Page created by Pedro Moss

                                                         ISSUE NO. 262 / SEPTEMBER 2016

MAYORAL             BRAGATO               LABOUR                    TOHU
CANDIDATES          NEWS                  CONCERNS                  VINEYARD
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  this issue...                                                           30
REGULARS                                      FEATURES

3        Editorial                            12   Bragato News - The wine
                                                   industry converged in

4        From the Board - Jack Glover
                                                   Marlborough last month for
                                                   the 22nd annual New Zealand
                                                   Winegrowers’ National
6        Tasman Crop Met Report                    Romeo Bragato Conference.
                                                   Winepress looks at some of                          26
                                                   the topics covered.
28       Gen Y-ine - Richelle Collier
                                              16   Labour Pains - Marlborough’s

30       The Block - Tohu
                                                   wine industry needs to take
                                                   a zero tolerance approach to
                                                   the exploitation of labour, say
32       Biosecurity Watch - Grafted
         Grapevine Standard
                                                   industry members, following
                                                   recent breaches of labour law.

                                              22   Silver Secateurs - Last
36       Export News                               month’s Wine Marlborough
                                                   Silver Secateurs competition

38       Industry News
                                                   gave recognition to people
                                                   like Ni-Van vineyard worker

                                                   Daniel Nakomaha (pictured
40       ANZ Wine Happenings                       top right) doing a hard task in
                                                   trying conditions throughout

Nikolai St George with the Fuder barrels he
                                              24   Up and Coming - Some of
is using at Giesen Wines (pg20). Photo by
                                                   the country’s best young
Jim Tannock.                                       winemakers and viticulturists
                                                   competed in Marlborough last

                                                                                     Winepress September 2016 / 1
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    2 / 2016.
        Winepress September 2016
From the
General Manager:
Marcus Pickens
03 577 9299
                                                      LAST MONTH was one of highs and lows in Marlborough.
Editor:                                                    Highs included the Silver Secateurs competition, celebrating the skills and
Sophie Preece                                         recognising the efforts of the people who work in the cold vines throughout the
027 308 4455                                          long winter, providing a backbone to our wine industry.
                                                           But less than a week later, a release from the Labour Inspectorate outlined
Advertising:                                          serious breaches by at least two vineyard contractors, followed swiftly by an
Harriet Wadworth                                      Employment Relations Authority penalty against a contractor who doctored
03 577 9299                                           timesheets. That’s a real low.                             It may be just a few operators, but the growers employing them need to take
                                                      responsibility for this strike to Marlborough’s reputation, and ensure the people
Wine Marlborough Board:                               working on their land are being paid a fair wage with good working conditions.
Clive Jones                                                Issues with the treatment of labour have been around for a long time, and                             they have always been unacceptable. However, the market’s reaction to poor
Ben Ensor                                             sustainability measures – including employment practices - has become far more                                 palpable in recent years.
                                                           Large grocery chains in foreign markets would be “horrified” to find out that
Callum Linklater                                      some workers in Marlborough are exploited, says Geoff Matthews on pg 16. So it
                                                      is essential - for social conscience and commercial success - that Marlborough’s
Jack Glover                                           growers, wine companies and contractors make sure everything to do with their                      wine is above board.
                                                           Delegates at last month’s Romeo Bragato conference in Marlborough heard
Nick Entwistle
                                                      that 30% of people can now be categorised as conscious consumers, who will take
                                                      the back-story of a product into account before buying it.
Rhyan Wardman                                              Some will be swayed most by the environment, perhaps, and others by                                    health, or animal ethics, but few will like the sound of vineyard workers being
Samantha Wickham                             “We are now all part of a leading industry,” New Zealand Winegrowers
                                                      Chair Steve Green told the conference audience. “So we have to make sure we
Simon Bishell                                         are leaders - leaders in social responsibility and sustainability, in caring for our                                    workers.”
Stuart Dudley                                              Bragato was another high for the industry, with a raft of research projects                              presented by the teams of scientists working with industry members.
                                                           Beyond the dazzling array of discussions about DNA and ecology, oxygen
Tom Trolove                                           and minerality, there were sessions on marketing, management and financial
                                                      resilience, as well as some compelling conversations about those conscious
Printed by:                                                This Winepress touches on a few of the sessions, and future editions will
Blenheim Print Ltd                                    dig a little deeper. In the meantime, information from all the Bragato sessions is
03 578 1322
                                                      available on

                                                      SOPHIE PREECE

Disclaimer: The views and articles that are
expressed and appear in Winepress are entirely
those of contributors and in no way reflect the
policy of the Marlborough Winegrowers. Any
advice given, implied or suggested should be
considered on its merits, and no responsibility can
be taken for problems arising from the use of such

                                                                                                                   Winepress September 2016 / 3
From the
Marlborough’s wine industry needs to
nurture tomorrow’s trail-blazers.

