Seymour. strength optimism justice - Boarding House - Seymour College

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Seymour. strength optimism justice - Boarding House - Seymour College

      Boarding House
Seymour. strength optimism justice - Boarding House - Seymour College
Seymour. strength optimism justice - Boarding House - Seymour College
Term Dates 2018
Term 1                                                     Term 3
Sunday 28 January – New boarders and                       Monday 23 July – Boarders return
Boarding House Leaders return                              Tuesday 24 July to Friday 28 September
Monday 29 January – Boarders return
                                                           Labour Day: Monday 1 October (during school
Tuesday 30 January to Friday 13 April
Adelaide Cup: Monday 12 March
Easter: Good Friday 30 March to Monday 2 April
                                                           Saturday 11 to Sunday 12 August
Anzac Day: Tuesday 25 April (during school holidays)       Saturday 1 to Sunday 2 September (Winter sport
                                                           finals are scheduled for this weekend)
Saturday 17 to Sunday 18 February                          Term 4
Saturday 10 to Monday 12 March                             Sunday 14 October – Boarders return
                                                           Monday 15 October to Friday 7 December
Term 2
Monday 30 April – Boarders return                          Exeats
Tuesday 1 May to Friday 29 June                            Saturday 3 to Sunday 4 November
                                                           Saturday 24 to Sunday 25 November
Queen’s Birthday: Monday 11 June
Saturday 19 to Sunday 20 May
Saturday 9 to Monday 11 June

We ask that all girls arrive one day before school begins. This gives your daughter time to settle into the
boarding environment and prepare herself for school the next day. For example, if school begins on Tuesday,
we ask that boarders return on the Monday. If school starts on Monday, we ask that your daughter arrive on the
Sunday. The Boarding House will be open from 9.00am on the day prior to school commencing.
Please also note that the Boarding House closes on the last day of term. Please ensure your daughter is
collected by 6.00pm. If your daughter is flying home, please make sure her flight departs on the last day
of school.
Contact Details
Mrs Hayley Hall
Director of Boarding
For all general enquires into the Boarding House, please email:

Boarding House Staff
Tel: +61 8 8303 9070
Fax: +61 8 8338 3652

Seymour Shop Trading Hours
Monday 8.00am–4.30pm
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 8.00am–4.30pm
Thursday 1.00pm–5.30pm
Friday Closed

Seymour. strength optimism justice - Boarding House - Seymour College
Welcome to Seymour College
Boarding House
Since 1922, boarding has been an integral part of life
at Seymour College. Boarding at Seymour provides
your daughter with unparalleled opportunities
for academic success and sporting, cultural and
leisure experiences.
Both the College and the Boarding House promote
intellectual, social, emotional and moral growth, so
that when your daughter leaves us, she will have
the skills and confidence to be a caring, competent
and confident young woman, able to enjoy and
contribute fully to the world around her.
Boarders make a difference. At the end of the
school day, boarders and the boarding staff keep
the campus alive. Within a secure, nurturing and
happy environment your daughter will be valued for
her individual contribution and will be encouraged
to involve herself in the many activities available at,
and outside, the College.
Boarders become part of a close and nurturing
community, developing strong and lasting
friendships. Your daughter will be encouraged
to use her strengths and talents for the benefit
of the community – locally, at school and in the
wider world.
This handbook will give you an overview of the
daily life your daughter will lead as a boarder here
at Seymour, and we hope it will answer many of
your questions.
We value and respect the trust you have placed in
us and hope that the boarding experience provided
by the Seymour community is a happy and
memorable one for you and your daughter.
Hayley Hall
Director of Boarding

Seymour. strength optimism justice - Boarding House - Seymour College
Seymour College Middle and Senior School Map

                           Pedestrian access
                                                                                   PROPERTY SERVICES
                           Authorised vehicle access

                           Vehicle and pedestrian access

                           Boarding House and pedestrian access
                                                                      AND MAIL
                           No vehicle access beyond this point


            WOOTOONA TCE

                           BARR SMITH CAMPUS
                           AND SEYMOUR SHOP
                           VISITOR PARKING


                                                                                                       BUS ZONE

                            PURANA ST
                                                                                                       BUS ZONE

Seymour. strength optimism justice - Boarding House - Seymour College
Term Dates 2018 ............................................................................3
Welcome to Seymour College Boarding House............4
Seymour College Middle and Senior School Map........5
Our Mission........................................................................................6
People You Will Meet...................................................................8
Boarding House Staff....................................................................................................................8
Heads of School.................................................................................................................................9
Year 8 and Year 9 Guardians...................................................................................................9
Important Information..............................................................10
A Typical Day in the Life of a Boarder............................................................................10
Clans.......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Communication ............................................................................................................................ 12
Packing and Preparing to Come to Seymour............... 14
Personal Requirements............................................................................................................. 14
Settling In.............................................................................................................................................. 15
General Information.................................................................... 16
Cars on Campus.............................................................................................................................. 16
Church..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Electrical Goods............................................................................................................................... 16
Exeats....................................................................................................................................................... 16
Exercise/Diet....................................................................................................................................... 17
Laundry................................................................................................................................................... 17
Leave......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Mobile Phones.................................................................................................................................20
Personal Care..................................................................................................................................... 21
Personal Insurance........................................................................................................................ 21
Tidy Rooms.......................................................................................................................................... 21
Public Transport............................................................................................................................... 21
Sport.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Visitors...................................................................................................................................................... 21
Policies.............................................................................................. 22
Relationships at Seymour...................................................................................................... 22
Relationships in the Boarding House ......................................................................... 22
Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking............................................................................................... 22
Consequences for Breaching Expectations............................................................ 22
Boarding Options........................................................................ 23
Full Boarding ................................................................................................................................... 23
Long Day Boarding ..................................................................................................................... 23
Weekly Boarding............................................................................................................................ 23

