Parent Handbook 2017-18 - Kings College Guildford

Page created by Cindy Barker
Parent Handbook 2017-18 - Kings College Guildford
Parent Handbook
Parent Handbook 2017-18 - Kings College Guildford
Information for New Parents
                                  Key Staff
                           A Welcome from the Principal
                            The Senior Leadership Team
                                 The House System
                                Raising Aspirations
                            Student Achievement Team

                          Our Expectations
                                Kings College Values
                             Learning at Kings College
                           Extra-curricular Opportunities
                                Supporting Students
                          Supporting Your Child’s Learning

                        Useful Information
                              Term Dates (2017-2018)
                                  The School Day
                                   The First Day
                                 Uniform at Kings
                                Equipment at Kings
                                  Useful Contacts
                                Areas of the school

                           Safeguarding at Kings College
                              Mobile Phone Guidance
                             ICT and e-Safety Guidance
                            Frequently Asked Questions

 Please let us know if there are ways that we can improve our Parent Handbook in any way.
Parent Handbook 2017-18 - Kings College Guildford
A Message from Mr McKenzie
Welcome from the Principal
A very warm welcome from all of us at Kings College.

We are delighted to be working with you as your sons and daughters embark
on this exciting phase in their education. Moving to secondary school is a
challenge but also one of every child’s greatest opportunities. It is our job to
make sure that your child settles in smoothly, thrives academically, is happy
and becomes a life-long learner.

At Kings, we pride ourselves on the excellent relationships that exist between staff and pupils. From
the moment your child starts in Year 7, there will be a team of staff on hand to make sure that they
are supported, work hard and take part in every lesson. Learning at Kings is vibrant, challenging and
active and we aim to make sure that every child makes progress every lesson. It is our priority to
ensure that your child receives the right support, care and challenge to achieve their potential.

We also pride ourselves on our partnership with families. It is really important that your child
receives a consistent message about the importance of learning, doing their very best, behaving
safely and politely and caring about others. We know that you will support your child by ensuring
that they arrive on time, well dressed and equipped to learn. In addition to this, we know that you
will support your child by modelling the actions and behaviours they should exhibit and join with us
in celebrating their successes.

Please do contact the school if you have any questions or queries. Your child’s Form Tutor has day-
to-day care of their tutees and is a good starting point if you need information or would like some
advice. Parents are expected to attend Parents’ Evenings and other events at school as your support
is invaluable to your child and to us.

I am looking forward to getting to know every child in Year 7 and to seeing them all develop into
young people of whom we will all be extremely proud.

Alastair McKenzie
Parent Handbook 2017-18 - Kings College Guildford
The Senior Leadership Team
We have a whole school focus on well-being across our community with an underlying aim of
developing resilience and the skills to learn for all of our students. Kings College prides itself on its
calm, focussed and self-motivated working environment and we prioritise the maintenance of a
strong culture of trust, respect and good manners.

                                                Mr Alastair McKenzie

                                                   Miss Anna Wallis
        Vice Principal

                                                  Mr James Grant Duff
        Vice Principal

                                                    Dr Mark Taylor
  Senior Assistant Principal

                                                Mrs Mollie Robberts
      Assistant Principal

                                                      Mr Gary Sills
      Assistant Principal

                                                  Mr Dave Ferguson
 Associate Assistant Principal
Parent Handbook 2017-18 - Kings College Guildford
The House System
The House system at Kings encourages a sense of community, unity and joint striving to be the
best. It enables our younger students to mix with positive role models and engenders good
opportunities for peer mentoring and support. The House system allows your child to build
friendships with students of all ages within their House and become part of a family within the
wider school community. Your child will join one of our three Houses: Hercules, Orion or Phoenix.
Kings students participate in a number of exciting House activities, ranging from sporting
competitions and tutor time quizzes to fundraising events and curriculum challenges.

                       Raising Aspirations

At Kings we have a strong focus around raising aspirations and providing information about future
options alongside supporting the raising of attainment. My role as the Widening Participation
Coordinator is to provide a link between Kings College and the University of Surrey to offer a wide
range of exciting activities and opportunities for both students and their parents. From subject
tasters to extra-curricular activities, students are encouraged to explore future options and aspire
to Higher Education. The programme has been designed to ensure students access new and
relevant activities as they progress through the school from Year 7 to Year 11. Parents can also
access a range of information talks and speak directly to me at any time. At the start of the school
year a calendar of events will be sent home to provide you with more detailed information about
what is offered.

Miss Hannah Trott
Parent Handbook 2017-18 - Kings College Guildford
Student Achievement Team
Your Child’s Form Tutor
Our first priority is to enable your child to make a successful transition to secondary school. The
form tutor will meet with your child twice a day during registration and will have an overview of
progress, attendance, behaviour and general well-being. They will contact you if they have any
concerns or queries throughout your child’s time at Kings. The form tutor is also the person that
you or your child should first contact with any questions once he/she has started at Kings College.
Please contact your child’s tutor via the main school number or via the email address cited below.

