May Presenter - Northwest Watercolor Society

Page created by Todd Bush
May Presenter - Northwest Watercolor Society

                                                                 May Presenter
                                                                 May 26, 2020 Membership Meeting

Leslie Lambert Redhead

Leslie Lambert Redhead is an artist, teacher, illustrator,
and author known for her dramatic watercolors. Her art
focuses on the combination of spontaneity and detail
that watercolor has to offer. She continues to explore
the possibilities and pushes the medium beyond its
limitations to achieve luminous and incredible results.
Leslie's paintings are in private and corporate collections
worldwide. She has a Master of Education in Art
Education and holds signatures with Northwest
Watercolor Society (NWWS) and the Canadian Society of
Painters in Water Colour (CSPWC), Leslie conducts
workshops in Canada, the U.S., and Spain. She currently
resides near Spokane, WA.
Her work is featured in Splash 10: Passionate Brush
Strokes from the Splash: Best of Watercolor series, Leslie
Redhead: the life of an artist, and Making It! Case Studies of
Successful Canadian Artists. She is the author of
Watercolor 365 and illustrator of the children's book,
Island in the Salish Sea.
May Presenter - Northwest Watercolor Society

                                                                              And there is much to applaud! Birgit
                                                                              O’Connor selected entries that
                                                                              beautifully embrace the glowing
                                                                              familiarity of traditional watercolor
                                                                              as well as paintings with a sense of
                                                                              exploration, a bit of edge. Work using
   The Northwest                                                              Innovative watermedia materials and
    Watercolor                                                                substrates are now a welcome part of
                                                                              our exhibition and live comfortably
      Society                                                                 alongside the traditional work that is the
    Newsletter                                                                foundation of NWWS. Mixed watermedia,
       P.O. Box 50387
                                                                              now regularly showcased in mainstream
  Bellevue, WA 98015-0387       Just when we are comfortable with the         art publications, continues to invite             rhythm of life, our world turns upside        artists to try something new and you will
                                down with the uncertainty of a pandemic.      see the movement grow within NWWS.
                                One day we are anxious to gather, meet,       Understanding the creative possibilities
      Debbie Roskopf            chat, laugh and paint and the next we         of the broader term, “watermedia”,
       425-281-2392             have retreated to our homes with our          is energizing for members without
                                plans and priorities for tomorrow, next       compromising the high exhibition
       Vice-President           week, and the next months instantly           standards that have built NWWS into
        Molly Murrah
                                changed.                                      one of the country’s most respected
 Corresponding Secretary        NWWS is changing its plans, too.
        Beth Baker              Immediately, we dealt with our 2020           The general meetings in the months
       206-619-1887             members exhibition, Waterworks                of March and April were cancelled, and
    Recording Secretary         Unchained. Though planned as a                there is no decision yet regarding May.
       Evette Norton            traditional gallery exhibition, we            Suze Woolf, who was to be our March
       425-442-5928             felt grateful that we have the option         demo artist, produced a wonderful
                                and talented volunteers to move it            video that will familiarize you with the
       Peggy Myers
                                online. Now renamed as Waterworks             depth of her artistry. Find it at
       425-869-0783             Unplugged + Online, the exhibition            Resources/Reading and Resources, then
                                will be “hung” online and available for       click the tab that says “Featured Videos.”
          Attorney              viewing on April 28, 2020, at
       Rachel Schaefer          We are confident that viewers will enjoy      While you are sheltering at home, take a
     Riddell Williams P.S.   the brilliant paintings and return time and   look at our very active NWWS Members
        206-389-1760            time again to enjoy them. If you entered      Facebook page. Each month, a member’s
                                the exhibition, you will also receive the     artwork is showcased as well as there
     Newsletter Editors         beautiful, printed, exhibition catalog by     is a monthly painting challenge. You’ll
      Katherine Wright
                                U.S. mail.                                    find enthusiasm for any paintings you
        Janet Groza                                                           share and helpful advice if you’re in need.
       925-922-1235             With the Awards Reception also cancelled,     Currently, we’re staying busy with the
                                our esteemed juror, Birgit O’Connor, has      daily, surprise subject matter of “Paint
                                created a wonderful video to be available     and Post”.
                                to all at 6:00 p.m. on April 28, 2020 so
                                you can see her comments about the            As artists, we are fortunate to have our
                                exhibition’s paintings and see the award      tools right at hand, ready to create. As
                                winning paintings. NWWS will post a link      we fill our days with painting, I wish for
                                to the video on the Waterworks Exhibition     you and your family to be safe and look
                                page and you will easily be able to click     forward to the warmth of one another’s
                                on it from the comfort of your favorite       company very soon.
                                chair, see the video, and applaud the

May Presenter - Northwest Watercolor Society

        Visiting  Artists&&special
                                    events                                                          Call
                                                                                                       Store    (206)
                                                                                                        details  or
                                                                                                                    to register.
                                                                                                  for details or to register.

