Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Pacific Pearl

Page created by Randy Guzman
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Pacific Pearl
                                                                                                K   EO
Vol. XX - No.4
81.7 million hits
                                    Pacific Pearl

                      SINCE 1992

                    “Mazatlan’s Most Trusted Independent Magazine & Visitors’ Guide”
                                 Recommended by the Chicago Tribune

          y Ch ris t m a s
     Merr                  y Ne w Ye a r
                and Happ
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Pacific Pearl
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Pacific Pearl
He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree. ~Roy L. Smith.                             December / 2012 /               Pacific Pearl 3
                                                        about to create havoc, no cataclysmic    finding homes for the homeless,              Within this edition you’ll find several
                           from the                     or transformative events to worry
                                                        about, no sunbursts, which happen
                                                                                                 feeding and clothing the children,
                                                                                                 fixing our nations, stopping our wars…
                                                                                                                                              organizations to donate to, informa-
                                                                                                                                              tion to help you, people to get to
                           publisher´s                  every 11 years, but not this year, and
                                                        no evidence that Earth will collide      The Christmas season finds many
                                                                                                                                              know, parties to attend, activities to
                                                                                                                                              keep you busy, music to listen to,
                           desk                         with Planet X (Nibiru), we would have
                                                        seen it by now. We
                                                                                                 people suffering all over the world for
                                                                                                                   want and common
                                                                                                                                              restaurants to try, and travel adventu-
                                                                                                                                              res to heighten your experience of
                                                        could all hope for the                                     necessities. Let’s take    Sinaloa. Go out and enjoy yourselves
                                                        positive physical or                                       care of them. Even         this month and give back to the
       Merry Christmas and                              spiritual transforma-
                                                        tion that some believe
                                                                                                                   limited budgets can
                                                                                                                   share the true Spirit
                                                                                                                                              community we have all grown to love.
       Happy New Year!                                  may occur with the                                         of Christmas at no         And then when you wake up on the
                                                        passing of 2012, but I                                     expense at all by          22nd, 23rd, or 24th with a hangover
       Doomsday has been Cancelled...                   seriously have my                                          simply choosing to         or an overmedicated stupor, after
                                                        doubts that we’re                                          do good for others         Winter Solstice has passed and the
       I’m sure you’ve all heard something              even      capable     of                                   and being kind to          Mayan ancestors have begun etching
       about the Mesoamerican or Mayan                  something like that.                                       those you pass. If         out their new calendar, I think you’ll
       calendar coming to an end this year.             The truth of the                                           your budgets do            finally agree with my point of view...
       According to the buzz around the                 matter is that there is                                    allow, then remem-         the Mayan’s just ran out of space. So
       world this month, the Mayan’s either             no evidence that the                                       ber the people that        enjoy Christmas (or whatever holiday
       believed the world was going to end              world will actually                                        are in your lives daily,   you might be celebrating this month),
       or they just simply ran out of room on           come to an end in                                          the pulmonea driver,       enjoy 2013 when it comes rolling in,
       their calendar.                                  2012. Sports Illustra-                                     the maid, garbage          and remember that we at the Pacific
                                                        ted has already released their 2013      man, and water delivery man, or those        Pearl thank you and wish you all a
       I’m here to tell you... this isn’t the end       calendar (which I´m very excited         that suffer in staggering numbers: the       Very Merry Christmas and a Happy
       of the world. There really is no                 about seeing all the new styles). And    homeless and the hungry. Adopt a             New Year!
       problem with the astronomical or                 even the Mayan ancestors don’t belie-    family, sponsor a child, or give to your
       galactic alignment, no evidence of a             ve it’s actually true. And besides, we   favorite organization. It doesn’t take                            Saludos, Michael
       polar shift, no gravitational effect             have better things to worry about…       much to make a huge difference.

 Pacific Pearl CONTENTS featuring:
                                                       4   Welcome to Mazatlan                                           15    Love Doctors: To Gift or Not to Gift
Publisher: Michael J. Veselik                          5   Arts & Entertainment Calendar                                 16    Sports Schedule & Shot Ski
                                                       6   Faces of Mazatlan: Don Bennett                                17    Fishing Report & Tide Chart
Manager: Sylvia Mora                                7   Stranger in Paradise: It’s Not Rocket Science                 18    Dr. Backman: Pilates
Editor: Kristina Bishop                                8   About Town                                                    19    In Fond Memory: John F. Campbell
Design & Layout: Yamil Carreño                         8   Live Music Calendar                                           20    Salvation Army Schedule                                9   Cooking in Mexico: Rocky Road Roll                            22    Paws to Consider
Webmaster: Job Othoniel
Advertising Sales:
                                                      10   This Month in Mazatlan                                        22    Clubs, Organizations, & Donations
The whole crew                                        11   The Copper Canyon                                             23    Classifieds
                                                      12   Map                                                           24    We need your Votes!
Christine Yerbic, E.G. Brady,
Michael & Phyllis Giammatteo,                         14   Tourist Tips/Airport/Hotel Directory
Job Othoniel, Steven Backman,
Carol Kirkwood, Kristina Bishop,
Office: Cerro de las Torres #18
                                                                 Changes at The Pearl                                                                                    Kristina Bishop
Lomas de Mazatlan, C.P. 82110
                                                                  Hello Pacific Pearl readers! I’m writing to          The Pacific Pearl has always been committed to promoting
Tel/Fax: 913-0117, 913-4411                                       introduce myself as the new editor of the            Mazatlan, providing tourists the information they need to
                                                                  Pacific Pearl. Last month, we bid farewell to        make their trip a successful one, and providing our English
         Hours:                                     Melissa Burridge, recent editor. Although it was sad to see        speaking locals with information to help them enjoy their
   9:30 am - 1:30 pm.                               her go, we are so happy for her new beginnings and wish her
                                                    much luck and happiness!
                                                                                                                       adopted city. As we at the Pearl continually want to bring
                                                                                                                       the wonderment of Mazatlan to the forefront month after
    Monday - Friday                                                                                                    month, I welcome your suggestions, comments, ideas, or
                                                    Pacific Pearl is also pleased to introduce our newest designer     any information you would like to see in the paper! Please
                                                    Yamil Carreno! He is a great addition to our staff. His atten-     feel free to contact me anytime!
                                                    tion to detail is impressive. I am excited for you to see some
                                                    of the future design changes he has in the works.                  I will leave you with this, a poem I wrote so many years ago
                                                                                                                       that I think encapsulates the way I feel about Mazatlan, my
Editorial Pacific Pearl S.A. de C.V. is published   As for me, I started coming to Mazatlan at the age of 5 and        adopted city… my beach home… my paradise…
monthly by Mazatlan´s Pacific Pearl, Michael J.     have come every year since. My parents both fell in love
Veselik, Reg. 540998, Publisher, since 1992.        with this town the first time they arrived, and I was lucky                                 My Paradise
Total or partial reproduction of any of the         enough to tag along for many, many years. I’ve always said,          The bright orange sun begins its abrupt fall over the edge.
contents herein is strictly prohibited. All         Mazatlan has a way of getting into your blood and bringing          I surrender myself to the peacefulness that always finds me.
rights reserved under International and Pan         you back... I’m no exception. I’ve visited Mazatlan as a crazy                    The warm sand beneath my feet,
American copyright conventions. Opinions            tourist and lived here for extended times while learning                        The soft humid air caressing my skin,
expressed in articles in this paper are not         Spanish, studying in the university, working different jobs,                The ocean breeze sighing through the palms,
necessarily those of the Publisher. The             and now I have the opportunity to help the very magazine                     And the sweet smell of blooming jasmine
Publisher is not responsible for contents of        I’ve always looked for upon my arrival and grew to LOVE so                                 Welcomes me
advertisements in this paper.                       many years ago.                                                            As I once again view my paradise in Mazatlan.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Pacific Pearl
4       December / 2012 /                        Pacific Pearl                   The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. ~Burton Hillis

