January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Saint Monica Parish

Page created by Edwin Strickland
January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Saint Monica Parish
Worship of God, Fellowship with Each Other, Service to All

                                   2080 Merivale Road, Nepean, ON K2C 3H1 Phone: (613) 727-1067
      Office Hours: Staff will be monitoring calls and emails but the office will not be open to the public until further notice.

                  By order of Archbishop Marcel Damphousse and the Province of Ontario
                 all public Masses and events in parishes are cancelled, until further notice
                             Please continue checking our website for updates.

           January 31, 2021 ~ Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                    PARISH WEBCAST - SUNDAY MASS
 We will be continuing our web-based transmission of the celebration of Sunday Mass by on the internet (YouTube)
 via https://saintmonicaparish.ca/. We will be webcasting beginning at 11:00 am on Sundays.

                  2020 Income Tax Receipts                                    “GROW IN FAITH” - at a distance
                These will be mailed out in mid-February.                     After the success of our ‘Zoom’ - based ALPHA program last Fall,
                                                                              we will offer other faith programs beginning in January. ‘Zoom’ is
                                                                              a fairly simple, easy-to use computer ‘platform’ that allows users
DAILY MASS READINGS: Living with Christ is                                    to not only see and hear everyone, but also to move between
offering FREE Mass texts during COVID-19. Please go to:                       small and large groups.
                                                                                            INTERNATIONAL CATHOLIC BIBLE SUMMIT 2021.
                                                                                            70 presenters (on-line only) Feb. 11 -13 - free
              YEAR OF ST. JOSEPH                                                            permanent all-access on-line pass to presentations,
This year, Pope Francis encourages us to consider                                           plus audio downloads: USD40.00 , Fr. Mike Schmitz,
St. Joseph as a model for our lives and as someone we                                       Dr. Scott Hahn, Christopher West, Jeff Cavins, Dr.
                                                                                            Edward Sri, Fr. James Mallon,et al https://
may ask to pray for us in times of trouble in life.
                                                                              LENT “Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Lively Virtues” video series
                                                                              by Bishop Robert Barron. Join Fr. Charles Orchard CC via ‘Zoom’
                                                                              on six Thursdays at 7:30pm from Feb. 18 - Mar. 25.
                                                                              Consider how to counteract the seven deadly sins
                                                                              with the ‘seven lively virtues’ so we can discover the
                                                                              right path to healing and happiness. There is a Study
                                                                              Guide (approx. USD 15.00). To register, send an e-
                                                                              mail to: secretary@saintmonicaparish.ca with ‘Lent
                                                                              series’ in the subject line.
                                                                                             BIBLE STUDY
                                                                                             Deacon Tom Cuddihy is resuming the Thursday
                                                                                             morning (10:00-11:30 am) small group Bible Study
                                                                                             program via ‘Zoom’ with a ten-week study of the
                                                                                             “Parables of the Kingdom” beginning Jan. 14. Con-
see the Pope’s letter ‘ patris corde’ (‘from a father’s heart’) at: http://                  tact him directly about this ‘virtual’ group and
www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_letters/documents/papa                             ordering the study guide at: t.cuddihy@rogers.com
-francesco-lettera-ap_20201208_patris-corde.html                                                                             - continued on page 3

                               Diocesan Theme: Christ Is Everything For Us.
                 “Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words to eternal life”. (John 6.68)
January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Saint Monica Parish

Pastor:                        Fr. Frank Brewer
ppriest@saintmonicaparish.ca            727-1067 x 225

Associate Pastor Fr. Charles Orchard
frcharlesorchard@gmail.com              727-1067 x 226     Any Mass that was to take place during
In Residence:            Fr. Pierre Champoux               the shut-down will be rescheduled once
Deacon:           Rev. Mr. Thomas Cuddihy                  we return to normal.
t.cuddihy@rogers.com                           599-5266

Admin. Assistant:                  Janice Pilgrim
secretary@saintmonicaparish.ca           727-1067x221

School Age Sacramental Coordinator:
                        Milva Calla
sacraments.schoolage@gmail.com 727-1067 x238

Parish Finance:                    Robella Folliet
finance.parish.smp.sap@gmail.com 727-1067 x 222

