MEDIA PACK 2021 YORKSHIRE & - Living Magazine
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L I V I N G 2 0 21 WELCOME OUR VISION A N I NS PI R AT I O N A L A N D S T Y L IS H C E L E B R AT I O N O F YO R K S H I R E L I V I N G - EVERY MONTH Our Living portfolio of luxury lifestyle magazines is carefully designed to target discerning, affluent audiences and consumers. Professional, stylish and culturally engaged, Living readers are loyal, astute people who enjoy the finer things in life and have a large disposable income to afford their luxurious lifestyle. We know they spend time and money seeking out new shopping and leisure experiences and Living is a magazine that drives their destinations. Every month we focus on the most exclusive homes and the finest properties and estates to buy, we review the best places to eat, sleep and play and showcase local, luxury retailers. We ensure our editorial matches the pursuits of our readers and that advertisers always benefit from being positioned with relevant editorial.
L I V I N G 2 0 21 PROPERTY LUXURY PROPERTY S H OW C A SI N G T H E F I N ES T H O M ES O N T H E M A R K E T F RO M A RO U N D T H E R EGI O N Yorkshire & Harrogate Living shines a spotlight on the most exclusive properties in the county. Our premium property section, at the front is templated in design and sets the tone of the magazine. Luxury Estate Agents benefit from a close working relationship with our editorial team, providing content for our through-the-keyhole section.
L I V I N G 2 0 21 HOMES & INTERIORS HOMES & INTERIORS S T E P I NSI D E O U R S T U N N I N G H O M ES A N D I N T E RI O R S A N D DISCOV E R T H E U LT I M AT E I N I N T E RI O R D ESIGN Yorkshire & Harrogate Living is the definitive word on sumptuous homes and interiors. In our through-the-keyhole features we take a look inside the most magnificent homes from our region, guaranteeing advertisers that your sales message reaches your desired audience in a stylish and engaging way.
L I V I N G 2 0 21 ST YLE & FA SHION STYLE & FASHION A LWAYS TA I LO R E D TO T H E L AT ES T P RO D UC T S, T R E N DS A N D LU X U R Y D ESIGN E R S Our carefully curated style edit brings together the most current trends and profiles where to shop around the region. Our style and fashion section supports its advertisers editorially and offers both marketing and retail opportunities.
L I V I N G 2 0 21 BEAUT Y & WELLNESS BEAUTY & WELLNESS FA BU LO US S A LO NS, D ES T I N AT I O N S PA S B ES T B E AU T Y BU YS A N D R E V I E W S Our beauty-obsessed audience can discover everything from the latest products and treatments, skincare, luxurious salons and spas to premium haircare and fragrance in our regular beauty and wellness section.
L I V I N G 2 0 21 FOOD & DRINK FOOD & DRINK P R ES T IGI O US R ES TAU R A N T S, I N D E P E N D E N T D E L IS, FA R M S H O P S A N D F O O D H A L L S S EC T I O N Our authoritative food and drink section is essential reading for all who appreciate the world of fine food and drink. For those who need to know where to eat and what to eat, we showcase speciality food producers, interview the leading chefs and review the finest restaurants.
L I V I N G 2 0 21 A R T S & C U LT U R E ARTS & CULTURE E X H I B I T I O NS, E V E N T S, A RT IS T S A N D G A L L E RI ES W E A R E PA SSI O N AT E A BO U T C E L E B R AT I N G A RT S & C U LT U R E Our core audience is culture-driven, connected and engaged. They love art and culture and have an appreciation for beautifully designed objects. Each month we review the latest exhibitions, profile the arts and crafts world and preview all of the must-see events from the region.
L I V I N G 2 0 21 MOTORING MOTORING R E V I E W S, N E W S, RO A D T ES T S A N D E X P E RT A D V IC E O N A L L T H E L AT ES T M O D E L S Our trusted industry experts offer up-to-date, stimulating editorial from recommendations to test driving the latest high performance models.