   Welcome to Mazatlán, the pearl of the             from Hotel Playa Mazatlán to El Cid Mega           “Cerritos” and you will find these more               diving from the rocks, into tidal pools.
Pacific, where the average temperature               Resort.                                            isolated beaches. Popular with surfers, it is
hovers around 82 degrees, the sun shines                In the area of the Hotel Zone, you will see     also a great area for horse riding and has a             ACTIVITIES
every day, and outdoors is the place to be.          three islands rising offshore. Las Tres Islas:     relaxing atmosphere with good open-air                   Shop the Golden Zone: Handicrafts, silver
The activities this city has to offer will appeal    Wolf, Deer and Bird islands. Deer Island           restaurants serving delicious seafood.                jewelry, leather clothes, huarache sandals,
to everyone. Here on the Sea of Cortéz,              (center) has a small beach with great tide           SIGHTSEEING —Mazatlán is proud of its               handmade gold and silver jewelry, Mexican
Mazatlán’s coastline beckons you to stroll           pools for snorkeling and can be accessed by        rich history, as evidenced by the many                zarapes, hand-painted pottery, talavera
along its numerous beaches, or its 10 kms of         boat cruises.                                      monuments throughout the city that have               dishes, fine wood sculptures, Mexican
Malecón—seawall, or to hike to El Faro-                 Isla de la Piedra – Stone Island is located     become landmarks to us all. The                       blankets and so much more are available in
lighthouse, the second highest natural               at the southern end of the city and is actually    Fisherman’s Monument is the most promi-               the shops of the Golden Zone.
lighthouse in the world.                             a peninsula but is easily accessible by taking     nent, located on Avenida del Mar and Gutie-              Restaurants & Nightclubs: Enjoy different
   Beaches – Our beaches all have lifeguards         a water taxi from the harbor (20 pesos             rrez Najera. The Sinaloan Family, looking             restaurant every night—from local, succulent
for your protection, and warning flags along         return) This is a laid-back destination where      towards the future, is located near                   seafood to hot & spicy Mexican plates, to
the beaches indicate by their color the condi-       you can walk, horse ride, or rent an ATV to        Valentino´s and was a gift to the city from           international fine dining. And the nightlife
tion of the water. Swimmers should know:             explore the miles of undeveloped beaches,          our famous artist, Antonio Lopez Saenz, at            never ends. Happening clubs for those who
                                                     or hang out in one of the several open-air         the turn of the century.                              like to party long and late, and romantic
                                                     restaurants.                                         El Centro – Downtown is the original                dance floors for easy listening and dancing.
                                                        Olas Altas means high waves.                    Mazatlán where you will see neo-classical             They´re all here.
                                                        Located in Centro Historico Old Town,           architecture and the European influence of               Sport Fishing: The local waters are
                                                     Olas Altas is the starting point for the           this port’s early settlers. Take a Sábalo             teeming with swordfish, sailfish, marlin, tuna
                                                     Malecón, the city´s seaside walkway and            Centro (green) bus that travels from the              and dorado. Farther north is the best fresh
                                                     continues for 10 kms, up to Valentino´s.           north of the city, to downtown. Visit the             water bass fishing in Mexico.

                                                     Shops, galleries and restaurants offer art,        Cathedral, Central Market and Plaza Revolu-
                                                     silver, souvenirs and great food.                  ción.
                                                        Playa Los Pinos: between the Marine               Centro Historico –Old Town—Walk a little
                                                     House and Fish-erman´s Monument. Local
                                                     fishermen sell their daily catches here in the
                                                                                                        further south and west of Plaza Revolución
                                                                                                        and you will find Plazuela Machado and the                   Tourist
                                                     early morning or late afternoon.
                                                        Playa Norte: North of Playa Los Pinos,
                                                                                                        Angela Peralta Theater in Centro Historico,
                                                                                                        the restored historic center of the city which                Aide
  BEACH SPORTS—try them all: parasail,
                                                     Playa Norte is a popular site to watch locals
                                                     play beach baseball and soccer.
                                                        Playa Marlin: Along Avenida del Mar.
                                                                                                        now extends to many streets with new shops
                                                                                                        and restaurants. If you continue walking
                                                                                                        west, toward the sea, you will come to the
                                                                                                                                                                 Mazatlan Tourist Aides are a volunteer
kayak, boogie board,sail on a catamaran, jet         Fresh seafood is served at beachside restau-       seaside area known as Olas Altas,
ski, banana boat, shore fish, swim, bodysurf,        rants.                                             Mazatlán´s original tourist zone. Here you                group backed by the government to
play beach volleyball...or laze the day away            Punta Camarón: the rocky point next to          can visit the Archeological Museum, the                  provide information and help you find
under a palapa.Do as much or as little as you        Valentino´s is a favorite with experienced         Museum of Art and art galleries. If you are            your way. They do not work for any hotel,
want. In the area of the Golden Zone:                surfers who love this area´s big crashing          here on the first Friday of the months                  restaurant, or timeshare business. Look
  Playa Sábalos: Sábalo beach is on the              waves.                                             between November and May, you can tour
north side of Valentino´s nightclub                     North Beaches: Playa Bruja and Punta            the studios of local artists. Further along Olas       for their logo on their bright blue t-shirts
(castlelike structure). Playa Gaviotas extends       Cerritos—take any of the buses marked              Altas, you can watch clavadistas—cliff divers,                        around town.

                                                                                                           ESSENTIAL PHONE NUMBERS
                                                                                                         TOURIST SAFETY                                      FIRE DEPARTMENT                             068
                                                                                                         Maz Tourism Office             981-8886/7           (Av. Gabriel Leyva)                   981-2769
                                                                                                         DA for Tourists                  914-3222           (Av. Insurgentes)                     983-9920
                                                                                                         Clinica del Mar Emergency        983-1777           from cell phone                     Telcel *116
                                                                                                         Clinica del Mar                  983-1524                                             Movistar *068
                                                                                                         Sharp Hospital Emergency         986-7911           GOVERNMENT DEPTS
                                                                                                         Sharp Hospital            986-5676 ext. 100         Port Captain                         982-24-04
                                                                                                         POLICE                                                                                    981-2204
                                                                                                         Emergency Assistance            066 or 088          Immigration Office              981-4137 / 3813
                                                                                                         Tourist Police & others           986-8126          City Hall                             982-2111
                                                                                                         Traffic Police (Transito)        983-2816           Customs Office                  981-1570 / 6109
                                                                                                         State Police                      985-5311          Airport Police                        982-2088
                                                                                                         Federal Highway Police            980-6880          Municipal Bus                         982-2997
                                                                                                         UTILITIES                                           Civil Registry (Marriage)             983-0478
                                                                                                         Water (Jumapam)                         073         OTHER
                                                                                                         Electricity (CFE)                       071         Bus Station                            982-8351
                                                                                                         Gas Leaks                         981-0505          Baja Ferries                           985-0471
                                                                                                         RED CROSS                                065        Post Office                            981-2121
                                                                                                         Emergency                          981-3690
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Pacific Pearl
I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. ~Charles Dickens                                December / 2012 /                   Pacific Pearl 5