Property Management: John Streng
                                                           ASH WEDNESDAY FEB. 17
                                                           We expect that we will be closed at the
Divine Mercy Cenacle:
Eileen Spooner                              613-823-7355
                                                           beginning of Lent, and are planning a live
                                                           webcast via our website, using YouTube,
Gianna Crupi                                613-823-4228
                                                                                                                   FINANCE COUNCIL
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
                                                           of our Ash Wednesday Mass. There will
Karen Bader                                 613-825-7062                                                      Even though the number of people
Finance Council:                                           be further details when we have them.              attending Mass is limited, the parish
Chair: Michael McCallen                     613-823-6196
Land & Building Committee
                                                                                                              still has expenses and counts on your
Chair: Tim Norris                                                                                             support. We thank those who con-
Lectors & Commentators                                                                                        tribute monthly through automatic
Doreen Cripps                               613-695-1903
Music Ministry:
                                                                                                              bank deposits and credit card. We
Trevor DeFreitas (11:00 am)                 613-725-7569              PARISH WEBCAST                          invite all others to send their regular
                                                                                                              contributions by cheque to the office
                                                                         SUNDAY MASS
Art Lawless (9:00 am)                       613-823-8884
Reno Santini (5:00 & 7:00 pm)               613-843-8210
                                                           While there are many Masses available on           via Canada Post. Now available, you
Parish Social Life Committee
Connie Carlotti                             613-604-8477   television or through the Internet that are far    can contribute Directly through Can-
Parish Pastoral Council
                                                           more polished ‘productions’ than ours, many        adaHelps on        our parish website
Chairperson: TBA
                                                           people have mentioned that our live-               https://saintmonicaparish.ca
School Sacrament Preparation
                                                                                                              Please note, anyone who donates
Milva Calla                        613-727-1067 x238       streamed 11:00am Sunday Mass is important
Baptismal Prep
                                                           to them. We are limited and still trying out       through the Parish website will auto-
Deacon Tom Cuddihy
                                                           different things, so we appreciate any feed-       matically be sent a tax receipt to the
Cristeta Baclayanto                         613-823-2631   back you might give. Whether you virtually         email address you provided.
Social Outreach:
                                                           join either us or a Mass from somewhere            Thank you.
Elizabeth Mohan:                            613-843-9550
Spiritual Life Committee
                                                           else, the important thing is to allow it to help
Gianna Crupi                                613-823-4228   draw you out of a sense of isolation and con-         AROUND THE TOWN...
Wednesday Evening Prayer Group                             nect you to the power of Christ in the Eucha-
Thea Streng:                                613-838-4922
                                                           rist as you participate in keeping holy the Day    Ottawa Pastoral Care Training Program:
            PARISH SCHOOLS                                 of the Lord.                                       An inter-denominational program affiliat-
St. Monica Elementary School            613- 226-5174                                                         ed with the Christian Council of the Capi-
                   2000 Merivale Rd.                       They were all amazed: A new teaching -             tal Area. For information on the winter
               Principal: Christine Pepin                  with authority.             (Mark 1.21-29)         and spring sessions of the 10-week Basic
St. Andrew Elementary School               613-843-0050                                                       Training    course,        please     visit
                    201 Crestway Dr.                                                                          www.ottawapastoralcare.com.
                 Principal: Julie Fortier
Frank Ryan Jr. H School                     613-224-8833
                   128 Chesterton Dr.
                                                                                                              POPE’S INTENTION
                Principal: Michael Raso                                                                       January 2021:
St. Mother Teresa High School               613-823-1663                                                      Human Fraternity: May the
                   440 Longfields Dr.                                                                         Lord give us the grace to live
                  Principal: Julie Mathé                                                                      in full fellowship with our
St. Pius X High School                      613-225-8105                                                      brothers and sisters of other
                    1481 Fisher Ave.                                                                          religions, praying for one an-
               Principal: Mrs. Alex Belloni                                                                   other, open to all.
January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Saint Monica Parish
January 31, 2021 - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                             “GROW IN FAITH” - at a distance
      From the Pastor’s Desk                                                                           - continued from page 1
The Lord astonished the people with the power and            “THE BIBLE IN A YEAR (With Fr. Mike Schmitz)”
authority of his teaching. His words struck home             https://mytuner-radio.com/podcast/the-bible-
because he spoke the truth about basic realities they        in-a-year-with-fr-mike-schmitz-ascension-
had to face each day.                                        catholic-faith-formation-1539568321
                                                             This daily Catholic Bible podcast has been at the
We face the same things. Are we builders or destroy-         top of the Apple Podcast charts since Jan. 2.
ers? Do we give life or do we promote death? Do we           Produced by Ascension Catholic Faith Formation (Ascension
seek to live in truth and peace or do we prefer darkness     Press), each 15 - 25 minute episode has two to three scriptural
and fear? Are we interested in establishing God’s            readings, a reflection on them by Fr. Mike Schmitz, and a pray-
justice? To live according to God’s way of peace and         er. Instead of reading the Bible from cover to cover, the pod-
                                                             cast follows “The Great Adventure Bible Timeline,” concept
salvation we need to allow the words of Jesus to pene-
                                                             developed by Jeff Cavins. We have used this method of Bible
trate our hearts and change our lives. This is the victory   Study at St. Monica and were quite impressed. On your Apple
over those things that destroy human life.                   device or at: https://mytuner-radio.com/podcast/the-bible-in-a
A Question                                                   1539568321
God still provides among his people the gifts and                              FAITH STUDY
talents necessary to continue the work of his Church.
                                                                               If you would like to do a six-part faith study
What gifts are yours to share?                                                 with a small group of your friends, the
                                                                               “DISCOVERY” faith study prepared by Catho-
Bible Study                                                                    lic Christian Outreach (CCO) is a very good
The Scriptures were written long ago, and sometimes                            place to start. It presents the basic four-point
the ideas, concerns and customs to which they refer are                        Gospel message: 1. God is love and created us
barriers to our understanding. Also, as they are much                          for relationship with him. 2. That relationship
more than information, but a basic part of our conver-                         has been broken though sin. 3. Jesus exclusive-
sation with God, the Scriptures are meant to be part of      ly restores that relationship through his death and resurrection.
our prayer. We see this happening during official            4. We are all personally invited to accept this gift of salvation.
Church liturgies, but often people wonder how to do          There is no video, this is a group discussion using the CCO book-
                                                             let. If you are interested in this, but don’t see yourself organiz-
this in their own lives. To help us understand and pray
                                                             ing a group of friends, we should be able to provide leadership
more easily with Scripture, many different types of          and groups after Easter. For information, send an e-mail to:
Bible study programs have been developed. One way            secretary@saintmonicaparish.ca with ‘Discovery’ in the subject
to start would be to follow Fr. Mike Schmitz’s daily         line.
podcast.                                                     PRAYING TOGETHER AT HOME
                                                             Next week we will resume sending ‘Children’s
Lenten Program                                               Liturgy’ materials for use at home on Sundays
On Thursday, Feb. 18, Fr. Charles will begin the virtu-      to the families of children still waiting for their
al six-part Lenten series “Seven Deadly Sins and Seven       First Communion. If you would like to receive
Lively Virtues”. Please sign up in advance for this          these, contact our Sacramental Co-ordinator,
video and discussion program.                                Milva        Calla        at:                sacra-
May all that we do be in harmony with the liberating                                VIRTUAL CHILDREN’S LITURGY
and healing power of Christ’s love.                                                 For information about joining the regular
                                                                                    Sunday 10:30 am Zoom session for our
                                                                                    virtual Children's Liturgy session, go to:
                                                             Matthew Kelly The Four Signs of A Dynamic
                                                             Catholic (Prayer, Study, Generosity, Evangeliza-
                                                             tion). If you buy this through the parish office,
                                                             the price is $5.00 ($20 retail).
                                                             Follow his blog at:
January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Saint Monica Parish
A Culture of Care as a Path to Peace
This was the theme used by Pope Francis for his 2021 message for the World Day of Peace, stating that, “There can be no peace
without a culture of care”. It brings together a number of ideas he has expressed during his pontificate that point to a common
path that people everywhere could follow to overcome the chaos that has been created in our time. It is worth our attention.
For       the      complete         message,       go       to:      http://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/peace/documents/
4. Care in the ministry of Jesus
Jesus’ life and ministry represent the supreme revelation of the Father’s love for humanity (cf. Jn 3:16). In the synagogue at
Nazareth, Jesus showed himself to be the one consecrated by the Lord and “sent to preach good news to the poor, to proclaim
release to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed” (Lk 4:18). These messianic
actions, associated with the Jubilee year, bear eloquent witness to the mission he received from the Father. In his compassion,
Christ drew near to the sick in body and spirit, and brought them healing; he pardoned sinners and gave them new life. Jesus is
the Good Shepherd who cares for his sheep (cf. Jn 10:11-18; Ezek 34:1-31). He is the Good Samaritan who stoops to help the
injured man, binds his wounds and cares for him (cf. Lk 10:30-37).

