in what might be called ‘The       which best equips our pupils and
the construction of large-scale          the skills, creativity and passion to     Fourth Industrial Revolution’, but      those from our partner schools for
prototypes, promoting new                engage in these three crucial areas       Marlborough is poised to adapt, to      the challenges and expectations of
and exciting ways of exploring           knowledgeably and with ambition.          invest and to be ready to approach      the future.”                                                                                      Independent Schools Magazine 5
The professional journal for Management & Staff - Chair Head Bursar Registrar Staffroom SchoolOffice - Independent Schools Magazine
Tackling the negative impact of
Coronavirus with active learning
                 It is well understood that physical activity has an important role to play in improving
                 children’s physical and emotional health and can have a positive impact on their
                 academic progress too.
                 Although most independent schools provide a wide range of sporting and other activities
                 as part of a rounded education to keep pupils active, it is estimated that primary school
                 aged children currently spend 50-70% of their time sitting down in the classroom. Even
                 when they get home, some can be in front of a screen for more than 6 hours.
The Coronavirus lockdowns of 2020 will have only increased this and resulted in many pupils spending
much more time than they typically would being sedentary.
To address the issue could schools consider bringing more active learning opportunities into lessons to
help improve the physical health and mental wellbeing of their pupils? Jon Smedley reports...
Making physical                         Physical activity helps pupils better    activities such as team sports and               room or in various spots in the
activity a priority                     engage in what they are learning,        the performing arts with active                  playground. The teacher reads out
                                        and in my experience, it can act as      learning methodology.                            words containing a silent letter
As a former teacher for over 20
                                        a catalyst to raise attainment in all                                                     one by one and the children move
years, I have always had a passion                                               Lessons incorporating active
                                        areas of the curriculum.                                                                  to the letter they think is silent
for physical education. My interest                                              learning methodology get children
                                                                                                                                  in each case. They then write the
in the topic comes from the             It is possible for schools to increase   moving and encourage them to
                                                                                 interact physically as part of the               correct spelling of the words in full
research that has been conducted        the opportunities children have
                                                                                 learning process, rather than being              to embed the learning and earn a
around the benefits of movement         to be more active in school and
                                                                                 confined to a desk. This could be                class token.
in learning, and also from my own       supplement what they are already
experiences in school.                  offering through co-curricular           an effective way to help schools                 There are many benefits to teaching
                                                                                 tackle the negative effects of                   in this way, particularly for younger
   MOTIVATIONAL, ASPIRATIONAL, ENCOURAGING                                       Coronavirus on learning progress.                children.
                                                                                 But what does an active lesson look
                                                       FREE                                                                       Enriching the learning
     HONOURS                                           UPDATES
                                                                                 like in practice?
                                                     FOR 2 YEARS                 Maths and English in action
     BOARDS                                     With Each Board Ordered
                                                        QUOTE:                   A teacher could plan a lesson where
                                                                                                                                  Introducing more physical activities
                                                        1SM231                                                                    into maths and English lessons not
                                                   WHEN ENQUIRING                pupils take part in a Grand Prix
                                                                                                                                  only boosts academic achievement
                                                                                 race around the playground to
                                                                                                                                  in these critical subjects, but also
                                                                                 collect multiplication and division
                                                                                                                                  gives children the chance to have
                                                                                 questions. Once a question is
                                                                                                                                  fun while they learn, which means
                                                                                 collected the child returns to the
                                                                                                                                  the learning sticks.
                                                                                 ‘pit stop’ and calculates the answer
                                                                                 then writes it down. The first team              Many active lessons are designed
                                                                                 to complete all the questions wins               to encourage children to work
                                                                                 the Grand Prix.                                  together in teams, while adhering
                                                                                 Teachers could mix it up by having               to social distancing requirements in
                                                                                 a different Grand Prix every week –              these challenging times.
                                                                                 at Silverstone or in Monaco – and                As schools continue to navigate
                                                                                 see which team has won at the end                their way through the current crisis
                                                                                 of the season.                                   the chances of further lockdowns
                                                                                 More activity can be injected into               and disruptions to learning cannot
                                                                                 English lessons too. For example,                be ruled out completely.
                                                                                 The Stations Game keeps children
                                                                                                                                  So active learning could be
                                                                                 moving while they learn how to
                                                                                                                                  an effective way for teachers
                                                                                 spell words with silent letters.
     Goldtree Bespoke,                                                                                                            to continue supporting their
     9 Huffwood Manor Trading Estate,                                            Letters that are typically silent,               pupils academically, physically
     Partridge Green, West Sussex, RH13 8AU
                                                                                 such as W in ‘sword’ or K in                     and emotionally through these
     For further info and your questions answered:        ANY SIZE,              ‘knight’, can be placed around the               uncertain times.
