CAPTAIN TOM MOORE Six key PR insights from the feel-good news event of 2020

Page created by Anita Lawson
CAPTAIN TOM MOORE Six key PR insights from the feel-good news event of 2020
Stories that matter:

 Six key PR insights
from the feel-good
news event of 2020
CAPTAIN TOM MOORE Six key PR insights from the feel-good news event of 2020

01   Introduction ...…….……………………..……..3

02   Campaign overview ...…….…..…………….5


                                                First picture of Captain Tom Moore
                                                sent with initial press release
     Timeline of events ...………..……………….7

04   Lessons learned ...……...……….………….12

05                                       TABLE OF
     Special thanks ...……...……….…...…….….22

06   Methodology...……...……….....….23
CAPTAIN TOM MOORE Six key PR insights from the feel-good news event of 2020

                                                                                                                  March 23     Britain goes into initial lockdown with
                                                                                                                               review date set for three weeks’ time.

Every story needs a hero. In the                                                                                  March 27
                                                                                                                               Health Secretary and Prime Minister
                                                                                                                               Boris Johnson begin to self-isolate with
                                                                                                                               suspected Coronavirus symptoms.

midst of the greatest crisis since                                                                                   April 2   Boris Johnson is admitted into hospital.

WWII, we found one                                                                                                             ‘We will meet again’: the Queen speaks
                                                                                                                               to the nation in a rallying message that
In March and April 2020, the Coronavirus was              Determined to give back to the NHS after it had            April 5
                                                                                                                               echoes the spirit and leadership of
rapidly exerting its terrifying grip over everyday life   helped him through a brush with skin cancer and a                    WWII.
in the UK. Something, that just a few weeks before        more recent broken hip, Captain Tom Moore and                        Boris Johnson is moved to intensive
had seemed impossibly remote, was changing the            his family had an idea on how they might play their                  care. The severity of the situation visibly
                                                                                                                    April 6
very fabric of normal existence throughout the            own small part to help. The idea was simple,                         shakes the government and shocks the
country. Everything that the nation had taken for         Captain Tom would put his daily exercise to good                     nation.
granted was being turned on its head as bars,             use. He would walk 100 times around the family                       Over these 4 days Britain suffers what
cinemas, schools, restaurants, shops and                  home and seek to raise £1,000 from friends and          April 7-11   turn out to be the highest numbers of
workplaces were closed. Families, friends and loved       family to donate to NHS Charities Together. Within                   daily deaths throughout the pandemic.
ones were unable to see each other and instead            a week, over £100,000 had been raised. Within the
ordered to stay indoors at home. The news was a           month, the amount raised had increased to a mind                     Press release sent to local media
developing crescendo of fear and horror; the              boggling £32.8 million.                                    April 7   contacts. Captain Tom’s story is picked
potency and lethality of the virus, an ever-                                                                                   up by a handful of regional media.
increasing number of hospital admissions, a rapidly       In this special report, CARMA International sets out
growing daily death toll, the PM in intensive care        the story of how this incredible fundraising feat
                                                                                                                               Captain Tom’s story starts to garner
and an R number that was remaining stubbornly             occurred, and the critical part that PR played. Using   April 8-9    interest online and from regional
high. Highly unusually, the Queen was compelled to        our extensive global media monitoring and                            broadcast media.
address the nation.                                       evaluation capabilities, and entirely from publicly
                                                          available information, CARMA has analysed and                        Captain Tom and daughter Hannah
As the timeline of events to the right shows, just as     interpreted three distinct phases of those four           April 10   appear on national breakfast TV. The
the situation was at its worst and we needed it           weeks.                                                               story ignites.
most, a hero rose again from a previous era, and
from exactly the age demographic that the virus           With comments and input from a network of senior                     Boris Johnson discharged from hospital.
most threatened.                                          international PR and communication experts, we            April 12   Deaths in the UK surpasses 10,000.
                                                          then set out six key insights that can be drawn from                 Health Secretary describes it as a
This is the story of how a retired army officer, in the   this chain of events - one of the greatest                           ‘sombre day’.
run up to his 100th birthday, refused to be cowered,      demonstrations of the effectiveness of authentic
instead leading by example and showing the whole          purpose, PR and communication ever achieved.                         Lockdown extended for a further three
nation how to act in the face of adversity.                                                                         April 16
CAPTAIN TOM MOORE Six key PR insights from the feel-good news event of 2020

‘Fortune favours
the brave’
The Latin motto of the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment in which
Captain Tom served in WWII and the words with which he
chose to celebrate raising his first £10 million.
CAPTAIN TOM MOORE Six key PR insights from the feel-good news event of 2020

PR lit the fire
At a family barbecue on Sunday April 5 2020,
99-year-old Captain Tom Moore took some of
his first steps of the year outside. Recovering
from a broken hip, he had previously only been
able to exercise indoors at the family
residence. As he walked, the idea came to him
and his family that he could walk around the
premises 100 times before his 100th birthday
and do this to raise money for charity. He
wanted to donate to the NHS which had
looked after him so well and was now fighting
tirelessly to protect the British people from
the ravages of COVID-19. At first, the idea
was limited to family and friends sponsoring
him £1 a lap. “We thought we might make £100
quid”, reminisced Captain Tom. They then
decided to be a little more ambitious and
Captain Tom’s daughter Hannah Ingram-
Moore asked her friend and company’s
freelance PR consultant, Daisy Craydon, to
promote the story to the regional media.
Daisy sent out a press release on April 7 to
local media contacts and a JustGiving page
was set up. An initial target of £1,000 was

The following 24 days in April changed the
history of charitable donations in the UK and
lifted spirits around the world.

