MEDIA-INFORMATION 2022 - No. 53, valid from 01/01/2022 The voice of the Industry - Holzmann Medien

Page created by Hector Elliott
MEDIA-INFORMATION 2022 - No. 53, valid from 01/01/2022 The voice of the Industry - Holzmann Medien
                              No. 53, valid from 01/01/2022

                                                               TARGET GROUP.

               The voice of                                    CHANNELS.
               the Industry
                                                               TOPICS | DATES.





                              PRINT. DIGITAL. RADIO. EVENTS.
MEDIA-INFORMATION 2022 - No. 53, valid from 01/01/2022 The voice of the Industry - Holzmann Medien
CONTENT   rationell reinigen | The voice of the Industry
          Our target group
                                                                      page 3
                                                                      page 4
          Our channels                                                page 5

          rationell reinigen | At a glance                            page 7
          Schedule of dates and topics                                page 9
          Prices (text part)                                          page 13
          Formats (text part)                                         page 15
          Prices (classified advertisements)                          page 16
          Facts & Technics                                            page 17
          Circulation and distribution analysis                       page 18
          Analysis of recipient structure                             page 19
          Reader analysis                                             page 21
          Special publications                                        page 24

 | At a glance                     page 28
          Display | Multiscreen | Mobile                              page 29
          Content Marketing                                           page 34
          DIGITAL TOOLS                                               page 37
          rationell-reinigen-Newsletter | At a glance                 page 38
          rationell-reinigen-Newsletter | Schedule                    page 39
          rationell-reinigen-Newsletter | Advertising opportunities   page 40

          Radio                                                       page 43

          ABOUT US
          Holzmann Medien | Portfolio                                 page 44
          Contact | General terms and conditions                      page 45

MEDIA-INFORMATION 2022 - No. 53, valid from 01/01/2022 The voice of the Industry - Holzmann Medien
          WITH 23,561 COPIES                                                              STRONG INDUSTRY
                                                           (thereof 1,145 e-paper)        The building cleaning trade is the craft with the highest numer of employees in Germany.

                                                                                          Circulation: ~ 18,600 copies (inclusive e-paper)

                                                                                            With almost                     With almost                      And almost

                                                                                            700,000                         26,000                           20      billion
                                                                                            employees                       companies                        turnover
                                                                                                                                                                          source: BIV
                                                                                          'rationell reinigen' is the trade journal of the Federal trade
                                                                                          Guild Assosication of the cleaning indurstry (BIV).

                                                                                          Circulation: ~ 4,000 copies (inclusive e-paper)

                                                                                            Approximately                   In round                         Generate approx.

                                                                                            68,000                          9,000                            1.6       billion
                                                                                            employees                       companies                        turnover
                                                                                                                                                           source: WKO | Branchenradar

                                                                                          Circulation: ~ 1,000 copies (inclusive e-paper)

                                                                                            Approximately                  In round                          Generate approx.
'rationell reinigen – Gebäudedienste' is also published in Austria and Switzerland.
For readers in these countries, the magazine is supplemented by a regional section.
If you advertise in the German edition, your ad will be present in all three countries!
Separate price lists apply to the regional sections, which you can find here.
                                                                                            65,000                         2,500                             1.8       billion
                                                                                            employees                      companies                         turnover
                                                                                                                                                                        source: Allpura
MEDIA-INFORMATION 2022 - No. 53, valid from 01/01/2022 The voice of the Industry - Holzmann Medien
                                                                           rationell reinigen – GEBÄUDEDIENSTE
                                                                           THE VOICE OF THE INDUSTRY

                                                                           OUR READERS

                                                                           Main target group
                                                                           Building cleaning service providers in G/A/S   52.2 % of the circulation

                                                                           Further readers
                                                                           Public and private clients
                                                                                                                           40.8 % of the circulation
                                                                           Suppliers                                       5.7 % of the circulation
Photo: ©Breer Gebäudedienste

                                                                            Recipient analysis.
                                  Karl Breer
                                  Managing Director Breer Gebäudedienste

MEDIA-INFORMATION 2022 - No. 53, valid from 01/01/2022 The voice of the Industry - Holzmann Medien
               rationell reinigen – THE TRADE JOURNAL FOR THE BUILDING
               CLEANING INDUSTRY
               'rationell reinigen – Gebäudedienste' is published in the 73. year with 12 issues. The
               distributed circulation is 23,561 copies (thereof 1,145 e-paper), the sold print run
               amounts 6,654 copies.
               'rationell reinigen' is an indispensable companion for entrepreneurs and managers in
               the building cleaning trade, from clients and self-cleaners as well as the suppliers.
               With our special publications we offer a custom-fit environment for a targeted
               or long-term presence.

      complements our information offer as an online portal for the
               building cleaning industry up to date and offers IVW-tested quality range for banner
               and native formats.

               The 'rationell-reinigen-Newsletter' informs about 5,800 subscribers every week.

               SOCIAL MEDIA
               'rationell reinigen' is available on the common social media platforms with its own
               presence and always provides up-to-date information about the company via these
               channels done in the industry.

MEDIA-INFORMATION 2022 - No. 53, valid from 01/01/2022 The voice of the Industry - Holzmann Medien
MEDIA-INFORMATION 2022 - No. 53, valid from 01/01/2022 The voice of the Industry - Holzmann Medien
rationell reinigen


                      Total circulation (IVW-tested):
                      23,561 copies
                      (Average per issue 1. January 2020 till 30. June 2021)
                      thereof e-paper: 1,145 copies

                       Circulation and distribution analysis.


                      Monthly (12 Issues)

MEDIA-INFORMATION 2022 - No. 53, valid from 01/01/2022 The voice of the Industry - Holzmann Medien

                                                                                                                                                            OUR CREDO: QUALITY JOURNALISM

                                                                                                                                                            •	'rationell reinigen' is a constant source of inspiration for our customers due to our
                                                                          GÜNTER HERKOMMER
                                                                                                                                                               journalistic and professional competence. Up-to-date, useful and practice-oriented
                                                                                                                                                               reporting in unique information density and variety of topics are guaranteed.

                                                     NICHT OB, SONDERN WANN!

                                                                                                                                                            •   'rationell reinigen' reports independently, neutrally and critically.
                                                   Flutkatastrophe in Deutschland, brennende Wälder im Mittelmeerraum –
                                                   mittlerweile dürfte jedem klar sein: Das Weltklima ist aus den Fugen und
                                                   die Natur reagiert schonungslos auf den an ihr begangenen Raubbau.
                                                   Angesichts der erschütternden Bilder und Meldungen der vergangenen
                                                   Wochen liefert der aktuelle Weltklimabericht keine wirklich neuen Er-
                                                   kenntnisse. Unter anderem heißt es darin: In den kommenden Jahrzehn-
                                                   ten werde es mehr Hitzewellen geben, mehr Starkniederschläge, dazu
                                                   sollen die Meeresspiegel steigen und die Eiskappen schmelzen.

                                                                                                                                                            •	'rationell reinigen' is the indispensable medium for all actors in the field of
                                                   Somit dürfte es auch nicht mehr die Frage sein, ob jeder Einzelne von
                                                   uns früher oder später die Auswirkungen der Klimaveränderung mehr
                                                   oder weniger schmerzlich zu spüren bekommt, sondern lediglich wann.
                                                   Umso mehr stehen wir alle in der Pflicht – ganz gleich ob als Privatperson
                                   Klimawandel     oder Unternehmer –, schnellstens alles Machbare zu unternehmen, um

                                und Cybercrime

                                                                                                                                                               professional building cleaning/building services and provides comprehensive
                                                   der weiteren Erderwärmung gegenzusteuern beziehungsweise generell
                                                   die fortschreitende Umweltzerstörung zu stoppen. Beispiele dafür, was
                                  sind Themen,     unsere Branche hierzu beitragen kann, können Sie in den Praxis-Beiträ-
                                                   gen zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit ab Seite 32 in dieser Ausgabe nachlesen.
                                 denen sich das    Vieles wird bereits getan – ich bin mir aber sicher: Da geht noch mehr!