                                          Year 7 Tutors
          Mr Le Brun                          Mrs Ward                            Mr Ferguson

        Hercules House                       Orion House                        Phoenix House
Parent Handbook 2017-18 - Kings College Guildford
Key Stage 3 Achievement Team (Years 7 & 8)
In order to support your child further, there are dedicated staff that will work with your child and
ensure that they are happy and making progress.

         Miss A Wallis                           Mr D Todd                           Mrs S Oliphant

     KS3 Progress Leader                    KS3 Pastoral Leader                     KS3 SEND Leader

Key Stage 4 Achievement Team (Years 9, 10 & 11)

           Mr G Sills                         Miss J Hamilton                          Miss E Sykes

    KS4 Progress Leader                     KS4 Pastoral Leader                      KS4 SEND Leader
Parent Handbook 2017-18 - Kings College Guildford
Kings College Values
Parent Handbook 2017-18 - Kings College Guildford
Learning at Kings College
At Kings College we take great pride in the inclusiveness of our curriculum, providing opportunities
for all students to learn and progress.

Subjects in Year 7 and 8
Your child will learn the following subjects during their time in Years 7 and 8:
• Mathematics and Numeracy                • History                 • Technology
• English and Literacy                    • Core PE                 • Art and Design
• Science                                 • PSHE                    • Languages
• Geography                               • Performing Arts
• PERL (Philosophy, Ethics, Religion
   and Life)

Key Stage 4 Provision
Your child will have the opportunity to select from a wide range of GCSE subjects and vocational
qualifications. These are in addition to studying the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science,
PE, PERL and Citizenship.

Please see the school website for specific information on the curriculum for 2017-18.

Literacy and Numeracy
This is a key focus at Kings College as your child needs to be equipped with these skills in order to
make progress during their time learning with us and succeed in adult life. Students receive
timetabled support from specialist teachers and support staff during Key Stage 3. Where
appropriate, some students will have a personalised literacy support plan and will access more
intensive support.

Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural Education and British
Kings College actively promotes the Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development of students
by providing positive experiences through the curriculum and through interactions with teachers,
other adults and the local community. SMSC and British Values are supported through our school
ethos, values and behaviour systems.

Personal, Social and Health Education
One day per module is dedicated to teaching our students how to keep themselves safe and
healthy. This day is delivered through a variety of interactive workshops.
Parent Handbook 2017-18 - Kings College Guildford
Extra-Curricular Opportunities
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award gives students the opportunity to develop skills such as
communication, team-work, leadership, planning and organisation. Students in Year 9 begin the
Bronze award which includes a day walk around Newlands Corner as a practice walk, followed by
their expedition to the New Forest for 2 full days. In Year 10, students complete the Silver award
going to the New Forest and then onto the North York Moors. Gold students take part in the North
York Moors expedition with a longer stay than Silvers. Our students gain a lot from these
experiences, talking positively about what they have learnt and how much it helps to prepare them
for their futures.

Student Leadership
There are many leadership development opportunities available to students at Kings College. We
encourage all students to participate in at least one leadership opportunity over the course of the

Music Instrumental Lessons
We offer lessons on a range of musical instruments and are fortunate enough to have a number of
very skilled instrumental teachers here on a weekly basis. Should you wish to find out more
information, please contact Miss Sykes, Head of Music:

School Productions
Each year Kings College celebrates the success of a
variety of art events. These include Rock Challenge,
which we have been successful at getting through to
the Southern Finals for the last 2 years. The School
production each year is fantastic, offering a wide
variety of opportunities in singing, dancing and
drama to back stage and lighting. Other events are
the annual KS4 Art exhibition, Performing Arts show
and the Orpheus music event. Parents are welcome
to come and support their child at each event.
Extra-curricular Opportunities
Sports Teams
Kings College offers an extensive range of sporting
opportunities for students of all ages and abilities. The most
popular sports at Kings are football, basketball, netball,
rugby, cricket, softball and athletics where we field both
boys and girls squads across all ages. We enter all local
Secondary school leagues, events and competitions.

Through partnership with the RFU and Guildfordians RFC,
Kings have an exciting link to the ‘all schools’ rugby
programme which has seen a sizeable investment into the
sport at Kings. Students have benefitted from expert
coaching, increased internal and external opportunities to
play competitive rugby. Members of staff are well qualified
in coaching rugby up to county standard - students are
known to make the Surrey Development Programme.

The Young Leader Award programme at the school
promotes aspiring sports leaders. This year students were
able to use their leadership skills to run the Primary
Sportshall Athletics event for the Guildford Schools

The PE department believe that watching live professional
sport also provides development for aspiring athletes.
Students enjoyed the experience of watching the women’s
and men’s British basketball finals at the O2 Arena this year. Students also had the pleasure
of meeting an Aviva Premiership rugby player, Cameron Holenstein from Harlequins RFC.
Students were able to learn about the dedication and discipline needed to be a professional

Kings College is also in partnership with both Guildford Baseball & Softball and Guildford
City Cricket clubs, which provide the students with high quality coaching at Kings and clear
pathways to develop their skills further. A member of staff is a regionally recognised netball
coach, which has enabled us to produce highly skilled netball squads.

