Merry Christmas! - Ozarks Healthcare

Page created by Elmer Buchanan
Merry Christmas! - Ozarks Healthcare
December 22, 2021

     Merry Christmas!
As an organization, Ozarks Healthcare does
not close for holidays. However, please keep
 in mind some of our specialty clinics and
departments will be closed in observance of
Christmas Day. Our Emergency Department
  stays open 24/7. The Ozarks Healthcare
 Mountain Grove and West Plains Walk-in
 Clinics will both be closed Christmas Day
only and will resume their normal business
           hours after the holiday.

For Ozarks Healthcare location and contact
information, please visit here: https://www.

           WE WISH YOU A
Merry Christmas! - Ozarks Healthcare
December 23 is the LAST DAY to purchase a chance to win this 2021 Toyota Tacoma 4x4 truck from
Toyota of West Plains! Proceeds from raffle tickets sold will benefit the Ozarks Healthcare Foundation’s initiative to
purchase a mobile mammography unit in 2022 to help make routine screenings more accessible for women who might not
otherwise have access to this service.

Tickets are $100 and may be purchased online at or by calling 417-853-5200.

The raffle winner will be drawn on Christmas Eve! You do not need to be present to win.

    New Issue of INSIGHT Magazine
The latest issue of “Insight,” our magazine produced by
Wheelhouse Publishing, is in the mail and will be located
at our hospital, clinics, and multiple local businesses
this week! This issue highlights some of the advanced
procedures and technology being used at our Heart and
Lung Center, including intravascular ultrasound and
bronchoscopic lung reduction valves, which allows our
cardiologists and pulmonologists to diagnose and treat
heart and lung conditions with incredible precision.

You’ll also learn more about our Stryker Spinal
Navigational System, which board-certified orthopedic
and spine surgeon Dr. Troy Caron uses to help our
patients overcome back pain. Our pharmacy is also
making strides in using technology to better serve our
patients with the use of a mobile app and plans in place
for medical synchronization.

There are plenty of heartfelt stories in this issue, such
as that of two of our chaplains, who not only share a
last name, but also a love for compassion and healing. If
you are not able to pick up a hard copy of this issue, you
can view a digital version at We
hope you enjoy reading
Merry Christmas! - Ozarks Healthcare
V I D - 19

                          HUDDLE     UPfor a Booster?
                             Am I eligible
                                                                                     Be sure to check your NetLearning to
                                                                                     make sure you are up-to-date.

                                                    Booster doses of the Moderna, Pfizer,           and Johnson
                                                                                                  Cafeteria      &
                                                    Johnson COVID-19 vaccines have been authorized
                                                    under an amended Emergency Use                 Authorization
                                                                                                 Sunday,  December 26
                      Service Excellence Workshop
                                                    (EUA), following the amended standing orders for
It is time for all OZH coworkers to sign up for yourthe
                                                     YearPfizer/Comirnaty                Chef ’s Choice;
                                                                               vaccine.Breakfast options: Eggs, Bacon, Biscuits
                                                         3 Service Excellence Initiative
Workshop! As a reminder, all coworkers wearing a badge are required to attend this
                                                                                          & Gravy, Sausage (Offered Daily)
workshop which is being hosted multiple times through January and February. Yes,
                                                   The     Ozarks      Healthcare
this does include physicians and all PRN staff, so please plan ahead. Please go to your Pharmacy     is offering
Net Learning to sign up for a time that works forbooster
                                                     you. You doses      ofnet
                                                                can access   COVID-19
                                                                                learning vaccines     to eligible
                                                                                                Monday,     December 27
from any computer within the hospital or by going  individuals.      A booster dose Alfredo,
                                                        to       is recommended
                                                                                                   garlic bread, to
                                                                                                                 broccoli, dessert
and scrolling to the very bottom where you willthosefind thewho
                                                              Net meet
                                                                   Learning  link.  Once
                                                                          the following criteria.
you have logged into your Net Learning, please click on the blue tab for “learning
opportunities” and type “service.” This will bring up all available time options for the        Tuesday, December 28
workshop. Please call the Education Department if you have questions.              For those who received initial two doses of th
                                                                                   or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at least 6 mon
A Spring Dipper ice cream party will be awarded to the first departments* that has
every member complete the workshop!            •      Those 65 years and older
                                                                                              Wednesday, December 29
                                               •      Those 18 years and older who live in long-term
                                                                                    Burgers          care settings
                                                                                             ,Onion rings,  veggie, dessert
*We will award a department that has greater than
                                               •    20Those
                                                       employees and  one with less
                                                            18 years and older who have underlying medical conditions
than 20 employees.                             •      Those 18 years and older who work or live in high-risk settings

                                                                                           Thursday, December 30
                           Weekly Prayer             For those who got the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine at lea

On this Christmas Eve let us remember the powerful     and moving
                                                  • Those           prayer
                                                              18 years and of  Robert Soups, breadsticks, dessert
Louis Stevenson. Maybe this should be a prayer from our hearts. “Loving Father,
Help us remember the birth of Jesus that we may share in the Can  song Iofget
                                                                               angels,          Friday,at
                                                                                  COVID-19 vaccine      December
                                                                                                           the same31 time as anot
the gladness of the shepherds, and worship of the wise men. Close the door of hate
and open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and Breaded fish/English chips, veggie,
                                                  COVID-19 and other vaccines maydessert now be administered without regard to
good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ
                                                  administration of COVID-19 and other vaccines on the same day.
brings, and teach us to be merry with clear hearts. May the Christmas morning
                                                                                                 Saturday, January 1
make us happy to be thy children, and Christmas   Theevening    bring us to Pharmacy
                                                       Ozarks Healthcare     our beds is currently offering the Moderna, Pfizer Co
with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for  Jesus’ vaccines.
                                                  Janssen   sake. Amen. ”
                                                                      Vaccines         Chef ’s on
                                                                                are available  Choice
                                                                                                  a walk-in basis on Tuesdays and F
— Robert Louis Stevenson                          by appointment on other weekdays at the Ozarks Healthcare Pharmacy in W
                                                  to schedule an appointment. Additional clinics for booster doses may be anno
                                   Reminder: 4th Quarter Forum Video
                                                                                            Ozarks Healthcare Pharmacy
Please remember our 4th Quarter Forum Video is now available to watch! As a reminder,
                                                                                  1211 Porter coworkers
                                                                                          all             must|watch
                                                                                              Wagoner Blvd.          at least Cen
                                                                                                                #18 Parkway
two forums per year. Watch by the end of the year to receive credit! If you need the video link,West
                                                                                                 please see your
                                                                                                     Plains,     department
                                                                                                             MO 65775
or clinic leader/manager.                                                  For more information, please visit www.ozarkshealth

  Happy Holidays!                                                               from
Merry Christmas! - Ozarks Healthcare
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