Mini App Runtime Architecture and Alliance Development Experience - Tengyuan Zhang @ Baidu

Page created by Ian Farmer
Mini App Runtime Architecture and Alliance Development Experience - Tengyuan Zhang @ Baidu
Mini App Runtime Architecture
Alliance Development Experience

          Tengyuan Zhang @ Baidu

Mini App Runtime Architecture and Alliance Development Experience - Tengyuan Zhang @ Baidu

                  1. Introduction

                  2. Technical Features

                  3. Architecture Overview

                  4. Ecosystem & Alliance Development Experience

         HTML 5           MiniApp                       App
Mini App Runtime Architecture and Alliance Development Experience - Tengyuan Zhang @ Baidu
Mini App Runtime Architecture and Alliance Development Experience - Tengyuan Zhang @ Baidu
Technical Features of MiniApp

                                — Rich APIs, components, and framework capabilities

                                — Multi-Technology Integration (HTML 5, Native App, Cloud Computing)

                                — Cross-Platform Solution, (PC, Mac, Android, iOS, Web Browser, IoT Device

                                — Offline Experience

Mini App Runtime Architecture and Alliance Development Experience - Tengyuan Zhang @ Baidu
Development Process

                                       Development Principle
     The MiniApp uses its own DSL language to develop the layout. Using JavaScript to develop the logic
                                  layer code.

                                                           — First, the developer uses MiniApp DSL to write the
                                                             layout and logic code.

                                                           — Then packaging it with developer tools and publishing
                                                             to the Package Manager Service (PMS);

                                                           — When user clicks the MiniApp scheme URL on the
                                                             HTML 5 page. The MiniApp Runtime requests PMS
                                                             Server for the manifest file.

                                                           — Fetching the Package File. Unzip and Caching.

                                                           — Load/Reload as it‘s using a Runtime JS Engine

Mini App Runtime Architecture and Alliance Development Experience - Tengyuan Zhang @ Baidu
MiniApp Scheme

            Field       Description

            Scheme      baiduboxapp       Scheme agreement. This part means using Baidu App to process this URL. When using Baidu
                                          App to open the MiniApp.
            Source      swan              The MiniApp Platform identification remains unchanged. Used to notify Baidu App to call up the
                                          MiniApp framework
                        appKey            Which MiniApp wants to open. The AppKey is unique for every published Mini App.

                        page              The path of the page opened by the MiniApp. The page path can be obtained in the page
                                          property of the MiniApp Manifest file, and the common form is "pages/index/index". If the page
                                          is empty or incorrect, open the home page.
                        query             Mini App page path with parameters.

Note: This scheme is only shown in Baidu MiniApp Platform. Does not represent the final Mini App Addressing Standard.

Mini App Runtime Architecture and Alliance Development Experience - Tengyuan Zhang @ Baidu
MiniApp Runtime

JavaScript Runtime

• Start and load the MiniApp Code.

• Encapsulation and exposure of client-side
  capabilities, providing native function calls
  of Mini App logic code.

Native Runtime
• Package Management
• Implementation of APIs and
  components via JS-Bridges
• Page stack management is also at this

Mini App Runtime Architecture and Alliance Development Experience - Tengyuan Zhang @ Baidu
MiniApp JavaScript Runtime

Multi-Threaded model

• Render container

   The rendering layer uses the WebView thread to
   render and interact with user event behavior. In
   general, the render layer usually is WebView.

   Caching renders containers for performance.

• Logic container

   The logic layer is responsible for executing JS,
   which can be implemented in two ways, WebView
   or JS Engine (V8), V8 JS engine is more efficient;

Communication Mechanism
• Logic and render container sending and
  obtaining message through the native
  message bus.
• Isolated render and logic layer for
  better performance.

Mini App Runtime Architecture and Alliance Development Experience - Tengyuan Zhang @ Baidu
Prepare the Runtime

                      Isolated Render and Logic Layer Design

                      —   Multi-thread working can prevent JS execution from affecting or slowing down page
                          rendering, which helps improve rendering performance.

                      —   JavaScript file only executed in the Logic layer, can not operate the DOM/BOM directly. It helps
                          for security.

                      —   Facilitate data sharing and interaction between multiple MiniApp pages. Having the same lifecycle
                          controller which helps the developer.

Mini App Runtime Architecture and Alliance Development Experience - Tengyuan Zhang @ Baidu
Measure MiniApp Performance

                                                                             Key Metrics

FP (First Paint )                           FCP (First Contentful Paint )                FMP (First Meaningful Paint )              TTI (Time to Interactive)

 ü After the MiniApp is launched,           ü The FCP metric measures the time           ü   MiniApp FMP measures when the          ü   All the elements have been
      the Loading process starts. the           from when the page starts loading            primary content of a page is visible       pulled down and displayed. The
      top title and bottom tab are              to when any part of the page's               to the user.                               user can operate in any position.
      displayed. This time is first paint       content is rendered on the                                                              It’s Time to interact stage. (TTI)
      (FP).                                     screen.

Runtime Adapter Layer

Integrated the MiniApp Runtime SDK
— Package Fetching and Page Stack Management.
— Host Apps (User Agents) customization to implement special Adapter interfaces.
— After the host integrates our framework, It must run the CTS (The Compatibility Test) test, to
  ensure the quality.

                                                                                Mini App programs can run on multi-hosting, so how to ensure the consistency of the Mini
                                                                                App running experience on different host (user agent)?

Alliance Development Experience


      Vehicles System

       IoT Device

        OS - ROMs

      Custom system

Thank you!

             if you also want to build the MiniApp in Japan and South Korea,
             I hope our experience can help you.
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