Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes - Hummingbird Place Results at Six Months after Opening

Page created by Christine Higgins
Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes - Hummingbird Place Results at Six Months after Opening
January 2021

Hummingbird Place
Modular Supportive
Housing Resident Outcomes
Results at Six Months after Opening
Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes - Hummingbird Place Results at Six Months after Opening
BC Housing’s Research Centre works in collaboration with housing sector partners to foster excellence in
residential construction and find innovative solutions for affordable housing in British Columbia. Sharing
leading-edge research and advances in building science and new technologies encourages best practices.

The Research Centre identifies and bridges research gaps to address homelessness, housing affordability,
social housing challenges and the needs of distinct populations. Mobilizing knowledge and research
expertise helps improve the quality of housing and leads to innovation and adoption of new construction
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BC Housing gratefully acknowledges PHS Community Services Society (PHS) for sharing their insights on
Hummingbird Place, a modular housing development in Vancouver, and for supporting this study. We also
acknowledge the contribution of the City of Vancouver for assisting in the development of this research
and for reviewing the data and this report. We would like to sincerely thank all the residents who shared
their perspectives through the resident survey as part of this study.

In Vancouver, the Rapid Response to Homelessness program is delivered as Temporary Modular Housing (TMH).
Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes - Hummingbird Place Results at Six Months after Opening

This snapshot shows outcomes for residents of Hummingbird Place, a modular supportive
housing development in Vancouver, B.C., six months after the building opened.

Please refer to page 15, Research Methodology for information about data sources.

                52                                  98%                                          98%

            Housing Units                 Residents remained housed at                  Residents were previously
                                           Hummingbird at six months                   experiencing homelessness

              76%                                   94%                                          82%

     Survey respondents reported              Survey respondents                      Survey respondents feel they
       improvements to overall               were satisfied with their                belong in the neighbourhood
              well-being                          housing unit

                                                         Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes: Hummingbird Place   3
Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes - Hummingbird Place Results at Six Months after Opening
                                                    Modular units funded under
Housing provider, PHS Community                     Rapid Response to Homelessness
Services Society (PHS) operates
Hummingbird Place, providing on-site                program deliver results
support coverage twenty-four hours every
day of the week and helping residents to:           Hummingbird Place opened in January 2019 and is funded under the Rapid
                                                    Response to Homelessness program. Hummingbird Place provides 52 units
›   Maintain their homes
                                                    of housing in two buildings for individuals experiencing homelessness
›   Enhance their life skills, including
                                                    or at risk of homelessness. The buildings are located in the False Creek
    learning to cook
                                                    neighbourhood of Vancouver.
›   Connect with education, employment,
    health, and independent housing                 The Government of British Columbia announced the Rapid Response to
›   Access community information, social            Homelessness program in 2017 as an immediate response to homelessness
    and recreational programs                       across the province. The Province committed $291 million over two years to
›   Participate in case planning and needs          build 2,000 modular supportive housing units for people who are homeless
    assessments                                     or at risk of homelessness. In addition, $170 million was committed over
›   Access income assistance, pension               three years to provide staffing and support services for residents.
    benefits, disability benefits, and apply
                                                    Each self-contained studio apartment is 320 square feet and includes
    for BC Identification
                                                    a 3-piece bathroom, 2-burner stovetop and a full-height fridge. Each
›   Open a bank account
                                                    building includes 2,000 square feet of amenity space with an oven for
›   Access food
                                                    social gatherings and meals. Six units on the first floor of each building are
                                                    wheelchair accessible.

4     Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes: Hummingbird Place
Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes - Hummingbird Place Results at Six Months after Opening

Resident Profile
Hummingbird Place provides housing for a mixed community     63%of residents. This includes residents with different genders,
ethnicities, and ages. Residents also have a mix of vulnerabilities and support needs.

