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Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © REGISTRATION NO. 003-189 NPO ABOUT US P O Box 1320, Alberton, 1450 6 Clark Road, Florentia, Alberton Telephone: (011) 907-3590/1/2/3 Fax: (011) 907-4013 Website: www.nspca.co.za Email : nspca@nspca.co.za ii Page © NSPCA 2021 All Rights Reserved
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The NSPCA wishes to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all of our supporters. Thank you for choosing the NSPCA through which to show your kindness to animals and for your trust in us. The continued support from the public, various trusts and foundations, sponsors and individual donors continue to assist the NSPCA in our quest to improve the welfare of animals in South Africa. The NSPCA was fortunate to have a legal team with admirable commitment to our vision and mission. To Advocate Les J. Morison, Dr. Jane E. Marston, Advocate Thai Scott and Advocate Angus McKenzie, thank you for your fundamental role, counsel and leadership that resulted in a precedent judgement that not only paved the way for animal welfare considerations for captive lions, but for all wildlife in South Africa. We also wish to express our gratitude to every expert witness of which your expertise, knowledge and contributions played a pivotal role - A special thank you to Dr. Paul Funston, Dr. Ross Harvey, Karen Trendler, Dr. Smaragda Louw and Michelle Pickover. Thank you to Blood Lions, Ban Animal Trading and the EMS Foundation for the extensive information and contributions made towards the litigation process. A final and warm thank you to the NSPCA task team - Marcelle Meredith, Esté Kotzé, Pricilla Stiglingh, Karen Trendler (former Manager of the NSPCA’s Wildlife Trade & Trafficking Unit) and the Wildlife Protection Unit, whom each in their own respective roles, played a significant part in the outcome of the positive litigation measures against the captive lion industry and the lion bone trade. iv Page
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © The NSPCA acts as the governing body for A B O UT T H E N S PC A all local Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA’s) and as a The National Council of Societies for the statutory body legally mandated with Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA) preventing animal cruelty, addressing is the largest animal welfare organisation animal welfare and enforcing the Animals in Africa, with the objective to serve and Protection Act No. 71 of 1962 (APA). protect all animals, to uplift their welfare The NSPCA comprises of a number of and to ensure that the protection they specialised units that operate on a have under South African Law is upheld national basis which include the Animal and respected. The NSPCA’s mission is to Ethics Unit, Society Liaison Unit, Special prevent cruelty and promote the welfare Projects Unit, Communications Unit, Farm of all animals, whilst the NSPCA’s vision is Animal Protection Unit, Wildlife Protection to end animal cruelty in South Africa and Unit, Training Unit, Community Outreach, engender compassion for all animals. and the Special Investigations Unit. Each The NSPCA is the only animal welfare respective unit is staffed and managed by organisation to have their own Act of experienced inspectors and personnel Parliament, namely the Societies for the with expertise and qualifications relevant Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act No. to each unit’s function and focus areas. 169 of 1993 (SPCA Act). The organisation is a statutory body in terms of Section 2 of the SPCA Act with the organisation’s main objectives laid out in Section 3¹ which include but are not limited to the R E C O G N IT IO N T O T H E N S PC A following: - (c) “To prevent the ill-treatment of The critical role that the NSPCA carries out animals by promoting their good in society was firmly established in the treatment by man”. unanimous judgement handed down on the 8th of December 2016 by Judge J. - (e) “To take cognizance of the Khampepe in the matter between the application of laws affecting animals NSPCA, the Minister of Justice and and to make representations in Constitutional Development, the National connection therewith to the Director of Public Prosecutions and appropriate authority”. Corruption Watch (Case CCT 1/16) in the Constitutional Court of South Africa². The - (f) “To do all things reasonably relief sought by the NSPCA, i.e. rendering necessary for or incidental to the the organisation unable to privately achievement of the objects mentioned” prosecute causes a limitation to fulfil its in Section 3. statutory mandate. The court granted the vi 1 Page Page affirmation sought by the NSPCA and ruled
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © that the NSPCA has the statutory power to “Animal welfare is connected with the institute private prosecutions, which constitutional right to have the power is conferred upon it by section environment protected through legislative 6(2)(e) of the SPCA Act read with section 8 and other means. This integrative of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977. approach correctly links the suffering of individual animals to conservation, and The judgement recognised that the NSPCA illustrates the extent to which showing is best placed to conduct private respect and concern for individual animals prosecutions, giving effect to preventing reinforces broader environmental and enforcing the offences set out in the protection efforts. Animal welfare and current statutory regime for protecting animal conservation together reflect two animal welfare and preventing animal intertwined values”. cruelty, noting that the NSPCA and SPCA’s have over the years become well Firstly, the court provided recognition to established and fully recognised as the the NSPCA stating that its long history of authoritative voice in the protection guarding the interest of animals reflects against animal cruelty and the most constitutional values and subsequently in renowned organisation in the field of the interest of society. Secondly, of great animal welfare. importance is the recognition of the sentience of animals, the intrinsic value of Furthermore, Section 24 of the animals as individuals, and the importance Constitution of the Republic of South of animal welfare within a broader context Africa No. 108 of 1996 (the Constitution) that interlinks societal values, biodiversity states thatᶟ - “Everyone has the right conservation, animal well-being and (a) to an environment that is not harmful constitutional rights. to their health or well-being; and (b) to have the environment protected, for the benefit of present and future generations, through reasonable legislative and other measures that – N S PC A ’S PA ST E F F O R T S i. prevent pollution and ecological TO ADDRESS THE degradation; C A PT IV E L IO N IN D U ST R Y ii. promote conservation; and iii. secure ecologically sustainable The issue of canned lion hunting in South development and use of natural Africa was brought to the world’s resources while promoting attention after the 1997 award-winning justifiable economic and social “Cook Report” was broadcasted on a development.” British television programme called 2 The aforementioned has relevance to the “Making a Killing”⁴. It showcased Page judgement highlighting that - disturbing realities associated with the