                               Gebäudereiniger-    Während die Folgen etwa von Überschwemmungen unübersehbar sind,

                                                                                                                                                               information on all important topics from the industry for the industry.
                                                   droht von anderer Seite eine weitere, auf den ersten Blick unsichtbare
                                      Handwerk     Gefahr. Die Rede ist von Cybercrime. Bei diesem Thema besteht auch
                                                   im Gebäudereiniger-Handwerk dringender Handlungsbedarf, denn:
                                   stellen muss.   „Die Frage ist nicht, ob eine Cyberattacke kommt, sondern wann“ – wie
                                                   Bundesinnungsmeister Thomas Dietrich im Rahmen der Rubrik Forum
                                                   ab Seite 10 warnt. Um davor gewappnet zu sein, hat die im Frühjahr vom
                                                   BIV neu gegründete Arbeitsgemeinschaft „IT-Sicherheit_Cybercrime“
                                                   nun konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen entwickelt.
                                                   Themawechsel: Normalerweise hätten wir Sie in der September-Ausgabe
                                                   auf den bevorstehenden Branchen-Event CMS Berlin eingestimmt. Doch
                                                   bekanntlich fällt die Messe aufgrund der Pandemie 2021 aus (Gleiches
                                                   gilt übrigens für die Demopark in Eisenach). Mit Sicherheit ist es keine
                                                   Frage, ob die Messe wieder als Präsenzveranstaltung stattfindet. Auch
                                                   die Frage nach dem Wann stellt sich nicht: Nächster turnusgemäßer Ter-
                                                   min ist der 19. bis 22. September 2023. Die Zeit bis dahin überbrückt der
                                                   Veranstalter mit dem neuen Format CMS Plus (mehr dazu ab Seite 74).
                                                   Ein Tipp zum Schluss: Ungeachtet der Messeabsagen finden Sie in dieser
 Bild: Holzmann Medien/Rohde

                                                   Ausgabe viele neue Produkte, die vor Ort live zu sehen gewesen wären –
                                                   und zwar im Sonderteil „Innovationen Herbst 2021“ ab Seite 76.

                                                   Ihr Günter Herkommer

                                                                                                   rationell reinigen ___ September 2021     1

       1                                                                                                                              26.08.2021 08:30:10

                                                                                                                                                            OUR CONTENT: AS DIVERSE AS THE INDUSTRY

                                                                                                                                                            •	Sections: Forum, Main Topic, In Practice, Operations, Industry, Products
                                                                                                                                                            •	Topics: news, industry trends, cleaning technologies/systems, object equipment,
                                                                                                                                                               industrial safety, digitalization and robotics, cleaning 4.0, software/quality
                                                                                                                                                               management, law, damage claims
                                                                                                                                                            •	Formats: user reports/reports, technical articles, interviews, trade fair reports,
                                                                                                                                                               Product and service pages


MEDIA-INFORMATION 2022 - No. 53, valid from 01/01/2022 The voice of the Industry - Holzmann Medien

   Issue              Dates                         Main topics                                         Trade Fairs /Exibitions (Dates Status September 2021)

  1                   ED: 01/12/2021
                      AD: 13/12/2021
                                                    Digitization | Robotics in commercial cleaning
                                                    Cleaning | Environment | Sustainability
                                                                                                        DOMOTEX, Hannover
                                                                                                        13 to 16/01/2022
  January             DP: 12/01/2022                Cleaning with UV light, steam, ozone etc.
                                                    Cleanroom cleaning
                                                    Vehicle fleet

  2                   ED: 11/01/2022
                      AD: 21/01/2022
                                                    Machines/Equipment: purchase, leasing, rental?
                                                    Washroom hygiene and equipment
                                                                                                        Intergastra, Stuttgart
                                                                                                        05 to 09/02/2022
  February            DP: 11/02/2022                Quality management | Certifications                 Lounges, Karlsruhe
                                                    Cleaning in the intralogistics environment          08 to 10/02/2022
                                                    Pest control

  3                   ED: 08/02/2022
                      AD: 18/02/2022
                                                    Hygiene in the food environment
                                                    Cleaning textiles (materials, washing, preparing)
                                                                                                        Logimat, Stuttgart
                                                                                                        08 to 10/03/2022
  March               DP: 11/03/2022                Industrial cleaning (machinery and equipment)       Internorga, Hamburg
                                                    Glass/Facade/Solar cleaning | Height access         18 to 22/03/2022
                                                    Vehicle fleet

ED = Editorial deadline AD = Advertising deadline/Date for artwork DP = Date of publication                                          The editors reserve the right to change topics.

 Information on our special publications can be found from page 24 of Media Information 2021 at

MEDIA-INFORMATION 2022 - No. 53, valid from 01/01/2022 The voice of the Industry - Holzmann Medien

   Issue               Dates                         Main topics                                                          Trade Fairs /Exibitions (Dates Status September 2021

  4                   ED: 14/03/2022
                      AD: 24/03/2022
                                                    Disinfection | Health protection
                                                    Ergonomics in building cleaning
                                                                                                                          Altenpflege, Essen
                                                                                                                          26 to 28/04/2022
  April               DP: 19/04/2022                Innovative cleaning systems /-concepts
                                                    Cleaning of leisure facilities
                                                    Software | Digitization
                                                    Issue before Altenpflege
                                                    Preview Issue INTERCLEAN Amsterdam with
                                                    rationell reinigen - Trade fair planner

  5                   ED: 11/04/2022
                      AD: 21/04/2022
                                                    Cleaning | Environment | Sustainability
                                                    Autonomous cleaning technology
                                                                                                                          INTERCLEAN, Amsterdam
                                                                                                                          10 to 13/05/2022
  May                 DP: 13/05/2022                High pressure cleaning                                                Intersolar Europe, Munich
                                                    Maintenance of outdoor facilities/green spaces | Municipal cleaning   11 to 13/05/2022
                                                    Work wear | Protective gear | Shoes
                                                    Vehicle fleet                                                         Pflege Plus, Stuttgart
                                                                                                                          17 to 19/05/2022
                                                    Issue before IFAT                                                     IFAT, Munich
                                                                                                                          30/05 to 03/06/2022

  6                   ED: 06/05/2022
                      AD: 20/05/2022
                                                    Basic cleaning | Coating | Alternative concepts
                                                    Hygiene in educational institutions (schools etc.)
  June                DP: 14/06/2022                Washroom cleaning
                                                    Infrastructural FM | Building technology
                                                    Special cleaning tasks
                                                    First impressions of INTERCLEAN Amsterdam

ED = Editorial deadline AD = Advertising deadline/Date for artwork DP = Date of publication                                                            The editors reserve the right to change topics.

 Regular Sections:
 Main Topic, Forum, In Practice, Claims Dept., Operations (Management/Finance/Law/Equipment), Industry, Products, Services.
 For further topic suggestions please contact editor-in-chief Günter Herkommer at +49 8247 354-263.


   Issue              Dates                         Main topics                                                        Trade Fairs /Exibitions (Dates Status September 2021)

  7                   ED: 09/06/2022
                      AD: 21/06/2022
                                                    Cleaning | Disinfection in healthcare
                                                    Daytime cleaning
  July                DP: 12/07/2022                Flooring: cleaning/maintenance/renovation
                                                    Hygiene and sanitary papers | Dispensing systems
                                                    Vehicle fleet
                                                    Trade fair report INTERCLEAN Amsterdam, part I

  8                   ED: 12/07/2022
                      AD: 22/07/2022
                                                    Industrial cleaning (machinery and equipment)
                                                    Security services
  August              DP: 12/08/2022                Glass/Facade cleaning | Height access
                                                    Waste sorting and disposal
                                                    Trade fair report INTERCLEAN Amsterdam, part II
                                                    28th Industry Survey 'Facillity Services in Germany'
                                                    (turnover, employment, activities)

  9                   ED: 09/08/2022
                      AD: 19/08/2022
                                                    Cleaning | Environment | Sustainability
                                                    Cleaning on demand
                                                                                                                       GaLaBau, Nuremberg
                                                                                                                       14 to 17/09/2022
  September           DP: 09/09/2022                Textile flooring | Dirt trapping mats                              IAA Transportation, Hannover
                                                    Software | Quality management                                      20 to 25/09/2022
                                                    Maintenance of outdoor facilities/green spaces | Winter services
                                                    Vehicle fleet
                                                    Issue before GaLaBau

ED = Editorial deadline AD = Advertising deadline/Date for artwork DP = Date of publication                                                         The editors reserve the right to change topics.