Seymour. strength optimism justice - Boarding House - Seymour College
OUR MISSION                                                    • encourage every boarder to develop positive
                                                                  leadership and team member skills; and
Adopting a holistic approach, the Seymour                      • provide our boarders with an excellent
Boarding House offers a safe, happy, nurturing                    understanding of the world they live in from a
environment with an exceptional standard of                       local, regional and global perspective.
care. Celebrating difference and diversity, we
                                                               Some of our strategies to achieve these
foster respectful relationships and encourage
                                                               goals include:
the development of lifelong learning, supporting
students to realise their full potential.                      • providing a well–educated, diverse and dedicated
                                                                  group of staff carers who are available to assist our
In the Boarding House we value:                                   boarders in their academic studies;
• supportive, respectful and positive relationships           • providing a wide range of physical and social
   between students, staff and parents;                           opportunities are available for our boarders to
• building and enhancing relationships between our               participate in;
   boarders and the day school community;                      • promoting student mentors through the Boarding
• opportunities to engage in all of the activities that          Leadership Team;
   Seymour College provides;                                   • cultural opportunities through exchanges, guest
• diversity and the different perspectives and                   speakers and experiences within the greater
   cultures that our boarders, from across the world,             Adelaide region;
   bring to our community;                                     • providing healthy and nutritious food;
• individual achievements and celebrate these                 • providing an extensive Orientation program,
   successes as a community; and                                  including a comprehensive ‘buddy’ system; and a
• helping and supporting each other to ensure that               come and try experience before commencing in
   every member of our community feels valued and                 the Boarding House.
   leads a meaningful life.                                    • supporting cross–zone activities run by the
Our goals are to:                                                 Boarders’ Parents’ Association to develop and
                                                                  maintain strong relationships with parents.
• ensure that each of our boarders feels supported
   and encouraged in all that they undertake here at
   Seymour College;
• build strong connections between our parents,
   boarding staff and students;
• provide an exceptional standard of care and
   academic support;
• promote wellbeing through regular physical and
   social activities;

Seymour. strength optimism justice - Boarding House - Seymour College
PEOPLE YOU WILL MEET                                        Academic Progress Coordinator
                                                            The Academic Progress Coordinator has the
Principal                                                   responsibility of ensuring the academic needs of our
The Principal is responsible for the wellbeing of           boarders are being met and supported while in our
all members of Seymour College — the academic,              boarding community.
administrative and support staff and students of
                                                            The Academic Progress Coordinator can help your
Junior, Middle and Senior Schools. Mr Kevin Tutt is
                                                            daughter with any challenges or concerns that she
the Principal of Seymour College.
                                                            might have from an academic perspective.
Boarding House Staff                                        Working closely with key stakeholders in the
Boarding House staff recognise that a partnership           day school to ensure there is a great flow of
between the College and home is invaluable                  communication, we will determine how best to
in achieving every girl’s social, emotional and             support your daughter while she boards with us. We
academic potential. The duty of care Seymour                can also help organise private tuition, should your
College has for the welfare of each boarder is              daughter need this.
most effective when carried out in partnership
                                                            Middle School Coordinator
with home.
                                                            The Middle School Coordinator looks after the
You are encouraged to contact the Director of
                                                            wellbeing needs of our Middle School boarders.
Boarding or the Boarding House staff to discuss any
questions or concerns you may have regarding your           Our younger boarders (Years 6–9) really need a
daughter or her boarding experience. We have a              nurturing figure, who can help them navigate these
staff member who dedicates time to assisting our            challenging years. The Middle School Coordinators
International girls.                                        role has been specifically designed around helping
At Seymour we have a team of staff to ensure the            these boarders with essential skills like planning,
very best care is provided to your daughter.                organisation and communication.

Director of Boarding                                        International Student Coordinator

The Director of Boarding has the overall                    The International Student Coordinator looks after all
responsibility for the management, development              the well-being needs of International students and
and promotion of the boarding community at                  is fluent in Mandarin so ensures communication
Seymour College.                                            is seamless between the Boarding House and our
                                                            international families.
The Director of Boarding is charged with the task of
ensuring that the boarding experience of a Seymour          Our International students come from a range of
boarder is an engaging and rewarding one. She               different countries and having an International
deals with general boarding matters such as                 Coordinator who looks after their specific needs is
those related to student welfare, catering, staffing,       an important part of our boarding program.
boarding development and strategic planning, and
the Boarders’ Parents Consultative Committee.
                                                            Activities Coordinator

Alongside the Director of Boarding, we have the             The Activities Coordinator organises our exciting and
following staff structure in the Boarding House to          varied weekend activities. These range from bowling
ensure that the very best care is provided to your          to movie trips, surfing to cooking classes. We like
daughter while she boards at Seymour College.               our Seymour boarders to have exciting and varied
                                                            activities organised for their weekends.
We have five leadership positions in the following
key areas;                                                  Your daughter will have lots of opportunities to try a
                                                            variety of activities while she boards with us.
• Academic Progress Coordinator
• Middle School Support Coordinator                         Wellbeing Coordinator
• International Students Coordinator                        The Wellbeing Coordinator is responsible for the
• Wellbeing Coordinator                                     general wellbeing concerns of boarders across our
• Activities Coordinator                                    boarding community.

Seymour. strength optimism justice - Boarding House - Seymour College
The Wellbeing Coordinator designs and runs programs          Boarding Leadership Team
specially targeted at the wellbeing needs of our
girls. Workshops include topics such as body image,          Each year, 11 boarders represent their peers in the
mindfulness and building positive relationships.             Boarding House Leadership Team. The charter of
                                                             this team is to promote communication between
Should your daughter need particular support, we             the boarders and the Director of Boarding. Matters
have College counsellors available as required.              such as food, maintenance, cleaning, rooms
                                                             and Boarding House activities are discussed at
Heads of School                                              fortnightly meetings. Each term, the year level
The Heads of Middle and Senior School are                    leaders organise an outing for their year level.
responsible for the programs and routines of Middle
                                                             We have the following leadership positions in the
School and Senior School respectively.
                                                             Boarding House
Heads of School can be contacted via their Assistants
                                                             • Head Boarder
on +61 8303 9021 (Senior School) or +61 8 8303 9026
(Middle School).                                             • Deputy Head Boarder

Homeroom Teachers                                            • Academic Leader

The Homeroom teacher is a key person in caring for           • Activities Leader
the academic progress of your daughter and has               • International leader
daily contact with her in the homeroom group.
                                                             • Strength, Optimism and Justice (SOJ) Leader
Year 8 and Year 9 Guardians                                  • Wellbeing Leader
The Year 8 and Year 9 Guardians provide an
                                                             • Year 6, 7 & 8 Leader
additional level of pastoral care for students in
these years. They work closely with the Homeroom             • Year 9 Leader
Teachers, the College Counsellors and the Head of            • Year 10 Leader
Middle School.
                                                             • Year 11 Leader
Senior School Clan Guardians
Clan Guardians work closely with the Director of
Boarding, Head of Senior School, Form Teachers
and the College Counsellors. They provide a further
level of pastoral care for students in Years 10 to 12.