L I V I N G 2 0 21 EDITORIAL CALENDAR EDITORIAL CALENDAR 2021 Commercial content is a great way to showcase your businesses in Yorkshire & Harrogate Living magazine. All our commercial content is based on a template which complements the style of our magazine and follows our ethos of excellent design, and quality editorial images. We work with clients to create content which will promote their business and help them reach new customers. We offer different options to suit different businesses. From a double page promotional feature, to specialist content. JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE EDUC ATIO N WEDDINGS BIG FA S HION ISSU E FOOD & DRIN K LOV E YOU R CO A S T & COU N T R Y A comprehensive guide to Meat and greet some of the KIT C H E N schools in the region. Helping WORLD OF U LTIM ATE S PA region’s best restaurants, COU N T R Y E DITIO N parents, grandparents and all INT ERIOR S GUIDE cafes, delis and food H E L MSL E Y involved make the right choice producers. AR E A FO C US of education for their children. BEDROOM SPECI A L COA S T TO COA S T RE TRE AT S EQU ES TRI A N G AR DE NING NE W Y E AR , NE W YOU SPEC IA L (PART3 ) G A RDENING G A RDENING Your guide to Health and S PECI A L (PART1) S PECI A L (PART2 ) Wellbeing in 2021 JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER OUT SIDE LIVING WORLD OF Eq ues t rian FOOD & DRIN K A - Z O F C H RIS T MA S MA K E A SPL A SH As the weather heats up, we INT ERIOR S Meat and greet some of the Bring all your Christmas The very latest in bathroom can’t wait to get outside! M A LTON FOCUS region’s best restaurants, advertising together into designs and accessories, from We have loads of inspiration EDUC ATION cafes, delis and food one platform, which will free standing baths to clever for al fresco decor, from sun producers. include our fabulous A-Z of storage solutions. We take A comprehensive guide to BIG FA S HION ISSU E Christmas, as well as party the plunge with our dedicated loungers with comfy cushions, to pots and planters which schools in the region. WEDDINGS season fashions, food and bathroom section. help create a vibrant green drink trends and ideas for your space. home
L I V I N G 2 0 21 AUDIENCE AUDIENCE & Yorkshire DISTRIBUTION York, Harrogate, North & East Yorkshire Northallerton Helmsley Pickering Knaresborough We have a unique, unrivalled, highly selective distribution network, delivering 15.000 Harrogate Malton monthly copies into a clearly defined marketplace through hand-picked outlets. There is no other magazine guaranteed to reach your niche market, without wastage. Our distribution strategy is uncomplicated and highly effective as all magazines are Wetherby complimentary. We merchandise in high-footfall outlets to the right marketplace. Collingham York Beverley READERSHIP 45,000 Harewood Selby C I RC U L AT I O N 15 , 0 0 0 +300 hand-picked distribution outlets: York | Malton | Pickering | Easingwold | Northallerton | Haxby | Kirk Hammerton | Wetherby | Knaresborough | Tadcaster | Selby | Beverley Pocklington | Scarborough | Helmsley | Harrogate | Knaresborough Ripon | Harewood | Collingham | Boston Spa | Ripley
L I V I N G 2 0 21 ARTWORK PRINT AD SPECIFICATIONS M E A SU R E M E N T S A R E W I DT H X H E IG H T I N M I L L I M E T R ES DPS WITH BLEED F U L L PAGE H A L F PAGE Q UA RT E R PAGE 303mm Height WITH BLEED L A N DSC A P E 131mm Height x 426mm Width 303mm Height 131mm Height x 88mm Width x 216mm Width x 180mm Width L I V I N G DI R EC TO R Y PAGES Advertisers wishing to provide their own material should supply it on email to your representative. Files should be supplied as either EPS or Hi-Res CMYK PDF. Bleed advertisements must be designed inclusive of 3mm bleed, fonts must be embedded or converted to outlines. All images incorporated within the advert should be high resolution: 300 dpi. The publisher reserves the right to reject materials supplied for advertising if the quality or content is not satisfactory. EX AMPLE SIZ E A SIZ E B SIZ E C 63mm Height x 42mm Width 63mm Height x 88mm Width 130mm Height x 42mm Width
