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Honors Oracle                                                          Honors College


Honors Oracle, March 2021
Marshall University Honors College

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Spring 2021, Edition 02
                                                                                            Huntington, West Virginia

HCSA Steering Committee bringing new, interactive platform and events
By Bouthiana Fathallah                                         A Discord server has been set up for the Marshall Univer-
The Steering Committee of the Honors College Student           sity Honors College where students are able to interact
Association (HCSA) has made use of a new platform and          with one another and meet other students with similar in-
put together exciting events for the Spring 2021 semester.     terests. Emojis have been formed to indicate student’s
The Steering Committee is a student-led group focused on       specific college at Marshall University, membership or-
leadership and community-building. Honors College stu-         ganizations, and their hobbies. Sophomore computer sci-
dents work collaboratively to organize and execute events      ence major and president of the Steering Committee, Eric
that are educational, social, and service oriented. They       Dillon explained that “the Honors College - Phi Kappa
have adapted in light of challenges brought about due to       Phi Joint Discord server will allow students to gain a
the COVID-19 pandemic through taking advantage of              sense of community through asynchronous text channels
online resources and thinking outside of the box.              and easily accessible voice and video communication.
                                                                                                          (Continued on page 2)
Impacts of the pandemic on local musicians
By Dominic Collins                                             leaves me with a question: how has the pandemic affected
COVID-19 continues to have a profound impact on the            local musicians?
daily lives of people across the United States and the         A prominent local musician, Brad Goodall of the band
world. Lockdowns, travel restrictions and general lack of      Ona, shares how Covid has impacted them. One of the
mobility for many individuals has placed restrictions on       first subjects we were able to discuss was the challenge
once popular social activities – such as live music. Like      that came with touring, which in Brad’s opinion has been
others in the entertainment and service fields, musicians      severely hindered due to restrictions on group meetings
have had a challenging time making ends meet and adapt-        and travel. He stated that “any modern musician or band
ing to current global circumstances that they find them-       with touring capacity pays their bills with touring and
selves in. For the past year, live music has been nonexist-    playing shows. In 2019, we had anywhere between 80-90
ent. A lack of live music, coupled with restrictions on        shows which generates a lot of income. These boost
group meetings, has made the climate for creating, pro-        streaming and merchandise sales as well; [fans] live in
ducing, and playing music exceptionally difficult. This        your band’s world for a few weeks.” He mentioned that
                                                                                                           (Continued on page 2)
Participating in online laboratory courses during the pandemic
By Alyssa Milbee                                               guidelines. Students from all disciplines have been im-
Many students look forward to participating in hands-on        pacted by the format of courses in the 2020-2021 school
laboratory courses in college. Laboratory courses often        year, but many are choosing to focus on benefits of online
provide students with the opportunity to gain insight into     instruction.
a potential career field, collaborate with classmates, and     Madysen Vance, a senior criminal justice major at Mar-
apply knowledge learned in lecture courses to real-world       shall, stated that while she ultimately preferred in-person
scenarios. Laboratory courses play an important role in the    laboratory courses, she enjoys that most online laboratory
curriculum of a variety of majors and are pre-requisites for   courses allow her to work at her own pace. Online labora-
many professional degree programs.                             tories have allowed Vance, a commuter student, to remain
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, laboratory              a safe distance from others during COVID-19 while com-
course experiences have been altered for many students.        pleting her required coursework.
As safety remains a primary concern, many laboratory           However, like many other students, Vance found that
courses have been converted to an online format, thereby       technical issues related to connectivity and recent weather
making the course more compatible with social distancing                                                   (Continued on page 3)
Marshall Digital Scholar - Marshall University
The Honors Oracle, Spring 2021, Edition 01—Page 2

