World Politics in the Digital Age - International Studies Association Northeast Region - The International Studies Association

Page created by Ron Strickland
International Studies Association
       Northeast Region

        50th Annual Conference
         2 - 3 November 2018

World Politics in the Digital Age

            Baltimore, MD
Embassy Suites Baltimore - Inner Harbor
Special Events
Friday, November 2, 10:15 – 10:45 am, Colonnade lobby
Morning coffee break

Friday, November 2, 12:45 – 2:00 pm, Edinburgh Hall
Presidential Luncheon* and Address

“What is Realism?”
Professor Patrick James, ISA President
University of Southern California

*Arranged for those conference attendees who registered for the luncheon in advance. (Name badges
have a “luncheon” marker in the bottom right corner.)

Friday, November 2, 4:00 – 4:30 pm, Colonnade lobby
Afternoon coffee break

Sponsored by: University of Massachusetts Boston Global Governance and Human
              Security Program in the McCormack Graduate School

Friday, November 2, 6:30 – 7:30 pm, Tuscan
Keynote Address

“Reproducing Global Inequality? Hashtag and Digital Activism in their Nonspaces”
Professor Kamari Maxine Clarke
Carleton University

Please join us after for drinks and hors d’oeuvres in Oriental
Sponsored by: Palgrave/Macmillan

Saturday, November 3, 7:30 – 8:15 am, Concordia
ISA-Northeast Governing Council Business Meeting

Sponsored by: University of Maryland Center for International Development and
              Conflict Management and Baha’i Chair for World Peace

Saturday, November 3, 10:15 – 10:45 am, Colonnade lobby
Morning coffee break

Sponsored by: University of Michigan Press – Configurations Series

Saturday, November 3, 4:00 – 4:30 pm, Colonnade lobby
Afternoon coffee break

Sponsored by: University of Massachusetts at Lowell Security Studies Program

Saturday, November 3, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Veterans
ISA Northeast Scholars’ Circle

“Hybrid Sovereignty in World Politics”
Swati Srivastava, Purdue University
   Siba Grovogui (Cornell University)
   Michelle Jurkovich (University of Massachusetts Boston)
   Jennifer Mitzen (Ohio State University)
   Jelena Subotic (Georgia State University)
   Chair: Andrew A.G. Ross (Ohio University)

                               Room Locations

                      Chapter                  Fourth floor
                      Colonnade                Third floor
                      Composite                Third floor
                      Concordia                Third floor
                      Edinburgh                Fifth floor
                      Ionic                    Third floor
                      Oriental                 Fourth floor
                      Tuscan                   Third floor
                      Veterans                 Third floor

The registration desk is located in the Connector Foyer, second floor

ISA-Northeast Awards, 2018

                                Fred Hartman Award
             Best Graduate Student Paper Presented at ISA-Northeast 2017
                Jean-Pierre Murray, University of Massachusetts Boston
           “The UNODC and the Human Rights Approach to Human Trafficking:
                         Explaining the Organizational (Mis)Fit”

                                 A. Leroy Bennett Award
                   Best Faculty Paper Presented at ISA-Northeast 2017
                   Kathleen P.J. Brennan, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
              “Hashtags as Weavers: Complexity, Attention, and Spacetimes
                   in the Work of Michel Serres and William Gibson”

                               Yale H. Ferguson Award
       The Ferguson Award recognizes the book that most advances the vibrancy of
                     international studies as a pluralist discipline.
                              Catherine Lu, McGill University
                        Justice and Reconciliation in World Politics

The ISA-Northeast would like to thank the following sponsors for supporting this year’s

   •    ALIAS: Active Learning in International Affairs Section
   •    Ohio University Department of Political Science
   •    Palgrave/Macmillan
   •    University of Maryland Center for International Development and Conflict
        Management and Baha’i Chair for World Peace
   •    University of Massachusetts Boston Global Governance and Human Security
        Program in the McCormack Graduate School
   •    University of Massachusetts at Lowell Security Studies Program
   •    University of Michigan Press – Configurations Series
   •    University of Tennessee Chattanooga Department of Political Science and Public

ISA-NE 2017-2018 Governing Council

Past President: Dr. Daniel Levine, University of Alabama
President: Dr. Jessica Auchter, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
President-Elect: Dr. Stefanie Fishel, University of Alabama
V.P. and Program Chair: Dr. Andrew A.G. Ross, Ohio University
Secretary: Dr. Randall Newnham, Penn State Berks

Term Expires Nov. 2018:
Dr. Yehonatan Abramson, Hebrew University                Dr. Nicholas Kiersey, Ohio University
Dr. Jack Amoureux, Wake Forest University                Dr. Suzanne Levi-Sanchez, Rutgers University
David An, Catholic University of America                 Dr. Jennifer Lobasz, University of Delaware
Dr. Dave Benjamin, Univ. of Bridgeport                   Dr. Daniel Nexon, Georgetown University
Dr. Linda Bishai, American Bar Association               Dr. John Oates, Florida International University
Dr. Robert Bosco, Centre College                         Dr. Mark Raymond, Univ. of Oklahoma
Dr. Michael Butler, Clark University                     Andrew Szarejko, Georgetown University
Dr. Cara Daggett, Virginia Tech                          Dr. Halit Mustafa Tagma, N. Arizona University
Dr. Kara Ellerby, University of Delaware                 Dr. Matthew Weinert, University of Delaware
Dr. Daniel Green, University of Delaware                 Dr. Lauren Wilcox, Cambridge University
Dr. Terilyn Johnston Huntington, Mt. Vernon
      Nazarene University

Term Expires Nov. 2019:
Dr. Mohammed Al-Azdee, University of                     Dr. Denis Kennedy, Holy Cross
      Bridgeport                                         T.J. Liguori, Florida International University
Melissa Balos, Florida International University          Dr. Benjamin Meiches, University of Washington
Dr. Carla Barqueiro, Univ. of Baltimore                         at Tacoma
Dr. Lina Benabdallah, Wake Forest University             Daisuke Minami, George Washington University
Christine Bianco, Florida International University       Dr. Dani Nedal, Georgetown University
Dr. Sammy Barkin, University of Massachusetts            Dr. Ausra Park, Siena College
      Boston                                             Dr. Kate Seaman, University of Maryland
Dr. Alex Barder, Florida International University        Dr. Rosemary Shinko, American University
Dr. Eric Blanchard, SUNY Oswego                          Dr. Mark Shirk, Stonehill College
Dr. Mauro Caraccioli, Virginia Tech                      Dr. Laura Sjoberg, University of Florida
Dr. Brooke Coe, Stetson University                       Dr. Abram Trosky, U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Dr. deRaismes Combes, American University
Dr. Jamie Frueh, Bridgewater College
Dr. Zenel Garcia, Florida International University
Dr. Harry Gould, Florida International University
Dr. Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, American University