     Tel: 0345 260 2350 or 01403 711553               SHAPE, STYLE,
     Email:                  OR COLOUR!
                                                                                 Jon Smedley is a former teacher with over 21 years’ experience and founder of Teach Active,
                                              where teachers can access up to 50 active lesson plans in English and Maths for a free trial

6 Independent Schools Magazine                                                                                             Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249
The professional journal for Management & Staff - Chair Head Bursar Registrar Staffroom SchoolOffice - Independent Schools Magazine
Fundamental movements – an individual focus for every pupil

Redefining physical education
The balance between preparing pupils to lead a healthy, active
lifestyle whilst instilling a lifelong love of sport and physical activity
is an important responsibility which can often be overlooked when
developing a sporting programme based on fixtures and sporting
prowess, suggests Huw Thomas, of Sherborne Prep School, Dorset...
As schools we need to redefine                 personalised set of exercises and            with form teachers and parents
physical education, we must think              movement flows for each child that           noting improvements in posture,
about how we use the time we                   includes breathing protocols.                functional skills and a renewed sense
have with our children to have a                                                            of purpose.                              improved wellbeing and functional
                                               We were confident that if we
sustainable impact on their physical                                                                                                 movement, the importance of which
                                               developed core movement patterns,            We were able to carry out a screen
wellbeing. We believe that we                                                                                                        has increased when viewed through
                                               balance, stability and the ability to        in school at the end of last term in
have made a fundamental shift in                                                                                                     the optic of lockdown.
                                               move efficiently, we would achieve           order to maintain the programme.
approach by seeking to prepare
                                               our goal. Pupil programmes are               Despite the challenges of the            The impact of COVID is not
our children for the increased
                                               connected to posture, breathing              pandemic, during lockdown, all           insignificant: We are preparing
expectation and stress that they will
                                               and the wider benefits of physical           parents and pupils have been given       our pupils for the unknown, so
come under both physically and
                                               wellness in the classroom; the               access to extra/additional online        developing good movement habits
mentally as they move on to their
                                               concomitant benefits include a               resources for physical movement          and preserving the movement health
senior schools. As a progressive and
                                               positive impact upon their well-             and breathing that can be carried        of our young people has never been
supportive initiative, at Sherborne
                                               being. We have achieved this by              out remotely. Welcomed by parents,       more of a priority. We believe this
Prep we introduced a Fundamental
                                               adapting our PE curriculum to                                                         starts at school.
Movement Systems sporting                                                                   staff and pupils, we used the lessons
                                               incorporate these movement flows
programme.                                                                                  to effectively connect children at       As an FMS pilot school, Sherborne
                                               and by focussing on Gymnastics and
                                                                                            home and online through blended          Prep is now involved with a Cardiff
Every one of us possesses different            Karate. The long term benefits are
                                                                                            learning. We also provided staff         Metropolitan University research
patterns of movement which                     key to this programme and we are
                                                                                            with access to the programme and         programme to study the movement
underpin everyday actions from                 confident that they will be better
                                                                                            many have been screened reporting        of Pre-Prep children.
walking and bending to complex                 prepared for the increased physical
skill-based sports. I passionately             stress and load on the body as our
believe that the shift of focus to
fundamental movement patterns,
                                               children move on to Senior school.           Flag goes to Antarctica
                                               Teaming up with FMS UK,                      A Year 7 student from Stamford
personalised for each pupil, would
                                               implementing their videos to                 High School, Lincolnshire, has
allow them to access the full
                                               train our staff and ensure a
sporting curriculum whilst fulfilling                                                       won a flag designing competition,
                                               consistency in our delivery, we were
our promise as a School - to provide                                                        meaning her flag travelled to
                                               conscious that all our sessions had
access to a broad, balanced, and                                                            Antarctica with a Scientist late
                                               to be high quality, meaningful,
varied sporting programme.                                                                  last year.
                                               exciting and enjoyable for pupils.
The underlying rationale for this              Parent engagement was key;
                                                                                            Students from across Year 7 at
programme was my belief that                   communicating the unique shape
                                                                                            SHS entered their designs for an
our role as a School went beyond               of our sporting provision and
the parameters of providing the                reporting sensitively and regularly          Antarctic flag in a competition
environment for developing                     was important to the success of              organised by the British Antarctic
character and the right approach to            the project. Through recording               Survey. A finalist was selected
learning through competitive and               progress and engaging in two-way,            per form group, based on design
recreational sporting opportunities            age-appropriate conversations                and how well they adhered to
for our pupils. Whilst these are               with pupils including during                 the given brief. Lola Butler was
important -our pupils do access                lockdown, we have ensured that               selected as the School’s overall
superb sporting provision and                  the programme was adapted to suit
                                                                                            winner. Lola’s design includes one
achieve excellent results at national          online, ‘in School live lessons’, and
                                                                                            penguin for each country that has
level – we believe that we have a              blended learning. No easy task!