L I V I N G 2 0 21 R AT E C A R D RATECARD Page sizes Premium ad space 1-3 INSERTS PRINT & TARGETED DIGITAL 1-3 INSERTS PRINT & TARGETED DIGITAL Quarter Page £250 + VAT (Inc 10,000 targeted PI’s) Inside Front Cover £850 + VAT (Inc 10,000 targeted PI’s) Half Page £425 + VAT (Inc 15,000 targeted PI’s) Inside Back Cover £850 + VAT (Inc 15,000 targeted PI’s) Full page £750 + VAT (Inc 25,000 targeted PI’s) Back Page £850 + VAT (Inc 25,000 targeted PI’s) Double Page Spread £1,200 + VAT (Inc 45,000 targeted PI’s) Double Page Spread £1350 + VAT (Inc 45,000 targeted PI’s) 4-6 INSERTS PRINT & TARGETED DIGITAL 4-6 INSERTS PRINT & TARGETED DIGITAL Quarter Page £210 + VAT (Inc 10,000 targeted PI’s) Inside Front Cover £750 + VAT (Inc 10,000 targeted PI’s) Half Page £385 + VAT (Inc 15,000 targeted PI’s) Inside Back Cover £750 + VAT (Inc 15,000 targeted PI’s) Full page £655 + VAT (Inc 25,000 targeted PI’s) Back Page £750 + VAT (Inc 25,000 targeted PI’s) Double Page Spread £955 + VAT (Inc 45,000 targeted PI’s) Double Page Spread £1150 + VAT (Inc 45,000 targeted PI’s) 7-11 INSERTS PRINT & TARGETED DIGITAL 7-11 INSERTS PRINT & TARGETED DIGITAL Quarter Page £180 + VAT (Inc 10,000 targeted PI’s) Inside Front Cover £650 + VAT (Inc 10,000 targeted PI’s) Half Page £300 + VAT (Inc 15,000 targeted PI’s) Inside Back Cover £650 + VAT (Inc 15,000 targeted PI’s) Full page £515 + VAT (Inc 25,000 targeted PI’s) Back Page £650 + VAT (Inc 25,000 targeted PI’s) Double Page Spread £795 + VAT (Inc 45,000 targeted PI’s) Double Page Spread £950 + VAT (Inc 45,000 targeted PI’s) 12 INSERTS PRINT & TARGETED DIGITAL 12 INSERTS PRINT & TARGETED DIGITAL Quarter Page £165 + VAT (Inc 10,000 targeted PI’s) Inside Front Cover £575 + VAT (Inc 10,000 targeted PI’s) Half Page £250 + VAT (Inc 15,000 targeted PI’s) Inside Back Cover £575 + VAT (Inc 15,000 targeted PI’s) Full page £475 + VAT (Inc 25,000 targeted PI’s) Back Page £575 + VAT (Inc 25,000 targeted PI’s) Double Page Spread £695 + VAT (Inc 45,000 targeted PI’s) Double Page Spread £850 + VAT (Inc 45,000 targeted PI’s) *This rate also includes digital media advertising to help maximise exposure.
L I V I N G 2 0 21 ARTWORK DEADLINES YORKSHIRE & HARROGATE COVER BOOKING COMPLETE PUBLISHING DATE DEADLINE ARTWORK DATE DECEMBER 2020 • HOMES & INTERIORS • PEOPLE & PLACES • FASHION & BEAUTY• FOOD & DRINK • COMPLIMENTARY Feb-21 22/12/2021 04/01/2021 15/01/2021 Sweet GOOD Mar-21 25/01/2021 29/01/2021 12/02/2021 treats A traditional recipe READS Discover the latest Apr-21 22/02/2021 26/02/2021 12/03/2021 from Masham Yorkshire books May-21 22/03/2021 25/03/2021 09/04/2021 Jun-21 26/04/2021 29/04/2021 14/05/2021 Jul-21 24/05/2021 28/05/2021 11/06/2021 Aug-21 28/06/2021 02/07/2021 16/07/2021 Sep-21 26/07/2021 30/07/2021 13/08/2021 BAUBLE MOVIE Oct-21 23/08/2021 26/08/2021 10/09/2021 BEAUTY MAGIC Decorations by Major films shot in Beverley ceramicist our picture-perfect locations Nov-21 27/09/2021 01/10/2021 15/10/2021 Dec-21 25/10/2021 29/10/2021 12/11/2021 CASTLE Merry Jan-22 22/11/2021 26/10/2021 10/12/2021 HOWARD A festive adventure awaits you Christmas Above are the Living deadlines. Any flexibility requests must be at the North Yorkshire estate To all our readers and customers submitted to the publisher.
YO R K S H I R E & H A R R O G AT E Jane Hanson (Advertising Director) T: 01904 567241 |
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