Missouri School for the Blind 3815 Magnolia Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 Brought to you by: Principals of Schools for the Blind Iowa Educational ...

Page created by Peter Singh
Missouri School for the Blind 3815 Magnolia Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 Brought to you by: Principals of Schools for the Blind Iowa Educational ...
April 8-10, 2019
     Missouri School for the Blind
       3815 Magnolia Avenue
         St. Louis, MO 63110

         Brought to you by:
  Principals of Schools for the Blind
Iowa Educational Services for the Blind
        and Visually Impaired
    Missouri School for the Blind
Missouri School for the Blind 3815 Magnolia Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 Brought to you by: Principals of Schools for the Blind Iowa Educational ...
Schedule of Events
                                    MONDAY APRIL 8
                                                                              Event      CEU
  Time                      Event Name and Description
                                                                             Location    No.
          Welcome Attendees: Joyce Waddell, Assistant
8:00-8:15                                                                   Auditorium
          Superintendent of Missouri School for the Blind
          Keynote Speaker: David Hertweck - Becoming a Senior
          Principal Engineer with Bausch & Lomb
          Mr. Hertweck is currently a Senior Principal Engineer with
          Bausch + Lomb in St. Louis. His keynote speech will detail his
          particular visual impairment and needs, and then guide us
          through his education and career. Mr. Hertweck will describe
8:15-9:15 the efforts, both helpful and otherwise, of his educators along   Auditorium
          the way. He will also detail the devices and tools available to
          him throughout his education, and how advances in
          technology helped him succeed both academically and
          professionally. Finally, Mr. Hertweck will talk about being
          innovative in using available tools and developing programs
          to aid him in his work.
          Sue Sullivan: Assessing Content: The ECC Connection
          In this presentation, you will learn about math games as well
          as other informal learning activities. These can help bridge
          the gap between access and content across a variety of ability    Auditorium
          levels while increasing student engagement as well as fun!
          ECC skills, social skills, and methods for meaningful inclusion
          will be emphasized.
9:30-     Ken Perry: Fun with Electronics
10:30     Come learn about the Maker Movement, how the Snap                  Student
Breakout Circuits can be a bridge to more advanced electronics and try        Center
1B        your hand at building an electronic circuit.
          Aniceta Skowron: Geometro for Accessible 3-D Geometry
10:45-    We’ll explore hands-on ways to make concepts of spatial
11:45     geometry accessible for vision impaired students. The topics       Student
Breakout will include building 3-D solids, finding their nets and helping     Center
2A        students understand tactile drawings of 3-D solids. We will
          also work on volume and sections of solids.
          Ashley Neybert: Talking LabQuest 2 New Innovations in Blind       Auditorium
10:45-    Science Access
11:45     New innovations and features will be announced regarding
Breakout Talking LabQuest 2, how it will help blind students collect and
2B        access data independently and be able to review data using
          tactile graphics.
Missouri School for the Blind 3815 Magnolia Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 Brought to you by: Principals of Schools for the Blind Iowa Educational ...
11:45-      Lunch: Presentations by vendors and organizations and             Multipurpose
12:30       attendee input to vendors on future development                      Room
12:30-                                                                        Multipurpose
            Exhibit Hall open: All Vendors
1:00                                                                             Room
            Caryn Navy/Neal Kuniansky: Using DBT to Convert Braille
            Math to Printed Math
1:00-2:00   We will explore using DBT to open braille notetaker files
Breakout    containing math and text to print the math and text. We will      Auditorium
3A          examine braille files containing Nemeth Code in UEB context
            and some containing UEB math and text. We will examine
            several options for printing the math and text.
            Damian Pickering/ John Gardner/Tyler Brown: Math, Braille,
1:00-2:00   and Tactile Graphics - An Integrated Approach
Breakout    HIMS and ViewPlus Technologies will present how to use the
3B          BrailleSense Polaris to create math and graph documents,
            then emboss them to ViewPlus embossers.
            Rebecca Luttmer: Creating STEM materials in BrailleBlaster
            One of the greatest challenges in providing high-quality
2:15-3:15   braille textbooks is that of preparing and producing textbooks
Breakout    in the subjects of “Science Technology Engineering and Math”
4A          (STEM). The software developers at APH recognize these
            barriers to education and are proud to announce additions to
            the math tools.
            Cary Supalo: Where We Are, and Where Are We Going to
            Making Science Simulations and Animations Accessible to
            Students Who Are Blind
2:15-3:15   This presentation will demonstrate current accessible and
Breakout    some non-accessible science simulations. Aspects of               Auditorium
4B          accessible and useable science simulations will be discussed.
            The presentation will end with things practitioners can do to
            encourage the science simulation authoring community to
            make accessibility and non-visual access a priority.
            Peter Tucic: From the Math Classroom to the Google
            Classroom – Promoting the use of Braille in STEM Fields
            The BrailleNote Touch’s KeyMath app is a valuable tool in
            today’s connected math classroom. Now, students can even
3:30-4:30   create graph content to show their understanding of an
Breakout    assignment, and can emboss the graphs for further                 Auditorium
5A          investigation. This session will demonstrate how a user can
            easily create a printed translation of Nemeth or UEB math
            content to show work in real-time. Participants will also learn
            the best techniques of navigating typical Google Classroom
            assignments in order to share documents containing math
content. In addition, attendees will see how KeyMath
          simplifies the workflow for the student and increases their
          independence and confidence as work can be turned in at the
          same time as sighted peers.
          Ada Lopez/Ed Summers: #GoOpen to Maximize Math &
          Science Learning
          Increase student engagement with Open Ed Resources (OER).
          Use Crio, a drag-and-drop editor, to create an entirely new         Student
          approach or remix and build on the best work of your peers,          Center
          adapting it to your students’ specific needs. Explore a variety
          of standards-based math and science lessons offered at no
          Tour – meet in Student Center if you did not attend Open             Student
          House for a short tour                                                Center
                                                                              Drury Inn
                                                                            2111 Sulphur
           Kickback at hotel (free for Drury guests; non guests pay            Ave, St.
           $10.99 plus tax)                                                  Louis, MO
           or                                                                   Busch
           Cardinals vs. LA Dodgers                                           700 Clark
                                                                               Ave, St.
                                                                             Louis, MO