For further information about sports at Kings, please contact our Head of PE, Mr Harrison
May, on
Supporting Students
School Progress Reports
Students and parents will receive regular reports about their progress and be able to speak with
their child’s teachers at parent meetings. If you would like to speak to a member of staff regarding
your child’s progress, please do not hesitate to contact us.

English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Students who have not received a full education in English or who are new arrivals to the UK
receive a range of support based on their need. This may involve English withdrawal classes, in-
class support and after-school homework clubs.

Special Educational Needs (SEND)
If your child has an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP), or if they have support for a learning
difficulty, the SEND department will organise appropriate support. This support may involve
withdrawal for additional literacy or numeracy, in-class support from a Learning Support Assistant
or specialist support from an external professional. If you have any concerns about your child’s
special educational needs please contact:
Mrs Stephanie Oliphant for Key stage 3, or
Miss Emma Sykes for Key Stage 4,

Gifted and Talented
Many of our students have special skills and talents which we aim to identify and nurture. Some
students are gifted in several subject areas whilst others have a specific talent (for example, in art,
music or sport). These students are encouraged to attend a range of extension and enrichment
activities including Master Classes and skills workshops.
Supporting Students

                                      The Eikon Charity

Kings College has an established partnership with The Eikon Charity—a Surrey based charity
committed to supporting the wellbeing, aspirations and resilience of Young People. Eikon
has over 20 years of experience across Surrey delivering multiple approaches to engage
young people with improved emotional wellbeing and resilience.

Kings achievement teams identify young people, who might be experiencing one or more of
the following challenges in their life.

Some of the issues Eikon can support young people through:

•       Strained family relationships
•       Friendship issues
•       Exam stress
•       Drugs and alcohol
•       Low mood and self-esteem
•       Challenging behaviour in school
•       Anger problems
•       Anxiety
•       Young Carer (see below for more details)

Eikon supports young people in school in the following ways:

    •   1-2-1 mentoring
    •   Lunchtime drop ins
    •   Group work programmes
    •   Trips and residential trips
    •   Support Groups

Please note: While the role of the Youth Specialist aims to give support to young people
who may find themselves in a variety of difficult or challenging circumstances, it is
important to note that the Eikon Youth Specialists are not Counsellors.
Supporting Your Child’s Learning
At Kings College we firmly believe education is a three way partnership between the child, the
home and the school. To this end we are fully committed to ensuring strong and mutually
beneficial communication between home and school. We understand and respect the valuable
contribution parents make and know that for our students to be successful we need support from
home. We will make every effort to ensure all our communication with you is timely, clear and

Evidence shows that parental involvement in their children’s learning and in particular, literacy
activities will positively affect your child’s progress at school. Regular reading not only improves
your child’s reading and comprehension skills but also develops concentration skills and a positive
attitude towards learning. In order to support regular reading with your child, we stock a number
of reading age appropriate resources in our Library which can be borrowed and returned.

Routines at home
You can help your son or daughter to get into these new routines by following some of the
suggestions below:
• Encourage them to pack everything they need for school the night before, before they go to bed
  (books, lunch money, sports kit and any other equipment).
• Make sure your son or daughter has a good, balanced breakfast before they leave for school.
  This will give them the energy they will need and will enable them to concentrate better in
  lessons. It is also often helpful to pack their bag with a bottle of water that they can sip during
  the day. Energy drinks are not allowed in school and will be confiscated from students if seen.
• Encourage your son or daughter to get to know their timetable, and keep a copy for yourself.
  Have them check their timetable regularly so that they remember things like packing their PE
  kit, etc.
• Make sure your son or daughter checks their planner on a daily basis so that they can remind
  themselves if they have homework due, and how long they have to complete it. Students
  should also be showing these planners to you so that you can monitor their workload, as well as
  whether they have been set detentions, etc. Should you need to contact your child’s tutor, you
  can also send in notes to school via the planner.
• Encourage your child to empty their bag every couple of days to ensure that they have passed
  on any letters that they may have been given. Copies of letters are always placed on the school

Parents’ Meetings
Kings College have two opportunities during the course of the school year to meet with your child’s
teachers. The purpose of these events is to give you the opportunity to meet with your child’s
teachers and discuss their progress, celebrate successes and ask any questions that you may have.
We expect all parents to attend these appointments.
Supporting Your Child’s Learning
Learning outside the classroom
We recognise both the academic and non-academic merits of learning outside the classroom for
our pupils. For our younger students in Key Stage 3, homework is used to reinforce the basic
skills and knowledge learned in class, to foster positive attitudes toward learning and to instil the
academic behaviours and character traits that will help them find success in their GCSEs and
beyond. As students mature into Key Stage 4, homework focuses more on knowledge acquisition
and retention to accelerate academic achievement. Students at this age are guided to be more
independent in preparation for their examinations and future pathways. For pupils of any age,
the completion of regular homework also gives parents the opportunity to stay informed of and
actively support the progress of their child.