                                                                                                                                                              All amounts are in pesos

                                                         Arts & Entertainment Calendar                                                         
Lila Downs, 20th year of the Angela Peralta choral group, The Nutcracker, Romeo & Juliet, Christmas Concert
The Angela Peralta Theatre is located in Centro, on                                              Sunday 9: Romeo y Julieta. This love story is perfor-
Carnaval in the Plazuela Machado. Box office hours are                                           med by La Compañia Iguana Roja under the direction
9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Call ahead to confirm –                                       of Alfredo Vergara, Plazuela Machado, 7 p.m., free
982 4446, hit O, for a bilingual attendant. Credit cards are                                     Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12: El Cascanueces,
accepted. Tickets are often available at the Gran Plaza,                                         The Nutcracker. Maestro Enrique Patrón de Rueda
from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Casa Haas is a small theatre/art                                          conducts the Sinaloa Symphony Orchestra who per-
gallery and is located in Centro, on the corner of Mariano                                       forms this classic Tchaikovsky composition, along
Escobedo and Heriberito Frias. Tickets, even if the event is                                     with ballet dancers from Compañia Danza Ballet de
free, must be purchased at the Angela Peralta box office.                                        Mazatlan under direction of Zoila Fernández. Angela
Friday 7: Lila Downs in concert. Mexican singer                                                  Peralta, 6 p.m. and 8: 30 p.m.; $120-$300
songwriter (born in Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca) performs her own                                           Friday 14 and Saturday 15: Gala Navideña, Christ-
work as well as tapping into Mexican popular and                                                 mas Concert. Classic Christmas music with the Angela
indigenous songs. Angela Peralta, 8 p.m.; $180-$380                                              Peralta choral group and Camerata Mazatlan, a local
Saturday 8: Gala 20th anniversary of the Angela Peralta                                          chamber orchestra, Angela Peralta, 8 p.m.; $180-$300
choral group, Angela Peralta, 8 p.m.; $180-$300
El Recreo - Mazatlan Film & Theater
El Recreo is on Constitución #209. There are two screenings – 5 p.m. and 7:15 p.m.               Wednesday 12: A Christmas Kitchen Party- two shows, 5 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. A
Tickets are $30, and are available, at the door, 30 minutes prior. For detailed film             special holiday celebration in the theater, presented by Mazatlan Film and Theater.
synopsis go to El Recreo is a not for profit community center                                                 Some of Mazatlan's most popular musicians and singers
complete with a coffee shop and book store..                                                                                 will come together to bring you an evening of music,
Tuesday 4: La Traviata, directed by Franco Zeffirelli, Verdi’s opera is sung by                                              song and stories. Your chance to experience a kitchen
Placido Domingo and Teresa Stratas. English subtitles, scene descriptions are a mix                                          party- relax with friends and help raise money to
of English and Spanish, $30.                                                                                                 improve El Recreo’s rest rooms. Tickets are $120,
                                                                                                                             ( request which time you want) are on sale in the coffee
Wednesday 5: The Power of Music. This a compilation of TED talks – featuring
                                                                                                                             shop and at the library, reservations are required for this
Robert Gupta a violinist with the L.A. Philharmonic and Evelyn Glennie, a
                                                                                                                             special event.
percussionist who became completely deaf at age 12. Two acclaimed musicians
perform and speak powerfully about using music to heal and transform their lives.                                            Tuesday 18: The Sound of Music Singalong, there are
2 p.m., free, donate what you can.                                                                                           English subtitles for all of the lyrics for you to belt out
                                                                                                                             along with Julie Andrews and other cast members from
Thursday 6: The Last Waltz, Thanksgiving 1976, the Band performs its final con-
                                                                                                                             this 1965 classic film. Spanish subtitles for the dialogue.
cert after 16 years. Martin Scorsese explores the interactions onstage
                                                                                                                             Costumes most welcome, $30.
(Ronnie Hawkins, Bob Dylan) and the making of the music, $30.
Angela Peralta Theatre Galleries. There are two galleries; the upstairs gallery                  inside the school on Belisario Dominguez and Hidalgo. Closed Sundays, open every
above the theatre is referred to as the Galeria, and hosts revolving shows as does the           day from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
downstairs in the gallery, Galeria Rubio.                                                        Wednesday 5: Luna arte contemporáneo, New Works/New Season, opening re-
Open week days from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m; 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.                                            ception, 7 p.m. This group exhibition is fresh, diverse and features Mazatleco artist
Museo de Arte: On now- First annual International Cartoon Exhibition/Contest;                    Favio Montoya and Peruvian artist Daniel Manta, along with Elina Chauvet, Lanny
Exposición de cartones/1er Concurso Internacional del Cartón, Sinaloa 2012, 400                  Garland, Kathleen Baker Pittman, David Robb, Nan Robb, Glen Rogers, Lucila
cartoonists from 54 countries participated in this exhibition where the theme is                 Santiago and Carlos Z. Luna is the only contemporary art gallery in Centro
sexual diversity. 283 cartoons, take your time. There are three galleries – the                  Historico that deals exclusively in fine art. , open
permanent collection is in the Sala Antonio López Sáenz. Changing exhibits are in                Wednesday to Saturday from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m., by appointment 669 933 8005,
both the Sala Roberto Perez Rubio and Sala Carlos Bueno Galleries. It’s located in               located on Niños Heroes #1211. Wednesday Jan. 2: solo exhibition by Mazatleco
Centro, on Sixto Osuna #71 and Venustiano Carranza, opens at 10 a.m., closed                     artist, Rafael Avila Tirado, opening reception from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Sundays, call 985 3502.                                                                          Friday 7: First Friday ArtWalk: In this 6th annual ArtWalk, 45 artists participate
Centro Cultural Valladolid: On now – Dom, an exhibit by Polish artist Ania                       in the free self-guided art tour through the streets and studios of Centro; it's from
Swiatlowska. Dom in Polish means both house and home. This is an award                           4 p.m. - 8 p.m. ArtWalk maps are available online (
winning, ground breaking art installation. It’s a new gallery in Centro, located

General Interest
Thursday 6: Benefit for Rancho de los Ninos, Los Zarapes (in the GZ), from                       Saturday 8: Monthly Friends of Mexico meeting, 2:30 p.m., Museo de Arte. No
11 a.m - 2 p.m. Your $200 ticket buys lunch, with several choices, bingo, door                   food for this meeting, but at 3 p.m. you'll be treated to a performance by students of
prizes, entertainment by Oscar, and prize for best Hawaiian outfit. There's also                 the Professional Dance School
Totally Tami's fashion show. To buy tickets: call Cranda- 988 0608,                              Saturday 15: Friends of Mexico's Christmas Party. Your $280 ticket includes a
Macaws- 981-6180, Tami- 916 5634.                                                                buffet dinner, open bar, live music and dancing to the Survivor Trio at Los Zarapes,
Saturday 8: Desayuno de los Pollos, annual charity breakfast hosted by the Medina                7 p.m. Please rsvp:
family. For the past 20 years, 1400 chickens and 500 dry-good pantries are                       Sunday 16: Mazatlan's only school for the blind/Una Luz hacia el Mundo -
distributed to Mazatlan’s most needy on December 24. Please help support this                    breakfast fundraiser, La Palapa del Mar, 9 a.m. $150 includes breakfast, prizes and
important project – there will be many raffles, prizes and a silent auction to help              a musical presentation by the students. Nissan recently donated a van and funds are
raise funds to buy the chickens. It takes place in the donated warehouse by API                  now needed for insurance, license, and salary for the driver. For tickets please
( where the cruise ships dock) and the breakfast begins at 8:30 a.m. Your ticket,                contact John Castro, 669 199 1672 or e mail
$150, can now be purchased online at:
                                         Syndicated from MazatlanLife © Copyright 2012 All rights reserved. Printed with permission.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Pacific Pearl
6       December / 2012 /                 Pacific Pearl                                                                       At Christmas, all roads lead home. ~Marjorie Holmes