duty to provide more than simply a                                                          signed the Antarctic Treaty, and
                                               We have seen a visible difference
sporting experience for our pupils.                                                         her flag travelled with researcher       “We decided to enter the
                                               in the functional movement of our
As a department, our aspiration                                                             Alexandra Dodds to Bird Island           national Antarctica Day Flag
                                               pupils with a tangible focus on
was to provide our pupils with the                                                          Landing Bay, in Antarctica, on the       competition run by the British
                                               physical and mental wellbeing of
fundamental movement patterns                                                               28th November.                           Antarctic Survey as it is designed
                                               our pupils. We saw a staggering
to be able to move efficiently and
                                               90% improvement in pupils from                                                        to create awareness towards
correctly whilst simultaneously                                                             Runners up in the competition
                                               screen 1 results after only the                                                       why it is important for us to
building their gross motor skills.                                                          were Annabel Anslow, Holly
                                               first six-month block of activity.                                                    protect one of the Earth’s last
                                               Furthermore our Learning Support             Haynes and Matilda Hind, who
By implementing the Fundamental                                                                                                      natural wildernesses. Antarctica
Motor Skills programme, which                  department has confirmed change              also received certificates and
                                                                                                                                     is the fifth largest continent of
is based on a carefully planned                in pupils with additional needs              merits in their Geography lessons
                                                                                                                                     the world at 14 million km2
screening process, we produce a                including increased concentration
                                                                                            Mr M Smith, Head of Geography            and is covered in a permanent
Huw Thomas, Director of Operations and Director of Sport at Sherborne Prep School, Dorset   at Stamford High School, said:           continental ice sheet”.                                                                                                Independent Schools Magazine 7
The professional journal for Management & Staff - Chair Head Bursar Registrar Staffroom SchoolOffice - Independent Schools Magazine
At the heart of the vacc pack
Independent schools have offered their facilities to assist in the roll-out
of Covid-19 vaccines. Two such schools feature in this tribute to the huge
nationwide effort, along with a music and needlework teacher who stepped
up to the plate and trained as a vaccinator...

Swapping embroidery needles
for vaccination needles!
The Head of Music and Textiles,        return some sort of normality to
at The Royal School, Surrey, Miss      our lives.
Jo Hart, has become a volunteer
                                       An Advanced First Aider with St.
vaccinator to assist the NHS with
the huge task of rolling out the       John Ambulance, Miss Hart has
newly approved vaccines.               been volunteering in her spare
                                       time throughout the pandemic.
Miss Hart is more used to handling     Miss Hart is one of many St. John
embroidery needles, having trained     Ambulance volunteers who have
at The Royal School of Needlework      been called upon to help with the
– a serious hobby she has pursued      vaccination programme.
for many years. However, she is
now swapping her embroidery            Her first shift was at Epsom
needles for vaccination needles, as    Racecourse, after which she found
the country looks on in hope that      time to talk to ISM about her
the roll out of the vaccination will   experience...
Q: Who or what inspired you to get     learnt in St John have enabled
involved as a volunteer first-aider    me to provide help where it is
with St. John Ambulance originally?    needed most, including in hospitals,
What service do you usually provide?   moving ambulances to London and
What has been your most interesting    COVID-19 testing.
assignment to date?
                                       My volunteer work with St. John
A: From a young age, I had a           has been so varied that it is hard
keen interest in medicine and did      to pick a favourite assignment, but
consider a career in the health        my support with the fight against
service, but instead, followed my      Covid-19 is probably one of the         day, and how many of them did you        the time to volunteer, alongside
passion for Music. As a teacher, I     highlights of my work with the          perform? What was the reaction           holding down a career as a Head
have completed numerous First Aid      charity so far.                         of the public to you as a volunteer?     of Music. In truth, it is not always
training courses and felt that the                                             What were your feelings when you         easy, but I am the sort of person
                                       Q: How did you hear about the
skills I learnt every few years were                                           got home after the experience?           who likes to do something proactive
                                       need for volunteers on the covid
largely wasted, as I never really                                                                                       in my spare time. I am also a great
                                       mass-vaccination programme?             A: Volunteering at Epsom has been
got to put them into practice. It                                                                                       believer that we should never stop
                                       What extra training did you have to     an amazing experience. It has been
was after one such course that I                                                                                        learning and by doing something
                                       undergo?                                fantastic to work with people from
started to research about the work                                                                                      completely different from my
                                                                               the NHS and there has been a real
of St. John Ambulance in our local     A: St. John are great about keeping
                                                                               sense of community spirit. Being         day job, I hope that I am able to
community and decided to apply to      all of their volunteers informed
                                                                               part of the process gives me hope        inspire my pupils to see the lifelong
join as a volunteer.                   about new opportunities, so when
                                                                               that we can all slowly start to return   learning opportunities that exist
                                       the opportunity came to apply to
Before the pandemic, my role                                                   to some sense of normality. The          beyond the classroom.
