MT. KENYA TIMES Ruto: A hustler or brainier? - The Mt ...

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MT. KENYA TIMES Ruto: A hustler or brainier? - The Mt ...

                         Sat & Sun, October 3-4, 2020                       Where Investors Get Returns    No. 0020   mountkenyatimes   themtkenyatimes

 Ruto: A hustler or
To the majority hustlers, giving them little goodies makes a lot of
difference in their lives as opposed to telling them about how the
government is formulating policies to help them, and that is what                                Page 6
                    Ruto is taking advantage of.
                  Surefire Signs He Truly Loves                 Kenenisa Bekele To Miss Race
                                   YouPage 12                   Because Of Injury

                                          Deputy President William Ruto
MT. KENYA TIMES Ruto: A hustler or brainier? - The Mt ...
2 | NATIONAL                                                                                                                             Sat & Sun, October 3-4, 2020 | The Mt. Kenya Times

Politics >> Mr. Muthama also claimed that Uhuru has stripped his deputy, William Ruto of his constitutional duties.

By: H.M. Okumu                           Justice,” said Muthama.
  @mountkenyatimes                         Mr. Muthama also took an issue
                                         with the recent take-over of the
  Former      Machakos        Senator    National Police Service aircraft by
and DP Ruto close ally, Johnson          the military as well as the transfer
Muthama has alleged that President       of some functions of the Nairobi
Uhuru Kenyatta has hijacked roles        County government to the Nairobi
of other constitutional office bearers   Metropolitan Services (NMS)
including that of the Chief Justice      saying it is an extension of Uhuru’s
and Speakers of both the Senate and      alleged disregard to the rule of law.
the National Assembly.                     “We are telling President to
  Mr. Muthama also claimed that          ensure that the country transits to
Uhuru has stripped his deputy,           the next Government without any
William Ruto of his constitutional       interference. We can see from his
duties.                                  body language that he is not about to
  Addressing a crowd in Tala,            stop interfering with the leadership
Machakos County on Thursday,             of the country even after his last                                             Former Machakos Senator Johnson Muthama
the former lawmaker claimed the          term ends,” Muthama said.
president’s body language in the           “Mr. President, follow in the          which was attended by opposition        to rally behind DP’s presidential       Muthama tried attempted to disrupt
recent past signified ‘an attempt’       footsteps of former Presidents           leader Raila Odinga and ANC party       bid, saying he was the best suited      the gathering.
to interfere with the country’s          Mwai Kibaki and the late Daniel          leader, Musalia Mudavadi.               to lead the country’s economic            “It was a rally at my home town
leadership beyond 2022.                  Moi. When your time to leave office        “President Uhuru has taken the        recovery process.                       and three goons tried to disrupt the
  “Everybody is aware and it is well     comes, do so without participating       powers of the Deputy President.           “Under President Kenyatta,            meeting. However, my followers
known that the President has taken       actively in succession politics,” said   He has also taken the powers of the     Kenya’s economy has gone to the         acted and chased them from the
away the duties and responsibilities     the former Senator.                      Speakers of the National Assembly       dogs. Kenyans should just be patient    meeting,”
of the Deputy President which is           Former Kakamega Senator Bony           and the Senate. He has taken away       and wait for the next government          “Unfortunately, the matter got out
wrong. The President also took           Khalalwe, another Ruto ally echoed       the powers of the Chief Justice,        which will focus on the path of         of hand and a few followers roughed
away the duties of some MPs who          Muthama’s sentiment claiming             which is why he has not heeded to       economic recovery,” said Muthama.       them up for rudely interrupting a
were leading various Parliamentary       President was to blame for his           his advice to dissolve parliament,”       The rally was however briefly         peaceful meeting,” stated Muthama.
committees and also tried to take        deputy’s failure to attend the recent    said Khalwale.                          turned chaotic after three protestors
away the powers of the Chief             national conference on COVID-19            The two senators urged the crowd      were assaulted who according to

                                         THE OLD FETED IN THE SOCIETY
By: John Mwaniki                         especially at a time the elderly are                     usually demeaned in the society.
                                           The Church visited several aged
                                         persons on the society.
  As the World on the 1st of October       In another occasion, a well wisher
celebrated the international day of      led by Robert Kariuki Kanyoro, led
older persons, various groupings         his family in donating food stuffs
were also not left behind in             in the society for the aged. Visiting
celebrating the aged in the society.     at least five elderly persons within     Cecilia Muthoni
  In     Kirinyaga     County     the    Kariko village of Kirinyaga County,      Njuki receiving
Presbyterian Church led these            the family donated the food stuffs       foodstuffs from Anne
celebrations with The Parish             which included two Kilograms of          Wangechi wife to
Minister for Kerugoya Parish,            wheat flour and maize flour, two         Robert Kanyoro
Kirimara East Presbytery Rev.            kilograms of sugar, two kilograms
Kabaiya moving door to door              of rice and cooking oil.
giving hope and encouraging the            One of the aged “cucu Maria”
elderly. The theme of the visitation     thanked the family and encouraged
was Isaiah 41:13-14,                     them to continue impacting the lives
   “For I,the LORD your God, hold        of the elderly in the society.
your right hand; it is I who say to        First October of every year
you, Fear not I will help you...”        was voted in by The United
  Led by Esther Muthoni Kanyoro          Nations General Assembly as the
the older persons thanked the            international day of older persons.
Church for giving them hope

                                                                                                                        The Diaspora Times
MT. KENYA TIMES Ruto: A hustler or brainier? - The Mt ...
Sat & Sun, October 3-4, 2020 | The Mt. Kenya Times                                                                                                                         3 | NATIONAL
Politics >> * He instead said he is currently committed to peace, stability and prosperity for all Kenyans

                                   UHURU DENIES SIDELINING RUTO
By: Justus Obando                                                                                                                                                    the US military launch drone strikes
  @mountkenyatimes                                                                                                                                                   inside Kenya.
                                                                                                                                                                        Regarding CJ Maraga’s advisory
  In the recent past there has been                                                                                                                                  to dissolve parliament, President
tense relationship between Presi-                                                                                                                                    Kenyatta it is a regret that Parlia-
dent Uhuru Kenyatta and his Dep-                                                                                                                                     ment has failed to enact the two-
uty William Ruto with the latter                                                                                                                                     thirds gender but noted that it is not
missing many national functions                                                                                                                                      his intention to dissolve it as recom-
latest being the Covid-19 confer-                                                                                                                                    mended.
ence held earlier this week.                                                                                                                                            “It is indeed a regret but at the
  President Kenyatta who has been                                                                                                                                    same time the spirit of the Consti-
mum about his relationship with                                                                                                                                      tution was one progressively get-
Ruto on Thursday broke the silence                                                                                                                                   ting there… At the end of the day,
saying he has not sidelined Dr. Ruto                                                                                                                                 we must recognise that we must
by working with ODM leader Raila                                                                                                                                     balance the rights of the citizens to
Odinga.                                                                                                                                                              elect their representatives and the
  The Commander in Chief main-                                                                                                                                       need for us to have gender parity,”
tained that he is working with the                                                                                                                                   said Kenyatta, as he acknowledged
opposition to achieve inclusivity in                                                                                                                                 that it is not easy to achieve gender
the country.                                                                                                                                                         two-thirds gender principle.
  “There are some who feel that                                                                                                                                         “It (dissolving Parliament) is not
me reaching out to the opposition                                                                                                                                    what I would like to do, but it is an
is meant to sideline William Ruto                                         President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto
                                                                                                                                                                     option that has been put forward by
but there is nothing more to the                                                                                                                                     the Chief Justice. We wait to see the
country. What we are trying to do        a leader and have a system that is       remained non-committal on wheth-         that he would not seek to change the
                                         more inclusive where the results         er he will support his deputy come       constitution to seek a third presiden-    outcome of the court process, and
is bring people together to agree                                                                                                                                    that will be the time to decide which
on issues that divide us and then        will be such that there is acceptabil-   2022.                                    tial term or become Prime Minister,
                                         ity,” said Kenyatta.                       He instead said he is currently        adding that he did not wish to re-        is going to be the way forward,”
be in a position to actually have an                                                                                                                                 President added.
election where the people of Kenya          Mr. Kenyatta who spoke during         committed to peace, stability and        main in power.
will have the opportunity to choose      an interview with France 24, a           prosperity for all Kenyans.                 President Kenyatta also denied
                                         state-owned TV network in France,          The President once again insisted      reports that there are plans to have