Seymour. strength optimism justice - Boarding House - Seymour College
IMPORTANT INFORMATION                                          recommendations to her year level leader.
                                                               The morning routine is more relaxed on Sundays
A Typical Day in the Life of a Boarder                         and lights out times on Saturday nights are
Your daughter’s day will start at approximately                extended by half an hour for each year level.
7.00am, unless she has a morning sporting practice,
in which case she will have an earlier start. Breakfast
                                                               Weekday Schedule
is served from 7.00am–8.00am and the girls leave               7.00–8.00am    Wake up, get up, breakfast
for school before 8.25am.                                      8.00–8.20am    Get ready for school
Form period for all students takes place at 8.35am             8.20–8.30am    Walk to school
and classes start at 8.45am. Recess is from 10.20am–           8.35am         Homeroom
10.40am. Classes then continue until 1.10pm                    8.45am         Lessons start
when the girls eat lunch. Morning tea and lunch
                                                               10.20am        Recess
are provided for boarders in the Dining Hall. This
                                                               10.40am        Lessons
enables your daughter to eat her lunch with friends
from the day school. School commences again at                 1.10pm         Lunch
1.50pm and runs until 3.25pm.                                  3.25/3.30pm	End of school, return to the
                                                                            Boarding House
After school there is a range of co–curricular
activities on offer, including sport, music, debating          3.45pm	Sport/Drama/Debating/Music
and drama. Afternoon tea is provided in the Dining                     After school activities
Hall. In addition, there are always fruit bowls in             5.45pm	Return to the Boarding House
every kitchenette for a quick afternoon snack. Our             5.45pm         Dinner – Years 6–9 Dinner
evening meal is served at 5.45pm for Years 6–9 and             6.15pm         Dinner – Years 10–12
at 6.15pm for Years 10–12.                                     6.30pm         Free time
Each evening, from Monday to Thursday, students                7.00pm         Prep
have time set aside for study. Prep is a time used for         from 8.45pm	Supper/Get ready for bed
doing homework and for general revision.
Your daughter’s day ends at the bed time
designated for her year level. The period between              The kitchen staff at Seymour provide our boarding
bed time and lights out is a quiet time during                 students with three full meals and three light
which each girl prepares for bed.                              snacks per day. The menus are varied and are a
During the weekends there are many and varied                  mixture of culinary styles from different cultures
activities tailored to suit all ages and interests,            around the world. The kitchen operates a rotating
including off–campus excursions. Your daughter                 menu at dinner and offers specials at lunch, in
is encouraged to be involved in the planning                   addition to the standard menu. Both cooked and
and organisation of these activities, by making                continental breakfasts are served during the week.

Special dietary needs will always be accommodated,              When girls first arrive at Seymour they may find
with vegetarian dishes served at all meals. All                 differences in their classes in some areas. This is
boarders attend breakfast and dinner. If a boarder              not uncommon, because schools have varying
is too ill to attend, she must notify a senior staff            standards and approaches, and girls might have
member of her absence.                                          covered work in a different sequence than students
Through the Boarding Leadership Team, students                  at Seymour. New boarders need to allow themselves
are able to play a large role in planning meals.                time to adjust but can be assured they will catch up
Boarders are encouraged to submit recipes they                  if they work steadily over time.
enjoy to their Boarding House leader. If your                   New boarders can find the standard of work higher
daughter is involved in specific after school activities        than they have experienced before. Teachers are
or has a late appointment, a late dinner is available           understanding of this and will provide extra help.
for her (on request and made before 5.30pm via the              Your daughter should never hesitate to ask for help,
senior staff on duty).                                          whether in the Boarding House or the day school;
Parents are welcome at any time to join students for            staff will help find the person who can best assist
dinner in the Dining Hall.                                      with any query.

Prep                                                            Prep guidelines ensure this time is the most
                                                                effective for everyone. Girls in the Middle School
Prep is a time designed to provide the girls with a             have supervised Prep in the Adam Dining Hall,
quiet work environment. All students are expected to            while those in Years 10–12 are expected to work
be present for Prep and to work independently. It is
                                                                individually at the desks in their rooms.
an important part of the daily routine, and contributes
toward our boarders’ excellent academic results.                Set work must be completed with the remainder of
                                                                the time used for reading, preparation and revision.
We are proud of our well supervised and productive
homework routine. In addition to our senior staff,              The staff member on each floor needs to know
we also organise for specialist teachers to come into           where your daughter is at all times. If appropriate,
the boarding house each week to help with specific              she may negotiate with staff an alternative place to
subjects. For example, we have a Maths teacher,                 work. Phone calls to parents should be made before
a Humanities teacher and a Science teacher                      or after Prep time. To avoid distractions, mobile
come in each week to help the boarders with                     phones are handed in during Prep.
their homework.
                                                                We recommend the girls keep social activities to a
Should extra specialist tuition be required, we have            minimum during the week. If students arrange to
a number of additional people available to assist (at           go out on a weekday, we advise that they complete
a charge to parents).                                           homework straight after school or at a time that
Year 12s have no set study time, as they develop an             fits in with their outing. Boarding House staff will
individual study plan to make best use of their time.           monitor the frequency of weekday outings and
It is expected that they maintain an atmosphere                 will discuss this with you if they feel your daughter
conducive to study at all times in their area of the            is falling behind with her work or not settling to a
Boarding House.                                                 steady Prep routine.