This report breaks down three key time
periods across the month of April in more
detail, telling the story of what happened and
then providing six critical insights to explain
CAPTAIN TOM MOORE Six key PR insights from the feel-good news event of 2020
CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW                              6

From regional, to national, to global
Captain Tom’s story wasn’t just of
national interest. Despite it being    Global campaign overview April 7-30, 2020
a deeply British narrative
featuring a WWII veteran
                                                                                                                                                                             Global interest in ‘Captain Tom’
fundraising for the NHS, it caught                                                                                                                                               (Google Search Trends)
the imagination of people the
world over.
                                                               29.3K                   43.3K                     898K                      145M
                                                             online articles           pieces of              global social    Captain Tom
More than 72,500 pieces of                                                         global broadcast          media mentions Twitter impressions
international media content from
almost every country on the planet
were generated. Captain Tom’s
story lit up the world’s social
conversations with over 898,000                                    232                  1.5M                   £32.8M                          63
mentions from 232 territories.                  global territories                       number                  donations                 countries
                                               talking about Tom                        of donors                                          donating
The story didn’t just generate
coverage – it impacted audiences.
“Captain Tom” was widely searched
for online internationally which in                                                          Global media coverage and interest during the JustGiving campaign
turn flowed through to more than
one and a half million donations                             100                                                                                                                                                     16,000
being made from 63 countries.                                 90                                                                                                                                                     14,000

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Traditional media volume
                                       Global search index

The international reach of the                                                                                                                                                                                       10,000
                                                              60                  Global traditional media
campaign demonstrates a singular,                             50                                                                                                                                                     8,000
                                                                                  Global search trend
common sense of community                                     40                                                                                                                                                     6,000
during this global pandemic; that in                          30
those unprecedented times of fear,                                                                                                                                                                                   4,000
isolation and distance, we were                               10                                                                                                                                                     2,000
united by the emotional pull of a                              0                                                                                                                                                     0
hero, a good news story and a great                                April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April
cause.                                                              7     8     9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
CAPTAIN TOM MOORE Six key PR insights from the feel-good news event of 2020

 WITH Timeline
  TOM of events

         A deeper look into the
         key moments that
         helped propel a local
         fundraising event to
         international fame.
CAPTAIN TOM MOORE Six key PR insights from the feel-good news event of 2020
TIMELINE            8

April 7-13

THE                                              •
                                                        April 7

                                                      Press release     •
                                                                               April 8

                                                                             The BBC            •
                                                                                                       April 9

                                                                                                    SSAFA, the          •
                                                                                                                               April 10

                                                                                                                             Capt Tom          •
                                                                                                                                                       April 11

                                                                                                                                                     Capt Tom’s      •
                                                                                                                                                                             April 12

                                                                                                                                                                           Unsurprising        •
                                                                                                                                                                                                      April 13

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Capt Tom

                                                      distributed to         features the           Armed Forces             asked to make           daughter              fall in volume in         appears on
                                                      regional media         story on BBC           charity, shares          first                   Hannah and            content                   Good Morning
                                                 •    Story picked           Berkshire,             the story on             appearance on           nephew                (Easter), but             Britain
                                                      up by several          BBC Three              social media,            BBC Breakfast           appear on BBC         not interest in     •     Piers Morgan
                                                      local outlets          Counties and           injecting it into   •    As his Twitter          Breakfast             the story                 donates
                                                      including              the first              a wider, highly          followers and     •     Celebrities           which is                  £10,000 live on

                                                      Bedford                snippet                relevant and             JustGiving              from multiple         propelled                 GMB and
                                                      Today and              appears on             motivated                donations both          walks of life         further by an             triggers
                                                      MKFM                   BBC News               online                   surge, the full         continue to           appearance on             another wave
                                                 •    PR Daisy               website                community.               emotional               promote the           Radio 2 with              of donations
                                                      Craydon           •    ITV Anglia         •   Social                   resonance of            story to wide         Michael Ball.       •     Sports stars
                                                      receives               interviews             engagement               the story first         and diverse     •     Watching the              and celebrities
                                                      interest from          Capt Tom who           and sharing              dawns on                audiences             donations                 from all walks
“It was extremely organic. There was no               4-5 local media        modestly says:         start to take            Captain Tom       •     Capt Tom              surge, Ball               get behind
planned strategy, PR brief or PR objective. It        outlets                “One little soul       off.                     and his family.         begins to use         sets the                  Capt Tom
just turned out to be the story everybody        •    “Little did we         like me won't      •   Broadcast           •    TV and                  the                   challenge to              including
needed at the right time”, comments Daisy             know at that           make much              coverage now             broadcast               #tomorrowwill         his listeners:            rugby, football,
Craydon, the family friend and freelance PR           time that              difference, I          includes BBC             celebrities             beagoodday            “Let’s get him            cricket, horse-
                                                      Captain Tom            hope that it           News, Talk               respond to the          hashtag               to £300,000”.             riding, boxing,
consultant who sent the initial press release         would become           does but it            Radio, ITV               humor,                                        Listeners                 F1, MotoGP
to the local media. The original idea had been        a global name          won't will it?”        Anglia, BBC              warmth and                                    respond and               and golf as well
simply to raise money from friends and                and national                                  Berkshire and            humility of                                   donations                 as politicians,
family. Over a barbecue lunch, the family             treasure, and a                               MKFM.                    Capt Tom and                                  flood in.                 comedians and
thought they may be able to raise a bit more          beacon of pure                                                         start to share                          •     Justgiving goal           business
money if they could generate some local               hope.” recalls                                                         his story                                     raised to                 leaders.
interest. Captain Tom’s daughter Hannah               Daisy later                                                            widely                                        £500K
asked Daisy to send out a release and they
                                                     Total: £1,420          Total: £2,039           Total: £7,773           Total: £59,667         Total: £198,098       Total: £332,499           Total: £790,570
increased the fundraising ambition to
£1,000. Daisy distributed the first press
release to the local media. It received “four
to five media requests within the hour. The
first media to pick up on it were BBC Three
Counties Radio, ITV Anglia and MKFM. Really,
really regional”, Daisy recalls.

