Mother of Christ Catholic Church and School 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 15º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario - Parishes Online
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Mother of Christ 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Catholic Church and School 15º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario “ Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, in him we have redemption by his blood, the forgiveness of our sins.”
Welcome to Our Community Sunday, July 11, 2021 Saturday, July 10th BVM Saturday, July 17th BVM 8:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. † Jorge Luis Ledon (1er años de fallecido) Vigil Vigil 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. † Enrique Santamaria Y Johanna Madrigal † Adolfo Cuadra Araus ( 8 años Aniversario) Por la Salud de Shakira Herrera † Thelva Cuadra de Jimenez y Henry Dubon Cabrera † Eduardo Deshon Montealegre y Enrique Mantica Berio † Mery Baste † Maria Carmen T. Garza † Gregorio de la Rivera Sunday, July 18th 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time † Marta Claudia Rivera 8:30 A.M. † Gabriel Jose de Orozco y Jose Diaz Morejon † Adan Zapata Sunday, July 11th 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:30 A.M. (English) 12:30 P.M. 8:30 A.M. 6:00 P.M. † Gladys Lopez † Pompilio Garcia—Pallaviccini † Rosa Maria Ruiz Y Virginia † Odelbis Sanchez Gomez Tijerino † Irma Reyes Y Alicia Roldos 10:30 A.M. (English) 8:00 P.M. (English) 12:30 P.M. 6:00 P.M. † Leonor Pedersen AVISO - Segun las † Geraldo Alvarez normas de seguridad Por la Salud de Shakira Herrera debido a la pandemia, los † Margarita Rengel Zenteno Por la Salud de Brian Mercado y Jair Valdez cupos para asistir a la 8:00 P.M. (English) Liturgia son limitados. Monday, July 12th Por favor llegue temprano 8:00 A.M. para asegurar su puesto. 7:00 P.M. † Silvio Orlando Chamorro NOTICE - Due to safety measures Tuesday, July 13th St. Henry 8:00 A.M. of the pandemic, seating spaces for Por el cumpleaños de Olga Motta Mass is limited. Please arrive early to 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, July 14th St. Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin 8:00 A.M. WEEKEND COLLECTION † Julia Caballero Palacio COLECTA DEL FIN DE SEMANA † Jose Garma, Joaquina y Eduardo Ramos SATURDAY/SABADO: 07/10/2021 7:00 P.M † Soledad Wong 6:00 PM ….. $ 1,137.00 † Maria Lily Romero (un años de fallecimiento) DOMINGO/SUNDAY: 07/11/2021 Thursday, July 15th St. Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 8:30 AM .…..… $ 1,249.50 8:00 A.M 10:30 AM …….. $ 646.00 † Enrique Garcia Sanchez 7:00 P.M. 12:30 PM …….. $ 935.00 Friday, July 16th Our Lady of Mount Carmel 6:00 PM ………. $ 621.00 8:00 A.M 8:00 PM …….. $ 356.00 † Zoilo Gonzalez Dauza, Francisca Herrera Monje, Maria Weekdays ..….. $ 649.00 del Carmen de Galvez Respeto a la vida Mail & Drop Off $ 1,375.00 7:00 P.M. Candles & $ 10.00 † Maria c. Vichot Votives Accion de Gracias de Mario y Emely Van–Der Ree 2nd Collection .. $ 2,495.00 † Jesus Rodriguez, Isora y Elio Montenegro TOTAL …….. $ 9,473.50 Por la Salud de Olga Rodriguez
Summer Raffle PRIZE: $10,000 SUMMER RAFFLE FOR THE CONTINUED REMODELING OF OUR CHURCH AND NEW AIR CONDITIONER SYSTEM. TO BE PAID $1,000 MONTHLY FOR 10 MONTHS. THE DRAW WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE CHURCH ON SUNDAY, JULY 11, 2021 AT 9:00 PM Mother of Christ Catholic Learning Center License Number - C11MD0089 Summer 2021 WHERE LEARNING IS MADE FUN !!! June 14th - August 6th Spaces available from 13 Months to 4 years old!! $50.00 Registration Fee $150.00 Weekly Fee For more information call 305-559-6047 Part of a world-wide Catholic radio network 91.9 FM Daily Mass 9AM Rosary Payer 5 times a day. CATHOLIC PROGRAMMING 24/7 3 p.m.-3 a.m. – Spanish 3 a.m. – 3 p.m. – English Interested in Volunteering Call Yoli 305-303-3488