Prep Schedule (Monday–Thursday)
             1st Homework                                  Supper        Reading               End of Night
                                                                         or Second
Years 6-9    Flexible Study Options 4.00–5.30pm            8.30-8.45pm   8.45-9.15pm           9.15pm in Wing
             OR 7.00–8.30pm                                              Reading               9.30pm Lights Out
                                                                         (Common Room)
Year 10      7.00-8.30pm                                   8.30-8.45pm   8.45-9.30pm           9.30pm in Wing
                                                                                               9.45 Lights Out
Year 11      7.00-8.30                                     8.30-8.45     8.45-9.45             10.00 in Wing 10.15
                                                                                               Lights Out
Year 12      7.00-8.30                                     8.30-8.45     8.45-10.00            10.30 in Wing 11.00
                                                                                               Lights Out

Clans                                                          Please use this address:
                                                               Your daughter’s name
Every student belongs to one of the four Clans:
                                                               Seymour College Boarding House
  BRUCE (white)                                                546 Portrush Road,
                                                               Glen Osmond, 5064
  CAMERON (yellow)                                             South Australia
  DOUGLAS (blue)                                               Australia
  STEWART (red)
                                                               To and From the Boarding House
Students support their Clan by involvement in
sporting and cultural activities, class activities,            There is no question that boarding is an experience
academic achievements and any other College or                 shared by the whole family. Therefore, it is just
Clan ventures which may be arranged.                           as important for parents to be happy with the
                                                               boarding experience as it is for your daughter. We
Communication                                                  welcome parents into the Boarding House at any
With Your Daughter                                             time. Contact us if you have any concerns, questions
Your daughter will have a College email account                or stories to share.
for easy and secure email access. It is also a                 A Boarding House newsletter will be emailed
requirement that all boarders have a mobile phone              home three times a term. This contains information
on them when boarding at Seymour College. This is
                                                               specifically relevant to boarding families.
so that we are able to keep in contact with them at
all times.                                                     To and From the Day School
Our boarders also love receiving mail because this is
                                                               We encourage you to contact our Academic
a sign that someone is thinking of them. Even if girls
                                                               Coordinator should you have any academic
speak to their family and friends daily on the phone,
or email regularly, there is nothing to compare                concerns with your daughter. Our Academic
with a letter or parcel arriving. Encourage brothers,          Coordinator is best placed to be able to support you
sisters, friends and relatives to write a short note or        with any concerns and get the relevant information
send something through the post.                               from the College for you.

The Director of Boarding and Coordinators have                 Facilities
regular meetings with the relevant staff in the College
                                                               Our boarding house is split into three sections; Upper
so that queries and problems can be quickly resolved.
                                                               West Wing, Lower West Wing and East Wing. Each
From the College                                               floor is designated to a specific year group. Each
                                                               evening there is a team of staff on duty to ensure
The biannual Tartan Talk magazine is a                         your daughter is well looked after.
comprehensive record of all College events, including          Each year level has a large common area, including
Old Collegian activities and event highlights.                 a kitchenette, a television, DVD player, lounges and
The fortnightly College bulletin, Seymour News,                a shared Wii system.
is emailed to parents. These publications will give
you a good overview of College events and the
girls’ achievements.                                           Up to and including Year 11, girls share rooms, in
                                                               2–bed or 4–bed combinations, and change rooms
Changes in Contact Details                                     each term in order to become acquainted with
Please contact us if your email address or phone               many fellow boarders. The girls change rooms at
                                                               the end of Terms 1, 2 and 3, so they can commence
number changes. Also, if you find you are not
                                                               each term already set up in their new room. Girls in
receiving regular mail, please let us know so that
                                                               Year 12 are allocated a single room in the East Wing
we can check that your correct details are entered
                                                               at the start of the year and they remain in that room
for correspondence.
                                                               for the whole year.
College Events                                                 Our boarders love to display pictures of family,
                                                               friends, pets and home, so we encourage your
Seymour has wonderful traditions and we encourage
                                                               daughter to take lots of photos before coming to
parents to attend as many functions as possible while
                                                               Seymour. Some students bring their own rugs or
your daughter is at the College. Some key events
                                                               floor mats to brighten up their rooms.
include Swimming Carnival, Sports Day and the
Valedictory Service. A comprehensive calendar of all           Room Allocations
College events is available on SOCS.
                                                               Learning how to live amicably with others is one of
Further details will be sent to you throughout                 the great benefits of communal living – a real skill
the year via the various newsletters and other                 for life. Rooming allows students to interact and
communications from the College.                               connect with students of varying backgrounds and
                                                               with diverse interests. This creates a unique boarding
The Boarders’ Parents’ Association                             experience that encourages the developments
The Boarder’s Parents’ Association (BPA) is a                  of empathy, respect, tolerance, resilience and
                                                               interpersonal skills. The Director of Boarding is
representative group of parents who work together
                                                               responsible for room allocations.
with the Director of Boarding, and the Principal, to
discuss boarding matters. They are also an extremely           Health Centre
social group, who plan a varied social calendar each
                                                               The Health Centre is staffed by two experienced,
year. By attending these events you, too, will develop
                                                               qualified registered nurses, who share the care of
new friendships for life. Meetings are held at the
                                                               our students. Routine times for the Health Centre
start of every term, on the day the girls return to the
                                                               are from 8.00am to 4.00pm, five days a week. If
Boarding House. The Annual General Meeting is held
                                                               boarders require medical assistance outside of
at the start of Term 4.
                                                               these times, they see the senior staff member on
Each year the BPA organises a weekend retreat                  duty. We are also well cared for out of hours by the
away with other boarding parents. Venues are                   Parkside Family Practice, and doctors will make
rotated each year so that local families in each               house calls to the Boarding House when necessary.
region can showcase the many beautiful attractions             If your daughter is unwell and unable to attend
of their area. These are lively, enjoyable weekends,           school, she reports to the College Nurse first thing
notified via the Boarding House newsletter.                    in the morning. The nurse will assess what medical
All boarding families are placed in geographical               attention is needed. If your daughter is missing
zones. Zone representatives are happy to help new              school because she is unwell, the nurse will call you
parents with any of questions which may arise                  in the morning, and keep you updated.
whilst packing and preparing for your daughter’s               If needed, appointments are made with the
move into the Boarding House.                                  College’s General Practitioner, Dr Peter Hurley.