From there, the story was quickly picked up
by the national media both online and
broadcast. By April 10, Captain Tom had
made his first appearance on BBC Breakfast.
After this appearance, his campaign saw the
highest percentage daily growth in social
mentions (690%) and corresponding
donations (668%) of the whole month.
CAPTAIN TOM MOORE Six key PR insights from the feel-good news event of 2020
TIMELINE          9

April 14-20

THE                                                •
                                                         April 14

                                                       Raises over        •
                                                                               April 15

                                                                              There are now    •
                                                                                                     April 16

                                                                                                   Capt Tom           •
                                                                                                                            April 17

                                                                                                                          Congratulation     •
                                                                                                                                                  April 18

                                                                                                                                                 Capt Tom         •
                                                                                                                                                                       April 19

                                                                                                                                                                      The newly         •
                                                                                                                                                                                             April 20

                                                                                                                                                                                            Captain Tom

                                                       £3M in just 24         over 90K             completes his          s flood in             teams up with        released single       receives a
                                                       hours and              people on the        100th lap live         across social          Michael Ball         debuts at No. 1       congratulatory
                                                       crashes the            JustGiving           on BBC                 media.                 for a charity        on The Official       letter from
                                                       JustGiving site        page at any          Breakfast and          Celebrities,           release of           Big Top 40            WWII singing
                                                   •   Appears again          one moment           ITV News with          politicians,           single “You’ll       chart                 legend, Dame
                                                       on BBC             •   Capt Tom’s           soldiers from          comedians etc          Never Walk                                 Vera Lynn, and

                                                       Breakfast and          story is             1st Battalion          joined by The          Alone”                                     with his
                                                       ITV’s GMB              featured on          The Yorkshire          Duke &             •   Piccadilly                                 customary
                                                   •   8-year-old             various              Regiment               Duchess of             Circus lights                              humour and
                                                       Reegan Davies          national             forming a              Cambridge              up to                                      humbleness
                                                       creates                broadcast            Guard of               with a heartfelt       congratulate                               apologises to
                                                       #makeacardfo           media                Honour                 message                the ‘national                              her for keeping
                                                       rtom campaign          including BBC    •   A petition                                    treasure’                                  her off the No.
Following the unprecedented growth in                  asking children        One, ITV and         calling for Capt                                                                         1 position
media attention of the first week, the second          to send                Sky News             Tom to be                                                                                while also
week saw the volumes grow significantly as             birthday cards                              knighted goes                                                                            discretely
interest in the story exploded and as Captain          to Capt Tom.                                viral reaching                                                                           refusing to
Tom closed in on completing the target of his      •   This birthday                               over 1 million                                                                           disclose what
100th lap. This week saw the highest                   card idea gets                              signatures.                                                                              it contained to
                                                       instant traction                        •   An inspired                                                                              the media.
incremental growth in donation value
                                                       and support                                 Michael Ball
throughout the fundraising campaign’s                  resulting in                                sings “You’ll
lifecycle, with the four days leading up to and        over 150,000                                Never Walk
after the completion of his 100 laps attracting        cards being                                 Alone” to Capt
donations amounting to over £5 million each            sent                                        Tom live on
day. On April 15, the highest amount donated                                                       BBC Breakfast
of any day occurred with a massive £7.6
million uplift from the day before.                Total: £4,109,309      Total: £11,677,688   Total: £17,220,040     Total: £22,805,814     Total: £25,574,829   Total: £26,559,945    Total: £27,360,937

On April 16, Captain Tom completed his 100th
lap live on BBC Breakfast and ITV News. This
generated the second highest social media
activity of the month, second only to his 100th
birthday on April 30. International media,
celebrities, royalty, politicians, broadcast and
sports stars applauded his achievement for
the NHS and contribution to the morale of
the country.