                      Most residents are adults
                              aged 25-54 years       6%                              72%                                              22%
                                                    0%             20%              40%               60%                  80%                 100%

                           More than a third of                           63%
Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes - Hummingbird Place Results at Six Months after Opening
aged 25-54 years      6%                             72%                                         22%

                0%   20%                                                        40%                60%                 80%                100%

                           More than a third of
                          residents are female
                                                                         63%                                            37%

                                                    0%           20%            40%                 60%                 80%                 100%

Experience of Homelessness
                          More than a third of
                 residents indentified as being                                                             62%
                        of Indigenous descent
                                                    0%           20%            40%                60%                 80%                100%

Almost all residentsThe
                          per cent)   were experiencing homelessness immediately prior to moving into their Hummingbird
                                 of residents
                   have a prior connection to                    60%                                      40%
Place home.        the neighbourhood (n=20)

                                          0% that did20%
Two per cent of residents were living in housing                      40% needs. 60%
                                                      not meet their support                                           80%                 100%

                                 Experience of
                                                                                          98%                                            2%

                                                    0%           20%            40%                60%                 80%                100%

                                                                                                              Experiencing           Transfers
                      Overall well-being (n=17)                                76%                            homelessness 18%           6%
                                                                                          Source: City of Vancouver Homeless Services Database
                                                    0%     75% 20%              40%                60%                 80%                100%

                      Positive interactions with

Housing Stabilityneighbours in the surrounding
                             community (n=12)
                                                                        58%                                   25%               8%      8%

                                                    0%           20%            40%                60%                 80%                100%
         Access to employment
Ninety-eight perservices
                  cent of(n=11)
                           the first                       45%                                          36%                               18%
Hummingbird PlaceAccess  residents
                               to   remained
                                                          40%                                                   60%
                education   (n=10)
housed there six months after moving into
their homes.   One
        Financial     resident
                  situation     was no longer
                            (n=15)                        40%                                               53%                                    7%
housed at Hummingbird Place, as they                                                                          38%                      8%
                                   0%                     20%                 40%                   60%                      80%                    100%
had relocated to housing that better met
their needs.
                             Living skills (n=17)                41%                                          53%                             6%

                                                    0%           20%                40%               60%                 80%                    100%
                        Friends/relatives in
                   community to talk to (n=16)                    44%                            25%                13%              19%
                       Good relationships with
                        other residents (n=19)
                                                                   47%                                      37%                       16%

                                                    0%           20%                40%               60%                  80%                   100%

                             Social connections
                          (family/friends)(n=17)                   47%                                    35%                         18%

                                                    0%           20%                40%               60%                  80%                   100%

6   Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes: Hummingbird Place
Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes - Hummingbird Place Results at Six Months after Opening
Most residents are adults
                                aged 25-54 years      6%                                72%                                          22%

                 0%    20%                                                            40%              60%                 80%                100%

                              More than a third of
                             residents are female
                                                                              63%                                          37%
                                                     0%            20%                 40%             60%                 80%                100%

 Quality of Life for Residents
                            More than a third of
                   residents indentified as being                                                              62%
                          of Indigenous descent
      Most residents are adults
                     aged 25-54 years    6%          0%            20%        72%     40%              60%                80%
                                                                                                                         22%                  100%

 Overall Well-being
               The majority of0%
                              residents                    20%               40%               60%             80%          100%
                    have a prior connection to                               60%                                       40%
                    the neighbourhood (n=20)
 Seventy-six perMore
                 cent  of asurvey
                     than   third of respondents reported
                                                              63%                   “There are so many positive things
                                                                                                                37% to being inside
               residents are female
 improvements in their overall well-being,0%     while 18 per 20%                   40%than outside.60%
                                                                                 rather                             80%
                                                                                                     People look more  secure and             100%
 cent of survey respondents reported   0% that their20%
                                                      well-being             40%      comfortable;
                                                                                           60%     people are
                                                                                                           80%feeling safer.”100%
 remained the same.                                                                                    – Hummingbird Place staff member
                 More than a third Experience
                                    of        of
        residents indentified as being
                                    homelessness   38%                                        98%     62%                                    2%
                of Indigenous descent
                                                     0%            20%                40%              60%                80%                 100%
                                         0%                20%               40%              60%              80%                100%