                                     THE BATTLE FOR JUBILEE PARTY
By: Shadrack Wanyama                       Mr. Tuju accused Ruto of staging       Kenyatta embarked on a three-day         the event where he was included in        ference, Ruto and some of the lead-
  @MountKenyatimes                       what has been described as by as an      official trip to France.                 the program to make remarks and           ers he was with at the Jubilee Head-
                                         “attempted power grab” by leading          Mr. Tuju also cited recent remarks     according to State Protocol, then         quarters was attending the burial of
  Jubilee Party National Manage-
                                         a brigade of critics of the president    by leaders allied to the Deputy Pres-    invite the President to address the       the mother of marathoner Paul Ter-
ment Committee (NMC) has rec-
                                         to the party headquarters on Thurs-      ident like Emurua Dikirr legislator      conference.                               gat in Nakuru.
ommended the removal of Deputy
                                         day.                                     Johanna Ng’eno and Oscar Sudi              “For such travesty, the only thing         Senators Kipchumba Murkomen
President William Ruto as deputy
                                           “He came to the party on Thurs-        of Kapseret, who made remarks            we have received from the DPs             and Susan Kihika of Nakuru who
party leader.
                                         day, days after similar visits accom-    against the president and his mother     camp are tweets from his allies rub-      were with the DP Ruto at the funeral
  The NMC recommended to the
                                         panied by more than 40 MPs who           Mama Ngina, while accusing Ken-          bing salt into the injury,” said Tuju.    castigated Tuju and vowed to con-
party’s top most decision making
                                         have been insulting the president,       yatta of frustrating Ruto.                 The Jubilee Secretary General           tinue going to Jubilee House.
organ, the National Executive Com-
                                         this trend will not be allowed,” he        “It is disturbing that the Deputy      thus noted that the party’s NMC              “That is our party headquarters,
mittee to also barred him from using
                                         said.                                    President invites this same retinue      had resolved that moving forward,         we will continue going there,” Ki-
the party headquarters to advance
                                           Mr Tuju also said that in the re-      to the Party Headquarters to give        DP Ruto will not allowed to run           hika said.
his political ambitions.
                                         cent past Ruto had exhibited “arro-      them a platform to increase polari-      his political operations at the Pan-         And when he rose to speak, DP
  “…the NMC has recommend-
                                         gance, insolence and disrespect of       sation in the Party,”                    gani-based headquarters.                  Ruto said he will not stop his “hus-
ed to the NEC that the DP ceases
                                         President Uhuru Kenyatta who is            “Indeed, that move of inviting           “…the Deputy Party Leader as a          tler movement”.
to be Deputy Party Leader after he
                                         also the Jubilee Party Leader.”          MPs allied to him almost created         self-declared Presidential Candidate         “I will not stop those bitter and
opened the so called Jubilee Asili
                                           Dr. Ruto on Thursday morning           an ugly confrontation with close to      for 2022 will not be allowed to use       uncomfortable about it should pre-
offices that is reserved for him and
                                         stormed the Jubilee Party headquar-      40 MPs not allied to him who also        the Party headquarters as a centre        pare for more,” he said, and steered
his allies until such a time that this
                                         ters where he hosted over 30 MPs         wanted to storm the headquarters,”       of operationalisation of his 2022         clear of Tuju’s statement that called
development of Jubilee Asili is dis-
                                         with no senior party official around     said Tuju.                               campaign and to use the centre for        for his removal as deputy Jubilee
cussed at the NEC,” the party’s Sec-
                                         to receive him; this painting a pic-       The Secretary General further          intimidation of any potential oppo-       Party leader.
retary General Raphael Tuju told
                                         ture of an attempt by the DP to re-      faulted Ruto for expressing his dis-     nent or Party staff…”
news conference on Friday.
                                         gain control of the party.               senting view on the party’s decision       “It is no longer tenable for the DP
  According to him, Dr. Ruto has
                                           “Yesterday (Thursday), the DP          not to field a candidate in the forth-   to use the Party platform including
crossed the line, following recent
                                         turned up at the Party Headquarters      coming Msambweni by-election             statements from the Party Head-
actions, citing Thursday’s events at
                                         with more than 30 MPs many of            and further unveiling and declaring      quarters to advance his divisive so
the party headquarters.
                                         them known avowed abusers of the         his support for an independent can-      called hustler politics that are count-
  “He has crossed the line, and we
                                         President. These are the same fowl       didate in the mini-polls.                er to the Party and Presidents plat-
have now recommended to NEC for
                                         mouthed MPs that are on record at-         Dr. Ruto was also called out for       form of uniting the country, the fight
the removal of the Deputy President
                                         tacking government programs like         boycotting Monday’s COVID- 19            against corruption and the agenda
William Ruto as the Deputy party
                                         the Huduma number,” said Tuju.           conference where his seat remained       four items,” said Tuju.
leader.” he said.
                                           This came as President Uhuru           conspicuously empty throughout             As Tuju addressed the press con-
MT. KENYA TIMES Ruto: A hustler or brainier? - The Mt ...
4 | TALENT                                                                                                                              Sat & Sun, October 3-4, 2020 | The Mt. Kenya Times

                                                         Jacob Baraka Muranda

 By: Danson

Jacob at Kenya Film Commission offices                                      1. Jacob Baraka in office, 2. Jacob and his Dad John Muranda in Mt. Kenya Times office
                                                                                            3. Jacob at Talent Event at Sleepy and CEO film Kenya.
                                                                                          4. Danson (Mt. Kenya Times, ED), Jacob & John Muranda

                                         Name: Jacob Baraka Muranda           neur in construction industry              The father John Murandi who is a            platforms.
                                                                               Advice to youth talented artists:        construction consultant at Skypark            John further reaches out to his
                                         Age: 12 years                        Never to give-up, never allow critics     Ventures whose signature project             friends and contacts and current-
                                                                              bring you down; stand tall against        is Afro Sayari said he didn’t at first       ly he has landed a mentorship deal
                                         Dad: John Muranda                    external negative vibes.                  believe in his son’s new venture but         with PETE Cafe
                                                                                                                        his wife (Jacob’s mother believed in           The Dad reached out to teachers to
                                         Mum: Janet Muranda                    Advice to parents: inspire and nur-      him).                                        discuss his child’s talent and togeth-
                                                                              ture your talented kids in addition to     Jacob’s talent started as a joke by         er the teacher-parent relationship is
                                         Sister: Claudia Muranda              offing them the much needed edu-          imitating his grandmother who had            helping grow Jacob’s talent expo-
                                                                              cation, as you may not know what          visited their home and capturing             nentially.
                                         School: Chantilly School             God shall use to make your children       the moments through his mother’s              Jacob’s elder sister helped him to
                                                                              shine oin the world stage.                phone.                                       create and maintain the social media
                                         Hobbies: Comedy and Rapping                                                     Covid-19 pandemic that changed              platforms.
                                                                              Social Media handles;                     how many businesses are conducted             Conclusion: Jacob’s journey is col-
                                          Role Model: Donald Trump and        Youtube: Jacob Baraka                     made John believe in his son’s talent        laboration of family, teachers and
                                         Tyler Perry                          Instagram: Jacob_Baraka                   and supported him by buying him a            friends.
                                                                              Tiktok: Jacob Baraka                      phone for capturing and sharing his
                                         Ambition: To become an entrepre-                                               comedy clips in his social media
MT. KENYA TIMES Ruto: A hustler or brainier? - The Mt ...
Sat & Sun, October 3-4, 2020 | The Mt. Kenya Times   5 | AD
MT. KENYA TIMES Ruto: A hustler or brainier? - The Mt ...
6 | NATIONAL                                                                                                                        Sat & Sun, October 3-4, 2020 | The Mt. Kenya Times

Politics >> *There is a thin line of separation between a hustler and brainier

Is William Ruto a Hustler or a brainier?