 Information on our special publications can be found from page 24 of Media Information 2021 at


   Issue               Dates                         Main topics                                                Trade Fairs /Exibitions (Dates Status September 2021)

  10                  ED: 07/09/2022
                      AD: 19/09/2022
                                                    Flooring: cleaning/maintenance/renovation
                                                    Battery-powered equipment and machines
                                                                                                                Arbeitsschutz Aktuell, Stuttgart
                                                                                                                18 to 20/10/2022
  October             DP: 11/10/2022                Cleaning textiles (materials, washing, preparing)
                                                    Cleaning in the transportation sector
                                                    Protective gear | Personal protective equipment

  11                  ED: 06/10/2022
                      AD: 18/10/2022
                                                    Cleaning in shopping malls
                                                    Digital tools
  November            DP: 09/11/2022                Using pads, brushes, rollers
                                                    Equipment for smart cleaning                                08 to 09/11/2022
                                                    Dosing systems                                              Munich
                                                    Vehicle fleet
                                                    Trade Fair Report GaLaBau
                                                    Issue before congress 'Zukunftsforum Gebäudedienste" 2022

  12                  ED: 07/11/2022
                      AD: 18/11/2022
                                                    Hygiene in the food environment
                                                    Washroom hygiene and equipment
  December            DP: 09/12/2022                Innovative cleaning systems
                                                    Flooring: cleaning/maintenance/renovation
                                                    Hygiene in commercial kitchens
                                                    Report 'Zukunftsforum Gebäudedienste' 2022

ED = Editorial deadline AD = Advertising deadline/Date for artwork DP = Date of publication                                                  The editors reserve the right to change topics.

 Regular Sections:
 Main Topic, Forum, In Practice, Claims Dept., Operations (Management/Finance/Law/Equipment), Industry, Products, Services.
 For further topic suggestions please contact editor-in-chief Günter Herkommer at +49 8247 354-263.

                                                                                                                                                                               valid from 01/01/2022

1 Advertisement prices and formats (All prices specified are subject to effective statutory VAT.)

 Format                               Print space formats width x height in mm                              Basic prices b/w        Prices 2-coloured Prices 3-coloured Prices 4-coloured

 1/1 page                             185 x 266                                                                € 4,150.–               € 4,720.–               € 5,290.–                € 5,860.–
 Junior page                          137 x 180                                                                € 2,200.–               € 2,490.–               € 2,780.–                € 3,070.–
 1/2 page                             185 x 131 or 90 x 266                                                    € 2,080.–               € 2,370.–               € 2,660.–                € 2,950.–
 1/3 page                             185 x 86 or 58 x 266                                                     € 1,420.–               € 1,670.–               € 1,920.–                € 2,170.–
 1/4 page                             185 x 63 or 90 x 131 or 43 x 266                                         € 1,040.–               € 1,260.–               € 1,480.–                € 1,700.–
 1/8 page                             185 x 29 or 90 x 63 or 43 x 131                                          € 525.–                 € 635.–                 € 745.–                  € 855.–
 1/16 page                              90 x 29                                                                € 270.–                 € 370.–                 € 470.–                  € 570.–

 Front cover page +           210 x 193 + 3 mm trimming on the right, left and at the bottom                                                                                            € 7,500.–
 Front cover page declaration 185 x 86
 2nd, 3rd, 4th cover          210 x 297 + 3 mm trimming on every side                                                                                                                   € 6,275.–

                                                                                                                                                                   rationell reinigen
                                                                                                                                                   is available as an App, too. – Advertisements from
Content advertisements - millimetre price b/w                       (43 mm wide)        € 4.55
                                                                                                                                                         ¼ page will be linked with your website!
Island advertisements – millimetre price b/w                        (43 mm wide)        € 6.75
                                                                                                   Minimum term 6 months (without discount), minimum height 20 mm.
Supplier directory – millimetre price b/w                           (43 mm wide)        € 2.20     Annual subscription (12 issues) 10 % discount. Included in the price: Special entry in the
Supplier directory – millimetre price colour                        (43 mm wide)        € 2.90     supplier database linked with company address, profile, logo, Internet address, indication of
                                                                                                   a max. of 15 search items
Event planner (training, seminars, workshops, in-house exhibitions, conventions, meetings, etc.)
Print entry per event and issue                                     € 20.–
Online entry per event /month                                       € 20.–
Print + online per event and issue                                  € 30.–
Logo per issue                                                      € 100.–

  Section formats and graphic illustration see page 15                                               Price list for employment and classified advertisements see page 16

                                                                                                                                                              valid from 01/01/2022

2 Surcharges:          Binding placement regulations: respectively 10 % of basic price                           Loose inserts (no discount)
  Placement             (possible from 1/2 page ad)                                                               up to 25 g, max. size of 205 mm x 294 mm, machine processing
   Colour 	Per standard colour (Euroscale):                                                                      22,500 copies | total circulation (incl. abroad)       € 4,255.-
            1/1 page            € 570.-                          1/4 page          € 220.-                        incl. postage
            1/2 page            € 290.-                          1/8 page          € 110.-                        17,500 copies | only German circulation                   € 3,330.-
            1/3 page            € 250.-                          minimum surcharge € 100.-                        incl. postage
            Special colours only upon request.
                                                                                               	14,000 copies |
   Format                dvertisements across the gutter
                        A                                                10 % of basic price     Building cleaning service providers in G/A/S                               € 2,870.-
                        Bleed advertisements                             10 % of basic price                      incl. postage
3 Discounts: 	For purchase within one year of insertion                                                          9,000 copies |
               (starting from the appearance of the first advertisement)                                          Building cleaning service providers in Germany	€ 1,845.-
                           frequency discount                 volume discount                                     incl. postage
               Appearing 3 times       5%                       1 page         5%
                                                                                                                  Total inserts up to 35 g                                  € 5,290.-
               Appearing 6 times 10 %                           3 pages       10 %
               Appearing 12 times 15 %                          6 pages       15 %                                Glued inserts, samples, booklets, etc.                upon request
               Appearing 24 times 20 %                        12 pages        20 %
                                                                                               6 Contact:	Consultation, booking:
                         o discount on colour, bleed, placement surcharges, title pages,
                        N                                                                                   Gerti Strobel, Advertising Manager
                        loose inserts, postcards, glued inserts and technical supplementary                 Telephone +49 8247 354-163
                        costs, employment and classified advertisements.                          
4 Categories:	See price list employment and classified advertisements no. 53/G, p. 16         	
                                                                                                Miriam Hofmiller, Media Sales
                                                                                                                  Telephone +49 8247 354-264
5 Special types of
  advertising:      Bound inserts
  	2 pages (1 sheet)                                                             € 4,350.-     Data delivery, invoices, supporting documents:
                    4 pages (2 sheet), folded                                     € 6,500.-     Andrea Ries, Order processing
                    Uncut format                                            216 x 305 mm        Telephone +49 8247 354-257
                    (incl. 5 mm head trim, 3mm bleed each on left, right and bottom)  
                    Trim size                                               210 x 297 mm
                    Required batch                                          22,600 copies
                    (discount: 1 Bound insert, 2, 4 pages = 1/1 advertisement page)


Advertisement formats

                    1/8 vertical
                                                1/4 p.
                   w 43 mm                    w 90 mm
                   h 131 mm                   h 131 mm

1/8 page       1/8 p. horizontal       1/4 p. horizontal 1/4 p. vertical                     1/3 p. horizontal 1/3 p. vertical      1/2 p. horizontal 1/2 p. vertical
Width   90 mm Width 185 mm           Width 185 mm Width         43 mm                    Width 185 mm Width         58 mm     Width 185 mm Width         90 mm
Height 63 mm Height 29 mm            Height 63 mm Height 266 mm                          Height 86 mm Height 266 mm           Height 131 mm Height 266 mm

           Junior page

in the print space Bleed*              1/4 p.horizontal   1/4 p. vertical                    1/3 p. horizontal   1/3 p. vertical    1/2 p. horizontal   1/2 p. vertical
Width: 137 mm Width 148 mm           bleed*             bleed*                             bleed*              bleed*             bleed*              bleed*
Height 180 mm Height 200 mm          Width 210 mm      Width      55 mm                  Width 210 mm       Width     70 mm   Width 210 mm       Width 102 mm
                                       Height 82 mm      Height 297 mm                     Height 106 mm      Height 297 mm     Height 145 mm      Height 297 mm

                                       The formats specified are final formats. Bleed advertisements require an additional
                                       trimming of 3 mm per page.