 Faces of Mazatlan:                                                               Don Bennett
                                                                                                            Kristina Bishop
Have you ever met someone that right                                              professional soccer player from Turkey                                                 Zorros de Sinaloa
away you just knew you were going to                                              who had also recently retired and was
like? That’s how I felt when I met Don                                            simply as bored as Don was with just           decided to quit his professional coaching position to help
Bennett.                                                                          sitting by the pool. “To this day, I believe   coach the amputee soccer group. With the help of Barry,
                                                                                  if I hadn’t met Zorro, there would have        they received a grant for $25k from Boeing and started
Don and his wife, Carol, moved to                                                 been a slim chance of having an ampu-          building amputee leagues around the world. The rules are
Mazatlan in 2010, just after deciding to                                          tee soccer team in Mazatlan.” After            now the official regulations but are by no means simple… all
retire at the age of 80. Don was a                                                coach, Zorro, and translator, Fabiola,         goalies have only one arm and all players have only one leg
successful entrepreneur, which alone                                              were on board things continued to fall         and use Canadian crutches.
shows Don’s ambition and drive for                                                into place. They met other “dedicated
success. And the way he lovingly                                                  and hardworking people” from Mazatlan          What continues to drive Don Bennett? With tears welling
speaks about his wife and 7 children                                              who helped build the “Zorros de                up in his eyes, he explains that, “Within each amputation
represents his true character. But the                                            Sinaloa” soccer team. With the support         there is a story.” Many of the stories he’s heard are about
story that should be told is a story that               Don Bennett               of so many people and businesses               cancer tumors, car or motorcycle accidents, natural
shows Don’s spirit and true grit...                                               around Mazatlan, Don not only succee-          disasters like earthquakes or hurricanes, and far too many
                                                               ded in forming a team here, but has                                                  are returning veterans who have fought
On Aug 8, 1972, at the age of 42, Don lost one of his legs already booked the 2014 WAFF World                                                       hard and given far too much for their
in a boating accident. In the early days of his accident, Don Cup for Culiacan.                                                                     countries. There are literally thousands of
asked, “Why me?” But only two months later when Don                                                                                                 amputees playing soccer around the
was being fitted for his prosthetic leg, he saw someone who When asked where the idea for an                                                        world with their own stories. The best
had both legs missing. In that moment Don recalls, “I said amputee soccer league came from,                                                         thing the league provides to these
to myself, I’ll never feel sorry for myself again. And instead Don describes the following. In 1980,                                                players, Don says, “Is giving them a
of thinking about all the things I couldn’t do, I started as he was watching one of his sons                                                        chance to change their self-esteem and
thinking about all the things I could do.”                     shoot hoops in the driveway he would                                                 self-image; a chance to start feeling good
                                                               occasionally kick the ball back up to his                                            about themselves again. It changes
And boy did he ever. As a former mountain climber and son. That night, he woke with an                                                              lives.”
competitive athlete, Don became the first amputee to epiphany, “If these kids can ski with
climb Mt. Rainier, the 2nd highest mountain in North one leg, why can’t we play soccer?”                                                              He’s already given so much… but, he
America. He can play any sport, swims a mile each day, They started playing by kicking a basketball around a field               says, “I’m still not that comfortable sitting around the pool.”
was a snow ski instructor for amputees, and he started the and making up their own rules. The idea evolved when                  So, this year he is planning to start an amputee league in
World Amputee Football Federation (WAFF) which now they started challenging other teams in the area, bringing                    Vietnam and his ultimate goal is to secure a spot for Ampu-
has teams in over 30 countries.                                extra crutches and making the opposing team lift one of           tee Soccer in the 2016 Paralympic games in Brazil. “If that
                                                               their legs up. “Every game we played we came away with            goal is achieved, I may just sit around the pool…” However,
And he has already given back to Mazatlan. After only 2 new friends and built a new respect for amputees,” said                  after spending only a couple hours with this man, I highly
days of sitting by the pool during retirement, he decided Don. And then, as Don has learned throughout his lifetime,             doubt he will ever be able to just “sit around a pool”... he
that Mazatlan needed an amputee soccer league. After the “If you have an idea and believe in the idea something will             has too many ideas, too much spirit, and far too much grit…
idea was formed, he met Berc Zoraian (Zorro) and his wife happen to help you.” And it sure did… Don was appro-
Fabiola down by the pool. Zorro just happened to be a ached by Bill Barry, the Seattle Sounders coach, who                       More info on WAFF can be found at
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Pacific Pearl
It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air. ~W.T. Ellis                               December / 2012 /                 Pacific Pearl 7

  Stranger in Paradise:                                                                                                                                              E.G. Brady

                  Inglish... not English...It’s Not Rocket Science!
                  I may have started my       special place in heaven, while his            If you really listen carefully to Ameri-   tic has many holes that could be filled
                  teaching career later       English counterpart, well, may he rot       cans talk, you’ll notice that a word like    by Spanish words. We’ve already stolen
                  than most, but I try to     forever and no mercy. Even the name         “comfortable” will tend to come out          quite a few, like siesta (which sounds so
                  atone for my lack of        itself is spelled wrong; it should be       something like “CUHMF-trrr-buhl.” If         much more appealing than nap,
                  experience by being         Inglish.                                    you pronounce it the way it’s written,       especially for an adult). I think we
                  unfailingly    cheerful,                                                no one will understand you, and that         should also adopt mucho, as in Besame
even when my students tell me I look            On the other hand, orally speaking (is    goes for about half of all English words,    Mucho. Mucho sure sounds better than
like Flanders, the Simpson’s annoyingly       that redundant?), English is much           including half. If you can pronounce         a lot, or a whole bunch. Novio/novia
dull neighbor, then bring the dummy to        simpler. For one thing, the verbs don’t     onward, absurd, nerd, whirred, word          beats the hell out of the juvenile
school to prove it (see photo, I’m the        change much, it’s I go, you go, we go,      and byrd so they all rhyme, you’re           boyfriend/girlfriend or the stuffy signifi-
one on the right). And although the           they go, everybody go! In                                                                           cant other. Paseo succinctly
textbooks are usually British (“Leave the     Spanish, all of the previous                                                                        expresses pleasant outing,
lorry at the flat and ring me”), here in      go’s take on a different                                                                            and how about Ni modo
Mazatlan it makes more sense to learn         form to memorize. Too                                                                               instead of it’s too bad, but
hybrid American, in which I am defini-        much info for anyone over                                                                           there’s nothing we can do
tely fluent. My resume may be under-          age twenty to catch on to!                                                                          about it. Andale has a real
qualified, but I know my stuff. And what                                                                                                          ring to it, especially compa-
I don’t know I can fake.                        Thank God English has                                                                             red to the now stale go for it.
                                              the good sense not to                                                                               And for adding insult to
   Every semester I start my classes with     divide everything in the                                                                            injury, pendejo has a nice
a little introductory lecture about “Why      known universe into two                                                                             three syllable snap to it that
I Love the English Language,” trying to       categories, masculine and                                                                           &*%^ lacks.
infuse them with some appreciation,           feminine, and insist that the
maybe even some enthusiasm, before            adjectives and articles                                                                               In spite of all its imperfec-
we get into the messy details. I tell them    follow suit, the way the                                                                            tions and shortcomings, I do
it’s not rocket science, in fact learning     so-called Romantic Langua-                                                                          sincerely love the English
English as a second language is much          ges do. Isn’t the struggle                                                                          language, for its richness and
more complicated. In mere rocket              between       the      sexes                                                                        quirkiness. And I love
science, for example, 2+2 always equals       all-consuming        enough                                                                         teaching it. Mercifully, for
4, whereas in English it could be two,        without spilling over into                                                                          easily bored students and
too, or two, not to mention for, fore, or     every last little inanimate                                                                         teachers     alike,    modern
four, depending on the context.               object     and        abstract          E.G. Brady & Flanders, from the Simpson’s... Twins?         experts have tended to
                                              concept?!                                                                                           conclude that the best way
   In Spanish, you can look at any word                                                     getting the hang of it. A Brit once told to learn a foreign language is not the old
and know exactly how to pronounce it.           One of the hurdles that Spanish me that Yanks talk like they have fashioned rote method, all that memori-
They even put in little accent marks if       speakers have to overcome is this cigarettes in their mouths, never fully zing and reciting, but by osmosis, the
there’s any question about which              overpowering urge to pronounce every enunciating properly. Good tip, but way babies learn their native tongue. It
syllable to stress. It spoils you for truly   letter “correctly” and distinctly. In order since smoking is forbidden on campus, I soaks in everywhere, from all kinds of
illogical languages like English (or,         to ever hope to approximate the Ameri- generally recommend a dangling tooth- sources. Jokes, games, internet, movies
crazier yet, French, which combines the       can vernacular, they must learn first that pick or ballpoint pen for that authentic with subtitles, intercultural romance,
worst aspects of both English and             the most common vowel sounds north uh-MARE-uh-kuhn accent.                              anything fun and interesting is more
Spanish, and then some). Whoever              of the border are uh as in Duh, and rrrr                                                effective than those musty old textbo-
designed Spanish spelling deserves a          as in Earth.                                    English on whichever side of the Atlan- oks filled with verb conjugations and
                                                                                                                                      vocabulary lists from 19th century
                                                                                                                                      Europe. So not only is “American
                                                                                                                                      English as a Second Language” more
                                                                                                                                      challenging than rocket science, it’s
                                                                                                                                      even more fun.