By: Jackson Ambole Okata

      Worth noting:
•        Since his entry into
politics, Ruto has since been
an active ingredient in the
Rift Valley region and Kenya
politics rising to the position
of Deputy President. He
previously served in various
Ministerial positions includ-
ing Home Affairs, Agricul-
ture and Higher Education.                                                                      William Ruto riding in a wheelbarrow
•        As they say politics
is all about perception, and                                               sus the poor (hustlers).                 has since been an active ingredient       poor Kenyans that he cares for them
                                   In an ordinary Kenyan environ-           According to Ruto, for long, suc-       in the Rift Valley region and Ken-        by offering them handouts and give-
Ruto has made his followers
                                  ment, a hustler can be described as      cessive governments have ‘’side-         ya politics rising to the position of     aways that make them feel he cares
believe that they are indeed      a person trying to make ends meet        lined and failed to address the needs    Deputy President. He previously           for them and that he is their man, a
hustlers just like him. Even      out of formal employment either          of the people he calls hustlers’’ and    served in various Ministerial posi-       hustler like them.
millionaire leaders who are       through legal or illegal means.          that is what he is out to correct once   tions including Home Affairs, Agri-        To Ruto’s advantage, his political
part of his followers are now      But according to the standard defi-     and if he ascends to power in 2022.      culture and Higher Education.             opponents have further helped him
styling themselves as hustlers    nition, the dictionary defines a hus-     Some ask if he is genuine about          To his supporters, the DP is a hus-      sell the hustler narrative by critiqu-
to the chagrin of many. Ordi-     tler as a person adept at aggressive     the hustler narrative or he is simply    tler by a mere fact that he is believed   ing his mode of operation but fail-
nary Kenyan hustlers do not       selling or illicit dealing.              taking advantage of the politically      to have been a chicken seller at one      ing to offer a solution to it.
own fleets of high end fuel        A hustler can also be defined as an     blind hustlers to find his way into      point in his teenage life.                 For instance when ODM leader
guzzlers, nor do they own         enterprising person determined to        the Statehouse.                           Having been born of peasant par-         Raila Odinga goes around criticiz-
                                  succeed or a go-getter.                   But is William Ruto really a hustler?   ents and schooling in local schools,      ing Ruto of giving wheelbarrows to
private jets.
                                   Other definitions of a hustler can      Born in 1962, In Kamagut village         walking bare foot also makes Ruto         his supporters(the hustlers), it only
•        To the majority          be a person who employs fraudulent       of the current Uasin Gishu County,       and his followers believe that is his     gives Ruto more energy and reason
hustlers, giving them little      or unscrupulous methods to obtain        William Ruto attended Kerotet Pri-       more of a hustler.                        to tell his supporters how the per-
goodies makes a lot of differ-    money or a swindler.                     mary School for his primary educa-        But in real sense being a billionaire    ceived dynasties hate them
ence in their lives as opposed     The word hustler has found its way      tion before joining Wareng Second-       he is, owning multibillion invest-         The fact that majority of Kenyans
to telling them about how the     into the Kenyan political landscape      ary School for his O-levels before       ments, Ruto does not lead the life of     are living hand to mouth and strug-
government is formulating         and Deputy President William Ruto        proceeding to Kapsabet Boys High         a common and real hustler.                gling ,makes it easier for them to
policies to help them, and        is determined to ride on the hustler     School for his Advanced levels. He        As they say politics is all about per-   buy the Ruto idea that he is a person
that is what Ruto is taking       narrative to ride his way into the       would later study Botany and Zo-         ception, and Ruto has made his fol-       with the hustler interests at heart.
advantage of.                     house on the hill.                       ology at the University of Nairobi       lowers believe that they are indeed        To the majority hustlers, giving
                                                                           where he graduated in 1990.He later      hustlers just like him. Even million-     them little goodies makes a lot of
                                   But is William Ruto a Hustler or a      on did his Masters in plant ecology      aire leaders who are part of his fol-     difference in their lives as opposed
                                  brainier?                                in 2011 before attaining a PhD of        lowers are now styling themselves         to telling them about how the gov-
                                                                           the same in 2018.                        as hustlers to the chagrin of many.       ernment is formulating policies to
                                   There is a thin line of separation       An ardent member of the Christian       Ordinary Kenyan hustlers do not           help them, and that is what Ruto is
                                  between a hustler and brainier .A        Union, while at the University Ruto      own fleets of high end fuel guzzlers,     taking advantage of.
                                  brainier is a clever, intelligent and    served as the Chairman of the Uni-       nor do they own private jets.              On whether the hustler narrative
                                  intellectual person.                     versity of Nairobi’s choir                Rela Kenyan hustlers live in Kib-        will hold until the 2022 general
                                   As the 2022 epic political duel be-      Ruto plunged into active politics in    era, Mathare, Korogocho, Mukuru           elections remains debatable, many
                                  gins to gain momentum, Ruto and          1997 when he vied for the Eldoret        and many other informal settle-           say it will depend on how Ruto will
                                  his lieutenants seem to be taking        North Parliamentary seat beating         ments across Kenyan cities. Real          sustain it and how his opponents
                                  advantage of unemployed Kenyans,         incumbent Reuben Chesire to the          hustlers do not reside in upmarket        will continue countering it or if they
                                  those struggling economically and        surprise of many. He was later ap-       neighborhoods like Karen.                 will come up with a counter narra-
                                  those from perceived poor back-          pointed Director of elections for the     Politically speaking, DP Ruto has        tive.
                                  grounds to form a campaign narra-        KANU party.                              found a wave to ride on by some-
                                  tive pitying the rich (dynasties) ver-    Since his entry into politics, Ruto     what convincing his followers and
MT. KENYA TIMES Ruto: A hustler or brainier? - The Mt ...
Sat & Sun, October 3-4, 2020 | The Mt. Kenya Times   7 | AD
MT. KENYA TIMES Ruto: A hustler or brainier? - The Mt ...
8 | INSPIRATIONAL                                                                                                               Sat & Sun, October 3-4, 2020 The Mt. Kenya Times