Interactive (Continued from page 1)   placing them throughout          College and its benefits.     cleanup events throughout
                                      campus, so that there will       We especially want fresh-     the Huntington area. We
With COVID-19 forcing                 be multiple locations peo-       man students within the       were able to gather bags
many students to avoid                ple can donate.”                 Honors College to feel        full of trash and ultimately
campus, the Discord server            There will also be another       welcome and experience        help the environment with-
will develop both academic            event coming up soon.            the community at Mar-         in our community.” He en-
and casual interactions               Thomas added, “On Febru-         shall.” Furthermore, he       courages students that are
within the student body,              ary 16th, the Steering           added how the Steering        interested to learn more
both during and after                 Committee was planning           Committee impacted his        about the HCSA Steering
COVID-19.”                            on participating in the          college experience. “I love   Committee or the Honors
One event organized by the            Campus       wide      Mental    the friendships I have been   College to access the Dis-
Steering Committee this               Health Awareness day.            able to form through the      cord server or reach out to
spring involves partnering            Due to the ice storm, this       Steering Committee. As a      the contacts provided be-
with the Health Science               was canceled, and the            sophomore, I did not have     low.
Society in donating canned            event has been postponed         many friends in the Honors
food to the Marshall Food             until further notice.”           College, but after joining
                                                                       the Committee, I formed       HCSA President - Eric
Pantry. Junior biology ma-            Student involvement is the
jor and vice president of                                              many new friendships          Dillon
                                      ultimate goal of this organ-     which continue to this day.
the Steering Committee,               ization. Thomas explained                            
Kaden Thomas, explained                                                The Steering Committee
                                      that the Steering Commit-        has played a key role in
that this service project             tee “provides ways for
will take place the week of                                            uniting students in the       HCSA Vice President -
                                      Honors College students to       Honors College, and it has    Kaden Thomas
March 15th and that the               make friends within the
Steering Committee “plans                                              helped improve the Hun-
                                      college and become more          tington Community. Before
on making drop boxes and              familiar with the Honors         Covid, we did several

Musicians (Continued from page 1)     ing. Online, it just isn’t the
it's hard to be active with-          It has been a struggle for
out tours. Although inter-            Ona during the pandemic,
net streams are great, they           but the band is thankful for
do not have the same effect           the support from fans to
as the tangible experience            help keep them going. Brad
of being at a show. Lock-             is very hopeful for the fu-
downs have had a major                ture now that vaccines are
impact on the creative pro-           becoming readily available
cess as well. Brad said that          and the band hopes to do
“at one point when the cas-           many more live shows by
es were at their peak, we             late summer of 2021. If
wouldn’t even meet to rec-            you’re interested in sup-
ord a song. It all had to be          porting Ona, you can check
done at home and then sent            out the band’s website
off to be compiled. That     for
really hinders the creative           more information.
process, if you hit a good
lick around everyone, it
keeps the motivation go-

                                                                       The band, Ona                                Courtesy of Ona
Marshall Digital Scholar - Marshall University
The Honors Oracle, Spring 2021, Edition 01—Page 3

Laboratory (Continued from page 1)   to grasp the concepts and       accessible to the entirety of   difficult for both students
                                     material when doing labs        the student body.”              and professors.
-related power outages can           online,” Vance stated, “but     While Stiltner considers        Stiltner added that, “Online
be an added stress of online         I like how the labs are not     herself to be an avid in-       labs, as well as my profes-
laboratories. In addition,           as rushed as they would be      person learner, she under-      sors, have been very help-
distant communication can            in person.”                     stands that online laborato-    ful and informing. In any
make learning more diffi-            “I had physics lab online,      ry courses are necessary to     class, in-person, virtual, or
cult for students who enjoy          and I am currently working      reduce large gatherings in      online, you benefit from
working in groups, or for            through      genetics     lab   order to help slow the          how much you immerse
students who benefit from            online,” stated Lenzie Stilt-   spread of COVID-19 in our       yourself in the knowledge
one-on-one      conversation         ner, a junior biological sci-   area. Stiltner also listed      shared with you.”
with a professor.                    ences and psychology ma-        technical issues, some re-
“I don’t like not being able         jor at Marshall, “and I like    lated to recent weather con-
to get hands-on experience,          that online labs are more       ditions, have sometimes
and I find it more difficult                                         made online collaboration

Counseling Center helping students during the pandemic
By Averi Aya-ay                      risk family members or          health, academic, career,       up for through HerdLink.
Although many have been              even they will contract the     and personal needs. Coun-       For instance, they recently
vaccinated recently and we           virus. These factors lead to    seling services are confi-      offered a whole week of
are starting to finally see          an overall increase in men-     dential and free for Mar-       activities for “Men’s Men-
light at the end of the tun-         tal health issues.              shall University students.”     tal Health Week,” where
nel, many students are still         Despite these challenges,       Most of the appointments        they are trying to diminish
suffering from heightened            Marshall         University’s   are virtual and they are not    the stigma around men
mental health issues like            Counseling Center has been      offering unscheduled walk-      seeking counseling services
anxiety and depression               making great strides to         in appointments due to the      or treatment for mental
since the pandemic began.            make sure that students are     pandemic, but they are still    health concerns. Marshall
Isolation and having to              aware of the services and       offering in person appoint-     challenging the stigma
adapt to a schedule of al-           events that they offer to       ments to students who           around mental health and
most completely virtual              combat this increase in         schedule their appointment      especially men’s mental
classes and other student            mental health issues. For       on their website.               health. Although many men
organization events has              instance, freshman at Mar-      Students can visit The          suffer from depression or
been difficult for many col-         shall, Sophie Aya-ay stated     Counseling            Center    other mental illnesses, they
lege students. There are so          that she received a call        webpage on Marshall’s           may feel that they cannot
many freshmen who have               from the counseling center      website to find more infor-     seek treatment because of
started college and possibly         that was directed to all        mation about the services       society’s projection of the
moved away from their                freshman to inform them         they offer. A junior at Mar-    stereotype that men must
families in the middle of            about their services and just   shall, stated “having a         be “strong” in a certain
this pandemic with barely            to make sure that new stu-      counselor through Marshall      way.
any opportunities to meet            dents felt more comfortable     has been so beneficial and      Honors students will soon
new people and seniors               to reach out if they need       has helped me maintain a        have a dedicated counselor
graduating this year who             help. As stated on their        positive mentality even         with appointments held at
are not sure if they will be         webpage: “Located on the        through very stressful times    the college. Details will be
able to have a graduation.           first floor of Prichard Hall,   this year.” The Counseling      announced on the college
As well as so many others            the Counseling Center of-       Center has also been offer-     website
in between dealing with              fers professional therapeu-     ing special events to sup-      honors.
loss of family members and           tic services that can assist    port students that students
the anxiety that their high-         students      with    mental    can easily access and sign
Marshall Digital Scholar - Marshall University
The Honors Oracle, Spring 2021, Edition 01—Page 4