When Tom finished his final 10 laps, the press
interest continued to grow. International
media requests, coverage, social media
conversations and donations were received
from all over the world.
CAPTAIN TOM MOORE Six key PR insights from the feel-good news event of 2020

April 21-30

                                                                                                                                    April 30
                                                          April 22               April 24               April 27
                                                                                                                        •   The 100th birthday
                                                •       Birthday cards     •   Capt Tom tops      •   Royal Mail            celebration

                                                        pour in, opened        the charts and         announces a       •   Amid widespread tributes,
                                                        by volunteers          breaks record as       special               Capt Tom is appointed the       Total donations
                                                        and put on show        oldest artist to       postmark to
                                                        at grandson’s          claim UK No. 1         celebrate
                                                                                                                            first Honorary Colonel of the
                                                                                                                            Army Foundation College             raised:
                                                                               He also breaks
                                                                                                      Captain Tom’s
                                                                                                                            Harrogate and am Honorary
                                                                                                                            Member of the England

                                                                               the world record                             cricket team
                                                                               for the most                             •   There is an overwhelming
                                                                               money raised                                 number of birthday presents
                                                                               ever by charity                              and wishes coming from all
                                                                               walk                                         over the world
                                                                                                                        •   #walkwithtom,
                                                Total: £28,166,485         Total: £28,758, 302    Total: £29,031,553        #tomorrowwillbeagoodday
The final stretch of the month was all                                                                                      hashtags go viral
about mounting excitement and                             April 23               April 26               April 29        •   An RAF Spitfire and Hurricane
anticipation in the lead up to Captain                                                                                      perform a flypast over Capt
                                                    •    Capt Tom is       •   Media reports      •   Many tributes         Tom’s home
Tom’s birthday on April 30.
                                                         awarded a             Capt Tom is            and well wishes   •   The Queen, Prime Minister
                                                         special Daily         set to receive a       continue to           and Leader of the Opposition
The volume of content in both social and                 Mirror Pride of       personalised           pour in in the        lead the birthday tributes
mainstream media remained high and                       Britain Award         telegram from          lead up to            which continue to flood in
largely consistent. Media focused on the            •    ITV announces         the Queen and          Captain Tom’s         from royalty, celebrities,
upcoming centennial birthday and a                       it will air a         RAF flypast for        birthday              politicians and sports
flurry of mentions leading up to the UK                  Captain Tom           his birthday                                 personalities
music chart results on April 24.                         Moore special                                                  •   JustGiving page is closed
                                                         on VE Day                                                          with a total of £32.8M raised
                                                                                                                            for donation to NHS
Donations steadied to a consistent level            Total: £28,528,111     Total: £29,031,534     Total: £29,544,370        Charities Together
between £100,000 and £300,000 per day
until one final surge on his birthday itself.

The second highest wave in media,
social, search and donations culminate
on the last Captain Tom’s birthday itself.
Data shows a 1560% daily increase in
social mentions with a further £3.3
million donations raised.
TIMELINE          11

                                    May 8
           May 5                    VE Day                              May 14                            May 20

•   Several TV documentaries and                                •   Penguin Books announces       •   Captain Tom is awarded a
    specials are commissioned                                       two books will be published       knighthood for his
•   The Captain Tom Foundation                                      later in the year.                fundraising efforts
    is established to help combat                                   ‘Tomorrow Will Be A Good
    loneliness, support hospices                                    Day: My autobiography’
    and help those facing                                           and a children's picture
    bereavement.                                                    book following key
                                                                    moments from Captain
                                                                    Tom's incredible life,
                                                                    showing what is possible
                                                                    when we all come together
                                                                    and never, ever give up

                                             Multiple other honorary titles and
                                              awards are bestowed upon him

    WILL BE A Stepping into the future;
    GOOD DAY what happened next?

    Six communication
  insights we can learn
       from a story that
changed the history of
                                                           1   The power of PR
            fundraising                                    2   Great stories matter
                                                           3   Understand the audience
   CARMA has taken a deeper look at the key drivers
         behind this amazing story. By analysing the
  coverage, researching the key data and immersing
                                                           4   Traditional media isn’t dead
 ourselves in the story, CARMA has identified six key
      lessons relevant to all PRs and communication        5   Content is critical
   professionals seeking to know more about critical
                ingredients of a truly viral news story.   6   Measure well

       “We realized that this was about to get really big and that it was a national story as
       everyone across the country had fallen in love with Tom.

       Tom was offering a beacon of hope to so many people. People were embracing this
       positive news story at such a dark time because it was offering so much hope and a
       motive to get up and do something. There are so many elements to the story that
       captured people’s hearts at a time when they can’t see their own families. ”
                                                                                   - Daisy Craydon

More than 150,000 birthday cards were sent to
  Bedford School, where his grandson, Benjie
                 Ingram-Moore, is a student.
LESSONS         14

 Tip one:
 The power of PR
For years there have been reports that the press           friends. Hannah had the original idea to see if the story   begins”.
release was dead, media relations’ importance has          might be of wider interest to just friends and family
declined and that ultimately the skills of PR              and whether it might resonate locally, generating           “There was no grand plan, everything was just so
professionals would be subsumed into some form of          some regional media interest. She asked Daisy to step       organic. It just happened to be the story everybody
marketing conglomerate within organisations. This          in. Daisy wrote a press release and on Tuesday April 7      needed at the right time”.
story demonstrates this not to be so.                      sent it out to her local broadcast and print media
                                                           contacts. An initial target of £1,000 was established       “People have fallen in love with him and his family.
An idea that was originally conceived as a small           for the JustGiving page. Within one hour there had          There are so many family elements that resonated,
fundraising initiative for the friends and family of       been five regional media requests.                          living with his family, his children and his
Captain Tom over a family barbecue on Sunday April 5                                                                   grandchildren, especially at a time when so many
ended the month by raising over £32 million,                                                                           people could not see their own”.