             The majorityOverall
                          of residents
                                 well-being (n=17)                                   76%                                       18%           6%
            have a prior connection to                            60%                                          40%
            the neighbourhood (n=20)
                                                     0%      75% 20%                  40%              60%                80%                 100%
                                         0%                20%               40%               60%             80%                   100%
                        Positive interactions with                                                              Better         Same         Worse
                   neighbours in the surrounding                             58%                                25%                8% 8%
                        Experience  of      (n=12)                                                                        Source: Resident Survey
                                                                                     98%                                          2%
                                                     0%            20%                40%              60%                80%                 100%
 Employment, Income and
                    0% Education
                             20%                                             40%              60%              80%                 100%
            Access survey,
 In the resident   to employment
                            45 per cent of respondents reported better access to employment opportunities since their move,
 while 40 per  centservices
                                  better access to education.                                 36%                        18%
             Overall well-being (n=17)                           76%                                18%         6%
                          Access to                                                                    60%
 Forty per cent education
                  of survey    respondents reported that
                                                     40%their financial situation had improved.
                                        0%    75% 20%              40%              60%             80%             100%
 Staff reported
         Financialthat   Sole(n=15)
                   situation   Food Street Farms, an urban
                                                     40% farm project, is located on the same site, 53%
                                                                                                    and that several residents                         7%
 have started working with that organization. Other residents participate in the neighbourhood clean
             Positive interactions with
                                                                                                      38% team,  volunteering
        neighbours in the surrounding0%              20% 58%              40%                60%
                                                                                            25%            8% 80% 8%                                    100%
 to pick up garbage      in the neighbourhood.
                    community    (n=12)

                                       0% (n=17)
                               Living skills               20%         41% 40%                 60%             80%
                                                                                                                53%               100%            6%

   Access to employment                              0%            20%                  40%              60%                   80%                  100%
           services (n=11)     Friends/relatives in 45%                                             36%                           18%
                         community to talk to (n=16)                   44%                            25%                13%            19%
                 Access to                                                                              60%
        education (n=10) Good relationships with
                             other residents (n=19)
                                                                        47%                                    37%                          16%
Financial situation (n=15)                         40%                                          53%                                         7%
                                                  0%               20%                  40%        60%                         80%               100%
                        0%                       20%                 40%                    60%   38%                80%        8%            100%
                                Social connections
                            (family/friends)(n=17)                      47%                                  35%
                                                                                                               Better          Same     18%
                    Living skills (n=17)                   41%                                        53%                             6%
                                                                                                                         Source: Resident Survey
                                                     0%            20%                  40%             60%                    80%                  100%
                                         0%                20%                40%               60%                80%                 100%
                Friends/relatives in
           community to talk to (n=16)                      44%                               25%            13%               19%
               Good relationships with
                other residents (n=19)
                                                             47%                                     37% Outcomes: Hummingbird
                                                                          Modular Supportive Housing Resident           16% Place              7

                                         0%                20%                40%               60%                80%                 100%
Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes - Hummingbird Place Results at Six Months after Opening
residents More
                             than aas   being
                                     third of                  38%                                        62%
                   Overall        aredescent
                           well-being  (n=17)
                                                                           63% 76%                                       37%
                                                                                                                           18%          6%

                  75% 20%
                        More than a third of
                   The majority   of residents
              residents  indentified
                                      as being
                                connection with
                                             to                38%       60%                              62%       40%
              neighbours   in the surrounding
                  the neighbourhood      (n=20)                          58%                                25%                8%      8%
                           community (n=12)
                                                   0%           20%
                                                                20%              40%
                                                                                 40%             60%
                                                                                                 60%                80%
                                                                                                                    80%                  100%
Living Skills                                     0%            20%              40%             60%                80%                  100%

