Optimizing Building-Grid Integration in the Northern Great Plains

Page created by Ruben Diaz
Optimizing Building-Grid Integration in the Northern Great Plains

Optimizing Building-Grid Integration
in the Northern Great Plains
This factsheet recommends selected high-impact               transportation accelerates, the importance of smart,
building design and operational strategies for homes         flexible buildings as grid citizens will grow. Buildings
and buildings specifically tailored for the Northern Great   across the region are uniquely positioned to play an
Plains. Factsheets are available for other regions and       important role in improving building-grid integration
for specific building types. The Great Plains region has     through time-of-use energy efficiency, smart devices,
been called the “Saudi Arabia of wind” and wind power        connected controls, and distributed energy resources
currently generates a substantial part of the region’s       such as onsite/community solar and energy storage.
energy supply. Much more wind power will come online         The recommendations in this factsheet are based on
in the next few decades. As this variable resource           a wide variety of research, including building-scale
delivers more of the region’s electricity supply             and grid-scale simulation modeling and on-the-ground
and as the electrification of buildings and                  GridOptimal pilot project experience.
Optimizing Building-Grid Integration in the Northern Great Plains
Top 5 GridOptimal
Building Design and
Operation Strategies:                      Thermal energy storage.                                       Solar + storage. Onsite renewables
Northern Great Plains                      Thermal energy storage systems                                help reduce building net demand
                                           (e.g., ice, hot water) can enable load                        during peak grid demand hours. In
Efficiency and demand flexibility          shifting away from high-cost, high-                           the wind-heavy grids found in the
strategies have widely varying             carbon hours. Key benefits include                            Great Plains, the flexibility offered by
impacts across multiple                    energy cost savings, emissions                                batteries and the ability to charge
building types, climates, and              reductions, and resilient operations.                         batteries during the day and discharge
grid paradigms. These high-                Prioritize systems that enhance                               in the evenings are especially valuable.
impact approaches can help                 the overall energy efficiency of                              Solar + storage systems can enable
improve building-grid integration          the cooling and heating systems                               buildings to island from the grid,
outcomes on both sides of the              to better co-optimize schedules                               allowing key systems and circuits to
meter in this region.                      and achieve both energy cost and                              remain online during a power outage.
                                           carbon emissions savings, as well                             Solar + storage can offer an attractive
                                           as resiliency.                                                combination of cost savings, carbon
                                                                                                         reductions, and resiliency benefits.

Smart HVAC controls.                       Energy efficiency. Passive efficient                          Managed EV charging.
Temperature setpoint and schedule          envelope measures like insulation,                            Electric vehicles (EVs) are a key
adjustments such as setbacks,              air-sealing, windows, and cool roofs,                         decarbonization solution but
precooling, and preheating can             along with active building efficiency                         charging adds substantial demand.
deliver peak demand savings and            improvements through mechanical                               Charging during off-peak hours,
shift load toward low-cost, low-           system upgrades (HVAC and water                               and reducing or staging charging
carbon hours. Communications               heating) offer both year-round savings                        during peak hours mitigates the
standards such as OpenADR                  and peak demand reduction during                              impact. Special rates and generous
2.0b enable current and future             times of high grid demand and                                 incentives are often available for
participation in demand response           carbon emissions. Energy efficiency                           smart EV chargers.
and similar programs.                      is an enabler and often an impact
                                           multiplier for demand flexibility.

Key Enablers: Energy Efficiency and Distributed Energy Resources
Energy efficiency is critical: more-efficient buildings                 HVAC, water heating, lighting, and appliances facilitate
have lower operating costs, carbon impacts, and power                   reliable, consistent load shifting during occupied and
demand. Efficient buildings with high-performance                       unoccupied hours.
envelopes remain comfortable for longer without
                                                                        Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) including
mechanical conditioning, widening the demand
                                                                        solar PV, batteries, managed EV charging, and thermal
response potential and load shifting window.
                                                                        energy storage can deliver energy flexibility. Target
Passive strategies can deliver targeted time-of-use                     energy storage systems that can charge during the
energy savings. Insulation and air-sealing save energy all              day and reduce evening demand. Co-optimize storage
the time, but especially during peak conditions. West-facing            systems for both cost and carbon through real-time
shading and electrochromic windows reduce cooling                       rate and carbon signals or by adding in a time-varying
demand during costly, high-carbon summer evenings.                      synthetic carbon cost. At a minimum, be solar-ready
                                                                        and storage-ready: reserve space and capacity in
Active strategies offer demand response by shifting
                                                                        conduits and electrical panels for future DERs and
load away from peak hours toward low-cost, low-
                                                                        related electric infrastructure.
carbon hours. Automated grid-integrated controls on

                                                  O P T I M I Z I N G B U I L D I N G - G R I D I N T E G R AT I O N I N T H E N O R T H E R N G R E AT P L A I N S | 2
Optimizing Building-Grid Integration in the Northern Great Plains
Designing and Operating Buildings                                                                              Northern Great
                                                                                                                              Mix Grid Mix
in a Wind and Hydro-Heavy Grid
Across the Northern Great Plains, large-
scale wind power shapes the major
pattern of daily and seasonal carbon                                                                           Fossil/Nuclear            Hydro

intensity and net system load profile.
Mid-day hours offer the cleanest grid-
delivered electricity.                                                                                            Wind
                                                                                                                                      Other Renewable
Around the year 2040, current forecasts predict that the
most carbon-intensive hours will occur during summer                                                              Solar
nights when solar and wind generation is lowest. In                                  © New Buildings Institute 2021
the winter, this region is expected to see a ramp-up in                                 © 2021 Mapbox © OpenStreetMap

net system load during summer and winter evenings.
Buildings with the flexibility to shift demand prior to
4pm and/or reduce demand after 5pm with temperature                                               Northern
                                                                                                       NorthGreat Plains
                                                                                                             Plains      System
                                                                                                                    System Load Load
setbacks, plug load controls, and other strategies can