dominating the news agenda, changing the history of
charitable fundraising in the UK and lifting the spirits           Hannah had an idea to go locally and                “When he was live on BBC breakfast, we were all
of the nation.                                                     after that it went zoom – so quickly.               watching the JustGiving and Twitter page. It was at
                                                                   It was a big surprise. Day after day                this moment that we realised that he was such a
It can all be attributed back to one thing: a humble                                                                   beacon of hope for so many people”.
press release that changed everything. There was no
                                                                   the money kept coming in.

other form of marketing involved or grand strategic                Unbelievable.
plan. No advertising, no sponsorship, no ‘sales                                                                                There was no grand plan, everything
promotion’ or other fundraising efforts. The entire                                    - Captain Tom Moore                     was just so organic. It just happened
series of events that occurred can be traced back to                                                                           to be the story everybody needed at
that initial press release, supported by ongoing                                                                               the right time.
authentic communication, a compelling story, a bone-       Within 24 hours Captain Tom would be on national
                                                                                                                                                      - Daisy Craydon
fide hero, a strong sense of purpose, and an emotional     news and within 48 hours he featured on BBC One’s
pull that resonated with the majority of the               BBC Breakfast.
population.                                                                                                            What is clear is that without that initial press release,
                                                           Daisy takes up the story:                                   this story would never have received the attention
Hannah Ingram-Moore’s business had become Daisy                                                                        that it did. PR lit the fire, and it was a ‘humble’ press
Craydon’s first client as she embarked on a new career     “The family came up with the idea to raise some             release that started the flames. But there were some
as a PR freelancer. Daisy had grown up in the same         money for the NHS with Captain Tom and they asked           other compelling components involved too…
village as Captain Tom’s daughter and the two were         me to do a press release. That’s where the story
LESSONS          15

 Tip two:
                                                                                                                              I've learned that people will forget
                                                                                                                              what you said, people will forget

 Great stories matter                                                                                                         what you did, but people will never
                                                                                                                              forget how you made them feel.

                                                                                                                                                        - Maya Angelou
Storytelling is at the heart of all successful comms and   human reassurance in some ways. It’s the classic ‘R’ of
PR campaigns. Done right, it creates an emotional          the DRIP model: remind and reassure”.
connection with audiences, triggering thoughts,                                                                       The public found it easy to connect emotionally with
feelings and behaviours that are incredibly powerful       Throughout his journey, Captain Tom conveyed only          Captain Tom on several levels. First, his story and
when aligned with an organisation’s objectives.            hope and positivity, exemplified by ‘Tomorrow Will Be      intentions were authentic. There was a simple and
                                                           A Good Day’, which became his catchphrase, a               clear purpose, no alternative motives, agenda or ego
Captain Tom’s story had many of the classic elements       hashtag and is now the title of his forthcoming            so there was no room for people to question him or to
of a great story: a plot, a hero and multiple emotional    autobiography.                                             take offense to his actions.
triggers with which the public could connect.

                                                                                                                      People were able to connect with the strength of his
Captain Tom’s walk encapsulated the classic ‘hero’s                The whole of my life I’ve been an                  family unit. Captain Tom lives under one roof with
journey’, in which we find ourselves cheering on a hero            optimistic person who believed that                three generations of his family. He appeared
embarking on a perilous mission to save the less                   things would and could get better.                 frequently with his daughter Hannah whose genuine
fortunate – a plot line that has resonated among                                                                      emotional delight were reflected by the public.
                                                                   Things will certainly get better.
readers for millennia. What made Captain Tom even
more special was that he was a returning hero from                 They’ve always got better…with this                The emotional authenticity of the story encouraged
the last great national threat, once more stepping up              battle with this unseen enemy, we                  people to come on the journey with him, cheering on
to play his part despite being a member of the                     shall win in the end.                              his achievements as donation after donation were
generation most at risk of serious consequences from                                                                  achieved.
the virus.
                                                                                     - Captain Tom Moore
                                                                                                                      Kathryn Ruge, Managing Director at Engaging People
As Catherine Arrow, Executive Director at PR                                                                          Ltd, points out that “most people had an involuntary
Knowledge Hub sums up, “Captain Tom is not just the        Anne-Marie Lacey points out that his positive              and immediate empathetic connection with his cause”
hero’s journey incarnate. It’s the hero’s journey          messages were “warm, genuine and credible, given           because he reminded many of us of one of our own
continued and extended to superhero. He has already        he’d lived through the war. This instilled more hope       elderly relatives, during a difficult period where we had
endured and now, with great tenacity, he has risen         and confidence for the future than any government          to socially distance ourselves from them. “His story
once again to the occasion”.                               messaging”.                                                was simple, authentic, and loaded with purpose. There
                                                                                                                      were no complicated trappings, no ego, absolutely
Anne-Marie Lacey, MD of Filament PR, builds on this        Amazing stories are significantly amplified when they      nothing that people could take offence to in the age of
point. With his experience from the last great national    also stir authentic emotional resonance with the           outrage”.
crisis, Captain Tom was able to “plug the gap for          audience. Captain Tom and his family unit did just that.

