Metrics of Success Workshop - January 21, 2021 - Nashville Public Education ...

Page created by Jacob Mullins
Metrics of Success Workshop - January 21, 2021 - Nashville Public Education ...
Metrics of Success Workshop
          January 21, 2021
Metrics of Success Workshop - January 21, 2021 - Nashville Public Education ...
Welcome and Overview of Objectives and Agenda
Finalizing Goals: If we are successful, what will leadership across MNPS look like?
Identifying metrics for goals
Previewing the Implementation Guide
Next Steps

      Discuss and identify the goals of        Identify metrics associated with
 01                                       02
      the Principal Quality Initiative         each goal to measure progress

      Preview the implementation
      guide and next steps

Project Timeline and Milestones
                                                      Phase 2                                Phase 4                 Phase 5
                             Phase 1                                      Phase 3                                                               Phase 5
                                                  MNPS Point of                             Pipeline                Metrics of
                     TERA Data Analysis                                  Processes                                   Success                     Pilots
                                                     View                                   Mapping

                    Aug                Sept                 Oct                Nov                          Dec                           Jan

               MNPS Leadership Interviews     Values and Beliefs     Processes           ED Work Session            Metrics of              Presentation of

               Due date: Mid Sept.            Workshop               Workshop            Due date: Dec. 2           Success                 Pilot Strategies
                                                                                                                                            Playbook     and
                                              Due date: October 22   Due date: Nov. 17                              Workshop                Pilotdate:
                                                                                                                                            Due    Strategies
                                                                                                                                                       end of Jan.
               Presentation of Findings                                                  Mapping                    Due date: Jan. 2021     Due date: end of Jan.
               from Data Analysis             Foundations                                Workshop
               Due date: early Oct.           Workshop                                   Due date: Dec. 10
                                              Due date: October 29
                                                                                                                  Core Team:
                                                                                                                  Dr. Battle               Sharon Griffin
                                                                                                                  Mason Bellamy            Chris Barnes
                                                                                                                  Keri Randolph            Steve Ball
                                                                                                                  Hank Clay                Paul Changas
                                                                                                                  Celia Conley             Tina Stenson
                                                                                                                  Natalyn Gibbs            Karen Gallman
                                                                                                                  Elisa Norris             Felicia Everson-Tuggle
                                                                                                                  Carl Carter              Katy Enterline
                                                                                                                  Michelle Springer
Welcome and Overview of Objectives and Agenda
Finalizing Goals: If we are successful, what will leadership across MNPS look like?
Identifying metrics for goals
Previewing the Implementation Guide
Next Steps
What should the goals for this work be? ry
                                                                 a j ec to
  Leaders are valued                                     h ip t rleaders have what they need to succeed
                                               e ad  ers    New
                                        th e  l       Leader
                              rst a n d                            in p u t is
                      u n d erse leaders                                         solicite
              ld er s  D iv e                    Principals well-matched   for school        d
                                                                                      assignmentsa n d value
         keh o

     Sta                                                       Le                                            d
                                                         Principals        improve from year to year

                Effective principals                               ad
 Leaders are happy

                                             Robustbenchofaspiringleaders   ip

          Lead  ers  are   reta  in e d                                        da

                                           Principal professional learning matchesta their needs
        Lower principal turnover                                                    is


   Princip                                                                                 lle

           als hav

                      e a su                                                                       da
                                  p p or t                                                             nd

                                            netwCulture        of feedback and coaching us

                                                    ork                                                   ed


 Equitable distribution of effective principals                                     a n d how

                                                                                                to gro
                                                                                               w in the
                                                         o ne

                                               o n d a y                                                  ir craft

                                 s a re read y
                   New le a d e r

                          So how do you decide what goals to prioritize?                                   6
Reflect on the
                                    Remember your
Review your data     phases of
                                    belief statements

        So how do you decide what goals to prioritize?  7
Review your data: What do we know about leadership in MNPS?
Principal turnover fluctuates a lot…                                            …and more frequently in high poverty schools.

                                                                                                        Schools experiencing principal turnover
 30%                                                                                          35%
 25%                                             23%                                          30%                                                    29%
                                     19%                                                      25%

                                                                   Proportion of Principals
                                                       15%   16%
                               14%                                                            20%                             19%
       2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018                                      0%
                                                                                                    Low Poverty         Medium Poverty            High Poverty
Review your data: What do we know about leadership in MNPS?
Most of our principals have average ratings. From 2012-2019, TEAM practice ratings have closely clustered around
the district average (3.61).
                                                                               District Average

               74% of principals
                  receive an
                average score
               between 3 and 4

Review your data: What do we know about leadership in MNPS?
Leadership effectiveness measures seem to vary somewhat across clusters.