                                        Please note:
                                        • A margin of at least 5 mm to the edge of the page must be maintained for bleed
                                          advertisements with texts/images.
                                        • An additional 3 mm per page is not ideally legible - due to the adhesive binding - in
                                          the gutter next to the trimming (gutter bleed) of 3 mm each for text and images
1/1 page in the   1/1 page bleed*         across the gutter.                                                                        2 x 1/2 page across gutter
print space                                                                                                                             per width 210 mm
Width 185 mm     Width      210 mm    • A 10 % surcharge on the basic price is charged for bleed advertisements.                         height 145 mm
Height 266 mm    Height     297 mm                                                                                                   +3 mm trimming right, left and below
                                                                                                                                              valid from 01/01/2022

Advertisement prices and formats for classified advertisements
(All prices specified are subject to statutory sales tax.)
 Format                    Print space formats          Job offers + other      Jobs Wanted       Box number
                           width x height in mm     classified advertisements   Print + online    ad rate:            € 12.-
                                                         in print + online           b/w          Colour surcharge:	Per visible colour or for logo in colour
                                                                b/w                                                     up to 1/4 page format                 € 150.–
 1/1                             185 x 255                € 1,860.00             € 1,300.00                             bigger than 1/4 page format           € 215.–
 1/2                       185 x 125 or 90 x 255          € 930.00               € 650.00         Discounts:	none
 1/4                              90 x 125                € 475.00               € 335.00
 1/8                              90 x 60                 € 250.00               € 175.00         Print data:	Advertisements are set according to the text
 1/16 (minimum size)              90 x 29                 € 135.00               €    98.00                    source or delivered as a complete print file
                                                                                                               (PDF with a 300 dpi resolution). A proof is
 160 mm/4 columns               185 x 160                 € 1,408.00             €    992.00                   created upon request.
 110 mm/2 columns                90 x 110                 € 484.00               €    341.00
 100 mm/2 columns                90 x 100                 € 440.00               €    310.00                          Please note the font size of at least 7 point.
  90 mm/2 columns                90 x 90                  € 396.00               €    279.00
  80 mm/2 columns                90 x 80                  € 352.00               €    248.00      Consulting/
  50 mm/2 columns                90 x 50                  € 220.00               €    155.00
  40 mm/2 columns                90 x 40                                                          Booking:	Telephone +49 8247 354-232
                                                          € 176.00               €    124.00                  (Barbara Danielkewitz | Angela Holzwarth)
 Millimeter price              90 mm width                €      4.40            €      3.10        
                                                                                                              Please enter in the subject: rationell reinigen
 Millimeter price             185 mm width                €      8.80            €      6.20
                                                                                                               Telephone +49 8247 354-257
                                                                                                               (Andrea Ries)
    Advertisements are only possible in 2 columms (90 mm width) or 4 columms (185 mm width).
                                                                                                               Please enter in the subject: rationell reinigen

                                                                                                 Classified advertisements.
                                                                                                 are published online approx. one week before the printed issue
                                                                                                 comes out at and will be online for
                                                                                                 approx. 4 weeks.



Year:                   73rd volume 2022                                                           Magazine format:       DIN A4 | 210 mm wide x 297 mm high
Organ:	Journal of the Federal Trade Guild Association of the cleaning                             Print space:           185 mm width x 266 mm height
                                                                                                   Print and
Publishing house:	Holzmann Medien GmbH & Co. KG                                                   binding process:       inner section: sheet offset, paper: 90 g/m², image print
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                                                                                                                  File resolution: 300 dpi (CMYK)
Publisher:              Alexander Holzmann
                                                                                                                  All used writings are embedded.
Advertisements:	Gerti Strobel (responsible)
                                                                                                   Colours:	Printing inks (CMYK) according to ISO Coated v2 (ECI)
                 Telephone +49 8247 354-163
                                                                                                             Special colours must be created in the colours of the Euroscale.
                                                                                                   Data archiving: 	Printing material/media is not stored by the publishing house for
Editorial Department: 	Günter Herkommer
                                                                                                                     more than one year after the last placement.
                        (Editor in Chief|responsible in accordance with the press law)
                        Telephone +49 8247 354-263                                                 Warranty:	Complaints can not be accepted for incompletely or inaccurately
                                                                provided data/printing material.
                        For further contacts see page 45.                                          Media-Disposition:	Andrea Ries
                                                                                                                       Telephone +49 8247 354-257
Issue prices:            nnual subscription national print
                        A                                      € 139.90 (incl. VAT and postage)
                        Annual subscription national digital   € 129.99 (incl. VAT)
                        Annual subscription national                                                elivery address for
                        Kombi (print + digital)               € 152.45 (incl. VAT and postage)    loose inserts and
                        Annual subscription abroad             Price like national plus postage   bound inserts:	Holzmann Druck, Warenannahme
                        Retail price                           € 14.10 (incl. VAT and postage)                          Gewerbestraße 2, 86825 Bad Wörishofen
                                                                                                                         password rationell reinigen, no. .../2022
Contact reader service: 	Telephone +49 8247 354-246
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Terms of payment
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1 Circulation control:                                                                      3.1 D
                                                                                                 istribution according to the Nielsen regions/Federal states:
2 Circulation analysis:	Copies per issue as an annual average                                 Nielsen region I
                         (01. July 2020 til 30. June 2021)                                     Schleswig-Holstein                                          3.59 %       668
                                                                                               Hamburg                                                     1.87 %       348
                                                                                               Lower Saxony                                                8.56 %     1.593
  Print run*                    22,500                             of which     of which       Bremen                                                      0.74 %       138
                                                                    abroad       ePaper        Nielsen region II
  Total circulation*:                                                                          North Rhine-Westphalia                                     20.50 %     3,814
                                23,561                               4,955       1,145         Nielsen region IIIa
                                                                                               Hesse                                                       8.53 %     1,587
  Paid circulation:              6,654                               2,392            385      Rhineland-Palatinate                                        4.36 %       811
                                                                                               Saarland                                                    1.08 %       201
  Copies subscribed:             5,448                               2,082            37
                                                                                               Nielsen region IIIb
                                 davon    2,186 Members copies       1,674             0       Baden-Wuerttemberg                                         14.56 %     2,709
                                             45 Multiple copies          3                     Nielsen region IV
                                                                                               Bavaria                                                    19.42 %     3,613
  Other sales:                   1,206                                  310           348      Nielsen region V
  Single-copy sale:                  0                                                  0      Berlin                                                      3.14 %      584
  Free copies:                  16,907                               2,563            760      Nielsen region VI
                                                                                               Brandenburg                                                 2.81 %      523
                                 davon       0 laid out                  0                     Mecklenburg-West Pomerania                                  1.08 %      201
                                             0 display locations         0                     Saxony-Anhalt                                               2.23 %      415
                                                                                               Nielsen region VII
  Remaining, file and                84                                                        Saxony                                                      4.51 %      839
  archived copies:                                                                             Thuringia                                                   3.02 %      562
                                                                                               Total circulation national                               100.00 %     18,606
3 Geographical distribution analysis:
                                                                                                Distribution abroad:
                                                  Proportion of the total circulation
                                                                                               Europe                                                      99.98 %    4,954
  Economic region                                        %                Copies               German-speaking countries                                   99.32 %    4,921
  National                                             78.97              18,606               Liechtenstein                                                0.04 %        2
                                                                                               Austria                                                     79.83 %    3,956
  Abroad                                               21.03                  4,955            Switzerland                                                 19.45 %      963
  Total circulation                                  100.00               23,561               EU countries (without Germany/Austria)                       0.66 %       33
                                                                                               Non-European countries                                       0.02 %        1
                                                                                               Total circulation abroad                                  100.00 %     4,955

*Discrepancy between actual circulation and print run due to e-paper.