Tip two:
Great stories matter
Great stories must be well-timed and appropriate for      the winds” , advises Catherine Arrow.
the mood of the audience. Amidst a building
crescendo of bad news, Captain Tom’s story of             Authenticity, relevance, emotional connection and
selflessness, optimism and courage came just when         timing are critical in PR storytelling. A fantastic story
we needed it most. Many elements of Captain Tom’s         without these elements, “is just that a story with no
story resonated perfectly with our circumstances:         meaning, you will get found out sooner or later and
                                                          lose trust and confidence. It’s a good reminder for
• With VE Day around the corner, the British public’s     good audience research and social listening to check
  reverence for the heroes of WWII amplified the          the mood/climate/landscape and timing is as right as
  significance of his story and the nation’s emotional    possible before going live with your PR”, concludes
  attachment to Captain Tom.                              Kerry Sheehan, Director of Comms at Verve
• It bridged the gap between our second world war         Communications.
  heroes, and our new ones from the NHS fighting on
  a new ‘front line’ against Coronavirus.
• With the nation and many parts of the world social
  distancing, his cause gave us a collective reason to

  come together just when we were all forced to be
• His call-to-action to donate coincided during a                                                   One little soul like me won't make much
  time when people wanted to donate but have been                                                   difference. I hope that it does, but it won't will it?
  doing less and less themselves to volunteer.
                                                                                                    I hope that whatever it (the sum) turns out to be,
All these elements intertwined to make this such a
great story that connected so well with a wide variety
                                                                                                    it will be useful. But it won't be enough, they still
of communities. Communications professionals                                                        need a lot more money.
should look then for these elements if they too wish to
tell great stories, but there are notes of caution too:
“Try not to simply emulate a ‘Captain Tom’ style                                                                      - Captain Tom Moore, April 8 2020
storyline – do the work and dig for your own gold.
Trying to hang on to another’s tale will leave you
scrambling in the dust and a reputation scattered to

 Tip three:                                                                                                           Don’t forget more traditional research techniques.
                                                                                                                      Multiple omnibus surveys are available, or
                                                                                                                      commission your own and don’t neglect the other

 Understand your audience                                                                                             market research techniques that are available as
                                                                                                                      well. At the end of the day if you want to know how
                                                                                                                      someone is feeling, there is no substitute for asking
Now more than ever, it is vitally important for comms       of interest to them, their emotional state, their
pros to have a laser focus on their key audiences. The      receptiveness to information, their priorities and        Armed with the learnings and insights that your
world is going through rapidly changing                     concerns. The days of top down communication and          research will bring, you can work out how to be
circumstances, which have meant that much of what           ‘delivering messages’ from organisation to its            relevant, and useful to your audience. Don’t tell
we took for granted before has changed. Media               audiences are over. This truly is the era of              them what you want to talk about, tell them things
consumption habits have changed significantly in a          permission-based marketing. Communicating                 that your research tells you that they want to hear.
short period of time. The hopes, fears and                  successfully is more conversational which in turn         Being useful, relevant and helpful will ensure you
aspirations of our key audiences have changed               means being relevant, timely, helpful and useful.         connect emotionally and is more critical now than
significantly too, along with their priorities and                                                                    ever before if you want to ensure your story
tolerance to irrelevant content.                            There are multiple techniques available to learn more     resonates.
                                                            about and understand our audience, some more
Lockdown has meant that different media channels            traditional, some involving more recent digital           Captain Tom’s story was the result of a fortunate
are being consumed and at different times of day.           capabilities.                                             happenstance, occurring at a time when
For example, print has fallen off the cliff on which it                                                               coincidentally it could connect with a mass
was already teetering precariously. It has struggled        If you’re not listening on social media already, now is   audience. There was no research involved – but it
to produce, distribute, and monetise during the             a good time to start. If you are, review and refine the   struck the right emotional, heart-warming
pandemic. Even where available, in a germ-phobic            topics, communities and locations where you are           connection that we all needed. A wide variety of our
world there is a reluctance to pick up what many can        focussed. Remember that social listening alone will       different communities could connect to the
see as ‘unclean’ printed publications. Broadcast has        not tell the whole story. Not all of your key audiences   strength of the family bond, all the more so as being
seen a significant uptick in consumption across both        participate or will be engaging online and where they     with our own families was so difficult. We were
radio and TV. Captain Tom’s story, seeded with such         are, they may not be projecting a real image of           captivated by the authentic emotion of Hannah, his
an emphasis on regional broadcast was able to               themselves, but more an aspirational image of how         daughter, as she cheered him on. We in turn
capitalise on this new dynamic. Of course, social           they’d like to be seen.                                   cheered Captain Tom on. And as his story unfolded,
media interaction is also up significantly lending itself                                                             his self-deprecating and humble message of hope,
well to the different hours that people are consuming       A great way to delve into what people really think is     defiance and strength of purpose was something
the news as they adapt to the lockdown. As a                to leverage the power of online search. If people post    to which we could all connect.
communications professional, make sure you                  on social to tell you what they would like you to think
understand how your key audiences’ media                    about them, they go to search engines to find             For most campaigns, you will not be so lucky. Make
consumption habits have changed.                            information and answers to the questions that are         sure therefore you do your research to understand
                                                            really concerning them. There are low-cost tools          your audience and connect to their mood, feelings,
Research and learn how they’re feeling, the topics          that can help you do this research swiftly.               interests and emotions.
LESSONS        18

 Tip four:
 Traditional media isn’t dead
A humble press release lit the flame, but traditional    Don’t just use one media channel at the expense of
regional media started the fire.                         another. Captain Tom’s story played out across all of
                                                         the communication channels, traditional, print, online,
These days it can be tempting to think that the          radio TV and social. The critical thing is to understand
traditional media has lost relevance and to focus        your audience’s media consumption habits and go
instead on digital channels alone, but Captain Tom’s     where they are. In this case, all media channels were
story shows that to do so would be a mistake. It         relevant because Captain Tom Moore’s story spoke to
demonstrated that traditional media remains highly       the whole nation. All media channels have a part to
influential.                                             play in a modern integrated campaign.

