Media-Data 2022 - Reiter und Pferde

Page created by Andrea Ball
Media-Data 2022 - Reiter und Pferde
             Advertising price list no. 48
             valid from issue 1/2022


                   Hülsebrockstraße 2– 8
                   D-48165 Münster

                   Circulation copy numbers
                      are reviewed by IVW
                       on a regular basis.
Media-Data 2022 - Reiter und Pferde
Advertising price list no. 48
                                                                                                          valid from issue 1/2022


Riders and horses in Westphalia

• highest-circulation of a regional equestrian sports magazine in Germany,
   20,179 distributed copies (IVW 2/2021)

• with current specialist information and reports on all aspects of equestrian
   sport, event information, tournament announcements, news from the associa-
   tion and clubs as well as exciting portraits of regional riders and breeders

• stands for the strongest equestrian sports region in Germany: over 97,000
   horse lovers are members of a Westphalian riding club - in addition there are
   about 8,100 Westphalian horse breeders

• is the magazine for members of the Equestrian Association Westphalia
   and the Westphalian Stud Book.

• high subscriber share of over 90% guarantees contact security and direct
   access to a consumption-oriented and strong purchasing power in the
   target group

• enjoys a high degree of appreciation and skepticism among readers

• monthly focus on health, education, horse sport accessories, stable con-
   struction, pasture management and much more

                                                                                    Here beats Germany‘s
                                                                                   of the equestrian sports
Media-Data 2022 - Reiter und Pferde
Advertising price list no. 48
                                                                                                                   valid from issue 4/2022

                                                                                                      Publisher information

Publishing house:                       Printing method:                            Payment terms:
Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH              Cover pages: sheet-fed offset               Payment in advance and by direct debit receives
Hülsebrockstr. 2– 8, 48165 Münster      Inside pages: 70 Web-offset                 3% discount. Payment within in 14 days of date of
Postfach: 48084 Münster                 Processing:                                 invoice receives 2% discount. Payment within 30
Tel:+49 (0) 25 01/8 01-0                adhesive binding                            days of date of invoice receives no discount.
e-mail:                                                              VAT No.: DE 126042224                               File formats:
                                        print optimised PDF according to            Banking details:
Management Board:                       PDF/X-4:2010_CMYK. Please vectorize         Volksbank Münsterland Nord,
Werner Gehring                          fonts in EPS-files. Open files only         IBAN DE 78 4036 1906 1004 0313 00
Dr. Ludger Schulze Pals                 possible on request.                        BIC GENODEM1IBB
Malte Schwerdtfeger
                                        Colour advertisement production:
Head of consumer press:                 All colours are obtained from Euro scale.
Dr. Thorsten Weiland                    Special colours like HKS or Pantone are
Editor:                                 not possible.
Dr. Jasmin Wiedemann                    Profil:
Tel: +49 (0) 25 01/8 01-21 00           Cover pages: ISO coated v2
e-mail:           Inside pages: PSO LWC Improved
Publishing (Advertisements):            Papier:
Moira Murena-Riechert                   Cover pages: 170 g/m² glossy
Tel: +49 (0) 25 01/8 01-18 40           Inside pages: 57 g/qm UPM satin s
Publishing Manager (Marketing):
Saskia Kind
Tel: +49 (0) 25 01/8 01-47 00
e-mail:                                                                     Circulation and distribution analysis:
Advertising enquiries:                                                                        IVW 2/2021
Ingo Rabeneck
Tel: +49 (0) 25 01/8 01-18 60                                                                 Print run............................... 21,773
e-mail:                                                         Copies distributed................ 20,179
                                                                                              Copies sold.......................... 19,765
Media-Data 2022 - Reiter und Pferde
Advertising price list no. 48
                                                                                                                                valid from issue 1/2022

                                                                                      Schedule 2022/special advertising formats
Schedule 2022

  Issue         Month                 Date of publication             advertising deadline              printing documents deadline

   1           January                     03.01.22                        10.12.22                             15.12.21
   2           February                    01.02.22                        10.01.22                             13.01.22
   3            March                      01.03.22                        07.02.22                             10.02.22
   4             April                     01.04.22                        10.03.22                             15.03.22
   5             May                       02.05.22                        06.04.22                             11.04.22
   6             June                      01.06.22                        09.05.22                             12.05.22
   7             July                      01.07.22                        08.06.22                             13.06.22
   8            August                     01.08.22                        08.07.22                             13.07.22
   9          September                    01.09.22                        10.08.22                             15.08.22
   10          October                     01.10.22                        09.09.22                             14.09.22
   11         November                     02.11.22                        10.10.22                             13.10.22
   12         December                     02.12.22                        10.11.22                             15.11.22

Bound-in inserts and loose inserts                                             Glued inserts/Gatefolder
An authentic sample has to be submitted before order acceptance.               Glued inserts: carrier advertisement with glued card or DVD.
Bound-in inserts and loose inserts can only contain the sales program          Prices on request. Gatefolder: an inwards-folded fold-out page
of the advertiser. Delivery date: 8 days before appearance in the prin-        with which you fill three pages of advertising. The 2nd or 3rd
ting works, circulation of magazines plus 2% grant.                            cover page and both sides of the gatefold are at your disposal.
                                                                               Prices on request.
Bound-in inserts
Bound-in inserts in the middle of the magazine are possible upon con-          Advertorial
sultation. Untrimmed size folded to 213 / 222 x 306 mm (incl. 6 mm             Editorial appearing product presentations or explanations
head trim). Circulation of magazines plus 2% grant.                            of your services. We will inform you about legal aspects and
Prices: 8-page bound-in insert: € 145 per thousand                             prices of an advertorial on request.
          12-page bound-in insert: € 175 per thousand
                                                                               Shipping address for bound-in inserts and supplements:
Loose inserts                                                                  Dierichs Druck + Media GmbH & Co. KG
Format: max. 205 x 290 (width x height)                                        Frankfurter Straße 168 · D-34121 Kassel
Price: Up to 25 g per thousand € 154 including shipping costs, plus VAT.
Prices for higher weight on request.                                           Cancellation date: advertising deadline, loose inserts and
Partial occupation is possible.                                                bound-in inserts 14 days before advertising deadline.
Media-Data 2022 - Reiter und Pferde
Advertising price list no. 48
                                                                                                                                                                    valid from issue 1/2022