1.1 Branches of trade/industrial sectors/types of companies:

 WZ 2008 Code              Recipient groups                                                                                     Proportion of the total circulation
                           (according to classification of the industrial sectors 2008)
                                                                                                                     in total                            National        Abroad
                                                                                                             %                     Copies                 Copies         Copies
                           Building cleaning service providers                                             52.20 %                     12,299                 9,082         3,217
 38/58-63/74-82/           Commercial cleaning companies, providers of infrastructural services such as
 81100/8121/8122/          the handling of waste and recycling, catering, facade cleaning, maintenance
 8129/90-93/               of green areas and winter services, janitor services, industrial cleaning,
 95-98/9601                security services, carpet cleaning, facility management etc.
                           Clients (potential) of building cleaning service providers
                           and persons in charge of own cleaning staff                                     40.82 %                       9,617                8,029         1,588
 10-33/35/41-43            Industry (production of food products and beverages, metal construction and
                           mechanical engineering, automobile industry, etc.) power industry               19.61 %                       4,620                3,548         1,072
 55-56/9604                Hotels, industrial kitchens, amusement parks, adventure and thermal spas         3.87 %                          912                 884               28
 64-65/47                  Financial services/insurance companies; retail trade, shopping centres           0.39 %                          92                      82            10
 49-53/68/69-73/           Public authorities: Acquisition and contracting offices of the federal           6.93 %                       1,633                1,177           456
 84/843/85/94/99           government, states and communes, airports, convention and trade fair
                           companies, Deutsche Bahn (German railways), universities, technical
                           colleges, school authorities, real estate and housing, professional
 8610/87                   Clinics/hospitals, nursing and special-care homes, retirement homes/assisted    10.02 %                       2,360                2,338               22
                           living establishments
                           Suppliers                                                                        5.75 %                       1,355                1,242           113
 45/46/46442/              Production and wholesale/ trade in/of cleaning requirements (machinery,
 47788                     cleaning and care products, tools)

                           Not specified                                                                    1.23 %                          290                 253               37
                           Total circulation                                                              100.00 %                     23,561                18,606         4,955

1.2 Size of the business entity: not ascertained
2.1 Job characteristics: not ascertained
2.2 Socio-demographics: not ascertained
2.3 Decision areas or purchasing intentions: not ascertained
Summary of the survey method for recipient structural analysis (AMF Scheme 2)                                Summary of the survey method for recipient structural analysis (AMF Scheme 3-E)
1. Untersuchungsmethode                                                                                     1. Untersuchungsmethode
   Verbreitungs-Analyse durch Dateiauswertung - Total-Erhebung                                                   Empfänger-Struktur-Analyse durch Dateiauswertung - Total-Erhebung
2. Beschreibung der Empfängerschaft zum Zeitpunkt der Datenerhebung:                                        2. Beschreibung der Empfängerschaft zum Zeitpunkt der Datenerhebung:
   2.1 Beschaffenheit der Datei:                                                                                2.1 Beschaffenheit der Datei:
       In der Empfängerdatei sind die Anschriften aller Empfänger erfasst. Aufgrund der vorhandenen                  In der Empfängerdatei sind die Anschriften aller Empfänger erfasst. Aufgrund der vorhandenen
       postalischen Angaben kann die Datei nach Postleitzahlen bzw. Inlands- und Auslandsempfängern                  postalischen Angaben kann die Datei nach Postleitzahlen bzw. Inlands- und Auslandsempfängern
       sortiert werden.                                                                                              sortiert werden. Ergänzend sind in der Datei erfasst: Branchenzugehörigkeit, Betriebsgrößenklassen,
                                                                                                                     Position und Funktion.
  2.2 Gesamtzahl Empfänger in der Datei: 113,999
                                                                                                               2.2 Gesamtzahl Empfänger in der Datei: 113,999
  2.3 Gesamtzahl der wechselnden Empfänger: 81,293 (Wechsel nach jeder dritten Ausgabe)
                                                                                                               2.3 Gesamtzahl der wechselnden Empfänger: 81,293 (Wechsel nach jeder dritten Ausgabe)
  2.4 S truktur der Empfängerschaft einer aktuellen
       durchschnittlichen Ausgabe nach Vertriebsformen:                                                        2.4 Struktur der Empfängerschaft einer aktuellen
       - Verkaufte Auflage 			                                                        6,654                         durchschnittlichen Ausgabe nach Vertriebsformen:
       davon: abonnierte Exemplare 		                    5,448                                                      - Verkaufte Auflage 			                                                           6,654
                Einzelverkauf 		                             -                                                      davon: abonnierte Exemplare 		                    5,448
                Sonstiger Verkauf		                      1,206                                                              Einzelverkauf 		                              -
       - Freistücke 			                                                              16,907                                 Sonstiger Verkauf		                       1,206
       davon: ständige Freistücke 		                     2,823                                                      - Freistücke 			                                                                 16,907
                wechselnde Freistücke 		                13,841                                                      davon: ständige Freistücke 		                     2,823
                Werbeexemplare 		                          243                                                              wechselnde Freistücke 		                 13,841
       Tatsächlich verbreitete Auflage (tvA) 			                                     23,561                                 Werbeexemplare 		                           243
       - davon Inland 		                                18,606                                                      Tatsächlich verbreitete Auflage (tvA) 			                                        23,561
       - davon Ausland		                                 4,955                                                      - davon Inland 		                                18,606
                                                                                                                    - davon Ausland		                                 4,955
3. Beschreibung der Untersuchung:
   3.1 Grundgesamtheit (untersuchter Anteil):                                                               3. Beschreibung der Untersuchung:
        Grundgesamtheit (tvA) 		                                 23,561            100.00 %                      3.1 Grundgesamtheit (untersuchter Anteil):
        Davon in der Untersuchung nicht erfasst 		                  447              1.90 %                           Grundgesamtheit (tvA) 		                                 23,561             100.00 %
           - Einzelverkauf 		                                         -                                               Davon in der Untersuchung nicht erfasst 		                  447               1.90 %
           - Werbeexemplare 		                                      243                                                  - Einzelverkauf 		                                         -
           - Über Buchhandel geliefert 		                           204                                                  - Werbeexemplare 		                                      243
        Die Untersuchung repräsentiert von                                                                               - Über Buchhandel geliefert		                            204
        der Grundgesamtheit (tvA) 		                             23,114             98.10 %                           Die Untersuchung repräsentiert von
                                                                                                                      der Grundgesamtheit (tvA) 		                             23,114               98.10 %
  3.2 Tag der Datei-Auswertung: 11.08.2021
                                                                                                               3.2 Tag der Datei-Auswertung: 11.08.2021
  3.3 B
       eschreibung der Datenbasis
      Die Auswertung basiert auf der Grundgesamtdatei. Die ermittelten Anteile für die Verbreitungsgebiete     3.3 Beschreibung der Datenbasis
      wurden auf die tatsächlich verbreitete Auflage im Jahresdurchschnitt gemäß AMF-Ziffer 17 projiziert.          Für die Zuordnung der Branchen- und Betriebsgrößenklassen-Merkmale
                                                                                                                    zu den Empfängeradressen wurden verwendet:
  3.4 Zielperson der Untersuchung: entfällt
                                                                                                                    - Qualifizierung der Adressen durch den Verlag
  3.5 Definition des Lesers: entfällt                                                                               - Adress- und Fernsprechbücher, schriftliche Mitteilungen an den Verlag,
  3.6 Zeitraum der Untersuchung: August 2021                                                                          Messekataloge, Internetrecherchen
                                                                                                                    Ausschöpfung Branchenmerkmal                                    112,913 Fälle = 99.0 %
  3.7 Durchführung der Untersuchung: Verlag                                                                         Keine Angaben in der Datei 		                                      1,086 Fälle = 1.0 %
Diese Untersuchung entspricht in der Anlage, Durchführung und Berichterstattung dem                                 		                                                              113,999 Fälle = 100.0 %
ZAW-Rahmenschema für Werbeträger-Analysen in der aktuellen Fassung.                                                 Ausschöpfung Betriebsgrößenklasse                                 22,393 Fälle = 19.6 %
                                                                                                                    Keine Angaben in der Datei 		                                    91,606 Fälle = 80.4 %
                                                                                                                    		                                                              113,999 Fälle = 100.0 %
                                                                                                                    Ausschöpfung Position 		                                         15,084 Fälle = 13.2 %
                                                                                                                    Keine Angaben in der Datei 		                                    98,915 Fälle = 86.8 %
                                                                                                                    		                                                              113,999 Fälle = 100.0 %
                                                                                                               3.4 Zielperson der Untersuchung: entfällt
                                                                                                               3.5 Definition des Lesers: entfällt
                                                                                                               3.6 Zeitraum der Untersuchung: August 2021
                                                                                                               3.7 Durchführung der Untersuchung: Verlag

                                                                                                                   Reading time
                                                                                               up to 30 minutes                        18 %
rationell reinigen subscribers, on average, have been reading the
magazine for 12,7 years.                                                         between 30 minutes and 1 hour                                           34 %
89 % of respondents read all 12 issues of rationell reinigen.
On average, they peruse each issue about three times for a total                        between 1 and 1.5 hours                            22 %
period of about one hour.
                                                                                        between 1.5 and 2 hours                12 %
                            I have been reading rationell reinigen for ...
                                                                                                2 hours or more                     14 %
              1–5 years                              26 %