Dr Hurley holds a clinic in the Boarding House                  bed time and on weekends. Your daughter is
every Wednesday morning from 8.00am. If your                    encouraged to ensure her schoolwork is up to date
daughter is prescribed medication, the nurse                    prior to watching television. Subject teachers may,
arranges this for her and will call you to advise of the        at times, request permission for boarders to watch
prescribed treatment. The cost of the prescription
                                                                an educational program during Prep.
item is charged to your account. The College

                                                                PACKING AND PREPARING
Nurse will always call you if your daughter requires
medical assistance.
The College Nurse can arrange all medical and                   TO COME TO SEYMOUR
dental appointments and these are made, where
                                                                Adelaide generally has a warm, sunny climate in the
possible, after school hours. If you arrange an
appointment yourself, please call the nurse in office           summer and spring, but it also suffers from cold, wet
hours and give her the details. We would prefer any             days in the winter. For most of the year students tend
appointments to be made as close as practicable to              to wear lightweight clothing, but we would advise
9.00am, or after 2.00pm.                                        girls have a jacket and fleece for the colder days.
Parents will be notified by the College Nurse or the            In the Boarding House, boarders often wear track
Director of Boarding in the case of an emergency.               pants, a T–shirt and a fleece. Footwear inside tends
Your daughter should not store medication in her                to be Ugg boots or flip flops. Please ensure that
own room. If returning with medication, please                  your daughter has a range of clothing suitable for
make contact with the College Nurse to discuss the
                                                                a variety of outings. Boarding House staff will also
administration of this medication.
                                                                check that the girls are wearing clothes appropriate
Computers                                                       to the nature of the outing they are involved in.
After school hours, boarders have use of computers
in common rooms. These computers are linked to                  Personal Requirements
both the College network and the Internet, as are               Please ensure that all items of clothing and other
the girls’ personal devices. Your daughter will be              personal effects are clearly named. We recommend
asked to sign the Communication/Network Use                     iron on labels as they are very durable. Please label
Policy which sets out the rights and responsibilities           everything, including underwear and socks.
for ICT users at Seymour College. Copies are
available from the Boarding House Office.                       Essential Items
                                                                •  Bath towels and face washers
Television                                                      •  Bathers and beach towel
A television and DVD player are provided in each                •  Casual pants
of the common rooms. They may be used during                    •  Chargers for mobiles/iPods etc. (named)
the week until 7.00pm, from the end of Prep until               •  Coathangers

•   Doona/pillow – a colourful bedspread adds a          Settling In
    personal touch (sheets are supplied, but many
    girls prefer their own)                              At the beginning of each year, on the day before
•   Flip flops/thongs                                    school starts, we have a barbecue for families,
•   Formal footwear                                      teachers and Boarding House staff. This is an
•   Formal outfit                                        excellent opportunity to meet the staff who will be
•   Jeans                                                teaching your daughter, as well as the Boarding
•   Jumper/fleece or sweatshirt                          House staff who will be caring for her.
•   Laundry basket for washing
                                                         First term is one of the most exciting times your
    Mug, bowl, plate and cutlery (all named, for
    personal use in the kitchenette)                     daughter will ever be part of. As she is leaving home
•   Open sandals                                         and her old school, she will face a steep learning
•   Shoe cleaning kit                                    curve, which will be exciting at first, but can result in
•   Shorts                                               mixed feelings.
•   Socks                                                Your daughter is looking after herself and making
•   Thongs (for use in showers)
                                                         new decisions, learning the names of over 100
•   Toiletries
                                                         new ‘sisters’ and sharing a room with someone
•   Track pants
                                                         she probably has not met before. She is learning a
•   Training shoes
•   T–shirts                                             whole new routine, and beginning at a new school.
•   Ugg Boots                                            Class work will be different and she will be getting
•   Underwear                                            to know many new teachers.
•   Washing powder                                       Provide a sympathetic ear for her when she rings
Useful items                                             home and help put any concerns into context.
•  Alarm clock                                           Remind her of the reasons you all chose boarding
•  Books                                                 school and the opportunities that will open up for her.
•  CD player/MP3 Player/iPod/docking station
                                                         Staff and fellow boarders will also assist your daughter
•  DVDs/CDs
                                                         greatly as she adjusts to her life in the Boarding House.
•  Favourite, extra blanket
•  Gloves, hat and scarf                                 Homesickness affects almost all boarders, and
•  Personal photos and items                             at different times during their journey through
•  Playing cards                                         Boarding School. Other boarders are helpful to talk
•  Posters (please ensure they are suitable for a        to, and homesick boarders will find that their peers
   shared/College environment)                           provide wonderful support. Boarding House staff,
•  Rain jacket                                           Boarding House Leaders, the College Counsellors
•  Sports equipment (tennis racket/netball)
                                                         and Heads of School offer further assistance.
•  Teddy
•  Torch                                                 We have seen many girls blossom and thrive as they
•  Umbrella                                              become happily settled in their boarding life.