Forty-one per cent  The majority
                         of surveyof residents
                                      respondents reported
                   have a prior connection
        Access to employment    Experience ofto                          60%                                         40%
that their  livingthe
                    skills  hadhomelessness
        opportunities/support            (n=20) while living skills                      98% who have been living outside for a long
                                                                                 “Some folks                                       2%
                                                           45%                                         36%                          18%
remained theservices
                          for 53 per cent of 0%  residents. Staff20%            time
                                                                                  40%are starting to develop
                                                                                                   60%        or  reacquaint
                                                                                                                      80%    themselves
reported that they    Access
                         aretohelping residents 0% who need 20%                  40%              60%                80%            100%
                                                        40%                                      with inside life
             education (n=10)
assistance with maintaining their space and relearning                                                 – Hummingbird Place staff member
     Financial situation (n=15) Experience of           40%                                               53%                                       7%
living skills.       Overall well-being (n=17)                                  76%        98%                             18%          2%
                                0%                      20%                    40%                60%        38%            80%       8%             100%
                                                  0%      75% 20%                 40%            60%                80%                 100%
                           Living skills (n=17)                41%                                          53%                              6%
                   Positive interactions with
              neighbours                (n=17)
                             the surrounding                             58%    76%                         25%            18%
                                                                                                                             8%         6%
                          community (n=12)        0%             20%              40%               60%                   80%                 100%
                      Friends/relatives in 0%0%          75% 20%
                                                                                 40%              60%
                                                                                                 25%              13%
                 community to talk to (n=16)                                                                    Better        Same     Worse
                     Good relationships
                   Positive              with
                            interactions with
       Access to employment
                       other residents (n=19)
                                                                     47%                                37%      Source:
              neighbours  in the
                                 surrounding                            58%                               25%        8%Resident
                          community (n=12)
               services (n=11)
                                                          45%                                         36%                     18%
                                                  0%             20%                 40%            60%          80%             100%
                                                  0%   20%              40%                       60%          80%            100%
Social Connections  Access to
           education (n=10)
                                               40%                                                         60%
                          Social connections
   Financial     Place
     Access to         (n=15)
                employment                     40% social47%
                         residents reported improved       connections. Sixty-nine per cent of35%
                                                                                                survey respondents 18%
                                                                                               53%                                                  7%
somewhat orservices
                strongly   agreed that they have friends
                       (n=11) 0%
                                                   45% or relatives in the community to talk36%
                                                                                             to, while
                                                                                                 38% 84 per cent reported
                                                 0% 20%     20%          40% 40%              60%
                                                                                             60%             80%
                                                                                                              80%            100%100%
good relationships with other residents. Forty-seven per cent of survey respondents reported improvements in their
                      Access to                                                                       60%neighbours, and that it
social connections.       Staff noted that residents
             education (n=10)
                                                      are happy living in a building where they know their
                            Living skills (n=17)            41%                                     53%                    6%
      like a community.
               situation (n=15)                     40%                                            53%                           7%
                                                  0%             20%                 40%            60%     38%           80%         8%      100%
                                0%                      20%                    40%                60%                       80%                   100%
                       Friends/relatives in
                 community to talk to (n=16)                      44%                            25%               13%               19%
                         Living skills (n=17)                    41%                                       53%                               6%
                    Good relationships with
                     other residents (n=19)
                                                                   47%                                    37%                         16%
                                                   0%            20%                 40%           60%                    80%                 100%
                                                  0%             20%                 40%           60%                    80%                 100%
                      Friends/relatives in
                 community to talk to (n=16)                       44%                           25%               13%               19%
                                                              Strongly Agree    Somewhat Agree     Somewhat Disagree            Strongly Disagree
                     GoodSocial  connections
                          relationships  with                        47%                                 35%                         18%
                      other  residents (n=19)
                                                                     47%                                  37%                         16%
                                                                                                                          Source: Resident Survey
                                                  0%             20%                 40%           60%                    80%                 100%

                          Social connections
                       (family/friends)(n=17)                        47%                                 35%                         18%

                                                  0%             20%                 40%           60%                    80%                 100%

                                                                                                                Better        Same          Worse

                                                                                                                          Source: Resident Survey

8    Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes: Hummingbird Place
Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes - Hummingbird Place Results at Six Months after Opening

         Thirty-six per cent of survey respondents reported improved participation in recreational activities, while participation
         remained the same for 50 per cent of respondents. According to staff, several residents access local community centres
         to visit the library and use other services.

                       Participation in recreational
                                   activities (n=17)
                                                                          41%                                        53%                               6%

                                                          0%              20%                40%               60%                  80%                 100%
                                                                              18%                                     59%
                                                                                                                           Better       Same          Worse

                           Feel safe in the building                                                                                 Source: Resident Survey
                                                                                                    79%                                                        21%