                                       train for the vaccination programme,
with St. John involved providing                                               reaction from the general public
                                       I did not hesitate to sign up. I have                                            In addition to my volunteering with
First Aid at events. This could be                                             has been incredibly positive and
                                       undertaken rigorous training to                                                  St. John Ambulance, I also have a
anything from a small country fete,                                            the work I have done has made me
                                       learn about the different vaccines                                               great passion for hand embroidery
to larger events like the London                                               feel very proud to be part of the
                                       and understand how to administer                                                 and have been studying part-time
Marathon and Wimbledon Tennis                                                  organisation.
                                       them to the general public.                                                      at the Royal School of Needlework
Championships. Sadly, all events
                                                                               Q: Teaching can be a tough,              at Hampton Court, for the last
were cancelled during the pandemic     Q: How did your first duty at
                                                                               draining profession. So can first-       eight years. The intricate nature
and as a St. John volunteer, I was     Epsom go? How did you find the
                                                                               aiding. How do you cope physically       of the embroidery work allows
subsequently asked to support the      organisation generally? Were you
                                                                               and mentally with both? What are         me to completely switch off from
NHS at this difficult time. Since      satisfied that you were kept as safe
                                                                               your other interests outside these       day-to-day life and it is a privilege
the first lock down in March 2020,     as possible with adequate provision
I have been carrying out a wide        of PPE, social distancing etc? How                                               to study in a palace which has so
range of tasks – the skills I have     many people were vaccinated that        A: People often ask me how I find        much history!

8 Independent Schools Magazine                                                                                     Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249
The professional journal for Management & Staff - Chair Head Bursar Registrar Staffroom SchoolOffice - Independent Schools Magazine
Training centre
                                                    King Edward VI School, located                    vaccinator training centre, and by
                                                    in the heart of Southampton,                      the following weekend we had
                                                    Hampshire, has become a vaccine                   hundreds of volunteers busily
                                                    training centre for the St John                   training at the School. I came in
                                                    Ambulance. King Edward’s is                       to School on the first weekend,
                                                    providing its facilities for the use of           and it was lovely to chat to the
                                                    St John Ambulance, as they train                  trainers and volunteers, just to
 With the recent roll-out of the                    hundreds of volunteers to carry out               check that they were happy that
 COVID-19 vaccine, Plymouth                         vaccinations in Southampton and                   they had everything they needed.
 College are supporting and working                 surrounding areas.                                Apart from one slight glitch on
 with the St John Ambulance Service                                                                   the first day – when the police
 by providing their Prep School site,               Head Neal Parker (pictured right),
                                                                                                      came calling to check whether we
 located at The Millfields, to train                said “We were contacted by a                      had an illegal gathering taking
 volunteers over five weekends in                   former King Edward VI School                      place, but were swiftly reassured
 the administering of the COVID-19                  student who works for Savills                     – the entire process has been           delivery service for vulnerable
                                                    property agents, who had been                     seamless and smooth.                    community members. Now
 The vacancy of the Prep School site                asked to locate 16 large venues                                                           we can once again try to help
 has meant that St John Ambulance                                                                     Savills have been utterly
                                                    across the UK to act as hosts for                                                         through the vaccination training,
 are able to safely use the facility                                                                  professional; the St John
 for the training of all volunteers                 St John Ambulance as they looked                                                          and by volunteering to act as
                                                    to train over 30,000 vaccinators                  Ambulance are a delight to work
 to safely administer the COVID-19                                                                                                            a hub for vaccinations if needed.”
                                                                                                      with, and we are honoured to
 vaccine and roll-out to people living              in just two months as part of
 in Plymouth.                                                                                         be asked to play our own small          “We all know that getting the
                                                    the fight against COVID-19.
                                                                                                      part in helping the community           vaccine out to those in need
 Jo Hayward, Head (pictured above),                 Southampton had been identified
 said: “We are pleased to be able to                                                                  and country through this                most is a tremendous logistical
                                                    as a key location. We were
 support the St John Ambulance in                                                                     terrible pandemic. Throughout           exercise. It needs huge numbers
                                                    delighted to offer our facilities
 their work as part of the roll-out                                                                   the pandemic we, like so many           of trained volunteers to carry
                                                    and site for no charge for at least
 of the Covid-19 Mass Vaccination                                                                     schools, have asked ourselves           out the vaccinations, at an
 Programme, and will do all we can                  the next ten weekends.