Saturday,      April
            April   18,18,  2020
                          2020                     Monday,
                                                 Monday,   JuneJune 15,15, 2020
                                                                        2020                 Saturday,
                                                                                           Saturday,     November
                                                                                                      November        7, 7, 2020
11:00  amam    - 12:30
            - 12:30     pmpm                       9:30
                                                 9:30 amam    - 4:30
                                                          - 4:30     pmpm                    11:30
                                                                                           11:30  amam   - 12:00
                                                                                                      - 12:00    pmpm
      DEMO!         California
                 California       Vibe
                               Vibe                1-DAY
                                                 1-DAY    WORKSHOP:
                                                        WORKSHOP:            Portrait
                                                                           Portrait ofof     FREE
                                                                                           FREE    DEMO!
                                                                                                 DEMO!         Watercolor–
Portraiture  ™ ™ in Watercolor
                 in Watercolor                     an Adult   in  Watercolor
                                                 an Adult in Watercolor                      The
                                                                                           The    Architecture
                                                                                                Architecture     ofof  Light
with   DAVID
             LOBENBERG                             with
                                                 with   DINO
                                                      DINO      DANTI
                                                            DANTI       K PAJAO
                                                                      K PAJAO                with THOMAS      SCHALLER
                                                                                           with THOMAS SCHALLER
  Sun., Mon.,
Sun., Mon., Tues.,Tues.,  April
                       April    19-21,
                              19-21,    2020
                                      2020         Saturday,
                                                 Saturday,  JulyJuly18,18, 2020
                                                                        2020                 Sun.-Mon.,
                                                                                           Sun.-Mon.,       November
                                                                                                        November          8-9,
                                                                                                                        8-9,    2020
  10:30  am    -
10:30 am - 4:30 pm4:30   pm                        11:00  am    - 12:30
                                                 11:00 am - 12:30 pm       pm                10:30  am   -  4:30
                                                                                           10:30 am - 4:30 pm     pm
3-Day    WORKSHOP:
       WORKSHOP:             California
                          California    Vibe
                                      Vibe         FREE
                                                 FREE    DEMO!
                                                       DEMO!                                 2-DAY
                                                                                           2-DAY    WORKSHOP:
                                                                                                  WORKSHOP:           Watercolor–
Portraiture  ™ ™ in Watercolor
                 in Watercolor                     Watercolor     Techniques!
                                                 Watercolor Techniques!                      The  Architecture     of
                                                                                           The Architecture of Light   Light
with   DAVID
             LOBENBERG                             with MICHAEL
                                                 with MICHAEL REARDONREARDON                 with THOMAS      SCHALLER
                                                                                           with THOMAS SCHALLER
Friday, June 5, 5,
  Friday,  June    20202020                        Sun.-Mon.,
                                                 Sun.-Mon.,       July
                                                               July     19-20,
                                                                      19-20,     2020
                                                                               2020          Tues.-Wed,,
                                                                                           Tues.-Wed,,       November
                                                                                                         November           10-11,
                                                                                                                         10-11,    2020
10:30 am - 4:30 pmpm
  10:30  am    -  4:30                             10:30  am    - 4:30
                                                 10:30 am - 4:30 pm      pm                  10:30  am   -  4:30
                                                                                           10:30 am - 4:30 pm     pm
       WORKSHOP:             Dynamic
                          Dynamic      Figures
                                     Figures       2-DAY  WORKSHOP                           2-DAY  WORKSHOP:         Watercolor–
                                                 2-DAY  WORKSHOP          #1:#1:           2-DAY  WORKSHOP:        Watercolor–
  and  Portraits     in Watercolor
and Portraits in Watercolor                        Watercolor     Techniques!                The  Architecture     of  Light
                                                 Watercolor Techniques!                    The Architecture of Light
with   MICHAEL
                  SOLOVYEV                         with MICHAEL      REARDON                 with THOMAS      SCHALLER
                                                 with MICHAEL     REARDON                  with THOMAS     SCHALLER
Saturday,      June
            June    6, 6, 2020
                        2020                       Tues.-Wed.,     July  21-22,  2020        Thurs.-Fri.,  November       12-13,  2020
                                                 Tues.-Wed., July 21-22,       2020        Thurs.-Fri., November 12-13,         2020
11:00 am - 12:30 pmpm
  11:00  am    -  12:30
                                                   10:30  am    - 4:30   pm                  10:30  am   -  4:30  pm
  FREE  DEMO!       Sketching     Cityscapes     10:30 am - 4:30 pm                        10:30 am - 4:30 pm
FREE  DEMO!      Sketching     Cityscapes          2-DAY  WORKSHOP                           2-DAY  WORKSHOP:         Watercolor–
  and  Dynamic       Figures   in Watercolor     2-DAY  WORKSHOP          #2:#2:           2-DAY  WORKSHOP:        Watercolor–
and Dynamic Figures in Watercolor                                                            The  Architecture
                                                 Watercolor       Techniques!
                                                                Techniques!                The  Architecture     ofof  Light
with MICHAEL SOLOVYEV                              with MICHAEL      REARDON                 with THOMAS      SCHALLER
                                                 with MICHAEL     REARDON                  with THOMAS     SCHALLER
Sunday-Monday,            June
                       June     7-8,
                              7-8,   2020
  10:30                                            Tues.-Wed.,
                                                 Tues.-Wed.,       Sept.
                                                                Sept.      8-9,
                                                                        8-9,    2020
                                                                              2020           Saturday,
                                                                                           Saturday,     January
                                                                                                      January     16,16,  2021
10:30  amam    - 4:30
            - 4:30    pmpm
  2-DAY  WORKSHOP:           Cityscapes  and       9:30
                                                 9:30 amam    - 4:30
                                                          - 4:30     pmpm                    11:00
                                                                                           11:00  amam   - 12:30
                                                                                                      - 12:30    pmpm
2-DAY  WORKSHOP:          Cityscapes   and
  Urban   Sketching                                2-DAY
                                                 2-DAY    WORKSHOP:
                                                        WORKSHOP:                            FREE
                                                                                           FREE    DEMO!
                                                                                                 DEMO!         Heart-Led
                                                                                                           Heart-Led        Landscapes
Urban  Sketching       in in Watercolor
  with MICHAEL      SOLOVYEV                       Watercolor
                                                 Watercolor                                  with
                                                                                           with   ANGELA
                                                                                                ANGELA    FEHRFEHR
                                                 with   DAVID
                                                      DAVID      TAYLOR
                                                             TAYLOR                          Sun.-Mon.,
                                                                                           Sun.-Mon.,       January
                                                                                                        January        17-18,
                                                                                                                   17-18,      2021
Saturday,      June
            June    13,13,  2020
11:00  amam    - 12:30
            - 12:30     pmpm                       Thurs.-Fri.,
                                                 Thurs.-Fri.,     Sept.
                                                               Sept.     10-11,
                                                                       10-11,     2020
                                                                                2020         10:30
                                                                                           10:30  amam   - 4:30
                                                                                                      - 4:30    pmpm
      DEMO!         Portrait
                 Portrait   ofof                   9:30
                                                 9:30 amam    - 4:30
                                                          - 4:30     pmpm                    2-Day
                                                                                           2-Day    WORKSHOP
                                                                                                  WORKSHOP        #1:#1:
anan Adult
   Adult  in in  Watercolor
              Watercolor                           2-DAY
                                                 2-DAY    WORKSHOP:
                                                        WORKSHOP:                            Heart-Led
                                                                                           Heart-Led      Landscapes
with   DINO
     DINO      DANTI
            DANTI       K PAJAO
                      K PAJAO                      Watercolor
                                                 Watercolor                                  with
                                                                                           with   ANGELA
                                                                                                ANGELA    FEHRFEHR
  Sunday,   June    14,   2020                     with
                                                 with   DAVID
                                                      DAVID      TAYLOR
                                                             TAYLOR                          Tues.-Wed.,
                                                                                           Tues.-Wed.,       January
                                                                                                         January       19-20,
                                                                                                                    19-20,      2021
Sunday, June 14, 2020
  9:30  am   - 4:30
9:30 am - 4:30 pm      pm                          Saturday,
                                                 Saturday,      Sept.
                                                            Sept.    12,12,  2020
                                                                          2020               10:30
                                                                                           10:30  amam   - 4:30
                                                                                                      - 4:30    pmpm
       WORKSHOP:             Portrait
                          Portrait  ofof           11:00  am    - 12:30
                                                 11:00 am - 12:30 pm       pm                2-Day
                                                                                           2-Day    WORKSHOP
                                                                                                  WORKSHOP        #1:#1:
  a Child  in  Watercolor
a Child in Watercolor                              FREE
                                                 FREE    DEMO!
                                                       DEMO!         Watercolor
                                                                  Watercolor                 Heart-Led    Landscapes
                                                                                           Heart-Led Landscapes
with   DINO
     DINO      DANTI
            DANTI       K PAJAO
                      K PAJAO                      with DAVID    TAYLOR
                                                 with DAVID TAYLOR                           with
                                                                                           with   ANGELA
                                                                                                ANGELA    FEHRFEHR