AS A board we annually review our          on how we address
strategic initiatives, key issues and      leadership for
activities we feel are most important      our region as we
to focus on for Wine Marlborough.          mature beyond
Naturally there are key areas              being the global
that we always highlight as being          ‘new kid’.
integral in the success of our region            Leadership
and our members, such as labour,           is often a
environmental issues, marketing,           misunderstood
events and the challenges of growing       concept. I am sure
each season.                               many members
     Our session this year honed in        have received a
on the need to bring a programme           book on the topic
in that focuses on future planning         for Christmas
and ongoing leadership within              or a birthday,
Marlborough as it shifts gear globally     or listened to a
from new kid on the block to a             mind-shifting address at a conference        to the challenges that industry faces,
sustainable region across all measures.    or speaking engagement. The simple           and assisting them to develop the
     Our vineyards, the grapes we          thing to understand with leadership          skills needed to problem solve these
harvest, wine we produce and the           is that it is not just management            challenges effectively, is paramount for
people who travel the globe telling        or managing. These things come               the region’s future success.
our stories have driven a global           as a result of good leadership.                   As a board we are at the early
phenomenon, which had more than its        Leadership inspires rather than              stages of this concept, but we do have
fair share of bouquets at the inaugural    plans, it uses vision to enhance             it positioned as a strategic area of focus
International Sauvignon Blanc              technical capabilities, it is delivered by   and it’s our role as a board to assist the
Celebration earlier this year. With this   influencers rather than authoritarians,      development of Marlborough’s next
steep growth comes a need to further       and leaders will “we” rather than            generation.
develop those who are to continue this     “I”. These are the leadership traits              Over the coming months we will
success and learn from pioneers and        we believe are important to start            begin to evolve this strategy further
trail-blazers who put our region on the    developing in our region and with our        and reach out to our members to gauge
map.                                       members.                                     their interest in giving Marlborough
     If you take Australia’s leadership          I’m part of a generation in            the best long term sustainable
programme as an example, they              Marlborough who have benefitted              advantage through collective
recognised this need some years ago        substantially from our first-to-market       leadership.
when they established the Future           pioneers and the head-turning wine
Leaders Programme in 2006. This            styles they produced and promoted.
programme identifies 15 people each        I feel we are now at a time as a
year to be mentored, developed and         region where we need to share these
have their perspectives heard by an        learnings and allow the next wave
initiative owned and sponsored by          to gain experience to ensure we
Wine Australia. As a board we believe      position ourselves sustainably for the
now is the time to begin a discussion      future. Exposing our future leaders

4 / Winepress September 2016
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                                                                                                     Winepress September 2016 / 5
By Victoria Raw

Table 1: Blenheim Weather Data – August 2016                                       August 2016 in summary
                             August August 2016 August      Period       August         August 2016 was a month of two
                              2016   compared     LTA       of LTA        2015     halves; the first half was cold and
 		                                    to LTA                                      sunny days, recording the majority
 GDD’s for month -Max/Min¹      6.9      -11.6    18.5    (1996-2015)      22.5    of the ground and air frosts; and the
 GDD’s for month – Mean²       25.8      -9.5     35.3    (1996-2015)      37.2    second half was warm and sunny.
 Growing Degree Days Total
 Jul – Aug 16 – Max/Min        14.3      -13.7    28.0    (1996-2015)     29.4     Temperature
 Jul - Aug 16 – Mean           57.3      -0.8     58.5    (1996-2015)     59.7         The mean temperature of 8.2°C for
 Mean Maximum (°C)             13.5    -0.7°C     14.2    (1986-2015)      14.1    August was 0.8°C below the long-term
 Mean Minimum (°C)              3.0    -0.9°C      3.9     (1986-2015)     4.3     average temperature of 9.0°C.
 Mean Temp (°C)                 8.2    -0.8°C      9.0    (1986-2015)      9.2         The second week of August was
 Grass Frosts (
Table 3: Winter temperature for the four years 2013 to 2016 compared with the       potential evapotranspiration exceeds
long-term average                                                                   rainfall by 399.2 mm. That would be
                                      June July       August Mean or Total          the amount of water that would need
  Mean Temp 2013 (°C)                 8.9     9.1     10.8     9.6 °C               to be supplied as irrigation to keep a
  Mean Temp 2014 (°C)                 10.8    7.5     8.6      9.0 °C               pasture actively growing.
  Mean Temp 2015 (°C)                 9.0     7.5     9.2      8.6 °C                    Figure 2 illustrates the severe
  Mean Temp 2016 (°C)                 10.1    8.7     8.2      9.0 °C               water deficit experienced in both 12
  LTA Mean Temp (°C)                  8.7     7.9     9.0      8.5 °C               month periods from July 2014 to June
  				                                                                              2015 and from July 2015 to June 2016.
  Ground Frosts 2013                  11      18      6        35                   The 12 months from July 2014 to June
  Ground Frosts 2014                  2       16      13       31                   2015 recorded a water deficit of -683.6
  Ground Frosts 2015                  13      19      9        41                   mm. This was 283.3 mm more than
  Ground Frosts 2016                  10      12      10       32                   average, due to the fact that these 12
  LTA Ground Frosts                   12.1    15.1    10.5     37.7                 months received the lowest rainfall
  				                                                                              total on record. July 2015 to June 2016
  Mean Ground Frost Temp 2013 (°C) -2.2       -2.5    -1.7     -2.3                 recorded a deficit of -635.6 mm. In
  Mean Ground Frost Temp 2014 (°C) -1.3       -3.0    -2.7     -2.8                 both seasons the soil went into water
  Mean Ground Frost Temp 2015 (°C) -2.7       -3.4    -2.8     -3.1                 deficit in early September compared
  Mean Ground Frost Temp 2016 (°C) -2.2       -2.9    -3.2     -2.8                 with mid-October for the average.
  LTA – Long Term Average                                                           The soil has been above field capacity
                                                                                    from mid-June to mid-August 2016 but
months January to August 2016 is           Potential Water Deficit                  has subsequently gone into decline
1705.1 hours; 109.7% of the long-term           Potential water deficit is the      and as of 31st August sites at 13.4mm.
average (Table 1).                         difference between rainfall received     This signals that at the start of the
                                           and potential evapotranspiration. In     new season on 1 September 2016 that
                                           Blenheim the average potential water     the seasonal water balance has little
    August 2015 recorded 39.2 mm           deficit for 12 months is -399.2 mm       capacity to buffer any dry weather that
rainfall; 62.4% of the long-term average   (1996-2015):                             may arise.
of 62.8 mm (1930-2015). Both August             Total Rainfall 608.9 mm – Total          Of the four months May to August
2014 and 2015 received below average       Evapotranspiration 1009.3 mm =           2016, May and June recorded above
rainfall (15.3% and 79.3% respectively)    -399.2 mm                                average rainfall. The potential water
                                                This says that in an average year   surplus for these four months was

Figure 1: Monthly and total rainfall for January to August 2015 and 2016

                                                                                                     Winepress September 2016 / 7
+46.8 mm, compared with the average          viewed on the Marlborough District                  (
of +73.8 mm. Hence Marlborough               Council website. By clicking on the              Environment/Groundwater/Status/
needs regular above average rainfall         different wells that they monitor                Groundwater-Levels.aspx)
events throughout Spring 2016 to             around the district you are able to see
ensure that the province does not enter      the current well depths compared with            Victoria Raw
a third season of drought.                   last year, as well as the average for            Plant & Food Research / Marlborough
     The influence of the winter rainfall    the site. Well depths vary according to          Research Centre
on the Wairau Plains aquifer can be          location.