GENERAL INFORMATION                                           Diaries
                                                              Homework must be recorded in the diary. For Middle
Cars on Campus                                                School students, this diary is checked each week by
Year 12 students may negotiate the privilege of having        their Homeroom teacher and Boarding House staff.
a car at the College with parental agreement. To              The diary is also used to convey information between
ensure all safety requirements are fully understood,          the day school and the Boarding House.
the Director of Boarding must be contacted, and
permission given by the Principal and Head of Senior
                                                              Electrical Goods
School, before arrangements are finalised.                    Boarders may bring a clock radio, iPod docking
                                                              station, hair straightener and a hairdryer. These
Parking for boarders is provided along the                    electrical appliances must be checked and tagged
driveway under the trees. The parking bays directly           as part of the College’s safe maintenance program .
opposite the Boarding House are reserved for
                                                              For safety reasons, electric blankets, radiators,
boarders’ parents.                                            personal electric fans, kettles and any small cooking
                                                              appliances are not permitted. Air conditioners and
Church                                                        ceiling fans are installed in each room. All electrical
All boarders attend a worship service on the first            goods, cameras, phones, watches, etc should be
Sunday of the year, travelling by bus to Scots Church         engraved with your daughter’s name. Please insure
in the city for the 10.30am service. If girls have            valuable items. Year 12s may have a small fridge in
overnight or weekend leave, they are still required           their rooms, subject to tagging checks and any load
to attend the service and should return to the                constraints on the electrical circuits in their wing.
Boarding House by 9.00am on Sunday. Full uniform
is worn. Seymour College has a long association
with Scots Church and the congregation welcomes               Exeat weekends occur twice each term. These are
this ongoing connection with the boarders.                    occasions when every local student must leave the
                                                              Boarding House.
In Terms 2 and 3, we hold a special dinner in the
                                                              You must return by 8.00am on the morning that
Dining Hall with an inspirational guest speaker. This
                                                              lessons begin after an Exeat, but most students
occurs on a date to be advised and takes place at
                                                              prefer to return the previous night. On that night
the usual dinner time.                                        there is dinner provided. Upon arrival each student
Early in Term 4, a reflection service is held for the         must let the House office staff member know that
girls at 5.00pm on campus. This is a farewell to              she has returned.
our Year 12 boarders. Neat casual clothes are worn            Prior to an Exeat you or your parents will be asked
to this service. Girls need to return from leave by           to complete an online Exeat form via REACH giving
4.00pm on this Sunday.                                        details of your weekend plans.

If during the weekend you find that the                        Holidays
arrangements have changed, phone the Director of
                                                               At the commencement of each term we expect
Boarding and inform her of your new plans.
                                                               the students to return the day before school begins
Please be aware that many transport companies                  so that they have time to unpack and settle in.
require a form to be completed for unaccompanied               For Term 1, new boarders will have an orientation
minors. Girls under 15 years of age may need to be             session on the first day to familiarise them with
taken to the station/airport by a responsible adult            boarding life at Seymour College.
to hand them over to the transport company’s                   The College day generally ends at 3:30pm on the
personnel. We can assist in these arrangements, but            last day of term. It is expected that boarders remain
require prior warning.                                         at school until the completion of their final lesson.
                                                               Therefore, we discourage parents from making
Some families may find a problem with it being
                                                               travel arrangements that involve leaving school
compulsory to vacate the House for an Exeat
                                                               early. Any request for an early departure from school
weekend. If this is the case, you should be in touch
                                                               should be discussed with the Director of Boarding.
with the Director of Boarding as early as possible
to try to find a family to host your daughter for              As it concerns the day school, a formal request
the weekend.                                                   should also be made to the Head of the Senior
                                                               School or Middle School.
In the case of International students who are
                                                               The Boarding House closes on the last day of Term.
not able to arrange a place to stay, we remain
                                                               Please make sure your daughter has been collected
open for the two Exeat weekends per term.
                                                               by 6.00pm.
However, it is important for our International
students to experience life outside the Boarding               Generally it is not necessary for students to remove
House. Therefore, staying out is encouraged. For               everything from their room during the holidays.
International students who stay in, all normal                 However, we ask that girls take end of season
                                                               clothing home along with their quilt for cleaning.
boarding rules apply.
                                                               The remainder of their gear should be placed in
                                                               their cupboard so that the housekeeping staff can
                                                               complete a thorough clean.
We encourage the girls to be aware of their personal
health and to try and maintain a good balance in               Laundry
their lives. Boarding House food is nutritious and             All girls do their own personal laundry and require
well balanced. We advise the girls to eat plenty of            a named laundry basket – washing and ironing
fresh fruit, drink lots of water and exercise regularly        facilities are provided, with washing lines and dryers
to maintain good health. Our Boarding House gym                available. Bed sheets and pillowcases provided by
is an excellent resource for our boarders to make              the College are professionally laundered. A pick up
use of throughout the term.                                    dry–cleaning service is available.

Leave                                                              supervision and the types of activities they permit
                                                                   for their children. For overnight leave, we strongly
This section explains our leave guidelines and processes,
                                                                   suggest that you ring the host to discuss the leave
which are designed to ensure the safety of your
                                                                   activities this person will be supervising. The same
daughter whenever she is out of the Boarding House.
                                                                   would apply for leave after 6.00pm if there is any
With over 100 girls in our boarding house, it is essential,        uncertainty about what has been proposed.
for the safety of all members of our community for
us to know where they all are at any given time. So, it            We sometimes find that Supervising Adults think
is a very strict rule that you never leave the College             they are simply providing transport to an activity
without requesting the appropriate form of leave.                  and do not have a wider responsibility for assessing
                                                                   the overall suitability of arrangements.
Having gained permission, you must always “sign
out” as you leave, and “sign in” immediately upon                  A phone call prior to the leave will clarify
returning, at the Boarding office.                                 expectations for both you and the Supervising
                                                                   Adult. A grandparent, for example, may be
At Seymour, we use REACH – seymour.
                                                                   collecting your daughter from the Boarding House, #RenderDashboard as
                                                                   to take her to a party. In this case, a call to the party
our online leave management system. All girls will be
                                                                   host – even though he/she is not a nominated
shown how to use this when they begin at Seymour
                                                                   Supervising Adult – would be advisable to check on
and parents will be sent login details in order to
                                                                   supervision arrangements for the evening.
approve leave.
                                                                   This is not something the Boarding House can do
Leave from the Boarding House                                      on your behalf. If you approve an arrangement, we
The girls have many opportunities to socialise and                 accept your decision.
take part in activities outside the Boarding House.
To ensure your daughter’s safety, we need to know                  Weekday and Weekend Leave
at all times where she is, and what she is doing. We               Leave from the Boarding House falls into various
do this through our system of leave guidelines and                 categories – Weekday Leave (afternoon, in the
ask for your support for our leave policies. By signing            evening or overnight) and Weekend Leave (during
leave forms, you are agreeing to these policies.                   the day and/or overnight). Girls may go out in
                                                                   groups with other boarders (Group Leave), or on
Visiting List/Supervising Adults
                                                                   Individual Leave with family or friends. All leave will
Your daughter’s Visiting List records those adults                 be pre–approved by staff (and parents as required),
authorised to take her out, without further specific               taking into account the type of leave request and
permission, for short periods of leave (but not over               the leave guidelines.
meal times or overnight).
                                                                   There are different leave parameters for each year
Initially, your daughter’s Visiting List will probably             level appropriate to their age and these will be
contain family members and family friends. As you                  explained to the girls at the beginning of the year.
and she come to know more people in Adelaide,                      Staff are able to assist the girls with learning how to
you can add to this list and extend the group of                   submit leave forms, and requesting parent approval
people who may invite her out.                                     (if required).
These Supervising Adults must be over 21 years of age,             At Seymour we use an online leave management
with the exception of siblings who have left school but            system called REACH. For help using REACH
are under 21. They may take out their sister, but cannot
                                                                   please contact us in the boarding house on
be a Supervising Adult for other boarders.
                                                          or through
The Boarding House requires a Supervising Adult                    the text line (+ 61 427 009 298).
Form to be completed the first time an authorised
person takes your daughter out. We expect the                      Weekday Leave
nominated adult to collect your daughter personally                Between the hours of 3.30 and 5.45pm, girls will
from the Boarding House and sign the form at that                  generally request leave in groups to go to the local
time. All adults on the Visiting List must have a                  shopping area, Burnside Village. Outings are limited
Supervising Adult Form on file before they take your               to Burnside as destinations any further away make it
daughter out on leave.                                             difficult to return to the Boarding House in time for
Please consider carefully the people you nominate                  dinner. Individual leave during the week may also
as Supervising Adults, as it is important that you                 be negotiated with staff and parents, on a case by
and they have similar standards regarding levels of                case basis.