                  Check thethe Daniel
                             Daniel   Smith
                                    Smith   Store
                                          Store   Event
                                                Event   Blog
                                                      Blog forfor details:

    SEATTLE  STORE| |4150
                           First AveS S| |(206)
                                Ave         (206)223-9599
                                                  223-9599| |2 2miles

May Presenter - Northwest Watercolor Society
May Presenter - Northwest Watercolor Society
May Presenter - Northwest Watercolor Society
                                         FREE ONLINE DEMO
                                      Birgit O’Connor
                                               NWWS, LWS-M, CWA-M

A Special Bonus for NWWS Members!
Like all of us, Birgit O’Connor is disappointed that she had to cancel her trip to Seattle at this
time due to Coronavirus. Because she could not be here, she is providing a demonstration to
the NWWS membership free of charge. Thank you, Birgit!

                                To view this complimentary demonstration, all you need
                                to do is go onto Birgit’s online course website (by
                                clicking on the link below). Then locate “NWWS
                                Rhododendron Bud Demonstration”, click on View the
                                FREE Demonstration to sign up, then sit back and enjoy the
                                demo, or even paint along! A downloadable reference photo
                                and line drawing are available for a separate fee. A 15%
                                discount code: NWWS15 can be applied to this purchase
                                or any other course within her school. This offer is good
                                for 1 year.


                                Until we can have Birgit in-person, we hope that you take
                                advantage of these offers and join Birgit online.

                                  Enjoy the FREE demonstration and Happy Learning!

May Presenter - Northwest Watercolor Society
NEW IN 2020!