Figure 2: Seasonal water balance for Blenheim: difference between 3-month
totals of rainfall and potential evapotranspiration

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8 / Winepress September 2016
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                                                             Winepress September 2016 / 9
Candidate Questions
In the lead up to the local body elections, Winepress asks some questions of the
four Mayoral candidates.
Brian Dawson                               such as tourism, so that collectively we
What do you see as the top priorities      are making the most of all the region
for the wine industry in the next three    has to offer.
years?                                     How would you go about supporting
     The right solution for the            the region’s largest primary sector if you
Flaxbourne Community Irrigation            become our Mayor?
Scheme needs to be found and                    I will work very closely with the
the members of the scheme fully            wine industry to ensure that Council is
supported to ensure it is a success.       playing its part in being an enabler of
     Working towards building year-        the success of the industry. I want to
round work in the industry so that as      see the common sense application of
many locals as possible can have it.       rules and regulations.
     Industry stakeholders working              I am very focussed on attracting        Employer scheme) workers. While
collectively to solve the issue of         people to work, live, study and do           we acknowledge the policy of New
accommodation for the additional           business in Marlborough. I will work         Zealand workers first, the Government
workers that the industry is going to      with the industry to see that they have      must allow sufficient RSE workers to
require over the next five years.          the quantity and quality of skills and       enable the industry to function.
     Government understanding the          labour required.                                 I also want the wine industry to
needs of the industry, particularly in          I will advocate strongly to             leverage off the newly created Only
relation to labour requirements.           Government that they must take               Marlborough brand. We need to work
     The industry working closely with     a positive and practical approach            out how this can be advanced.
other key Marlborough industries           to RSE (Recognised Seasonal

John Davis                                 approach needs to be taken on
What do you see as the top priorities      industry growth which must be
for the wine industry in the next three    sustainable and quality driven.
years?                                          The market of supply and demand
     As the wine industry is the biggest   will play its part when it comes to
revenue earner for Marlborough,            developing worker accommodation.
there needs to be a totally unified        However, developers must first be sure
approach between Council, the main         of the costs, it’s an expensive game to
industry players, Wine Marlborough         play, and do their homework first. We
and government representatives. The        also need to look at and address the
latest round of emergency meetings         cost barriers to developing purpose
demonstrates that Council have not         built accommodation.                         on quality growth.
been proactive or progressive in their     How would you go about supporting                 We need to unite with the best
planning.                                  the region’s largest primary sector if you   skilled players in the team, agree on
     The five major issues for             become our Mayor?                            the direction, develop one mind-set
any Mayor to focus on are water,                I would start by devoting the           and deliver.
viticulture, aquaculture, tourism and      time necessary to deal with the                   The strengths I would bring to
the CBD. They are currently very           real issues, so no more emergency            the role of Mayor are leadership and
disjointed and lack planning. An           meetings. I’d create a team of experts       action. I would make viticulture and
investment in time, expertise and          and representatives from the relevant        its sustainable growth in Marlborough
planning are required to pave the way      industry sectors and together we would       a priority. I’m action orientated and
forward.                                   create short, medium and long term           results driven, so we would certainly
     A long term and collaborative         plans that are sustainable and focused       see positive change and momentum.

10 / Winepress September 2016
John Leggett                                   Marlborough can be a vibrant,
What do you see as the top priorities     proud region that embraces and
for the wine industry in the next three   reflects the world-class reputation
years?                                    of our wines. Marlborough can be a
     Sustainable growth and reputation    region where everyone thrives – in
are two pressing issues for the           business, work, school, home, and our
industry and our region.                  community.
     Growth is fantastic when                  Let’s work together and make that
managed well, whether you’re running      happen.
a vineyard, a winery, a contracting       How would you go about supporting
firm, or the region.                      the region’s largest primary sector if you   our communities’ quality of life, social
     As the industry grows, it needs a    become our Mayor?                            infrastructure and guardianship of
strong Council alongside it to enable          The wine industry is incredibly         Marlborough’s environment.
growth, ensure regional efficiencies,     significant for Marlborough.                      Marlborough deserves a strong
provide physical and social                    The industry and Council face           leader who can facilitate open
infrastructure, and inspire healthy       many challenges together including           and balanced debate, champion
communities.                              water, labour shortages, sustainable         governance, and foster outstanding
     The industry has a part to play by   growth management, housing,                  engagement with our community.
ensuring that as it grows it respects     environmental concerns and social                 I have the strength, expertise
our people, our environment, and our      infrastructure.                              and commitment to lead an engaged
reputation.                                    But we also celebrate many              Council that is united in leading
     Breaching labour or                  successes together. The Marlborough          the region forward and considers
environmental laws damages your           region is internationally recognised         all decisions along the way with
company’s reputation, your industry’s     through the wines produced here.             professional integrity and exemplary
reputation, and your region’s. Let’s           We’re in this together.                 governance.
instead work together to ensure                As Mayor I will be working with              I will lead Marlborough from the
sustainable industry growth and build     Councillors to ensure we support the         front – with confidence, commitment,
a strong community.                       industry’s growth while also balancing       energy and integrity.