                                  Feel safe in the unit
         Safety                                  (n=19)                                             79%                                                        21%
  Participation in recreational
         The majority     of survey respondents41%
                                                (77 per cent) somewhat
              activities (n=17)                0%                 20% or strongly agreed
                                                                                      40%that they felt safe60%
                                                                                     53%                     in the6%
                                                                                                                    building, while80%
         83 per cent agreed that they felt safe in their home.
                            0%                  20%              40%            60%               80%                               100%
         Most surveyParticipation
                     respondents      (53 per cent) reported an improvement in their sense of personal safety.
                                  in recreational
                                activities (n=17) 18%
                                                                 41%                    59%              53%                                           6%
                     Sense of personal safety (n=19)                                         79%                                              21%
      Feel safe in the building                           0%              20%                40%               60%                  80%                 100%
                                                                               79%                                                         21%
                         (n=19)                                             18%                                       59%                                      36%
                                                          0%              20%                40%               60%                  80%                 100%
          Feel safe in the unit
                         (n=19)                                                     79%                                                    21%
                            Feel safe in the building
                                                                                                   79%                                                         21%
                                0%Satisfaction with        20%                      40%
                                                                                                      60%                      80%                      100%
                                                                                                                                                        22%             6
                                 Feel safe unit (n=18)
                                           in the unit
                                                (n=19)                                             79%                                                         21%
                                   Satisfaction with                     Strongly Agree     Somewhat Agree     Somewhat Disagree           Strongly Disagree
                                     supports (n=18)                                 50%                                                   44%                          6
                                                          0%                   20%                   40%                   60%      Source: Resident 80%
Sense of personal safety (n=19)                                           79%20%                                      21%
                                                          0%                                        40%                 60%                          80%

                                  0%                  20%                 40%                60%               80%                  100%
                     Sense of personal safety (n=19)                                         79%                                              21%
                                 Access to supports
                                     needed (n=15)                        33%                                           53%                                       13%
             Satisfaction with                            0%              20%                40%               60%             80%                     100%
           housing unit (n=18)
                                                                            20%                     40%                    60% 22%                    6%
                                                                                                                           Better       Same          Worse
             Satisfaction with
              supports (n=18)                                     50%                                                44%                              6%
                                  Satisfaction with                                                                                 Source: Resident Survey
                                housing unit (n=18)                                             72%                                                     22%            6
                      Access to healthy food (n=18)                                  50%                                       28%                      11%          11%
                                  0%                       20%                      40%                 60%                    80%                      100%
                                     Satisfaction with
                                  Mental health (n=18)
                                      supports  (n=19)             21%               50%                 47%                               44% 21%                   11%6

                            Addiction issues (n=17)                                   53%                                               35%                     6%      6
            Access to supports                      0%                         20%                   40%                   60%                   80%
                needed (n=15)Physical health (n=19)                     26%                            53%42%                                 13%
                                                                                                                                            11%                21%
                                                          0%                20%                 40%                     60%                 80%
                                  0%                        20%                40%                   60%                   80% 58%            100%
                                 Access to supports
                                      needed (n=15)                       33%                                           53% Hummingbird Place 9
                                                                                 Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes:                                   13%
                           Postive interactions with
Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes - Hummingbird Place Results at Six Months after Opening
      Feel safe in
  Participation in the building
                         (n=19)                  41%                       79%                  53%                        6%         21%
              activities (n=17)
           Feel safe in the unit
                          (n=19) 40%                                       79%           60%              80%                 100% 21%
                                                   18%                                           59%
                                   0%               20%                     40%                    60%                    80%                      100%

      Feel safe in the building
        Satisfaction     (n=19)with     Housing and Supports               79%                                                        21%

          Feel safe in the unit
         The  resident(n=19)
                          survey supports staff perceptions that residents
Sense of personal safety(n=19)                                        79%are satisfied with their housing and supports. Most
                                                               79%                                        21%
         respondents (94 per cent) somewhat or strongly agreed that they are satisfied with their housing unit, while 94 per cent
         of survey respondents
                          0% somewhat or strongly
                                            20%     agreed that they
                                                                 40% are satisfied with the level of supports
                                                                                       60%                 80%they receive
                                                                                                                     36% at 100%
                          0%            20%               40%              60%                80%              100%
         Hummingbird Place.

