Energieeffizienzfinanzierung & Nachhaltiges Investment im Immobiliensektor - Ailin Huang, Programme Officer International Partnership for Energy ...

Page created by Floyd Greene
Energieeffizienzfinanzierung & Nachhaltiges Investment im Immobiliensektor - Ailin Huang, Programme Officer International Partnership for Energy ...
 Nachhaltiges Investment im
       Ailin Huang, Programme Officer
International Partnership for Energy Efficiency
Energieeffizienzfinanzierung & Nachhaltiges Investment im Immobiliensektor - Ailin Huang, Programme Officer International Partnership for Energy ...
Energieeffizienzfinanzierung & Nachhaltiges Investment im Immobiliensektor - Ailin Huang, Programme Officer International Partnership for Energy ...

*IEA (2015) WEO Special Report on Energy and Climate Change
Energieeffizienzfinanzierung & Nachhaltiges Investment im Immobiliensektor - Ailin Huang, Programme Officer International Partnership for Energy ...

                       Private Sector              Public Sector
Policy                    Finance                    Finance

         Long term
                         Banks          Insurers
Energieeffizienzfinanzierung & Nachhaltiges Investment im Immobiliensektor - Ailin Huang, Programme Officer International Partnership for Energy ...
    Aufbau robuster, Investment Grade Politik- und
1   Investitionsrahmenbedingungen

    Ermittlung und Übertragung von best practices im Finanzsektor
2   zwischen G20 Mitgliedsstaaten

    Optimierung öffentlicher Finanzmittel, um Finanzmittel der
3   Privatwirtschaft zu mobilisieren und zu erhöhen

    Unterstützung des Dialogs zwischen den politischen Entscheidungsträgern
4   der G20 zu privaten und öffentlichen Finanzinstitutionen, sowie zur
    Industrie und Internationalen Organisationen
Energieeffizienzfinanzierung & Nachhaltiges Investment im Immobiliensektor - Ailin Huang, Programme Officer International Partnership for Energy ...

                  Energy Efficiency Principles for
                     G20 participating countries
      Bank Declaration of Intent on Energy
          Efficiency (130 bank signatories)
                   G20 Energy Efficiency Investor
                   Statement (USD 4 trillion in assets)
2016 EEFTG Global Survey
Energieeffizienzfinanzierung & Nachhaltiges Investment im Immobiliensektor - Ailin Huang, Programme Officer International Partnership for Energy ...
Fünf Prinzipien zu Energieeffizienzinvestitionen
            in G20 Mitgliedsstaaten
        “The Importance of Energy Efficiency as a Horizontal and Cross-
  1            Cutting Economic and Developmental Priority”

  2      “Balanced Approach to Demand and Supply-side Measures”

         “Country-led Measures and Policies to Stimulate Demand for
  3                    Energy Efficiency Investments”

        “Unlocking Barriers Preventing the Supply of Finance for Energy
  4                         Efficiency Investments”

