Michael Feit - Walder Wyss

Page created by Maria Lawrence
Michael Feit - Walder Wyss
Michael Feit

Dr. iur., LL.M., Avvocato     Mi​cha​el Feit is a part​ner in the Li​ti​ga​ti​on     Mi​cha​el Feit has been ran​ked as a 'Next
Partner                       & Ar​bi​tra​ti​on Team. He has ex​ten​si​ve            Ge​ne​ra​ti​on La​wy​er' in Swiss ar​bi​tra​ti​on
Telefono +41 58 658 55 08     ex​pe​ri​ence in re​pre​sen​ting par​ties in           in the 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018 edi​ti​on
michael.feit@walderwyss.com   com​plex ar​bi​tra​ti​on dis​pu​tes un​der all         of Le​gal 500, prai​sing him as an 'ex​cel​‐
                              ma​jor ar​bi​tra​ti​on ru​les (in​clu​ding ICC,        lent at​tor​ney with out​stan​ding un​der​‐
                              LCIA and Swiss Ru​les) and in ad hoc                   stan​ding of the re​le​vant mat​ters', 'very
                              pro​cee​dings. He also sits as an ar​bi​tra​‐          know​led​ge​able in both Swiss and in​ter​‐
                              tor, both in com​mer​ci​al and in​vest​ment            na​tio​nal ar​bi​tra​ti​on ru​les and law', 'ex​‐
                              ar​bi​tra​ti​ons (ICC, ICSID, Swiss Ru​les). He        tre​me​ly di​li​gent and pro​vi​des first class
                              has worked on seve​r​al high-va​lue ar​bi​‐            le​gal ser​vices to his cli​ents', 'stand-out
                              tra​ti​ons, with amounts at sta​ke in the              prac​ti​tio​ner' who is 're​com​men​ded for
                              th​ree di​git mil​li​on Euro ran​ge up to of           his in​vest​ment ar​bi​tra​ti​on ex​per​ti​se' and
                              seve​r​al mul​ti-bil​li​on Eu​ros. His prac​ti​ce      as an 'ex​cel​lent team play​er and in​ven​ti​‐
                              en​com​pas​ses a broad ran​ge of in​dus​‐              ve thin​ker'. In an ear​lier edi​ti​on, Le​gal
                              tries, such as dis​tri​bu​ti​on agree​ments,           500 re​com​men​ded him for ar​bi​tra​ti​on,
                              con​st​ruc​tion, avia​ti​on, te​l​ecom​mu​ni​ca​ti​‐   and de​scri​bed him as 'ex​tre​me​ly re​‐
                              on, re​ne​wa​ble en​er​gy, and post M&A                spon​si​ve and al​ways on time, and ad​‐
                              dis​pu​tes. Mi​cha​el Feit has pu​blis​hed nu​‐        apt(s) to the needs of the cli​ent and the
                              merous ar​ti​cles on com​mer​ci​al and in​‐            ex​pec​ta​ti​ons of the court and ea​si​ly ma​‐
                              vest​ment ar​bi​tra​ti​on, in​clu​ding about           na​ge(s) to un​der​stand com​plex tech​ni​cal
                              100 re​ports on ar​bi​tra​ti​on de​cis​i​ons of        facts'. Mi​cha​el Feit has been selec​ted as
                              the Swiss Fe​de​ral Su​pre​me Court. Mi​‐              a 'Glo​bal Lea​der' in ar​bi​tra​ti​on in 2020
                              cha​el Feit is re​gu​lar​ly in​vi​ted to speak at      re​com​men​ding him as 'a sharp thin​ker'
                              ar​bi​tra​ti​on con​fe​ren​ces.                        and 'a fu​ture hea​vy​weight in the ar​bi​tra​‐
                                                                                     ti​on com​mu​ni​ty'. Be​fo​re, he was elec​ted
                                                                                     as a 'fu​ture lea​der' in ar​bi​tra​ti​on th​ree
                                                                                     ye​ars in a row, from the in​au​gu​ral edi​ti​‐
                                                                                     on of 2017 to 2019, re​fer​ring to him as
                                                                                     'a very quick thin​ker, a real pro​fes​sio​nal
                                                                                     and an ex​cel​lent la​wy​er who we have
                                                                                     al​ways found to be very sup​por​ti​ve, al​‐
                                                                                     ways on time and re​spon​si​ve', un​der​li​‐
                                                                                     ning his 'strong ex​per​ti​se in in​ter​na​tio​‐
                                                                                     nal dis​pu​tes' and re​com​men​ding him as
                                                                                     'one to watch in the in​vest​ment and
                                                                                     com​mer​ci​al ar​bi​tra​ti​on space', and prai​‐
                                                                                     sing him that he 'stands out as a high​ly
                                                                                     in​tel​li​gent ar​bi​tra​ti​on la​wy​er, a true
                                                                                     stra​te​gic thin​ker and a very ef​fec​ti​ve ad​‐
                                                                                     vo​ca​te' and that 'he is a bril​li​ant at​tor​ney
                                                                                     who has gre​at un​der​stan​ding and know​‐
                                                                                     ledge not only of Swiss law but also va​‐
Michael Feit - Walder Wyss
rious par​al​lel re​le​vant laws'.