Colin King                                accommodated and employed by
What do you see as the top priorities     responsible contractors who meet all
for the wine industry in the next three   their legal obligations toward their
years?                                    employees.
     The Marlborough wine industry’s           That research and development
top priority must be maintaining the      with effective technology transfer
positive reputation it presently holds    continues so the standard of vineyard
in the market place. This continues       management provides winemakers
to be the most valuable asset for the     with the best quality grapes.
Marlborough wine industry now and         How would you go about supporting
into the future.                          the region’s largest primary sector if you   every opportunity, whether within
     The Geographical Indications bill    become our Mayor?                            Marlborough or whenever the
that is currently before Parliament            As Mayor of Marlborough I will          occasion presents itself overseas.
must be introduced into law so            ensure that the world knows Blenheim              I will maintain strong
legal protection can be given to the      is New Zealand’s wine capital and            relationships with central
name “Marlborough”. This will mean        continue to actively maintain and            Government to ensure that whenever
that all wines sold with the name         promote our region’s enviable                a prime ministerial or ministerial
Marlborough are genuinely from            reputation.                                  delegation is heading overseas, that
Marlborough.                                   I will spend sufficient time with       the Marlborough wine industry is
     Ensuring that the highest            the wine industry to understand the          strongly represented.
possible standards of management          emerging challenges confronting it                I will instruct council to provide
are maintained throughout the             and ensure that there are no barriers to     whatever resources are necessary
winemaking process when discharging       sustainable growth in the Marlborough        to support and secure central
liquids or solids back into the           wine industry.                               Government funding so as to advance
environment.                                   I would positively welcome              Marlborough’s position as the largest
     We must make sure that those         visiting delegations and advocate            and most important wine region in
working in the vineyards are well         passionately for the wine industry at        New Zealand.

                                                                                                         Winepress September 2016 / 11
Romeo Bragato
New Zealand’s wine industry a star performer.

STELLAR EXPORT growth has                  Annual Report shows exports have
transformed a small, domestically          risen 10% in the last year, to just under
focussed industry into an export force     $1.6 billion. That’s the 21st consecutive
for New Zealand, says New Zealand          year the industry has experienced
Winegrowers Chair Steve Green.             significant export growth, and it is well   contribution to the social, economic
     “Through high dollars and             on track to reaching its target of $2       and environmental welfare of our
low, through recessions and near           billion of exports by 2020, Steve said.     country.”
depressions, through tech booms and        “Whether we get there by 2020 or 2019            In the wake of the conference,
busts… wine exports have been the          or 2021… the goal is now in sight and       Steve says it highlighted best practice,
star performer for New Zealand,” he        what an achievement that will be.”          enabling winemakers and grape
told delegates at last month’s Romeo            The industry is a leader, “so we       growers to implement the many new
Bragato Conference in Marlborough.         have to make sure we are leaders”, he       initiatives on offer, “to continue to
“We are now acknowledged as a wine         said. “Leaders in social responsibility     work towards those goals of economic
exporter of the first rank. We craft       and sustainability, in caring for our       and social sustainability”.
and market distinctly New Zealand,         workers. Leaders in our relationships            Information from all the Bragato
high quality, high value wines. We are     with our neighbours and leaders in          sessions will become available on www.
renowned for this.”                        tourism. We need to lead, and by  
     New Zealand Winegrowers’              leading we will make an even greater

 Understanding Vineyard Ecosystems
      A complex research programme was placed under
 the microscope at the Romeo Bragato Conference, thanks
 to several of the geneticists, ecologists, viticulturists and
 research scientists involved.
      The $7 million Vineyard Ecosystems programme,
 which has just completed the first of its seven years,
 involves 12 vineyards in Marlborough and another 12 in
 Hawke’s Bay. The vineyards are an even mix of “future”
 farming sites, with chemical free management techniques,
 and “contemporary” sites, using chemicals.
      Over the past year, hundreds of holes have been
 dug, soil samples collected, DNA extracted and data
 accumulated. Statisticians will now continue to crunch
 vast numbers to offer a better understanding of vineyard
                                                                 Simon Hooker
 ecology and the impacts of vineyard management
      Among the speakers were Auckland University’s              industry’s sustainability aspirations. He says the Vineyard
 Associate Professor Mat Goddard and PhD student                 Ecosystems Programme puts New Zealand’s wine industry
 Paulina Giraldo-Perez, who will use next generation             at the forefront globally.
 sequencing to compare management techniques over the                 “The complexity of ecosystems hasn’t really been
 seven-year period.                                              explored in vineyards. By understanding the interaction
      Simon Hooker, New Zealand Winegrowers General              between all those different organisms, you can start to
 Manager of Research and Innovation, says he was                 manage your vineyard in a more integrated fashion,
 recently asked how research was progressing the wine            specific to its ecology.”

12 / Winepress September 2016
Yes to GIA
Industry votes for greater influence on biosecurity

THE NEW Zealand wine industry            for GIA and improved biosecurity,”
is to become a partner with the          says NZW Biosecurity Manager Edwin
Government in decision making            Massey. “New Zealand is a trading         Brown Marmorated Stink Bug can
around biosecurity readiness and         nation and with increased import and      impact on production and quality, and
response.                                export, and increased travel as well,     Edwin tainted Marlborough wine with
     New Zealand Winegrowers (NZW)       we are seeing biosecurity risk become     synthetic stink big odour to open eyes
Chair Steve Green announced at the       more and more prevalent. I think          and noses to its threat.
Romeo Bragato conference that 96%        people see GIA as a means to increase          He says growers and winery staff
of voting members and more than          our readiness for a growing threat.”      need to be vigilant over the high-risk
99% of the levy vote favoured creating        Edwin honed in on “the number        season, from the end of September
a Government Industry Agreement          one biosecurity threat to New             to the end of April, by looking out
(GIA).                                   Zealand’s wine industry” at his           for a 1.7cm-long shield shaped bug
     “It’s a really, really strong       Bragato workshop, entitled “How           with distinctive marking around the
endorsement from the member base         to stop the stink in your wine”. The      abdomen.