Teachers will assign homework for the following reasons:
   • to review and practice knowledge and skills acquired in class;
   • to encourage more in-depth exploration of topics introduced in class;
   • to apply skills they’ve learned in class to new situations;
   • to prepare for future classes;
   • to develop student self-discipline and personal organisation; and
   • to encourage independent study.

We understand that homework can be a cause of concern as children transition into secondary
school. To support learning outside the classroom, Kings offers the following advice:

Use the planner
Encouraging your child to use their planner is a great way to help them stay organised and to
instil academic behaviours. Each student is responsible for recording the details of their
homework in their planner to help them keep track of their assignments. We ask that parents
support this habit by signing their child’s homework and signing their planner each week. The
planner is also a useful learning resource that includes suggested reading lists, literacy and
numeracy support, world maps, a periodic table and more that can be used to support your
child’s learning outside the classroom.
Set a routine
Students will receive regular homework assignments and are expected to be learning outside the
classroom on a daily basis, so it’s important to establish a routine for when and where homework
is completed. If possible, parents should set up a quiet, comfortable study area with good
lighting and the school supplies that pupils need. Making homework part of a daily routine will
help your child develop strong study habits that will set them up for success in school and
Seek support
We understand that homework is often challenging. To help your child overcome any difficulties
they may encounter, encourage them to bring their assignments to the Kings Library after school
for Homework Club. The Library has plenty of computers, useful books and staff available to help.
Form tutors and subject specialists are also great resources from whom your child can seek
Supporting Your Child’s Learning
Attendance and Punctuality
Good attendance equals good progress. We encourage parents to ensure that their children
achieve maximum possible attendance and that any problems that prevent this are identified and
acted on promptly. Good attendance and punctuality are rewarded each half term.

• We expect 100% attendance. In the event of an absence please call Mrs Percy, the Attendance
  Officer, via the main switchboard on (01483) 458956 or on
• The school operates a first day calling policy and parents will be contacted by phone or text
  message if a student is absent and we have not received a phone call.
• Should we have no contact from home to explain a period of absence, our Attendance Officer
  may be asked to conduct a home visit.
• The school will refer students to the Education Welfare Officer if attendance becomes a
• Parents may be required to provide medical evidence for absence and attend an attendance
  panel within the school when attendance falls below 90% or causes concern.
Supporting Your Child’s Learning
We encourage good punctuality in our students both to school and lessons.
        • Students are expected to arrive at school by 8.20am each morning ready for lessons
           to start at 8.30am.
        • Students will be kept in detention on the same day if they arrive late. This detention
           will be held during brunch.

Holiday requests during the term
We cannot condone holidays taken in term time, even with good reason, because it damages the
education of your child. For this reason, holidays within term time will only be authorised in the
case of a genuine emergency for which evidence of the need to travel has been provided.
Unauthorised holidays taken in term time will be referred to the Education Welfare Office, which
may result in a fine.

Leaving school early
If you require your child to leave school early, please write a letter to your child’s tutor at least 24
hours beforehand and confirm what time you will be collecting them from school (please also note
whether your child will be returning to school, and the reason for their absence). This letter will
ensure that your child is not marked as an unauthorised absence on the register. Further
information regarding attendance can be found in the Attendance Policy. To download this, please
look on the Kings College website, where you will find it in the ‘Parents’ section.

If your child is ill at school
Students who are unwell in school should report to Reception where they will be seen by a
qualified first aider. Parents/Carers will be contacted if a student needs to be taken home.

If your child needs to take regular medication at school
Please contact Reception to discuss your child’s particular circumstances.
Supporting Your Child’s Learning

Parental Involvement in the Kings Community
We welcome suggestions from all parents as to how we can improve and continually strengthen
the link between home and school. Please feel free to contact us with your ideas. Equally, Kings
does have a Parent Council; a small, very enthusiastic group of Parents, Friends and Governors
who work closely with the College to enhance the student experience. The Parent Council often
help with fundraising activities, and have recently raised money by fundraising for playground
furniture, a new football kit and equipment for the Duke of Edinburgh’s expeditions. Should you
wish     to    find    out      more    about     the     Parent   Council,     please     email

Should you have any questions about any aspects of secondary school life, please do not hesitate
to contact the school.
Information: Term Dates
Autumn Term 2017                      Monday 4 September – Thursday 21 December

INSET day 1                           Monday 4 September

INSET day 2                           Tuesday 5 September

Students return to school             Wednesday 6 September

Early closure for Parents’ Meetings   Thursday 12 October at 12.45pm
(Year 7, Year 8)

Early closure for Parents’ Meetings   Thursday 19 October at 12.45pm
(Year 10, Year 11, Sixth Form)

Half Term                             Monday 23 October – Friday 27 October

INSET day 3                           Monday 30 October

Students return to school             Tuesday 31 October

Parents’ Meetings                     Tuesday 31 October – normal closure at 3.00pm
(Year 9)

End of Term                           Thursday 21 December at 12:00 noon

Spring Term 2018                      Thursday 4 January – Thursday 29 March

INSET day 4                           Thursday 4 January

INSET day 5                           Friday 5 January

Students return to school             Monday 8 January

Half Term                             Monday 12 February – Friday 16 February

Students return to school             Monday 19 February

Early closure for Parents’ Meetings   Thursday 1 March at 12.45pm
(Year 7, Year 8)