Weekend Leave                                                    All Weekend Overnight Leave ends at 7.00pm on
                                                                 Sunday evening, this is not negotiable. All girls are
The weekend is generally the busiest social time
                                                                 expected to participate in Sunday prep hour (clean
for the girls, on top of their sporting commitments.
                                                                 up), Chapel when it occurs and homework. A phone
Girls may request Individual Leave during the day
                                                                 call outlining an exceptional circumstance is a basic
(including over meals), or Overnight Leave with
                                                                 courtesy, should any girl be unable to return by the
family and friends. They are also able to go on Group
                                                                 7.00pm deadline.
Leave with other boarders, as long as the minimum
student combinations for their year level are                    For your leave to be considered, a senior staff
followed, along with other leave guidelines.                     member will check all entered details. It is a
                                                                 condition of boarding that final approval for leave
Please remember you must sign out at the                         remains the responsibility of a Senior staff member.
Boarding office before departing the school                      This is to ensure that they retain the full duty of care.
grounds. Juniors (Years 7-9) must be in groups of at             It cannot be delegated back to parents.
least three and seniors (Years 10-11) in pairs.
Individual Day and Overnight Leave forms should                  Leave on Campus
be submitted electronically (via our REACH leave                 Girls may take leave from the Boarding House
management system).                                              and go to another place on campus for a range
                                                                 of activities. Campus leave covers sport/drama/
Overnight Leave
                                                                 debating/music/other activities, going for a walk/
It is absolutely vital that all girls take responsibility        run in the local area or attending College events.
for organising their overnight leave arrangements.               The girls sign in and out using the online leave
The following process should be followed:                        management system; REACH. Senior staff approve
• Overnight leave applications for Friday or Saturday           this, no previous notice is required.
   are to be submitted by 9.00pm Wednesday.
• Students or parents can submit leave via                      School Sport
   REACH:                          School sport will naturally involve matches away
   #RenderDashboard                                              from Seymour. You should always make sure
• Please login using your login details.                        that you have organised the necessary travel
• Leave needs to be confirmed by parents                        arrangements early. This may involve arranging a
• If unable to use REACH to approve leave, email                ride with the parents of day students or friends. or call                       When it is time to leave, report to the person
   +61 8 8303 9070                                               on duty and explain where you are going, how
• Students need to sign out from the Boarding                   you are travelling, and what time you expect
   House Office upon departure.                                  to be back. Remember, you must not travel in
• It is the responsibility of parents to contact                the car of another student, unless prior written
   host parents if their daughter is staying with                permission is obtained from both the driver’s and
   someone else.                                                 passenger’s parents.

Meal Leave                                                      In particular, if a boarder were found to be out of
                                                                the Boarding House during the night it would be
Last-minute leave requests are generally not
                                                                treated as a very serious offence and she may be
permitted because meal numbers are arranged                     suspended from the Boarding House. With leave,
with the kitchen ahead of time.                                 as with everything else, we need to be able to trust
                                                                your daughter, and she needs to maintain that trust.
Saturday Evening Return Times
The following times are the latest possible return times        Mobile Phones
a student may be granted on a Saturday evening.                 As using mobile phones after lights out disrupts
Year 12: 11.00pm                                                the sleep of your daughter and her roommate/s, all
Year 11: 10.30pm                                                mobile phones (except for Year 12s) are stored and
                                                                charged overnight in the docking stations near the
Year 10: 10.00pm
                                                                office. They are handed in by the “lights out” time for
Years 7-9: 9:30pm                                               each year level and can be collected again after the
They are not guarantees for any particular weekend.             office opens at 7.00am the following morning.
Leave must always be negotiated on a weekly basis.              Mobile phones can be sophisticated
If your daughter’s plans require a later leave she will         communication devices with camera, recording
need to discuss this in advance with the Senior on              capabilities and Internet connectivity. Your
duty for the particular evening. Otherwise, she will            daughter’s phone use at school is governed by the
need to arrange overnight leave.                                ethical use guidelines set out in the College ICT/
Once arrangements have been made for leave, girls               Mobile Phone Policies. We advise you to check
are expected to keep to them. For example, if a                 carefully the internet access available via any mobile
                                                                phone purchased for your daughter’s use at school.
students has been given leave to go to Burnside, she
may not change your mind and go to town instead.                Use of a second mobile phone is a clear breach
                                                                of Boarding House guidelines which will result in
If a your daughter finds herself in a situation where
                                                                restrictions on her mobile phone use.
things have changed, she must communicate
this immediately. For example, if she are out with
family friends during the day on Sunday and they
                                                                Your daughter needs to have a bank account
unexpectedly invite her to dinner, then she must
                                                                opened in her name with an ATM card. We ask
phone the Boarding House office immediately.
                                                                you to budget a weekly allowance and encourage
It is important to remember that boarders                       your daughter to plan her expenditure. Costs for
must never ‘break bounds’. This means to leave                  events such as socials or outings are charged to
the College without following the appropriate                   your account, when you give permission for your
procedures, or to go to an area that is out of bounds.          daughter to take part.