           N o rt hwe s t Wa t e rcol o r S o c i e t y M e mbe rship D ri ve
              G e n e ral M ee t i n g , J UN E 2 3 rd , 6:00- 9:00 p m
At the Da ni el Smi th S eattl e s to re, 4 1 5 0 Fi r s t Ave S . , S e at t l e WA 98 1 3 4
The NWWS 2019 Annual November Splash is all for you! We welcome new members with an energetic
evening of fabulous artists, door prizes, and celebration of watercolor.
   • Dues Special: Special 2020 dues rate for artists who join during the June 23rd meeting.
   • Find New Treasures: Explore the latest, exciting artists’ materials at many vendor tables.
   • Door Prizes: Lots of them! You must be present to win these great giveaways.
FOUR ARTISTS SIMULTANEOUSLY PAINTING. Using the same reference photo, the artists paint while guests
roam among them, getting close, asking questions, and watching this skilled group of artists bring the
subject matter to life in their unique styles.

                             Guest Artists
                 Dottie Burton
                 Dottie’s objective in painting is to create, not report. She
                 especially likes playing with paint and letting it “talk to
                 her.” Vibrant, fresh color has taken center stage in many
                 of her paintings and she is always thinking of a compel-
                 ling composition and an emotional reaction.
                                                                                               Participating Vendors
                 Anita Lehmann
                 Anita is a teacher, artist and award-winning architectur-                     DANIEL SMITH WATERCOLORS
                 al illustrator. “I connect with the world and experience                               Silver Brush
                 life. Mine is the hand of a practiced artist who has spent                       da Vinci Artist Brushes
                 thousands upon thousands of hours honing my tool. I                              Fluid Watercolor Paper
                 strive for humor, humility, work ethic, and confidence.”
                 Jenna Roby                                                                                Sakura
                 Jenna is a watercolor artist and educator. Over the past                                Yasutomo
                 6 years, Jenna has had the privilege of teaching weekly                               Caran d’Ache
                 classes at Daniel Smith and the West Seattle Art Nest.                           Tara watercolor canvas
                 Jenna’s unique style of watercolor can be recognized by
                 the dramatic contrast in values and color.
                                                                                                 Strathmore Artist Papers
                                                                                                      Princeton Brush
                 Dianna Shyne                                                                     Brusho by Colourcraft
                 Dianna infuses her paintings with a sense of vitality and                               Best Easels
                 life-affirming joy. She paints in acrylic, oil and watercol-                   Saunders Watercolor Paper
                 or, and has exhibited in over 40 solo and two-person ex-
                 hibitions. She is a signature member and past president
                                                                                                     Fabriano Artistico
                 of the Northwest Watercolor Society.                                                      Grafix.

                                      Benefits of being an NWWS member:
   •     Discounted Workshop Fees with Famous Artists                          •    Video Library
   •     Reduced Exhibition Entry Fees                                         •    Entrance in Members-Only Exhibitions
   •     Monthly Educational Meetings / Demonstrations                         •    Enhanced Website Access
   •     Quarterly “Hot Press” Newsletter
       Representatives from the above companies will be at the meeting with product displays and prize drawings! Don’t miss this event!
                For information on becoming an NWWS member or to renew your membership online, go to

May Presenter - Northwest Watercolor Society
A F e w T h i n g s W e ’d L i k e Yo u t o C o n s i d e r. . .
By Molly Murrah

As the digital curator and catalog
designer for NWWS, I have been
collecting images of all exhibition
entries for years. I really enjoy the
process. It’s exciting and fun to see
the entries as they come in — so many
beautiful and creative paintings, some
of which literally take my breath away.
It’s a testament to the amazing talent
that exists within our membership
and the world of watermedia at large.
Many years of NWWS experience
hosting exhibitions have gone into
creating our online entry process.
                                                      Paintings by: Kate Aubrey, Yueqi Zhang, Sandy Haight and Charles Rouse
We have put much effort into writing
clear, understandable instructions in
                                          With that in mind, here are a few                     entry image(s).
our prospectuses and online entry
                                          things we’d like you to consider when            •    Upload images in the file format
forms. We are proud of our entry
                                          entering an NWWS exhibition:                          and resolution required (.JPG
process, and our new website has
                                                                                                format, minimum of 2100 pixels
only made it easier than ever.            •   SAVE YOUR LOGIN INFORMATION
                                                                                                on the longest side).
                                              for future use.
For any number of reasons, however,                                                        •    Crop image(s) to exactly what
                                          •   When a show opens for entry,
when using any online system,                                                                   will display if an entry is accepted
                                              MAKE SURE you can access the
glitches can occur. In addition,                                                                (no visible mats or frames).
                                              entry form. This will alert you to
once your NWWS entries have been                                                           •    Make sure your images are right
                                              website issues before you enter.
submitted, most often changes                                                                   side up and read correctly.
                                          •   Update your website profile. If
have to be made manually by our                                                            •    DOUBLE CHECK all information
                                              your email address has changed,
volunteers — the digital curator, the                                                           before you click SUBMIT.
                                              YOU MUST CREATE A BRAND
show chair, the exhibition database                                                        •    Finally, please do not wait until
                                              NEW PROFILE!
manager, the catalog designer, the                                                              the last minute. If you run into a
                                          •   READ THE PROSPECTUS
label and name tag preparer.                                                                    problem and need our help, if a
                                              CAREFULLY! Every word
                                                                                                number of you do this at the last
Why am I telling you this? I thought it       is important, and no two
                                                                                                minute, this adds stress to the
would be helpful to know that when            prospectuses are the same.
                                                                                                process for everyone involved.
entries are submitted incorrectly —       •   TAKE YOUR TIME with the online
something on the form is left out             entry form; pay attention to all             I hope this has been helpful and
or misspelled, dimensions are                 instructions.                                gives you an understanding of our
incorrectly stated, images are not        •   Fill in all fields on the entry form,        exhibition entry process. Unlike most
formatted properly nor uploaded in            following the guidelines provided.           other art organizations, we give
the resolution asked for, etc. — these    •   Check for spelling errors.                   personal attention to our entrants,
exhibition volunteers need to be          •   Input your painting’s image                  and we want your entry experience
informed in order to change their             dimensions, NOT framed                       to be stress-free. NWWS hosts very
records. This not only takes everyone’s       dimensions, and put them in                  professional exhibitions and we
time, more importantly, it opens the          the correct form fields.                     appreciate your cooperation in
door for further mistakes.                •   Be sure to upload the correct                helping us achieve this goal.