 Financal Resilience
     New Zealand Winegrowers (NZW) will soon launch its      for the wine industry. The fourth advisor, Marlborough
 new business toolkit, a free online resource for members.   farmer Doug Avery, has helped develop a page on mental
 Project Manager Tracy Benge says the toolkit will offer a   health and wellbeing, she says. “Because when looking to
 package of best practice business guidance and tools in     protect and grow your assets, the most important asset is
 one place, in order to help those in the industry manage    you.”
 business risks.                                                  Over recent years there has been a big shift in financial
     The toolkit covers 10 areas of business risk, from      sustainability. Global financial markets have developed
 business planning, financing and insurance solutions, to    sustainability performance tools, such as the Dow Jones
 financial benchmarking and succession planning. Each        Sustainability Indices, which tie a company’s valuation to
 area links to downloadable business guides, website links   how well they are performing financially, environmentally
 and case studies.                                           and socially. It’s an ethos that reflects the SWNZ pillars,
     Tracy says the resources have been developed            says Tracy. “The business pillar of sustainability recognises
 with the assistance of a group of agri-business experts     that sustainability is the balancing of people, planet and
 including BNZ, FMG and Crowe Horwath, and are tailored      profit.”

                                                                                                     Winepress September 2016 / 13
Precise Breeding
New genetic technologies debated.

NEW ZEALAND needs to urgently
address outdated regulations to
take advantage of brand new and
fast developing precise breeding                                                         outcome rather than the method used.”
technologies, says a breeding and                                                             The threat is there because other
genomics expert.                                                                         countries, including the United States,
     Plant & Food Research General                                                       have deregulated the technology “and
Manager of Science Kieran Elborough                                                      now have the capacity and regulatory
says New Zealand is already being left                                                   support to produce superior cultivars
                                             Kieran Elborough
behind by countries embracing Crispr                                                     very quickly”, he says. “This will be an
(Clustered regularly interspaced short                                                   issue at our borders and in our markets
palindromic repeats), which allows                “The worst scenario for us as          because these superior cultivars
existing genes to be edited in a precise     plant breeders is that we will not have     cannot be scientifically differentiated
way, at the single base pair level,          a highly effective tool we can use to       from conventional cultivars, but
without adding any DNA.                      compete... We have perhaps the best         are regulated as a GMO (genetically
     The resulting plant is identical        breeding science in the whole world in      modified organism) in New Zealand.”
in every way to one that can be              New Zealand, for all the different crops         That means a wine could come
produced by conventional breeding,           we are involved in, but we could fast be    into New Zealand from another
but is created in a far shorter time, says   left behind if we are limited in the use    country that has embraced the
Kieran.                                      of this tool by outdated regulations.”      technology, but it might be several
     Crispr is regulated under New                Kieran says precise breeding           years before it is revealed that the wine
Zealand’s Hazardous Substances               technology can either be a threat or an     should in fact be regulated here as a
and New Organisms (HSNO) act,                opportunity to New Zealand’s plant          GMO, says Kieran. “It’s going to be a
which Kieran wants to see updated.           based industries. “(It is) an opportunity   huge issue for you as an industry to try
“Legislation in New Zealand needs            for us to offer fast, accurate breeding     and defend that position. And it’s only
to catch up quickly with the pace of         for ‘step change’ cultivars that fit with   that position because of regulations.”
breeding technology development,” he         New Zealand’s specific needs, but only           Kieran spoke of Crispr at the
says.                                        if New Zealand chooses to regulate the      Bragato New Horizon’s workshop.

 New Zealand-native grape vine clones
      New Zealand’s vineyards have limited clonal diversity        University, Darrell’s team has developed a rapid clonal
 inherited from countries on the other side of the world,          identity test, which is being used to recognise mutations
 says Lincoln University scientist Darrell Lizamore.               and use them to breed a more diverse clonal stock.
      He spoke to Bragato audiences about his work to                  They currently have 200 plants in the field, and
 produce clones suited to New Zealand conditions by                another 2000 in tissue culture. Darrell says the time
 harnessing natural mutations in grapevine DNA.“Mutation           needed to progress the project from science labs to
 is the natural source of species diversity,” he told delegates.   working vineyards depends on the level of investment.
 However, artificial selection, as has been practiced              However, it is feasible that when existing vineyards have
 through manual breeding over hundreds of years, serves to         their vines replaced in 15 to 20 years, growers could choose
 drastically reduce that gene pool.                                a “New Zealand-native” clone rather than a French one.
      That has resulted in very limited diversity, which is        “We are developing the next generation of clones to be
 a major obstacle to breeding clones that are optimised            used in New Zealand.”
 for New Zealand conditions. With funding from New                     The October Winepress will have a more detailed
 Zealand Winegrowers, Plant & Food Research and Lincoln            feature on Darrell’s work.

14 / Winepress September 2016
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                                                                                                   Winepress September 2016 / 15
Labour Laws
Marlborough’s wine industry is being threatened by illegal
labour practices.

MARLBOROUGH’S WINE industry               Of the 10 independent contractors
needs to take a zero tolerance            visited, two were breaching minimum
approach to the exploitation of labour,   wage, holiday pay, and record keeping
says the Chair of Wine Marlborough.       requirements, with another seven
     Following revelations of breached    asked to supply additional records.
labour laws, Clive Jones says it               Kevin says the industry needs
is “absolutely frustrating” that a        to take some ownership of the
few contractors, and the growers          issue, including seeking assurances
that employ them, are putting the         from contractors that all minimum
reputation of Marlborough’s wine          employment standards are being
industry at risk. “The law is the law     met. “By engaging with contractors
and people need to comply with all the    who choose to ignore employment
relevant regulations.”                    standards, the New Zealand wine
     Labour Inspectorate Regional         industry is exposing themselves to
                                                                                     Clive Jones
Manager Kevin Finnegan says a joint       reputational damage.”
Marlborough vineyard operation                 Nine contractors from the
between his department, Immigration       Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE)             Clive says it is “no coincidence”
New Zealand and Inland Revenue            scheme were also visited, with all         that the RSE contractors came out
found contractors committing serious      nine found to be compliant with            clean. “The people that rely on RSE
breaches of employment standards.         employment standards.                      workers for part of their labour force