ISA-Northeast Presidents

2019-2020   Andrew A.G. Ross, Ohio University
2018-2019   Stefanie Fishel, University of Alabama
2017-2018   Jessica Auchter, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
2016-2017   Daniel Levine, University of Alabama
2015-2016   Harry Gould, Florida International University
2014-2015   Jennifer Lobasz, University of Delaware
2013-2014   Samuel Barkin, University of Massachusetts-Boston
2012-2013   Daniel Nexon, Georgetown University
2011-2012   Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, American University
2010-2011   Laura Sjoberg, University of Florida
2009-2010   Janice Bially Mattern, Lehigh University
2008-2009   Eric Leonard, Shenandoah University
2006-2008   Rosemary Shinko, Bucknell University (two terms)
2005-2006   Matthew J. Hoffmann, University of Delaware
2004-2005   Daniel Green, University of Delaware
2003-2004   Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, American University
2002-2003   Mahmood Monshipouri, Quinnipiac University
2001-2002   Barbara Lakeberg Dridi, OIC International
2000-2001   Francine D’Amico, SUNY-Cortland and Syracuse University
1999-2000   Lisa Brandes, Yale University
1998-1999   Steven J. Rosow, SUNY-Oswego
1997-1998   John T. Rourke, University of Connecticut
1996-1997   Mark Boyer, University of Connecticut
1995-1996   Robert Denemark, University of Delaware
1994-1995   Meredith Reid Sarkees, Niagara University
1993-1994   Jean M. Stern, Siena College
1992-1993   Vicki Golich, Penn State University/California State Univ.-San Marcos
1991-1992   Gerry Tyler, University of Rhode Island
1990-1991   Lowell Gustafson, Villanova University
1989-1990   J. Ann Tickner, College of the Holy Cross
1988-1989   John Vasquez, Rutgers University
1987-1988   Allen L. Springer, Bowdoin College
1986-1987   Deborah N. Miner, Simmons College
1985-1986   Craig N. Murphy, Wellesley College