                                                                                                                                                E.G. Brady is in this 13th year of
                                                                                                                                             writing light hearted articles for the
                                                                                                                                                                     Pacific Pearl.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Pacific Pearl
8                 December / 2012 /                   Pacific Pearl                I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month. ~Harlan Miller

                                                                                                                                                                           Pacific Pearl Editorial Staff

Immigration Changes                                                         help you fill out the application forms and help you           “Visitor” (Visitante), “Temporary Resident” (Residente
On November 9, Mexico’s new immigration laws took                           understand where you fit within the new laws.                  Temporal), and “Permanent Resident” (Residente
effect. Those of you who have entered the country or                                                                                       Permanente).
renewed your visas status since that date may have                          The key changes to the law are this:
already noticed the changes. Those of you who haven’t                       The visa cards & booklets that you currently have, i.e.        Additional information can be found at:
noticed yet, don’t worry, it’s not as confusing or scary as                                                                      
it might seem...                                                                                                                           SECTUR: 981-8883 Ext. 9 for English,
                                                                                                                                           Immigration: 981-3813 Ext. 0 for operator.
On November 29, the Sinaloa International Advisory
Council, The Governor’s Advisory Council, Mexican                                                                                          New Flights!!
Department of Immigration, Aduana, & Hacienda came                                                                                         What an experience we’ve had this last month! It has
together to advise us of the immigration laws in Mexico.                                                                                   been literally impressive to see how many people have
All of the English speaking media representatives partici-                                                                                 come together in support of our newest airline, Cal Jet
pated in the planning of this meeting and are hopeful                                                                                      Air. From the governor, to local business owners, to
that your questions were answered. For those of you                                                                                        local media representatives, this airline is set up for
who were not able to attend this meeting, we’ll explain                                                                                    success. Now all we need is you! Cal Jet Air operated
a little bit here.                                                                                                                         by Xtra Airlines has scheduled flights starting January 9,
                                                                                                                                           2013, to Mazatlan. There will be 9 flights per week
Although many changes have occurred, it is first and                                                                                       originating from the following US cities: Thursdays and
foremost important that you know that whatever immi-                                                                                       Sundays from Los Angeles and Denver, Fridays and
gration document or Visa you currently hold (Tourist,                                                                                      Mondays from Houston & Oakland, and Wednesdays
FM3, FM2, etc.), the documents will remain valid up to                                                                                     from San Antonio. Cal Jet is currently a charter airline,
the expiration date listed on the card. You do not need                                                                                    but after the first of the year, they will be applying for
to rush into immigration to check on your status. You                                                                                      regular carrier status and hopefully by midyear they’ll be
can continue to use this visa until the expiration date at                                                                                 able to expand their services. Currently all bookings are
which point in time you will have to renew under one of                                                                                    being handled by Carefree Vacations and Public
the new categories. These laws will take effect as soon                                                                                    Charters. And they even have a special vacation deal
as your documents expire and you look to renew or if                                                                                       with TravelZoo that includes a round trip flight, room,
you are newly applying.                                                                                                                    and 3 nights all inclusive meals and beverages at El Cid
                                                                                                                                           Hotel for as little as $399 USD, including all taxes and
It is important to realize that each individual person                                                                                     fees. That’s a deal!!
applying for a visa will have different situations and
therefore have different questions that need to be                                                                               
answered. SECTUR (The Secretary of Tourism) has lots                                                                             
of information and contacts to help you get your                                                                                 
questions answered. Additionally, remember that the
Immigration office has a few English speaking represen-                     FM2 "Immigrant”, FM3 "Non-Immigrant," or Inmigrado                  ---compiled from The Sinaloa International Advisory
tatives to help you, and just a few houses away from                        “Immigrated” will no longer be used. These cards are                Council, The Governors Advisory Council, Mexican
their office there are two very good businesses that can                    being replaced with different migratory designators:                    Department of Immigraton, SECTUR, & Noroeste

                                                          M onday          Tuesday             Wednesday              Thursday                Friday            Saturday               Sunday
                         Casa Loma                                                                                                                             Canto Altano
                         913-5398                                                                                                                                 (Romantic)
                         Ave. Gaviotas # 104                                                                                                                     7:30-10:30pm
December Live Music !!

                         Hotel Playa Mazatlan
                                                                                                                                         The Brenster &
                                                                                                                                         Carrum (Romantic)
                         669-989-0555                                                                                                    Dec 21, 6-10:00pm
                         Golden Zone                                                                                                    THIS DAY IN DEC ONLY
                         Jungle Juice                                                       Classic 60’s Rock                                  Codigo Azul (Romantic)
                         913-3315                                                                   (DJ)                                             9:00pm-2:00am,
                         Del Las Garzas 101                                                    8:30pm-1:00am                                        Thursday - Sunday

                         La Santera                                                          Tanya Carrum
                         912-0250                                                               6:00-9:00pm
                         Olas Altas

                         Last Drop                                                          Fernando Joshua
                         988-1111                                                               (Acoustic)
                         Punta Cerritos                                                      Reservations Only

                         Playa Bruja                                                                  Musica Andina                                                                    Live Music
                         988-0425                                                                     Monday - Saturday                                                                Every Sunday
                         Sabalo Cerritos                                                                6:30-9:30pm                                                                     4:00-9:30pm

                         SOCIAL Café Lounge                             Rubye Tuesday                              Rob Lamonica
                         176-7144                                             (Jazz)                              (Classic Piano Bar)
                         In front of Costa de Oro                          6:00-9:30pm                                6:00-9:30pm

                         The Saloon                     Suki w/ Ebano                                                                                          Karaoke
                         668-7599, by Dairy Queen,        (Soft Rock)                                                                                          w/ Robert & Diane
                         next to Rin Rin, Golden Zone    5:30-9:30pm                                                                                           6:30-10:30pm

                         Terraza - La Choperia                                         Vertebra                                                                Cloata
                         Av Camaron Sabalo 200 L1                                 10:00pm - 2:00am                                                       10:00pm - 2:00am
                         Golden Zone                                              Monday - Thursday                                                        Friday - Sunday

                         Twisted Mama’s                                      ZAZ                  Ebano                   ZAZ                Ebano                   ZAZ                  Ebano
                         669-129-2021           Closed Mondays           (Classic Rock)         (Pop Rock)           (Classic Rock)        (Pop Rock)           (Classic Rock)          (Pop Rock)
                         Zona Dorada, La Laguna                          6:30-10:30pm          6:30-10:30pm          6:30-10:30pm         6:30-10:30pm           6:30-10:30pm          6:30-10:30pm

                         Water’s Edge                                   Santo Fabian                                 Nacho &
                         136-0895                                       (Guitar & Vocals)                           Maria Teresa
                         Olas Altas #16                                   6:00-10:00pm                                7:00-9:00pm
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Pacific Pearl
Remember This December, That love weighs more than gold! ~Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon                 December / 2012 /             Pacific Pearl 9

In the December issue of the Pacific Pearl, a cookie recipe is usually
offered. This year, for the candy lovers, this is for you, rocky road candy.
Feel free to substitute pecans in place of the walnuts. Chocolate chips are
available in the large super markets during the Christmas season. When
purchasing ingredients to make this candy, there will be enough to make
2 rolls; do not try to double this recipe, as it will be too difficult to