              Satisfaction with
Sense of personal
           housingsafety (n=19)
                    unit (n=18)                                    79%72%                                           21%       22%               6%

               Satisfaction with
                                                           50%                                                                       36%
                supports (n=18) 0%               20%                40%                  60%              80% 44%             100%              6%

                                   0%                20%                    40%                     60%                   80%                      100%
             Satisfaction with
           housing unit (n=18)                                     Strongly
                                                                       72%Agree         Somewhat Agree     Somewhat Disagree22%      Strongly Disagree
                                                                                                                                Source: Resident Survey
              Access to supports
               Satisfaction with
                  needed (n=18)
                          (n=15)                 33%       50%                                     53%           44%                      13% 6%

         A third of survey respondents (33 per 20%                  40% to the supports60%
                                               cent) reported that access                                 80% while 53 per 100%
                                                                                        they need has improved,
         cent reported that access has stayed the same.

  Access to healthy food
            Access to    (n=18)
                      supports                             50%                                           28%                  11%          11%
                 needed (n=15)                   33%                                               53%                                    13%
           Mental health (n=19)           21%                                     47%                                   21%                11%

        Addiction issues (n=17)    0%               20%     53%            40%                      60%        35%        80%           6%      6%100%

         Physical health (n=19)             26%                                    42%                            11%Better           21%
                                                                                                                                    Same        Worse

                                                     20% 50%                40%                     60%28%                80%Source: Resident Survey
 Access to healthy food (n=18)     0%                                                                                       11%           11% 100%
         Mental health (n=19)             21%                                     47%                                   21%                 11%
      Postive interactions with
            neighbours    in the                 41%        53%                    29%                    18% 35%       12%5%           6%      6%
       Addiction  issues (n=17)
surrounding community (n=17)
         Some Hummingbird Place residents    26% have experienced           Hummingbird
                                                                              42%60%         Place staff also11%
                                                                                                              identified challenges
         Physical health (n=19)
                                 0%             20%              40%                                80%                100% 21%
         challenges since moving to their new home. Staff                   related to the modular building design, including:
                                 0%                 20%                 40%                  60%                   80%                100%
         mentioned that it can be a challenge balancing the                                        58%
                                                                               • Issues of overheating in the building, especially on
         needs of different residents in the building. While some
                                                                                 the 3rd floor.
Sense Postive
      of personal
         residents safety
                            with additional supports, others would like
                      require                                         88%                                       6% 6%
            neighbours in the                   41%                          29%                   18% of some
                                                                               • Issues with the quality         12%  5%
                                                                                                                    fixtures in the
surrounding      independence
            community     (n=17)   and are not happy with some of the
                                 0%              20%              40%            building
                                                                                  60%      including80%
                                                                                                      the locks and walls.
                                                                                                                        100% 36%
         guidelines in the building.
                                 0%             20%              40%             60%                80%                100%
         Staff also mentioned that noise can be an issue in the
         building. Some residents would also like less rotation of
         staff assafety
Sense of personal they (n=17)
                        stabilize in their housing.             88%                                                    6% 6%

                                   0%            20%                40%                  60%               80%                100% 36%

         10     Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes: Hummingbird Place
Feel safe in the building
                                                                    79%                                                          21%
          Feel safe in the unit
                                                                    79%                                                          21%

                                  0%           20%                  40%                    60%                        80%                      100%

         Residents’ Health
Sense of personal safety (n=19)                              79%                                              21%

                                  0%         20%             40%                60%                80%                    100%

                            “Missing a meal can make people grumpy. You get a bit of food in you and things calm down.
                                                 It’s one less thing that you need to worry about.”
             Satisfaction with
           housing unit (n=18)                                      72%                                             22%staff member6%
                                                                                                    – Hummingbird Place

             Satisfaction with
              supports (n=18)                        50%                                                 44%                               6%
         Fifty per cent of survey respondents indicated that they have better access to healthy food since their move to
         Hummingbird Place.  0%                20%                 40%                   60%                 80%                               100%

         Twenty-one per cent of survey respondents reported improvements to their mental health since moving into their home
         and 53 per cent of survey respondents indicated an improvement in their physical health.
           Access to supports
               needed (n=15)               33%                                      53%                                 13%
         Twenty-six per cent of survey respondents reported improvements in addiction issues, while 42 per cent reported that
         their addiction issues had remained the same. Twenty-one per cent noted that this question did not apply to them.
                              0%              20%                40%                 60%                  80%                 100%

 Access to healthy food (n=18)                       50%                                       28%                         11%           11%

          Mental health (n=19)         21%                                47%                                       21%                  11%

       Addiction issues (n=17)                        53%                                               35%                        6%      6%