Poli cs of Corrup on: Culture, Poli cs, Interna onal Agreements,
                                  Friday                                        and Poten al Solu ons
FA01: Friday 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM                      Roundtable                      William Rosenberg (Dept of Poli cs, Drexel University)
What is the Rela onship Between Construc vist and Cri cal                       Corrup on: Implica ons for Peacebuilding and Compara ve Poli cs
Approaches to Interna onal Rela ons?                                                 Charles Hauss (Alliance for Peacebuilding)
                                                                                Public A tudes toward Corrup on
Room: Ionic, Embassy Suites Bal more                                                 Charles Blake (James Madison University)
   Part.    Patrick Thaddeus Jackson (American University)
   Part.    Jesse Crane-Seeber (Assistant Professor of Poli cal Science,     FA06: Friday 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM                                     Panel
            University of the District of Columbia)                          The Poli cal Contexts of Development
   Part.    Amy E. Eckert (Metropolitan State University of Denver)
                                                                             Room: Chapter, Embassy Suites Bal more
   Part.    Laura Sjoberg (University of Florida)
   Chair/Di J. Samuel Barkin (University of Massachuse s Boston)                Chair/Di Dave Benjamin (University of Bridgeport)
   sc.                                                                          sc.
                                                                                Impact of State Interveners on Durability of Intra-state Peace
FA02: Friday 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM                                      Panel      Agreements
Interna onal Poli cs and the Built Environment                                       Sema Hande Ogutcu-Fu (Lincoln University)
                                                                                Development or Protec on: Chinese Development of the Mekong
Room: Tuscan, Embassy Suites Bal more
                                                                                River and Downstream State Responses
   Chair/Di Desirée Poets (Virginia Polytechnic Ins tute and State                   Phillip Guerreiro (Florida Interna onal University)
   sc.      University (Virginia Tech))                                         Transferring Autonomy? The E ects of Globaliza on on
   The Temporality of Colonial Spaces: mapping the dynamic forms of             Decentraliza on in Mexico
   coloniality in urbaniza on projects in Colombo                                    Zack Zimbalist (Johns Hopkins University SAIS)
           Shelby Ward (Virginia Tech )
                                                                                     Theodore Kahn (Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced
   The Contest over Palmyra and Spaces of Global Value                               Interna onal Studies)
           Elif Kalaycioglu (University of Minnesota)                           The E ects of Ethnic Diversity on Development and Democra za on
   Securing the city: Theorizing everyday prac ces in Mumbai                         Claire Lee (Georgetown University)
           Samarjit Ghosh (University of Minnesota)                             An Analysis of Regional Poli cal Revival: The Impact of Preferen al
   Reorien ng the "Modernist Gaze" and Reimagining Colonial                     Trade Agreements to Subna onal Governance
   Infrastructure in Casablanca                                                      Simone Franzi (Virginia Tech)
           Robert Flahive (Virginia Polytechnic Ins tute and State
           University)                                                       FB01: Friday 10:45 AM - 12:30 PM                                    Panel
   Of Other Environments: Nonhuman Spaces in the City                        Gendering Interna onal Rela ons: From Theory to Prac ce
           Stefanie R. Fishel (University of Alabama)
                                                                             Room: Ionic, Embassy Suites Bal more
FA03: Friday 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM                                      Panel      Chair/Di Francine J. D'Amico (Syracuse University)
Refugees, Migrants, and the Poli cs of Seeking Asylum                           sc.
                                                                                Compara ve UNSC 1325 Policy Implementa on: Na onal Ac on
Room: Composite, Embassy Suites Bal more
                                                                                Plans for Gender Par cipa on
   Chair/Di Barbara Franz (Rider University)                                         Carly Rasiewicz (Syracuse University)
   sc.                                                                          UN Gender Poli cs
   (Trans)gressing the State: Gender Iden ty, Border Prac ces and the                Laura Sjoberg (University of Florida)
   Poli cs of Asylum
                                                                                Gendering the UN Secretary-General Elec ons
           Jessica L. Peet (Bucknell University)
                                                                                     Francine J. D'Amico (Syracuse University)
   Special No Longer? De ning “Refugee” in the Global Compacts on
                                                                                A More Radical and Less Gendered Future: A Typology for Gender
   Refugees and Migra on
                                                                                Equality Policy and Measurement
           Janet E. Reilly (Sarah Lawrence College)
                                                                                     Kara Ellerby (University of Delaware)
   In Search of an Iden ty: Tracing the Lebanese Syrian Rapport and
                                                                                Double Bounded: Can Women Make a Di erence?
   Refugee (In)security Prac ces.
                                                                                     Xinhui Jiang (University of Delaware)
           Jessy Abouarab (Florida Interna onal University)
   Challenges to Economic Migrants' Access to Human Rights                   FB02: Friday 10:45 AM - 12:30 PM                      Roundtable
           Hassan Awwad (University of Bridgeport)                           Rethinking Agency and Change in World Poli cs: Construc ng
                                                                             Global Order
FA04: Friday 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM                                      Panel
The Cultures of Corrup on                                                    Room: Tuscan, Embassy Suites Bal more
Room: Veterans, Embassy Suites Bal more                                         Part.      Patrick Thaddeus Jackson (American University)
                                                                                Part.      Daniel Nexon (Georgetown University)
   Se ng Up for Failure: Comparing Pa erns of Chea ng to Rooted                 Part.      J. Ann Tickner (American University)
   Corrup on in the Case of Post-Regime Change Hungary                          Part.      Randolph B. Persaud (American University)
           Nora Mala nszky (George Mason University )
                                                                                Part.      Alice D. Ba (University of Delaware)
   Corrup on or Racism? Iden ty Insecurity and the Rise of Right-               Chair/Di   Amitav Acharya (American University)
   Wing Populism                                                                sc.
           Molly R. Tepper (George Mason University)
FB03: Friday 10:45 AM - 12:30 PM                                  Panel   FB06: Friday 10:45 AM - 12:30 PM                                      Panel
Ethics and/of Micropoli cs                                                Global Governance in the Digital Age
Room: Composite, Embassy Suites Bal more                                  Room: Chapter, Embassy Suites Bal more
   Chair/Di Jack L. Amoureux (Wake Forest University)                        Chair/Di Benjamin Meiches (University of Washington-Tacoma)
   sc.                                                                       sc.
   Kindness as a resistance prac ce to the urban blasé a tude in post-       Best Prac ces to Incen vize Research and Development of New
   modernity                                                                 An bio cs
        Elcio Jr (IUPERJ)                                                            Lawrence Hamlet (Na onal Intelligence University)
        Erica Simone Almeida Resende (Brazilian War College, Brazil)         Wildlife Trade in the Digital Age
   Interna onal Rela ons as Micropoli cs: Some Analy cal and Ethical                 Adam Lusk (Rosemont College)
   Proposi ons                                                               The Metastasiza on of the Global Cyber Regime Complex and the