                                                                                                      repeatedly what we can do to            unprecedented scale and speed.
 to assist in facilitating the delivery             Within a couple of days a site                                                            St John Ambulance will be
                                                                                                      help. During the first lockdown
 of the vaccine to the people of
                                                    visit had established that we                     we used our D&T resources to            playing a critical role in this
 Plymouth where needed going
 forwards.”                                         did indeed have the space                         produce PPE for local healthcare        endeavour and we are delighted
                                                    and facilities needed to be a                     providers, and set up a shopping        to offer our assistance.”

 What does 2020 + U = ?
 Starting strong in 2021 begins now
 A jar, 3 words, a window with a pen are all you need to take the first step.
 Are you ready to get started?
 Pick one or do all three- it really is up to you. But, whatever you do                             No this is not because I am a maths teacher, I learned this a long time ago
 please take time with no distractions to complete – your future self                               that you need to give yourself permission sometimes to stop, rest, think or
 will thank you for it.                                                                             maybe scream! Silently scream of course.

 1. Get a jar and be creative                                                                       3. Create an action
 If you can’t find a jar, pick a box that closes. Get some paper and split into                     Take a moment to reflect what you need to do more or less of to be the
 12 , more if you like. Write down 12 things that you want to experience or                         best version of yourself? Just pick one thing in each box and start today.
 do in 2021. Fold them up and put them in. Set the dates that you will pick
 one on your phone and watch the magic happen.
                                                                                                       MORE OF                               LESS OF
 2. Pick three words to guide you for the year
 What three words do you want to use to guide your thinking and actions
 for 2021?
 You are enough.
 This helps my wellbeing and confidence.                                                               START                                 STOP
 Be kind inside.
 This reminds me to be kind to myself when things go wrong or stress
 levels are high.
 Permission to X.
 From one educator to another, thank you for all that you do. I hope that these ideas help you in these interesting times.                   Written by Tracy Shand at Simply Boarding                                                                                                       Independent Schools Magazine 9
The professional journal for Management & Staff - Chair Head Bursar Registrar Staffroom SchoolOffice - Independent Schools Magazine
Do teachers’ leadership styles affect student
perceptions of their own performance?
Previous research in higher education and industry has shown a strong association
between employer leadership style and student/employee perceptions of their own
productivity, motivation and mental wellbeing. These associations have been shown
to be positive when leadership behaviours are perceived to be inclusive. But can
the same be said of school students and teachers? Sevenoaks School, Kent, with
Professor Gloria Moss undertook to find out by studying mathematics teaching...
To enable comparison with HE and                   motivation, with students’ responses               teachers’ degree of inclusiveness
industry studies conducted by Moss                 plotted against a Likert scale.                    and student performance. This
(Moss et al 2016; Moss 2019), a                                                                       correlation did not differ by
                                                   In total, 721 students completed the
modified validated survey instrument                                                                  gender or by nationality. However,
                                                   questionnaire (66.1% response rate).
was used, an anonymous online                                                                         the strength of the association                     Prof Gloria Moss
multiple-choice questionnaire that                 The results show that the more                     decreased significantly with              
students completed at the start of                 inclusive are teachers’ leadership                 students’ advancing age, indicating                 IPE
lessons or as homework.                            styles, the better students perceived              increased student self-motivation,
                                                   their performance.                                 resilience and ability to act as
Student participation was designed
                                                                                                      independent learners.
on an opt-out basis, with data                     Additional analyses also revealed
collection occurring from March                    the association between inclusive                  It is hoped that this large-scale
to August 2019. The survey                         leadership (IL) and the three                      empirical study, the first examining
consisted of four demographic                      components of performance                          IL in schools, can provide a template
questions on gender, nationality,                  identified in the industry and HE                  for further quantitative school-
year group and ethnicity, 34                                                                          based studies on IL. Indeed, the
                                                   studies – namely, productivity,
questions on students’ perceptions                                                                    establishment of such evidence-
                                                   wellbeing, and motivation.