         Physical health (n=19)         26%                                 42%                               11%                21%
                                  0%           20%                  40%                    60%                        80%                      100%
                                                                                                     Better         Same         Worse         N/A
      Postive interactions with
            neighbours in the                41%                           29%                   18%                12%5%Source: Resident Survey
surrounding community (n=17)

                                  0%         20%             40%                60%                80%                    100%

Sense of personal safety (n=17)                                  88%                                            6% 6%

                                  0%         20%              40%               60%                80%                    100% 36%

                                                                        Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes: Hummingbird Place         11

            Health Care System Usage

            A significant percentage of residents reported that their               While most survey respondents reported they had been to
            use of emergency health services has decreased at                       a drop-in clinic or family doctor with the same frequency,
            Hummingbird Place.                                                      twenty-two per cent reported that they had been less
                                                                                    frequently since moving into Hummingbird Place.
            Thirty-one per cent of survey respondents indicated
            that they have been admitted to hospital less frequently                Twenty-five per cent of survey respondents reported
            since moving to Hummingbird Place, while 63 per cent                    accessing other health services (such as dentist or
            reported they had been admitted to hospital with the                    optometrist) more frequently. Twelve per cent of survey
            same frequency.                                                         respondents indicated accessing other wellness services
                                                                                    (such as counselling and therapy) more frequently since
            A similar trend was seen in trips to the emergency room,
                                                                                    moving into Hummingbird Place.
            with 41 per cent of survey respondents reporting they had
            been to the emergency room less often. Fifty-three per
            cent of survey respondents indicated that they had been
            to the emergency room with the same frequency.

     Admitted to hospital (n=16)                 31%                                                  63%                                    6%
        Been to the emergency
                   room (n=17)                         41%                                                       53%                        6%
         Been to a drop-in clinic
         or family doctor (n=18)          22%                                                   72%                                         6%
  Accessed other health services
(e.g. dentist, optometrist)(n=15)        13%                                       63%                                            25%
       Accessed other wellness
      services(e.g. counselling,               24%                                            65%                                       12%
                therapy) (n=16)
                                    0%                 20%                  40%                     60%                80%                     100%

                                                                                                    Less Often   Same Frequency         More Often

                                                                                                                            Source: Resident Survey

            12   Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes: Hummingbird Place
                                             0%              20%                    40%                 60%                  80%                  100%
                      Satisfaction with
                    housing unit (n=18)                                                72%                                                        22%            6

Community Relations    Satisfaction with
                        supports (n=18)                                50%                                                         44%                           6

OUTCOME: POSITIVE                            0%                  20%                       40%                     60%                        80%

Hummingbird Place staff indicated that the relationship with the wider community is fairly positive. Staff expected to see
                 Access to supports
more community resistance,
                     neededbut                      33% are dropping off donations and are in
                                 they find that neighbours
                             (n=15)                                                            53%
                                                                                                 general supportive.                                       13%

Staff felt that sometimes Hummingbird Place residents are blamed for the actions of individuals who are still
                                  0%                20%                  40%                   60%                                            80%
experiencing homelessness in the community, such as sleeping in parkades.

The resident survey responses supported staff perceptions. The majority of survey respondents strongly or somewhat
agreed thatAccess
            they to
                  have  experienced
                    healthy food (n=18) positive interactions with the surrounding community (70 per cent).
                                                                 50%                                   28%         11%                                         11%

                   Mental health (n=19)              21%                                          47%                                       21%                11%

                Addiction issues (n=17)                               53%                                            35%                                  6%     6
                                                  “If someone has a place to sleep here, why would they sleep in that parkade?”
                  Physical health (n=19)                 26%                                42%– Hummingbird Place staff 11%                             21%
                                             0%                  20%                       40%                     60%                        80%

               Postive interactions with
                     neighbours in the                       41%                                   29%                       18%           12%5%
         surrounding community (n=17)

                                             0%              20%                    40%                 60%                  80%                  100%

                                                           Strongly Agree         Somewhat Agree         Somewhat Disagree          Strongly Disagree

         Sense of personal safety (n=17)                                                                                      Source: Resident Survey
                                                                                       88%                                               6% 6%
               Postive interactions with
                     neighbours in the                        45%                                        35%                   5%          15%5%
         surrounding community (n=20) 0%                     20%                    40%                 60%                  80%               100% 36%

                                             0%              20%                   40%                  60%                  80%                  100%
Eighty-two per cent of survey respondents feel that they belong in the neighbourhood.