        Ty Solomon (University of Glasgow)                                   Crea on of Cri cal Governance Infrastructure
        Brent J. Steele (University of Utah)                                         Mark Raymond (University of Oklahoma)
   Posi onality, Moral Skep cism, and the Problem of Package-Deal            Click “Yes” to Agree: Gene c Privacy Complica ons in the 21st
   Ethics                                                                    Century
        Luke B. Campbell (Northwest Missouri State University)                       Ashleigh Breske (Hollins University)
   Interna onal(s) Rela ons: Redressing the Absence of Workers'
   Interna onals in IR                                                    FC01: Friday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM                                        Panel
        Bryant Sculos (UMass Amherst & The Amherst Program in             Race, Civiliza on, and Cultural Di erence
        Cri cal Theory)
   Placeless Memory, Bodiless Being                                       Room: Ionic, Embassy Suites Bal more
        Khushi Singh Rathore (Jawaharlal Nehru University)                   Chair/Di Randolph B. Persaud (American University)
FB04: Friday 10:45 AM - 12:30 PM                               Panel         Scien     c Racism, Social Darwinism and the Global Racial Order
Rethinking Accountability and Responsibility in Global Poli cs                       Alexander D. Barder (Florida Interna onal University)
                                                                             Hetero-Liberal Order in the Making: The Theory of Character Power
Room: Veterans, Embassy Suites Bal more
                                                                             in Chinese IR
   Chair/Di Ma hew S. Weinert (University of Delaware)                               Inho Choi (Johns Hopkins University)
                                                                             State Building and Civiliza onal Hierarchies in American Empire
   “Blood on the Walls”: The Inherently Contested Nature of                          Stephen Pampinella (SUNY New Paltz)
   Humanitarian Accountability
                                                                             Bringing American Indian Experiences In: Toward a Research
        Denis V. Kennedy (College of the Holy Cross)
                                                                             Agenda for Interna onal Rela ons
   Corporate Sovereign Responsibility: A New Theory on the Poli cs of                Andrew Szarejko (Georgetown University)
   Global Corporate Power
                                                                             Military Interven on and Discourses of Di erence
        Swa Srivastava (Purdue University)
                                                                                     Kelly Dietz (Ithaca College)
   Stranger Danger: the Securi zed Discourse of the Unknowable
        M. L. deRaismes Combes (American University)                      FC02: Friday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM                       Roundtable
   The Gaze of Shame: The Emo onal Origin of Distancing Narra ves         Whose Turn Is It? Historical and Temporal Developments in IR
   in Humanitarian Prac ces
        Amoz Hor (George Washington University)                           Room: Tuscan, Embassy Suites Bal more
   Reimaging Responsibility Through Resilience Governance                    Part.       Kathryn Marie Fisher (Na onal Defense University)
        Lauren Musco     (The Ohio State University)                         Part.       Cara Dagge (Virginia Tech)
                                                                             Part.       Melisa Balos (Florida Interna onal University)
FB05: Friday 10:45 AM - 12:30 PM                                  Panel      Part.       Jack L. Amoureux (Wake Forest University)
Contemporary Challenges in Interna onal Criminal Jus ce                      Part.       Jessica Auchter (University of Tennessee at Cha anooga)
                                                                             Part.       Christopher McIntosh (Bard College)
Room: Landmark, Embassy Suites Bal more
                                                                             Chair/Di    Joseph MacKay (Australian Na onal University)
   Chair/Di Harry D. Gould (Florida Interna onal University)                 sc.
   sc.                                                                       Chair/Di    Andrew R. Hom (University of Edinburgh)
   Crimes against Biodiversity                                               sc.
        Stefanie R. Fishel (University of Alabama)
   Who are the Vic ms of Crimes against Cultural Heritage?                FC03: Friday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM                                        Panel
        Oumar Ba (Morehouse College)                                      Prac ces of Cybersecurity
   The Price of Order Amidst Chaos: Criminal Jus ce, Rebel
                                                                          Room: Composite, Embassy Suites Bal more
   Governance, and Postwar Democra za on
        Adam Knight (The College of Staten Island)                           Chair/Di Mark Raymond (University of Oklahoma)
   Amnesty and Punishment in Post-Con ict States
                                                                             “The Only Thing Secure Is Your Memory Palace”: Cybersecurity
        Risa Kitagawa (Northeastern University)
                                                                             Dilemmas for Civil Society Organiza ons in the Context of
   When Jus ce Fails: Re-raising the Ques on of Ethnic Bias at the           Interna onal Security
   Interna onal Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)                   Devon Kyla Cantwell (University of Utah)
        Jovan Milojevich (University of California, Irvine)
Open Source and Social Control: Microso ’s Acquisi on of GitHub              Human Rights in a Material World
        Mario Khreiche (Virginia Tech)                                               Stefanie R. Fishel (University of Alabama)
   An Ethical Leadership Challenge: What Does Appropriate Dissent               The Ethical Founda ons of Human Rights in a Changing World
   Look Like, and How Do Leaders Work Through Those Issues                           Hoda Mahmoudi (University of Maryland, Bahá'i Chair for
        David Kritz (The Na onal Intelligence University)                            World Peace)
   The Impact of Cybersecurity on Development in Collec ve Security             Covering or Covering Up? The e ects of media freedom and media
   Systems.                                                                     access on social and economic rights
        Vladimir Tsakanyan (RUDN University)                                         Jenifer Whi en-Woodring (University of Massachuse s Lowell)
                                                                                     Nicole Anderson (University of Massachuse s Lowell)
FC04: Friday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM                                       Panel
Status and Legi macy in World Poli cs                                        FD01: Friday 4:30 PM - 6:15 PM                                         Panel
                                                                             The Power of Embodied Performances
Room: Veterans, Embassy Suites Bal more
   Chair/Di Jennifer Mitzen (Ohio State University)                          Room: Ionic, Embassy Suites Bal more
   sc.                                                                          Chair/Di Rosemary E. Shinko (American University)
   Back of the queue: deba ng Britain’s status during Brexit                    sc.
        Joshua Freedman (Northwestern University)                               The Glory of Power: Fashion and the Acclama on of Governance
   The sword and the scales: legal exper se and strategy in the US                   Andreas Behnke (University of Reading)
   Department of Defense                                                        Military A achés in World Poli cs: The Case of the Russo-Japanese
        Tracey Blasenheim (University of Minnesota)                             War
   The Role of Taxa on and Regula on in European Na on States                        Kiran Banerjee (University of Toronto)
        Marcus Walsh-Führing (University of Bremen)                                  Joseph MacKay (Australian Na onal University)
   Becoming Otherwise: Sovereign Authorship in a World of                       Gendering the Prac ce Turn: Scenes from the Hidden History of
   Mul plicity                                                                  Diplomacy
        Benjamin Taylor (Johns Hopkins University)                                   Catriona Stand eld (Syracuse University)
   Old Habits Die Hard: Soviet State Consolida on via the Russian               Sugar-Coa ng Corporate Power: Neoliberal Fitness and the
   Death Template                                                               Subjuga on of the Female Body
        Jus n Casey (Georgetown University)                                          Linea Cu er (Virginia Tech)