1 cup             Coconut, shredded
1 cup             Semi-sweet chocolate chips (6oz)                                                                                   A great big
1                 Egg, beaten (see note)
3 cups
½ cup

                  Marshmallows, small size
                  Walnuts, coarsely chopped
                                                                                                   PHOTO!!!!!!        Thanks
                                                                                                                                 to Bill & Patty
Spread the coconut, in a thin layer, on a long sheet of aluminum foil,                             & MAKE AD
approximately 12 to 14 inches long.
In the bottom part of a double boiler, add water to heat. Water level                              SMALLER!!!              They brought a pile of baseball bats, balls,
                                                                                                                             mitts, and a catcher’s vest to help the
should not reach the bottom of insert, which is the top section of the                                                        Liga Quintero kid’s baseball league.
double boiler. Over low heat, water is heated to a simmer. It should                                                       Your contribution is greatly appreciated!!
never reach the boiling stage.
Melt chocolate chips in the top section of the double boiler. Cool the
melted chocolate to the touch, about 5 minutes.
Beat egg in a small mixing bowl, temper the chocolate by gradually
adding about 3 tablespoon of the chocolate to the beaten egg. Gradually
stir the rest of the egg mixture into the remaining chocolate mixture. Do
not add all of the egg at one time, as the egg will become scrambled.
Add the marshmallows and chopped walnuts, folding the chocolate to
coat all the ingredients.
Spoon the chocolate mixture on top of the coconut. Pick up the side of
the foil, roll to form a log, rolling the log to be covered with coconut. Use
the foil to cover the log. Refrigerate, chill overnight for the roll to firm up.
Cut into 1/2 inch thick slices.

Yield approx 6 to 8 slices

Note: Concerned about raw egg ingredient, the heat from the chocolate
will coddle the egg. In some USA areas, pasteurized eggs are available,
which can be used in place of raw eggs.

              Christine Yerbic is a self-described ´foodie´ who spent over 25 years working
           professionally in the food service industry. Since her first visit to Mexico in 1962,
              she has endeavored to learn all she could about cooking here; and has been
                    sharing her cooking knowledge with Pacific Pearl readers for 13 years.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Pacific Pearl
10     December / 2012 /              Pacific Pearl                      Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts. ~Janice Maeditere

 Don’t miss Brenster & Carrum at Hotel
 Playa Mazatlan. For the price of entry,
 you can’t beat this evening… What an
   excellent way to spend a romantic
                                                                                                                         in Mazatlán
 night overlooking the ocean on one of
the most beautiful beaches of Mazatlan                                                   Make sure you see Mazatlan Life´s Arts & Entertainment
  while listening to a fabulous musical                                                        Calendar on page 5 for additional events
 duo, with an all you can drink bar, and                                               Dec. 1 The new President of Mexico takes control of the office
      an overstuffed buffet dinner.                       Photo by: Rodolfo Becerra.   Dec. 1 Classical ballet, Giselle, performed by Compañia Danza Ballet de Mazat-
                                                                                       lan, Angela Peralta, 8 p.m.
                                                                                       Dec. 3-5 World Access Project, 15th Annual Wheelchair Recreation & Sports
                                                   Come & enjoiy it !                  camp. You’re invited to come help, watch, & support the camp. Location: Torres
                                                                                       Dec. 5 Luna: Arte Contemporáneo opening reception 7 to 9pm. New Exhibit
                                                                                       through Dec 29, includes Luna’s regular artists & guests Daniel Manta, a Peruvian
                                                                                       artist, and Favio Montoya, a native Mazatlan artist. Manta’s work displays a
                                                                                       mixture of the real and surreal in beautifully rendered paintings of objects and
                                                                                       figures and Montoya’s watercolors of seemingly innocent childhood dramas are
                                                                                       rich with psychological undertones and metaphors. For info contact Glen Rogers
                                                                                       (044)669-933-8005, Gallery: 136-0024, Niños Héroes #1211, Centro Histórico,
                                                               * Transportation        Mazatlán,
                                                                                       Dec. 6-9 World Access Project, International Wheelchair Tennis Tournament-
                                                               * Meal                  come watch tennis players from Mexico, Canada, U.S. and other countries.
                                                               * Agave                 Location: Torres Mazatlan ***Seeking additional support and sponsors to help
                                                                 Distillery Tour       with both events. Contact Tito (045) 33-1006-2672 or Richard 520-343-
                                                                                       4402(International) or 712-289-6423 (México)
                                                               * Drinks                Dec .7 Tutti Cantano - Italian Conversation Club, Every Friday 5 p.m. at Casa de

                                                               $ 70 Dlls.
                                                                                       los Pérez Meza (Melchor Ocampo #51) 981-7987
                                                                                       Dec. 7 First Friday ArtWalk, 45 artists in Centro open their door for this free,
                                                                                       self-guided tour, 4 pm-8 pm
                                                                                       Dec. 7 Lila Downs in concert, Angela Peralta, 8 p.m.                   Dec. 8 Dasayuno de los Pollos, Annual Charity Breakfast Hosted by the Medina
                                                                                       Family, 8 a.m. at the API Facilities, where cruise ships come in. Ticket price:$150
                                                                                       (The Breakfast, handcrafts Bazaar, Prize Raffle, & Silent Auction will raise funds to
                                                                                       buy chickens to distribute on Christmas Eve to those in need)
                                                                                       Dec. 8 Friends of Mexico monthly meeting, 2:30 p.m., Museo de Arte, with a
                                                                                       performance from the students from the Professional Dance School
                                                                                       Dec. 8 Gala XX Anniversary of the Angela Peralta choral group, Angela Peralta 8 pm
                                                                                       Dec. 9-16 Hanukkah
                                                                                       Dec. 9 Romeo y Julieta. Performed by La Compañia Iguana Roja, Plazuela
                                                                                       Machado, 7 p.m.
                                                                                       Dec. 11 El Cascanueces, The Nutcracker. Maestro Enrique Patrón conducts the
                                                                                       Sinaloa Symphony Orchestra, Angela Peralta, 6 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
                                                                                       Dec. 12 Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe
                                                                                       Dec.13 Musica por la Armonia, Music for Harmony, 8pm, Francisco Villa
                                                                                       Dec.13 Homenaje a Fernando Valadés, Olas Altas, 8 p.m.
                                                                                       Dec.13 Mitos, Patrones, y Obsesiones, Expo, Angela Peralta Gallery, 7 p.m. Free
                                                                                       Dec. 14 & 15 Gala Navideña, Christmas Concert. Classic Christmas music with
                                                                                       the Angela Peralta choral group, Angela Peralta, 8 p.m.
                                                                                       Dec. 15 Friends of Mexico’s Christmas Party, Los Zarapes, 7 p.m.
                                                                                       Dec. 16 Breakfast fundraiser for Mazatlan’s only school for the blind, Una Luz
                                                                                       Hacia el Mundo, A Light toward the World. 9:00am at Palapa del Mar restaurant -
                                                                                       $150 pesos includes breakfast, raffle prizes and musical presentation by the
                                                                                       students. For tickets or information contact John Castro, cell 669-199-1672 or
                                                                                       Dec. 21 Winter Solstice… The last day of the Mayan Calendar…
                                                                                       Dec. 21 Hotel Playa Mazatlan: The Brenster & Carrum Show, 6-10pm
                                                                                       Dec. 22 First Day of Winter
                                                                                       Dec. 24 Noche Buena, Christmas Eve
                                                                                       Dec. 25 Navidad, Christmas Day
                                                                                       Dec. 26 Boxing Day (Canada)
                                                                                       Dec. 26 Kwanzaa Begins
                                                                                       Dec. 31 New Year’s Eve
                                                                                       Every Thursday Dancing and dancing lessons in Zaragoza square, free, 5 p.m.
                                                                                       Every Saturday Mazatlan’s Farmers Market/Mercado Orgánico, in Centro’s
                                                                                       Zaragoza Square from 8 a.m. to noon