At the culmination of his mission, Jesus gave the ultimate proof of his care for us by offering himself on the cross to set us free
from the slavery of sin and death. By the sacrificial gift of his life, he opened for us the path of love. To each of us he says, “Follow
me; go and do likewise” (cf. Lk 10:37).

            Landry Vanier
            BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC                                                Liturgica                                Place your AD here!
                                                                                              GIFTS & SOUVENIRSFOR ALL RELIGIOUS OCCASIONS

     ROD A. VANIER, B.A., LL.B.
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR & NOTARY PUBLIC                                                        1260 OLD INNES RD., UNIT 602                     Call the Parish Office
                                                                                               (Innes Rd & St. Laurent Bl.)                      613-727-1067
   90 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa, Ont. K2G 6B1
   Bus: (613) 226-3336       Res: (613) 723-3051                                                      613-745-1537
   E-mail: vanier@vanierlaw.on.ca

                                                                                               Raquel Beesley                                Place your AD here!
                                                                                               & Susan Gahrns
                                                                                                                                             Call the Parish Office
 1247 Kilborn Place, Ottawa, On K1H 6K9                      Family Law, Mediation, Real Estate, Wills & Estates
                                                         www.beesleygahrns.com                                   613-235-6299
     www.Catholicottawa.ca                             MAKING SURE LEGAL MATTERS DON’T GET IN THE WAY OF WHAT MATTERS

    Place your AD here!                                                  ChangesFirst                                                        Place your AD here!
                                                                     All change begins with that first step.

   Call the Parish Office                                   Offering: addictions, trauma and spirituality counselling
                                                                                                                                             Call the Parish Office
       613-727-1067                                                                                                                              613-727-1067
                                                                     and conflict mediation family services.

                                                                               Gerard Vardy RP
January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Saint Monica Parish January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Saint Monica Parish January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Saint Monica Parish January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Saint Monica Parish January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Saint Monica Parish January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Saint Monica Parish
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