FC05: Friday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM                             Panel             FD02: Friday 4:30 PM - 6:15 PM                                         Panel
Signals and Spaces: Poli cal Communica on in the 21st Century                China, the United States, and the Future of Hegemony

Room: Landmark, Embassy Suites Bal more                                      Room: Tuscan, Embassy Suites Bal more
   Chair/Di Andrew A. G. Ross (Ohio University)                                 Chair/Di Amitav Acharya (American University)
   sc.                                                                          sc.
   The power of of ‘known-unknown’ in poli cal discourses                       The U.S., Europe, and NATO in a World in Transi on
        Maria Fanis (The Ohio State University)                                      Chris J. Dolan (Lebanon Valley College)
   Digital Interna onal Rela ons                                                The Security-Development Nexus and the Chinese Communist
        Marcus Holmes (The College of William and Mary)                         Party: Narra ves on State and Region-Building
   Globaliza on and “Digital Rebellion”: How Insurgent Groups in                     Zenel Garcia (St. Lawrence University)
   Nigeria’s Oil Region Are Transforming Warfare                                A Pluralist Strategic Narra ve for the United States
        Obasesam Okoi (University of Manitoba)                                       Stephen Pampinella (SUNY New Paltz)
   Disrupter in Chief: Twi er Diplomacy and Trolling Prac ces in the            Modern Democracy vs. China Global Poli cal Campaign
   (Digital) Age of Trump                                                            Jinghao Zhou (Hobart and William Smith Colleges)
        Michael Habegger (University of Delaware)                               Geopoli cs, Power Transi on and Sino-U.S. Rela ons
        Tobias Lemke (University of Delaware)                                        Ruizhi Pang (Boston University)
   Fake News, Real Implica ons: Poli cal Spaces of the 21st Century
        Garre Pierman (Florida Interna onal University)                      FD03: Friday 4:30 PM - 6:15 PM                                         Panel
                                                                             Biopoli cal Governmentali es in Neoliberal Times
FC06: Friday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM                                       Panel
                                                                             Room: Composite, Embassy Suites Bal more
The Ethics of Human Rights in a Digital World
                                                                                Chair/Di Francois Debrix (Virginia Tech)
Room: Chapter, Embassy Suites Bal more                                          sc.
   Chair/Di   Kate M. R. Seaman (University of Maryland, Bahá'í Chair for       Chair/Di Alexander D. Barder (Florida Interna onal University)
   sc.        World Peace)                                                      sc.
   Chair/Di   Hoda Mahmoudi (University of Maryland, Bahá'i Chair for           Cyborg Neoliberalism: Biohacking and the Quan          ed-Self as
   sc.        World Peace)                                                      Instrumentalized Self-Cul va on
   Defending Human Rights in a Digital Age                                           Caroline Alphin (Virginia Tech)
        Kate M. R. Seaman (University of Maryland, Bahá'í Chair for             'Choose Your Own Escape Route': Governing the Trauma of the
        World Peace)                                                            Refugee Through Mimesis
   Cultural Heritage and Cultural Rights in an Age of Digital                        Jessica Auchter (University of Tennessee at Cha anooga)
   Reproduc on
        Ma hew S. Weinert (University of Delaware)
“We are not a problem, we are a solu on”: Localised                     Lashing Out or Hiding Out? Coping With Vulnerability in
   Governmentality, Collec ve Memory, and the Re-Signi ca on of            Interna onal Security
   Biopoli cs in Alterna ve Narra ves of/by Rio de Janeiro’s Favelas            Dani K. Nedal (Georgetown University)
        Desirée Poets (Virginia Polytechnic Ins tute and State             Proxy Warfare and the Sovereignty Ques on
        University (Virginia Tech))                                             M. L. deRaismes Combes (American University)
   ‘Self-Presenta ons’, Temporal Metaphors, and Challenges to                   Andrew Peek (Johns Hopkins University)
   Neoliberalism                                                           Unleashing the Dogs of War: Private Military Contractors and the
        Jack L. Amoureux (Wake Forest University)
                                                                           Subversion of the Rules of War.
   The Securi za on of Development: USAID and its Governmental                  Lon Olson (United States Naval Academy)
   Technologies in Afghanistan
        Bryant Harden (University of Florida)

FD04: Friday 4:30 PM - 6:15 PM                            Panel
Interna onal Studies through Narra ve and Popular Culture
Room: Veterans, Embassy Suites Bal more
   Chair/Di Mauro J. Caraccioli (Virginia Tech)
   Rendering North Korea: Narra ves of Insecurity
        Eric Blanchard (State University of New York, Oswego)
   We Need a Hero: Re-envisioning American Victory and
   Excep onalism in World Wars I and II through Wonder Woman and
   Captain America: The First Avenger
        Terilyn Johnston Hun ngton (Mount Vernon Nazarene
   “Transla ng” the Other: Using Compara ve Narra ve Analysis as a
   Mul Methods Technique
        Seyed Saeed Mousavi (Florida Interna onal University)
   Harry Po er and the Power of Exclusion: Interna onal Law as a
   Force of Othering within the Harry Po er Universe
        Chris ne Bianco (Florida Interna onal University)
   Why Social Movements Need the Visual Arts
        Shelly Clay-Robison (George Mason University)

FD05: Friday 4:30 PM - 6:15 PM                                     Panel
Environmental Protec on from Below
Room: Landmark, Embassy Suites Bal more
   Chair/Di Cara Dagge    (Virginia Tech)
   A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: City Greenwashing as Ontological
   Rou nes
        Devon Kyla Cantwell (University of Utah)
   Social licence to kill? Global environmental governance, extrac ve
   industries and indigenous peoples: compe ng narra ves from the
   headwaters of the Amazon
        Linda Etchart (Birkbeck College, University of London)
   No Island is an Island: Global Climate Change, Gender, and Con ict
   in Indonesia
        Emily Sample (George Mason University)