                                                                                       Mi​cha​el Feit was edu​ca​ted at Zu​rich
                                                                                       Uni​ver​si​ty (lic. iur. 1999, Dr. iur. 2007)
                                                                                       and New York Uni​ver​si​ty (LL.M. 2009,
                                                                                       Dean's Gra​dua​te Award Schol​ar). He
                                                                                       worked as a law clerk, as a tea​ching and
                                                                                       re​se​arch as​sistant at the Uni​ver​si​ty of
                                                                                       Zu​rich and as a se​ni​or as​so​cia​te in the
                                                                                       in​ter​na​tio​nal ar​bi​tra​ti​on prac​ti​ce group
                                                                                       of a ma​jor law firm in Lon​don.

                                                                                       Mi​cha​el Feit prac​ti​ces in Ger​man and
                                                                                       English and also speaks French and He​‐
                                                                                       brew. He is re​gis​ter​ed with the Zu​rich
                                                                                       Bar Re​gis​try and ad​mit​ted to prac​ti​ce in
                                                                                       all Swit​zer​land.

Walder Wyss SA   Telefono +41 58 658 58 58
Avvocati         Fax +41 58 658 59 59

                 Zurigo, Ginevra, Basilea, Berna, Losanna, Lugano

                                           Pubblicazioni (selezione)

                                           The door remains open for discovery in     Swiss Federal Supreme Court Identifies
                                           support of international commercial        Weakest Link
                                           arbitration in the U.S.                    [Il Tribunale federale definisce l’anello
                                           di Michael Feit e Louis Christe            più debole]
                                           dicembre 2021                              di Michael Feit e Lukas Fellmann [Co-
                                           Doing Business in Switzerland – A          in: The Lawyer The Alumni Issue April
                                           Practical Guide                            2019, 1 aprile 2019
                                           di Urs P. Gnos, Theodor Härtsch,
                                           Ramona Wyss, Andrea Haefeli, Gion          Commentary on Article 181 of the PILS
                                           Giger, David Vasella, Davide Cerutti,      [Commento all’art. 181 LDIP]
                                           Marco Galli, Roger Staub, Benno            di Marco Stacher [Co-autore] e Michael
                                           Fischer-Siddiqui, Reto Jacobs, Monique     Feit [Co-autore]
                                           Sturny, Thomas P. Müller, Nadja D.         in: Manuel Arroyo (Editore), "Arbitration
                                           Leuthardt, Adriano Antonietti, Valentine   in Switzerland - The Practitioner"s
                                           Schnyder, Stefan Knobloch, Dimitrios       Guide"
                                           Berger, Dominik Hohler, Jenny Süess,       2nd Edition, Den Haag, 2018
                                           Stéphanie Oneyser, Dario Galli, Michael
                                           Kündig, Markus Vischer, Urs Schenker,      Switzerland to further increase its
                                           Rafael Zemp, Patrick W. Vogel, Laurent     attractiveness as a seat of arbitration
                                           Schmidt, Christian Lütolf, Daniel          [Aumenta l’attrattività della Svizzera
                                           Dedeyan, Nico Bernhard, Tervel             come sede del procedimento arbitrale]
                                           Stoyanov, Lukas Wyss, Markus               di Michael Feit e Chloé Terrapon
                                           Pfenninger, Valentin Wiesner, Rafal        Chassot
                                           Szala, Thiemo Sturny, Roger Ammann,        novembre 2018
                                           Hubertus Hillerström, Ken Savioz, Ueli
Michael Feit - Walder Wyss
Sommer, Simone Wetzstein, Christoph         L'elenco completo delle pubblicazioni
Stutz, Nadine Mäder, Olivier Sigg, Laura    è disponibile su:
Luongo, Francis Nordmann, André             www.walderwyss.com/michael.feit
Kuhn, Davide Jermini, Christian
Eichenberger, Théo Meylan, Thomas
Meister, Janine Corti, Robert Desax,
Fabienne Limacher, Dieter Hofmann,
Rodolphe Gautier, Olivia Sistovaris,
Micha Bühler, Michael Feit, Maurice
Courvoisier, Oliver M. Kunz, Albane de
Ziegler e Pascale Köster
Editore: Urs P. Gnos, Theodor Härtsch

Time to Act for EU Investors – EU States
Cancel Intra-EU BITs
di Michael Feit e Chloé Terrapon
maggio 2020

Voraussetzungen für ein "opting out" in
der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit: Urteil des
Bundesgerichts vom 7. Mai 2019;
di Michael Feit e Lukas Fellmann [Co-
in: Causa Sport Die Sport-Zeitschrift für
nationales und internationales Recht
sowie für Wirtschaft 4/2019, Pag. 394 -
410, gennaio 2020
Michael Feit - Walder Wyss
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