Early closure for Parents’ Meetings   Tuesday 6 March at 12.45pm
(Year 9, Year 10)

End of Term                           Thursday 29 March at 12:00 noon

Summer Term 2018                      Monday 16 April – Friday 20 July

Students return to school             Monday 16 April

Early closure for Parents’ Meetings   Thursday 19 April at 12.45pm
(Year 11, Sixth Form)

Half Term                             Monday 28 May – Friday 1 June

Students return to school             Monday 4 June

End of Term                           Friday 20 July at 12:00 noon
Information: The School Day
The timings of the school day will be as follows:

              8.30 to 8.40                                       Prepared for school check
              8.40 to 10.20                                              Period 1
             10.20 to 10.50                                               Break
             10.50 to 12.30                                              Period 2
             12.30 to 13.00                                               Lunch
             13.00 to 14.40                                              Period 3
             14.40 to 15.00                                                Tutor

Understanding a student’s timetable
The timetable will show you a few different codes that describe what lesson you have, who the
teacher is, and which room students have to go to. An example is shown below to help you
understand your child’s timetable:

• Subjects are named, indicating the subject your child will be learning during a particular session.
• The letters relate to the teacher’s staff code, eg PLA = Miss Plaice.
• 203 tells you which room number to go to (in this case, Room 203 in the main building).

Like most schools, we run a two week timetable.

                   1Mon                  1Tue                  1Wed                  1Thu                   1Fri
               Prep. check           Prep. check           Prep. check           Prep. check           Prep. check
      am     PLA         203       PLA         203       PLA         203       PLA         203       PLA         203
              Design Tech.               Maths             Humanities                  Art                 English
      1      OWE         006       PLA             203   VOG         008       JNN             110   PIM             EC7
                   Brunch                Brunch                Brunch                Brunch                Brunch
                   Science                 PE                  English           Computing                 Maths
      2      TAY             221   MAY             G1    ENT             EC2   MEL        108        PLA             203
                   Lunch                 Lunch                 Lunch                 Lunch                 Lunch
               Humanities                English               Maths                 Science            Perf. Arts
      3      VOG         008       PIM             EC7   WIJ             103   TAY             221   SYK           LC2
                    Tutor                 Tutor                 Tutor                 Tutor                 Tutor
      pm     PLA             203   PLA             203   PLA             203   PLA             203   PLA             203
Information: First Day
Before your child’s first day
In order to help your child to feel fully prepared for their first day at Kings College, please ensure
that they have the correct uniform and equipment. It is also a good idea for your child to have
practised their journey into school at least once during the summer holidays.

Your child’s first day
Your child might be feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves about their first day at Kings, and
we aim to make it as enjoyable and stress-free for them as possible. On their first day we always
give the new students an opportunity to get to know their classmates, as well as supporting them
with finding their way around the school. This helps them to develop their confidence in and
around the school building, and gives them an opportunity to get to know their teachers in a less
formal manner.

It is always lovely to see a new year group in perfect uniform, with bags full of pencils, pens and a
good reading book. The day will begin with an assembly in the Drama Studio. Students will be
asked to sit in their tutor groups when they enter the Drama studio - they will be reminded about
their groups when they arrive.

The nature of the first day
    • 08.30 - 08.40 - Students arrive at school. On this occasion, new students may enter the
      school through Main Reception.
    • 08.40 - 09.00 - Assembly in the Drama Studio to welcome the students to school.
    • 09.00 – 10.20 - Time spent in tutor groups completing a range of team-building activities.
      During this time the students will work together, meet the rest of their classmates and their
      tutor. The students will also go through their new timetable, have a tour of the school to
      help them get their bearings and complete the biometric testing required for them to be
      able to purchase food from the canteen.
    • 10.20 – 10.50 - Brunch time - students will be able to buy food from the canteen and will
      then spend brunch in the Quad.
    • 10.50 – 12.30 - Students will go to their lesson.
    • 12.30 – 13.00 - Lunch time - students will be able to buy food from the canteen and will
      then spend lunch in the Quad.
    • 13.00 – 14.40 - Students will go to their lesson.
    • 14.40 – 15.00 - Students will go to their form rooms for afternoon registration. They will be
      able to talk about their experiences of the first day and continue to complete some ‘getting
      to know you’ style activities
    • 15.00 - The end of the first day. All students will be dismissed and can go home. If you are
      collecting your son or daughter, please arrange to meet them somewhere outside the
      school, as the foyer will get very crowded if all parents wait in there.
Information: Uniform
Uniform helps provide a sense of community and belonging. We insist that all students take pride in
their appearance and come to school in the correct uniform at all times.