FD06: Friday 4:30 PM - 6:15 PM                                     Panel
New and Newer Wars
Room: Chapter, Embassy Suites Bal more
   Chair/Di Maria Fanis (The Ohio State University)
   Poli cal Violence for Pro t: War in the Private Sphere
        Amy E. Eckert (Metropolitan State University of Denver)
   The New War Thesis and Clausewitz: A Reconcilia on
        Benjamin R. Banta (Rochester Ins tute of Technology)
‘We, the Pepes’: Trolling and owning on social media and the
                                Saturday                                          di usion of poli cal agency across borders
SA01 - Workshop: Saturday 8:30 AM -                             Workshop                  Michael Habegger (University of Delaware)
4:00 PM                                                                           The Poli cal Economy of Trade Agreements in the 21st Century
Interpre ve and Rela onal Methodologies Workshop                                          Simone Franzi (Virginia Tech)

Room: Ionic, Embassy Suites Bal more                                           SA04: Saturday 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM                                Roundtable
   Part.       Catriona Stand eld (Syracuse University)                        Women Leaders and U.S. Foreign Policy
   Part.       Jovan Milojevich (University of California, Irvine)             Room: Veterans, Embassy Suites Bal more
   Part.       Devon Kyla Cantwell (University of Utah)
                                                                                  Part.    Sylvia Bashevkin (University of Toronto)
   Part.       Seyed Saeed Mousavi (Florida Interna onal University)
                                                                                  Part.    J. Ann Tickner (American University)
   Part.       Signe Predmore (University of Massachuse s Amherst)
                                                                                  Part.    Meredith Reid Sarkees (Global Women's Leadership in
   Part.       Chris ne Bianco (Florida Interna onal University)
                                                                                           Interna onal Security (GWLIS))
   Chair/Di    Patrick Thaddeus Jackson (American University)
                                                                                  Part.    Kristen Williams (Clark University)
                                                                                  Part.    Sarah Mar nez (US government)
   Chair/Di    Laura Sjoberg (University of Florida)
                                                                                  Chair/Di Kristen Williams (Clark University)
   Mentor      Ty Solomon (University of Glasgow)
   Mentor      Jelena Subo c (Georgia State University)                        SA05: Saturday 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM                                     Panel
   Mentor      Sarah S. Stroup (Middlebury College)                            Contemporary Challenges in Global Governance
   Mentor      Robbie Shilliam (Johns Hopkins University)
                                                                               Room: Landmark, Embassy Suites Bal more
SA02 - Workshop: Saturday 8:30 AM -                             Workshop          Chair/Di John G. Oates (Florida Interna onal University)
4:00 PM                                                                           sc.
ISA-Northeast Pedagogy Workshop                                                   Global Nuclear Governance, the Treaty on the Prohibi on of
                                                                                  Nuclear Weapons, and the Future of the Non-Prolifera on Treaty
Room: Tuscan, Embassy Suites Bal more
                                                                                          Mario E. Carranza (Texas A&M University-Kingsville)
   Part.    Robert Flahive (Virginia Polytechnic Ins tute and State
                                                                                  Proxies and Perpetual Con ict
                                                                                          Linda S. Bishai (American Bar Associa on Rule of Law Ini a ve)
   Part.    Marta Bashovski (University of Victoria)
   Part.    Dani K. Nedal (Georgetown University)                                 Scandinavian Legal Realism and State Policy Responses to Na onal
   Part.    Ecaterina Locoman (Rutgers University)                                Security Crises
                                                                                          Sara Kristene McGuire (University of Pennsylvania)
   Part.    Jennifer K. Lobasz (University of Delaware)
   Part.    Gul M. Gur (American University)                                      Alterna ves to Withdrawal from Interna onal Organiza ons: the
   Part.    Linda Etchart (Birkbeck College, University of London)                case of Brazil and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
                                                                                          Michelle Morais de Sa e Silva (University of Oklahoma)
   Part.    Travis Blemings (Temple University )
   Part.    Shelly Clay-Robison (George Mason University)
                                                                               SA06: Saturday 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM                                     Panel
   Part.    Lauren Farmer (Temple University )
                                                                               Temporal Futures and the Cogni ve Limits of Global Poli cs
   Part.    Sema Hande Ogutcu-Fu (Lincoln University)
   Chair/Di Jamie Frueh (Bridgewater College)                                  Room: Chapter, Embassy Suites Bal more
   sc.                                                                            Chair/Di Alexander D. Barder (Florida Interna onal University)
   Mentor Rosemary E. Shinko (American University)                                sc.
   Mentor Gigi Gokcek (Dominican University of California)                        Narra ng Empire: Re ec ons on the Poli cal Theory of the Present
   Mentor Eric K. Leonard (Shenandoah University)                                 Moment
   Mentor Jessica Auchter (University of Tennessee at Cha anooga)                         Leigh McKagen (Virginia Tech)
                                                                                          Mauro J. Caraccioli (Virginia Tech)
SA03: Saturday 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM                                      Panel
Foreign Policy in Populist Times                                                  You Snooze, You Lose: Sleep, IR, and the Wakeful Side of Global
                                                                                  Poli cs
Room: Composite, Embassy Suites Bal more                                                  Andrew R. Hom (University of Edinburgh)
   Chair/Di Jane K. Cramer (University of Oregon)                                         Brent J. Steele (University of Utah)
   sc.                                                                            Time(frame)s of War: The 2016 Pulse Shoo ng, Temporality, and
   The Long Tradi on of Trumps in US Foreign Policy: Illumina ng                  “Acceptable” Poli cal Violence
   Those Who Laid the Groundwork for Illiberalism, Isola onism,                           Christopher McIntosh (Bard College)
   Tari s, and Transac ons, and What Their Poli cs Can Tell Us About              Temporality, Foreign Terrorist Fighters, and (in)Security
   Today’s                                                                                Kathryn Marie Fisher (Na onal Defense University)
           Sco Crichlow (West Virginia University)                                “But, alas, we forget the dodo”: Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World
   Substate populism and the challenge to the center in Kyrgyzstan                of technological tyranny, overpopula on, and the price of freedom
   and India                                                                              Melisa Balos (Florida Interna onal University)
           Brent Hierman (Virginia Military Ins tute)
           Vera Heuer (Virginia Military Ins tute)
SB03: Saturday 10:45 AM - 12:30 PM                                 Panel   SB06: Saturday 10:45 AM - 12:30 PM                                     Panel
Norms for the World                                                        Framing Mass Atroci es: Actors, Ac ons, and Discourses
Room: Composite, Embassy Suites Bal more                                   Room: Chapter, Embassy Suites Bal more
   Chair/Di J. Samuel Barkin (University of Massachuse s Boston)              Chair/Di Carla Barqueiro (Goucher College)
   sc.                                                                        sc.
   Recovering Public Interna onalism: the Global Public and the               An Individual Responsibility to Protect: Understanding Bystander
   Purpose of Interna onal Organiza on                                        Ac on and Inac on
        John G. Oates (Florida Interna onal University)                               Kate M. R. Seaman (University of Maryland, Bahá'í Chair for
   The Poli cs of Aspira on                                                           World Peace)
        Michelle Jurkovich (University of Massachuse s Boston)                Unifying Around Indi erence: Changing Interna onal Discourse on
        Martha Finnemore (George Washington University)                       the Responsibility to Protect
                                                                                      Carla Barqueiro (Goucher College)
   The Crisis of World Heritage: Changing World Order and Fracturing
   Global Governance                                                          Genocide and the Brain
        Elif Kalaycioglu (University of Minnesota)                                    Benjamin Meiches (University of Washington-Tacoma)
   Disability Studies and Interna onal Norms                                  An “Elegant Strategy”: The Colombian Military’s Discourse on
        Stephen Chris an (University of Utah)                                 Responsibility for War Crimes
                                                                                      Moira Lynch (Loyola University Maryland)
   UN Agencies´ Coopera on in the Framework of the SDGs
        Barbora Ruzickova (University of Economics in Prague)                 Heroes, Vic ms, and Perpetrators: The Costs of Ascribing Binary
                                                                              Roles in Genocidal Contexts
SB04: Saturday 10:45 AM - 12:30 PM                                 Panel              Sarah Federman (University of Bal more, College of Public
Social Dimensions of Terrorism                                                        A airs )

