Page created by Kent Keller

The Militar Impacted Schools Association (MISA) facilitates and a ards merit-based
scholarships for eligible students of all acti e-dut ​militar members attending a current
MISA School District. ​To be ​eligible students shall be entering a field of education in their
college of choice.

Eligibilit :
    1. The applicant ​must be enrolled full-time in a public school ​district that is currentl a member
      of the Militar Impacted Schools Association (MISA). (List of School District MISA Members
   2. The applicant ​must be a high school senior ho ill graduate during the 2020-2021 school
   3. The applicant ​must ​be accepted or e pect to be accepted b an institution of higher education.
   4. The applicant ​must ​agree to enroll as a full-time student as defined b the
      uni ersit /college during the 2021-2022​ ​academic ear.
   5. Applicants ​must ​ha e an o erall GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
   6. The application ​must ​be completed and be in accordance ith the guidance pro ided in
      this application (See page 2 of this application packet.)
   7. The applicant ​must​ ha e signed the Ackno ledgement of Conditions on page 4.
   8. The completed application ​must​ be digitall submitted ia email to: ​​ on or
      before ​March 26, 2021​.
     ● Completed applications should be sa ed in .PDF format and submitted as an email attachment.
     ● Subject line of submitted email should be: ​MISA/2021 Scholarship/Last NAME
     ● .PDF Application Document should be sa ed as: ​Last Name-First Name-2021
   9. Each applicant ma not be a arded more than one scholarship from the MISA Scholarship
      Committee in a lifetime.

Selection Process:
   1. MISA ill ackno ledge receipt of all applications ia email.
   2. Eligible applications ill be for arded to the Selection Committee for re ie .
   3. The MISA E ecuti e Board decides the number of scholarships and a ard amounts each ear
      based on the amount of funds designated for distribution b the MISA E ecuti e Board. The
      2021 a ard shall be ten scholarships of $2,000.00.
   4. Notification of a ards ill be mailed b the end of ​April 2021.
   5. The selection process is based on the number of alid and complete application packets recei ed.
Note​: All information referencing name, age, gender, race, and other information that could be used to
identif the applicant ill be remo ed prior to ie ing b the selection committee.

Scholarship Application Guidance:
  1. Summar of applicant education/e perience/essa :
         a. Distinctl separate each categor
        b. T pe and double-space all responses.
        c. Do not put our name on these pages.
        d. List points of contact for reference here applicable.
  2. Essa : Not to e ceed ​350 words​. Essa s ith more than 350 ords ill be recogni ed ith 0
      points in the selection committee re ie ing process.
  3. Follo the instructions in each section carefull .
  4. The application must be sent digitall ia email on or before ​March 26, 2021​. An application
      checklist is a ailable on page 8.
  5. If ou ha e an questions concerning the application process, please email the MISA
      Scholarship Chair at ​​.
  6. An recipient ho accepts a full-tuition scholarship or an appointment to a ser ice academ is
     not eligible to recei e a MISA scholarship. It is the responsibilit of the recipient to notif the
     MISA Scholarship Chairperson, in riting, to decline the MISA scholarship.
  7. An scholarships that are declined or unclaimed b ​December 31, 2021 ​shall remain in the
     MISA Scholarship Fund. The MISA E ecuti e Board ill determine ho those funds ill be

MISA Scholarship Applicant Information

Please t pe or print a response for each section belo . Incomplete applications ill not be
for arded to the Selection Committee.

APPLICANT S Name, Address, Telephone Number and Email Address:

LAST                                  FIRST                                         MI


CITY                                          STATE                                   ZIP

PHONE                                         EMAIL

Active Dut Militar Member s Full Name, Address, Telephone Number and Email Address:

LAST                                  FIRST                                         MI


CITY                                          STATE                                  ZIP

PHONE                                                 EMAIL


  1. Privac Act Statement:
   The enclosed personal information ill be maintained b MISA for administrati e use and
   released onl to the indi iduals needing to e aluate the application. The disclosure of the
   information b the applicant is oluntar ​; ​ho e er, failure to disclose all or part of the
   requested information ma hinder e aluation of the application.

   I certif that the information in this application is true and correct to the best of m
   knowledge. I understand that I will be disqualified if I have included false information in
   this application. I agree to abide b the conditions of the MISA Scholarship Fund and the
   decision of the MISA E ecutive Board Selection Committee and in no wa shall question
   their selection of the winners and alternatives.

  2. Acknowledgement of Conditions for the MISA Scholarship:
          a. These scholarships are for tuition-related or direct school cost e penses onl . The
             a ard ill be made directl to the academic institution upon receipt of an official
             school erification of student enrollment form sent from the registrar s office.
          b. Scholarship mone ill be a ailable for use beginning ith the ​Fall 2021 ​term.
             An funds not claimed b ​December 31, 2021​ ​ ill be forfeited.
          c. A ards declined ill be returned to the MISA Scholarship Fund and used at
             the discretion of the MISA E ecuti e Board.
          d. If the eligibilit criteria, including scholarship application guidance, are not met,
             the application ill not be for arded to the Selection Committee.
          e. Each applicant ma not be a arded more than one scholarship from the
             MISA Scholarship Committee in a lifetime.