                                      TUESDAY APRIL 9
                                                                                 Event     CEU
  Time                       Event Name and Description
                                                                                Location   No.
          Steve DeBauge: Calculator Accessibility Solutions for Exams
          Many states are assessing student mathematics proficiency with
8:00-9:00 online or computer-based exams. Come learn about assistive
Breakout technology solutions from Texas Instruments that make                Auditorium
6A        graphing and scientific calculator emulators for the TI-84 Plus
          and TI-30XS MultiView accessible in context of computer-based
          Li Zhou: Code Jumper: A Physical Approach to Teaching Coding
          for Children who are Visually Impaired
          Code Jumper is a tangible programming tool designed for young
          students with visual impairments. It allows students to create        Student
          programs by connecting and manipulating physical parts.                Center
          Session participants will see how to use it to create fun
          programs and learn basic coding concepts. Participants’ pre-
          knowledge in programming is not needed.
Sara Larkin/Susan Osterhaus/Tina Herzberg: Teaching Students
           the Nemeth Braille Code: Strategies and Resources
           The presentation will begin with an overview of strategies to
           teach the Nemeth Braille Code, including hands on activities and
           games for younger students that reinforce grade-level math          Auditorium
           concepts and mini lessons for middle school age students. The
           balance of the session will focus on resources for easily looking
           up Nemeth symbols and examples. Bring your computers and
           other devices and let's get excited about Nemeth!
           Lynne Harden: Supporting Science and Math Learning with
           Accessible Interactive Simulations
           PhET Interactive Simulations provides >150 free interactive
           science and math simulations to engage learners, several of
10:15                                                                           Student
           which are now accessible to students with visual impairments.
Breakout                                                                         Center
           We will introduce and demonstrate simulations with alternative
           input, auditory descriptions, and sonification and share
           resources on how to effectively use simulations in the
           Penny Rosenblum: Building Pre-Algebra Students' Ability to
           Access and Interpret Information in Graphs and Maps
10:30-     The AnimalWatch Vi: Building Graphics Literacy team has
11:30      designed an iPad app; accompanying graphs and maps; and a
Breakout   teacher curriculum. The materials support pre-algebra level
8A         students’ skills to become more efficient and accurate in
           gathering information from graphs and maps. Student videos
           will be shown and teaching strategies highlighted.
           Kate Meredith/Kathy Gustavson: When Diversity is a Necessity:
           Innovators Developing Accessible Tools for Astronomy (IDATA) -
           User-Centered Design of Accessible Data Processing Software
           This presentation will outline the user-centered design
           processes that were used by the National Science Foundation
           project, Innovators Developing Accessible Tools for Astronomy
           (IDATA) to enable students to contribute to the design of
11:30                                                                           Student
           accessible online data processing software for astronomy.
Breakout                                                                         Center
           •      Provide an overview of the IDATA project
           •      Explain user-centered design and its role in the project
           •      Convey the lessons learned regarding community
           diversity and empowerment to the user-centered design
           •      Introduce the Skynet Robotic Telescope network and the
           student web portal, Skynet Junior Scholars
•     Describe how the Quorum programming language was
           used to provide students with non-visual access to the Skynet
           image request system
           •     Demonstrate hands-on activities that were developed
           during the IDATA project
           Provide participants with an experience of the Afterglow Access
           data processing software which was the target of the IDATA
           design work.
11:30-     Lunch: Presentations by vendors and organizations and             Multipurpose
12:15      attendee input to vendors on future development                      Room
12:15-                                                                       Multipurpose
           Exhibit Hall open: All Vendors
12:45                                                                           Room
          Jason Merrill: Accessible, Interactive Math with Desmos
          Interactive mathematics software can empower students to
12:45-    build confidence and intuition and explore math questions more
1:45      deeply. Learn about several tools for making mainstream
Breakout interactive mathematics software accessible to students with
9A        visual impairments, including: screen reader friendly equation
          editing, audio and tactile representations of mathematical
          graphics, and refreshable braille.
          Jang Hee I: Introduction of Swift Playground in the Classroom
12:45-    for Visually Impaired Students
1:45      We explore how Swift Playgrounds, as a part of Everyone Can          Student
Breakout Code curricula, can be used so students from kindergarten to           Center
9B        college and beyond, especially with visual impairments, can
          learn and write code using Swift.
          Sandra Craig: Math: Sharing Ideas Roundtable
          Participants will share techniques, adaptations, modifications,
2:00-3:00 and technologies they have found useful in teaching math
Breakout concepts to students with visual impairments. If you have an        Auditorium
10A       idea you would like to share, please email Sandra Craig at
          scraig@kssdb.org so that we can begin cataloging these ideas
          into a Google docs file to share with others.
          Kate Fraser: The Impact of The Next Generation Science
          Standards on STEM Education for Students with Visual
2:00-3:00 How will the Next Generation Science Standards impact our
Breakout teaching of students with visual Impairments? Since our
10B       teaching has always been multi-sensory and hands on, we may
          find that what we are already doing reflects many of the new
          standards, including the cross cutting concepts and practices.
          This workshop will give participants opportunities to try out
NGSS aligned activities and adaptive techniques for students at
            all age levels.