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © industry which involves the hunting of community, animal welfare and rightest lions raised in captivity and unfairly groups, including the prevalent negative preventing the target animal from publicly and media coverage associated escaping the hunter by eliminating “fair with captive lion hunting, resulted in the chase”, whereby the hunter is guaranteed publication of the National Environmental a trophy. The animal is placed at a Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act disadvantage by being confined to small No. 10 of 2004): Threatened or Protected enclosure or because it has lost its fear of Species Regulations, 2007 (TOPS), with the humans as a result of hand-rearing, whilst aim to provide certain species, including some are tranquillized. The programme lions, with national protection⁶ and to sparked an outcry and a wide range of rein-in the captive lion industry⁵. The animal welfare and animal rights proposed legislation brought on by the supporters, conservation groups, some DEA instituted a prohibition on the hunting associations and members of the hunting of listed predators, including lions, public called for urgent action for this within 24 months of their release on large practice to be outlawed. areas of land⁴. The then South African Predator Breeders Association (SAPBA) Soon after the expose on canned lion legally challenged the regulations, as the hunting in South Africa, the then Minister regulations would have rendered hunting of Environmental Affairs (DEA), Dr Pallo of captive-raised lions as economically Jordan, engaged with environmental unviable. On the 29th of November 2010, officials from all provinces and the Supreme Court of Appeal of South subsequently recommended a Africa delivered a judgment in favor of moratorium on the granting of licences for SAPBA, stating that the DEA was new breeding facilities, however this did unreasonable for not including a not materialize⁵. His successor, Mr Vali transitional period to comply with the 24- Moosa, also stated his opposition to the month period; lacked a rational captive breeding of lions for hunting, but justification on a factual and scientific also lacked action. In 2005, the Panel of basis to indicate that captive-bred lions Experts on Professional and Recreational require a 24 month period to become self- Hunting was convened by the then sustainable; and providing no rational Minister of DEA, Mr Marthinus van basis that captive bred lions could be Schalkwyk. The panel was tasked to look rehabilitated; including that the lawfulness into the canned hunting of large predators of the decision taken on DEA’s part was among other things and recommended questioned as the court found no legal that the hunting of any captive bred basis for the regulation of ethical matters animal should be disallowed, of which the in legislation designed to conserve and Executive Director of the NSPCA, Marcelle protect biodiversity⁴. The implication Meredith, served as one of the expert thereof meant that the prohibitions under panel members. The recommendations of Regulation 24 of TOPS do not apply to the 3 the panel, and the continued and Page hunting of captive-bred lions, however the collective pressure from the conservation
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © prohibitions under Regulation 26 still groups, concerned citizens and wildlife apply, whether it is wild or captive-bred, rehabilitators including but not limited to because Regulation 26 applies to any the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT), specimen of a listed threatened or Animal Rights Africa, SanWild Wildlife protected species, which includes lions. In Trust, Animal Anti-Cruelty League (AACL), essence, the hunting of captive-bred lions FOUR PAWS Animal Welfare Foundation - remains legal, provided the hunter South Africa, LIONSROCK Big Cat conforms to the prohibitions under Sanctuary, FreeMe Wildlife Rehabilitation Regulation 26, which include that the lion Centre, International Fund for Animal may not be hunted if it is trapped against Welfare (IFAW), Wilderness Foundation, a fence or in a small enclosure where the De Wildt Cheetah and Wildlife Trust, animal does not have a fair chance of Wildlife and Environment Society of South evading the hunter, thus allowing the Africa (WESSA), Karen Trendler (Animal captive lion industry to continue to grow. welfare consultant and stakeholder), Sven Kreher (Concerned citizen and Since the time that canned hunting was stakeholder) and Margi Brocklehurst exposed, the NSPCA has raised opposition (Wildlife rehabilitator & concerned to the captive lion industry in its entirety citizen). The NGO Alliance compiled and and have attempted through various presented a detailed response means to address animal welfare and management and action plan to the DEA cruelty associated with the industry, in 2009, which included assistance in including the fact that it serves no closing down the captive lion industry and conservation value and the blatant providing full consideration to the fate and disconnect to the ethical issues embedded well-being of all the lions in captivity. in the utilisation of captive lions. A combination of both the preceding and Furthermore, the lion bone trade industry overall opposition to the captive lion is not a new concern area for the NSPCA. industry, including the past attempt by Whilst the lion bone trade industry has Minister van Schalkwyk to tighten come under the spotlight in recent years, regulations, lead to what was considered past attempts to address this industry was back then as a potential crisis if the also brought to the attention of the DEA, regulations remained unchallenged by of which the NGO Alliance Group appealed SAPBA, as the positive outcome would to the DEA back then to address this issue have effectively halted the hunting of through legislative controls to avert a captive-raised lions, however the well- further crisis and possible conservation being, quality of life and the future of implications. Unfortunately, SAPBA thousands of animals in captivity succeeded in having the TOPS regulations remained a concern and required a regarding the hunting of captive lions set solution. It resulted in the formation of aside in 2010, and the recommendations the NGO Alliance Grouping led by the afforded from the NGO Alliance Grouping 4 NSPCA and included conservationists, resulted in no action from government, In Page animal welfare-, rescue- and rights- addition, the lion bone trade was not