 Best Practice
      Wine companies have a corporate social responsibility    are exploited, and it’s
 that should include protecting the workers they rely on,      frustrating to know
 says the Operations Director of Lion’s New Zealand wine       some elements are
 interests.                                                    letting the industry
      Geoff Matthews says since around 2008, when Wither       down, he says.
 Hills started to use more contract labour, the company has    “We have a social
 ensured it has the right systems and processes in place for   responsibility, and as
 their own employees, as well as ensuring similar systems      the industry grows
 for any supplier or contractor they use.                      it’s important that
      “It came about from us wanting to be responsible as      you are doing the
 a corporation - to be seen to be doing the right thing. We    right thing.”            Responsible employer Vinepower
 didn’t want to use a contract company or a labour supplier,         Illegal labour     works for Wither Hills with both Kiwi
 to find out at some point down the track that they weren’t    practices have been and RSE staff.
 compliant with various laws and regulations. This is not      an issue at various
 only labour laws, it also extends to health and safety,       points in the past, but the wine industry is a lot larger
 pastoral care and ethical standards that we as a company      than it used to be “and everything revolves around its
 are often expected to have as a supplier of premium           reputation as a premium wine producer”, Geoff says. “So
 products to our customers and consumers.”                     we need to be doing the right thing to ensure we maintain
      Large grocery chains in foreign markets would be         that reputation.”
 “horrified” to find out that some workers in Marlborough

16 / September August 2016
have been put through the hoops to                                                   through Winepress and through www.
make sure they are compliant with                                          ”
the system. I think that over the years                                                   One grape grower Winepress
they have all developed a duty of                                                    spoke to says everyone should
care and real sense of responsibility                                                play their part in ensuring good
for the people who are working for                                                   employment practices. “There aren’t
them – whether they are Kiwis or RSE                                                 foolproof systems in place, but growers
workers.”                                                                            can and should, in my opinion, take
      Wine Marlborough offers guidance                                               some responsibility on this. This could
and advice, but relies on members to                                                 go a long way towards eliminating
ensure the contractors they employ                                                   illegal practices.”
are compliant, and on the Labour                                                          This year she went through the
Inspectorate to deal with cases of                                                   process of hiring a new pruning
shoddy practice, says Clive. “The board                                              contractor, asked to see the required
is always concerned about labour, and                                                paperwork early on in the discussions,
it’s always on our agenda. We do what                                                and explained what her requirements
we can, but unfortunately we have no                                                 were regarding compliance and work
authority.”                                                                          practices. She also rang John Maxwell
      Wine Marlborough General                                                       of the Labour Inspectorate to ask
Manager Marcus Pickens says he                                                       what her rights and obligations were,
                                          Marcus Pickens
was “deeply disappointed” to read the                                                in order to be satisfied that workers
Labour Inspectorate’s media release.                                                 on her property were being treated
      “It is distasteful to learn that    around the country and potentially         fairly. That included asking if the
some people who work to make              around the world.”                         prospective contractor was known to
something we are all so proud of are           The news should be a wakeup           the department, either negatively or
being exploited in our industry. One      call to the industry at large, Marcus      positively.
indiscretion is too many – more over      says. “The challenge is to stamp it             It was an easy process, but left
the coming months may change our          out and follow accepted guidelines         her wondering whether all contractors
stellar reputation – in our community,    and advice that is freely available        could be required to be RSE certified

 Recognising RSE                                                for anyone
 Growers using shoddy contractors should receive a hefty        employing
 fine, says a Marlborough contractor frustrated at blows to     them.”
 the sector’s reputation.                                            Labour
      Marlborough’s RSE (Recognised Seasonal Employer           Inspectorate
 scheme) contractor spokesperson Aaron Jay says breaches        Regional
 of labour laws are an industry problem, not just a             Manager
 contractor one. “Yes, your contractor should be fined, but     Kevin
 there should be bigger fines for the grower using them, in     Finnegan
 my point of view.”                                             says RSE, an
      Nine RSE contractors were investigated in the recent      immigration
 labour investigation and all were found to be compliant        scheme
                                                                that allows        Aaron Jay
 with labour laws. However, Aaron says people reading
 about the breaches in the UK, where his wider family           employers
 lives, will assume companies like his are complicit. “So       to recruit staff from endorsed countries, currently allows
 I’m gutted from personal perspective and also from an          accreditation to approximately 136 employers. “There is
 industry perspective, because the last thing consumers         a cap of 9500 on the numbers that can come into New
 want to do is sit down with their bottle of wine and think     Zealand in a calendar year; thus not everyone or anyone
 of slave labour in New Zealand.”                               can employ these people.”
      He would like to see contractors join the RSE scheme           However, RSE contractors can also employ New
 or get out of the business. “They don’t need to recruit        Zealanders, and the scheme stipulates that Kiwis have first
 from the Pacific Islands, but they would be registered and     crack at positions, he says. “There is no automatic right to
 recognised as having good practices. That’s peace of mind      employ from the islands.”

                                                                                                       Winepress September 2016 / 17
if they want to remain in the business.                                                 providers of their compliance with
“That would both simplify the                                                           health and safety laws, and looks for
process for growers and provide some                                                    evidence of that.
protection for workers.”                                                                     The latest investigation adds fuel
     Wine Marlborough Labour                                                            to the argument for a Labour Officer to
Coordinator Nicolette Prendergast                                                       be based in Blenheim, he says. “I think
believes Sustainable Winegrowing New                                                    for people who are compliant it won’t
Zealand (SWNZ) is another avenue to                                                     make any difference, but I suspect for
ensuring better practice, by taking a                                                   some it is a case of out of sight, out
deeper look at a grower’s contractor                                                    of mind.” It is a topic NZW has raised
history in the two yearly audit.                                                        a number of times with Government
     Wine Marlborough was aware of                                                      over the years, he says. “From our
the impending labour investigations                                                     perspective this just reinforces the
and was asked to provide any                                                            need for this.”
intelligence they could, says Nicolette.
While she is not surprised by the                                                       Penalties
outcome, she is disappointed that                                                       Employers who breach employment
some growers are complicit, because                                                     law are subject to enforcement action,
                                            Philip Gregan                               which can include penalties of up to
they are not checking the background
of their contractor. “They are bringing                                                 $50,000 for individuals and up to
the industry down.”                         looking after the land and the air          $100,000 or three times the financial
     New Zealand Winegrowers                and the water, we have to look after        gain for companies. MBIE encourages
(NZW) Chief Executive Philip Gregan         our employees as well. I think most         anyone in this situation, or who knows
says growers and wineries have a            people in the industry would take that      of anyone in this situation, to call its
duty to ensure that workers on their        absolutely for granted, but clearly there   contact centre on 0800 209 020.
property, whether they are employees        are some employees who are not being
or not, are treated in accordance with      treated appropriately.”
the law. “Anything less than that is             Philip says SWNZ seeks
clearly totally unacceptable… Like          confirmation from contract labour