By Debbie Roskopf, NWWS President

                            EXHIBITION REQUIREMENTS:
                         OPEN TO NEW WATERMEDIA OPTIONS
Art organizations the world over          new members, and stay true to our          members. We may not welcome
are evaluating and adjusting to           mission. The board of directors is         change, but complacency is a poor
our changed world, and Northwest          creative and open minded and ready         choice to remain robust and relevant.
Watercolor Society (NWWS) has been        to expand our appeal while keeping
doing the same, as you’ve noticed.        the integrity that built NWWS into a       NWWS has listened to your
For the past few years, we’ve called      well-respected organization almost         continued requests to allow a
your attention to changes within          80 years young. We know that our           larger array of commonplace
each new prospectus, and the 2020         members want NWWS to thrive as             watermedia materials to be accepted
Annual International Open Exhibition      a modern organization so, with that        for exhibitions, and as the 2020
(online in May 2020) will bring           qualification, you’ve watched us take      International Open Exhibition
another, notable change. Why the          some small, some larger, carefully         prospectus goes online (May 2020)
changes?                                  selected evolutionary steps.               you will notice a new, broader
                                                                                     definition for acceptable media. It
In the past several years, each of us     The first change was to allow              will read:
could feel the way technology was         paintings to be exhibited without
affecting how we communicate,              glass. We were “Unplugged”!                   #7 MEDIA - Entries must be
how we absorb information, how            Removing the thin layer of glass              watermedia paintings on
we research and learn, and it             allows the viewer to get emotionally          any appropriate, archival,
brought the whole world into the          closer to the painting, which                 2-dimensional watermedia
palm of our hands. Our culture            facilitates a connection to its fine art      substrate, natural or synthetic.
changed, affected by the recession,        quality. Our members appreciate the           Acrylics are allowed. Oil, water-
student loans, embracing other            option, enjoy lowered shipping costs,         soluble oils, and computer-
cultures, generational differences,        easier framing, and the potential             generated art are not allowed.
and other factors. Where we once          for greater sales. Our exhibitions            Collage or other media may
followed a typical life path that         retained unity and the change is well         be used, but watermedia must
guided us toward joining traditional      received.                                     constitute 80% or more of the
organizations, we found other                                                           work. All collage materials must
ways to spend our time, for better        The influence of innovative art               be original designs executed on
or worse. The way it had been was         materials has encouraged artists              watermedia paper.
not the way it was always going to        to experiment more than ever.
be, and so you see organizations,         Water media products can easily be         And so, you will have more choices!
museums, social groups, clubs, and        intermixed to wonderful, fresh effect.      You may choose to stay close to
associations reaching out in new          Both the myriad of materials being         the beautiful, glowing purity of
ways to bring like-minded people          used (water media crayons, acrylics,       transparent watercolor on paper
together. We still desire to be a part    pencils, etc.) and the ever widening       or elect to explore materials that
of groups but creating value that         array of substrates upon which             are new to you and inspire a
those groups offer us needs constant       one can paint (paper, clayboard,           new expression. The criteria for a
attention.                                canvas, tissue, and etc.) have to be       wonderful painting will not change.
                                          considered, and it is enough to keep       You simply have more options to find
NWWS is no exception. We have             board members’ heads spinning              your way to great success.
been proactive, carefully choosing        across the nation. Each organization
the changes that can benefit our          must design parameters that are
existing membership, appeal to            right for its current and future



                                                                   2185 SW Park Place | Portland, OR 97205
                                                                     Free Parking | Class Drop-ins Welcome
                                                                                             (503) 228-0706

                                                                                                                    American Watercolor Society Gold Medal of Honor

                                                                                                                         WATERCOLOR WORKSHOPS

                                                                                                                   Long Beach, WA March 24, April 14, May 5, 2020

                                                                                                                            Chicago, IL April 2-4, 2020

                                                                                                                         Walla Walla, WA April 20-24, 2020
                                  LEARN WITH US
          Classes | Workshops | Demonstrations | Lectures                                                                  Fairbanks, AK May 11-15, 2020

