MELB PARK ON SHOW AT IBTM - Business Events News

Page created by Eleanor Parks
MELB PARK ON SHOW AT IBTM - Business Events News
12th November 2019

      business events news                                                                
business events news
Today’s issue of BEN
  Business Events News today
                                  MELB PARK ON SHOW AT IBTM
has two pages of news plus        CENTREPIECE at Melbourne
full pages from:                  Park - the city’s new events
  • Novotel Wollongong            centre - will be on show at IBTM
 • Pullman Magenta Shores         World Barcelona from 19-21
   Resort                         Nov.
                                    Scheduled for completion
                                  in late 2021, CENTREPIECE
                                  (pictured) will be architecturally
 Flight shame impact              designed to embody Australia’s
    WITH an increasing            native landscape.
 number of travellers               Part of a multi-year $972
 shunning flights in favour       million redevelopment,
 of more eco-friendly travel      CENTREPIECE will be set
 options, meeting planners        only minutes from downtown
 are being urged to consider      Melbourne, with the design
 the potential impact of the      to stream natural light across
 flight-shaming trend on the      the venue through its floor-to-
 events industry.                 ceiling windows.                     line-up of world-class venues        MEANWHILE, IBTM World
   “With climate change and         Offering both indoor and           including Rod Laver Arena, AAMI    reported a surge in the number
 sustainability being in the      outdoor function spaces,             Park, Margaret Court Arena and     of first-time exhibitors, with
 spotlight...event organisers     CENTREPIECE at Melbourne             Melbourne Arena.                   over double 2018’s number.
 and meeting planners             Park will be able to cater for         “We are already seeing             Of the 2,601 total exhibitors
 are becoming much                anywhere between 10 and              our vision come to life, with      attending the event this year,
 more conscious of their          3,000 guests, with the main          construction starting this month   over 35 have never attended
 environmental footprint and      ballroom able to seat up to          on the steel skeleton of the       before, with countries
 the need to demonstrate          1,400 and be configured for a        building.”                         represented for the first time
 their sustainability             variety of sizes of events.            The new development will         this year including Azerbaijan,
 credentials,” said CEO of the      “Our newest venue is set to        incorporate a “paddock to plate”   Croatia, Greece and South
 International Association of     enhance our city’s marvellous        philosophy, which will see         Korea; China’s Macau region and
 Conference Centres (IACC)        moments, and we can’t wait to        the kitchen and culinary team      the Spanish island of Mallorca
 Mark Cooper.                     guide delegates at IBTM World        produce bespoke dishes using       will also make their debut
                                  on how it can transform their        locally sourced and seasonal       appearance.
                                  upcoming events through a            produce, complete with               New exhibitors this year
                                  truly Aussie experience,” said       Victorian wines, locally brewed    include The Hoxton, Israel
                                  Melbourne & Olympic Parks            beers, small batch spirits and     Ministry of Tourism, The
 Philausophy events               General Manager Premier              premium Melbourne-based            Gleneagles Hotel, Renfe, Goyang
                                  Events & Experiences Lara            coffee roasters.                   Convention and Visitors Bureau,
    BUSINESS Events               Burnes.                                Bookings for CENTREPIECE at      Maison Albar Hotels and Silver
 Australia has revealed it will     “CENTREPIECE at Melbourne          Melbourne Park are now open        Tours, and Istanbul Convention
 leverage Tourism Australia’s     Park will join our impressive        for Feb 2022 and beyond.           and Visitors Bureau.
 new Philausophy campaign
 for the incentive market.
   The $38 million global
 campaign promotes the              EEAA CEO going
 Australian character and
 way of life.                       EXHIBITION and Event
   “With appropriate                Association of Australasia
 refinement for our business        Chief Executive Officer Joyce
 events audience, we think          DiMascio will step down on
 there’s an opportunity for         27 Dec.
 the campaign creative to             She will take up another
 support our incentive sector       as-yet unspecified position
 marketing,” said Executive         in the events and hospitality
 General Manager for Events         sector, with recruiting
 at Tourism Australia, Penny        for a new CEO to start
 Lion.                              immediately.

                                                           business events news                                                        1
MELB PARK ON SHOW AT IBTM - Business Events News
Western Australia is really
                                                                                                                                                                                            Read how Arabia is hotting up for
                                                                                                                                                                                                  hotting up for events. Read
                                                                                                                                                                                              conferences and events in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       more in the November
                                                                                                                                                                                              October issue of travelBulletin.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        issue of travelBulletin.
  business events news

                                                                                                                                ©Tourism Australia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CLICK to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to read
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     read                                         12th November 2019