 Anyone employing a
 contractor should:
 • Seek proof the contractor has
   public liability insurance
 • Seek proof of tax exemption
   (Wine Marlborough have a
   relevant form)
 • Hold a register of names of
   everyone on your vineyard
   every day
 • Understand that vineyard
   workers are due the minimum
   hourly rate, regardless of
   whether they are on a piece rate.
 For more information, contact:
 03 9892965 / 0274491851
 03 9892957 / 0274948674
 or contact Wine Marlborough
 Labour Coordinator Nicolette          Richard Wilson from Immigration New Zealand, left, and John Maxwell from the Labour
 Prendergast on 0275778440             Inspectorate.

18 / Winepress September 2016

THE LIVING organisms in a single
teaspoon of healthy soil outnumber
humans in the world, says a consultant
urging the wine industry to seek a
deeper understanding of their land.
AgConsult’s Gerard Besamusca spoke
at an Organic Winegrowers New
Zealand (OWNZ) workshop at the              Growers are only scratching the surface in understanding their soil. Photo from Clos
Mahi winery last month, giving 45           Henri
growers an overview of soil nutrition
and its role in the vineyard.               requirements than Sauvignon Blanc.”           “We are talking about sub-regions in
     He told the group there could               OWNZ representative Fabiano              Marlborough and there is so much to
be more than 6 billion living things,       Frangi, who helped organise the event,        learn about the dynamics of how the
including bacteria and fungi, in            says that despite the steady strides          elements work in the soil, in the plant,
a teaspoon of soil, making an               in wine science over recent decades,          how they are made available to the
understanding of its nutrition vital to a   the industry’s understanding of soil          plant and what happens if we use a
productive operation. The three-hour        nutrition has progressed little since the     certain practice or another.”
seminar could only scratch the surface      1970s.                                              The Vineyard Manager at Clos
of the topic, with individual regions,           He says the seminar was not              Henri Vineyard has studied agriculture
sites, varieties and wine aspirations all   limited to organic growers, “it just          and viticulture and worked in the
impacting on the needs of the soil.         happens most of the good practices            industry for 15 years, but says there’s
     Gerard discussed the fact that         are part of an organic regime”. The           still much he doesn’t know. “Every
many people tend to react to a soil         “elemental principle” was that                time I hear that topic or try to look at
analysis by adding whatever seems           soil analogies only give a surface            my nutrition plan I still believe I am
to be missing. However, it is “scary”       understanding of soil. Growers                learning, and when I retire from my
to make a decision based on a single        have to literally dig deeper, taking          job I think I will know very little of it.
soil test result in isolation, without      subsoil samples, while also seeking           There is so much to learn every time.”
looking at the bigger picture, including    to understand how the soil works,                   A more detailed article on this
subsoil, petiole/leaf potassium, as well    including its biology, chemistry and          seminar will run in a future edition of
as the variety grown and yield targets.     physics.                                      Winepress.
“For instance, low yielding Pinot Noir           The field is exciting, because there
generally has much lower potassium          is so much to learn, says Fabiano.

                                                                                                             Winepress September 2016 / 19
New technology is
enabling old winemaking

BETWEEN 1000 litre oak barrels and
three tonne granite tanks, Nikolai St
George has his hands full at Giesen
     Since he joined the company last
year, Nikolai has been expanding
his winemaking scope using the
66 German oak barrels behind the
company’s Fuder range, along with
three weighty granite tanks.
     The Fuders provide an alternative
fermentation to their smaller barrique
cousins for a number of reasons,
including fatter staves with better
insulation properties. That means
when cool autumn weather impacts on
small barrel temperatures, the Fuders
are unaffected, resulting in a warmer
and more consistent fermentation,           Giesen winemaker Nikolai St George. Photo by Jim Tannock
says Nikolai.
     Maturation is different as well.       Blanc style with oak that is not           fermentation, they provide a challenge
Commonly the larger format results in       too domineering, while the wines           because the granite is naturally porous
a more reductive influence, achieving       achieve the finesse and structure of       and sweats, causing them to cool.
the flinty aromas that are in fashion for   barrel fermentation. Meanwhile, the        “They are a lot of hard work and you
Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay, he          German sourced oak imparts a sweeter       have to be very creative to get the most
says. “One other thing I noticed during     aromatic than the French oak on the        out of them.”
maturation was that because there is        wine, he says.                                  He says many old world wine
less barrel surface area to wine, you get        He also likes the size, with the      concepts fell out of favour 50 to 60
a bit less oak pick-up.” That means the     barrels large enough to do comparative     years ago, because of the inability
wine is quite fresh and young when          trials on one batch of fruit.              to clean vessels such as the Fuder
it emerges from 10 months of barrel              Nikolai is also using three granite   and granite tanks. Now with steam
aging. “They evolve slower than in          tanks to age wine. The tanks, which        cleaners, hot water blasters and
barriques.”                                 weigh three tonnes each with the lid       ozone, winemaker are able to go back
     The Fuders achieve wines with          on, hold around 1200l. “They’re pretty     to those practices. “I think there are
the mouth feel Nikolai would expect         amazing pieces,” he says. His best use     opportunities out there for sure.”
from a smaller barrel, but have             of them at this stage is for carbonic
allowed Giesen to evolve a Sauvignon        maceration, but when it comes to