         “The Development of Public and Private Sector Capacity and
  5                           Commitments”
Statement Banks
We, the Alliance of Energy Efficiency Financing Institutions:
• Acknowledge that the financial sector is uniquely placed to channel finance to activities that promote
  energy efficiency
• Understand there are many unaddressed energy efficiency financing opportunities in our markets
• Are already providing finance to support our clients with energy efficiency investments
• Will actively contribute to scaling up energy efficiency financing without taking on undue burden
• Are willing to work towards tracking our deployment of energy efficiency finance
• Recognize the need to further embed energy efficiency investment principles into the way in which
  we engage with our clients
• Have a special interest in guiding our clients towards best practice financing decisions, including on
  modernization and competitiveness strategies that instill enhanced energy efficiency
• Are willing to work with institutional and public financiers seeking to deploy climate finance to our
• Welcome the opportunity to share our experiences and acquire knowledge of successful business
  strategies for integrating energy efficiency across our financing operations.
120 banks mobilized to increase the financing of
                           energy efficiency
ABN AMRO                            BRAC Bank Limited                   ING Group                            Societe Generale Banka AD
ACBA - Credit Agricole Bank         BRD - Groupe Societe Generale       Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank    Beograd
ACCESSBANK                          CASA DE Economii SI Consemnatiuni   La Banque Postale                    State Export Import Bank of
Agjencioni Per Financim NE Kosove   CenterInvest Bank                   Megabank                             Ukraine
AKBank                              CIBanco                             Microinvest                          Sudameris Bank
Ameriabank                          Connecticut Green Bank              Minsk Transit Bank                   Sumitomo Mitsui Trust
Armswissbank                        Crédit Agricole                     Mobiasbanca                          Holdings
ASN Bank                            Crédit Coopératif                   Moldincombank                        Tatra banka
Bai Tushum & Partners               Crédit Foncier                      Moldova Agroindbank                  Triodos Bank
Banamex                             CREDO                               Mutualista Pichincha                 TuranBank
Banca Transilvania                  Daegu Bank                          National Bank of Egypt               Türkiye İş Bankası
Bancolombia                         Demir Kyrgyz International Bank     NLB Tutunska Banka A.D. Skopje       Türkiye Sinai Kalkinma
Bancompartir                        Demirbank                           NRW Bank                             Bankasi
Bank Eskhata                        DenizBank                           Ohridska Banka A.D. Ohrid            UK Green Investment Bank
Bank Millennium                     Desjardins Group                    OTP Bank Romania                     Ukrsibbank
Bank of Georgia                     Ecobank                             Pireaus Bank                         Unibank
Bank of India                       Erste & Steiermarkische Bank        Procredit Group                      Unicredit Bank DD Mostar
Bank of Valletta                    Eurobank                            Raiffeisen Bank Aval                 Unicreditbank Serbia
Bank Republic                       Firstrand                           Raiffeisen Bank D.D. Bosnia and      Unicredit Bulbank
Basisbank                           Garanti Bankasi                     Herzegovina                          Unicredit Tiriac Banka
BBVA                                Garanti Leasing                     Raiffeisen Bank Romania              United Bulgarian Bank
Belgazprombank                      Halkbank Skopje                     SEF International Universal Credit   Vakiflar Bankasi
Belvnesheconombank                  Hana Bank                           Organization                         VTB Georgia
BMCE Bank of Africa                 HSBC Bank Armenia                   Şekerbank                            Xac Bank
BNP Paribas                         Humo MDO                            Shinhan Bank                         Yapı ve Kredi Bankasi
Bpifrance                           Imon International                  Slovenska Sporitelna                 YES Bank
BPS-SBERBank                        Industrial Bank                     Societe Generale Group               Zagrebacka Banka
Energy Efficiency Investor Statement

As our contribution to the work of the G20 Energy Efficiency Finance Task Group, as managers
and investors, we share a common understanding of the positive economic and societal benefits
of energy efficiency. In order to ensure that our activities promote and support energy efficiency,
and in consideration of our fiduciary responsibility: We recognize the need to fully embed
energy efficiency into our investment process. We, the undersigned, undertake to:

•   Embed material energy efficiency considerations into the way in which we evaluate
•   Include energy efficiency as an area of focus when we engage with companies;
•   Take into consideration energy efficiency performance, to the extent relevant to the proposal
    being considered, when we vote on shareholder proposals.
•   To the extent relevant, incorporate energy efficiency investment considerations when we
    select managers;
•   Assess our existing real estate assets and managers and monitor and report on their energy
    efficiency performance;
•   Seek appropriate opportunities to increase energy efficiency investments in our portfolios
Mehr dazu…

    … in unserem diesjährigen

Ergebnis des G20 Energieministertreffen 2016
         “Upscaling EE Investment”

                   G20 Energy Ministerial
                   Communique made reference
                   to the importance of
                   “upscaling energy
                   efficiency investment” and
                   endorsed the critical G20
                   Energy Efficiency Leading
                   Programme (EELP)
G20 Energy Efficiency Finance Task Group
    Kontakt: ailin.huang@ipeec.org
Weitere Informationen: ipeec.org/EEFTG
Nachhaltiges Investment
   im Immobiliensektor
            Umsetzung der Paris
                 Ve r t r a e g e : e i n