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © publically acknowledge by government. facilities registered in terms of the TOPS The industry continued to grow and with it Regulations⁹. Yet, the size of the captive the associated welfare and cruelty issues. lion industry that resulted from an audit The trade in lion bone carried on quietly remains highly questioned, as it does not under the radar. indicated exactly how many facilities exits across the country and the number of large predators being kept. Other estimates are higher, estimating 459 facilities and between 10 000 to 12 000 captive lions. C O N T IN UE D D I SSE R V IC E T O C A PT IV E LI O N S The rapid expansion of lion breeding, captive hunting and tourism activities, including other spin-off industries remains It has been more than two decades since highly controversial and widely opposed. the initial expose of the inhumane nature The commercial nature of the industry is of canned lion hunting, the very same entrenched within a profit-and-production period for which the DEA has consistently based model that exploits these animals at facilitated the growth of the captive lion every stage of their lives. Lions are industry, except for the period between intensively bred, cubs are removed from 2007 – 2010, by maintaining legislation the mother and used, purchased or rented which enables the issuing authorities of for human interaction, once too big they each respective province to issue permits are used in lion walk excursions before for lion breeding and hunting⁵. To date, being sold for further exhibition and the captive lion industry has been allowed breeding purposes or even for captive lion to operate within a framework that can hunts. Their body parts are sold directly or only be described as unlimited, indirectly into the global lion bone trade unregulated and uncontrolled, with to be used in products of no medicinal inadequate regulation. The captive lion value. The industry also includes lions industry commenced in the 1990’s and by used for filming and photographic 1999 there were no more than a few purposes, including live exports. hundred captive lions in South Africa⁷, with estimations of around 5 800 captive- A number of other species can also be bred lions in 2013, almost double the found at some captive lion facilities for number in 2005⁸. In August 2019, the tourism-related, exhibition, breeding same year the DEA was renamed to the and/or trade purposes, including but not Department of Environment, Forestry and limited to brown bears, coatis, mountain Fisheries (DEFF), the current Minister, Ms. lions, bobcats, jaguars, Siberian tigers, B.D. Creecy, stated in an official written Bengal tigers, raccoons, blue-and-scarlet reply to a parliamentary question, that macaws, African Grey parrots, alligators, there are approximately 7979 lions in Iguanas, Bearded dragons, European wild 5 captivity and there are 366 captive Page boars, yellow anacondas, green
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © anacondas, various venomous and non- their health or well-being, and to have the venomous species of snakes, sugar gliders, environment protected for the benefit of marmosets, capuchin monkeys, present and future generations. The hamadryas baboons, pygmy hippos, DEFF’s mission is to provide leadership in Canadian timber wolfs, Arctic fox, fennec environmental management, conservation fox, chimpanzees, howler monkeys, and protection towards sustainability for cotton-top tamarins, Red-handed the benefit of South Africans and the tamarins, western purple faced langur, global community¹⁰. The DEFF is squirrel monkeys, chinchilla ring tailed ultimately responsible for the regulation lemurs, caracal, panthers and leopards. and management of all biodiversity, heritage and conservation matters in a Problem areas with regards to the captive manner that facilitates sustainable lion industry range from continued animal economic growth and development. The suffering, cruelty and compromised mission of the DALRRD is to accelerate animal welfare; unresolved mandate land reform, catalyse rural development conflict between the DEFF and the and improve agricultural production to Department of Agriculture, Land Reform stimulate economic development and and Rural Development (DALRRD); the food security. Of the various functions and unregulated nature of the industry; the structures, the DALRRD is responsible to misuse of the sustainable use principle to develop norms and standards for animal justify the existence of the industry production and game farming and to despite warnings against the collective ensure effective regulation, monitoring harm it poses to South Africa; to the lack and impact assessment of animal in conservation value; and the abrasive production and game farming systems, and eroding moral and ethical dilemma among other things¹¹. The mandate associated with the industry where the conflict is twofold, firstly, the DEFF African lion, a highly charismatic member administers provisions of the National of the megafauna of Africa, and one of the Environmental Management: Biodiversity most loved and iconic animals of the Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004) (NEMBA) world, including one of the biggest and other relevant regulations such as drawcards for travellers to Africa, is dealing with TOPS species and the DALRRD reduced to basically an intensively bred administers animal health and welfare farmed animal and caged for human legislation through the APA (No. 71 of entertainment. 1962, the Performing Animals Protection The DEFF is appointed as the custodians Act 24 of 1935 (PAPA Act) as amended and and ambassadors of the natural the Animal Matters Amendment Act, 1993 environment and all the species (Act No. 42 of 1993). In essence, DEFF dependant on it for survival, whilst their permits the existence of the captive lion mandate is to give effect to Section 24 of industry, arguing that animal welfare is the Constitution, i.e. the right of citizens to not their mandate and irresponsibly shifts 6 Page an environment that is not harmful to the regulatory role with regards the
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © welfare of captive lions to DALRRD, whilst the Colloquium, outlining clear time both DEFF and DALRRD have not delivered frames for achieving this. The mandate on developing national standards for the conflict between the DEFF and the captive keeping and breeding of lions as DALRRD has been an ongoing issue for per the implementing parties among years and as a consequence, consideration others as stated in the Biodiversity for the desperate need for sufficient wild Management Plan for the Lion (Panthera animal welfare continues to fall through leo) in South Africa (BMP) ¹². The BMP was the cracks. There is no valid reason for released in 2015 and provides for clear overlapping mandates to dampen efforts distinctions between the objectives for to serve in the best interest of animals, as wild, managed wild and captive lion Chapter 3 of the Constitutionᶟ clearly state populations, with a specific set of actions that all spheres of government must both for each objective for the period from observe and adhere to the principles and 2015 - 2019. The intended 5-year outcome conduct their activities within the states that the norms and standards parameters of Chapter 3. Under principles should be developed and implemented of co-operative government and and by 2019, all permit holders have to intergovernmental relations it states comply with the minimum standards or be further that all spheres of government and closed down permanently. To date this all organs of state must – “co-operate with has not materialized. one another in mutual trust