      Blazer          Kings College blue with Kings logo
      Pullover        Plain grey V neck pullover
      Cardigan        Plain grey cardigan
      Shirt           Traditional shirt in white with short or long sleeves, and buttoned to
                      the neck. Girls are not permitted to wear fitted blouses
      Tie             Kings College tie only
      Trousers        Plain grey or black, straight legged and tailored fit. Skin tight style,
                      leggings or jean material trousers are not permitted
      Skirt           Kings College, black pleated
      Belts           Plain black with small plain buckle
      Tights          Plain black opaque or neutral
      Coats           Plain dark colour for college purposes
      Footwear        Plain black shoes

      Please note that hoodies are not permitted.

PE Kit (Boys and Girls) - available from the school office apart from footwear

• Kings College navy sports shorts
• Polo shirt with the Kings College logo
• Navy/light blue Kings College football socks (winter)
• White sports socks (summer)
• Trainers
• Football boots

• Kings College navy track suit bottoms
• Kings College navy sports leggings
• Kings College hoody with logo

Hair at school
We want our students to reflect the high standards of Kings College at all times. Hair must be neat
and tidy, must not be dyed unnatural colours or be cut in severe styles. Tram lines are not
Information: Equipment
Equipment for Learning
Please remind your child to bring the following equipment every day in order to support their
learning and progress in class:
       • Blue and black ball point pens
       • Pencil and pencil sharpener
       • Coloured pencils
       • Eraser
       • Ruler (30cm)
       • Protractor
       • A calculator
       • Small glue stick
       • Art book (available through the college)

Other items they will need are:
      • A reading book of your choice for silent reading during registration

The College will provide them with…
      • Subject text books
      • School exercise books
      • Student homework planner/diary

Please check the planner daily as it should detail all the homework that your child has been set. It
also provides a means for you to inform your child’s teacher of anything important that they may
need to know from time to time. We would like you to sign your child’s planner/diary each week.

We need your support to ensure that books provided by the college are looked after and kept in
good condition. Students should cover their books in clear sticky back plastic so that they stay in
good condition. Make sure that your child has put their name and form group on all of their books,
equipment and uniform so that if they lose anything it can be returned to them.

     Please do not allow your child to bring valuable items into the College, as we cannot be
                         responsible if an item of value is lost or stolen.
Information: Rewards
The Kings College rewards system operates alongside the College's Behaviour Policy and has the
aim of ensuring the consistent application of rewarding and reinforcing positive behaviours.

The rewards system at Kings College Guildford reflects the strong culture of celebrating success in
the school. It links into the House system to help further engender a sense of community and
belonging amongst students, parents and staff.

Positive behaviours
The following are examples of behaviours that will be actively promoted and result in rewards at
       • Good progress                                • Being a good team player
       • Trying something that is difficult or new    • Help at a Kings or community event
       • Completing work to a high standard           • Use of initiative
       • Positive attitude                            • Excellent attendance and punctuality
       • Respect for others
       • Calm and sensible conduct
       • Good manners
       • Care for others and helping those in need

Rewards Given
In order to embed a sense of shared community and individual achievement the students receive a
reward card for good work during lesson and we also send postcards home. Tutor groups with the
most reward points are congratulated each module.
Information: Consequences
Our philosophy at Kings is to begin by expecting the best from every student. We will explicitly
teach the behaviour that we expect from our students and ensure that every teacher approaches
behaviour management in a consistent way. Subject teachers are fully responsible for the
behaviour within their classrooms and are expected to own their space and the students’
behaviour. Every teacher actively sets the climate for learning every lesson and should plan lessons
to ensure engagement and work that is appropriate and accessible for individual students.
Feedback is also a critical part of the learning process – positive feedback should be used four
times more frequently than negative feedback.

In lessons, students will be used to seeing our ‘Traffic Light’ behaviour tracker on the board or wall
of the classroom. Every student begins every lesson on Green and is expected to work, engage
with the lesson and demonstrate good manners. If students need to be reminded about their
behaviour this may take the form of a quiet word, a name on the board or a reminder of the task
set. If the behaviour persists, students will find that they have moved to Amber. At this point,
there is still an opportunity to work off their temporary lapse in behaviour. If the behaviour
persists despite support and reminders, the student may well move to Red. At this point, a student
should expect a consequence to occur following the lesson. This may take the form of:

• A 20 minute lunchtime detention
• A request to repeat or complete the work of the lesson in the student’s own time
• A request to help the member of staff with something that will contribute to the community in a
  positive way

In the rare event that a student cannot rectify their behaviour within the lesson, Kings runs a
‘Support Call’ system by which teaching staff can call for support to calm or remove a student if
their behaviour is significantly impacting on the learning of others.

Students who repeatedly disrupt learning in any given day, or who have had to be removed from
lessons by a ‘Support Call’, are expected to complete an isolation/detention on the same day. This
runs from 1pm to 5pm. In these situations parents, are always contacted. On the rare occasion
that it is not feasible or possible to complete the 1pm to 5pm isolation/detention on the same day,
the sanction can be deferred to the following day. Whilst in the isolation/detention from 1pm to
5pm, students are expected to behave impeccably and work studiously on activities designed to
develop their literacy and numeracy.