GOSPEL MEDITATION MEDITACIÓN EVANGÉLICA Maybe the work is best left to the professionals. That’s how many people Este domingo, la Palabra de Dios nos invita a tener view the preaching of the Gospel. That’s the stuff priests, religious, en cuenta dos características: “Hoy narra el momento deacons, lay ministers, and other professional Church people do. It has little to do with me. Well, that’s not really true. The fact of the matter is en el que Jesús envía a los doce en misión: Se detiene that preaching the Gospel has everything to do with you, with all of us en el estilo del enviado, que podemos resumir en dos who are baptized members of the Body of Christ. Nobody gets off the puntos: la misión tiene un centro; la misión tiene hook from that job. The question is, however, how do we do it? Well, there’s a safe way, which many choose, to preach the Gospel — and the un rostro. El discípulo misionero tiene antes risky way. The safe way pretty much keeps the Gospel in church and que nada su centro de referencia, que es la persona around like-minded people. I say my prayers, go to Mass, contribute to de Jesús. Y la segunda característica del estilo the food pantry, tithe, and attend Bible Study. That pretty much covers the bases, right? Wrong. misionero es, por así decir, un rostro que consiste en la pobreza de los medios. Su equipamiento responde The risky way is the more challenging way and for many, the “road less a un criterio de sobriedad” (Papa Francisco traveled.” Imagine those first disciples going out and into people’s homes. They must have had some amazing conversations with folks about God’s (7/15/2018). kingdom, changing their hearts, forgiving sins, and looking at the world differently. They must have met people who were hurting, exiled from ¿Quién es el responsable de responder al mensaje de their communities, neglected, lost, or living self-insulated lives in a Jesús y del Papa Francisco actualmente? Senci- society that served the rich and neglected the poor. While there were llamente, todos los bautizados somos enviados a many who welcomed what they had to say and the conversations they had, there were others who no doubt rejected them and literally tossed llevar a cabo el mensaje de Jesús. Teniendo en cuenta them out on their ears! The Gospel, while being a message of joy and que es su mensaje, no mi mensaje. Todos los hope, is not always received well by those who are very comfortable bautizados somos llamados a dar testimonio del keeping things as they are. amor liberador del Reino anunciado por Jesús. Y en este tiempo de pandemia, de descontrol, de The risky way involves example and conversation. We have to take the Gospel from church and carry it with us wherever we go. What kinds of sufrimiento y de muerte, ¿qué anunciamos, qué conversations do we have with others? We interact with those closest to misión y mensaje tenemos a cargo? Siempre, es la us, in our work, social circles, institutions, corporations, in politics, and misma misión y mensaje, un anuncio de conversión, beyond. Our conversations with others reveal a great deal about how we de volver nuestra mirada y corazón al Señor. Existe, see things and what we consider important. If we are really interested in seeing God’s vision for the world succeed, then we will talk about it. tanto por hacer, mucho que sanar, mucho que curar It will become a part of our everyday conversation and find its way into en la familia, y en la sociedad. En resumen, our interactions with others. How will we preserve the dignity of human reflexionemos en las últimas palabras del Evangelio life and encourage others to have a relationship with God? We must be de hoy: “Fueron, pues, a predicar, invitando a la the example, live value centered, virtuous lives, stand against injustice, conversión. Expulsaban a muchos espíritus malos y combating racism, and learn ways to resolve conflicts without violence. sanaban a numerosos enfermos, ungiéndoles con If we are going to succeed going forward, we have to find a way to bring aceite” (Marcos 6:12). Seamos, pues, discípulos our prayer centered lives into the marketplace. Our conversations have to misioneros fieles y comprometidos a su Palabra. En change. Not everyone wants to hear what the Gospel has to say. That’s a cualquiera que sea nuestra vocación, siempre de dos risk God asks us to take. en dos. ¡Misión y Mensaje! 2021 ABCD YA LLEGAMOS A $77,724 EN COMPROMISOS. NUESTRA META ES $83,661 ¡RECOJA SU SOBRE DE COMPROMISO HOY!