Broadcast can be an often-overlooked component of        To run a successful integrated campaign, you must
media outreach which is a mistake. Since the             understand how different media types –                       media started to emerge with tweets from accounts
lockdown began, broadcast consumption has been           regional/national and traditional /digital/social – work     such as SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity, which
significantly higher than normal. More people            together in a symbiotic relationship to generate the         shared the story in a Twitter post, moving the story
watching and listening to regional TV and radio helped   best results.                                                on from its local audience into an engaged, relevant
contribute to a higher than usual exposure to Captain                                                                 and supportive veteran community.
Tom’s story which in turn led to greater awareness. As   Captain Tom’s story shows us the value of growing
the month unfolded and Captain Tom’s story moved         organic local interest first. Traditional media – regional   Traditional and social media helped to reach the
from regional media to national media, larger and        and broadcast – seeded the story and the higher than         masses. But there was another important factor at
larger audiences were involved, helping to keep his      normal consumption of radio and TV kept it top of            play that appealed to multiple audience categories.
achievements front of mind.                              mind throughout the entirety of the campaign.                Celebrities, sports stars, politicians, comedians, pop
                                                                                                                      stars, royalty, broadcast journalists and other
It’s clear that traditional media is changing. It is     The symbiotic relationship between traditional               influencers all promoted and engaged with Captain
constantly being challenged and stressed by evolving     broadcast and social media also played a key role in         Tom, significantly contributing to the success of this
media consumption habits and economic models.            nationalising the campaign. Traditional broadcast            campaign. This widespread variety of influential
Before embarking on any PR campaign, it’s important      pieces provided engaging content which could be              voices, captivated by his story, helped ensure a
not only to understand your audience, but this           easily shared and amplified on social. We saw this           massive audience across disparate interests and
shifting media landscape too. As we saw in the           happen at the beginning prior to Captain Tom Moore’s         demographics were exposed to it and moved by its
previous tip, this has been especially true during the   appearance on BBC Breakfast. Interest on social              protagonist.
LESSONS          19

 Tip five:
 Content is critical
Since the start of the pandemic, the news agenda has      Mobile phones and technology have made it easy to         Stephen Waddington, MD of Metia summed it up :
been inundated with COVID-19 news to the expense          generate and share content. These messages may
of almost everything else. Nine in ten marketers have     have lacked high production values but made up for it     “Captain Tom’s hero journey as he battled Covid-19
deferred campaigns in response to the pandemic. And       with their raw sincerity and emotion. Video content is    had a very strong emotional link to the NHS and our
while 79% are creating new messages, these                the perfect medium to convey the emotional pull and       reverence of second world war veterans. It was a
messages are predominantly COVID-19 related. With         authenticity of Captain Tom and his family’s story.       heartwarming story that had a strong trigger for social
most of the world in lockdown, the media is struggling                                                              media sharing and a particularly clear call to action. It
to generate new and engaging content.                     Kerry Sheehan commented: “the authentic emotion           made for great video and television at a time when
                                                          shown by Captain Tom and particularly his daughter -      there's very limited original content available”.
The new realities have meant that the production          from shock and disbelief, to smiles, laughter and
values that were expected up until recently are no        excitement – were also the emotions invoked in the
longer so high. As content is difficult for media to      audiences. As his daughter buoyed Captain Tom

produce, their appetite for ‘amateur’ content has         along, we, in turn, cheered him on.”
increased. At the same time, our acceptance of                                                                               It was a heartwarming story that had
watching this lower quality content has also increased.   Multiple ‘snackable’ pieces of bite-sized content were             a strong trigger for social media
We have all become accustomed to streaming                produced which were easy to share widely across                    sharing and a particularly clear call to
content over heavily congested networks. Facetime,        different social and digital platforms. Content
                                                                                                                             action. It made for great video and
Zoom, Houseparty, Skype, etc. have become our new         proliferated and echoed across them all from
normal. Lower quality images and sound are accepted.      Instagram, to TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit,                   television at a time when there's very
Even Netflix has reduced its streaming quality amidst     YouTube, LinkedIn, Vimeo and more.                                 limited original content available.
the pandemic. Now more than ever the news media is
more likely to use interesting ‘amateur’ quality          As this content exploded, so too did the donations to                                - Stephen Waddington
content in its reporting. Audiences in turn are happy     the cause. This was no surprise as the whole story and
to engage with and share this content too.                all of the content had one very simple call to action –
                                                          donate in support the NHS and to do this via Captain
Captain Tom’s story generated many home-made              Tom’s Justgiving page. Donations surged as the
messages of congratulations and encouragement             content and conversations did.
from a wide variety of celebrities and influencers, all
going through the same lockdown challenges as the
rest of us.
LESSONS        20