             6–10 years                             25 %
                                                                             COMPETENT COMMUNICATORS
            11–20 years                                      35 %
                                                                             rationell reinigen is, on average, read by 4 more persons who hold a senior position.
       21 years or more                   14 %
                                                                                                                   Additional readers
                           Number of times I go through an issue ...
                                                                                                         No one                 15 %
                  Once                                    31 %
                                                                                                    1–2 persons                                   33 %
                 Twice                             24 %
                                                                                                    3–5 persons                                      38 %
                3 times                             26 %
                                                                                                   6–10 persons              10 %
                4 times              9%
                                                                                             11 or more persons         5%
       5 times or more                11 %

Source: 2015 Reader analysis
Basis: 251 subscribers in Germany

PERCEPTION OF THE MAGAZINE AND ADVERTISING                                                                                      Assessment of rationell reinigen*

67 % read at least half of all the editorial content of rationell reinigen.           Helps to broaden/deepen my expertise                                         87 %
62 % believe that the companies that advertise in                                           Provides impulses for purchase/
rationell reinigen are important players in the trade.                                                 investment decisions                          57 %

                                                                                                      Takes a critical stance                                  86 %

                                                Magazine usage                         Is informative, competent and useful                                           98 %
              I read almost all the articles           12 %
                                                                                            Is the most important magazine                                    81 %
           I read about 75 % of all articles              19 %
                                                                                                                                Qualities of rationell reinigen*
            I read about half of all articles                    39 %
                                                                                                     Reader-friendly layout                                                  99 %
                                                Importance of advertisements in
                                                rationell reinigen*                                        Of practical use                                               90 %

            Provide input for investment/
                                                                  51 %                         Offers solutions to problems                                         80 %
                      purchase decisions

         Draw attention to new products                                        84 %                      Is well researched                                               90 %

                                                                                                Provides good arguments I
                      Are important to me                               63 %                                                                                63 %
                                                                                                   can use with customers

 Prompt me to visit the vendor's website                         46 %
                                                                                      About the survey:
    I consider companies that advertise in                                            251 subscribers were interviewed over the phone based on a sample of the subscriber
rationell reinigen to be important players                              62 %          base according to Nielsen regions.
                            in the market                                             Survey conducted in June 2015 by: Dierks Markt- und Medienforschung, Pirmasens
                                                                                      Field Institute: Foerster&Thelen GmbH, Bochum

Source: 2015 Reader Survey
Basis: 251 subscribers in Germany; Level 1-3 on a scala of 6

                                           Business size                                                                  Areas of activity

                        1–20 employees                     27 %                                Maintenance cleaning

                       21–50 employees              18 %                                   Glass and facade cleaning                                          63 %
                     51–100 employees               18 %
                                                                                               Construction cleaning                                       54 %
                    101–250 employees               16 %

                    251–500 employees          7%                                                  Industrial cleaning                          35 %

                501 or more employees              13 %                                             Machine cleaning                         29 %

                                                                                                    Hospital cleaning                        26 %
                                           Functions/Respondent's position
Board Member/Owner/General Manager                                45 %                  Senior care facilities cleaning                      29 %

 Senior Technical Staff/Master Craftsman       6%
                                                                                                      Carpet cleaning                                        60 %
                Senior Commercial Staff           11 %
                                                                                    Green area/grounds maintenance                                  40 %
                          Sales Manager        7%
                                                                                                    Janitorial services                              45 %
     Department Head/Facility Manager                    23 %

                Skilled Worker/Assistant     2%                                                        Hotel services                        13 %

                                                                                                             Catering          6%
                                           Decision-making authority
                                     Yes                                     94 %                    Security services            11 %
                                                                                                                          Multiple answers
                                     No       4%

 Source: 2015 Reader Survey
 Basis: 251 subscribers in Germany
                                                        In commercial cleaning in particular, sustainability means ensuring that all the people
                                                        components, processes and products involved in the process as efficiently and as
                                                        possible. For more and more companies, sustainability is therefore no longer a purely
                                                        marketing instrument, but rather a fundamental component of their corporate strategy.
                                                           We offer companies that use machines and equipment for energy-saving work,
                                                            the economical use of water, environmentally compatible cleaning chemicals, dosing
                                                            systems, consumables, systems for the avoidance of packaging waste, but also for and
                                                            other interested parties the opportunity to present their concepts and solutions.
                                                           The guide also provides a platform for cleaning service providers who would like to
                                                            demonstrate their sustainability strategy to clients.
                                                        Circulation:	15,000 copies
                                                        Online + Mobile:                  E-Paper on
                                                                                          App in Apple Store and Google Play Store
                                                        Verbreitung:                      S ent to subscribers of 'rationell reinigen'
                                                                                           in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
                                                                                           ithout wastage directly to building cleaning service providers
                                                                                          and persons in charge of acquistion and assignment.
                                                                                          Presentation on trade fairs and events.

                                                         Presence in the guide + e-paper + app:
                                                          1 page company portrait                                                             2,000.– €
                                                        	1 page company portrait +
                                                          1/1 page advertisement or 1 full-page image                                         3,800.– €
                                                          2 page company portrait                                                             3,800.– €
                                                        	Advertisement on the 2nd, 3rd or 4th cover page                                     3,300.– €
                                                         Online presence | "Sustainability" providers                                              900.– €
 Go here for the 2020 edition.                          Term. 12 months on
                                                        + 1 ContentAd in an available rationell-reinigen-Newsletter (value € 420.-)
Last Booking:          at the latest till 22/09/2022
Date of publication:                      11/11/2022
                                                            Click here for the online overview.
               > YOUR VISITORS                                rationell-reinigen-Trade Fair Planner to INTERCLEAN, Amsterdam
                                                                 23,000 copies circulation
                                                                 Sent as an supplement to the April-Issue of rationell reinigen
                                                                 Distributed on the fair in Amsterdam
                                                                 E-Paper on  special publications
                                                                 Free of charge App in Apple Store and Google Play Store

                                                              THE PLATFORM TO GENERATE INTEREST IN YOUR EXHIBITS.
                                                              Send a text with max. 800 characters and two photos (300 dpi, to choose from)
                                                              on your exhibits for the editorial trade fair preview (free of charge) by 08/03/2022
                                                              directly to the editorial office:

                                                              Book your company logo in the particular hall plan for € 260.-

                                                              Invite with an advert to visit your booth!

Handy format:                                                  Formate                                                                 Preise 4c
DIN A5 high
                                                               Titel page, cover page                                                  4,400.– €
                                                               Back cover                                                              3,600.– €
                                                               Inside front + inside back cover                                        3,300.– €
                                                               1/1 page                           148 mm wide, 210 mm high             3,000.– €
                                                               1/2 page horizontal                130 mm wide, 92 mm high              1,550.– €
                                                               1/2 page vertical                   62 mm wide, 189 mm high             1,550.– €
                                                               1/4 page                            62 mm wide, 92 mm high                830.– €
                                                               1/8 page                            62 mm wide, 45 mm high                430.– €
                                     Sample pages from 2018
                                                               Logo in hall plan                                                         260.– €
                                                                                                                                           + VAT.

Last Booking:          15/03/2022
Date of publication:   19/04/2022

FOR BUILDING CLEANING                  08./09. NOVEMBER 2022
                                       PAULANER AM NOCKHERBERG
Please find more information on:

                                       ORDER YOUR TICKETS NOW
                                       SAVE THE EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT!

                                       We will inform you about sponsoring possibilities in spring 2022.
                                       Contact:	Gerti Strobel
                                                 Telephone +49 8247 354-163



                        Online reach                               Of wich mobile reach
                        46,544 visits                              15,799 visits
                        80,140 page impressions                    22,936 page impressions
                        (monthly average March 2020                (monthly average March 2020
                        till March 2021, IVW checked)              till March 2021, IVW checked)

                        CAMPAIGN PLANNING
                        Best practice examples and the current coverage can be found here:

                         'rationell reinigen' digital portfolio.