                             John D. Rockefeller, Jr., once said,      [I know] your soul keeps well and       housing, clothes, education, food,      invested it and returned to his master
                             “I know of nothing more despicable        prospers” (3 John 2). Obviously,        automobiles, entertainment, and         the original five and five more
                             and pathetic than a man who devotes       John had a holistic approach to         many other things. Actually, if you     besides. His master complimented
                             all the hours of the waking day to        prosperity, and so should we.           think about it, most of the places we   him, telling him that he did a good
                             the making of money for money’s                                                   go, money is exchanged for some         job and would be put in charge of
                             sake.” The truth is a person is never     He didn’t even mention money,           goods or services. It is not wrong      much (read Matthew 25:14–28).
                             truly prosperous if all he has is a lot   but focused on the body and the         to want money. it is not evil; it is    As I read this story it is obvious to
                             of money; real prosperity requires        soul. When our bodies prosper, we       the love of money that is a root of     me that God expects us to be wise
By: Eric Musa
                             far more than that. The apostle John      are strong and physically healthy.      all evil (read 1 Timothy 6:10). Not     investors and if we are He rewards
                             writes, “Beloved, I pray that you         Even if we currently have a physical    only does money meet our needs,         us. We should never love money or
                             may prosper in every way and [that        ailment we can pray for and expect      but it can be used to bless others,     be greedy for gain, but we should do
                             your body] may keep well, even as         healing, but we need to sow good        especially those who have needs         the best we can with what we have.
                                                                       seed by taking care of ourselves and    and no way to meet those needs.         Use money in the service of God
                                                                       not abusing our bodies. When our        It is not God’s will for wicked         and man and never try to use God or
                                                                       souls prosper, we flourish on the       people to have all the money in         man to get money! Money is only a
                                                                       inside. We are at peace; we are full    the world while His people are          small portion of prosperity, but we
                                                                       of joy; we are content; we live with    constantly needy. We should be          do need it and it is not wrong to ask
                                                                       a sense of destiny and purpose; we      good stewards of what God gives         God to supply it abundantly.
                                                                       are growing spiritually; and we have    us, and good investors. I believe       BLESSED BE GOD WHO MAKES
                                                                       strong, loving relationships with       we should respect money and never       US RICH, AND WITHOUT
                                                                       others. God is the God of abundance     waste it. Proverbs says over and        SORROW: HALLELUJAH.
                                                                       and He wants us to live abundant        over that we should be prudent and
                                                                       lives. Christ Jesus said that He came   that means being good managers.         Evangelist & Realtor Eric Musa.
                                                                       so we could have and enjoy life in                                              ( )
                                                                       abundance and to the full (read John    There is a well-known Bible story
                                                                       10:10).                                 about three men who were given
                                                                                                               talents (money) according to their
                                                                       You may therefore ask; is It            ability to handle them. The man
                                                                       Wrong to Want Money? The fact           who received the most was given
                                                                       is, we need money! We need it for       about five thousand dollars. He



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MT. KENYA TIMES Ruto: A hustler or brainier? - The Mt ...
Sat & Sun, October 3-4, 2020 The Mt. Kenya Times                                                                                                                     9 | COUNTIES
Politics >> *Kawira is not only training her guns at Mr Kiraitu but also at the governor supporters who have been criticizing her

Meru women Rep tear into Kiraitu over his ‘Crocodile’
                                                                                                                                                              stop,” Kiraitu said.
                                                                                                                                                               This was later followed by an attack
                                                                                                                                                              to the media house by Meru Reve-
                                                                                                                                                              nue board officers who claimed that
By Rugendo Antony
                                                                                                                                                              the media house had failed to pay its
                                                                                                                                                              tax dues.
                                                                                                                                                               The Woman representative on her
                                                                                                                                                              part maintained that the raid on her
                                                                                                                                                              premises was politically motivat-
                                                                                                                                                              ed while the governor maintained
                                                                                                                                                              that they had been flouting county
                                                                                                                                                              revenue laws by failing to pay tax
                                                                                                                                                              amounting to Ksh509,000.
                                                                                                                                                               At the same time, Meru Revenue
                                                                                                                                                              County boss John Ntoiti issued a
                                                                                                                                                              seven-day ultimatum for Baite TV
                                                                                                                                                              station to clear the tax arrears or
                                                                                                                                                              have their license revoked.
      Worth noting:                                                                                                                                            On her part Kawira stated that the
 •       “Let those passing                                                                                                                                   tax evasion claims were the gover-
 by the river and coming                                                                                                                                      nor’s efforts to fight her bid for his
 to fetch water know that                                                                                                                                     post.
 the crocodile is still alive,”                                                                                                                                The war of words pitting Meru
                                                                                                                                                              Governor Kiraitu Murungi against
 Kiraitu had said while                                                                                                                                       Woman Representative Kawira
 addressing residents at                                                                                                                                      Mwangaza however seems to far
 Gatimbi in Central Imenti                                                                                                                                    from over.
 four days ago.                                                                                                                                                The political rivalry between the
 •       “Kiraitu said I                                                                                                                                      two leaders seems to have escalated
                                                                                                                                                              with Kawira claiming no ready to be
 should be told crocodile is                                                                                                                                  intimidated to step out of the guber-
 in the water, as the Mum                                                                                                                                     natorial race.
 to Meru residents I want         Meru women Representative Kawira Mwangaza issue masks to residents. Kawira has criticized Meru Governor Kiraitu              Another leader that has shown in-
                                  Murungi over his crocodile remarks.                                                                                         terest on the gubernatorial seat is
 to report this crocodile
 is dead, how can he call                                                  services such as electricity, better     change their look,” Kawira said.          Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter
                                   Meru women Representative Kaw-          health care and other service,”the        According to Muthoni Likimani’s          Munya.
 himself a crocodile while                                                                                                                                     Exchange of word between the
                                  ira Mwangaza have dismissed Meru         women rep said.                          Passbook Number F. 47927: Wom-
 people need services from                                                                                                                                    three leaders has escalated political
                                  governor Kiraitu Murungi ‘croco-          Kiraitu and Kawira have been trad-      en and Mau Mau in Kenya”komere-
 him?”Kawira questioned.          dile’ statement terming it as threat-    ing accusations over sabotage of         ra” was a subversive move that mo-        temperature in the County with the
 •       “There is also these     ening and baseless.                      each other’s development projects.       bilised Kikuyu solidarity at a time       leaders exchanging words during
 ladies used by the gover-         Mr. Murungi had used the state-         But all this is because of the 2022      when colonial agents, both British        their political meetings.
                                  ment to explain that he was ready        politics.                                and African, sought to divide and          On his side Kiraitu says he won’t
 nor, they are like Mau-                                                                                                                                      be derailed by political propaganda
                                  to face any competitor for the 2022       Kiraitu will seek reelection in         isolate many Kikuyu people through
 Mau betrayers who used                                                                                                                                       in his efforts to develop the county.
                                  gubernatorial seat.                      2022, but Kawira has trained her         witch hunt, rivalries and betrayals.
 to snick and report to the        “Let those passing by the river and     eyes on the same seat. The bishop        It was a statement of stoic determi-
 foreigners the Mau-Mau           coming to fetch water know that the      of the Baite Family Church is leav-      nation at a time when such had been
 hiding place. These ladies       crocodile is still alive,” Kiraitu had   ing nothing to chance in her quest to    reduced from virtues to mere folly.
 are the governor’s ‘Komer-       said while addressing residents at       wrest the seat from Kiraitu.              Kawira become famous to the lo-
                                  Gatimbi in Central Imenti four days       Since declaring her interest in the     cals by cutting the image of a down-
 era’ who purchase very
                                  ago.                                     Meru gubernatorial seat in 2022,         to-earth leader willing to soil her
 expensive face lotions to         Kawira accused Kiraitu of using         Kawira has maintained that no po-        hands by, for instance, washing the
 change their look,” Kawira       threats to scare away residents in       litical tackle will box her out of the   feet of jigger infested residents, sup-
 said.                            need of services from the adminis-       race.                                    porting the old and poor and helping
                                  tration.                                  Kawira is not only training her         rehabilitate rejected drug addicts.
                                   “Kiraitu said I should be told croc-    guns at Mr Kiraitu but also at the        The women representative fam-
                                  odile is in the water, as the Mum to     governor supporters who have been        ily runs Baite Family Fellowship
                                  Meru residents I want to report this     criticizing her.                         church and a local famous television
                                  crocodile is dead, how can he call        The women rep has in recent days        known as Baite TV.
                                  himself a crocodile while people         gone viral for use of the word            However, Mr. Kiraitu has been
                                  need services from him?”Kawira           ‘Komerera’ to tell off female leaders    raising alarm over the local media
                                  questioned.                              against her race for the top County      empire run by Mwangaza’s family.
                                   The Woman Representative who            seat.                                     Kiraitu was once recorded stating
                                  declared her interest in the guber-       “There is also these ladies used by     that he would be moving to court
                                  natorial seat promised to “pull the      the governor, they are like Mau-Mau      to sue Kawira for tainting his image
                                  crocodile out of the water”.             betrayers who used to snick and re-      via a local station.
                                   “We will pull out this crocodile        port to the foreigners the Mau-Mau        I will not allow Baite TV to keep
                                  out of the water by prayers and by       hiding place. These ladies are the       bashing me from morning to eve-
                                  use of our votes so that Meru resi-      governor’s ‘Komerera’ who pur-           ning. Was Baite TV established to
                                  dents can get access to government       chase very expensive face lotions to     fight me? I am asking its owners to
MT. KENYA TIMES Ruto: A hustler or brainier? - The Mt ...
10 | LIFESTYLE                                                                                                                          Sat & Sun, October 3-4, 2020 The Mt. Kenya Times


