Year 7 Parent Information Pack 2020-21 - Q3 Academy Tipton
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Welcome to Q3 Academy Tipton. Thank you for selecting Q3 Academy Tipton as the secondary school provider for your child. Enclosed in this pack is some vital information. If you have any questions regarding the information contained within this pack, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff during any of our intake evenings, or contact the Academy directly. At Q3 Academy Tipton, our ethos has an important role to play in helping shape an understanding of appropriate behaviour, meaningful relationships and family values; it is the cornerstone of a commitment to care, compassion and contribution. The Academy has a passion to encourage students to build firm foundations for their lives where respect, trust, determination, responsibility and creativity will be valued as drivers for educational success. The name of our Academy is derived from the Latin “Quaerere” meaning to seek for. Three ideals have been chosen: To seek for that which is good To seek for that which is right To seek for that which is true Ms Featherstone Mrs Haughton Mrs Rhode Head of School Vice Principal Vice Principal Mr Hamilton Ms Clegg Mr Patel Assistant Vice Principal Assistant Vice Principal Assistant Vice Principal
Supporting You and Your Child – Key Contacts Telephone: (0121) 521 1540 Email: Year Director Miss Moyle Year Manager Mr Seward SENDCo Ms McNulty Attendance Team Welfare Team Leigh Turner & Kimberley Maynard Anti-Bully Committee or text 0750 8127561 ParentPay Login: Password: Parents’ Evening Booking System Login: Password: ClassCharts Login: Password:
Transition Days Please note that some of this may change due to the Coronavirus and partial closure of schools. On Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd July, we run our Transition Days. We expect all new students to join us for these days during which we will run a series of fun events where students will learn their way around, meet new friends and become familiar with their new school so in September nothing will be new or scary. Lunches for all new Year 7 students during Transition Days are FREE – so students just need to bring a healthy snack and some water or squash to drink. We have lots of free water fountains so please ask your child to bring a reusuable bottle. New Year 7 students should wear their Primary School Uniform on each of the days. On the Transition Days, students should arrive at Q3 Academy Tipton at 9:00am each day and will finish at 2:40pm. If students intend to cycle to the Academy they MUST wear a cycle helmet and bring a lock to secure their property. On Tuesday 9th June MACRON are running a sizing event at the Academy. This is when you can order the official Sports Kit in your child’s size. A full kit costs £50.00. On Tuesday 14th July in the afternoon we invite parents and carers to join students for a “Meet the Tutor” session with staff. This is also when ordered Sports Kit from MACRON can be collected. Our new uniform supplier will be in attendance also. Students will then join us on Wednesday 2nd September at 8:45am to start Term One with us!
Our Business Wear Expectations Girls Boys Navy Blue Trousers OR Navy Blue Skirt Navy Blue Trousers Navy Blue Blazer with Q3 logo Navy Blue e Blazer with Q3 logo Navy Blue Jumper (optional) Navy Blue Jumper (optional) Cravat (with company colour motif) Silver Tie (with company colour motif) White Blouse White shirts Lanyard with ID badge Lanyard with ID badge EITHER Black or Navy Socks (ankle or knee Black or Navy Socks (no patterns) length with no frills or patterns) OR Black, Navy or Opaque/Flesh coloured tights The School Uniform Merchant, 127 High Street, Tipton, DY4 9JE Tel: 0121 520 3120 Web: Shoes Black; material must be able to be polished (so no canvas, suede or velvet). These should be worn at all times with the student’s Business Dress. Students must wear their shoes to and from the Academy at all times when in Business Dress. There can be many interpretations of “school shoes” and many shops label unsuitable products as “school shoes.” Please, do not waste your money, avoid fashion items and buy simple shoes. With regard to appropriate shoes, the Head of School’s decision is final in all situations. Girls - Low heel; black only; no boots; plain (no logos). Boys - Durable shoes; lace-up or slip on; black only; plain (no logos).
Sports Kit The following items are compulsory sportswear for Year 7 – these must be ordered online OR via the MACRON stall during New Intake Evenings. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. 1 Navy Blue Tracksuit (with Q3 motif) 1 Pair of Navy Blue Shorts (with Q3 motif) 1 Navy Blue round neck Shirt (with Q3 motif) 1 Pair of Navy Blue Long Sports Socks This sportswear can only be purchased online from MACRON – the link is on our website. Dressed for Success As with all things, the Q3 Academies philosophy with regards to uniform and appearance is that we are preparing our students for the world of work. In all matters relating to Business Wear, the Head of School’s decision is final. Hair: brightly coloured hair dyes and totally shaved, decorated scalps or extreme styles are unacceptable. Headscarves: should be plain blue or black. Jewellery: one small (no wider than 5mm) pair of plain gold or silver studs, one in each earlobe only. No other piercings are allowed including nose piercings, tongue or lip piercings or ear spacers; this includes “clear” or “invisible” piercings. Rings, bracelets and necklaces are not to be worn for health and safety reasons. Make-Up: students are not permitted to wear make-up at the Academy. Nails: no nail varnish or nail extensions.