 Tip six:
 Measure well
Writing this report, it was hard to resist the                national media took an interest and within three days      increased significantly, hits to the JustGiving page
temptation to flood it with the massive content-              Captain Tom was appearing on national TV news. His         followed, followers to Captain Tom’s new Twitter
focussed metrics that it obviously amassed. This is a         character attributes and the emotional resonance           account likewise, and over 1.5 million of us, from 63
story that truly went ‘viral’ - in a good way - and for all   with the UK and latterly global audiences did the rest.    countries around the world, contributed a world
the right reasons. There was a huge amount of                                                                            record amount for a sponsored walk of over £32
content generated by the mainstream media across              The measurement story follows a similar linear path. A     million.
print, online and broadcast. This in turn led to              great idea was seeded and shared with the local
countless ‘potential impressions’ or ‘opportunities to        media. Quickly viewing and readership numbers              This is the real story of those 24 days in April. This is
see’. Adding in the social and digital media metrics          escalated as the story was picked up by national media     the true legacy of an incredible man. These then are
would only serve to inflate those large numbers even          and got driven into wider engaged communities              the numbers that show the awesome power of great
further. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit,                through social amplification. It spread first nationally   communication, PR and a story well told.
LinkedIn, TikTok et al all saw significant content,           and then internationally. As the volume of content
sharing and engagement. Likes, shares, retweets,              increased, so did the reading and viewing numbers
favourites, etc. were all huge. This report has touched       leading to ever greater engagement and awareness,                                                       £32.8M
on only a few of these numbers as these output                which in turn led to more interest in how to contribute
metrics – often referred to as the vanity metrics -           reflected in surges in online search, visits and then
don’t tell the measurement story that matters.                ultimately donations to the JustGiving page. The
                                                              messaging was very simple and clear – donate to the
The true impact of this campaign is demonstrated by           cause. The coverage was relentlessly positive.
the very measurable outcome result that it delivered.
The story is linear – an idea to raise some money from        The important insights then are not the exact details
friends and family grew in ambition to include the local      of the output metrics alone. The specific ‘counts and
community. A release was crafted and distributed to           amounts’ are largely meaningless without context.
the regional media. They found the content to be              What matters is their trend, what caused this and then
relevant and resonating with emotional appeal. The            what happened as a result.                                      Global search
local media picked it up and covered the story. It then                                                                       JustGiving page visits
started to escalate, social media came into play,             As the coverage exploded and the story escalated,               Donations trend
promoting and injecting it into wider and different           awareness levels were growing. A story that
relevant communities – SSAFA’s very early tweet               resonated at multiple levels with its audience and was
being a great case in point. As the story grew, the           timed so well had a clear call to action. Search

    Colonel Tom’s fantastic
    fundraising broke
    records, inspired the
    whole country and
    provided us all with a
    beacon of light through
    the fog of coronavirus.

             - Prime Minister
               Boris Johnson

SPECIAL                                               We’d like to thank all the expert
THANKS                                                consultants who contributed to CARMA’s
                                                      thinking for the PR tips in this report:

  Catherine Arrow                 Stuart Bruce                 Andy Green            Anne-Marie Lacey             Emma Leech
   Executive Director               PR Futurist                   Director             Managing Director     Director of Marketing and
   PR Knowledge Hub                 @stuartbruce             Story Starts Here           Filament PR        Communications Nottingham
         @caanz                                            and Grow Social Capital       @AM_LaceyPR              Trent University
                                                                                                                CIPR President 2019

     Adam Mack               Nicola Osmond-Evans              Kathryn Ruge             Kerry Sheehan         Stephen Waddington
Strategic Communications   Head of Communications London     Managing Director         Director of Comms        Managing Director
        Consultant                   & Partners             Engaging People Ltd      Verve Communications            Metia
       Plannability                  @nicola291                @Kathryn_ruge               @PRKezza                   @wadds


                                        Parameters of the study.
                                        This report reviews and analyses the events of one incredible month in April 2020. It showcases
                                        Captain Tom Moore’s amazing journey and world record breaking fundraising achievements. It
                                        does this by recalling the particularly grave situation that Britain faced at the time, then telling
                                        the story of Captain Tom’s achievements through the lens of the media coverage, social media
                                        interactions and donations to NHS Charites Together that it generated.

                                        It has been written to be a record of those incredible achievements while also providing
                                        educational resource for communications and PR professionals looking to understand what
                                        lessons the sequence of events might hold. We show the national and global impact, analyse
                                        the events that shaped and triggered its success and then draw six important PR lessons for
                                        communications best practice.

                                        CARMA sourced and analysed more than 72,600 global media items and almost 900,000 social
                                        media posts. This was integrated with global search data, website analytics and daily
For more information, please contact:   JustGiving donation figures to provide a holistic overview of the month’s achievements.

RICHARD BAGNALL                         The quantitative results are based on automated analysis and Boolean queries. The time period
Co-managing partner                     covered is from April 7 2020, the day that the first press release was distributed up to April 30
CARMA International                     2020, Captain Tom’s 100th birthday and the day that the JustGiving page was closed.
Phone: +44 (0)7968 095769               This report was independently conceived, written and produced by CARMA International Ltd. If
                                        you would like to know more information about this report or CARMA’s global media                           monitoring and communications evaluation services, please contact Richard Bagnall.

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