and good faith by assisting and supporting one another; The Portfolio Committee on informing one another of, and consulting Environmental Affairs hosted a historic one another on, matters of common two-day colloquium in August 2018 interest; and co-ordinating their actions entitled - Captive Lion Breeding for and legislation with one another” among Hunting in South Africa: Harming or other things. Promoting the conservation image of the country, held on 21 and 22 August 2018. Another instruction from the Portfolio The purpose was to interrogate the Committee stated that the DEFF should captive lion industry and associated conduct an audit of all captive breeding practices that has gained the reputation facilities in South Africa to verify and for being the most controversial subject in ensure that the facilities are compliant in the conservation industry due to the terms of the relevant legislation. In damage caused to the conservation image addition, the Portfolio Committee wanted of South Africa⁴. The Portfolio Committee to know why DEFF have allowed for the recognised the both the DEFF and the captive lion industry to grow without DALRRD have dropped the animal welfare proper governance, especially when the ball and as a resolution instructed both number of facilities and captive lion are governmental departments to present a not fully known¹³. However, reports clear programme of work on how they indicate that the audit resulted in only 227 7 intend to address animal welfare and lion facilities inspected of which 88 Page health issues that had been raised during facilities were found to be non-compliant
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © with TOPS regulations, and other captive lion breeding and make provincial regulations that were meant to recommendations that will ultimately save govern this industry of which the permits both South Africa’s conservation were merely renewed, without legal reputation and the thousands of captive repercussions¹⁴. This is just another pile- lions condemned to a life of misery and on that illustrate that government have for the disservice to captive lions to stop¹⁵. allowed the captive lion industry to proliferate without sufficient governance or consequences for violations in terms of relevant legislation. Fifteen years ago, the DEFF attempted to C O N SE R VA T IO N V A LU E curb the captive lion industry and have once again been presented with that The promulgation of the Game Theft Act opportunity. The colloquium resulted in an No. 105 of 1991 has allowed for the overwhelming consensus for the need to private ownership of wildlife where bring an end to the controversial aspects private properties are adequately fenced. of the captive lion industry. It was This and the concept of sustainable use as recognised that the industry holds no included in the Constitution in 1994 have conservation value; is damaging to South subsequently awarded wildlife with a Africa’s conservation reputation, its financial incentive proven to be a tourism sector and the socio-economic competitive land-use alternative and has welfare of South Africans; and is led to the establishment of a formal considered unethical and holds significant wildlife sector in South Africa¹⁶. Whilst animal welfare concerns. Subsequently there are credible examples that serve to the DEFF has been instructed to initiate a prove how private ownership has saved policy and legislative review of captive species from extinction and that the breeding of lions for hunting and lion bone wildlife sector has largely been compatible trade with a view to putting an end to this with biodiversity conservation, however practice. This resolution was adopted by certain sub-sectors have shown to be National Assembly. Minister Creecy of the risking biodiversity conservation. Even DEFF have subsequently established a though game numbers have increased in high-level panel for the review of existing numbers for some species over the last 30 policies, legislation and practices relating years as a result of wildlife privatization, to the management and handling, an increase in numbers alone does not breeding, hunting and trade of elephant, necessarily constitute a significant lion, leopard and rhinoceros. The NSPCA contribution to biodiversity conservation. have made submissions to the panel and It is only when wildlife areas contribute to awaiting the final outcome. As stated in all the components of biodiversity from the media, it remains to be seen whether genetic to functional diversity that these 8 the DEFF and the high-level panel finally Page contribute to the conservation of accepts the weight of the evidence against
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © biodiversity as a whole¹⁶. Which suggests externalities associated with the industry, that evidence of the conservation value is it is estimated that the industry may subject to a case-by-case basis or that undermine South Africa’s brand individual land-use practices within the attractiveness as a tourism destination by wildlife sector is subject to certain criteria up to R54.51bn over the next decade. of what constitutes as credible Current and future damage caused, may conservation value. For instance, intensive undermine tourism revenue potential management and selective breeding of significantly, as there are other high-cost game has been identified as a sub-sector destinations that offer more ethical that poses a number of significant risks to opportunities to observe the big five in the biodiversity at landscape, ecosystem and wild, which is one of the most important species level, including but not limited to drawcards to attract tourists to South loss of genetic diversity affecting fitness Africa. The knock-on-effect would include and adaptability; habitat degradation and that much needed funds to conserve large fragmentation due to impermeable wilderness landscapes are negatively cramped fencing; killing of predators to affected which in turn would affect the protect high-value game; domestication of megafauna dependent on these habitats wild species resulting in loss of ability to for survival¹⁷. adapt to wild conditions; disruption of the There are further claims that the industry natural selection process; and resistance can be used for reintroducing captive lions built up to stock remedies and veterinary into the wild for its role in species medicines¹⁶. restoration and broader conservation Regardless of the claims made by industry outcomes. Published research and role-players the captive lion industry in its conservation experts state that there is entirety has no conservation value. This absolutely no need to use captive lions for sub-sector also poses significant risks to reintroduction purposes, as wild sourced the biodiversity economy of South Africa, lions in well-planned translocation and as it undermines South Africa’s tourism introduction programmes to new areas, brand value and tarnishes South Africa’s including the restoration of lion to areas of historical conservation reputation¹⁷. The the species former range has historically industry attracts both day visitors and been used and proven successful since high-paying volunteers under false 1991¹⁸. Translocating wild lions to both pretexts. Tied in a neatly folded bow, establish new populations and perceptions matter in the tourism game supplementing declining populations has and in a world increasingly characterised become routine. With national and by ethically conscious consumption, the international recognised conservation continued unethical practices associated plans in place, none of them identify the with the captive lion industry threatens captive keeping and breeding of large the tourism sector, a large contributor to carnivores as a means to contribute 9 South Africa’s economy and one of the towards the conservation of wild lion Page biggest employers. Due to the negative populations. Not only is the relocation of