Shape of the Day for Year 7 Time Activity 8:45 – 8:50am Arrival to the Academy 8:50 – 9:20am Registration, Assemblies & Life Lessons 9:20 – 10:20am Lesson 1 10:20 – 10:35am Break 10:35 – 11:35am Lesson 2 11:35 – 12:35pm Lesson 3 12:35 – 2:05pm Lesson 4 & Lunch 2:05 – 3:05pm Lesson 5 3:05pm Official end of the Academy Day All students must be on-site by 8:40am and be in their Tutor Room by 8:50am. During Registration students will have their uniform and equipment checked by Tutors.
Provisional Term Dates 2019-20 Year 7 Return to the Academy on Wednesday 2nd September at 8:45am Term 1: Tuesday 1st September to Friday 23rd October 2020 INSETs: Tuesday 1st September, Thursday 22nd & Friday 23rd October 2020 One Week Break Term 2: Monday 2nd November to Friday 11th December 2020 Three Week Break Term 3: Monday 4th January to Friday 12th February 2021 INSET: Monday 4th January 2021 Review Week: Monday 8th to Friday 12th February 2021 One Week Break Term 4: Monday 22nd February to Thursday 1st April 2021 Two Week Break Term 5: Monday 19th April to Friday 28th May 2021 One Week Break Term 6: Monday 7th June to 28th July 20201 INSET: Friday 2nd July 2021 Five Week Break Please note these dates ARE subject to change but we will notify you in good time.
The Key Stage 3 Curriculum In Years 7 and 8 all students follow the same curriculum regardless of ability – this ensures equality of provision. In Year 9, the final year of Key Stage 3 before GCSEs start, students continue with a “core” of subjects but can choose various subjects to try, before making final choices for Key Stage 4. We break the academic year up into four nine-week long curriculum cycles during which subjects teach different topics. For each curriculum cycle there is a “Seasonal Challenge” of independent study tasks for all students to complete – and this replaces homework in certain subjects. Subject Lessons per Week Homework At least 15 minutes reading every day English 5 lessons per week Other work set weekly Maths 4 lessons per week Set weekly Science 4 lessons per week Set weekly PE 2 lessons per week Part of the Seasonal Challenge French 2 lessons per week Set weekly Hori7on: Humanities 2 lessons per week Hori7on: Deeper Curriculum Religious Studies (1 cycle) Part of the Seasonal Challenge STEM (1 cycle) 4 lessons per week Art (1 cycle) Music or Drama (1 cycle) Life Lessons 30 minutes per day Part of the Seasonal Challenge Curriculum Cycle 1 September to November Curriculum Cycle 2 November to February Curriculum Cycle 3 February to May Curriculum Cycle 4 May to July
Frequently Asked Questions Q: How do I pay for school lunches? Food and refreshments can be purchased before the school day, during break time and at lunch time from the dining area. The Academy Catering provider, Autograph, runs a 'cashless' system; this means that all students must use their ID card to purchase any food or refreshments. Student ID cards can only be topped up with funds via ParentPay (which can be topped up via PayPoint). Parent Pay - You can register/log in to ParentPay using any internet accessible device to top up your child's food fund. You will receive further information about how to register for ParentPay separately once your child has started with us. Any student who is entitled to free school meals will not need to top-up their card but will still need to use their ID card to take their meal. Your child will be allocated £2.20 per day which can be used at both break time and lunch time (not before school); if you would like your child to be able to spend more than this you will need to top-up their card using one of the methods detailed above. Q: I want to take my child on holiday within term time – is this authorised? Unfortunately, no holiday that falls within the Academy term time can be authorised. Head Teachers, including Ms Featherstone, have no authority to authorise ANY holidays. As an Academy we discourage holidays being booked during term time. Students have five sixty-minute lessons per day and any learning time lost can be detrimental to your child’s education. Q. Are mobile phones allowed? No – we do not allow mobile phones on-site. This is because our lessons are for learning and should not be interrupted by beeps. Phones are expensive and can be lost or stolen. In addition, sadly phones are often used in a negative way – hurtful messages sent via social media and unauthorised photos being taken. If you believe it is essential that your child brings a mobile phone with them to the Academy, it must be switched OFF and placed at the bottom of their school bag. Please do not call or message your child on their phone and do not answer calls from them. In an emergency please contact Reception; if there is a problem at the Academy WE will contact you. If students are caught using their mobile phones during the day, they will be confiscated and held in the Reception Safe until the end of the Academy Day. The second time the phone is confiscated only a parent can collect it. On the third occasion, we will keep it in the safe for five days before parents are allowed to collect. For repeat offenders, we keep the phones longer. It is essential you support us with this.