                                                                                                                       Bainbridge Island, WA June 2-5, 2020

                                                                                                                        Lac Du Fambeau, WI June 8-11, 2020

                Paint with Ponies                                                                                        Long Beach, WA June 22-25, 2020
                                                                                                                                 and July 13-16, 2020

                   at Little Bit
            Therapeutic Riding Center                                                                                    47th Annual
         18675 NE 106th St., Redmond, WA                                                                               Rocky Mountain
                                                                                                                     National Watermedia
        Tuesday, June 23, 2020                                                                                            Exhibition
                                      9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                            31880 Rocky Village Dr.
                                                              Enjoy a day in the country without having to                  Evergreen, CO 80439
                                                               travel far.
                                                              It’s not just the horses! Paint lovely old barns,
                                                               tack, the old race track—so many different
                                                               subjects.                                           Call Type: Exhibitions
                                                              Paint plein air or inside our Training Center.      Eligibility: National
                           2018 Painting by Tara Hopwood
                                                              Breakfast and lunch provided.                       State: Colorado
                                                              $50 donation to Little Bit Therapeutic Riding       Event Dates: 9/11/20 - 10/24/20
                                                               Center recommended.                                 Entry Deadline: 5/18/20
                                                              Bring all your own equipment
                                                               and paint.
                                                                                                                   You can find more information about
                                                              Limited number of spaces.
                                                               Register early!!
                                                                                                                   Rocky Mountain National Watermedia
For more information, contact:                                                                online at
Register at:


                        Opportunities for learning with Molly Murrah

           LET’S PAINT SKIES!
       Dramatic Skies in Watercolor
                                                                 LOOSEN UP!: Painting Loose Watercolors
   1-day workshop at Daniel Smith Artists’
                                                     Three 1-day workshops at the Art Gallery of SnoValley in Snoqualmie
            Materials in Seattle
                                                             Three Tuesdays: April 21, May 19, and June 16, 2020
          Saturday, April 25, 2020
                                                                            10:30am to 3:30pm
             10:30am - 4:30pm
                                                                         Cost: $95 per workshop
                Cost: $120
                                                  Many watercolor artists often declare that they want to “loosen up.”
Some of the most engaging watercolor
                                                  With this in mind, Molly has created a series of three 1-day workshops
paintings depict exciting and dramatic skies.
                                                  to help students abandon tight, representational painting styles, and
Skies that capture the viewer’s eye – and won’t
                                                  learn to paint loose, flowing watercolors. Subjects covered will be florals,
let go – because they showcase the absolute
                                                  landscapes and cityscapes. All reference materials will be supplied. To
magic of this incredible medium. Learn how
                                                  register, please visit and click on their What’s
to paint dramatic skies in watercolor. Join
                                                  Happening page.
Molly in this free-flowing workshop.

                                             ART CAMP in the CASCAIDS
                         You are invited to join a small group of artists who will spend 4 days in
                         the heart of the Cascades June 12 through 15, 2020. We are gathering
                         at the Stehekin Valley Ranch: to paint or
create in the serenity of the Stehekin Valley. This magical place is only available by boat (unless
you would like to hike over Cascade pass!) Stehekin is at the head of Lake Chelan, a 55-mile-
long fiord like lake which is glacier fed from the High Cascades. Surrounded by the beauty
of the mountains, river and lake we will have full use of the facility. The well-lit dining hall will
double as our studio with room to leave our paints and materials in a safe environment during our stay, regardless
of your media. Plenty of scenery for plein air painting and no worries about meals as the ranch is internationally
known for its fantastic fare.

		                                     If you are interested please contact Nicky Allison at 509-860-0556 or njallison@
                               The cabins are self-contained and sleep up to 5 people. Look on
                                         the web site for pricing and make your reservations directly with SVR noting
                                          that you are part of the “Art Camp”. We are not providing any formal
                                           instruction this year, but rather an opportunity to create and inspire one
                                            another. Come an be willing to share your talent and knowledge with kindred
                                             spirits. Bring your spouse or significant other along for the peace and
                                             relaxation, hiking, fishing or horse back riding that is available.
                                                                           I hope to hear from you soon. Nicky Allison


             Jean Beuoy                                    Charlene Collins Freeman
           Art Classes for                          Watercolors: From Ideas to Finished Paintings
       Beginners to Advanced
                                                              Located at Cloud 9Art School
    Peter Kirk Community Center
                                                           18414 103rd Ave NE, Bothell WA 98011
     123 5th Ave. Kirkland, WA 98033
     New start dates will be available                          Tuesdays 10am 0 12:30pm
          on the registration site                                March 10 - May 12, 2020
                                                            Cost: $295 - All skill levels welcome
Mondays from 6:00 to 9:00 pm
Watercolor for beginners through          So often we have great ideas for a painting but don’t know how to
advanced. I provide a photo that we all   get it from our head onto our paper. Or we have vague iedas and
use as our reference and we complete a    don’t know how to flesh them out into strong, clear concepts that
painting each evening.
                                          will trnaslate well into finished paintings. If you agree, then my next
Wednesdays from 5:30 to 8:30 pm           workshop is for you! Explore the magic of watercolor painting while
Oil and acrylic painting for beginners    learning to see like an artist and developing your ideas into finished
through advanced. Everyone works          paintings!
at their own pace. I provide photo
references. I demo as needed.             For suggested art supplies, click here.
                                          To find out more and to register, go to


                             National Watercolor Society 50 Stars Exhibition
                                                        By Molly Murrah
Some weeks ago, the National Watercolor Society (NWS)                   NWWS is very honored to be able to submit such stellar work
contacted NWWS about an exhibition it will be hosting to                from these two distinguished artists – Carla O’Connor and Bill
commemorate its Centennial Celebration, “NWS 50 Stars                   Hook. Both are signature members of NWS as well as NWWS.
Exhibition 2020.” This is a special exhibition being held in the        We are so thrilled to have such amazing talents in our
society’s 100th year to promote the various state watercolor            membership who have agreed to represent NWWS and
societies and their artists who are NWS signature or associate          Washington State in this exciting exhibition. Carla will
members in the United States. There will be three juried                exhibit a painting titled Coverup and Bill’s painting is titled
awards – $1000, $500, and $500 – and each society can sub-              Scary Stuff. Thank you, Carla and Bill, for representing NWWS
mit the work of two artists. A brief history of the society will        so beautifully.
be displayed next to the two paintings in the exhibition.
                                                                        Below are the artists’ statements about their chosen work:

                                         Coverup by Carla O’Connor, AWS, NWS, NWWS

                                         “I have always concentrated on integrating the 3-dimensional human form with the
                                         2-dimensional abstract surround, beginning with the figure. Recently, I began to
                                         explore the same objective but from the opposite direction.