of mathematics teachers’ leadership                                                                   based, research-led teaching
characteristics, and 12 questions                  Overall, a strong, statistically-                  strategies is a key goal of the
on students’ perceptions of their                  significant positive association                   Institute of Teaching and Learning
own productivity, wellbeing and                    was found between mathematics                      at Sevenoaks School.                                Dr Paul Parham
More information on this study can be found in Innovate, the annual academic journal from the Institute for Teaching and Learning:                        Teacher of Mathematics (Sevenoaks School) &                                                                                       Honorary Lecturer (Imperial College London)

Table 1: Competences underpinning the concept of inclusive leadership in secondary education
 Competence                                Description
 Individualised consideration              Teachers showing individual interest and offering one-to-one support for students
 Idealised influence                       Teachers having admirable qualities that students want to identify with
 Inspirational motivation                  Providing an appealing vision that inspires students
 Intellectual stimulation                  Encouraging students to develop their ideas and be challenged
 Unqualified acceptance                    Being inclusive in considering students
 Empathy                                   Putting oneself mentally and emotionally in the student’s place
 Listening                                 Actively listening to students
 Persuasion                                Being able to influence students
 Confidence building                       Providing students with opportunities and recognition
 Growth                                    Encouraging students to reach their full potential
 Foresight                                 Having the ability to anticipate events and where they might lead
 Conceptualisation                         Having a vision about possibilities and articulating that vision to students
 Awareness                                 Being fully open and aware of environmental cues
 Stewardship                               Articulating the belief that the school’s legacy is to contribute to society
 Healing                                   Helping students cope with any burdens
Table 2: Correlation coefficients of the association between student performance (and its components of productivity, wellbeing
and motivation) and mathematics teachers’ inclusive leadership score, stratified by gender, nationality, year group and ethnicity
                                                                                                            Performance                    Productivity                  Wellbeing
 Gender                                    Male                                                             0.81                           0.71                          0.73
                                           Female                                                           0.82                           0.73                          0.77
 Nationality                               Non-British                                                      0.81                           0.72                          0.71
                                           British                                                          0.82                           0.73                          0.76
 Year Group                                Lower School                                                     0.87                           0.80                          0.84
                                           Middle School                                                    0.80                           0.73                          0.74
                                           Upper School                                                     0.77                           0.66                          0.69
 Ethnicity                                 White                                                            0.82                           0.72                          0.75
                                           Black/Black British                                              0.89                           0.74                          0.82
                                           Asian/Asian British                                              0.76                           0.73                          0.68
                                           Mixed                                                            0.83                           0.75                          0.78
Moss, G. (2019), Inclusive Leadership, Routledge, Abingdon
Moss, G., Sims, C., David, A and Dodd, I. (2016), Inclusive leadership ...driving performance through diversity, London: Employers Network on Equality and Inclusion (enei)

10 Independent Schools Magazine                                                                                                                    Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249
Seventh international campus
Malvern College International has announced the opening of its seventh international
campus in Leysin, Switzerland. This is the first British-branded boarding school in
Switzerland and comes with an array of sports and recreational facilities for its pupils.
Operating in partnership with         rooms and other amenities             sized swimming pool. There              The College has appointed Dr
Feydey International, Malvern         including self-contained living       is also an equestrian centre,           Tim Jefferis as the Founding
College Switzerland will offer a      quarters for staff.                   climbing walls, over 100km of           Headmaster of MCS. Dr Jefferis
bespoke international curriculum                                            pistes across two resorts and           comes from Harrow International
                                      The school’s boarding
for an initial cohort of students                                           The World Cycling Centre which          School Bangkok, where he spent
                                      accommodation is fully en-suite,
due to arrive at the school from                                            includes pump tracks, indoor            three years in post as Second
                                      with spectacular mountain views
September. Entry will be into                                               tracks and international training       Master. Prior to moving to
                                      from every room; pupils will be
either Year 10 or Year 12, with                                             centre – as well as regular fitness     Thailand, he was Deputy Head
additional options for students       accommodated in rooms of 2 or                                                 (Academic) at Oswestry School
                                      3 beds, depending on preference,      centre facilities.
looking for a pre-IGCSE course in                                                                                   and before that, a housemaster at
Year 9 or a University Preparation    age and availability.                 Keith Metcalfe, Headmaster of           Uppingham School, where he also
course in Year 13.                    Based in Leysin, in the Swiss         Malvern College, UK, said: “We          ran the Geography Department
                                      Alps, the school will benefit         are delighted to be opening             for several years.