               Cane Ridge                                                      Average
                 Glencliff                                                     Panorama
             Hunters Lane                                                      Average
              Maplewood                                                        TEAM
               McGavock                                                        Practice
                 Overton                                                       Rating
             Whites Creek
                             3   3.2      3.4       3.6        3.8       4

                                 Average scores drawn from the 2016-2017 and
                                          2017-2018 academic years                          10
Review your data: What do we know about leadership in MNPS?
TEAM practice ratings vary somewhat across raters, meaning who your rater is seems to matter.


              TEAM Practice Ratings                                           About 30% of
                                       4                                    variation in TEAM
                                      3.5                                    practice ratings
                                                                             are explained by
                                                                              differences in
                                      2.5                                       observers.
                                       2    Each box represents variation
                                              around the rater’s mean

Review your data: What do we know about leadership in MNPS?
Though MNPS has a good percentage of Black principals, it falls short on recruiting and selecting Latinx principals.

                                     Demographics                                 For comparison:
                 Female principals                         63%
                 Black principals                          45%          •   45% of MNPS students are Black
                                                                        •   22% are Hispanic
                 White principals                          53%          •   4% represent other non-white
                 Other principals                           2%              groups
                 Average age                                48
                                      Highest Degree
                 Bachelor's/Master's                       26%
                 Master's Plus                             19%
                 Education Specialist                      16%
                 Doctorate                                 39%
                 Years of experience in education          18            The typical MNPS principal has
                 Years as a principal                      5.6           been in the job for 4 years and
                                                                        leading their school for 2 years.
                 Years as principal at current school      3.6

Reflect on the phases of leadership: The new Leadership Framework and
major buckets of work can help us prioritize goals for the initiative

        Goals                                              Outcomes
Remember your belief statements: You’ve already identified
what’s really important to you

We believe…
     About the role of the principal               About principal competencies                About the role of the district

•   The most important role of the principal                                              •   Principal quality is dependent on the
                                               •   It is better to have a principal who       right district policies, practices, and
    is to communicate and inspire a shared
                                                   demonstrates the leadership                investments.
                                                   competencies well than a principal
                                                   who has many years of experience.      •   It is possible for a struggling principal to
•   The second most important role of the
    principal is to develop, support and                                                      be developed and supported to become
                                               •   Teacher retention tells you more           an effective principal.
    manage people.
                                                   about the quality of the principal
                                                   than academic achievement data.        •   The district is solely responsible for the
•   The principal is responsible for driving
    student success.                                                                          quality of principals in our schools.

•   Principals are the main drivers of                                                    •   When a principal is struggling in a
    teacher quality in their schools.                                                         school for more than two years, the
                                                                                              district should remove the principal
                                                                                              from the school.
When reflecting on your data, the phases of leadership, and your belief
statements, what priorities rise to the top?
   30%       27%25%      26%
       22%                  23%
   25%                19%
          17%                                                                                           Schools experiencing principal turnover
   20%             14%         15%16%
   15%                                                                                                  40%

                                                                             Proportion of Principals
   10%                                                                                                                                           29%
    5%                                                                                                  30%
    0%                                                                                                                           19%
                                                                                                        20%      16%

                   Demographics                                                                         0%                                                        Antioch

                                                                                                                                                               Cane Ridge
                                                                                                               Low Poverty   Medium Poverty   High Poverty
       Female principals                                63%                                                     (ED
So, to prioritize your goals, let’s imagine it’s 2 years from now. You pick up the
Tennessean and read a headline about the principal quality initiative in MNPS.

                                  What does the story say the district has
                                    accomplished through this work?

                                      Write your story ideas in the chat.

If we are successful, what will leadership across MNPS look like? In other
words, what broad goals are we trying to work toward?
   §   Goals for the Principal Quality Initiative:
        §   Effective: Highly effective principals in every schools

        §   Diversity: MNPS leaders represent our student population

        §   Recruitment: MNPS attracts great candidates

        §   Selection: MNPS leverages the leadership framework to hire highly qualified school

        §   Development: MNPS has developed a reward-winning principal development
            program leading to record-breaking outcomes
              • Differentiated professional learning opportunities
              • High quality virtual learning experiences

        §   Retain: MNPS retains effective leaders (rid ourselves of ineffective leaders and retain
            effective ones)

        §   Climate: School climate at an all time high +                                             17
Welcome and Overview of Objectives and Agenda
Finalizing Goals: If we are successful, what will leadership across MNPS look like?
Identifying metrics for goals
Previewing the Implementation Guide
Next Steps
When identifying metrics to measure our goals, it’s helpful to think
about a logic model
                                             Resources                         The goals you set should point us toward
                                             needed for                              those longer-term outcomes