ADVERTISING SPACE XXL � for even more attention

                          Dynamic Sitebar   DYNAMIC SITEBAR                                           NEW                       CINEMAAD
                                                                                     CPM € 150.–                                                                        CPM € 170.–
                                            The Dynamic Sitebar takes the right-hand skyscraper                                 Fold-out ad that retracts to billboard width when
                                            position and always remains visible. When the user                      CinemaAd    close button is clicked. The complete advertising
                                            scrolls, the Dynamic Sitebar remains in place (sticky).                             message is visible at all times.
                                            The advertising format adapts to the respective                                     Delivery: Desktop
                                            screen size and thus dynamically uses the maximum
                                            available space on the right-hand side of the website.
                                            Delivery: Desktop

      Homepage Takeover
                                            HOMEPAGE TAKEOVER                                                       Wallpaper
                                                                                    CPM € 170.–                                                                        CPM € 135.–
                                            Getting more advertising space is impossible.                                       Combination of Superbanner and Skyscraper. The

                                            Attention-grabbing combination of FireplaceAd and                                   wallpaper frames the website at the top and
                                            Billboard.                                                                          right-hand side.
                                            Delivery: Desktop                                                                   Delivery: Desktop

                                                                                                                                                                         CPM € 160.–
                                                                                                                                Combination of two Skyscrapers and the Superbanner.
                                                                                                                                The FireplaceAd frames the website on three sides.
                                                                                                                                When scrolling, the Skyscrapers on the left and right
                                                                                                                                are sticky.
                                                                                                                                Delivery: Desktop


Strong performance and branding formats. Played out in the field of high-quality content.

                                                 Superbanner (728 x 90 pixels)              CPM € 80.–                    Billboard (940 x 250 pixels)             CPM € 150.–
                Superbanner                      Sticky Superbanner (728 x 90 pixels)  CPM € 100.–                        Large format, positioned between navigation and
                                                 Attention-grabbing advertising format with full-surface    Billboard      content with plenty of space for design and
                                                 presence, top or bottom. Use in the immediately                           information. A prominent stage for your advertising
                                                 visible area with great creative scope for design.                        message.
                                                 Delivery: Desktop, Tablet                                                 Delivery: Desktop

              Sticky Superbanner

                                                 Skyscraper |                                                              Interstitial (300-550 x 250-400 pixels) CPM € 120.–
                                                 Wide Skyscraper (120-160 x 600 pixels)  CPM € 90.–                       Fade-in takes place directly above the content when
                                                 Placed at the right or left side of the screen; remains                   the website is called up.

                                                 in the user's field of view while scrolling.                              Delivery: Desktop, Tablet
                                                 Delivery: Desktop                                          Interstitial

                                                 TandemAd                                CPM € 130.–                      BanderoleAd (770 x 250 pixels)             CPM € 125.–
                Superbanner                      Simultaneous playout of two classic advertising                           The advertising material lies in the directly visible area
                                                 formats within the same page impression.                                  like a strip across the website. Best suited for concise

                                                 Delivery: upon request                                                    advertising messages.
                         Medium                  AdBundle                                    CPM € 135.–                  Delivery: Desktop
                                                 (Joint) delivery of three different classic advertising    Banderole
                                                 Delivery: upon request


One format — all devices! Whether desktop, tablet or smartphone.

                               HalfpageAd (300 x 600 pixels)          CPM € 110.–                          VideoAdfrom € 3,500.-
                               The integration in the content area of the site                              We adapt and integrate your video to the look
                               ensures that the user's attention is drawn to this                           & feel of the website.
                               striking advertising format.
                                                                                                            To make users aware of the VideoAD, we place
                                                                                                            a teaser box on the start page and the subpages
                                                                                                            of the website. For the teaser, you have 120
                                                                                                            characters of text and an image available.
                                                                                                            You choose how long you want to run the

                               Medium Rectangle (300 x 250 pixels) CPM € 100.–
                               Prominent placement in the content of the
                               website, centrally and in the user's field of vision.


                                                                   CPM = Cost per Mile

                                                                                         'rationell reinigen' Branding Day.
                                                                                         Exclusive display of your advertising message. Book by the day or
                                                                                         the week — please contact us!
                                                                                         Choose your desired format for the exclusive addressing of our
                                                                                         users in an exclusive period.

                                                                                         'rationell reinigen' — very targeted.
                                                                                         CPM markups:
                                                                                         € 5.– for targeting | € 5.– for frequency capping

                    EVEN ON THE SMALLEST SCREENS

                    MOBILE INTERSCROLLER
    NEW             (300 x 600 pixels)                                                CPM € 150.–
                    • Particularly attention-grabbing advertising format.
                    • Advertising material lies behind the content and is displayed
                       by scrolling through the view port, while being completely
                    • Does not only communicate an advertising message, but
                       guarantees also a high brand awareness.
                    • Ensures full user attention for a few seconds.
                    • Delivery: Mobile

                    MOBILE INTERSTITIAL
                    (300 x 250-300 pixels)                                            CPM € 120.–
                    • When the website is called up, the ad fades in, directly over
                       the content and is closed by the user.
                    • Delivery: Mobile


Target mobile users for your device optimized campaign.

Mobile MMA Banner                              CPM                      Mobile MMA Banner sticky                                  CPM
MMA 6:1:      300-320 x 50 pixels            € 80.–                     MMA 6:1 sticky: 300-320 x 50 pixels                      € 85.–
MMA 4:1:         300-320 x 75 pixels         € 85.–                     MMA 4:1 sticky:   300-320 x 75 pixels                    € 90.–
MMA 2:1:         300-320 x 150 pixels        € 95.–
MMA 1:1:	300-320 x 250 pixels               € 100.–
          (Medium Rectangle)
HalfpageAd:	300 x 600 pixels                € 110.–

MMA 6:1       MMA 4:1       MMA 2:1       MMA 1:1         Half­pageAd   MMA 6:1       MMA 4:1

                                                                                           Know what matters.
                                                                                           The monthly IVW MEW statement transparently documents our
                                                                                           device access.
                                                                                           An average of 31.2 %* of page impressions
                                                                                           for took place on mobile
                                                                                           * (IVW Online January to July 2020)

CONTENT MARKETING                                      CONTENT IS KING,
                                                       BUT CONTENT PLUS CONTEXT IS KING KONG.                                    (LUIS DI COMO)

                                                       NATIVEAD OUT

                                                       • Image-text display that is designed in the look & feel of an editorial post and is
                                                          marked as an advertisement.
                                                       • NativeAD Out links to an external landing page.
                                                       • Placement: in content or sidebar
                                                       • Duration: min. 4 weeks
       Teaser                                          • Reporting: end of runtime (AdImpressions and clicks)
                                    Landingpage        • Example
                                    des Kunden
                                                                                                                            Price: from € 1,500.–

                                                       NATIVEAD IN

                                                       • Image-text display that is designed in the look & feel of an editorial post and is
                                                          marked as an advertisement.
                                                       • NativeAD In links to a microsite (one-pager) where you can embed text, images,
                                                          videos and links.
                                                       • Placement: in content or sidebar
                                                       • Duration: min. 4 weeks
                                             ANZEIGE   • Reporting: end of runtime (AdImpressions and clicks)
                                                       • Example
                                                                                                                            Price: from € 2,500.–

                                                                            Extend Reach | Crafts XXL.
                                                                            • on the B2B skilled crafts portals Deutsche Handwerks
                                                                               Zeitung und handwerk magazin
                                                                            • across the entire crafts channel



                                                   We build an exclusive microsite (= content page) for you, which is kept in the look &
                                                   feel of the website. The microsite is designed to your liking — you can integrate a wide
                                                   range of information and content such as images, files, videos and links.
                                                   The microsite is available on the selected website for a period of at least 4 weeks.

                                                   • Reporting: after end of runtime (AdImpressions, dwell time and click values of all
                                                      clickable elements)
                                                   • Example 1 | Example 2

                                                   The advertorial is flanked by numerous traffic push measures to redirect our users to
                                                   the microsite.

                                                   The following traffic push elements can be included:
                                                   • Fixed NativeAD In (ROS)
                                                   • Display advertising
                                                   • Mobile advertising
                                                   • Content ads in the newsletter
   NativeAd                               Social
      In                                  Media    • Social media posts
            Display              News-                                                                                       Price: from € 5,900.–
          Advertising            letter

                TRAFFIC PUSH

                                                                       Extend reach | Crafts XXL.
                                                                       • on the B2B skilled crafts portals of the individual specialist titles
                                                                       • across the entire crafts channel


                                           For the whitepaper we build an exclusive microsite (content page).
   limited                                 Similar to the advertorial, you can insert content such as images, files, videos,
                                           links and of course the whitepage. The collected leads are passed on to you.
                                           Duration: 	flexible, depending on the budget and/or number of leads,
                                                       that are to be achieved.
                                           Set up microsite:          € 1,450.–*
                                           Traffic push included: NativeAd In, Newsletter Ads
                                           Upon request: 	Reach extension on the comprehensive B2B trade portals
                                                           Deutsche Handwerks Zeitung and handwerk magazin
                                           Example 1 | Example 2

                                           THE FOLLOWING LEAD MODELS ARE AVAILABLE:

                                              Basic Lead |                          Premium Lead |
                                              CPL € 50.00*                          CPL € 100.00*
                                              The following data                    The following data can be
                                              will be requested:                    queried:
                                              • First and last name                 • E-mail address
                NativeAd In   Newsletter      • E-mail address                      • First and last name
                                                                                    • Company address
                    TRAFFIC PUSH                                                    • Phone
                                                                                    • Company name
                                                                                    • Position in the company
                                                                                    • Industry

                                           *not eligible for discount or AE

            FOR SUPPLIERS                                   SHOW YOUR FEATURE!