Kings operates a clear and transparent system of consequences and sanctions. This promotes a
positive climate for learning and provides clarity for students and staff.
Information: Areas of the School
There are many people that make up the Kings community and as a result we expect students to
move around the college in a safe and sensible fashion. Polite behaviour from everyone is standard
at all times. Being calm around the school is essential.

The Library
The Library is a place that students can access during brunch, lunch, before and after school. The
Library is fitted with a suite of computers, and also acts as a learning area where students can
complete homework, read, or chat quietly during social times.

The Café
Running on a cashless, biometric system (where students scan their finger in order to make their
purchases), the canteen serves both hot and cold food, as well as a range of beverages. Students
who bring packed lunches may also eat in the dining areas. Students are expected to queue for
their meals in an orderly fashion. Students are expected to eat in a sensible manner and clear their
trays at the end of their meal. No litter should be left when the students have finished their food.
Food and drink should not be consumed around the school building.

The toilets in the school are open on the ground floor before and after school and at brunch and
lunch. Students are not permitted to use the toilets during lesson time except in an emergency or
unless they have a note confirming a medical condition.

Lifts must only be used by those students with a physical disability or with injuries or illnesses.
Permission must be granted by a member of staff in order for the lift to be used.

The Cloakroom
Students are permitted to leave their PE kits and coats in our staffed cloakroom when they are not
in use. Students may also purchase equipment and items of stationery from the cloakroom during
brunch and lunch.

The Quad
When students in Year 7 join Kings, designated ‘safe’ areas are assigned where they can sit and
relax without worrying about being disturbed. These areas are designated as ‘Year 7 only’ spaces,
unless they are working with Year 8 buddies. The Quad is staffed at all times.

There is a bike storage area at the back of the school. Students who use this area must ensure that
their bikes are securely locked in the bike rack and that cycle helmets are worn to and from school.
Safeguarding at Kings College
The safeguarding team at Kings College run a series of events throughout the year to promote the
safety and well-being of our students. Should you or your child have a concern about the safety or
well-being of a Kings College student, please contact one of our trained Designated Safeguarding
Leads below.

      Student safety is the main priority for all the staff at Kings College. If you need to speak to
                                    anyone they will listen to you.

              The staff with the main responsibility for Safeguarding at Kings College are:

         Miss A Wallis          Mrs M Robberts              Mr D Todd             Miss J Hamilton

         Vice Principal        Assistant Principal     Head of Key Stage 3      Head of Key Stage 4

          Designated          CIC Designated Lead          Key Stage 3          Deputy Designated
       Safeguarding Lead                                Safeguarding Lead       Safeguarding Lead
Mobile Phone Guidance
Our Philosophy
Kings College accepts that parents/carers give their children mobile phones to protect them
from everyday risks involving personal safety and security. The College also understands
that giving a child a mobile phone gives parent/carers the comfort of knowing that they can
contact their child if they need to speak to them urgently.

At Kings we want students to use mobile devices in a way that keeps themselves and others
safe. As a result the following rules apply:

Acceptable Use:
    When allowed to use in class by a member of staff
    To contact parents /carers during brunch or lunch
    Use to play games at brunch and lunch

Unacceptable Use:
      Getting your phone out in class without the teacher’s permission
      Using your phone to intimidate, embarrass, humiliate or threaten someone
      Sending inappropriate texts, pictures or images
      Using your phone to take pictures or videos of anyone in College even if they have
       given permission

If you are found to have used your phone in an unacceptable way you may:

   • Have your phone confiscated for the day.
   • Not be allowed to carry your phone with you in College for 3 days.
   • Not be allowed to carry your phone with you in College at all.
ICT and eSafety Guidance
Our Philosophy

The following e-safety Rules and Guidance are designed to help protect both students and the
College by describing acceptable and unacceptable computer use. Use of the internet, the College's
learning platform and other related technologies can be monitored and logged and can be made
available to teachers.

Acceptable Use:
    Only using ICT systems in College for school purposes.
    Only logging on to the College network or learning platform using your own username and
    Accepting that you are responsible for all activity carried out under your username.
    Following the College’s ICT security system and not revealing passwords to anyone and
       changing them regularly.
    Only using your College email address for College related work.
    Making sure that all ICT communications are responsible and sensible.
    Behaving responsibly when using the internet/learning platform.
    Being polite and respecting the views of others.
    Using discussion forums constructively.
    Ensuring that your online activity, both in College and outside of College, will not cause
       distress or bring the College into disrepute.
    Respecting the privacy and ownership of others.

Unacceptable Use:
      Using ICT systems at school for personal gain or illegal purposes.
      Sending anonymous messages or chain mail.
      Giving out any personal information when using the College’s learning platform.
      Arranging to meet someone unless this is part of a College project approved by a teacher.
      Deliberately browsing, downloading, uploading or forwarding material that could be
       considered offensive or illegal. If you accidentally come across such material, you will report
       it immediately to your teacher.
      Downloading or installing software on College technologies.
      Attempting to bypass the internet filtering systems.
Frequently Asked Questions
Hopefully you have found the handbook to be a useful resource. Please feel free to refer back to it
throughout your child’s time at Kings should you have any questions or concerns. In addition to the
points covered, every year we find that there are questions that are asked by parents about the
transition process. It is hoped that the pages that follow may help put your mind at ease regarding
topics not already addressed in the handbook:

I’ve got a question about my son/daughter’s education. What shall I do?
At Kings College we are committed to responding to your questions or concerns as quickly and as
sensitively as possible in order to resolve the issue promptly. Most concerns can be resolved by
your child’s Form Tutor. If this is not possible, then the assistance of the Head of Key Stage should
be asked for. Contact details for the key members of staff can be found in this handbook.