                Feel that I belong in this
                 neighbourhood (n=17)
                                                             41%                                         41%                         12%       6%

                                             0%              20%                   40%                  60%                  80%                  100%

                                                           Strongly Agree        Somewhat Agree          Somewhat Disagree         Strongly Disagree

                                                                                                                              Source: Resident Survey

             Living in a building where                            53%                                         32%                       16%
          my culture is respected (n=19)

                                             0%              20%                   40%                  60%                  80%                  100%

                                                                            Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes: Hummingbird Place        13
                Postive interactions with
                Postiveneighbours  inwith
                        interactions  the                  45%                            35%                  5%         15%5%
          surrounding community
                       neighbours (n=20)
                                   in the                  45%                            35%                  5%         15%5%
          surrounding community (n=20)
                                             0%          20%              40%            60%                 80%                 100%
Access to Cultural Programming               0%          20%              40%            60%                 80%                 100%

             Feel that I belong in this
             Feel that I belong (n=17)
                                in this
                                                    41%                                 41%                     12%    6%
              neighbourhood     (n=17)
                                                    41%                                 41%                     12%    6%
Hummingbird Place   houses individuals  from a range of cultural backgrounds. Eighty-five per cent of survey respondents
                                      0% is respected20%
reported that they feel that their culture            at Hummingbird40%                60% per cent of survey
                                                                      Place. Twenty-seven               80% respondents   100%
                                      0%             20%             40%               60%              80%               100%
felt that their access to cultural programming had improved, while 55 per cent of survey respondents felt that their access
had remained the same.

              Living in a building where                       53%                             32%                       16%
              Living in
           my culture is arespected
                           building where
                                    (n=19)                     53%                             32%                       16%
           my culture is respected (n=19)
                                             0%          20%              40%            60%                 80%                 100%
                                             0%          20%              40%            60%                 80%                 100%
                                                       Strongly Agree   Somewhat Agree   Somewhat Disagree         Strongly Disagree

                                                                                                             Source: Resident Survey

                      Access to cultural          27%35%                                 55%59%                         18% 5%
                      Access to cultural
                    programming   (n=11)          27%35%                                   59%
                                                                                         55%                            18% 5%
                    programming (n=11)
                                             0%          20%              40%            60%                 80%                 100%
                                             0%          20%              40%            60%                 80%                 100%

                                                                                                    Better       Same         Worse

                                                                                                             Source: Resident Survey

14   Modular Supportive Housing Resident Outcomes: Hummingbird Place

Data provided in this report was collected six months        Housing Connections Data
after Hummingbird Place opened. The outcomes from
                                                             Data on housing stability, and some demographic
this report are based on residents who moved into the
                                                             information was sourced from BC Housing’s Housing
building when it opened. Outcomes may change over
                                                             Connections Database for the first residents who moved
time as the resident mix in the building changes.
                                                             into the building. Percentages presented in this report are
                                                             based on those individuals for whom data was available.
Resident Survey
A resident survey was made available to Hummingbird          City of Vancouver Data
Place residents in September 2019. The objective of this
                                                             Data on some resident demographic information and
survey was to measure the change in well-being and
                                                             previous living situation was accessed from the City of
quality of life that residents have experienced because of
                                                             Vancouver Homelessness Services Database.
the supportive housing development. The resident survey
results are self-reported by residents.
  • Thirty-eight per cent of Hummingbird Place residents
    responded to the resident survey.                        This study is being undertaken at modular supportive
                                                             housing developments across the province in
  • Not all survey respondents chose to answer all
                                                             collaboration with non-profit housing societies and
                                                             other partners. In Vancouver, the Rapid Response to
  • Data for each question is based on those who             Homelessness program is delivered as Temporary
    answered.                                                Modular Housing (TMH).

Housing Provider Interviews
Housing provider interviews were conducted with
three PHS staff in September 2019. The objective of
these interviews was to gather information about the
change in well-being and quality of life that residents
have experienced because of the supportive housing

   Contact: Research Centre Email: Phone: 604-439-4135
   For more information, visit our website at:
                                                                                                            © Jan 2021 BC Housing
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