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © wild lion the most effective for restocking direct threat to biodiversity and and repopulating an area, there are ecosystem function by risking the survival sufficient wild lion to support this practice, of wild lion populations as keystone no need exists for supplementation from species via genetic pollution and reduced captive populations. In addition there are genetic diversity that negatively affects a number of serious concerns regarding individual fitness; health; survival and the introduction of captive bred lion to future adaptability due to the risks of wild habitats. Carnivore reintroductions weakened resilience or reduced adaptive and restocking are expensive, complex capacity to environmental changes; health and require expertise and a wider range of hazards; ecosystem transformations; or factors to be taken into account. the effects of climate change. Relatively Relocation of wild lion is the preferred small receiving lion populations could be option over the release of captive bred more vulnerable compared to larger or stock as wild animals are less likely genetically more diverse populations. reservoirs compared to captive animals Captive bred carnivores are more which may be exposed to a greater range dangerous than wild lions, as they lose of exotic pathogens, furthermore the their fear of humans and associate captive lion industry does not contain a humans as food providers¹⁹. formal rigorous disease screening The NSPCA is of the view that any current programme¹⁶. Maladaptive behaviour due or future attempts to use captive origin to impoverished captive environments lions for reintroduction purposes only such as males inexplicably killing females, portrays the desperation of industry to or high mortality rates in cubs due to find any way possible to justify the failing to thrive are unknown among wild existence of an industry that is regarded sourced lions for species restoration as repulsive both domestically and programmes¹⁸. The use of captive sourced internationally. In addition, the captive lions holds genetic implications. The lack lion industry does not contribute towards of responsible breeding, absence of addressing the root causes of the real studbooks, no accredited national threats faced by the African lion, such as breeding programme and lion of unknown habitat loss; indiscriminate killing; prey origin sourced from the captive lion base depletion; disease; trophy hunting; industry excludes them from being a safe and the illegal trade in lion body parts and and responsible source of animals for trade in lion bone exports. This ultimately, restocking areas. The dubious genetic does not contribute towards the lineage of captive lions as a result of conservation of the African lion, but to the uncontrolled and intensive selective continued abuse of lions kept in captive breeding of captive lions, as well as human lion facilities in South Africa. The NSPCA imprinting and coupled with not growing only supports bona fide conservation up in natural social groups renders captive measures in the interest of wild lion 10 lions at risks for their own welfare and populations, roaming free in their natural Page risking their wild counterparts¹⁹. It poses a habitat and contributing to biodiversity
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © conservation and ecosystem function as the sustainable use principle is keystone and flagship species. manipulated to justify its existence. Whilst the Constitution provides for the right to Regardless of the fact that certain use natural resources, such use should be practices within the captive lion industry done responsibility and in a way that is remain legal, industry role-players ethical and humane, aspects the captive continue to defend their right-to-use lion industry lacks in addition to its lack in under the sustainable use principle, conservation value. An industry that objecting to what they consider are threatens the very bedrock on which unreasonable controls and limitations on South Africa has built its conservation their business. The NSPCA is of the view reputation should not be supported. that the industry itself does not contribute to the sustainable and responsible use of natural resources, nor to biodiversity conservation. The sustainable use principle is moulded and modified within the framework of regulations and A N I MA L W E LF A R E & legislation to include wildlife conservation R E L E V A N T IS S UE S alongside provisions that promote commodification²⁰. Subsequently, South What is welfare? Welfare very basically Africa has arguably, the largest and most refers to the physical, physiological and commercialized wildlife industry in the mental well-being of an animal. world. Sustainable use in essence refers to Regardless of the relationship humans the concept that natural resources may be have with animals whether directly as harvested and used as long as the relevant companion animals or indirectly as a population’s maximum sustainable yield is means of a valuable service provided or not exceeded, i.e. use of animal for products derived from animals, humans commercial purposes is not necessarily have a moral and ethical obligation to problematic, provided that over- ensure that all animals receive treatment exploitation is avoided ¹⁷. The NSPCA does that is considered both responsible and not disregard the sustainable utilisation humane. The World Organisation for principle, as it remains a constitutional Animal Health (OIE) describes animal right, provided it is done lawfully, however welfare as follows²¹: the NSPCA also agrees that there is also the reality that this principle has become a “Animal welfare means how an animal is smokescreen behind which controversial coping with the conditions in which it lives. decisions are rationalised, based on a An animal is in a good state of welfare if narrow reading of section 24 of the (as indicated by scientific evidence) it is Constitution at the expense of broader healthy, comfortable, well nourished, safe, biodiversity preservation commitments able to express innate behavior, and if it is 11 made in the same section¹⁷. The captive not suffering from unpleasant states such Page lion industry serves as an example of how as pain, fear and distress. Good animal