          Caryn Navy/Neal Kuniansky: Brailling Math: Using DBT to
          Produce Nemeth Code in UEB Context
3:15-4:15 We will explore ways of creating Nemeth Code in UEB context
Breakout with DBT (Win or Mac), starting with Microsoft Word,                    Auditorium
11A       MathType, the BANA template, and Duxbury's SWIFT add-in; or
          with LaTeX files. We will learn how to get the start and end
          Nemeth indicators only where they belong.
          Ada Lopez/Ed Summers: Teach your students how to code
          using inexpensive low-tech tactile materials
3:15-4:15 In this session, you’ll learn how to enable blind, low vision, and
Breakout sighted students to work together to navigate a robot through
11B       an obstacle course and solve other fun challenges. Along the
          way, they will learn the basics of Computer Science using low-
          tech tactile materials that are universally accessible.
          Jennifer Bliss/Sara Larkin: Accessible Science and Math Apps for
          Just because there is an interactive periodic table app doesn't
          mean it will work for your student who is blind. The presenter
4:30-5:30                                                                        Auditorium
          has created a list of apps to support science and math
          instruction which are accessible with Voiceover and/or
          magnification. Bring an iOS device if you have it. Time will be
          allowed for introduction of additional apps by participants.
                                                                                  Drury Inn
                                                                                2111 Sulphur
            Kickback at hotel (free for Drury guests; non guests pay $10.99
                                                                                   Ave, St.
            plus tax)
                                                                                 Louis, MO
Evening                                                                              Or
            6:15 Dinner at Favazza’s
                                                                                   Ave, St.
                                                                                 Louis, MO