                                                                                                                        Looking Ahead
                                                                                       Jan. 1, 2013 The beginning of the new year… unless Mayan predictions were accurate…
                                                                                       Jan. 4 First Friday Artwalk, in Centro, this self-guided tour is free, 4 p.m.
                                                                                       Jan. 6 Save this date, and every Sunday at noon in Jan for a special performance
                                                                                       Jan. 12 Hospice Golf Tournament at Estrella del Mar
                                                                                       Jan. 12 Friends of Mexico, monthly meeting, Inn at Mazatlan, 2:30 p.m.
                                                                                       Jan. 19 Friends of Mexico’s wine pairing dinner, Inn at Mazatlan
                                                                                       Jan. 21 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (US)
                                                                                       Jan. 26 Rancho de los Ninos annual fundraiser (time and place TBD)
                                                                                       Feb. 3 Amigos de las Animales Annual Champagne Brunch
                                                                                       Feb. 5 Constitution Day - Día de la Constitución – (Celebrated on the 4th)
                                                                                       Feb. 7-12 Carnaval International Mazatlan ‘13
                                                                                       Feb. 10 Chinese/Lunar New Year (Year of the Snake)
                                                                                       Feb. 12 Lincoln’s Birthday (US)
For the spirit of Christmas fulfils the greatest hunger of mankind. ~Loring A. Schuler                     December / 2012 /                Pacific Pearl 11

The Copper Canyon                                                                                                                                            Kristina Bishop

Experience the wonders within Sinaloa...
Have you ever stood in front of something so         continue on to El Fuerte where you can stay          you are immediately immersed into the
immense; so grand; so incredibly amazing             in one of the old colonial style hotels like Villa   beauty of the changing landscape and the
that it literally took your breath away? The         del Pescador. An extra day planned in El             impressive engineering of the railroad.
kind of scenery that forces you to look back;        Fuerte is a good idea as there are lots of
to pause; to try with everything you have to         things to see, including a historical museum         Although it is possible to simply ride the train
describe its magnitude? The type of place            and reconstruction of the old Spanish Fort,          north, spending one overnight, and then
where you could sit for hours and just stare         river floats, bass fishing, hikes to the petro-      coming back, it’s not recommended. There
while you breathe in the beauty and wonder           glyphs, or tours to the Copomos Indian village       are numerous stops along the way within the
how you would ever be able to capture and            where they entertain you with their indige-          canyon that will provide the breathtaking
remember this feeling that you have? If you                                                               views and add diversity and adventure to
have, then I won’t need to tell you more than                                                             your experience. The stops at Bahuichivo for
once that I’ve found one of those places                                                                  Cerocahui, Posada Barrancas or Divisadero,
before you make your plans to visit for                                                                   and Creel are my recommendations. Ceroca-
yourself. If you haven’t yet had that experien-                                                           hui provides fantastic views of the Urique
ce, well then it’s time you had your chance.                                                              Canyon, Divisadero provides panoramic
Lucky for everyone, you can experience it                                                                 views of where the Copper Canyon and
right here in our beautiful state of Sinaloa.                                                             Urique Canyon meet, and Creel, an old
                                                                                                          mining town, is a wonderful place for tours to
It all begins with a train that took 100 years to                                                         the Indian Raramuri villages, rock formations,
plan and 20 years to complete, finally finished                                                           lakes, and waterfalls. There are great hotels
in 1961. The train crosses from the Pacific                                                               located within each town and tours can be
Ocean to the Chihuahua deserts through                                                                    tailored to your desires and
3000 meter high mountains, 39 bridges, and                                                                budgets. Many tour opera-
86 tunnels, in a ride of overlapping loops that      nous dancing, pottery, and cooking on dirt           tors are available to make
scale from 20m to 2439m high in just a few           floor cabanas and outdoor wood fire stoves.          your hotel, train, and tour
hours. But you won’t need to ride the entire         Then on day 3, you can catch the Chepe train         reservations for you; ensu-
length to have the experience I’ve described.        headed for the canyon. The train trip can            ring that your trip is a
                                                     actually begin in Los Mochis, but most people        success.      You can find
With an easy 5 hour drive from Mazatlan, you         prefer starting in El Fuerte because of the later    information on the internet
can begin your adventure. I would recom-             boarding time of the train and El Fuerte is the      or with our advertisers here
mend that you first stop in Topolobampo for          last stop before the scenery starts to change;       in The Pearl.
lunch and a boat ride with the dolphins, then        making your time on the train one in which

     Copper Canyon Tours
                                    7 Day, 6 Night Canyon Tour
                                                 ** $850.00
                                                    $850.00 us
                                                            us P/P
                                                               P/P Dbl.
                                                                   Dbl. Oc
                                                 ** $1,200.00
                                                    $1,200.00 us
                                                              us P/P
                                                                 P/P Sgl.
                                                                     Sgl. Oc

                                    4 Day, 3 Night Canyon Tour
                                                 ** $475.00
                                                    $475.00 us
                                                            us P/P
                                                               P/P Dbl.
                                                                   Dbl. Oc
                                                 ** $675.00
                                                    $675.00 us
                                                            us P/P
                                                               P/P Sgl.
                                                                   Sgl. Oc
                                                 Depart from & return to the
                                                 Hotel “Villa Del Pescador” in
                                                 El Fuerte, Sinaloa where you
                                                 will enjoy Dinner & Breakfast
                                                 each day. First Class Train
                                                 Tickets, Hotels, Most Meals &
                                                 Transportation is included in
                                                 your package price.
                            Custom &/or Guided Tours can be arranged through the Canyon
                              as well as Bass Fishing on the local lakes around El Fuerte.

  Contact: Van Bishop (Owner / Operator)
        Tel: USA - (208) 465-5411 Tel: Mazatlan - 669-197-4808
14      December / 2012 /                Pacific Pearl                                   For the spirit of Christmas fulfils the greatest hunger of mankind. ~Loring A. Schuler