                                         “Now, I use the figure as the support for the main purpose of the painting – the
                                         abstract design. The model’s clothing (actual or invented) or costume (drapery, shawls,
                                         etc.) all can be inspirational. Using color, textures, lines and flattened shapes (opaque
                                         and transparent pigments). I add weight to the non-objective element.

                                         “A mere suggestion of the figure grounds the painting and adds a touch of realism
                                         that the viewer can connect with. I never envision the end result; for me the process
                                         is most rewarding with the challenges and surprises inevitably occurring.”

                                         Visit Carla O’Connor’s website.

                                         Scary Stuff by Bill Hook, AWS, NWS, NWWS

                                         “I see Scary Stuff as a dialog between two objects; an aging viaduct, being constantly
                                         shored up while awaiting demolition… and the fire escapes that hang precariously
                                         and seem ready to tumble from above after a century of exposure and rust. It is a
                                         quiet dialog of acceptance of the inevitable while still respecting a long life of service.
                                         The fire escape won… the viaduct didn’t.

                                         “My interests are deeply rooted in my architectural and urban background. I love the
                                         tension and dynamic quality of alleys and the thin spaces left between buildings. This
                                         is where the story of a city is most easily seen. “My environment is changing rapidly
                                         and I find scenes that are terminal or temporary in nature to be visually stimulating
                                         and often more interesting than the finished projects.

                                         “The narrow shape of the sky was the key element to the design. This shape defines
                                         the canyon-like quality of the space and establishes the dialog between objects, while
                                         still providing a way out. I chose the sepia tones to give the entire piece a somewhat
                                         nostalgic and calm mood.”

                                         Visit Bill Hook’s website.


            Lisa Pope                                                                                         Keith Artz
        Losing My Marbles                                                                                   Rocks and Rills
                                         Doreen Koch Allen              Doris Davis-Glackin
At the Annual CVG 2020 Show,             Lush Orange Spring                On The Rocks
                                              Poppies                                             NWWS Board member and
“Losing My Marbles” was chosen                                                                    historian, Keith Artz, won a third
for an Arnold’s Furniture Purchase                                     In January 2020, Doris’    place award in the Seattle Co-Arts’
Prize Award. The exhibit ran from      Doreen won a                    painting was awarded
                                       competition put on by                                      70th Anniversary Juried Show.
January 18th through February                                          the Ridgewood Art          His work is currently on exhibit at
29th, at the Collective Visions        the Puyallup Garden             Institute’s award for
                                       Tour with South Hill                                       University House, Stone Way and
Gallery in downtown Bremerton.                                         “excellence in Painting”   45th Ave. NE, through June 13th,
383 artists from 93 cities and         Artists members                 at the Catharine
                                       participating. Her                                         2020. Keith’s painting, “Rocks and
towns throughout WA submitted                                          Lorillard Wolfe Art        Rills” is rendered in colored pencil
1,100 images of artworks for           painting will be                Club’s 123rd Annual
                                       featured on the 2020                                       on both sides of double sided
consideration. 151 pieces were                                         Open Exhibition held at    drawing film.
chosen for the show.                   Puyallup Garden Tour            The National Arts Club
                                       poster and ticket cover.        in New York, NY.

     Kristi Galindo Dyson                                                                                    Bev Jozwiak
            Flotsom                       Suze Woolf                                                       Universal Canvas
                                       Goodell Creek Cedar
Women Painters of                                                           Jill Erickson         Bev was one of the 114 artists
Washington is celebrating its        People’s Choice Award                        Koi             honored with Signature level
90th anniversary with three          at Kirkland Art Center’s                                     status by their respective societies
exhibitions. “Flotsam” is one of     recent “Threshold”            The Covington Arts             in this show held at Fallbrook Art
the three of Kristi’s paintings      exhibit. “Goodell             Commission selected            Center in Fallbrook, CA.
represented in the first of those    Creek Cedar” 52” high         two of Jill’s paintings to     About the painting: It is a
juried exhibitions, “Present         x 44” wide, varnished         be installed on two sets       painting within a painting of a
Tense,” at Matzke Fine Art           watercolor on torn paper.     of Traffic Signal Control      huge canvas where the public
Gallery and Sculpture Park on                                      Boxes in the City of           were encouraged to add their
Camano Island, March 7 - April                                     Covington, WA. “Koi” is        own brush work. This little girl
12, 2020.                                                          shown above.                   really went to work at it and Bev
                                                                                                  captured the moment.