Room: Veterans, Embassy Suites Bal more                                    SC03: Saturday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM                              Roundtable
   Chair/Di Kathryn Marie Fisher (Na onal Defense University)              Kant's Interna onal Rela ons
   sc.                                                                     Room: Composite, Embassy Suites Bal more
   Technology and Youth—Tools for Societal Inclusion or
                                                                              Part.    Harry D. Gould (Florida Interna onal University)
   Radicaliza on?
        Barbara Franz (Rider University)                                      Part.    Daniel J. Levine (University of Alabama)
                                                                              Part.    Anna M. Agathangelou (York University)
   A Bureaucra cally Composite ISIS: Five Exemplars of Organiza onal
                                                                              Part.    Laura Zano (Virginia Polytechnic Ins tute and State
   Theory in Terrorism Studies
        Corri Zoli (Syracuse University)
                                                                              Part.    Nicholas L. Tampio (Fordham University)
        Katharine Russell (Syracuse University)
                                                                              Chair/Di Patrick Thaddeus Jackson (American University)
   Tourism and Terrorism: Reversing the Causal Direc on                       sc.
        Adam Wunische (Boston College)                                        Chair/Di Sean P. Molloy (University of Kent)
   The Role of the Interna onal Civil Avia on Organiza on’s An -              sc.
   Hijacking Nego a ons in De ning Terrorism, 1969-1973
        Silke Zoller (Temple University)                                   SC04: Saturday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM                                       Panel
   The Impact of Terrorism on Women's Employment in Afghanistan            Nukes, Drones, and the Cultures of Military Technology
        Lauren Cahalan (Towson University)                                 Room: Veterans, Embassy Suites Bal more
        Seth Gi er (Towson University)
                                                                              Chair/Di Swa Srivastava (Purdue University)
SB05: Saturday 10:45 AM - 12:30 PM                                 Panel
                                                                              The current "Ideology of the O ensive": the U.S. Pursuit of Missile
Sources and Impacts of Outside Interven on
                                                                              Defenses, Counterforce Op ons and North Korea
Room: Landmark, Embassy Suites Bal more                                               Jane K. Cramer (University of Oregon)
   Chair/Di Randall E. Newnham (Pennsylvania State University)                        Joshua Baker (University of Oregon)
   sc.                                                                        Symbols in Con ict: Military Technology and Symbolic
   Russian Sanc ons Against Ukraine: Success or Failure?                      Representa on
        Randall E. Newnham (Pennsylvania State University)                            Ma hew J. Parent (University of Connec cut)
   Coercion and Coali ons: The Sources of US Sanc ons                         'We See Everything': Drone Operators, PTSD, and the Human
        Timothy Turnbull (Brown University)                                   Experience of Digital Warfare
   Foreign Direct Investment and Third Party Media on in Intrastate                   Terilyn Johnston Hun ngton (Mount Vernon Nazarene
   Con ict                                                                            University)
        Samaila Adelaiye (State University of New York, University at                 Amy E. Eckert (Metropolitan State University of Denver)
        Bu alo)                                                               Explaining North Korea’s foreign policy a er its acquisi on of
                                                                              nuclear capability: Steadfastness, Independence, and Compromise
                                                                                      Inhwan Oh (Boston College)
SC05: Saturday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM                                    Panel   SD02: Saturday 4:30 PM - 6:15 PM                                    Panel
Remaking Poli cal Space from Below                                          Empire: Collusion, Consolida on, Contesta on
Room: Landmark, Embassy Suites Bal more                                     Room: Tuscan, Embassy Suites Bal more
   Chair/Di Jenifer Whi en-Woodring (University of Massachuse s                Chair/Di Anna M. Agathangelou (York University)
   sc.      Lowell)                                                            sc.
   “From That Day Onwards, I Decided that I Would Never Again Be in            Re-Envisioning Non-Alignment Diplomacy? India and the Algerian
   Such a Helpless State”: How North Indian Women Safeguard Their              Revolu on
   Money in Times of Uncertainty                                                    Patrick Bra on (US Army War College)
        Nicolas de Zamaroczy (O.P. Jindal Global University)                   Empire in Concert: Compe       on and Collusion in European Colonial
        Mariya Jilinskaya-Pandey (O.P. Jindal Global University)               Expansion
   The New Media and the Failure of Turkish Democracy                               Joseph MacKay (Australian Na onal University)
        Olga Gerasimenko (University of Delaware)                              Liberalism, Civiliza on, and Geopoli cs: Discursive Entanglements in
   Insurgent Feminism: A Compara ve Analysis of Colombian and                  Bri sh India and their A ere ects
   Kurdish Women Guerrillas' Contribu ons to Democracy                              T. J. Liguori (Florida Interna onal University)
        Vierelina Fernández (Florida Interna onal University)                  Bringing Postcolonial IR Theory into the Study of U.S.-La n
   The Power of a Post: Social Media’s Role in Expanding the Space for         American Rela ons
   Poli cal Conten on in China                                                      Eric Ri nger (Salisbury University)
        Quinn Conrad (Virginia Military Ins tute)                              The Thucydides Trap is Calling from Inside the House!: Observa ons
                                                                               on Demagoguery, Democra c Decline, and Power Transi on from
SC06: Saturday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM                                    Panel      The Peloponnesian War.
Leaders, Decisions, Emo ons                                                         Tim Ruback (University of Southern Maine)
Room: Chapter, Embassy Suites Bal more                                      SD03: Saturday 4:30 PM - 6:15 PM                                    Panel
   Chair/Di Marcus Holmes (The College of William and Mary)                 Peace, Democracy, and the Status of Minori es
   Foreign policy in the fourth dimension: loca ng and understanding        Room: Composite, Embassy Suites Bal more
    me in decision-making processes                                            Chair/Di Francine J. D'Amico (Syracuse University)
        Andrew R. Hom (University of Edinburgh)                                sc.
        Ryan Beasley (University of St Andrews)                                Populist Non-Local Narra ve, Intra-Group Favori sm, Failure of the
   Making Meaning and Making Monsters: Democracies, Personalist                Opposi on in the Recent Turkish Elec ons
   Regimes and Interna onal Con ict                                                 Gul M. Gur (American University)
        Madison Schramm (Georgetown University )                               A Tale of Two Stalemated Peace Processes
   Impor ng Emo ons Theory into IR: Epistemological Cri que and                     Ma hew Weiss (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)
   Proposi on on the Emo onal Founda on of Social Iden ty                      Na on Building During the CPEC era: Pakistan’s Narra ve on
        Amoz Hor (George Washington University)                                Balochistan and its Development
   Leadership by Defec on: Revisi ng a Landmark Case for Liberal                    Umer Rahman (Florida Interna onal University)
   Coopera on                                                                  From Tribe to Na on: Assessing the In uence of Poli cal Exclusion
        Philippe Beauregard (Laval University)                                 and Access to Mobiliza on Resources on Kurdish Ethnona onalism
   Snake-eaters and Strategists: Civilian Preferences and Special                   Joseph Lasky (Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law)
   Opera ons Forces
        Alice Friend (American University)                                  SD04: Saturday 4:30 PM - 6:15 PM                               Roundtable
                                                                            Design and Planetary Poli cs
SD01: Saturday 4:30 PM - 6:15 PM                        Roundtable
                                                                            Room: Veterans, Embassy Suites Bal more
The Past, Present, and Future of Publishing in Interna onal
                                                                               Part.      Benjamin Meiches (University of Washington-Tacoma)
Rela ons
                                                                               Part.      Bikrum Gill (Virginia Tech)
Room: Ionic, Embassy Suites Bal more                                           Part.      Ra Youa (The New School)
   Part.      Melody Herr (University of Michigan Press)                       Chair/Di   Cara Dagge (Virginia Tech)
   Part.      Daniel Nexon (Georgetown University)                             sc.
   Part.      Nicholas L. Tampio (Fordham University)                          Chair/Di   Stefanie R. Fishel (University of Alabama)
   Part.      Jessica Auchter (University of Tennessee at Cha anooga)          sc.
   Part.      Harry D. Gould (Florida Interna onal University)              SD05: Saturday 4:30 PM - 6:15 PM                                    Panel
   Part.      Jennifer Mitzen (Ohio State University)                       Foreign Aid in a World of Hierarchy
   Chair/Di   M. L. deRaismes Combes (American University)
   sc.                                                                      Room: Landmark, Embassy Suites Bal more
                                                                               Chair/Di Randall E. Newnham (Pennsylvania State University)
                                                                               Follow the Money: Using Interna onal Aid Transparency Ini a ve
                                                                               data to trace development aid ows to their end use
                                                                                    Marc J. Cohen (Oxfam America)
Game of Control: Interna onal Hierarchy and Development Aid
   Alloca on
        Qi Zhang (Georgetown University)
   China’s New Deal: Foreign “Aid” and Keynesian Fiscal Policy in a
   Globalized World
        Adam Ratzla    (Florida Interna onal University)
   To permit or restrain: the role of external patrons on genocide onset
   in client states
        Sascha Nanlohy (University of Sydney)