                 Mazatlan Tourist Tips
BANKING                                       operator. When calling cell phones, dial     should be tipped for a tour well done.
Most banks are open from 9am to 4pm           044-669 before the number. Most              The boys and girls at supermarkets
Monday-Friday and some are open on
Saturdays. Because of frequent changes
                                              phones work by using LADATEL cards,
                                              which can be purchased at various
                                                                                           typically receive     5 to 10 pesos for
                                                                                           helping bag groceries, more if they
                                                                                                                                          HOTEL DIRECTORY
with all the banks, it is best to check       supermarkets.                                bring them to your car - they receive no
with them for their current policies. At      MEXICAN PHONE CODES:                         salary. Delivery people should also be
press time, these are their policies:         LONG DISTANCE (Dial Direct)                  tipped.                                       Aguamarina                    981-7080
BANCOMER does not exchange cash               Domestic                            01       DRIVING IN MAZ                                Azteca Inn                    913-4425
to pesos. From 9am to 2pm, they will          USA & Canada                        001      The speed limits in Mazatlán are 40kph
cash travelers´checks with your               Rest of the World                   00       in the city, 20kph in school and hospital     Belmar                        985-1112
passport up to a $1,000 maximum               LONG DISTANCE (Through Operator)             zones and 90kph outside urban areas.          Cerritos Resort               988-0238
daily. BANAMEX will cash travelers’           Domestic                            020      Watch out for unmarked topes (speed
checks from 9 am to 2 pm daily to a           International                       090      bumps). Some are fairly high and can          Costa de Oro                  913-5344
maximum of $450 with your passport.           SPECIAL SERVICES                             cause severe damage to your vehicle.          Costa Bonita                  988-0121
They will also exchange US and Cana-          Time                                030      CONSULATES
dian dollars for pesos. BANORTE will          Wake-Up Call                        031      U.S. CONSULATE IN HERMOSILLO,                 De Cima                       982-7311
only accept dollars and travelers’            Info - Domestic Directory           040      SONORA. Hours: 9a.m.-5 p.m., Mon-             Del Sol                       985-1103
checks for deposit (as pesos)n an             Line Repair                         050      Fri. Closed Mexican and U.S. Federal          Don Pelayo                    983-2221
account. HSBC does not cash American          Cust. Service (Long Dist.)          055      holidays. Call 01-(662)217-2375 for
or Canadian dollars, nor travelers’           EMERGENCIES                         066      officer. 01-900-849-4949 for visa appt.       El Rancho                     988-0099
checks. SANTANDER only cashes                 1-800 Numbers (not free)                                                                   Emporio                       983-4611
travelers´ checks if they are deposited       For numbers:                                 U.S. CONSULATE IN NOGALES,
into your account. They do not cash                     1-800 dial        001-880          SONORA. Hours: 8a.m.-4:30p.m.,                Fiesta Inn                    989-0100
American or Canadian dollars. SCOTIA                    1-888 dial        001-881          Mon-Fri. Call 01-(631)913-4820 for            Hacienda                      982-7000
BANK does not cash travelers´ checks,                   1-877 dial        001-882          appt.
but will cash US and Canadian dollars                   1-866 dial        001-883                                                        Hacienda Blue Bay             988-0954
to a maximum of $300. Debit card and          POSTING MAIL                                 U.S. CONSULAR AGENCY IN MAZAT-                The Palms Resort              913-2222
credit card cash advances are available       The post office is located downtown,         LÁN. Playa Gaviotas 202, Local 10,            Inn at Mazatlan               913-5354
24 hours daily at ATMs only. Please           across the street from the main plaza &      across from Hotel Playa Mazatlan. U.S.
note the BANK OF MEXICO has increa-           the other one inside the Central Bus         Consular Agent Luis Ramirez. Notary           Islas del Sol                 913-0199
sed the fee of withdrawals at ATMs            Station. However, for those located in       Stamp $50 USD. Hours: 9 a.m.- 1 p.m.          Jacarandas                    984-1177
ranging from 17 to 36 pesos. To avoid         the Golden Zone, it’s more convenient        Monday thru Friday. Tel / fax (24 hr.
hassles, exchange American or Cana-           to go to Post@Ship for all postal            emergency): (669)916-5889                     La Casa Contenta              913-4976
dian cash (no coins) at a CASA DE             services. Post@Ship is an official agent     email:                La Siesta                     981-2640
CAMBIO - money exchange. You may              of the Mexican Postal Service. Located       To call the American Embassy in
get a lower exchange rate, but you will       in Plaza La Lomita and in the Marina.        Mexico City, dial 01-52-555-080-2000          Las Flores                    913-5100
get pesos.                                    REPORT CREDIT CARDS                                                                        Los Arcos                     913-5066
BEACHES                                       Where to report misplaced or stolen          CONSULAR AGENCY OF CANADA IN                  Luna Palace                   914-6299
All beaches in México are federal             international credit cards in Mexico.        MAZATLÁN. La Marina Business and
property up to high tide lines, and thus,     MasterCard:         1800-307-7309            Life Commercial Center, Blvd. Marina          Marley                        913-5533
public. Watch for a color-coded flag          American Express:                            Mazatlan 2302, Office 41. Consular            Oceano Palace                 913-0666
system informing swimmers of surf             Travelers Checks: 001-800-828-0366           Agent Wendy Hardouin. Hours:
conditions. (Find additional information      Credit Cards:       001-800-333-3211         9:30am-12:30pm, Mon-Fri. Tel:913-73-          Olas Altas Inn                981-3192
on page 4 of this edition)                    Visa:                                        20, Fax:914-66-55. To call Canadian           Playa Bonita                  983-8000
DELIVERY                                      Credit Cards:       001-800-847-2911         Embassy in Mexico City dial: 01-555-
Check the food delivery policy with           Collect:            001-410-581-9994         724-7900. For after hours emergencies,        Playa Mazatlán                989-0555
your hotel. Some allow the delivery to        MasterCard:                                  dial: 01-800-706-2900.                        Plaza Marina                  982-3622
the lobby, others request that you wait       Credit Cards:       001-800-622-7747                                                       Posada Freeman                981-2114
outside the door of the lobby.                Collect:            001-314-542-7111         OTHER MAZATLAN CONSULATES:
DRINKING THE WATER                            TAXES                                        Germany: 914-9310, 916-5980                   Pueblo Bonito                 989-8900
Purified water and ice are available in all   A national consumer tax of 16% known         Denmark: 981-7642                             Pueblo Bonito Emerald         989-0525
restaurants, bars and lounges. Purified       as IVA is added to most purchases,           France: 985-1228
water can be purchased in all supermar-       although it is generally included in most    Italy: 985-1478                               Quality Inn                   989-2300
kets. Do not drink the water from the         restaurant menu prices. Hotels charge                                                      Quijote Inn                   914-1134
tap unless your hotel has a purified          an 18% tax.
drinking system.                              TRANSPORTATION                                         AIRPORT/AIRLINE                     Ramada Inn                    983-5333
There are numerous cyber-cafes in the
                                              Always negotiate the price of the ride
                                              before entering a taxi. If you are not
                                                                                                     PHONE NUMBERS                       Riu                           989-7900
                                                                                                                                         Royal Villas                  916-6161
tourist areas. The Malecon has Wi-Fi, as      satisfied with the price, just step back
do many restaurants in the Plazuela           and wait for the next one. The following      - Aeropuerto (directo)          982-21-77    Sands Las Arenas              982-0000
Machado and the Golden Zone.                  charges are fairly standard thoughout         - Aeroméxico                    914-10-34    Sea Garden                    988-0045
HEALTH                                        Mazatlán — Taxis (red & green): from
Pharmacies are generally staffed by           downtown to Golden Zone 50-70                 - Alaska Air                    981-48-13    Stone Island Hotel            981-9274
knowledgeable people. Many will               pesos. Pulmonias: from downtown to                                                         Suites del Real               983-1955
deliver and some are open 24 hours.           Golden Zone 70-90 pesos. Aurigas:             - Continental                   985-18-81
MONEY EXCHANGE                                (red pick-up trucks) 65 pesos (8 person                                                    Suites Los Girasoles          913-5288
                                                                                            - Viva Aerobus                  981-19-11
Several Casas de Cambio can help you          capacity) Green Bus with A/C: 10 pesos                                                     Crown Plaza                   988-0324
change dollars (and occasionally other        (will give change) Yellow Bus: 6.50           - Aerocalafia        Tel. (669) 984-43-00    Solamar Inn                   913-6666
currencies) for pesos. Casa rates are         pesos & 7.50 pesos with A/C (will give
sometimes not as good as the banks            change)                                                           apto. (669) 985-43-00    Torres Mazatlán               988-0080
(usually by a few cents) but they are         TIPPING                                       - Aeroguerrero             669-112-06-77     Villas at Estrella del Mar    982-3300
generally open longer hours with              At restaurants, 10 to 15% is standard.
shorter lines. Some hotels offer exchan-      Check to ensure the tip is not included                            Cel: 669-164-33-75
ge services.                                  in your bill. Be sure to differentiate                                                                     GOLF
PHONING HOME                                  between the 16% tax and a tip. Bellmen
                                                                                            - Republic Air          01(55)5203-8090
Although hotels can assist with long          usually receive about 20 to 50 pesos          - U.S. Airways                 981-11-84     EL CID Courses        01 (669) 913-3333
distance calls, dialing direct can be         per service and maids 20 pesos per day.                                                    Marina Mazatlan       988-0484 &(0485)
expensive. Call collect or bill the call to   It is not necessary to tip taxi drivers       - West Jet (México) 001-800-514-7288
                                                                                                                                         Estrella del Mar      01-800-PAR-GOLF
a calling card for the best rates. Dial 090   unless they have rendered special             - Volaris              001-800-122-8000
to reach a TELMEX international opera-        services, such as waiting while you go                                                     Club Campestre        01-(669) 980-1570
tor and ask for an English speaking           into a store or business. Tour guides                        Sales/USA 1-866-988-3527
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