By: Purity Ndung’ u

•         You are shedding
skin cells throughout the day,
so it’s important to keep your
skin glowing and in good
condition. An effective skin-
care routine can help prevent
acne, treat wrinkles and help
keep your skin looking its
•         As you age your skin’s
cells turn over more slowly,
make it look duller and less
radiant. Using a quality skin
care line can help remove
dead skin cells so your body
will replace them with newer,
youthful cells.                                                                                              Facial Spa Mask
•         Cleanser: Wash your
face gently with a product
designed for your face if you      A good skincare routine is only as       correction.                                used every time you wash your face       damage: such as pollution
have dry skin you’ll want to       good as the products you use. While      Preventing skin problems is easier         even if you have an oily skin if you     Help fighting the effects of aging:
choose a cleanser that don’t       good quality products can help your      and less costly than trying to fix         have this type of skin choose an oil-    Such as wrinkles and sunspots
contain alcohol and if you         skin look better now as well as in       them in future.                            free or gel product.                     Results for the money: Even if
have an oily skin look for an      future, poor quality products can be     4. Your self-confidence will get a         Sunscreen: Even if your moisturizer      quality products cost more in some
oil free cleanser. Afterwards      in-effective and cause harm.             boost.                                     has a sunscreen, it can still help to    cases, they’re worth the money. If
rinse with warm water.             Why is good skincare important?          When your skin looks better you’ll         use a separate sunscreen every day       you use ineffective products you’re
                                   Good skincare is important for the       feel better about yourself and have        even if its cloudy. Choose one that      wasting money.
                                   following reasons:                       more self-confidence                       provides broad spectrum protection       Exceeding       standards:    Quality
                                   1. It helps your skin stay in good       WHAT ARE SOME GOOD SKIN                    and has SPF of at least 30.              skincare products are more refined,
                                   condition.                               CARE METHODS                               Exfoliator: Exfoliators are optional     with fewer bacteria and impurities.
                                   You are shedding skin cells              The following components can               and can be used after a cleanser but     Reasons we should avoid poor
                                   throughout the day, so it’s important    create a good and effective skin care      before a moisturizer. They should        quality skin care products
                                   to keep your skin glowing and            routine.                                   only be used a maximum of once or        Poor quality skin care products are
                                   in good condition. An effective          Cleanser: Wash your face gently            twice a week.                            more likely to cause the following
                                   skincare routine can help prevent        with a product designed for your           Serum: A serum can help address          negative effects:
                                   acne, treat wrinkles and help keep       face if you have dry skin you’ll           specific issues such as redness.         • Ineffective results
                                   your skin looking its best.              want to choose a cleanser that don’t       What benefits do quality skincare        • Infections
                                   2. Your skin will look more youthful.    contain alcohol and if you have an         products provide?                        • Allergic reactions such as rashes
                                   As you age your skin’s cells turn over   oily skin look for an oil free cleanser.   The following are some of the            • Worsening problems by clogging
                                   more slowly, make it look duller and     Afterwards rinse with warm water.          benefits of quality skincare products:   pores, causing breakouts, etc.
                                   less radiant. Using a quality skin       Toner: Toner is used after washing         Quality ingredients: Similar to the
                                   care line can help remove dead skin      your face and it helps smooth and          benefits that healthy food provides
                                   cells so your body will replace them     calm your skin while restoring             for your body, quality skin care
                                   with newer, youthful cells.              nutrients.                                 ingredients can improve your skin.
                                   3. Prevention is easier than             Moisturizer: Moisturizers should be        Protection from environmental
Sat & Sun, October 3-4, 2020 The Mt. Kenya Times                                                                                             11 | HEALTH
Covid-19 >> * Kenya on Friday reported 210 new COVID-19 infections bringing country’s cumulative cases in the country to 38,923.

By: Rashid Abubakar                  county leads with the highest
  @MountKenyatimes                   daily cases recording 75 cases.
                                       Other counties with cases in-
  Kenya on Friday reported           clude; Nairobi (37), Mombasa
210 new COVID-19 infections          (15), Trans Nzoia (13), Kakame-
bringing country’s cumulative        ga (11), Kilifi (8),Uasin Gishu
cases in the country to 38,923.      (8), Kisumu (7), Kiambu (7),
  The new cases were detect-         Machakos (7), Bungoma (5),
ed from a sample pool of 3,065       Kisii (3), Elgeiyo Marakwet (2),
tested in the last 24 hours rais-    Nandi (2) while Taita Taveta,
ing country’s cumulative tests to    Kajiado, Meru, Murang’a, Ker-
557,711.                             icho, Baringo, Laikipia, Embu,
  Of the new cases, all are          Vihiga and Narok had (1) case
Kenyans except five, who are         each.
foreigners constituting of 141         In Nakuru, the 75 cases are
males and 69 females aged be-        from Naivasha (23), Nakuru
tween 5 and 95 years old.            East (22), Nakuru West (16), Su-
  91 patients have been dis-         bukia (9), Rongai (3) and Naku-
charged after successful recov-      ru North (2).
eries raising the country’s recov-     In Nairobi, the 37 cases are
ery total to 26,114.                 from Westlands (9), Langata and
  Out of this, 77 were discharged    Dagoretti North (5) cases each,                          Health CS, Mutahi Kagwe
from the home-based care pro-        Embakasi East and Starehe (3)
gram while 14 were from vari-        cases each, Embakasi Central,      cases are from Mvita (6), Likoni     In Kakamega County, the 11
ous health facilities.               Kibra, Mkadara, Embakasi           (4), Jomvu (2) Kisauni, Chan-      cases are from Butere (5), Lug-
  Sadly, seven patients suc-         South (2) cases each, Dagoretti    gamwe and Nyali (1) case each.     ari (3), Malava (2) and Lurambi
cumbed to the disease bringing       South, Kamkunji and Ruaraka          In Trans Nzoia County, the 13    (1).
the country’s fatalities to 725.     (1) case each.                     cases are from Saboti (6), Ki-
  For the first time, Nakuru           In Mombasa County, the 15        minini (4), Kwanza (3).
12 RELATIONSHIP                                                            Sat & Sun, October 3-4, 2020 | The Mt. Kenya Times