                                                            Digitalisation in the cleaning industry has already taken hold in many areas and
                                                            changed processes, but there is still great potential.
                                                            With DIGITAL TOOLS, 'rationell reinigen' offers orientation and an overview of digital
                                                            tools that are relevant to the industry.
                                                            Present your apps and digital features on In addition,
                                                            we offer the "DIGITAL TOOL OF THE WEEK" in the rationell-reinigen-Newsletter and
                                                            a NativeAd In on

                                                            CHOOSE NOW YOUR SUITABLE (DIGITAL)
                                                            COMMUNICATION PACKAGE

                                                               Starter                      Classic                            Premium
                                                               € 990.–                      € 1,350.–                          € 1,850.–
  The communication packages listed on the right are also      • Online-Entry              • Online-Entry                    • Online-Entry
  available for the area of sustainability.                       for 12 months                for 12 months                      for 12 months
  Best in combination with a company portrait in the                                        • "DIGITAL TOOL OF                • "DIGITAL TOOL OF THE
  Sustainability Guide.                                                                        THE WEEK" –                        WEEK" – in the Newsletter
                                                                                               in the Newsletter                  (value € 420.–)
                                                                                               (value € 420.–)                  We present your feature to our
                                                                                                                                readers in the rationell-reinigen-
                                                                                              We present your feature
                                                                                              to our readers in the
                                                                                                                               • „NativeAd In“ – on the
                                                                                                                                  Website (Wert € 2,500.–)
                                                                                                                                We will present your feature to
  Contact: Gerti Strobel | Miriam Hofmiller                                                                                     our users for four weeks on

                                                               Example 1                    Example 2                          Example 3

                  AT A GLANCE
                                NUMBERS, DATA, FACTS

                                Subscribers    →       Sending frequency          Open rate

                                5,790 (20/09/2021)     weekly                     approx. 30 %
                                                       (as a rule on Wednesday)

                                Reporting              Newsletter Ads

                                automated              max. 5 adverts
                                after seven days       by delivery

                                 Read current Newsletter.


                      Issue                  Date of publication   Issue                  Date of publication
                      No. 1 | TOP-clicked        05/01/2022        No. 27                     06/07/2022
                      No. 2                      12/01/2022        No. 28                     13/07/2022
                      No. 3                      19/01/2022        No. 29                     20/07/2022
                      No. 4                      26/01/2022        No. 30                     27/07/2022
                      No. 5 | TOP-clicked        01/02/2022        No. 31 | TOP-clicked       01/08/2022
                      No. 6                      09/02/2022        No. 32                     10/08/2022
                      No. 7                      16/02/2022        No. 33                     17/08/2022
                      No. 8                      23/02/2022        No. 34                     24/08/2022
                      No. 9 | TOP-clicked        01/03/2022        No. 35 | TOP-clicked       01/09/2022
                      No. 10                     09/03/2022        No. 36                     07/09/2022
                      No. 11                     16/03/2022        No. 37                     14/09/2022
                      No. 12                     23/03/2022        No. 38                     21/09/2022
                      No. 13 | TOP-clicked       01/04/2022        No. 39                     28/09/2022
                      No. 14                     06/04/2022        No. 40 | TOP-clicked       04/10/2022
                      No. 15                     13/04/2022        No. 41                     12/10/2022
                      No. 16                     20/04/2022        No. 42                     19/10/2022
                      No. 17                     27/04/2022        No. 43                     26/10/2022
                      No. 18 | TOP-clicked       02/05/2022        No. 44 | TOP-clicked       02/11/2022
                      No. 19                     09/05/2022        No. 45                     08/11/2022
                      No. 20                     18/05/2022        No. 46                     16/11/2022
                      No. 21                     25/05/2022        No. 47                     23/11/2022
                      No. 22 | TOP-clicked       01/06/2022        No. 48 | TOP-clicked       01/12/2022
                      No. 23                     08/06/2022        No. 49                     07/12/2022
                      No. 24                     15/06/2022        No. 50                     14/12/2022
                      No. 25                     22/06/2022        No. 51                     21/12/2022
                      No. 26 | TOP-clicked       01/07/2022


Closer to the customer. Land your message directly in your target group's mailbox!

Newsletter               ContentAd                                       Price € 420.–   Newsletter                      FullAd (468 x 60 pixels)                       Price € 380.–
                         Image-text display that is designed in the look & feel of an                                     Image display placed between editorial posts. The FullAd
                         editorial article and marked as an advertisement.                                                links to an external landing page (e.g. company website).
                         In addition, 50 characters for the headline and 350                           FullAd
                         characters of continuous text are available to optimally
                         communicate your advertising message.
                         In this format, you get three external links — these are
                         installed in the headline, logo and body text.

Newsletter               Billboard (600 x 240 pixels)                 Price € 530.–      Newsletter        Logo          Newsletter exclusiv sponsoring               Price € 1,615.–
                         Large and prominent format with plenty of space for design                                       As an exclusive sponsor, secure a newsletter for your
                         and information, which is placed between high-quality                                            advertising. In addition to the installation of your company
                         content / articles. Brand awareness guaranteed!                   ContentAd                      logo in the header, two advertising formats are available
                         It links to an external landing page                                                             within the content, which are placed in the editorial
                         (e.g. company website).                                                                          newsletter. Choose the formats — ContentAd, FullAd, and
                                                                                                                          the billboard are available.

                                                                                                                          limited available

                                                                                                                   TOP 1 placement in the
Example                                                                                                            'rationell-reinigen-Newsletter'.
                                                                                                                   For a surcharge of € 50.– if available.

                                                                                                                   The most popular and successful form of advertising for our
                                                                                                                   advertisers is the ContentAd.


                  OUR CONTACTS — YOUR CONTENT!

                  Your benefit:
     Newsletter   •   Attention in the target group that is relevant to you
                  •   No scattering losses
                  • 	 Contact quality: qualified traffic for your website / offer
                  •   Prominent and exclusive presentation without competitors
                  • 	 Increased adoption through co-branding with our media brand
                  •   Full transparency and measurability through our reporting
                  •   5.300 high-quality contacts, direct target group access
                  •   individual sending date

                  Price per release:
                  •   € 3,800.-
                  •   Example 1 | Example 2

                                         Performance miracle.
                                         The most successful form of advertising in the field of
                                         Newsletter Advertising.

                     Handwerker Radio –

                      Advertising and
                                           spot length   description                                              price
                      content formats

 NEW                  Classic radio spot   15-30
                                                         Classic spot campaign to advertise special
                                                         promotions. Spot is part of the commercial break.
                                                                                                                  15.20 €
                                                                                                                  per spot

                      Single spot          15-30         Spot isn‘t part of the commercial break.                 22.80 €
                                           seconds       The timeslot is only available once an hour.             per spot

                      Pre-stream spot      15-30         Plays immediately before the start of the audio          4,950.00 €
                                           seconds       stream.                                                  per month

                      Tandem spot          spot 15-30    Consists of two spots, that are interrupted by another   22.80 €
                                           seconds +     spot, but are almost played in sequence (part of the     per spot
                                           reminder      commercial break).

                      Cover spot           15-30         This spot convinces with it‘s special placement at the   18.20 €
                                           seconds       beginning or at the end of a commercial break and        per spot
                                                         thus achieves special attention.

                      Infomercial          max. 90       Editorially designed spots that are placed in the        750.00 €
                                           seconds       current program. The editorial look gives the            (incl. 10
                                                         advertiser a high level of credibility.                  repetitions)

                      Interview            max. 3        Practical topics from the respective business model,     900.00 €
       listen now.                         minutes       related to craft. At the beginning there is a clear      per interview
                                                         labeling as advertising.                                 (incl. 10

                      Advertising banner                 Fixed advertising banner on                              445.00 €
                      (234 px x 60 px)                                           per month

                     Individual formats and packages on request.

                                              Good to know.
                                              You don‘t have a produced radio spot? No problem!
                                              We are happy to produce the spot for you.

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