PART OF THE SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEK IS TO ASSIST BISHOPS AND DIOCESES TO BUILD UP THE CHURCH IN AFRICAN AMERICAN, NATIVE AMERICAN AND ALASKA NATIVE COMMUNITIES For more information, visit https:// Thank you for your support. PARTE DE LA SEGUNDA COLECTA DE ESTA SEMANA SERA PARA AYUDAR A LOS OBISPOS Y LAS DIOCESIS EDIFICAR LA IGLESIA ENTRE LAS COMUNIDADES AFROAMERICANAS, INDIGENAS Y DE NATIVOS DE ALASKA Para mas informacion, visitor la pagina de web Gracias por su apoyo. CATHOLIC CHARTIES and THE UNACCOMPANIED REFUGEE MINORS PROGRAM are hosting a drive to collect items like laptops, bath soap , deodorant, laundry soap, blankets, gift cards from Target and Walmart and a lot more. If you are interested in helping, please contact Alicia Mendes at 305-223-8711 or e-mail at Middle and High school students can earn service hours for their donations. We appreciate your generosity. GOSPELS FOR THE WEEK of July 11, 2021 EVANGELIO PARA LA SEMANA Julio 11, 2021 Sunday: Am 7:12-15/Ps 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14/ Thursday: Ex 3:13-20/Ps 105:1 and 5, 8-9, 24-25, 26-27/ Eph 1:3-14/Mk 6:7-13 Mt 11:28-30 Monday: Ex 1:8-14, 22/Ps 124:1b-3, 4-6, 7-8/ Friday: Ex 11:10—12:14/Ps 116:12-13, 15-16, 17-18/ Mt 10:34—11:1 Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Ex 12:37-42/Ps 136:1 and 23-24, 10-12, 13-15/ Tuesday Day: Ex 2:1-15a/Ps 69:3, 14, 30-31, 33-34/ Mt 12:14-21 Mt 11:20-24 Next Sunday: Jer 23:1-6/Ps 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6/Eph 2:13-18/ Wednesday: Ex 3:1-6, 9-12/Ps 103:1b-2, 3-4, 6-7/ Mk 6:30-34 Mt 11:25-27
MOTHER OF CHRIST CATHOLIC CHURCH 14141 S.W. 26 Street, Miami, FL 33175 - Tel: (305)559-6111 Fax:(305)551-7047 www. WELCOME TO MOTHER OF CHRIST Message from Join our parish family, fill out a registration form at the P.A.C. Information Desk, the A RCHDIOCESE of M IAMI Parish office or our website. The ABCD stands in solidarity with all our brothers and sisters by serving others in their time of need. Visit BIENVENIDOS A MOTHER OF CHRIST to make a gift today! Forme parte de nuestra familia, llene la hoja registro disponible en el buró de Información, Just as we plan to ensure financial health for our families, en la oficina o pagina web we should plan for the health of our faith families. Your planned gift to our endowment will provide financial support forever. Pass it on! Contact us to learn more. CLERGY (305) 762-1112. Rev. Father Jorge Arturo Carvajal-Niño Parochial Administrator “Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send Rev. Father Juan Carlos Salazar, Vicar them out two by two and gave them authority over José Martinez, Deacon unclean spirits” – Mark 6:7 José Rosado, Deacon Enrique Ferrer, Deacon The apostles answered Jesus ’ call and, in His name, went out to use His gifts to heal the sick and drive out Office Hours / Horario de Oficina demons. Are we using God ’s gifts to us faithfully to build up His kingdom? Have we thought for what have I Monday–Friday / Lunes–Viernes been chosen? To whom have I been sent? 9:00 a.m. — 6:00 p.m. Closed during Lunch 12:00-1:00 p.m. Norta Llana, Office Manager El ABCD se solidariza con todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas al servir a los demás en sus momentos de necesidad. ¡Visite para hacer un Mother of Christ Catholic School regalo hoy! & Learning Center Así como planeamos asegurar la salud financiera de “Home of the Crusaders” nuestras f a m i l i a s , d e b e m o s p l a n i f i c a r l a s a l u d d e nuestras familias religiosas. Su donación planificada Kinder-8th grade para nuestra donación proporcionará apoyo financiero Tel: 786-497-6111 para siempre. ¡Pásalo! Contáctenos para obtener más Mrs Rita Marti, Principal información. (305) 762 -1112. Ms. Yesy Feria, Assistant Principal "En aquel tiempo, llamó Jesús a los Doce, los envió de dos en dos y les dio poder sobre los espíritus 15 months-PK4 inmundos" – Marco 6:7 Tel: 305-559-6047 Los apóstoles respondieron al llamado de Jesús y, en Ms. Ada Enriquez, Assistant Director Su nombre, salieron a usar Sus dones para sanar a los enfermos y expulsar demonios. ¿Estamos usando los dones de Dios para nosotros fielmente edificar Su reino? ¿Hemos pensado para qué he sido escogido? RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM ¿A que me han enviado? PROGRAMA DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA High and Elementary School Programs RCIA - Adult - Adultos FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Tel: 305-559-0163 on Facebook @motherofchristcatholicchurch Ms. Silvia Lopez, Coordinator On Instagram @motherofchristmiami Office Hours: Monday—Thursday: 5:00 –8:00 PM visit us at
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