20 / Winepress September 2016
Winepress September 2016 / 21
Cutting Edge
LAST MONTH’S Wine Marlborough             Vine First Novice Pruner                  Tasman Crop Championship Team:
Silver Secateurs competition offered      1st Place: Barry Hava (Focus Labour)      1st Place: ‘Island Boys’ (Thornhill) -
recognition to the people doing such      2nd Place: Longo Joseph (Thornhill)       Valulua Filo Sao; Tavita Esau; Matthew
a hard task in trying conditions          3rd Place: Valulua Filo Sao (Thornhill)   Fidow
throughout winter.                                                                  2nd Place: ‘Vanuatu 2’ (Thornhill) -
                                          Farmlands Championship Wrapper:
     Jeremy Hyland has been involved                                                Brightly Tamara; Jonny Huri; Allan
                                          1st Place: Stephanie Sawia (Vinepower)
since 1995, when the competition                                                    Mahinga
                                          2nd Place: Kome Fruen (Hortus)
was established to improve quality                                                  3rd Place: ‘Vinepower 1’ (Vinepower) -
                                          3rd Place: Clive Wong
in the vines and provide recognition                                                Jamnong Martwiset; Gasimier Bayeo;
for vineyard staff. He says it also       Fruitfed Supplies Championship            Kamphee Kaewsawang
serves an important role in publically    Pruner:
                                                                                    Turtle BoX Championship RSE Team:
showcasing the skills pruners hone        1st Place: Ian Jimmy (Focus Labour)
                                                                                    Winners: ‘Island Boys’ (Thornhill) -
every day in the vines                    2nd Place: Pichet Chockchalerm
                                                                                    Valulua Filo Sao; Tavita Esau; Matthew
     The name is a viticultural take      (Alapa)
on the Golden Shears shearing             3rd Place: Anek Misap (Vinepower)
competition, and Jeremy sees a lot                                                  John Bibby Memorial Trophy:
                                          Turtle BoX Championship RSE Pruner:
of similarities in the two disciplines.                                             Winner: Barry Hava (Focus Labour)
                                          Winner: Ian Jimmy (Focus Labour)
“They are a job, but they are also a
skill and an art.” The hand to eye        Focus Labour Solutions Championship
coordination required for both is         Female Pruner:
intense, he says. “Pruning a vine         1st Place: Akenese Lonitenisi
in a competitive environment is           2nd Place: Nee Cameron (Hortus)
quite spectacular. It’s quite similar     3rd Place: JianMin Wu
to watching a class shearer do their      Thornhill Contracting Championship
thing.”                                   Cutter:
                                          1st Place: Ale Seuea (Focus Labour)
Silver Secateurs Results
                                          2nd Place: Muratha Boonjeck
Provine Novice Wrapper:                   (Vinepower)
1st Place: Bangon Soonasaeung (Alapa)     3rd Place: James Collin (Focus Labour)
2nd Place: Sean Somerville (Alapa)
3rd Place: Tavita Esau (Thornhill)        Turtle BoX Championship RSE Cutter:
                                          Winner: Muratha Boonjeck

22 / Winepress September 2016
The Silver Secateurs has become a multicultural celebration of the talent of
people tending Marlborough’s vines. Photos by Richard Briggs.

                                                                Winepress September 2016 / 23
Jordan Hogg is on top of
the world

has become the 2016 Tonnellerie
de Mercurey New Zealand
Young Winemaker, despite tough
    Jordan Hogg, who is Assistant
Winemaker at Marlborough’s Seresin          Jordan in the midst of the competition.
Estate, took out the title during
the Romeo Bragato Conference in
Marlborough late last month.                     But Jordan’s consistency and           highly skilled but their positions may
    He took the competition one             ability to work under pressure saw him      not always allow them to be front and
step at a time, prioritising the most       take the lead. “It’s the ability to think   centre.”
important aspects under tight               logically under pressure.” Nick says a           Nick believes there has been a
timeframes, he says. “I guess it’s like     key skill for winemakers is to be able to   shift in the industry over the past five
the stress we have at work and through      focus on what is most important and         years, with less movement among
harvest, and trying to make decisions       at the core of winemaking, to ensure        winemakers in key positions, so
under pressure.”                            a commitment to quality and “add a          less opportunity for many young
    Organising committee member             personal touch”.                            winemakers to climb up through the
Nick Entwistle says the results were             The competition throws in tough        ranks.
close throughout, with four excellent       challenges, to showcase the wealth of            “It’s a challenging time, but
contestants. “These are some of the         talent among the young winemakers,          hopefully in 10 years we will be able to
most talented winemakers in New             he says. “Often they are cellar hands       look back on the achievements of all
Zealand, regardless of their age.”          or assistant winemakers…they are            the competitors, having forged their
                                                                                        way to becoming the industry leaders
                                                                                        of the future.”
                                                                                             Seresin Estate General Manager
                                                                                        Michelle Connor and Winemaker Clive
                                                                                        Dougall were brimming with pride
                                                                                        after the result. “In our experience
                                                                                        Jordan is the perfect mix between the
                                                                                        scientific brain and the creative brain,”
                                                                                        says Michelle. “If he is an example
                                                                                        of future generations of winemaking,
                                                                                        then the industry is in good hands.”
                                                                                             Jordan won a $5000 travel
                                                                                        scholarship to France, a 28 litre
                                                                                        Tonnellerie de Mercurey barrel and
                                                                                        a Wine and Spirit Education Trust
                                                                                        (WSET) level 2 scholarship, donated by
                                                                                        Jane Skilton MW.

The big win: Jordan with Marcel Giesen and Sherwyn Veldhuizen from Tonnellerie de
Mercurey. Photo Tessa Anderson

24 / Winepress September 2016
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