APPLICANT S SIGNATURE                                                        DATE

Summar of Applicant Education/E perience/Essa

 Distinctl separate each categor listed belo and then pro ide a complete response. T pe and
 double-space all responses.

 Categor 1: Schools Attended
 In chronological order, beginning ith the most recent, list all schools ou ha e attended ​since Grade 9.​ Please
 use the follo ing format:

 School name- Location of school- Dates attended- Graduation date/Projected date (if applicable)

 If ou ha e begun taking college credits, note after the dates attended the number of credits ou ha e
 completed. If ou ha e completed a GED, note that information under school name, and note the date the
 degree as a arded.


                    H                        ,K           2014-2017 G               P        M    2018

        C               C                   ,K        A        2017-           6

Categor 2: School/Volunteer Activities and Leadership Positions Held
In chronological order, list all school and olunteer acti ities ou ha e participated in ​during the last four ears​.
Include the number of hours per month spent participating in these acti ities. List points of contacts for reference
( here applicable). Acti ities ma include, but are not limited to the follo ing: art, athletics, band, church
acti ities, clubs, communit acti ities, communit ser ice, debate, dramatics, school ne spaper, student
go ernment, and earbook.
                C                   C                     H                M   2016-M    2017 4          /    C

         H              M               G             ,K             M     2016-J   2017 8        /
In chronological order, list all leadership positions held and a ards/honors earned ​during the last four ears​.
Include the place and dates for hich the position as held.


                    ,           C            C                         H            M    2017-M

         2018 C             ,       F                          H               A    -N           2017

         E              ,       123              ,K        M       2017

Categor 3: Emplo ment E periences
In chronological order, list all emplo ment e periences ou ha e had ​during the last four
 ears​, including self-emplo ment opportunities if applicable. Include the dates each position
  as held, a brief description of the position, and the number of hours orked per eek.


     M K      D        -I R              L                 ,K        15
        /         M       2016-     M        5

     M O      L                 M                ,K         40   /
     (            )J        2015-    M       3

Categor 4: Hobbies/Interests

List all hobbies/interests that ou ha e not mentioned in pre ious categories. ​Describe the
hobb and length of time ou ha e been in ol ed ith the acti it .


     P                     .I                         2013. I                  ,     ,

     C                .I                                                       .

Essa Response

 Using a separate sheet of paper, answer the question below in 350 words or less. ​The
 Selection Committee ill consider format, grammar, and creati it hen scoring the essa . For
 additional essa guidance, please refer to Scholarship Application Guidance on page 2.

         Essa Question: ​Describe a positi e e perience or an influential educator in one of the
         schools ou attended that has impacted our decision to pursue a career in education.

High School Guidance Counselor s Report
                    To complete this form, please t pe or print neatl .

APPLICANT S NAME​:            ​ __________________________________________________

HIGH SCHOOL NAME AND ADDRESS​: ​________________________________________

APPLICANT S GRADE POINT AVERAGE (ON A 4.0 SCALE):_____________________

APPLICANT S ACT TEST SCORE: _____________________________________________

APPLICANT S COMBINED SAT SCORE: ________________________________________
(Math + Writing)

COUNSELOR S NAME:________________________________________________________

COUNSELOR S PHONE:_______________________________________________________

COUNSELOR S EMAIL:________________________________________________________

COUNSELOR S SIGNATURE:___________________________________________________

Date Report Completed: _________________________________________________________

Please Note: ​In order for the applicant to be considered b the selection committee, the student s
completed application must be emailed to the MISA ​Scholarship Committee on or before ​March 26,
2021​. ​Please return this form to the applicant hen completed.

Militar Impacted Schools Association Scholarship Fund
                      Application Checklist

All applicants must ​read, initial, and sign/date ​the follo ing checklist to ensure the application is
complete and properl submitted. Incomplete or improperl submitted applications ​WILL NOT ​be
for arded to the MISA Scholarship Fund Selection Committee.

______ The applicant s parent/guardian/sponsor, is an acti e-dut ​ ​militar member in ​good standing
       as of ​December 31, 2020​.

______ Completed the ​MISA Scholarship Applicant Information ​on page 3.

______ Read and signed the ​Privac Act Statement ​and ​Acknowledgement
       of Condition of the MISA Scholarship ​on page 4.

______ Completed the ​Summar of Applicant Education/E perience ​on pages 5 & 6​ ​according to
       the instructions. Please proofread all ork.

______ Included our response to the essa question on page 6.​ ​Essa s over 350 words will not
       be forwarded to the selection committee​. Please proofread all ork.

______ Included the ​High School Guidance Counselor s Report​ found on page 7.

______ The completed application packet must be emailed on or before ​March 26, 2021​.

______ I accept that the decisions rendered b the MISA Scholarship Committee are final.

An email notification ill be sent once the packet is recei ed.

APPLICANT S SIGNATURE:​___________________________________________________


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