•   In Paris haben sich Regierungen dazu verpflichtet, den
    Temperaturanstieg auf 2°C, möglicherweise 1.5°C, zu begrenzen und
    aus fossilen Energien bis Ende des Jahrhunderts auszusteigen
•   Bedeutung von Gebäuden:
    - 35% des finalen Energieverbrauchs
    - und ungefähr ein Drittel der Treibhausgasmission
•   Damit der Immobiliensektor sich an das 2 Grad Ziel anpasst, muss
    sein CO2 Fußabdruck um ca. 80% (indirekt und direkte Emissionen)
    bis 2050 fallen (verglichen mit 2013).
•   Die Rolle der privaten Akteure wurde explizit in den finalen Verträgen
Nach Paris…                                 REGULATORY TRENDS
                                            •    In Europe, the EU non-financial
•    Regulatorische Veränderungen,          reporting directive on disclosure of
                                            non-financial and diversity
     die sich auf Investoren                information
     auswirken, werden                      •    In Australia, SASB envisions a
     wahrscheinlich zunehmen.               world where a shared understanding
                                            of corporate sustainability
•    Physische Auswirkungen des             performance
     Klimawandels werden auch               •    In Japan the Corporate
     weiterhin Risiken für Real Estate      Governance Code requires
     darstellen.                            companies to take appropriate
                                            measures to address sustainability
                                            issues .
    In 2070, 150 million people in the      FINANCIAL RISKS
    world’s large port cities will be at    Global direct losses to real estate
    risk from coastal flooding, along       and infrastructure by re-insurance
    with US$35 trillion worth of property   companies were US$150 bn
    – 9% of global GDP.                     annually between 2002 and 2012.
Chancen nutzen                                Growing evidence connects
                                                  “green real estate” positively
                                                  with investment fundamentals:
•   Investmentperformance steigern                • increased client demand, lower
                                                  vacancy lengths, reduced rates
                                                  of depreciation, lower operational
•   Chancen für Produktivitäts-                   costs, and higher liquidity;
    steigerung und sozial-                        • lower risk of mortgage
                                                  default for green and energy
    ökonomische Chancen für die
                                                  certified office and residential
    Gesellschaft, inklusive                       buildings compared to non-
    Beschäftigungswachstum und                    certified properties.
    gesteigerte Mitarbeiterproduktivität.

     A EU study found that health
     benefits from energy efficiency
     improvements in buildings could be
     worth €40-80bn a year.

                                   The investment opportunity in energy
                                   efficiency building retrofits globally is around
                                   US$300 bn annually by 2020.

Nachhaltiges Investieren im Immobiliensektor:
Ein Handlungsleitfaden

 •   Step-by-step framework and clear signposts for action to “flip the switch”
 •   Tool mapping to make sense of the abundance of tools, resources and
     information published over the last 5 years
 •   Focus the attention as to where to start and/ or how to increase the ESG
     integration with clear ‘should’      and ‘could’       actions

            Asset Owners and Trustees and their Investment Advisors,

            Direct Real Estate Investment Managers and Property
            Companies and their Real Estate Consultants,

            Real Estate Equity and REITS, Bond and Debt Investors and
            their Financial Advisors.

Warum sollten Sie diesen Handlungsleitfaden

Strategie: ESG & Klimastrategien entwickeln

.            Asset owners & their advisors
Eine ESG & Klimastrategie entwickeln
Recommended resources, excerpt
Umsetzung: Integration von ESG & Klimakriterien
in Investmentstrategien

              Asset owners & their advisors
Ausrichtung: Der Auswahlprozess von Beratern

             Equity, bond & debt investors

Messen & Berichten

Market engagement
                Asset owners
                Direct investors
                Equity, bond and debt investors

                Recommended resource


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