                                                                                     Average grid load
reduce emissions and energy generation costs.
To minimize carbon emissions from electricity
consumption, identify hours in each season when
high building demand coincides with high grid carbon
factors. Search for energy-saving or demand flexibility                                                      Typical Summer Day
opportunities in the end-uses and equipment that are
                                                                                     Average grid load

driving significant building demand during those hours.
Strategies that are well-suited to this grid paradigm                                                                                                 Total
include passive load shaping (e.g., west-facing shading
or electrochromic glass), diurnal demand flexibility
strategies (e.g., precooling, temperature setbacks) as
                                                                                                         Typical Winter Day
well as short- to medium-duration energy storage (e.g.,
batteries, cold/hot water tanks).                                                                        0           6           12            18               24

                                                                                       © New Buildings Institute 2021

                                                                                   Hours with high net system load (shaded lines) tend to be
Electricity grids                                                                  more expensive and higher-carbon. Net system load equals
                                                                                   total load minus renewable generation. Net load is estimated
across the region                                                                  based on hourly regional renewable generation forecasts.

are transforming                   Marginal Carbon Emissions
                                   Marginal        Emissions on
                                                             on the
                                                                the Grid
                                                                    Grid                                           Long Run Marginal Carbon (kg CO2 per MWh)
toward zero carbon                 All Data from NREL Cambium Standard Scenarios                                   181                                           485
                                           Jan     Feb        Mar       Apr       May                    Jun      Jul     Aug    Sep     Oct        Nov         Dec
emissions. Buildings
can enable this
transition by                      6AM

focusing on time
of use energy
efficiency and
demand flexibility.

                                          All graphs and charts on this page show an average of 2036-2044 hourly data from the 2020
                                          release of NREL's Cambium Standard Scenarios, available at https://cambium.nrel.gov/.

                                                 O P T I M I Z I N G B U I L D I N G - G R I D I N T E G R AT I O N I N T H E N O R T H E R N G R E AT P L A I N S | 3
Futureproofing: Building and                                   Program Information
                     Vehicle Electrification                                        The GridOptimal Buildings
                                                                                    Initiative aims to improve
                     Burning fossil fuels in buildings is responsible for about
                                                                                    building-grid interactions
                     9% of US carbon emissions, while transportation
                                                                                    across the built environment by
                     emissions make up 29%. Building and vehicle
                                                                                    empowering building owners,
                     electrification can greatly reduce these emissions.
                                                                                    designers, utilities, and other
                     This represents both a great challenge and a great
                                                                                    key players with dedicated
                                                                                    metrics, tools, and guidance.
                     Buildings: Generally, grids in the Great Plains are
                                                                                    Up to three LEED points are
                     summer-peaking, but as electrification advances, winter
                                                                                    available for buildings that
                     demand will grow—and electricity rates may be impacted.
                                                                                    improve their building-grid
                     Designers should consider heating-season demand
                                                                                    integration outcomes through
                     flexibility and peak load reduction strategies. Improved
                                                                                    the GridOptimal Buildings Pilot
                     building envelopes and high-efficiency mechanical
                                                                                    Alternative Compliance Path. See:
                     systems help minimize winter heating demand, while
                     battery and thermal energy storage paired with smart
                     controls can help shift peak demand.
                     Vehicles: Electric vehicle (EV) charging can add
                     substantial whole-building loads and if not managed            For more information, contact
                     carefully can contribute to higher energy costs and            alexi@newbuildings.org
                     carbon emissions. Specify smart EV chargers that can
                                                                                    Read more: newbuildings.org/
                     communicate with the utility or a third party. Bidirectional
                     EV chargers are an emerging technology that can enable
                     EV batteries to support electricity grids and buildings.

                     Futureproofing: Climate Change
                     Adaptation and Resiliency
                     Resiliency is a critical consideration for building owners     New Buildings Institute (NBI) is a
                     and occupants. Natural and climate-change-amplified            nonprofit organization driving better
                     disasters such as heat waves, drought, wildfire, floods,       energy performance in buildings. We
                     and severe winter storms have direct impacts, like local       work collaboratively with industry
                     grid outages, and indirect impacts, like grid system           market players—governments,
                     overload, across the region. Energy efficiency can             utilities, energy efficiency advocates
                     help extend the building’s passive survivability time          and building professionals—to
                     window. Use hours of passive survivability as a metric         promote advanced design practices,
                     for evaluating and comparing energy efficiency and             innovative technologies, public
                     demand flexibility strategies. Evaluate the resiliency and     policies and programs that improve
                     other non-energy benefits of both efficiency and flexibility   energy efficiency and reduce carbon
                     strategies and prioritize strategies that improve building-    emissions. We also develop and offer
                     grid integration benefits while saving energy and reducing     guidance and tools to support the
                     carbon impacts. In many cases, resiliency benefits may         design and construction of energy
                     be the deciding factor in deploying strategies such as         efficient buildings. Learn more at
                     energy storage; if so, ensure that day-to-day operations       newbuildings.org
                     deliver cost, grid support, and emissions benefits.

NBI developed this GridOptimal design guidance factsheet.
The GridOptimal Buildings Initiative is supported by these organizations:

                                                                                          © New Buildings Institute, 2021
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