                                Surefire Signs He Truly Loves You
By: Ciru Kamau

   If you ever find yourself questioning your           If you have had a promotion at work, com-         3.                He treats you well.            that suggestion on something so significant.
   man’s love for you, you may find yourself             pleted a massive project, or have accom-
          over-analyzing the situation.                  plished some other milestone in your life,       He introduces you to friends and family as      5.            He compliments your character.
You might start thinking that if he accidental-        he will be by your side encouraging you and        his girlfriend. He makes sure you feel safe
ly forgets to do something for you or does not                celebrating right along with you.                           and protected.                  He may tell you that you are beautiful or stun-
respond to you in the way that you had hoped,          He will show his enthusiasm through words         He is kind, gentle and even shows a sensitive    ning but what you really want to look for is a
           that he does not love you.                 or even small gestures such as a note or even      side when it comes to your feelings. He puts         man that values what is inside of you.
   However, men often have different ways                                 flowers.                         you first instead of ditching you for a night      A man will appreciate what is in your soul
   of expressing their love for you and many                                                                            out with friends.                  and love you for your honesty, integrity, and
 times it’s just the little things in life that are   2.              He shows you respect.                                                                                  morals.
displays of the deep love and affection he has                                                           4.             He values your opinions.
                     for you.                          Above all things in a relationship, respect are                                                    6.               He pays attention to detail.
   He may not always tell you I love you, but          one of the ultimate expressions that should         You do not always have to agree on topics,
  there are some surefire ways to know that              be mutual in a relationship. Your man never       but you can tell that he values your ideas by   Though sometimes men might seem to forget
 he does. Look through the following signs he         should put you down in front of others or call     taking time to listen to them and why you feel    the little things, it does not mean that they
                 truly loves you.                            you rude names even in a fight.               the way that you do. He often will even take      really did. He may notice a change in your
                                                       He will show you respect by opening a door                     note of your opinions.                appearance or make an effort to do little
1.           He celebrates your accomplish-            for you even by just doing a little errand you     For example, he may have a big presentation                      things for you.
                     ments.                                      haven’t gotten around to.                  at work, and you offer a suggestion. You
                                                                                                          know he values your thoughts when he uses       7.            He encourages positive relation-
                                                                                                                                                                  ships with your family and friends.

                                                                                                                                                          You may have friendships with other men, and
                                                                                                                                                          as long as he is comfortable in your relation-
                                                                                                                                                            ship, the bond with another guy will not be
                                                                                                                                                                        threatening to him.
                                                                                                                                                            He wants you to love your family and make
                                                                                                                                                            time for them usually while he is with you,
                                                                                                                                                            but sometimes it is okay if you’re going to
                                                                                                                                                           hang out with your family by yourself and he
                                                                                                                                                                         encourages that.

                                                                                                                                                          8.           He accommodates to your quirky

                                                                                                                                                             Do you have some things that you do that
                                                                                                                                                          ultimately drives your man nuts? Do you sleep
                                                                                                                                                           in a face mask or note that you always have
                                                                                                                                                            to check the door three times to make sure
                                                                                                                                                                             it’s locked?
                                                                                                                                                          Maybe you only do laundry on certain days, or
                                                                                                                                                            you have to sit in a specific spot at a movie
                                                                                                                                                          theater. He will not mind if he really loves you.
                                                                                                                                                            To some men, it may be annoying. To a man
                                                                                                                                                           that genuinely loves you, it is the little quirks
                                                                                                                                                                        he likes about you.

                                                                                                                                                          9.              He does not have to be right.

                                                                                                                                                           You may be arguing over something minimal,
                                                                                                                                                             but instead of snapping and picking a full
                                                                                                                                                          blown out fight, he realizes that you can com-
                                                                                                                                                            promise and he does not have to be hateful
                                                                                                                                                            or demeaning to try to show he is right. He
                                                                                                                                                                   should instead do right by you.

                                                                                                                                                               10. He talks about the future and includes
                                                                                                                                                                               you in it.

                                                                                                                                                           He may talk about how he envisions his life
                                                                                                                                                           and his aspirations. He may speak of having
                                                                                                                                                            a wife and a family and he wants to make
                                                                                                                                                          sure that you know that it is you he is talking
The Mt. Kenya Times | Sat & Sun, October 3-4, 2020                                                                 Celebrity Corner 13

                                Exclusively With Pop Queen Tory Lyn
 We bring you inspirational interviews with upcoming and established personalities in media, sports, entertain
 among other industries. We aim at inspiring you and giving you moral support for you to achieve your dreams.

                                       the third and for that matter the    ney Houston and many more
                                       latest is called lately              vocal Queens
                                        Which is your favourite song
                                       amongst the above mentioned?          What can you tell that per-
                                                                            son who wants to join mu-
                                       Without a doubt All my songs         sic industry?
                                       are my favourite
                                                                             Go for it. It’s never too late, you
                                        Tell us about your latest           gat this, just believe in yourself
By: Paul Brian                         song                                 make the first step and your God                                                    to go but always remember to
                                        My latest song is called Lately I   put God first.
                                       wrote this song for a guy I had
Who is Tory Lynn                       a crush and since it was hard         An encouragement from you to
                                       for me to express it in person       youths
 Tory Lynn is a young and in-          I ended up putting it down on
spiring singer/performer. She          paper and in a song hoping one       Put God first in everything you
has a high level of vocal skill and    day he’d listen to it and give my    do
talent. Tory Lynn loves singing        heart peace.
live as well as developing new                                              Message to your fans
songs in the studio. She has the        Hey gentleman listens to
attention of Foreign markets           angel’s voice and does jus-           I love you guys so much and am
and has the respect and bless-         tice to her heart. Wait, how         really grateful for the support
ings of her own local market as        or where can one get your            and the fact that you all believe
well. Currently Tory has spon-         latest song, lately?                 me, that keeps me going daily
sorship of American makeup
and hair care companies.                You can watch it on YouTube.         Anything apart from mu-
                                       Also it’s available on https://      sic you do?
 About your family, Educa-   
tion and career                        song/latelyaudiomak, Shazam,          I have an interest in like every-
                                       iTunes, Spotify and Google play      thing that’s under art, so I do a
 I am the first born in a family                                            little bit of make-up stuff and I
of 6 my mom and Dad included            Are you doing music for             also do fashion.
and yes my family supports me.         leisure or business?
                                                                            Before you give us your social
When did you start music?               I am doing Music for business       media handles, are you single?
                                       but also because it gives me
 I Started music officially in         peace and happiness and being         If anyone wants to know the
2018 after I did my first cover        able to pass that to other people    answer to this question they
called flashlight                      that make me feel really good        should probably follow me on
                                                                            all my social media platforms.
 Who or what inspired you              Do you have a manage-                 Instagram: tory_lyn
to do music                            ment? If yes who and for              TikTok: @torylyn
                                       how long have you been un-
 I used to listen to artist like Ce-   der them?                             Show love to Pop Queen Tory
line Dion, Whitney Houston and                                              Lyn, watch her videos and also
many musicians and as soon as           Yes, am under management it’s       remember to follow her on her
I realized I could sing there was      called Mpact Muzik I have been       social media platforms.
absolutely nothing that could          under them for two years now.         If you want to be part of Celeb-
stop me. So I would say my                                                  rity Corner, email me
voice inspired me to do music.          Where do you see yourself  
                                       five years from today?               or
Which types of music do                                                      brian@mtkenyatimes.
you sing?                               God willing, I see myself in a
                                       very different position from
 I do Pop, RnB, Afro, Reggae I         where am at right now, musical        Remember to follow us on our
mean I can do any genre of mu-         growth, mental, physical and         social media platforms;
sic                                    spiritual growth. I also see my
                                       music and I believe it’s going to    Facebook: Mt Kenya Times
How many songs and/or                  be all over the world, me getting    Twitter: @mtkenyatimes
have you released so far?              all these awards.                    Instagram:
 I have released three songs so        Who’s your role model in             Website:
far three songs. The first song I      music industry?            
released was leave me, the sec-
ond song was Wacuka and now            Tory Kelly, Celine Dion, Whit-                                               Pop Queen Tory Lyn
14                          POEMS                                     Sat & Sun, October 3-4, 2020 | The Mt. Kenya Times