                                                                               Increase in % of teachers
                                                          Teacher leader job     who become teacher        Increase in retention of
 Retain effective teachers Create teacher leader roles       description                leaders            teachers with TEAM 4+
                                                                                        Short- and
           Goals                     Activities                 Outputs                Medium-term

                                                         Tangible products,
  Objectives that              What district               capacities, or                Changes that occur in other
  are driving the           leaders need to do            deliverables that            people or conditions because of
       work                   with resources                result from                    activities and outputs

                                                           Where we can think about coming up with metrics to know if
                                                                               we are successful
If these are our draft goals, how do we measure them?

  §   Goals for the Principal Quality Initiative:                    §   Metrics for the Principal Quality Initiative:
        §   Effective: Highly effective principals in every schools        §   Effective:
                                                                                  •   TEAM evaluation data
                                                                                          •   (if TEAM is not sufficiently capturing practices, strategies, systems being
        §   Diversity: MNPS leaders represent our student                                     implemented, we may need to capture those in a different way, such as through a
                                                                                              360-degree eval)
                                                                                  •   Achievement data
                                                                                  •   Districtwide assessment data
        §   Recruitment: MNPS attracts great candidates                           •   Attendance rate
                                                                                  •   Discipline rate
        §   Selection: MNPS leverages the leadership                              •   Focused outcomes
            framework to hire highly qualified school leaders                     •   Panorama
                                                                                  •   Teacher retention rates
        §   Development: MNPS has developed a reward-
            winning principal development program leading to               §   Diversity:
            record-breaking outcomes                                       §   Recruitment:
              • Differentiated professional learning opportunities         §   Selection:
              • High quality virtual learning experiences                  §   Development:
                                                                           §   Retain:
        §   Retain: MNPS retains effective leaders (rid ourselves
            of ineffective leaders and retain effective ones)              §   Climate:
                                                                                  •   Climate survey – Panorama
        §   Climate: School climate at an all time high +                         •   POSSIP data (parents’ and families’ perspectives)
                                                                                  •   SEL walkthrough
                                                                                  •   Enrollment trends by school
Welcome and Overview of Objectives and Agenda
Finalizing Goals: If we are successful, what will leadership across MNPS look like?
Identifying metrics for goals
Previewing the Implementation Guide
Next Steps
Processes Workshop

 Leadership Foundations                 Building the Bench                 Selection                     Development

     Formally adopt and             Implement succession         Articulate the expectations of   Invest in professional learning
  communicate the MNPS              planning                     an executive principal           for Executive Directors
   Leadership Framework
                                    Develop formal aspiring
   Adapt expectations for                                        Initiate selection process for   Develop approach for support
                                    leadership programs
      different roles                                            vacancies by February 1st and    of early career principals
                                                                 level-set on expectations for
Develop a Leadership Tracking       Collaborate with principal   selectors
                                    prep partners                                                 Implement strategic coaching
 Tool to inform all decisions
                                                                                                  and feedback model for
Align all professional learning                                  Modify and sustain a four-       leaders; prioritize over
  to Leadership Framework                                        phase interview process          evaluation

                                                                 Use a mapping protocol to        Develop and be held
                                                                 prepare for vacancies and        accountable to criteria for
                                                                 implement succession             removing or promoting a
                Quick Win                                        planning                         principal
            Lighter lift and good
Processes Workshop

 Leadership Foundations                     Building the Bench                Selection                     Development

      Formally adopt and               Implement succession         Articulate the expectations of   Invest in professional learning
   communicate the MNPS                planning                     an executive principal           for Executive Directors
    Leadership Framework
                                       Develop formal aspiring
   Adapt expectations for                                           Initiate selection process for   Develop approach for support
                                       leadership programs
      different roles                                               vacancies by February 1st and    of early career principals
                                                                    level-set on expectations for
Develop a database to inform           Collaborate with principal   selectors
                                       prep partners                                                 Implement strategic coaching
                                                                                                     and feedback model for
Align all professional learning                                     Modify and sustain a four-       leaders; prioritize over
  to Leadership Framework                                           phase interview process          evaluation

                                                                    Use a mapping protocol to        Develop and be held
                                                                    prepare for vacancies and        accountable to criteria for
                                                                    implement succession             removing or promoting a
            Long-term Strategy                                                                       principal
             Requires significant time,                             planning
         resources, and commitment but
          essential for long-term success
How the Implementation Guide will look…
The guide can be accessed from a private website uniquely designed for MNPS. Checklists, tools, and
other resources will also be available on the site.