Rec Center fitness classes for students
By Lauren Fife                      F45. This wide array of             ship passes can be pur-         individual work, so you get
Marshall University offers          classes means there are var-        chased at the Rec. All          the incredible support from
a variety of fitness classes        ying skill levels as well.          group fitness classes listed    a team while pushing your-
that students can attend at         “I’ve attended every single         above are free with your        self at each station,” Au-
the Recreation Center.              class that the Rec has to           membership, with the ex-        brey McGregor, a graduate
Some students use exercise          offer. I have made lots of          ception of F45. For stu-        student earning her MBA at
as a way to relieve stress          friends of all ages. I enjoy        dents, F45 passes are $7 for    Marshall, said. “The envi-
during the school year—             the fitness classes because         a single pass, $40 for 10, or   ronment and community
something that has become           the instructors and other           $75 for unlimited passes.       are unlike any other and
all the more important dur-         members always keep me              For non-student rec mem-        truly a fun workout experi-
ing the pandemic. At the            motivated. My favorite              bers, F45 passes are $10 for    ence that I am happy to
beginning of the semester,          class is Glide-Fit. It’s fun to     a single pass, $50 for 10, or   provide for others and be a
the university released their       work out in the pool with-          $95 for unlimited passes.       part of,” McGregor said.
spring 2021 fitness sched-          out having to swim,” Ji-            For non-members, passes         To book your spot in a fit-
ule which goes from                 rakamon Silapabanleng, a            are $16 for a single pass,      ness class, download the
1/18/2021 to 5/2/2021. To           healthcare administration           $110 for 10, or $353 for        Marshall Rec Account app
make sure all patrons are           graduate student, said. “I          unlimited passes.               or visit the ProShop at the
protected from COVID-19,            also train with a personal          “As a trainer of F45 at the     Rec Center. For more infor-
face coverings are required         trainer, Corey. We’ve be-           Marshall Rec I’ve had the       mation call 304-696-4653
and socially distancing is          come best buds. It’s really         incredible opportunity to       or        email       recfit-
maintained during classes.          fun to come to the Rec. It’s        push others, as well as my- Find
The spring 2021 calendar            not just a gym; it’s a com-         self, outside of their com-     the spring 2021 fitness
includes Les Mills Body-            munity,”       Silapabanleng        fort zone through challeng-     schedule as well as details
combat,       Les      Mills        said.                               ing and intense workouts.       about each class at https://
Bodypump,       Les Mills           All Marshall University             F45 offers a variety of dif-
CXWORX, Cycle, Dance                students automatically have         ferent workouts and is the      campusrec/programs/
Fitness, Glide-Fit, Silver-         a Rec Center membership.            perfect combination of          fitness/classes/ and on the
Sneakers, Yoga Flow, and            For non-students, member-           team/group training and         next page.

 Honors College student, Ellie White, seen wearing a mask at the start of the Fall 2020 semester                      Marshall University
The Honors Oracle, Spring 2021, Edition 01—Page 5

Honors Oracle, Spring 2021 Staff
Reporters                                           Alyssa Milbee, Senior, Health Sciences
Averi Aya-Ay, Senior, Biological Science            Audrey Stark, Junior, Anthropology
Dominic Collins, Senior, Biological Science
Bouthiana Fathallah, Senior, Health Sciences        Executive and Layout Editor
Lauren Fife, Senior, Biological Science             Brian Hoey, Associate Dean, Honors College
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