An amount of about $20-$30 per week is an                      Public Transport
appropriate expenditure. This amount is the basic
                                                               Local buses depart from Portrush Road. Information
weekly allowance for personal spending and an
                                                               on routes, times and prices can be found at
additional amount should be calculated to cover
haircuts, and personal requirements such as toiletries,
music, extra clothing requirements and so on.                  Girls are not permitted to use public transport at
                                                               night. The expectation is that transport is organised
We do not recommend that boarders have large
                                                               with family or friends. If this cannot be arranged
amounts of cash on them. If a boarder requires a
                                                               a trusted cab service must be used. This must be
sum of money of $50 or more then it must be kept
                                                               negotiated with the senior staff member on duty.
in the safe. The Director of Boarding will manage
the safe.
Personal Care                                                  Sport is an area of boarding life in which girls are
                                                               given particular personal responsibility. Boarding
Personal care is particularly important in a
                                                               staff members communicate regularly with the
communal setting, where bathrooms and
                                                               Director of Sport to know teams, training times
bedrooms are shared with others.
                                                               and venues, match fixtures and coach contact
                                                               details. This enables us to assist students with their
Personal Insurance
                                                               sporting arrangements.
Personal insurance is required by families to cover
loss or damage to items such as laptops/mobile                 Students have the responsibility of organising
phones/cameras and any other items of significant              transport, attending practices and signing in and
value. It is recommended that valuable items                   out for all matches and trainings off the Seymour
be locked in secure boxes, provided by Seymour                 College campus. Early communication is essential
College, or handed in to staff for safekeeping. Please         for assistance with sporting arrangements.
bring your own padlock to lock up your secure box.
Tidy Rooms                                                     Any visitors, be they day students, boyfriends, family
Out of consideration for roommate/s and the                    or friends, must be signed in at the Boarding
cleaning staff, it is important to keep personal areas         House Office.
tidy. A tidy room is also a more effective place for           If your daughter invites a day girls/friends into the
study and creates a pleasant environment to be                 Boarding House they are her responsibility. It is
with friends.                                                  your daughter’s responsibility to sign them into the
There will be regular room inspections and rewards             Boarding House. It is not appropriate for visitors to
for consistently tidy rooms.                                   go into other people’s rooms. Your daughter has
                                                               invited them into the Boarding House, so they must

stay with her. Once your daughter leaves, her friend           For the most part, a reminder from staff about what
must depart too. Please remember to sign them                  is expected will suffice – poor discipline is rarely
out, once they have left.                                      an issue within the College community. A student
Young males are never allowed in the girls’ room               will certainly be asked to reflect on her behaviour
with or without your daughter or any other student.            and apologise for any distress her action may
This is to ensure their safety as well as the College’s        have caused, and she may be asked to offer some
duty of care. Understandably, girls are more likely to         community service within the Boarding House as a
go on leave with their boyfriends to a nearby venue.           means of restoring relationships.
Bringing a young male into their room is considered            If a breach is more serious, or demonstrates a
a serious breach of trust, and consequences such as            repeated disregard for our values, more significant
suspension will be considered.                                 consequences will follow. Possible sanctions are:
With the exception of the beginning and ends                   •   removal of regular privileges for a period of time;
of terms when parents are helping to pack and
unpack belongings, we also ask that parents do                 •   gating (restrictions on leave for a period of time);
not go into the wings, without a supervising staff             •   suspension from the Boarding House for a
member. This is so that we can ensure the duty of                  period of time (decided by the Principal for very
care to the girls is being adhered to. Parents will                serious breaches of trust);
be offered private space in the common room
                                                               •   termination of an enrolment by the Principal for
with their daughters, should they need to speak for
                                                                   extreme breaches of trust.
extended periods of time.
                                                               Our aim in these circumstances is always to
POLICIES                                                       encourage self–reflection and growth of personal
                                                               responsibility and to restore, where possible, the
Relationships at Seymour                                       trust and relationship which a breach of standards
At Seymour College, we are committed to positive               causes in a community.
relationships because they promote student
wellbeing and nurture independent, resilient young             Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking
people with a strong sense of responsibility for               To ensure the wellbeing of our students, the
themselves and their community.                                Seymour College Drug and Alcohol Policy opposes
                                                               the inappropriate use of legal substances and
As a member of the Seymour College community,
                                                               has zero tolerance for the possession and use of
each student is expected to adhere to a high
                                                               prohibited substances.
standard of behaviour which reflects respect for,
and care of, others, herself and her environment.              The College does not permit students:
Summaries of key College policies are printed in the           •   the use of prohibited drugs;
student diary and the full policies are available from         •   the inappropriate use of prescribed and/or non–
the College.                                                       prescribed medicines;
                                                               •   the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
Relationships in the Boarding House
                                                               •   the smoking of tobacco and other drugs;
The key elements of the College’s Relationships
Policy also underpin our expectations of boarders              •   the possession of drug related objects such as
(and Boarding House staff), and are the rationale                  electronic cigarettes, bongs or pipes;
underpinning all the processes and rules which                 •   to be under the influence of alcohol and
support successful communal living.                                other drugs.

Trust and mutual respect are fundamental to                    In addition, the College does not permit the
ensuring that the Boarding House offers a safe and             possession, sale, supply, exchange of, or negotiation
caring environment for all who live there. We ask              in relation to, any of the above.
you to support our expectation that your daughter
abides by the values and rules of the Boarding                 Consequences for Breaching
House and that she is honest and respectful in all             Expectations
her dealings with Boarding House staff and her                 Breaches of the above expectations will be
fellow boarders.                                               addressed as appropriate by the Principal or a
If standards and rules are not respected, any breach           nominee within the College’s restorative justice
will be addressed, initially, within the guidelines of         guidelines. Termination of enrolment will result in
the College’s restorative practices approach.                  cases of possession of illegal drugs at school.

You can also read