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © welfare requires disease prevention and The Five Freedoms have been veterinary treatment, appropriate shelter, exceptionally influential in shaping the management, nutrition, humane handling development of animal welfare standards. and humane slaughter/ killing. Animal The NSPCA has adopted the Five welfare refers to the state of the animal; Freedoms as part of the organisation’s the treatment that an animal receives is policy and has played a crucial role in covered by other terms such as animal animal welfare standards and care, animal husbandry and humane considerations. Whilst the Five Freedoms treatment”. remains vital, recent years have brought on a growing understanding of animal The Five Freedoms was the first widely sentience and science-based accepted evidence-based framework to understanding of animal welfare. Animal capture the key aspects of animal welfare welfare has moved from only simply in one model²². Initially developed in the meeting basic animal needs; and 1960’s by Britain’s Farm Animal Welfare minimizing negative states and distress, to Council, the Five Freedoms are recognising the emotional needs of international recognised and widely animals and encouraging positive accepted as being the absolute basics of experiences and mental states²³. With this animal welfare and apply to the welfare of growing understanding of animal welfare all animals, not just livestock²³. and seeking means to actually assess and measure the severity of compromised The Five Freedoms are as follows: animal welfare a new model, the Five Freedom from hunger and thirst – by Domains model has been introduced. The ready access to fresh water and a diet to Five Domains model provides for an maintain full health and vigour; effective tool in evaluating and facilitating animal welfare that is focused more on Freedom from discomfort – by providing positive states and a more comprehensive, an appropriate environment including objective, encompassing approach. The shelter and a comfortable resting area; Five Domains model recognizes four physical domains namely nutrition, health, Freedom from pain, injury or disease – by behavior and environment, with the fifth prevention, rapid diagnosis and domain being the mental treatment; state²⁴. Ultimately, the model illustrates Freedom to express normal behaviour – how compromises in an animal’s nutrition, by providing sufficient space, proper environment, health and behavior can all facilities and company of the animal’s own impact upon its mental state. Each domain kind; and may overlap and have combined effects on the overall welfare status of an Freedom from fear and distress – by individual animal and serve as a 12 ensuring conditions and treatment which framework for the broad assessment of Page avoid mental suffering. animal welfare²⁵.
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © Cubs pulled from mother for hand rearing Cubs used for Breeding females paying volunteers & petting Lion moved on for Older cubs used for hunting or lion walking slaughter Figure 1: Life cycle of a captive lion. What are the welfare paying volunteer programmes and for tourist interaction opportunities. problems associated with Volunteers and tourists are misinformed the commercial captive and believe they are helping these animals breeding of lion? in some way or that these captive animals are designed for release back into the Each stage of a lion’s captive life cycle has wild. welfare implications combined with the overall challenges of maintaining large Volunteers are mostly inexperienced and carnivores in captivity detailed in next do not question or have the knowledge or section as outlined in Figure 1. understanding to identify problems or inadequacies in the cub rearing protocols. The novelty value of rearing cubs results in EARLY REMOVAL OF CUBS & CUB excessive and unnecessary handling. The PETTING tourist and volunteers facilities are not designed or managed as proper A popular practice with cubs born in rehabilitation facilities, hygiene and captivity includes the early removal from biosecurity measures remain poor and the mother when they are about 3 to 10 facilities inadequate for providing for the days old²⁶. This practice caters for the needs of rapidly growing and developing paying volunteer and tourist market, cubs. 13 whereby a ready supply of cubs are available for hand-rearing purposes via Page Cubs used for tourism interaction and
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © photo opportunities adds to the handling prematurely or to be handled and and stress load of the animal. Captive touched by humans²⁷. facilities do not provide for an avoidance - Inadequate diets lead to poor facility for the cubs providing the cub with nutritional and immune status with the opportunity to move away from the possible short-and-long term interaction, subjecting the cubs to health issues. repeated forced interactions with tourists. - Cubs need adequate sleep for Handling is not adequately supervised and development, of which constant inexperienced handling by tourists and disturbance and lack of rest children can be rough on lion cubs, impedes healthy development. especially if the frequency and duration of - Poor monitoring and response to the interactions are excessive. health and developmental problems holds animal welfare Cubs are also removed to increase implications. breeding under the guise that the mother - Excessive and rough handling has abandoned them or will kill them, range from mild discomfort to pain ironically and sadly, this is a self-fulfilling and injuries. Additionally, handling prophecy on lion farms. Poor husbandry in cubs with nutritionally induced and management practices, including bone problems is not only painful inadequate facilities and veterinary input but may result in bone fractures. all contribute to higher rates of - Poor rearing protocols can result in abandonment and killing of cubs by the long term, permanent and even mother. fatal health problems. - The combination of stress, Compromised animal welfare, including inadequate nutrition, hygiene, relevant issues pertaining to cub petting biosecurity and veterinary input may include but are not limited to the results in poor immunity and following: higher levels of disease. - Wild animals are naturally fearful - There is no conservation or of humans, therefore, any tactile educational value in cub petting²⁷. interactions such as cub petting is regarded as unnatural behaviour²⁷. WALKING WITH LIONS - Generally, the cubs have no control or choice to be involved in the When cubs become too old, dangerous interaction activity, often left with and difficult to handle for cub petting no means of escape²⁷. purposes, some are moved or sold to - Cub petting involves removal of facilities that offer ‘walking with lion’ the cub from its mother, which is activities. This basically involves, as the stressful for both the cub and the name suggest, tourists walking and 14 mother²⁷. It is not in the best interacting with sub-adult lions. The lions Page interest of the cub to be removed are often walked at all hours of the day,