The College has a small
                                      from excellent on-site facilities     what we believe to be the first
maximum capacity, currently                                                                                         In addition to Malvern College
                                      including a 200-seat auditorium,      British-branded boarding school
with 150 spaces, allowing for a                                                                                     Switzerland, MCI also has three
highly personalised educational       as well as making the most of         in Switzerland, and to have the         campuses in Hong Kong, two in
approach. Classes will largely take   the world-class sporting facilities   opportunity to do so in such an         mainland China and one in Egypt.
place in one of three buildings       in and around the local area.         iconic and beautiful location. This     In the UK, the Malvern Family
on the campus – the Swiss Alpine      This includes everything from a       is a very exciting development for      includes two preparatory schools,
Centre, which serves as the main      year-round ice hockey/curling         the Malvern Family of Schools,          The Downs Malvern and Abberley
base for school operations. Here      rink and the largest snow tubing      and we look forward very much           Hall School, and in total the
pupils will have access to newly      park in Europe, to outside beach      to welcoming our first pupils to        group now educates over 4000
refurbished classrooms, common        volleyball courts and an Olympic      Leysin in a few months’ time.”          students around the world.                                                                              Independent Schools Magazine 11
Rivervale – the leading minibus
leasing company in the UK

Established in 2001 and based in Brighton, we are Rivervale the leading
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weeks if the minibus is over 12
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Why stay in the Teachers’
Pension Scheme?
With fee-paying schools rapidly deserting the TPS, pensions lawyer
Jeremy Harris looks at the reasons for this trend and alternatives to
the scheme.
Nearly 200 independent schools,          actuarial assumptions that               There is a risk that DC pension          Such arrangements will save costs
about one-fifth of all private           determine the pace at which              schemes will be regarded as less         in terms of management time
schools that participate in the          scheme benefits are funded.              generous by staff, though the            and administration expenses, as
Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS),                                                   extent to which that is the case will    compared with a stand-alone DC
                                         As an unfunded, pay-as-you-go
have withdrawn from the scheme                                                    depend on contribution rates. In         occupational scheme.
                                         scheme, there is no investment
since contribution rates under the                                                some circumstances, strike action
                                         growth to offset against the                                                      The latest Pensions Regulator
TPS shot up by 43% in September                                                   by disaffected staff may result
                                         employers’ obligation to meet the                                                 guidance on DC pension schemes
2019.                                                                             from withdrawing or preparing to
                                         balance of the cost of the scheme                                                 directs smaller stand-alone DC
                                                                                  withdraw from the TPS.
Two-thirds of those withdrawals          benefits.                                                                         schemes towards winding up and
took place before the first wave of                                               On the other hand, providing DC          transferring to larger, well-run
the Covid-19 pandemic arrived in
                                         Meeting teachers’                        pension benefits may be seen             schemes.
the UK and piled further pressure        expectations                             as achieving greater parity of
                                                                                                                           The automatic enrolment
on independent schools’ finances,        From a financial point of view,          pension terms between teaching
                                                                                                                           legislation, and the time limits
thanks to the closure of schools         it is relatively easy for employers      and support staff, who are
                                                                                                                           for employers’ compliance with
from 23 March 2020 until the end         to leave the TPS. There is no            generally already in DC pension
                                                                                                                           it, mean schools should line up
of the last academic year.               termination debt that falls on           arrangements.
                                                                                                                           new DC pension arrangements
                                         the employer on withdrawing
Employer contribution rates                                                       A potential half-way house that          well before withdrawing from the
                                         and there is no obligation on
under the TPS increased from                                                      some schools have considered is          TPS. This includes selecting the
                                         independent schools to match the
16.48% of salary to 23.68% as a                                                   to seek to remain in the TPS on          pension provider, designing the
                                         benefits of the TPS through other
result of the 2016 TPS actuarial                                                  the basis that teaching staff meet       new contribution structure and
                                         pension arrangements.
valuation. The 2020 valuation                                                     part of the required increase in         arranging life cover and income
                                         The main constraint on leaving           contributions and/or that the TPS        protection cover for teaching staff.
is currently in progress, with
                                         the TPS is employee relations.           continues to apply, but on the
the results expected in 2022/3.                                                                                            Practical considerations and the
                                         Independent schools are torn             basis of reduced pensionable pay
Many schools are worried that                                                                                              employer’s implied duty of good
                                         between the need to stay                 (through a contractual agreement)
employer contribution rates will                                                                                           faith mean schools proposing to
                                         competitive in terms of fees and         or in return for agreed pay cuts.
be significantly increased again.                                                                                          withdraw from the TPS should
                                         attracting and retaining high-
                                                                                  Where an independent school              first consult teaching staff and
Whereas the government has               quality staff.
                                                                                  withdraws from the TPS and offers        their representatives (if any) before
provided funding to state
                                         Fee-paying schools that withdraw         a new DC pension arrangement             proceeding.
schools and further education
                                         from the TPS generally provide           instead, the increasing governance
colleges to meet this increase,                                                                                            Schools should establish at the
                                         defined contribution (DC) pension        costs surrounding DC occupational
the independent sector has been                                                                                            outset, before any consultation,
                                         arrangements in its place. There         pension schemes (arising from
required to meet the cost itself.                                                                                          whether they have flexibility in
                                         would be little point establishing       legislation and stringent Pensions
Employers that participate in                                                                                              their employment contracts to
                                         a new defined benefit pension            Regulator guidance on matters
the TPS have no control over                                                                                               impose such a change on their
                                         scheme that would allow the school       such as DC trustee chairs’
contribution rates, while the                                                                                              teaching staff without their
                                         to set the pace of funding but still     governance statements) means the
benefits are relatively generous                                                                                           agreement.