                                                                                                                    Advertisement formats/prices/discounts

Sample formats in the editorial section                              Size of page: 210 x 297 mm (width x height) Live area: 190 x 270 mm (width x height)
            1/1 page                           1/3 page
                                                                                                       Live area                In bleed         black & white     2c/3c Euro     4c Euro
                                                                        Format       Columns
                                                                                                         wxh                      BxH                 in €          scale in €   scale in €

                                                                          1/1             4          190 x 270                210 x 297              3.240,00       4.010,00     5.260,00
                                                                                          4          190 x 133                210 x 147
                                                                          1/2                                                                        1.620,00       2.050,00     2.650,00
                                                                                          2           94 x 270                104 x 297
                                                                                          4          190 x 88                 210 x 103
L: 190 x 270 mm                   L: 61 x 270 mm		 L: 190 x 88 mm         1/3                                                                        1.080,00       1.370,00     1.770,00
B: 210 x 297 mm                   B: 71 x 297 mm		 B: 210 x 103 mm                                    61 x 270                 71 x 297

            1/2 page                           1/8 page                                   4          190 x 66                 210 x 80
                                                                          1/4             2           94 x 133                104 x 148                830,00       1.050,00     1.370,00
                                                                                          1           46 x 270                 57 x 297

                                                                                          4          190 x 32
                                                                          1/8             2           94 x 66                                          420,00         515,00      670,00
                                                                                          1           46 x 133
                                                                     All prices plus statutory VAT. All formats are in millimetre. Bleed formats plus 3 mm trim.
L: 94 x 270 mm L: 190 x 133 mm    L: 46 x 133 mm    L: 190 x 32 mm   Discounts                                                      Classified business opportunities ads:
B: 104 x 297 mm B: 210 x 147 mm   L: 94 x 66 mm
                                                                     for advertising within 12 months:                              millimetre price € 3.20 (plus statutory VAT)

            1/4 page
                                                                      By insertion                   By space                       Classified private ads: € 5.40 per line
                                                                      3 ads                   3 % 1 page                   3%       Cipher: € 9.50

                                                                      6 ads                   5 % 3 pages                  5%       The ads published in the classified ads section
                                  L: live area,                                                                                     are printed in your choice of one of the following
                                  B: Bleed (format submitted          9 ads                 10 % 6 pages                 10 %       sections:
                                  plus 3 mm trim)                                                                                   animal market • property • training • stable
                                                                      12 ads                15 % 9 pages                 15 %
                                                                                                                                    technology • vacation • miscellaneous • vehicles
                                  Special formats on request.         24 ads                20 % 12 pages                20 %       & trailers • animal feed
L: 46 x 270 mm		 L: 190 x 66 mm
B: 57 x 297 mm		 B: 210 x 80 mm
L: 94 x 133 mm
                                                                     Special discount: 30% special discount for advertisements of breeding associations, studs,
B: 104 x 148 mm                                                      equestrian sports events and auctions.
Advertising price list no. 48
                                                                  valid from issue 1/2022

Online advertisement on

   Price list for display advertising

    display ads ad-                          format                  price per month
    vertising forms                 (width x height in pixles)
    Half Banner                             234 x 60                      100 €

    Fullbanner                              468 x 60                      200 €

    Leaderboard                             728 x 90                      300 €

    Skyscraper                              160 x 600                     400 €

    VideoAd                                300 x 250                    on request

    Medium Rectangle                       300 x 250                      350 €

    NativeAd                   Image & 2.500 characters of text         on request
   All prices plus statutory VAT.

   The deadline for booking and supplying an ad is three business days
   prior to publication. Please send the finished files to:

   Please note the specifications as well as our terms of business for
   online advertising:

   Combined discount
   Discounts according to frequency and quantity scale form the printed
   copy will be adopted to your banner placement with the same amount.
   However, online advertising is not forming discounts for print-comple-
Advertising price list no. 48
                                                                                                                                                valid from issue 1/2022

                                                                                                                                 Your media consultants

                          Nikola Noack                                                 Moira Murena-Riechert
                          Key Account Manager                                          Media Sales Manager

                          Tel.: +49 25 01/801-37 21                                    Tel.: +49 25 01/801-18 40
                          Mobil: +49 1 51/64 51 39 02                        

                                                                                                                                  Dr. Jasmin Wiedemann
                                                                                                                                  Chief Editor
                          Saskia Kind                                                  Ingo Rabeneck
                          Publishing Manager                                           Advertising service                        Sudmühlenstr. 31-35
                                                                                       Your contact for print documents and       48165 Münster
                          Tel.: +49 25 01/801-47  00                                   invoices                                   Tel.: +49 25 01/801-21 00
                                                                                       Tel.: +49 25 01/801-18 60

                                                                                                                                  Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH
                                                                                                                                  Hülsebrockstr. 2-8
                                                                                                                                  48165 Münster

Terms of business
All orders are executed under our general terms of business. The terms are available from the publisher or can be viewed at
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