   Sandy Haight                   Li Turner                      Roberta Tiemann                Christine Alfery
  Sedona Agave #1               Notorious RGB                          3x’s                     Rolling Stones

Sandy’s painting           Li Turner included you         Roberta’s painting has been           Christine’s work was selected as a
received an                on a single message to         accepted into the 153rd               finalist for the Circle Foundation’s
Honorable Mention          NWWS Newsletter in Feb         American Watercolor Societies         Artist of the Year Award, located in
award at the 2020          2020 regarding ‘Hot Press      International Exhibition in New       Lyon, France. They maintain a small
CVG show in                - Li Turner’s watercolor       York City. Exhibition runs April      and exclusive selection of featured
Bremerton, WA.             and gouache painting           6-25. With this acceptance,           artists on their international
It floats in a frame       titled: Notorious RBG          Roberta is now a Signature            platform. These prestigious
sized 30.25 x              (Ruth Bader Ginsberg),         Member of the American                awards are judged based on
44.5.” Transparent         accepted into; 20/20           Watercolor Society.                   the aesthetical and technical
watercolor!                Vision Show at CoCA                                                  aspects of each artist’s images as
Read more                                                                                       well as the degree of originality
                                                                                                and uniqueness of each artist’s
                                          Mark McDermott                                        practice.
                                          Cais Palafitico da Carrasqueira #2

                                          Mark’s painting was awarded an Honorable Mention
                                          in the recent Watermedia Showcase competition
                                          held annually by Watercolor Artist magazine. It is
                                          published in the April 2020. Read more

 We are looking for members to volunteer in the following roles:
 Hospitality: We need a person or two to help set up water pitchers, coffee, cups and napkins, and to help clear up the meeting
 room and coffee at our Bellevue meetings at St. Andrews Church. This role requires just a few hours, every other month.

 Awards: We are looking for a member to take over securing prizes and sponsorships for our two annual exhibits. Victoria
 Jendetzke, current awards lead, is eager to bring the next awards chair up to speed on the process so they’re ready to take the
 reins for our 2021 exhibits.

 Treasurer: Treasurer Peggy Meyers is eager to engage a member with accounting experience to learn the role and become
 Treasurer, starting next year. Previous experience handling nonprofit finances is a plus.

 To learn more about or to offer to step into any of these roles, please contact volunteer coordinator Peggy Willett at or (206) 351-1150.


            On the far horizon: NWWS Summer Plein Air
            Hard to believe that spring is almost around the corner and that summer
            will be not long after it. If you want to go out and paint landscapes
            from life with your NWWS friends on the Seattle side, drop Suze Woolf
            ( an email to get added to the plein air distribution
            list.* There are no fees and guests are welcome.

            We’re planning a mixed menu of city parks, street scenes and industrial
            areas for every other Wednesday morning, beginning in early June and
            in late August. Last year a band of hardy painters went out well into
            October. Several days before every other Wednesday morning you’ll
            receive updated notes, driving directions (and who to call if you’re lost),
            parking suggestions, restroom locations, nearby restaurants, and the
            all-important bad weather alternate.

            Next newsletter, a rough schedule and a more detailed set of tips if
            you’re new to plein air painting. Newbie or old pro, come join us!

            *Suze is familiar with Seattle locations. If anyone would like to be
            in charge of alternate weeks on the east side, please let us know.


                                      Things That Grow
To honor our past editor, Jeff Waters, we are keeping the tradition of a Painting Challenge with each Hot Press
publication. For Jeff’s last challenge, Things That Grow, here are the images submitted. We applaud you all for creating
beautiful works of art and we are pleased to show them off here.

Kelly Knouff                          Doreen Allen           Loretta Thomas         Suze Woolf

Karen Robinette                       Peggy Willett         Charles Cherry        Terry Bader

Molly Murrah                        Allison Leigh Lilly                      Katherine Wright       Gloria Breslin

                                   Inspiration to help you get started...
                              “Laughter is a sunbeam of the soul.” - Thomas Mann
                           “The moon only glows when kissed by the sun.” - R. Queen
                               “Whisky is liquid sunshine.” - George Bernard Shaw
                      “What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity.” - Joseph Addison
                                 “Face the sunshine and be the shadow.” - Ash

HOT PRESS Newsletter
  Deadline for the Summer Hot Press Newsletter is June 1, 2020.
  Send submissions with email title beginning: “NWWS” or “Hot Press”, then your submission’s name.
  Send all newsletter submissions to:

   Memberships / Change of Address
  Send new memberships / changes of address by either email or US mail, to:
  Peggy Meyers, PO Box 50387, Bellevue, WA 98015-0387      email:

     Billing NWWS
  Send NWWS bills to:
  Peggy Meyers, PO Box 50387, Bellevue, WA 98015-0387

     NWWS Officers
 President:      Debbie Roskopf                                        Corresponding Secretary:            Beth Betker
 Vice-President: Molly Murrah                                          Treasurer:                          Peggy Meyers

 You may write to NWWS officers at: Add the name of the person you wish to reach in the title.

 NWWS Attorney: Rachel Schaefer / Riddell Williams P.S.                              206-389-1760

     NWWS Meetings
 NWWS meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month, excluding July, August, November, & December.
 Meetings are in one of these two locations. Check the Events Calendar for each month’s meeting location.
 Daniel Smith Artists Materials 4150 - 1st Ave. S. Seattle, WA 98134            St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church 2650 - 148th Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98008


                 Northwest Watercolor Society PO 50387 Bellevue, WA 98015                      Write to NWWS at
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