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © often in the heat and at times when they slaughtered directly for the lion bone would be sleeping and resting in natural trade. and free ranging conditions. Canned hunting refers to the shooting of Training lions to walk next to humans is captive bred and/or tame animals in regarded as unnatural behavior that confined areas, which according to Blood serves no conservation or educational Lions covers other definitions such as value. Sometimes harmful and negative captive hunting and ranch hunting as techniques are used in training. In well²⁸. The term became popular since the addition, the animal does not have a Cook Report broadcast in 1997. Now the choice of freedom and it is not an activity term refers to hunting of wild animals in that the animal would naturally initiate²⁷. confined areas with little to no chance of escape. Canned hunting is widespread in South Africa and refers not only to the LION MOVED ON FOR HUNTING hunting of captive lions, but to all wild & SLAUGHTER FOR BONE & animals bred in captivity specifically to be PRODUCT shot²⁸. The TOPS Regulations²⁹ does The use of lions for captive/canned provide for prohibitions for hunting a hunting purposes and for the lion bone listed threatened or protected species trade may involve various sources. Some with set hunting regulations which makes lions are bred directly for captive hunting canned hunting an illegal activity. purposes with minimal human imprinting, Depending in which province the hunt known as ranched lion by the South takes place, the captive bred lion is African Predator Association (SAPA) and released into an area and for a period hunted in larger enclosures¹⁷. Other lions (that differs from province to province) are used for cub petting purposes initially, and the lion is shot as a ‘re-wilded’ lion. of which the cubs are exploited either at This is from a conservation, scientific and the breeding facility itself or sold from wildlife rehabilitation perspective, not re- breeding farms to the petting facilities. wilding, but regulations and definitions Some facilities rent cubs from breeders were introduced to make the hunting of and return them once they have fulfilled captive bred animals seem less distasteful, their initial commercial purpose. Once however it is still ‘put- and take’, with cubs are too old to pet, they are either serious welfare and ethical implications. sold to hunting facilities or become The re-wilding phase is not designed to ‘walking’ lions, before being sold either facilitate effective and successful wildlife directly into the bone trade or to the rehabilitation but merely to fulfill the legal captive/canned hunting industry¹⁷. Due to requirements for the hunting of a captive a decline in the demand for bred lion to avoid the ‘canned’ label. captive/canned hunting in recent years, The relocation process itself may hold 15 coupled with continued intensive animal welfare implications, which breeding, many lions are being Page involves crating and transport. Depending
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © on the provincial requirements, timing and other provinces to the Free State Province ‘re-wilding’ conditions vary, adding to be slaughtered for their bone in what is additional and unnecessary stress to the referred to as lion mass slaughterhouses. animal, including the physical challenges Currently, there is no financial incentive experienced by the animal as it tries to for a breeder to maintain captive lions adapt to a new environment and designed for lion bone trade as a primary circumstances. The care and effort put product to be in a healthy and physically into genuine re-wilding and rehabilitation appealing condition, compared to lion are absent as the intention is to facilitate a designed for captive hunting. In addition, hunt and not long-term survival and there are no regulations or guidelines for proper integration back into a free-ranging the slaughter of lion for production situation. purposes, which means whilst there are mandatory welfare protocols, such as The captive lion cycle is completed with stunning prior to slaughter applicable to the lion bone trade, where captive lions livestock in abattoirs, none exist for lion. are killed in captivity in order to export their skeletons to Asia, used to The welfare implications of the practice supplement the tiger bone trade, as a attracted public attention when Senior substitute in Tiger Bone Wine or made Inspector, Reinet Meyer from the into Tiger Bone Cakes²⁶. Bloemfontein SPCA conducted an inspection on Wag ‘n Bietjie Farm, only to Disingenuously referred to as ‘euthanasia’ find what was described as a low-tech lion on permits and by industry role-players, slaughterhouse³⁰. As found with all the the killing of lions for the lion bone trade sub-sectors of the captive lion industry, is not euthanasia by intention or means, animal welfare has never been an as in the true sense of the practice, it overriding concern and slaughter of lion involves the killing or slaughter of an for the bone trade is no different. animal in order to obtain product derived Inspector Meyer found that two adult from the animal. Euthanasia is a humane lions that were transported from process intended as a compassionate Predator’s Park near Johannesburg were action, whilst slaughter is killing for kept in small transport crates for two days commercial purposes and production of a without food or water, awaiting to be product. Farm animals are not sent to the slaughtered at the Wag ‘n Bietjie farm. abattoir to be euthanized, but During the inspection she also found slaughtered. Using the term euthanasia workers stripping the skin and flesh off only provides a false dressing of the fresh carcasses of 26 lions. The same day inhumane and unethical practices an additional 28 lions arrived, planned to associated with the practice. be slaughtered the next day of which the farmer once again wanted to leave these Currently, only the Free State Province is 16 lions in their transport crates.³⁰ For issuing permits for ‘euthanasia’ of lion for animals to be transported over long Page bone. Captive lions are transported from
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © distances and then held in small crates female’s body through intensive breeding without food or water for an extended takes a substantial toll on the animal’s period prior to being killed constitutes as health. It also results in each litter animal cruelty. Bloemfontein SPCA has a becoming progressively weaker as the cruelty case pending following the cruel female’s condition deteriorates. The and inhumane handling and killing of lion hormonal roller coaster places addition for bone. stress on her body and the stress of having cubs repeatedly removed is also a serious Theoretically a veterinarian drugs the lion welfare concern. Combine this with and it is then shot. Following an outcry inadequate nutrition and questionable about the killing of lion for bone, some breeding practices, breeding females are vets have been unwilling to be involved. repeatedly exposed to compromised Due to the demand for undamaged skulls animal welfare. on the Asian market, there are reports of lion being shot with soft nose .22 ammunition through the eye or ear to avoid damaging the skull. This may not kill outright and there are deeply concerning reports of lion been processed /’dressed’ whilst unconscious but still alive. General welfare challenges With the recent change from bone as a by- and constraints placed on product of captive hunting to bone as the large carnivores in primary product, there has been an alarming increase in the welfare problems captivity. and even lower standards of husbandry and care. It has also been found that the welfare standards are better at facilities that are open to the public than some of the closed farms breeding for hunting and QUESTIONABLE BREEDING & bone production out of the public eye. GENETIC ISSUES The poor and often unregulated BREEDING FEMALES management of breeding in some facilities; the repeated back breeding; the intensive breeding of females; and The removal of cubs from mothers’ forces allowing genetically compromised animals the females back into oestrus and to breed contributes not only to highly increased breeding cycles where they can questionable genetics but various welfare give birth up to 4 times faster than and health issues. lionesses in the wild²⁶. 17 Inbreeding, including the intentional and Page The physical demands placed on the selective breeding of rare genetic traits to
