MEDIA KIT 2021 Printed Monthly, Digital Daily - Naperville, IL - Positively Naperville

Page created by Esther Scott
MEDIA KIT 2021 Printed Monthly, Digital Daily - Naperville, IL - Positively Naperville
                                Printed Monthly, Digital Daily – Naperville, IL

Positively Naperville | 630.369.8447 |
MEDIA KIT 2021 Printed Monthly, Digital Daily - Naperville, IL - Positively Naperville
What is
Positively Naperville?
We’re local and independent.
Positively Naperville is a complimentary
community newspaper printed monthly in
Naperville, IL. PN has an evolving daily digital
presence at
The publication covers events, local businesses,
non-profits, politics and all the happenings in the
greater community – defined by the six area high
schools. (Naperville North & Central, Waubonsie,
Metea, Neuqua and Benet.)
We are hyper-local and have fostered an
understanding of the local market. PN has spent
years kindling relationships with the community
and its leaders. Every month more than 20
columnists bring their localized perspectives to
our pages, too. PN can assist with connecting your
business with the right people and organizations.
Since our inception, this initiative has been
supported by a great group of readers, independent
businesses and service clubs, organically growing
four pages at a time since our first printed issue in
September 2001.
Promoting a preview of community events, the arts
and locally-owned enterprise is still our primary

Reach out

Mailing Address:
1421 Sequoia Rd.
Naperville, IL 60540
MEDIA KIT 2021 Printed Monthly, Digital Daily - Naperville, IL - Positively Naperville
Monthly – 25,000 copies of PN are printed near
the first of every month. PN is delivered to 15,000
households by an independent delivery service on
a rotating basis reaching 40,000 households over
the course of a year. Another 10,000 copies are
distributed via a hundred local retailers, coffee
shops, restaurants, train stations, hotels, bookstores
and newsstands.
                                                         Key Naperville Demographics
Let’s Catch the Advertising Spirit                       Estimated Population – 144,864 (2013)
                                                         Households, 2009-2013 – 49,483
PN believes print media will endure, complimented        Median household income, 2009-2013
by digital ads and social media. PN stays around         $108,302
longer on kitchen counters, coffee tables, and office
                                                         Bachelor’s degree or higher, percent of
waiting rooms as a preview for what’s to come.
                                                         persons age 25+, 2009-2013 – 65.9%
PN offers traditional display rates, but most of our     Female Population – 51.4%
advertisers subscribe to a yearly sponsorship paid
                                                         Population, percent change - April 1, 2010 to
annually, bi-annually or quarterly to achieve top-of-
                                                         July 1, 2013 – 2.0%
the-mind marketing goals.
                                                         Persons under 18 years (2010) – 28.7%
Monthly presence and daily-digital-presence will         Persons 65 years and over (2010) – 8.7%
help make your business a Naperville household
                                                         Median value of owner-occupied housing
name. Sponsorship lets your business tell a story.
                                                         units, 2009-2013 – $377,400
This strategy leads to repeat and loyal customers.
Pull, not Push!                                          Source:

Full Sponsorship includes a 5 x 4 inch ad monthly.
It also includes featured stories about your business
within the Naperville Community.
Sponsorship is a complete media package. PN
mentions and links your business via its web and
social media pages.
Non-profits in good standing are eligible for a 40%

Visit PN Online
Twitter: @pndaily
Instagram: positivelynaperville
MEDIA KIT 2021 Printed Monthly, Digital Daily - Naperville, IL - Positively Naperville
Print Advertising 2021
Monthly Rates
       # Insertions                 1x            2x            3x            6x            12x - Sponsorship

Full Page 10 (wide) x 12 (tall)   $2,500        $4,500        $6,000       $10,800                   $18,000

1/2 Page
Vertical 5 x 12                   $1,500        $2,800        $4,000        $6,300                   $11,500
Horizontal 10 x 6
1/4 Page - 5 x 6
                                  $1,000        $1,900        $2,700        $5,000                   $9,200
Bottom Horizontal 10 x 3

5x4                                $750         $1,450        $2,100        $3,800                   $7,200

4x3                                $450          $850         $1,250        $2,300                  $4,400*

4 x 2 (business card style ad)     $300          $575          $800         $1,200                  $2,000*

Monthly print circulation is 25,000 copies. Non-profits in good standing are eligible for a 40% discount. Ask about
Chamber of Commerce and IndieBound Rates. Rates subject to change without notice. *Junior Sponsorship.
All specs in inches / All ads are color / Add 10% for premium placement (P3, Back Page, etc.) Custom sizes upon request.
Submit high resolution ads to in PDF or comp format, 300 DPI CMYK. Designs services
available $75/ad. Dec 2020a.
CONTACT: 630.369.8447 • •
MEDIA KIT 2021 Printed Monthly, Digital Daily - Naperville, IL - Positively Naperville
Month 2015                 POSITIVELYNAPERVILLE.COM    N.E.W.S.  PAGE xx   Month 2015               POSITIVELYNAPERVILLE.COM                 N.E.W.S.  PAGE xx