                                  WEDNESDAY APRIL 10
                                                                                  Event        CEU
  Time                       Event Name and Description
                                                                                Location       No.
8:00-8:30   Exhibit Hall open: All Vendors
John Gardner/Carolyn Gardner: Universal Arithmetic App
           With this app, any student can work four-function arithmetic
8:30-9:30 problems, with/without feedback. Problems may be created
Breakout by a teacher or randomly generated by the student. Blind           Auditorium
12A        students need a ViewPlus IVEO touchpad or a touch screen
           computer/tablet and a tactile template (made with any
           ViewPlus embosser).
           Ken Perry: Real-Time Animated Tactile Graphics with the
           Graphiti™ is a dynamic multilevel tactile display. Presenters     Student
           will highlight new features and software enhancements that         Center
           demonstrate the potential and versatility of the Graphiti used
           with STEM tools.
           Steve Noble/Sam Dooley: Is it Text, or is it Math? Accessible
           Mixed-Content STEM Writing Support
           Students who include math in their responses exhibit greater
           learning gains. Pearson's Accessible Equation Editor (AEE)
Breakout                                                                    Auditorium
           now provides an accessible capability to create textual
           explanations that include math formulas. We will
           demonstrate the use of the AEE to input and output braille
           text with embedded Nemeth math formulas.
           Corrine Mueller/Jenna Gorlewicz: Bringing Digital Graphics to
           Life: The Promise of Multimodal Touchscreens – Progress and
           Future Work
           Recent interest has explored multimodal touchscreens –
           touchscreens that provide visual, aural, and vibratory            Student
           feedback – as an assistive technology for conveying 2D             Center
           graphics to students with visual impairments. We will discuss
           both empirical investigations and translational efforts
           illustrating the challenges and opportunities toward realizing
           their potential impact in the classroom.
           Large Group Presentation: Ed Summers: Non-visual access to
           digital charts and graphs
           Unfortunately, tactile graphics are rarely seen outside of K12
11:00-     environments. What will your students do when they move
11:45      on to college and career? Join a blind scientist for a
           demonstration of the technology he uses to analyze data and
           collaborate with sighted peers in a mainstream technology
           Closing Remarks
           Announcement of the 2021 Biennial POSB Math & Science            Auditorium
           Institute for Instruction date and location.
This Institute would like to thank the Planning Committee,
        Guest Speakers, and Vendors listed below.

                Tactile Vision Graphics inc.
                  Duxbury Systems, Inc
          Geneva Lake Astrophysics and STEAM
                        HIMS, inc.
         Wolfner Talking Book and Braille Library
           American Printing House for the Blind
                       NanoPac, Inc.
                    Texas Instruments
                  Independence Science
                    Wolf Products, Inc.
          University of Arizona - AnimalWatch Vi
POSB Math & Science Institute The 5th Biennial POSB Math
And Science Institute For Instruction was made possible by
 the generous donations from the following organizations:
            Lighthouse for the Blind Saint Louis
                 Alliance for Braille Literacy
                Missouri Council of the Blind
           American Printing House for the Blind
                     Findel International
                    National Braille Press
 Missouri Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the
                 Blind and Visually Impaired
     Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the
                 Blind and Visually Impaired

 We appreciate their generosity and willingness to provide
funds for food, registration fees, and other costs associated
 with this event. Please make sure to let them know you
                   appreciate them, too!
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