     Gathoni Wamwondwe
     Profile: Teresia Wamwondwe
     Page: Drippings of the Pen


                                                THE BLACK FRUIT
  May be its the white fruit that keeps         their trees with our blood. Or maybe we
   prickling heat by writing down bitter            should blame our rulers, letting them
    things against us , making us inherit        ponder all our pride and allowing silence
  scenes of sins they rooted in our fruit.                     build in between.
    The angry flame that keeps lurching          As we now stand on a knife edge let’s
   all fishes in our ponds, plastering our          surpass their tremors and echo’s of
continent with vision that’s only visceral.      racism .No more ties to the past . So
 Or perhaps racism is a race we will keep         Africa let’s leave our past behind and
 running after till infinity as white fruits   we will shine as with success we dine and
   surround the black ones with a great         our black skin coated with determination.
             cloud of witnesses.                 Its time we start drawing the blur line
 What if the unwanted fruit was Africa                  and lane we had crossed to.
  and that’s why it keeps fishing on the          I’m bellyful of melanin. Unapologetically
  wrong pond as they keep pounding and         iam black. And the truth clouded beneath
   sucking the sap in it. The snake that         every skin is that we all bleed red. The
   keeps exploring every inch in Africa’s      Cloys clawed in every corner widens with
 garden as our life it hardens. How about          determination without a favor of our
  no legal mind in us that’s why we keep       complexions. My blessings will rain forever
   fixing our eyes on them and the gift               as black and in black I will reign.
they drift back to us is scorns of shame                        �Joshua Kyama
painting everywhere we are no longer the
                    same.                                  Edited @kukhuarts
Why do we lose heart when they rebuke                       IG:thehumblecay
     us? Is it the reason our girls keep              Youtube:kukhuarts buyaki
 bleaching themselves for pretty skin like
 whites. Don’t you think that’s a felony?
A living nightmare full of agony. And why
 do we let them lead us astray? Turning
us from our path yet they keep watering
The Mt. Kenya Times | Sat & Sun, October 3-4, 2020                                                                              POETS CHAMBER 15

                                   Damaris Onkangi

By: Conrade Ongwesi


•       Currently I’m a stu-
dent at Mouth Kenya Uni-
versity, studying Bachelor
of Economic and Statistics.
•       My profession has
helped create new friends
to share my work it and
gaining poetry experience.
•       On depression
trying to uplift depressed
souls and create a reflec-
tion of our society.
•       Nature, my rela-
tion with people, daily life
and challenge facing our
society motives me to write

                               NAME: Damaris Bosibori Onkangi                    WHAT MOTIVATES YOU                                 SCHOOL LIFE:
                                                                                 Nature, my relation with people, daily life and    It has created a platform for social relation,
                               Penname: Damimmah The Sunbeam                     challenge facing our society motives me to write   making new friends whom I learn from and
                                                                                 poems.                                             some poetry competition.
                               PLACE OF BIRTH: Nyamira County, Gachuba           And most the time I write from heart.
                               Ward.                                                                                                FUTURE PLANS: publishing my own book on
                                                                                 ACHIEVEMENTS: How poetry has built you?            Africa Culture.
                               SCHOOL LIFE:                                      Poetry has built my confidence, personality and    Create a platform to nurture upcoming poets.
                               Currently I’m a student at Mouth Kenya            creativity. Created too an easy way to pass a
                               University, studying Bachelor of Economic and     message, advice and caution.                       ADVICE TO POETS AND WRITERS WHO
                               Statistics.                                                                                          ARE GROWING IN THE INDUSTRY:
                               My profession has helped create new friends to    CHALLENGES:                                        Be you, write you there’s someone who wants to
                               share my work it and gaining poetry experience.   The most challenge I experience the Writer’s       be like you and read you.
                                                                                 block.                                             Don’t lose focus; do not let anything limit you
                                TYPE OF POEMS                                                                                       from achieving your goals.
                               Free verse poems                                  AWARD:
                               On depression trying to uplift depressed souls    Certificate of excellence in the magazine We       PARTING SHOT:
                               and create a reflection of our society.           Write You Read and The Writer’s Pen.               My special thanks giving to my editor and Mt.
                                                                                                                                    Kenya Times for the platform.
                                                                                 INSIDE      SCHOOL        LIFE      /OUTSIDE
16                                                                             Sat & Sun, October 3-4, 2020 | The Mt. Kenya Times

                                                                                                                        MABATI ROLLING
UNVEILS NEW MARKETING                                                                                                   MILLS STARTS UP NEW
COMMISSION SYSTEM                                                                                                       MANUFACTURING
                                                                                                                        PLANT IN ATHI RIVER

                                                 Gov. Lee Kinyanjui
                                                                                                                         MABATI ROLLING MILLS STARTS UP NEW MANUFACTURING PLANT IN
                                                                                                                                                 ATHI RIVER