 Full Page                                                                                                        Quarter Page
 10 wide x 12 tall                                                                                                5 wide x 6 tall
 (Back Page is                                                                     4 wide x 3 tall                All sizes in inches.
 10 wide by 10 tall)                                                                                              Submit artwork to
                                                                                                                  in PDF of comp. format - 300 DPI CMYK.
                                                                                                                  Custom ad sizes upon request.
                                                                                                                  PN reserves the right to edit ads for
                                                                                                                  content and formatting; and place
                                  Half Page Vertical                                                              stoppage of ads without notification.
                                  5 wide x 12 tall
   4 wide x 2 tall
   (Business Card Style)                                                     Half Page Horizontal
                                                                             10 wide x 6 tall

                                                                               5 wide x 4 tall
  Quarter Page
  Bottom Horizontal
  3 x 10

                                                                                                                                Graphic is not actual size

Submission Procedures & Notes
• To guarantee placement, ads should be reserved by the                     • Graphic design is available for $75 per ad.
  15th for the upcoming monthly issue. Late submission/                     • PN reserves the right to edit ads for content and
  placement requests are handled on a case-by-case basis.                     formatting; and place stoppage of ads without
• Large files can be submitted via DropBox or FTP.                            notification.
• Keep in mind when designing ads, this is a newspaper                      • Payment must be received in full for one time open
  format. Glossy/slick style ads with many colors                             rate ads at time of placement. Payment must be
  sometimes don’t print well on newsprint. The best types                     received prior to first ad insertion for new sponsors
  of ads have a good font size and solid cohesive color                       and advertisers. Make checks payable to Positively
  schemes. Images should be not be lower than 240 DPI.                        Naperville.
• Most smart phone and tablet photos will not look good                     • Multiple insertions and sponsorships may be paid
  unless you are an advanced user.                                            annually, quarterly. Let PN know what works best for
• Compensate for “dot bleed.” Images and graphics                             your cash flow.
  should be lightened ten to twenty percent. Reverse and                    • Any Questions? We welcome your inquiries and your
  color text should not be smaller than 10 pt.                                business.
• Send PN your brief press releases.

Contact PN
Mailing Address:
Positively Naperville
1421 Sequoia Rd.
Naperville, IL 60540

Dec 2020a
2021 Print Edition
Press Dates and Deadlines
                         Reserve Space by December 15, 2020. Creative/Assets Due by December 20.
January Monthly          Press Date January 4, 2021. Please note every January PN prints a little later
                         than normal due to the holiday season.
                         Reserve Space by January 15. Creative/Assets Due by January 20.
February Monthly         Press Date February 1.

                         Reserve Space by February 15. Creative/Assets Due by February 20.
March Monthly            Press Date March 1. Annual St. Patrick’s Day Edition.

                         Reserve Space by March 15. Creative/Assets Due by March 20.
April Monthly            Press Date March 29.

                         Reserve Space by April 15. Creative/Assets Due by April 20.
May Monthly              Press Date April 26.

                         Reserve Space by May 15. Creative/Assets Due by May 20.
June Monthly             Press Date May 31.

                         Reserve Space by June 15. Creative/Assets Due by June 20.
July Monthly             Press Date June 28. Naperville Salute Edition.

                         Reserve Space by July 15. Creative/Assets Due by July 20.
August Monthly           Press Date August 3. Annual Dog Days Edition.

                         Reserve Space by August 15. Creative/Assets Due by August 20.
September Monthly        Press Date August 30. Annual Last Fling Edition.

                         Reserve Space by September 15. Creative/Assets Due by September 20.
October Monthly          Press Date September 27.

                         Reserve Space by October 15. Creative/Assets Due by October 20.
November Monthly         Press Date November 1. Annual Veterans Day Edition.

                         Reserve Space by November 15. Creative/Assets Due by November 20.
December Monthly         Press Date November 29.

Press Dates and Deadlines are subject to change without notice.
Late submission/placement requests are handled on a case-by-case basis.
Nothing is set in stone at PN! Most of the time, we are able to accommodate
last minute requests.

Our deadlines are
always moving!
Digital Advertising
Digital display advertising is generally
reserved for print advertisers and sponsors.
There is a $500 minimum for non-print advertisers.

Display/Banner Ads
PN offers digital banner advertising. Our ad network
is completely localized and we control all the ads that
are placed.

Sizes: 728 x 90 px (leaderboard); 300 x 250 px
(medium rectangle); 300 x 600 px (half page); 320 x 50
px (mobile) 970 x 250 px (billboard).
We charge $50/week for all sizes in rotation.
Just want impressions: $50 per 5000.
We’ve found the best approach is a campaign that
utilizes all sizes with a little different message in each
one. Design services are available for $75/ad.
Banner ads may be submitted in .png, .jpg, embed
code, etc., 72 DPI RGB with a link. PN prefers static
ads. Animated ads don’t always work...
Digital ads may be reserved and purchased at any
time if inventory is available.
Check out current digital ads at www.

Daily Email Newsletter
(Called the Daily Square-Scoop)
Pricing varies depending on size of ad. Prices range
from $100 to $250/week.

Also Available – Pop-up ads and
sponsored content
Contact PN and tell us what you have in mind and we can provide a quote.
Pop-ups and sponsored content are all customized.

 • PN reserves the right to edit ads for content and formatting; and place stoppage of ads without notification.
 • Payment must be received in full for one time open rate banner ads at time of placement.

Contact PN
Mailing Address:
Positively Naperville
1421 Sequoia Rd.
Naperville, IL 60540

Dec 2020a                                                                                           Graphics are not actual size
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