SD06: Saturday 4:30 PM - 6:15 PM                             Panel
World Poli cs in a Quantum Age: Physics, Philosophy, Poli cs
Room: Chapter, Embassy Suites Bal more
   Chair/Di Bentley B. Allan (Johns Hopkins University)
   Chair/Di Laura Sjoberg (University of Florida)
   Exploring ethics and agen al possibili es in the context of global
        Laura Zano    (Virginia Polytechnic Ins tute and State
   Quantum Securi za on and the Uncertainty Principle: Speech Acts,
   Measurement, and Non-Commu ng Operators of Social En es
        Michael Murphy (University of O awa)
   Quantum Social Theory and The “Temporal Turn” in IR: War,
   Violence, and Entanglement
        Christopher McIntosh (Bard College)
   The Philosophical Implica ons on the Quantum Revolu on in
   Physics: the Bohr-Einstein Debate
        Morten Ougaard (Copenhagen Business School)
   Does Quantum Panpsychism Explain Purposive Agency?
        Genco Guralp (San Diego State University)

Scholars' Circle: Saturday 6:30 PM - 8:00             Roundtable
Northeast Scholars’ Circle Honoring Swa Srivastava’s Manuscript:
Hybrid Sovereignty in World Poli cs
Room: Veterans, Embassy Suites Bal more
   Author   Swa Srivastava (Purdue University)
   Part.    Michelle Jurkovich (University of Massachuse s Boston)
   Part.    Jennifer Mitzen (Ohio State University)
   Part.    Jelena Subo c (Georgia State University)
   Part.    Siba Grovogui (Cornell University)
   Chair    Andrew A. G. Ross (Ohio University)
Index of Participants
Abouarab, Jessy                 FA03                                Etchart, Linda                FD05, SA02 - Workshop
Acharya, Amitav                 FB02, FD02                          Fanis, Maria                  FC05, FD06
Adelaiye, Samaila               SB05                                Farmer, Lauren                SA02 - Workshop
Agathangelou, Anna M.           SC03, SD02                          Federman, Sarah               SB06
Allan, Bentley B.               SD06                                Fernández, Vierelina          SC05
Almeida Resende, Erica Simone   FB03                                Finnemore, Martha             SB03
Alphin, Caroline                FD03                                Fishel, Stefanie R.           SD04, FB05, FC06, FA02
Amoureux, Jack L.               FC02, FD03, FB03                    Fisher, Kathryn Marie         FC02, SB04, SA06
Anderson, Nicole                FC06                                Flahive, Robert               FA02, SA02 - Workshop
Auchter, Jessica                SD01, FC02, FD03, SA02 - Workshop   Franz, Barbara                FA03, SB04
Awwad, Hassan                   FA03                                Franzi, Simone                SA03, FA06
Ba, Alice D.                    FB02                                Freedman, Joshua              FC04
Ba, Oumar                       FB05                                Friend, Alice                 SC06
Baker, Joshua                   SC04                                Frueh, Jamie                  SA02 - Workshop
Balos, Melisa                   FC02, SA06                          Garcia, Zenel                 FD02
Banerjee, Kiran                 FD01                                Gerasimenko, Olga             SC05
Banta, Benjamin R.              FD06                                Ghosh, Samarjit               FA02
Barder, Alexander D.            FD03, FC01, SA06                    Gill, Bikrum                  SD04
Barkin, J. Samuel               FA01, SB03                          Gi er, Seth                   SB04
Barqueiro, Carla                SB06                                Gokcek, Gigi                  SA02 - Workshop
Bashevkin, Sylvia               SA04                                Gould, Harry D.               SC03, SD01, FB05
Bashovski, Marta                SA02 - Workshop                     Grovogui, Siba                Scholars' Circle
Beasley, Ryan                   SC06                                Guerreiro, Phillip            FA06
Beauregard, Philippe            SC06                                Guralp, Genco                 SD06
Behnke, Andreas                 FD01                                Habegger, Michael             FC05, SA03
Benjamin, Dave                  FA06                                Hamlet, Lawrence              FB06
Bianco, Chris ne                FD04, SA01 - Workshop               Harden, Bryant                FD03
Bishai, Linda S.                SA05                                Hauss, Charles                FA04
Blake, Charles                  FA04                                Herr, Melody                  SD01
Blanchard, Eric                 FD04                                Heuer, Vera                   SA03
Blasenheim, Tracey              FC04                                Hierman, Brent                SA03
Blemings, Travis                SA02 - Workshop                     Holmes, Marcus                FC05, SC06
Bra on, Patrick                 SD02                                Hom, Andrew R.                FC02, SC06, SA06
Breske, Ashleigh                FB06                                Hor, Amoz                     FB04, SC06
Cahalan, Lauren                 SB04                                Hun ngton, Terilyn Johnston   SC04, FD04
Campbell, Luke B.               FB03                                Jackson, Patrick Thaddeus     SC03, FA01, FB02, SA01 - Workshop
Cantwell, Devon Kyla            FC03, FD05, SA01 - Workshop         Jiang, Xinhui                 FB01
Caraccioli, Mauro J.            FD04, SA06                          Jilinskaya-Pandey, Mariya     SC05
Carranza, Mario E.              SA05                                Jr, Elcio                     FB03
Casey, Jus n                    FC04                                Jurkovich, Michelle           Scholars' Circle, SB03
Choi, Inho                      FC01                                Kahn, Theodore                FA06
Chris an, Stephen               SB03                                Kalaycioglu, Elif             SB03, FA02
Clay-Robison, Shelly            FD04, SA02 - Workshop               Kennedy, Denis V.             FB04
Cohen, Marc J.                  SD05                                Khreiche, Mario               FC03
Combes, M. L. deRaismes         SD01, FB04, FD06                    Kitagawa, Risa                FB05
Conrad, Quinn                   SC05                                Knight, Adam                  FB05
Cramer, Jane K.                 SA03, SC04                          Kritz, David                  FC03
Crane-Seeber, Jesse             FA01                                Lasky, Joseph                 SD03
Crichlow, Sco                   SA03                                Lee, Claire                   FA06
Cu er, Linea                    FD01                                Lemke, Tobias                 FC05
Dagge , Cara                    SD04, FC02, FD05                    Leonard, Eric K.              SA02 - Workshop
D'Amico, Francine J.            FB01, SD03                          Levine, Daniel J.             SC03
de Zamaroczy, Nicolas           SC05                                Liguori, T. J.                SD02
Debrix, Francois                FD03                                Lobasz, Jennifer K.           SA02 - Workshop
Dietz, Kelly                    FC01                                Locoman, Ecaterina            SA02 - Workshop
Dolan, Chris J.                 FD02                                Lusk, Adam                    FB06
Eckert, Amy E.                  FA01, FD06, SC04                    Lynch, Moira                  SB06
Ellerby, Kara                   FB01                                M. Gur, Gul                   SD03, SA02 - Workshop
Index of Participants
MacKay, Joseph                   FC02, FD01, SD02                    Stroup, Sarah S.           SA01 - Workshop
Mahmoudi, Hoda                   FC06                                Subo c, Jelena             Scholars' Circle, SA01 - Workshop
Mala nszky, Nora                 FA04                                Szarejko, Andrew           FC01
Mar nez, Sarah                   SA04                                Tampio, Nicholas L.        SC03, SD01
McGuire, Sara Kristene           SA05                                Taylor, Benjamin           FC04
McIntosh, Christopher            FC02, SA06, SD06                    Tepper, Molly R.           FA04
McKagen, Leigh                   SA06                                Tickner, J. Ann            SA04, FB02
Meiches, Benjamin                SD04, FB06, SB06                    Tsakanyan, Vladimir        FC03
Milojevich, Jovan                FB05, SA01 - Workshop               Turnbull, Timothy          SB05
Mitzen, Jennifer                 SD01, Scholars' Circle, FC04        Walsh-Führing , Marcus     FC04
Molloy, Sean P.                  SC03                                Ward, Shelby               FA02
Morais de Sa e Silva, Michelle   SA05                                Weinert, Ma hew S.         FB04, FC06
Mousavi, Seyed Saeed             FD04, SA01 - Workshop               Weiss, Ma hew              SD03
Murphy, Michael                  SD06                                Whi en-Woodring, Jenifer   SC05, FC06
Musco , Lauren                   FB04                                Williams, Kristen          SA04
Nanlohy, Sascha                  SD05                                Wunische, Adam             SB04
Nedal, Dani K.                   FD06, SA02 - Workshop               Youa , Ra                  SD04
Newnham, Randall E.              SB05, SD05                          Zano , Laura               SC03, SD06
Nexon, Daniel                    SD01, FB02                          Zhang, Qi                  SD05
Oates, John G.                   SB03, SA05                          Zhou, Jinghao              FD02
Ogutcu-Fu, Sema Hande            FA06, SA02 - Workshop               Zimbalist, Zack            FA06
Oh, Inhwan                       SC04                                Zoli, Corri                SB04
Okoi, Obasesam                   FC05                                Zoller, Silke              SB04
Olson, Lon                       FD06
Ougaard, Morten                  SD06
Pampinella, Stephen              FC01, FD02
Pang, Ruizhi                     FD02
Parent, Ma hew J.                SC04
Peek, Andrew                     FD06
Peet, Jessica L.                 FA03
Persaud, Randolph B.             FB02, FC01
Pierman, Garre                   FC05
Poets, Desirée                   FD03, FA02
Predmore, Signe                  SA01 - Workshop
Rahman, Umer                     SD03
Rasiewicz, Carly                 FB01
Ratzla , Adam                    SD05
Raymond, Mark                    FB06, FC03
Reilly, Janet E.                 FA03
Ri nger, Eric                    SD02
Rosenberg, William               FA04
Ross, Andrew A. G.               Scholars' Circle, FC05
Ruback, Tim                      SD02
Russell, Katharine               SB04
Ruzickova, Barbora               SB03
Sample, Emily                    FD05
Sarkees, Meredith Reid           SA04
Schramm, Madison                 SC06
Sculos, Bryant                   FB03
Seaman, Kate M. R.               SB06, FC06
Shilliam, Robbie                 SA01 - Workshop
Shinko, Rosemary E.              FD01, SA02 - Workshop
Singh Rathore, Khushi            FB03
Sjoberg, Laura                   FA01, FB01, SD06, SA01 - Workshop
Solomon, Ty                      FB03, SA01 - Workshop
Srivastava, Swa                  Scholars' Circle, FB04, SC04
Stand eld, Catriona              FD01, SA01 - Workshop
Steele, Brent J.                 FB03, SA06
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