By: Shandra Wairimu                     small holder growers and other           the system which he said will assist   By: Joan Wambui                          the Government’s ‘Big Four’ agen-
  @mountkenyatimes                      stakeholders will enable farmers         the county government in bringing        @mountkenyatimes                       da, further contribute to the compet-
                                        make informed decisions on the           about a wide ranging change in the                                              itiveness of Kenya’s manufacturing
Nakuru county government has            time to produce different crops and      agricultural marketing subsector,      Mabati Rolling Mills Limited
                                                                                                                                                                 and agricultural sectors and help to
introduced a new marketing in-          in what quantities in order to maxi-     with the aim of making rural mar-      (MRM), a member of the Safal
                                                                                                                                                                 ensure greater compliance to build-
formation system designed to help       mize returns.                            kets work better and empowering        Group, has launched the SAF-
                                                                                                                                                                 ing standards”
farmers identify marketing oppor-       “Information on price fluctuations       smallholders within the markets.       BUILD Manufacturing Plant at its
                                                                                                                                                                 Speaking during the commission-
tunities and negotiate for better       will also give insights into the risks   Mr.Kibor observed that KAMIS           Athi River Facility.
                                                                                                                                                                 ing ceremony, the SAFBUILD
prices.                                 associated with producing different      will boost improvement of pub-         MRM’s SAFBUILD brings to the
                                                                                                                                                                 Business Head, Manish Garg, was
The system known as ‘Kenya Ag-          crops. Consequently, better infor-       lic policies through an increased      market a new way of building qual-
                                                                                                                                                                 confident that many projects across
ricultural Marketing Information        mation is expected to lead to higher     awareness of market realities, en-     ity steel framed buildings using
                                                                                                                                                                 commercial, agricultural, industrial
System (KAMIS) is also aimed at         profitability,” stated Maina.            hance market transparency and          a custom designed Software Pro-
                                                                                                                                                                 and social sectors will benefit from
guiding the devolved unit in mak-       County Executive Committee               bring out a fair and more efficient    gramme.
                                                                                                                                                                 the solution.
ing its legislations, regulations and   Member for Trade Mr.Raymond              allocation of resources.               The cold formed high strength
                                                                                                                                                                 “Since commissioning we have
policies in regard to agricultural      Komen said improved informa-             “Improved information will enable      frames are fully factory-produced
                                                                                                                                                                 produced and supplied several proj-
and marketing activities.               tion will enable farmers to align        small scale farmers negotiate on a     ready for quick erection and assem-
                                                                                                                                                                 ects to satisfied clients and we have
County Executive Committee              their activities with market demand      more even footing with traders.It      bly at site.
                                                                                                                                                                 many more in the pipeline under
Member for Agriculture, Live-           schedule their harvests at the most      plays a crucial role in reducing the   The plant has a capacity to supply
                                                                                                                                                                 current design and production. The
stock and Fisheries Dr. Immaculate      profitable time and make good            risks of losing money on a market      both domestic and regional markets
                                                                                                                                                                 buildings are made fit-for-purpose
Maina said KAMIS will initially be      decisions on which markets they          transaction. Farmers with informa-     in a range of standard buildings and
                                                                                                                                                                 to exacting designs and are environ-
linked to six major markets before      should send their produce.               tion can decide whether or not to      custom designed solutions.
                                                                                                                                                                 mentally sustainable” added Garg.
being up scaled to cover other ag-      Mr Komen noted that it will also         harvest and sell their products in     “SAFBUILD and SAFDESIGN
                                                                                                                                                                 Kenya and indeed the East African
ricultural produce outlets in all the   furnish the devolved units admin-        times of glut. Accurate and time-      now provides us world class tech-
                                                                                                                                                                 Region remains on a trajectory of
11 sub counties.                        istration with information on avail-     ly information should reduce the       nology in Pre-Engineered Steel
                                                                                                                                                                 rapid urbanization and infrastruc-
The six major markets that will         ability of food commodities with         costs of food marketing,” said the     Building solutions which allows us
                                                                                                                                                                 ture development.
initially be linked to the system       regard to the Big 4 Agenda on Food       KAMIS team leader.                     to deliver buildings to clients within
                                                                                                                                                                 There is increased demand for more
are Wakulima Market, Top market,        Nutrition and Security.                                                         very tight timelines” said Andrew
                                                                                                                                                                 sustainable buildings that deliver
Naivasha market, Molo market,           County Team Leader for KAMIS                                                    Heycott, CEO Mabati Rolling Mills.
                                                                                                                                                                 greater efficiency and for more ef-
Bahati market and Njoro market.         Mr.Benjamin Kibor said ten of-                                                  “We believe this innovative invest-
                                                                                                                                                                 ficient construction methods to pro-
She further stated that the system      ficials from various sub-counties                                               ment will revolutionize the way
                                                                                                                                                                 vide durability.
which is targeting over 300,000         had been trained on application of                                              modular Steel buildings are con-
                                                                                                                        structed. This will further support
The Mt. Kenya Times | Sat & Sun, October 3-4, 2020                                                                                              PUNCHY SEGMENT 17

P-SEGMENT:                                                       What’s Hot in Counties
By: Jane Njoki                          tunities to attend classes just like the
  @MountKenyatimes                      boys,” she said.
                                           Waiguru observed that absen-
   Girls should be given equal op-      teeism is negatively impacting on
portunity and the confidence to         the performance of girls saying the
achieve their dreams and aspira-        County will ensure their school cal-
tions, Kirinyaga governor Ann           endar isn’t disrupted due to lack of
Waiguru has said.                       sanitary towels.
   Waiguru made the remarks while          As the only woman Governor
launching a sanitary pads drive in      in Mt. Kenya Region, Waiguru
the County as part of a program to      said she will inspire young girls to
empower girls at a function held        believe that they can attain their
Thursday at Kiamugumo Primary           dreams in any profession regardless
School in Gichugu.                      of their background.
   The Governor donated pads to            “Girls can achieve as much as
over 500 girls from the area with an    boys if they work hard and believe
overall target of distributing 27,000   in themselves.” She encouraged the
packets of pads to about 9,000 girls    girls, using her academic and lead-
in the County.                          ership achievements as examples
   The County Chief said that the       that one can achieve their dreams if
program was part of the County          they work hard.                            The program will be implemented through the County’s Department of Gender and Department of Education which has been
government’s effort to empower the         The program will be implemented         going round the County on mentor ship initiatives.
girl child and save them from miss-     through the County’s Department of
ing school during their menses.         Gender and Department of Educa-            Assembly and County Executive           instill positivity and a feel good          According to statistics about three
   “Menstrual cycle is a natural pro-   tion which has been going round the        Committee members.                      factor in them and encourage them         out of ten girls miss schools every
cess which should not deter girls       County on mentor ship initiatives.           Popular Jerusalema dance cli-         that despite the challenges posed by      month because of their menstrual
from participating fully in their          The governor was accompanied            maxed the event where Governor          Covid-19 and being at home for so         cycle.
studies. We are working to ensure       by several members of the County           joined the excited girls.               long, there is still a bright future to
that our girls are given equal oppor-                                                She said it wass just one way to      look forward to.

By: Purity Ndung’u                      the uptake of AI services in the re-       system and no water. These are
  @MountKenyatimes                      gion and beyond and will provide           some of the Problems residents say
                                        employment directly and indirectly         they face despite paying levies to
   Livestock farmers in Nyandarua       through the expansion of AI ser-           the county government.
County are set to acquire Artificial    vices,” CS Munya added.                       The residents said that they rely
Insemination Services at a reduced        The county Governor Francis              on a few private boreholes and have
cost with the establishment of a new    Kimemia assured the residents that         to dig deep into their pockets to buy
substation set up by the Kenya An-      new prices will be rolled out soon         water. They want Governor Francis
imal Genetic Resource Centre, KA-       followed by the employment of              Kimemia’s administration to move
GRC.                                    more extension officers to reach           in swiftly and end their agony.
   Speaking at the launch of the new    more farmers.                                 In 2006 the then vice president
semen production Centre, Agricul-         Ol Jororok MP Michael Muchira            Moody Awori gave the community
ture Cabinet Secretary Peter Mun-       praised the move saying that it will       five acres that were to be hived from
ya called upon Nyandarua County         go a long way in improving repro-          NYS land at Tumaini, he said. The
government to support farmers in        duction through calving and pro-           land was meant for a police post,
their efforts to acquire high-quality   duction of milk and meat.                  which however was built in another
semen and AI services to improve          The MP then added that there was         place. The traders want parcel used
quality of breeds in the region.        a need to review the prices to zero        for a market project, alongside other
   “I urge the governor to consider     while creating awareness for farm-         amenities.
upscaling the uptake of AI services     ers to adopt AI for improved breeds.          Justus Gichuhi said the commu-
provided by KAGRC to help the             TRADERS DEMAND SER-                      nity has copies of documents pro-
farmers have affordable high-qual-      VICES FOR TAXES PAID.                      cessed during the time. He said then
ity animal genetics for improved          Traders in Tumaini Township Ol           Ol Kalou MP Muriuki Karue had                                                  cattle
production,” he said.                   Kalou have urged the Nyandarua             been pursuing the matter. “I urge
   “The substation will also be home                                                                                       bear the brunt of lack of critical ser- with toilets in their buildings or go
                                        County Government to provide ser-          our MP, David Kiaraho, to pick up       vices, especially “when it comes to to the bush, ”she concluded.
to young bulls for use in semen pro-    vices with the taxes they pay.             this issue and ensure we get that
duction for the country. The open-                                                                                         the call of nature.”
                                          No public toilet, no bus park, no        land,” he said.                           “You are either assisted by those
ing of this substation will enhance     dumpsite, no market, no drainage              Veronica Wangui said women
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