Q. What happens if my child is not equipped, dressed and ready for the Academy day? Obviously this sometimes happens and we aim to be as helpful as possible. Not wearing uniform is not an option and we have a few spare pieces we loan out, and should there be problems with shoes we have a stock of deodorised plimsolls we loan out. The wearing of non-statutory items, including jewellery, is not allowed and these pieces will be confiscated. Q. How will my child be rewarded? We believe that all students should be rewarded as a thank you for doing the right thing. Therefore we award Q-Points to students every lesson for arriving on time and in full uniform with all the required equipment. Additional Q-Points are awarded for impeccable behaviour, outstanding effort or exemplary learning. Q-Points can also be awarded out of lessons for commitment to the Q3 ethos of seeking for that which is good, right and true which might mean community service, kindness to others or representing the school in sport or music, etc. We also run Celebration Assemblies for students nominated by staff for brilliant work; we like to invite parents and carers to these and we also present special badges for each subject. In addition, we like to send postcards home, make phone calls and simply say thank you. Students that have had a productive and positive day will leave the Academy at 3:05pm after Health & PSHE rather than at 3:25pm. Q. How is my child expected to behave? We don’t have lots of complicated rules at Q3 Academy Tipton. We expect students to be polite, kind and honest. We expect them to respect everyone else as well as respecting property and the Academy site. Essentially to only do what is good, right and true. Every child makes mistakes – but we will guide them back onto the right path – and your support with this is essential. In no circumstances will parents over rule the decisions of the Academy. Q. How will my child be sanctioned? We really hope no child will be sanctioned at Q3 Academy Tipton. Sadly, however, children sometimes don’t follow all the rules and therefore it is our responsibility to guide them back into line. We don’t sanction for the sake of it – and we always try to find out if there is a cause to the behaviour and try to help. Sanctions may include The Right Path time, detentions, community service, learning time in the Right Path Room and, in extreme cases, fixed term or permanent exclusions. Above all, the rights of all students and staff to be allowed to work without interference and in a culture of safety and appreciation is paramount. We hope that you support us in this endeavour. Q. I’m worried my child is being bullied? This is obviously an extremely upsetting position to be in. Children fall out from time to time but we define bullying as unwanted, aggressive behaviour among children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. If the bullying is happening online, please capture screenshots as evidence – malicious communication is a
crime. Either telephone your child’s Year Manager Ms Moyle or email and reassure your child that we take these matters very seriously. Q. What is ClassCharts? ClassCharts is a website and an app that we use to inform parents/carers about your child’s day at school – his/her rewards, sanctions, attendance and homework. Once your child has started with us in September, we will share with you how you can log on and use ClassCharts more effectively. If you already have children with us, you can add your new children onto your existing account. All homework will be recorded on ClassCharts. For a reminder of your ClassCharts login please email Things that might surprise you We always aim to work in collaboration with students, parents and carers. However, there are some non-negotiables where we have to draw a line so that we can run the Academy safely and securely for all on site – most importantly your children. We will not tolerate swearing, aggressive behaviour or abusive language. These are offences under the Public Order Act of 1986 (Section 4, Section 4a and Section 5). Parents and carers may only come into the Academy when they have an appointment or a pre-arranged meeting with a member of staff. We do not operate a waiting policy. Under Section 547 of the Education Act 1996 it is unlawful for people to be on the premises if we have asked them to leave. In extreme circumstances we may ban people from the Academy site. Many items are prohibited from the Academy site and students will face sanctions even if brought onto site mistakenly or unknowingly. As well as obvious illegal items such as weapons (or objects that could be used as weapons), drugs, cigarettes, lighters and matches, it also includes items such as vapes, medicines (unless the school nurse knows about them and looks after them). As we do not authorise students to bring in mobile phones, we may confiscate them and we are not liable if they are lost or damaged OR if they are lost or damaged in other ways whilst on the property; this is stated in Section 94 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006. The entirety of the Academy buildings and grounds are smoke-free premises – this applies to all staff, visitors and students. Q3 Academies Trust have legal responsibilities to prevent people from smoking under the Smoke-free Regulations 2007. A fixed penalty notice of £50 can be imposed on the person smoking or a maximum fine of £200 if prosecuted and convicted by a court. Any school or academy may keep students behind the end of the day for detentions without permission from parents/carers so long as parents/carers are notified that detentions are one of sanctions used at the school. Q3 Academy Tipton does issue detentions. Some are held during the compulsory “Interventions” time Monday – Thursday 3:05-3:25pm; for any detentions issued that finish after 3:25pm we will give 24hrs notice via ClassCharts. It is parents’/carers’ responsibility to check this means of communication.
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