Mind Matters - Herefordshire Mind

Page created by Theodore Turner
Mind Matters - Herefordshire Mind
Issue 3 - Summer 2018

             Mind Matters
                   Welcome to the latest edition of Mind Matters!
 What a busy year our 40th is turning out to be! We’re really enjoying everything that’s going on
 and we’re excited to share what we’ve been up to with you, as well as what’s still to come this
 year. In this issue, you’ll find new project news, the highlights from Ledbury Poetry Festival and
 some amazing achievements from our local fundraisers.

 Thank you to everyone who helps make Herefordshire Mind what it is, whether you’re a friendly
 ally, fundraiser, volunteer or staff member. Together, we can make such a difference.

                                 The Mind Matters Team x

 Ledbury Poetry Festival success!                               ArtSpace on the road!

We had a wonderful time at the Ledbury                  We brought ArtSpace to Alton Surgery,
Poetry Festival. There were great responses             Ross-on-Wye for the first time in June, and
to the work produced by our Pictures and                we are so pleased to announce that we will
Poetry Project (funded by Ledbury Poetry                be bringing our blend of art activities and
Festival), which was showcased in the                   peer support to Studio Mirai in Leominster
Poetry Paradise Garden exhibition, along                and The Surgery in Kington, starting in the
with some art from our ArtSpace project.                autumn (dates to be confirmed).

We also had a great turnout for our event,              Thanks to funding from the brilliant Postcode
titled The Power of Words, with guests Paul             Community Trust, we are able to provide
Farmer CBE, Dr Lucy Johnstone and Jo                    these outreach sessions at no cost (we ask
Watson. We’d like to thank everyone that                for £2 per session for our Hereford group to
made these events possible. The video of The            cover the cost of materials). You don’t need
Power of Words, produced by mediaSHYPP                  to register or be referred, and you don’t
will be available to watch on our YouTube               need to have any artistic experience - just
channel from 1pm on Monday 6th August.                  come along and create.
Mind Matters - Herefordshire Mind
Fundraiser appreciation!                            New projects - coming soon!

                                                              We are delighted to announce that we
  We’d like to take this opportunity to shout out all         will be working with Queenswood
  the wonderful people and organisations who’ve               Country Park & Arboretum over the
  raised money for us. You make it possible for us            next year on two new projects, due to
  to do what we do - we can’t thank you enough.               start later in the autumn.

  *   Herefordshire Boardgamers’ Mega Game                    Herefordshire Mind will be working
      Day (pictured above, featured in our last               alongside staff at Queenswood to
      edition) raised a staggering £1,267.08                  support people who are experiencing
                                                              mental health difficulties to engage with
  *   Starbucks in Ross-on-Wye held a Family
                                                              gardening and horticulture.
      Fun Day to support us and celebrate their
      new-look store                                          More details about these projects will
  *   Richie Cotterill and friends raised £316                be released in the coming weeks. We
                                                              can confirm however that the funding
      through their “Hunky Dory?” gig in May                  for these projects will cover transport
  *   Services for Independent Living put on an               costs in order to access them.
      afternoon tea and Garden Party
  *   Neil and Tina Hegarty donated £250 as part
      of their fundraising trek from John O’Groats
      to Lands End
  *   Gloucester Quays Outlet chose us as their
      Charity of the Month for July
  *   Chloe Yeomans has raised £444.04 so far
      for her haircut challenge (and donated her
      hair to the Little Princess Trust)

  If you’re thinking about raising money for us,
  please get in touch - give us a call on 01432
  271643, email info@herefordshire-mind.org.uk
  or send us a message on Facebook.

              Check out the progress of the Mind Gardening group...