Thailand 2020                                            GCCEC is best                                                        NSW HOSTS WALKLEYS
THAILAND will transform                                  THE Gold Coast Convention
into a “global exhibition                                & Exhibition Centre (GCCEC)
mecca” under the country’s                               was crowned Best Business
Convention & Exhibition                                  Event Venue at the 2019
Bureau’s 2020 strategy.                                  Queensland Tourism Awards
  Targeting 21 billion baht                              on Fri night.
(AU$1 billion) in 2020, the                                The centre, which is
“Exhibition Redfined: 360                                celebrating 15 years of
Exhibition Success” strategy                             success, contributed more
will see UFI, the Global                                 than $325 million to the
Association of the Exhibition                            economy in FY2019.
Industry, host its 86th Global                             “Any future expansion
Congress in Bangkok in                                   would enable the centre
2020.                                                    to compete with larger
                                                                                                                              NEW South Wales will host                                                 Walkley Awards back as we
  According to the Bureau,                               venues to host some of the
                                                                                                                              the next two iterations of the                                            host this significant event for
the FY2019 saw the number                                world’s biggest technology
                                                                                                                              Walkley Awards, the first to take                                         the media industry,” said NSW
of MICE travellers entering                              conventions, performances
                                                                                                                              place at the Int’l Convention                                             Minister Stuart Ayres.
the country reach 264,005, a                             and events,” said General
                                                                                                                              Centre Sydney on 28 Nov.                                                    “The NSW Government
13.2% increase, boosting the                             Manager GCCEC, Adrienne
                                                                                                                                “Sydney remains Australia’s                                             is proud to support
economy by 5.9%.                                         Readings.
                                                                                                                              major events capital so it is                                             groundbreaking, world-class
                                                                                                                              fitting for us to welcome the                                             journalism.”

                                                         Pullman $1m refurb
                                                         THE Pullman Adelaide                                                                        Advertising
                                                         Hotel will undergo a $1
                                                         million refurb of its top floor
OVER 1,000 Zumba-fanatics                                function and events space,                                                                  Macquarie Park, Sydney
from across Australia, New                               with works scheduled to
Zealand and even further                                 start in Dec.                                                                                                  The Business Publishing Group is looking for
abroad gathered on the Gold                                The entire floor will                                                                                  the services of a proactive Advertising Coordinator
Coast on Sat to celebrate 10                             receive new wall coverings,                                                                                        to work across our industry leading titles.
years of Zumba in Australia.                             custom flooring, specialist                                                                           This is a full-time role working within our sales and
  Colombian dancer,                                      lighting and state-of-the-                                                                                marketing team. Key responsibilities will be the
choreographer and Zumba                                  art audio-visual equipment,                                                                     development and production of our publications, liaising
                                                                                                                                                           with clients on quotes and advertising coordination as
co-founder Beto Pérez led                                while a new glazed facade                                                                                     well as assisting with promotional activities.
the sold-out masterclass,                                will allow panoramic views
                                                                                                                                                             We are looking for someone who has strong attention
transforming the shores of                               across Hindmarsh Square                                                                                   to detail, is organised, a team player and excels
Surfers Paradise into one                                and beyond.                                                                                         at customer service. Experience with Adobe InDesign
giant dance party.                                         Additionally, the pre-                                                                                     and Microsoft Office suite is highly desirable.
  Zumba is now the world’s                               function space will feature                                                                    If this sounds like you apply to
largest branded fitness                                  an updated bar facility.                                                                                            today. Applications close 29/11/19.
program, with more than 15                                 The new conference
million participants across                              facilities are expected to
more than 180 countries.                                 open in early 2020.

                                               EDITORIAL                                                        ADVERTISING AND MARKETING                                        Suite 1, Level 2, 64 Talavera Rd
                                               Editor in Chief and Publisher – Bruce Piper                      Sean Harrigan, Hoda Alzubaidi and                                Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Australia
business events news                                                                                            Melanie Tchakmadjian
                                               Contributors – Jasmine O’Donoghue,                                                                                                PO Box 1010 Epping NSW 1710 Australia                  Adam Bishop, Sarah Fairburn, Nicholas                                              Tel: 1300 799 220 (+61 2 8007 6760)
Business Events News is part of the Business   O’Donoghue, Myles Stedman, Janie
Publishing Group family of publications.
                                                                                                                BUSINESS MANAGER
                                                                                                                Jenny Piper
Business Events News is Australia’s newest                         
online publication dedicated to the vibrant
                                               Business Events News is a publication of Business Events News Pty Ltd ABN 80 153 775 449. All content is fully protected by copyright. Please obtain written permission to reproduce any
meetings, incentives, conferences and          material. While every care has been taken in preparation of the newsletter no liability can be accepted for errors or omissions. BEN takes no responsibility for the opinions of its contributors/
events sector.                                 columnists. Information is published in good faith to stimulate independent investigation of the matters canvassed. Responsibility for editorial comment is taken by Bruce Piper.

                                                                                                     business events news                                                                                                                           2
MELB PARK ON SHOW AT IBTM - Business Events News
Let’s Meet
                                                      h e b e a c h
                                                 by t
               Novotel Wollongong Northbeach boasts a beachside location,
            flexible function spaces and a reputation based on creating unique

2-14 Clif f R oa d , N o r t h Wollon g on g , 25 0 0 NSW AUSTRALI A || 4224 3 111 || h16 54 - sb3 @a || www. n ovotel n or th b ea m. a u
MELB PARK ON SHOW AT IBTM - Business Events News

Located beachside 90 minutes north of Sydney on the Central Coast surrounded by a championship golf course
         and National Park. Pullman Magenta Shores Resort provides Residential Packages including
          • Accommodation in a 3-bedroom villa • Day delegate package • Full breakfast

                              *Terms and conditions apply. See website for details.

MELB PARK ON SHOW AT IBTM - Business Events News MELB PARK ON SHOW AT IBTM - Business Events News MELB PARK ON SHOW AT IBTM - Business Events News MELB PARK ON SHOW AT IBTM - Business Events News MELB PARK ON SHOW AT IBTM - Business Events News MELB PARK ON SHOW AT IBTM - Business Events News
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