Falling out with friends – Is it normal?
Our staff are very approachable and friendly, and they are trained to help with any problems that
students may have. It is not unusual that, as children form new friendships groups, that new
‘pecking orders’ are established. This can, at times, cause upset amongst Year 7s, particularly if ‘old
friends’ feel left out because a student has made brand new friends. Our recommendation is to give
advice but don’t overreact — tears and anger are normal reactions if friendship group dynamics
change. Most friendship patterns sort themselves out without adults getting involved. With this said
however, please feel free to contact us if your child becomes depressed or withdrawn for a long
period of time, or if you have a suspicion that bullying might be involved. The main forms of bullying
are intention (such as a deliberate attempt to make someone unhappy); persistence (an ongoing
campaign, not an isolated incident) or an imbalance of power. We also recommend that parents and
carers go through our mobile phone and eSafety policies with their children so that they are aware
of what constitutes inappropriate behaviour (cyber bullying).

How do I find out about my child’s progress?
We believe in working very closely with parents and carers, keeping you up-to-date with information
about your son or daughter’s progress. As noted previously, we will send home a report throughout
the year with information about attainment and achievement. There will also be opportunities to
come into school to meet with subject teachers and Form Tutors during our Parents’ Consultation
Events. If you have queries at any other time regarding progress or attainment, please contact your
son or daughter’s Form Tutor or, if known, subject teacher.

How can I keep up-to-date with what is going on?
Our website is a very useful channel for you. Please visit it as regularly as you can as you will be able
to read our latest updates, see pictures of our recent events and see copies of letters sent home via
pupil post, as well as many other items that may be of interest. The termly newsletters are also
uploaded onto the website, and these often feature invaluable information about college matters.

I have some concerns
Your first point of contact for any enquiry or concern is your child’s Form Tutor or Head of Key
Stage. However, if you have any serious concerns or complaints, please contact a member of the
Leadership Team, who will be happy to help and advise you.
Equally, positive and constructive dialogue between staff and parents/carers ensure that your

  Frequently Asked Questions
child will achieve their very best at the college.

How can I encourage my child to stay safe?
You can make sure your child stays safe by establishing a few simple rules about travelling to and
from school, and what to do if they're home alone. Suggestions have been listed below:
    • Make sure your child knows their home phone number, as well as your or your partner's
       work phone number. Where possible, it is often helpful for them to have contact details for
       another trusted adult (such as a family member, a neighbour or family friend) and how to
       use 999 for emergencies.
   • Regardless of whether they're walking to the bus stop or all the way to school, make sure
      your child sticks to road safety rules such as the Green Cross Code. You can help emphasise
      that it doesn't just apply to younger children by sticking to it yourself.
   • Wherever possible, it’s always a good idea if students travel to school with friends or
   • If they're cycling to school, make sure your son or daughter studies the latest edition of the
      Highway Code, which has got lots of helpful tips for cyclists. This is available from your
      bookshop, newsagent or local bike shop. A helmet, front and rear lights (and spare batteries
      for them) are all essentials, and a suitable chain and lock for bike security is also a good
   • If they're spending time on their own after school and before you get home, establish rules
      about locking doors, answering the phone and inviting friends over.
I’m worried about my child’s safety on the internet. What can I do?
Kings has invested in specialist software to protect your child from inappropriate usage of the
internet. Whether chatting with friends, playing games or doing research for school projects, your
child is likely to spend even more time online as they get older. While they may understand chat
rooms and multi-player games better than you do, they still need your guidance.
Top Tips for Internet Safety:
   • Consider using Internet filtering software and child-friendly search engines. Use your
      browser's controls, as some offer differing degrees of security for each family member.
   • Check out what child protection services your internet service provider offers: do they filter
      for spam, for instance? If not, ask them why?
   • Keep the computer in a communal area of the house, where it's easier to monitor what your
      children are viewing.
   • Tell children not to give out their personal details. If they want to subscribe to any services
      online, make up a family email address to receive the mail.
   • Young people love to chat, but make sure they only use moderated chatrooms and
      encourage them to introduce you to their online friends.
   • Encourage your children to tell you if they feel uncomfortable, upset or threatened by
      anything they see online.
   • Involve your children in writing your own family code of acceptable Internet use. Remember
      that what's acceptable for a teenager isn't necessarily okay for a primary school aged child,
      so get their input.
   • The web is a great resource for homework, but remember to use more than one site in
      research to get broad, balanced information. Research sources should be referenced.
   • Surf together. Go online with your children and become part of their online life. The key to
      safe surfing is communication.
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