Mind Gardening meets on Fridays between 10am-12pm at Heffernan House - no need to be referred
or to register, just come along! All equipment is provided - please wear suitable clothing and footwear.
Mind Matters - Herefordshire Mind
Bringing nature home                          Talking Mind… with David,
                                                     Support & Development Manager

We know that spending time in green space, like
at Mind Gardening or Queenswood, can be
good for your mental and physical wellbeing.
Figuring how to do that can be a bit tricky,
especially if you find it hard to get out of the
house. Here are some of the best tips we found       Hi David, how long have you worked for
for bringing nature inside:                          Herefordshire Mind?
*   Buy flowers or potted plants for your home.      I’ve worked for Herefordshire Mind for 9
*   Save glass jars and use them to make mini        years. I’ve had a variety of roles including
    gardens (also known as terrariums), using        support worker, Independent Mental
                                                     Health Advocate and Community Support
    plants, soil, stones and anything else you'd
                                                     Team Manager, but I’ve been the Support
    like to include.
                                                     & Development Manager since June 2017.
*   Collect natural materials, for example leaves,
    flowers, feathers, tree bark or seeds – use      What are your main responsibilities?
    them to decorate your living space or in art     I work to develop new services in line with
    projects.                                        our strategy “Surviving to Thriving”, which
*   Arrange a comfortable space to sit, like by a    includes increasing our outreach services
    window where you can look out over a view        across the county, fundraising, finding
    of trees or the sky.                             ways to work in partnership with other
*   Grow plants or flowers on windowsills.           local charities, recruiting volunteers and
                                                     developing and delivering our Workplace
*   Take photos of your favourite nature spots.      Wellbeing Training.
    Use them as backgrounds on a mobile phone
                                                     What attracted you to the job?
    or computer screen, or print and put them up
    on your walls.                                   Having spent 17 years in the corporate
*   Listen to natural sounds, like recordings or     sector, I experienced a mental health
    apps that play birdsong, ocean waves or          crisis, which led me to change my view
    rainfall.                                        on what was personally important. I re-
                                                     trained in counselling and psychotherapy,
                                                     then spotted an opportunity to work at
                                                     Herefordshire Mind.
            Quote of the Quarter                     Being able to support others experiencing
                                                     mental distress is an incredibly rewarding

“The mind is like a                                  experience and promoting a message of
                                                     hope and recovery with all of the team is

     parachute.                                      What’s the one piece of advice you’d like to
                                                     share with everyone?

  It only works if                                   Cheryl Richardson hit the nail on the head
                                                     when she said: “People start to heal the

     it’s open.”
                                                     moment they feel heard”. We shouldn’t be
                                                     asking “What’s wrong with you?”, we
                                                     should be asking “What happened to
                  - Frank Zappa
Mind Matters - Herefordshire Mind
Thank you to our partners!                      Upcoming events & activities
                                                         25th - Herefordshire Boardgamers
                                                         24-hour Game-a-thon, starts 9am at
                                                         Heffernan House (all funds raised go
                                                         to Herefordshire Mind)
                                                         27th - Bank Holiday (offices closed)

    We have some lovely new corporate supporters         10th - World Suicide Prevention Day
    for 2018-19! We’d like to give a very big thank
    you to Environmental Management Solutions,           15th - Reach Out Charity Day, starts
    Services for Independent Living and Pinstone         10am at Saxon Hall, Hereford
    Communications for their support, as well as
    House Clearances in Hereford, who have               22nd - Pride Herefordshire (location and
    pledged to donate 10% of their profits to us.        time to be confirmed)

    We’d also like to give a friendly shout out to the   October
    Herefordshire Boardgamers, who have chosen
    us as their Charity of the Year for the second       10th - World Mental Health Day
    year in a row!
                                                         Check out the Events Calendar on the
                                                         Herefordshire Mind website for times
                                                         and dates for all our regular events,
    Want to be part of Mind Matters?                     such as ArtSpace, Food in Mind, Get
                                                         into Reading and Mind Gardening!
We want Mind Matters to be by as well as for the
community. Please get in touch if:
      You have a suggestion for a feature, topic or
      You’re fundraising for us - we can feature
       your challenge or event to help you raise more
      You are running a local event that people
       might like to know about
      You’re running a local support group that might
       be useful for people

Get in touch with us via social media or send an
email to info@herefordshire-mind.org.uk

In the next edition of Mind Matters…
 Talking Mind                                           www.herefordshire-mind.org.uk
 Pictures from Reach Out Day and Pride
 All our latest news and updates!

             Coming November 2018
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