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © achieve colour morphs and variations such natural wild instincts remain. Being in as the white lion has been linked to a captivity does not ‘domesticate’ an number of deleterious effects that can animal. Domestication defined cause significant health problems, scientifically requires selection for specific compromise welfare and may even be features and then many hundreds, if not lethal. Animal welfare consequences of thousands of years of selective breeding. this practice include but are not limited to Large carnivores have none of the general poor health; decline in overall characteristics that would qualify them as fitness and fertility; increased suitable for domestication. The retention susceptibility to disease and infection; of these inherent wild characteristics adds shortened lifespan; still birth; congenital to the challenges and constraints imposed defects such as changes in cranial by captivity and confinement. structures and skull development, and cleft palate; mental impairment and high Research has shown that carnivores that cub mortality³⁹. In addition, an naturally have a wide range in the wild abnormality reported in white lions and complex social lives are more includes vascular ring anomaly around the vulnerable to welfare problems in trachea and oesophagus. This abnormality captivity³¹. Failing to provide opportunities leads to the inability to feed and swallow for or restricting natural behaviour effectively and requires an operation for patterns in large carnivores in captivity correction and survival³⁹. can lead to, in addition to the frustration and stress, stereotypical behaviours, Whilst Section 35 of the TOPS Regulations psychological dysfunction, poor breeding state that registered facilities are subject and increased infant mortality rates³². to the condition to prevent inbreeding of Impairment of certain brain functions lions, inbreeding of captive lions remains a brought on by this reduces the animal’s well-known factor for the captive lion ability to adapt to captive conditions. industry²⁹. Pacing is one of the most prevalent stereotypical behaviours and is observed in carnivores that naturally range widely in the wild and/or from territorial patrolling behaviour that is restricted or limited due EFFECTS OF A CAPTIVE to the constrains brought on from a ENVIRONMENT captive environment³². Large carnivores in captivity are impacted The behavioural needs of a carnivore in by a number of factors that result in poor captivity presents a challenge due to welfare including constraints on natural limited space which is further increased in behaviour, lack of space and stimulation, social captive carnivores. Whilst the artificial diets and social challenges. enclosure design to meet the specific 18 Captive lions are not regarded as biological and physiological needs of a Page domesticated large carnivores and their specie does remain important (note:
Wild Animal Welfare National Council of SPCAs © captivity can never replace free-roaming Other studies have found that the feeding environments), consideration of how of whole carcasses reduces pacing levels in many animals are kept together, including captive lions³⁵. Carcasses require more adequate space for each individual animal manipulation during consumption, is also essential³³. Failure to take into allowing for more natural feeding account natural social structures behaviors. Feeding of soft textures diets contributes to stress. Maintaining large and food provided in a manner that numbers of male lions together and in results in a lack of vigorous tearing and overcrowded circumstances increases chewing can lead to jaw and muscle aggression and fighting. Subservient and weakness, atrophy and dental problems³⁴. bullied animals may suffer stress and injuries, including being denied access to Different carnivore species adapt food. All individuals in the group should differently to captivity and whilst lion have access to all food items provided appear to adapt more readily and breed in using the correct social groups, number of comparatively well in captivity, the animals and multiple feeding stations or conditions under which lion are generally use of scatter feeding³⁴. maintained in the captive breeding lion industry lend themselves to poor welfare One study found that captive lions would and both physical and psychological engage more in stereotypical pacing on problems. A study by Saragusty et al. days not fed, when fed on a 3 day interval. showed that lions in captivity exhibit a Such pacing, as already mentioned is high percentage of skull malformations³³. indicative of compromised welfare. When High occurrences of morbidity and the feeding regime was altered to a daily mortality has been reported in young feeding routine, it led to an overall captive lions, ranging from infanticide, reduction in the level of stereotypic stillbirth, unknown causes and bone pacing, however most of the reduction malformations, primarily of the skull, that occurred before feeding, with post- includes thickening of the tentorium feeding levels of pacing remaining cerebelli and occipital bone, and unaffected³⁴. This is indicative that the narrowing of the foramen magnum (FM)³³. reduction in pre-feeding pacing can be These changes apply pressure on the explained by the animals no longer nervous tissue at the caudal fossa, causing anticipating being fed, whilst the post- severe and potentially fatal neurologic feeding pacing suggest that the food was abnormalities. The study included a total inadequate in a sensory manner or the of 851 skulls of known captive and wild food presentation was inadequate. status, comprising of both tiger and lion Effective enrichment techniques are skulls, of which the results indicated that required to improve natural feeding the foramen magnum height (FMH) is methods and sensory input appropriate to smaller in the skulls of captive lions 19 the species. Feeding enrichment can compared to the skulls of wild lions. The reduce occurrence of abnormal behavior. skulls of captive origin also showed FM Page
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