                                         expose it to open-ended pension          choice for schools is effectively
inflation-proofed defined benefit        contribution obligations and             between a contract-based group           This may affect how the proposed
in character. The Government             costs arising from increasing life       personal pension scheme, and a           change is presented to staff and
Actuary’s Department sets the            expectancy and low interest rates.       DC master trust.                         how it is eventually implemented.

This article was authored by Jeremy Harris, pensions partner at Fieldfisher. 0161 200 1789

14 Independent Schools Magazine                                                                                      Advertisement Sales: 01242 259249
Open the World of Opportunities                                                                                                                   Advertorial Feature

Bridge the gap between qualified Chinese
teachers and independent schools
With over 1.2 billion people speaking Chinese worldwide, it is one of the world’s biggest languages. If Mandarin
Chinese language is not a student’s native language, then it’s time to learn it! YAN Chinese Academy offers
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requirements and student needs. The Academy also offers students a one-to-one option...
Learning Mandarin is the best            As China’s economy is growing
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Learning Mandarin Chinese as a           Kingdom strives to increase its
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This is very exciting and appealing      This can be a massive advantage            Providing high-quality Chinese        then teach non-Asian students
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learning Mandarin Chinese offers         barred by cultural difficulties and        online Chinese Education brand        and earn as a skilled linguistic
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Deepen Personal Growth                   people, business owners need to                                                  make sure that they have onboard
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The Chinese culture is amongst           make sure that they have command                                                 well-trained linguistic teachers to
                                                                                    and cultural promotion. We
the most intricately blended and         over the Mandarin language.                                                      teach students and train them for
                                                                                    can provide UK schools with
eye-opening cultures in the world.       Otherwise, it will be difficult to                                               future success.
                                                                                    highly qualified and well-trained
They have numerous traditions,           understand the deal and agreements
                                                                                    Chinese teaching professionals.       Customised Online Courses
customs, and language characters to      without translators.
                                                                                    Our wealth of experience and          for Students
learn. Hence, when students learn        Understanding the Deep-Rooted              expertise enables us to provide
Mandarin, not only do they learn                                                                                          We also offer customised online
                                         Problem—Why is the UK Still                you with quality learning, all        courses by our experienced
the language, but they also learn        Struggling with Europeans to               much needed to understand and
the Chinese way of life. It may be                                                                                        Mandarin teachers.
                                         Enrol in Mandarin Chinese Classes          master the language.
surprising to you how different life     and Master the Language?                                                         We have one-on-one courses
can be. All these experiences and                                                   First-Class Teacher Training          for students too. The course
                                         Knowing that Mandarin Chinese is
language skills help deepen students’                                               If you have a degree in education     is designed according to the
                                         one of the top ten languages for the
personal growth and development.                                                    and a passion for learning
                                         future, there are still relatively few                                           student’s learning style and
                                                                                    and teaching the Chinese
Better Future Work Prospects             A-level participants and professionals                                           requirements—allowing them to
                                                                                    language, enrol with us. We
As per the British Council report,       enrolling in this language compared                                              learn at their own pace.
                                                                                    offer the Chinese Teacher
it recognised Mandarin Chinese as        to other languages like French and
                                                                                    Training Programme (CTTP)             Schools can also introduce
one of the top ten languages for         German. The problem is not that the
                                                                                    to GCSE and A-level teachers          Mandarin online courses that we
the future. Mandarin Chinese is the      students and professionals lack the
                                                                                    for UK independent schools.           create according to the school’s
predominant language in the world        willingness to learn the language;
                                                                                    After going through our strict        academic requirements and
today. Therefore, the shortage of        it’s mostly because many private
                                                                                    selection process, you will           student needs.
Mandarin language speakers in the        schools in the UK don’t have access
UK is one reason young British are       to qualified Chinese teachers. This
lagging. Moreover, to ensure better      is where we come into the picture.       For more information about Yan Chinese Academy and how we can help
                                                                                  you succeed and master the Mandarin Chinese Languages please visit
future work prospects, students must     At YAN Chinese Academy, we bridge
learn the language and compete           the gap between qualified Chinese        Let’s make success happen together. Learning Mandarin Chinese helps ensure
successfully with an edge.               teachers and independent schools.        that the future holds lucrative opportunities for you to grow and excel.

                                                                                                                        Independent Schools Magazine 15
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