                                 a l ity In  it ia  t  i verategies,
                PrincipalleQPuublic Schools’ prioritqieusa,listty in the
                 Metro Nas          rov ing le adership
                           s for imp
                 and metric
                 district                        RE
                                      START HE

                                                                 Quick wins
                                           ip Found   ations                                 Pilot strategy
                                 Lead ersh
                                                                  Quick wins
                                              he B   ench                                     Pilot strategy
                                    Building t                      Quick wins

                                          Selection                                             Pilot strategy
                                                                     Quick wins
What’s included in the Implementation Guide…
An all-encompassing document of resources, tools, and implementation steps to improve principal
                                                               Do this activity….                    …to jumpstart
        START HERE                                                                                     this stage
                                                           1   Launch and widely communicate
    About This Project                                         the leadership framework              Building the Bench
        §   project scope, goals, and outcomes
    Theory of Action                                           Align leader PL to the leadership     Building the Bench

        §   a visual representation of how to connect          framework                                 Selection
            strategy to action to yield outcomes
    Top Priorities                                             Develop ED’s and principals’ skills       Selection
        §   four critical moves that need to be                in using the leadership framework       Development
            implemented first to drive remaining work
    Project Management Supports                                Align selection process to                Selection
        §   a proposal of supports that will advance and       leadership framework                    Development
            execute the recommendations of this project
    Measuring Success
        §   Metrics the district can use to evaluate the
            effectiveness of the newly adopted principal
            quality initiatives
What’s included in the Implementation Guide…
An all-encompassing document of resources, tools, and implementation steps to improve principal
                                                                             Each document details the long-term strategy’s goal, steps to
         EXPLORE                                                             implement, significance, connections to other work, and things
                                                                             to consider before, during, and after implementation.
                                      Each of these includes:
   §   Leadership Foundations         Quick Wins
                                      §   Overviews of easier steps that can be
   §   Build the Bench                    implemented now

                                      Long-term strategies
   §   Selection                      §   One-pagers providing detailed
                                          recommendations for implementation of bigger
   §   Development
                                      Pilot strategies
                                      § Suggestions for piloting out-of-the box

Welcome and Overview of Objectives and Agenda
Finalizing Goals: If we are successful, what will leadership across MNPS look like?
Identifying metrics for goals
Previewing the Implementation Guide
Next Steps
Project Timeline and Milestones
                                                      Phase 2                                Phase 4                 Phase 5
                             Phase 1                                      Phase 3                                                               Phase 5
                                                  MNPS Point of                             Pipeline                Metrics of
                     TERA Data Analysis                                  Processes                                   Success                     Pilots
                                                     View                                   Mapping

                    Aug                Sept                 Oct                Nov                          Dec                           Jan

               MNPS Leadership Interviews     Values and Beliefs     Processes           ED Work Session            Metrics of              Presentation of

               Due date: Mid Sept.            Workshop               Workshop            Due date: Dec. 2           Success                 Pilot Strategies
                                              Due date: October 22   Due date: Nov. 17                              Workshop                Guide
                                                                                                                                            Due date:Due
                                                                                                                                                          of Jan.
               Presentation of Findings                                                  Mapping                    Due date: Jan. 2021     early Feb.
               from Data Analysis             Foundations                                Workshop
               Due date: early Oct.           Workshop                                   Due date: Dec. 10
                                              Due date: October 29
                                                                                                                  Core Team:
                                                                                                                  Dr. Battle               Sharon Griffin
                                                                                                                  Mason Bellamy            Chris Barnes
                                                                                                                  Keri Randolph            Steve Ball
                                                                                                                  Hank Clay                Paul Changas
                                                                                                                  Celia Conley             Tina Stenson
                                                                                                                  Natalyn Gibbs            Karen Gallman
                                                                                                                  Elisa Norris             Felicia Everson-Tuggle
                                                                                                                  Carl Carter              Katy Enterline
                                                                                                                  Michelle Springer
How can we measure progress toward these goals?

    §   Strong leaders
          §   Annual measure of average TEAM practice ratings (calibrated across EDs)
          §   Annual average leadership ratings from Panorama or other survey

    §   Getting strong leaders into the school that need them most
          §   Annual measure of the distribution of effective leaders by TEAM practice rating and economic

    §   More leadership stability, especially in high-need schools
          §   Annual measure of turnover by effectiveness as measured by TEAM practice ratings and economic

    §   Ensuring diversity among principals
          §   Annual measure of percentage of principals of color as compared with student demographics
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